Exemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult Register(LoadProjectsViewModel model, HttpPostedFileBase imageFile)
            JSonResult objResult = new JSonResult();
            string     response  = string.Empty;

                Session objSession = new Session()
                    UserId = AutenticationManager.GetUser().IdUsuario,

                List <MProject>           entList     = new List <MProject>();
                List <ModelProjectResult> entListData = new List <ModelProjectResult>();
                entListData = (List <ModelProjectResult>)Session["ListProjects"];

                foreach (ModelProjectResult item in entListData)
                    MProject mProject = new MProject();
                    mProject.ProjectCode = item.ProjectCode;
                    mProject.Description = item.Description;
                    mProject.Type        = item.Type;
                    mProject.Status      = item.Status;
                    mProject.StartDate   = Convert.ToInt32(Extension.ToFormatDateYYYYMMDD(item.StartDateStr));
                    mProject.EndDate     = Convert.ToInt32(Extension.ToFormatDateYYYYMMDD(item.EndDateStr));//item.EndDate;
                    mProject.Title       = item.Title;
                    mProject.AwardId     = item.AwardId;
                    mProject.AwardStatus = item.AwardStatus;

                response = new WebApiProject().InsertProject(entList, objSession);

                string statusCode    = response.Split('|')[0];
                string statusMessage = response.Split('|')[1];

                objResult.isError = statusCode.Equals("2");
                objResult.message = string.Format(MessageResource.SaveSuccess, "Projects");;
            catch (Exception ex)
                objResult.message = string.Format(MessageResource.SaveError + "Error :" + ex.Message, "Projects");
Exemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult LoadFile(LoadProjectsViewModel model, HttpPostedFileBase imageFile)
            JSonResult objResult = new JSonResult();
            string     fileName  = string.Empty;
            string     Ext       = string.Empty;

            byte[] imgData = null;//; new byte[0];
            string path    = string.Empty;
            string basePath;

            // basePath = "E:\\TFS_Fuentes\\UnitLite\\Fuentes CMS Net\\CMSWeb\\File";

            basePath = Server.MapPath("~/File");
            DataTable dt;

            var include = new[] { "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O" };

                if (imageFile != null)
                    fileName = imageFile.FileName;
                    Ext      = Path.GetExtension(imageFile.FileName);
                    // imgData = Extension.FileToByteArray(imageFile);
                    path = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", basePath, imageFile.FileName);
                if (!Directory.Exists(basePath))


                    using (SpreadsheetDocument doc = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(path, false))
                        //Read the first Sheet from Excel file.
                        Sheet sheet = doc.WorkbookPart.Workbook.Sheets.GetFirstChild <Sheet>();
                        //Get the Worksheet instance.
                        Worksheet worksheet = (doc.WorkbookPart.GetPartById(sheet.Id.Value) as WorksheetPart).Worksheet;
                        //Fetch all the rows present in the Worksheet.
                        IEnumerable <Row> rows = worksheet.GetFirstChild <SheetData>().Descendants <Row>();
                        dt = new DataTable();
                        //Loop through the Worksheet rows.
                        foreach (Row row in rows)
                            //Use the first row to add columns to DataTable.
                            if (row.RowIndex.Value == 2)
                                foreach (Cell cell in row.Descendants <Cell>())
                                    string cel = cell.CellReference;
                                    cel = cel.Substring(0, 1);
                                    if (include.Any(x => cel.Contains(x)))
                                    {//Continue adding the row to the table
                                        dt.Columns.Add(OpenXMLUtil.GetValue(doc, cell));
                            else if (row.RowIndex.Value > 2)
                                //Add rows to DataTable.
                                int i = 0;
                                foreach (Cell cell in row.Descendants <Cell>())
                                    string cel2 = cell.CellReference;
                                    cel2 = cel2.Substring(0, 1);
                                    if (include.Any(x => cel2.Contains(x)))
                                        string val = OpenXMLUtil.GetValue(doc, cell);
                                        if (cel2.Contains("K") || cel2.Contains("L"))
                                                DateTime date = DateTime.FromOADate(Convert.ToDouble(val));
                                                val = date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                                            catch (Exception ex)
                                                objResult.isError = true;
                                                objResult.message = string.Format("Error: Error in the date field please use format DD/MM/YYYY", "Project  ERP ");
                                        dt.Rows[dt.Rows.Count - 1][i] = val;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    objResult.isError = true;
                    objResult.data    = null;
                    objResult.message = string.Format("Error: Please check the template for this upload ", "Projects");

                if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0)
                    objResult.isError = true;
                    objResult.data    = null;
                    objResult.message = string.Format("The uploaded file has no rows", "Projects");

                    var dtResultado = dt.Rows.Cast <DataRow>().Where(row => !Array.TrueForAll(row.ItemArray, value => { return(value.ToString().Length == 0); }));
                    dt = dtResultado.CopyToDataTable();

                    List <ModelProjectResult> entlist = new List <ModelProjectResult>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        ModelProjectResult ent = new ModelProjectResult();
                        //ent.Department = Extension.ToEmpty(dt.Rows[i][0].ToString());//Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["StudentId"]);
                        ent.ProjectCode  = Extension.ToEmpty(dt.Rows[i][1].ToString());//Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["StudentId"]);
                        ent.Description  = Extension.ToEmpty(dt.Rows[i][2].ToString());
                        ent.Type         = Extension.ToEmpty(dt.Rows[i][3].ToString());
                        ent.Status       = Extension.ToEmpty(dt.Rows[i][4].ToString());
                        ent.StartDateStr = Extension.ToEmpty(dt.Rows[i][9].ToString());
                        ent.EndDateStr   = Extension.ToEmpty(dt.Rows[i][10].ToString());
                        ent.AwardId      = Extension.ToEmpty(dt.Rows[i][11].ToString());
                        ent.Title        = Extension.ToEmpty(dt.Rows[i][12].ToString());
                        ent.AwardStatus  = Extension.ToEmpty(dt.Rows[i][13].ToString());

                        ent.AlertMessage = string.Empty;
                        ent.WithAlert    = "N";

                        //if (ent.ProjectCode.Length > 10)
                        //    ent.AlertMessage += "<tr><td> - the Project Code column must not must not exceed 10 characters </td></tr> ";

                        //if (ent.ProjectCode.Length == 0)
                        //    ent.AlertMessage += "<tr><td> - the Project Code column is required </td></tr> ";

                        //if (ent.Description.Length > 255)
                        //    ent.AlertMessage += "<tr><td> - the Description column must not must not exceed 255 characters </td></tr> ";

                        //if (ent.Description.Length == 0)
                        //    ent.AlertMessage += "<tr><td> - the Description column is required </td></tr> ";

                        //if (ent.AlertMessage.Length > 0)
                        //    ent.AlertMessage = "<table>" + ent.AlertMessage + "</table>";
                        //    ent.WithAlert = "S";


                    Session["ListProjects"] = entlist;
                    objResult.data          = entlist;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    objResult.isError = true;
                    objResult.data    = null;
                    objResult.message = "Projects :" + "Format error, check records";

                objResult.isError = false;
                objResult.message = null; // string.Format(MessageResource.SaveSuccess, "Load File save");
            catch (Exception ex)
                objResult.isError = true;
                objResult.data    = null;
                objResult.message = "Error loading Projects";
