Exemplo n.º 1
        public IEnumerator StartAssetLoad(FileSystemInfo handle, LoadOrderType loadOrder, bool allowUnload)
            FileInfo file = handle.ConsumeFile();

            string bundleID = file.FullName.Replace(file.Name, "") + " : " + file.Name;

            return(LoadAssetsFromPathAsync(file.FullName, bundleID, "", new string[] { }, loadOrder, allowUnload).TryCatch(e =>
                OtherLogger.LogError("Failed to load mod (" + bundleID + ")");
                LoaderStatus.UpdateProgress(bundleID, 1);
                LoaderStatus.RemoveActiveLoader(bundleID, true);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public IEnumerator RegisterAssetLoadLate(string bundlePath, string bundleName, LoadOrderType loadOrder)
            //In order to get this bundle to load later, we want to replace the file path for the already loaded FVRObject
            string bundleID = bundlePath.Replace(bundleName, "") + " : " + bundleName.Replace("late_", "");

            OtherLoader.ManagedBundles[bundleID] = bundlePath;
            LoaderStatus.TrackLoader(bundleID, loadOrder);

            AnvilCallbackBase anvilCallbackBase;

            if (AnvilManager.m_bundles.TryGetValue(bundleID, out anvilCallbackBase))

                if (OtherLoader.LogLoading.Value)
                    OtherLogger.Log("Registered asset bundle to load later (" + bundlePath + ")", OtherLogger.LogType.General);
                    OtherLogger.Log("This bundle will replace the data bundle (" + bundleID + ")", OtherLogger.LogType.Loading);
                    OtherLogger.Log("Registered asset bundle to load later (" + bundleName + ")", OtherLogger.LogType.General);
                    OtherLogger.Log("This bundle will replace the data bundle (" + LoaderUtils.GetBundleNameFromUniqueID(bundleID) + ")", OtherLogger.LogType.Loading);
                OtherLogger.LogError("Tried to register bundle to load later, but pre-bundle had not yet been loaded! (" + bundleID + ")");

            yield return(null);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private IEnumerator LoadAssetsFromPathAsync(string path, string bundleID, string guid, string[] dependancies, LoadOrderType loadOrder, bool allowUnload, IEnumerator afterLoad = null)
            //Start tracking this bundle and then wait a frame for everything else to be tracked
            LoaderStatus.TrackLoader(bundleID, loadOrder);
            yield return(null);

            //If there are many active loaders at once, we should wait our turn
            bool overTime = false;

            while (!LoaderStatus.CanOrderedModLoad(bundleID))
                if (!overTime && Time.time - LoaderStatus.LastLoadEventTime > 30)
                    OtherLogger.Log("Bundle has been waiting a long time to load! (" + bundleID + ")", OtherLogger.LogType.General);
                    overTime = true;

                yield return(null);

            //Begin the loading process

            if (OtherLoader.LogLoading.Value)
                OtherLogger.Log("Beginning async loading of asset bundle (" + bundleID + ")", OtherLogger.LogType.General);

            //Load the bundle and apply it's contents
            float time = Time.time;

            LoaderStatus.UpdateProgress(bundleID, UnityEngine.Random.Range(.1f, .3f));

            AnvilCallback <AssetBundle> bundle = LoaderUtils.LoadAssetBundle(path);

            yield return(bundle);

            LoaderStatus.UpdateProgress(bundleID, 0.9f);

            yield return(ApplyLoadedAssetBundleAsync(bundle, bundleID).TryCatch(e =>
                OtherLogger.LogError("Failed to load mod (" + bundleID + ")");
                LoaderStatus.UpdateProgress(bundleID, 1);
                LoaderStatus.RemoveActiveLoader(bundleID, true);

            //Log that the bundle is loaded
            if (OtherLoader.LogLoading.Value)
                OtherLogger.Log($"[{(Time.time - time).ToString("0.000")} s] Completed loading bundle ({bundleID})", OtherLogger.LogType.General);
                OtherLogger.Log($"[{(Time.time - time).ToString("0.000")} s] Completed loading bundle ({LoaderUtils.GetBundleNameFromUniqueID(bundleID)})", OtherLogger.LogType.General);

            if (allowUnload && OtherLoader.OptimizeMemory.Value)
                OtherLogger.Log("Unloading asset bundle (Optimize Memory is true)", OtherLogger.LogType.Loading);
                AnvilManager.m_bundles.Add(bundleID, bundle);

            OtherLoader.ManagedBundles.Add(bundleID, path);
            LoaderStatus.UpdateProgress(bundleID, 1);
            LoaderStatus.RemoveActiveLoader(bundleID, !(OtherLoader.OptimizeMemory.Value && allowUnload));

            if (afterLoad != null)
                yield return(afterLoad);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public IEnumerator RegisterAssetLoadLate(FileSystemInfo handle, LoadOrderType loadOrder)
            FileInfo file = handle.ConsumeFile();

            return(RegisterAssetLoadLate(file.FullName, file.Name, loadOrder));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public IEnumerator StartAssetLoadDirect(string folderPath, string bundleName, string guid, string[] dependancies, LoadOrderType loadOrder, bool allowUnload)
            OtherLogger.Log("Direct Loading Bundle (" + bundleName + ")", OtherLogger.LogType.General);

            string      bundlePath = Path.Combine(folderPath, bundleName);
            string      lateName   = "late_" + bundleName;
            string      latePath   = Path.Combine(folderPath, lateName);
            string      bundleID   = bundlePath.Replace(bundleName, "") + " : " + bundleName;
            IEnumerator afterLoad  = null;

            if (File.Exists(latePath))
                afterLoad = RegisterAssetLoadLate(latePath, lateName, loadOrder);

            return(LoadAssetsFromPathAsync(bundlePath, bundleID, guid, dependancies, loadOrder, allowUnload, afterLoad).TryCatch(e =>
                OtherLogger.LogError("Failed to load mod (" + bundleID + ")");
                LoaderStatus.UpdateProgress(bundleID, 1);
                LoaderStatus.RemoveActiveLoader(bundleID, true);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public RequireAttribute(string requirement, LoadOrderType order)
     Requirement = requirement;
     Order       = order;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public BundleInfo(string BundleID, LoadOrderType LoadOrderType)
     this.BundleID      = BundleID;
     this.LoadOrderType = LoadOrderType;
     Status             = BundleStatus.Waiting;
Exemplo n.º 8
            public void AddToLoadOrder(string bundleID, LoadOrderType loadOrderType)
                BundleInfo bundleInfo = new BundleInfo(bundleID, loadOrderType);

                //If this is replacing an already loaded bundle (load late), remove the old instances
                //Also, update the new bundle info to be marked as unloaded
                if (bundleInfoDic.ContainsKey(bundleID))
                    BundleInfo oldInfo = bundleInfoDic[bundleID];

                    bundleInfo.Status        = BundleStatus.Unloaded;
                    bundleInfo.LoadOrderType = oldInfo.LoadOrderType;

                    if (oldInfo.Status != BundleStatus.Loaded && oldInfo.Status != BundleStatus.Unloaded)
                        OtherLogger.LogError("Tracking a late bundle, but the data bundle isn't already loaded! Data bundle status: " + oldInfo.Status);

                //If this is a new bundle, we should decide if it is able to start being loaded immediately
                    if (loadOrderType == LoadOrderType.LoadFirst)
                        if (loadFirst.Count == 0 || loadFirst.All(o => o.Status == BundleStatus.Loaded || o.Status == BundleStatus.Unloaded))
                            bundleInfo.Status = BundleStatus.CanLoad;

                        //When adding load first bundles, there must never be unordered or load last bundles already added
                        if (loadUnordered.Count != 0 || loadLast.Count != 0)
                            OtherLogger.LogError($"Mod is set to load first, but it looks like unordered or load last mods are already loading! BundleID ({bundleID})");
                            loadUnordered.ForEach(o => OtherLogger.LogError($"Load Unordered BundleID ({o.BundleID})"));
                            loadLast.ForEach(o => OtherLogger.LogError($"Load Last BundleID ({o.BundleID})"));

                    if (loadOrderType == LoadOrderType.LoadUnordered)
                        if (loadFirst.Count == 0 || loadFirst.All(o => o.Status == BundleStatus.Loaded || o.Status == BundleStatus.Unloaded))
                            bundleInfo.Status = BundleStatus.CanLoad;

                        //When adding load unordered bundles, there must never be load last bundles already added
                        if (loadLast.Count != 0)
                            OtherLogger.LogError($"Mod is set to load unordered, but it looks like load last mods are already loading! BundleID ({bundleID})");
                            loadLast.ForEach(o => OtherLogger.LogError($"Load Last BundleID ({o.BundleID})"));

                    if (loadOrderType == LoadOrderType.LoadLast)
                        if ((loadFirst.Count == 0 && loadUnordered.Count == 0 && loadLast.Count == 0) ||
                            (loadFirst.All(o => o.Status == BundleStatus.Loaded || o.Status == BundleStatus.Unloaded) &&
                             loadUnordered.All(o => o.Status == BundleStatus.Loaded || o.Status == BundleStatus.Unloaded) &&
                             loadLast.All(o => o.Status == BundleStatus.Loaded || o.Status == BundleStatus.Unloaded)))
                            bundleInfo.Status = BundleStatus.CanLoad;

                bundleInfoDic.Add(bundleID, bundleInfo);
                if (loadOrderType == LoadOrderType.LoadFirst)
                else if (loadOrderType == LoadOrderType.LoadLast)
                else if (loadOrderType == LoadOrderType.LoadUnordered)