Exemplo n.º 1
        public static string GetGlobalAddress(IMicheline value)
            var bytes = LocalForge.ForgeMicheline(value);
            var hash  = Blake2b.GetDigest(bytes);

            return(Base58.Convert(hash, Prefix.expr));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task CompareToFile()
            var localForge = new LocalForge();
            var settings   = new JsonSerializerSettings {
                DateParseHandling = DateParseHandling.None

            var basePath    = @"../../../operations";
            var directories = Directory.GetDirectories(basePath);

            foreach (var directory in directories)
                var jsonString = File.ReadAllText($"{directory}/unsigned.json");
                var json       = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JToken>(jsonString, settings);
                switch (json["contents"].Count())
                case int n when(n > 1):
                    var managerOps = json["contents"]
                                     .Select(cont => cont["kind"].Value <string>() switch
                        "origination" => (ManagerOperationContent)cont.ToObject <OriginationContent>(),
                        "reveal" => cont.ToObject <RevealContent>(),
                        "transaction" => cont.ToObject <TransactionContent>(),
                        "delegation" => cont.ToObject <DelegationContent>(),
                        _ => throw new ArgumentException($"Unknown type {json["contents"][0]["kind"]}")

                    var opByt = File.ReadAllText($"{directory}/forged.hex");

                    var localByt = await localForge.ForgeOperationGroupAsync(json["branch"].Value <string>(), managerOps);

                    Assert.True(opByt == Hex.Convert(localByt), $"{directory}");
Exemplo n.º 3
        public string GetKeyHash(IMicheline key)
            var optimized = Key.Optimize(Micheline.FromBytes(key.ToBytes()));
            var packed = new byte[] { 5 }.Concat(LocalForge.ForgeMicheline(optimized));
            var hash = Blake2b.GetDigest(packed);

            return(Base58.Convert(hash, Prefix.expr));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task CompareUnforgedFromFile()
            var forge   = new LocalForge();
            var options = new JsonSerializerOptions
                DefaultIgnoreCondition = JsonIgnoreCondition.WhenWritingNull,
                MaxDepth = 100_000,

            options.Converters.Add(new DateTimUtcTimezoneAppender());

            var jsonComparer = new JsonElementComparer(true, true);
            var directories  = Directory.GetDirectories("../../../Forging/operations");

            JsonElement toJsonElement(object o)
                // JSON serialize the unforged manager operation for the purpose of deserializing as JsonElement for comparison
                var serMop = JsonSerializer.Serialize(o, o.GetType(), options);

                // Deserialize the unforged manager operation to JsonElement for comparison

            foreach (var directory in directories)
                var json = DJson.Read($"{directory}/unsigned.json", options);

                // Parse the op bytes
                var opBytes = Hex.Parse(File.ReadAllText($"{directory}/forged.hex"));

                // Unforge the op bytes
                var op = await forge.UnforgeOperationAsync(opBytes);

                // Serialize/deserialize each operation for the purpose of conversion to JsonElement for comparison
                var deserOps = op.Item2.Select(toJsonElement);

                // Assert branch
                Assert.Equal(json.branch, op.Item1);
                // Assert equivalent JSON operations
                Assert.Equal(json.contents.count, op.Item2.Count());
                Assert.True(((JsonElement)json.contents).EnumerateArray().SequenceEqual(deserOps, jsonComparer));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public async Task CompareForgedToFile()
            var forge   = new LocalForge();
            var options = new JsonSerializerOptions {
                MaxDepth = 100_000

            var directories = Directory.GetDirectories("../../../Forging/operations");

            foreach (var directory in directories)
                var op         = (Operation)DJson.Read($"{directory}/unsigned.json", options);
                var opBytes    = File.ReadAllText($"{directory}/forged.hex");
                var localBytes = op.Contents.Count == 1
                    ? await forge.ForgeOperationAsync(op.Branch, op.Contents[0])
                    : await forge.ForgeOperationGroupAsync(op.Branch, op.Contents.Select(x => x as ManagerOperationContent));

                Assert.True(opBytes == Hex.Convert(localBytes), directory);