Exemplo n.º 1
        private ScriptModule CompileAndPublishModule(string moduleName, SourceUnit su)
            Assert.NotNull(moduleName, su);


            string key = su.Id ?? moduleName;

            // check if we've already published this SourceUnit
            lock (_modules) {
                ScriptModule tmp = GetCachedModuleNoLock(key);
                if (tmp != null) return tmp;

            // compile and initialize the module...
            ScriptModule mod = CompileModule(moduleName, su);
            lock (_modules) {
                // check if someone else compiled it first...
                ScriptModule tmp = GetCachedModuleNoLock(key);
                if (tmp != null) return tmp;

                LoadInfo load;
                if (_loading.TryGetValue(key, out load)) {
                    if (load.Thread == Thread.CurrentThread) {
                        return load.Module;

                    try {
                        lock (load) {
                            if (!load.Done) {
                                if (load.Mre == null) load.Mre = new ManualResetEvent(false);

                                try {
                                } finally {
                        if(load.Module != null) return load.Module;

                        throw load.Exception;
                    } finally {
                load = new LoadInfo();
                load.Module = mod;
                load.Thread = Thread.CurrentThread;
                _loading[key] = load;

                bool success = false;

                try {
                    success = true;
                    lock (load) {
                        load.Done = true;
                        if (load.Mre != null) load.Mre.Set();
                    return mod;
                } catch(Exception e) {
                    lock (load) {
                        load.Exception = e;
                        load.Done = true;
                        if (load.Mre != null) load.Mre.Set();
                } finally {
                    if (success) _modules[key] = new WeakReference(mod);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 网内干扰分析
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Result defectAnalysis()
            // 经纬度转换为栅格ID
            LTE.Geometric.Point pMin = new Geometric.Point();
            pMin.X = this.minLongitude;
            pMin.Y = this.minLatitude;
            pMin.Z = 0;
            pMin   = LTE.Utils.PointConvertByProj.Instance.GetProjectPoint(pMin);

            LTE.Geometric.Point pMax = new Geometric.Point();
            pMax.X = this.maxLongitude;
            pMax.Y = this.maxLatitude;
            pMax.Z = 0;
            pMax   = LTE.Utils.PointConvertByProj.Instance.GetProjectPoint(pMax);

            int minxid = 0, minyid = 0, maxxid = 0, maxyid = 0;

            GridHelper.getInstance().XYToGGrid(pMin.X, pMin.Y, ref minxid, ref minyid);
            GridHelper.getInstance().XYToGGrid(pMax.X, pMax.Y, ref maxxid, ref maxyid);
            //GridHelper.getInstance().LngLatToGGrid(pMin.X, pMin.Y, ref minxid, ref minyid);
            //GridHelper.getInstance().LngLatToGGrid(pMax.X, pMax.Y, ref maxxid, ref maxyid);

            double    T  = 6; // 门限
            double    T1 = 6;
            Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();

            ht["MinGXID"] = minxid;
            ht["MinGYID"] = minyid;
            ht["MaxGXID"] = maxxid;
            ht["MaxGYID"] = maxyid;

            System.Data.DataTable dtable = new System.Data.DataTable();

            double effective = -110;  // 有效信号阈值

            DataTable tb1 = IbatisHelper.ExecuteQueryForDataTable("CoverAnalysis", ht);
            DataTable tb2 = IbatisHelper.ExecuteQueryForDataTable("CoverAnalysis3D", ht);
            int       cnt = tb1.Rows.Count + tb2.Rows.Count;

            //if (cnt < 1)
            //    return new Result(false, "当前区域未进行覆盖计算");
            if (cnt < 0.85 * (maxxid - minxid + 1) * (maxyid - minyid + 1))
                return(new Result(false, "当前区域已计算覆盖率过小,请对此区域重新计算小区覆盖"));

            #region 地面初始化
            DataTable tb = tb1;
            int       n  = tb.Rows.Count;
            //if (n < 1)
            //    return new Result(false, "当前区域未进行覆盖计算");

            Dictionary <string, List <Sub> >    dic = new Dictionary <string, List <Sub> >();    // 栅格的其它信息
            Dictionary <string, List <double> > xy  = new Dictionary <string, List <double> >(); // 栅格位置

            int             weak     = 0;                                                        // 弱覆盖
            List <Analysis> exessive = new List <Analysis>();                                    // 过覆盖
            List <Analysis> overlap  = new List <Analysis>();                                    // 重叠覆盖
            int             pcim3    = 0;                                                        // pci mod 3 对打
            int             pcic     = 0;                                                        // pci 冲突
            int             pcih     = 0;                                                        // pci 混淆

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                int    x    = Convert.ToInt32(tb.Rows[i]["GXID"].ToString());
                int    y    = Convert.ToInt32(tb.Rows[i]["GYID"].ToString());
                double minX = Convert.ToDouble(tb.Rows[i]["minX"].ToString());
                double minY = Convert.ToDouble(tb.Rows[i]["minY"].ToString());
                double maxX = Convert.ToDouble(tb.Rows[i]["maxX"].ToString());
                double maxY = Convert.ToDouble(tb.Rows[i]["maxY"].ToString());
                double p    = Convert.ToDouble(tb.Rows[i]["ReceivedPowerdbm"].ToString());
                int    ci   = Convert.ToInt32(tb.Rows[i]["ci"].ToString());
                int    pci  = Convert.ToInt32(tb.Rows[i]["pci"].ToString());

                string key = string.Format("{0},{1}", x, y);

                if (!xy.Keys.Contains(key))
                    xy[key] = new List <double>();

                if (dic.Keys.Contains(key))
                    dic[key].Add(new Sub(p, ci, pci));
                    dic[key] = new List <Sub>();
                    dic[key].Add(new Sub(p, ci, pci));


            #region 立体初始化
            int             weak1     = 0;                     // 弱覆盖点数
            int             pcim31    = 0;                     // pci mod3 对打
            int             pcih1     = 0;                     // pci 混淆数
            int             pcic1     = 0;                     // pci 冲突数
            List <Analysis> overlap1  = new List <Analysis>(); // 重叠覆盖
            List <Analysis> exessive1 = new List <Analysis>(); // 过覆盖

            tb = tb2;
            n  = tb.Rows.Count;
            //if (n < 1)
            //    return new Result(false, "当前区域未进行覆盖计算");

            double h = GridHelper.getInstance().getGHeight();

            Dictionary <string, List <Sub> >    dic1 = new Dictionary <string, List <Sub> >();
            Dictionary <string, List <double> > xy1  = new Dictionary <string, List <double> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                int    x    = Convert.ToInt32(tb.Rows[i]["GXID"].ToString());
                int    y    = Convert.ToInt32(tb.Rows[i]["GYID"].ToString());
                int    z    = Convert.ToInt32(tb.Rows[i]["level"].ToString());
                double minX = Convert.ToDouble(tb.Rows[i]["minX"].ToString());
                double minY = Convert.ToDouble(tb.Rows[i]["minY"].ToString());
                double maxX = Convert.ToDouble(tb.Rows[i]["maxX"].ToString());
                double maxY = Convert.ToDouble(tb.Rows[i]["maxY"].ToString());
                double p    = Convert.ToDouble(tb.Rows[i]["ReceivedPowerdbm"].ToString());
                int    ci   = Convert.ToInt32(tb.Rows[i]["ci"].ToString());
                int    pci  = Convert.ToInt32(tb.Rows[i]["pci"].ToString());

                string key = string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", x, y, z);

                if (!dic1.Keys.Contains(key))
                    xy1[key] = new List <double>();
                    xy1[key].Add(z * h);

                if (dic1.Keys.Contains(key))
                    dic1[key].Add(new Sub(p, ci, pci));
                    dic1[key] = new List <Sub>();
                    dic1[key].Add(new Sub(p, ci, pci));

            LoadInfo loadInfo   = new LoadInfo();
            int      count      = dic.Keys.Count + dic1.Keys.Count;
            int      updateSize = (int)Math.Round(count * 0.02);
            int cnt1 = 0;
            #region 地面
            foreach (string key in dic.Keys)
                if (updateSize == ++cnt1)
                    cnt1 = 0;
                dic[key].Sort(new SubCompare());  // 按功率从大到小排序

                string[] id  = key.Split(',');
                int      xid = Convert.ToInt32(id[0]);
                int      yid = Convert.ToInt32(id[1]);

                // 弱覆盖
                if (dic[key][0].p < -95)// && dic[key][m] > -110)

                    System.Data.DataRow thisrow = dtable.NewRow();
                    thisrow["GXID"]             = xid;
                    thisrow["GYID"]             = yid;
                    thisrow["GZID"]             = 0;
                    thisrow["type"]             = (short)DefectType.Weak;
                    thisrow["CI"]               = dic[key][0].ci;
                    thisrow["PCI"]              = dic[key][0].pci;
                    thisrow["ReceivedPowerdbm"] = dic[key][0].p;
                    thisrow["explain"]          = "";

                // 当前栅格只接收到了1个信号,不存在pci模3对打、过覆盖、重叠覆盖、pci冲突、pci混淆
                if (dic[key].Count < 2)

                // 过覆盖
                if (dic[key][0].p > effective && dic[key][1].p > effective && Math.Abs(dic[key][0].p - dic[key][1].p) < T1)
                    Analysis A = new Analysis(xid, yid, xy[key][0], xy[key][1], xy[key][2], xy[key][3]);

                    System.Data.DataRow thisrow = dtable.NewRow();
                    thisrow["GXID"]             = xid;
                    thisrow["GYID"]             = yid;
                    thisrow["GZID"]             = 0;
                    thisrow["type"]             = (short)DefectType.Excessive;
                    thisrow["CI"]               = dic[key][0].ci;
                    thisrow["PCI"]              = dic[key][0].pci;
                    thisrow["ReceivedPowerdbm"] = dic[key][0].p;
                    thisrow["explain"]          = string.Format("{0}:{1};{2}:{3}", dic[key][0].ci, dic[key][0].p, dic[key][1].ci, dic[key][1].p);;

                // 当前栅格接收到了 2 个信号
                if (dic[key].Count == 2)
                    // pci mod3 对打
                    if (dic[key][0].p > effective && dic[key][1].p > effective && dic[key][0].pci % 3 == dic[key][1].pci % 3)

                        System.Data.DataRow thisrow = dtable.NewRow();
                        thisrow["GXID"]             = xid;
                        thisrow["GYID"]             = yid;
                        thisrow["GZID"]             = 0;
                        thisrow["type"]             = (short)DefectType.PCImod3;
                        thisrow["CI"]               = dic[key][0].ci;
                        thisrow["PCI"]              = dic[key][0].pci;
                        thisrow["ReceivedPowerdbm"] = dic[key][0].p;
                        thisrow["explain"]          = string.Format("{0}:{1},{2};{3}:{4},{5}", dic[key][0].ci, dic[key][0].pci,
                                                                    dic[key][0].p, dic[key][1].ci, dic[key][1].pci, dic[key][1].p);

                    // pci 冲突
                    if (dic[key][0].p > effective && dic[key][1].p > effective && dic[key][0].pci == dic[key][1].pci)

                        System.Data.DataRow thisrow = dtable.NewRow();
                        thisrow["GXID"]             = xid;
                        thisrow["GYID"]             = yid;
                        thisrow["GZID"]             = 0;
                        thisrow["type"]             = (short)DefectType.PCIconflict;
                        thisrow["CI"]               = dic[key][0].ci;
                        thisrow["PCI"]              = dic[key][0].pci;
                        thisrow["ReceivedPowerdbm"] = dic[key][0].p;
                        thisrow["explain"]          = string.Format("{0}:{1},{2};{3}:{4},{5}", dic[key][0].ci, dic[key][0].pci,
                                                                    dic[key][0].p, dic[key][1].ci, dic[key][1].pci, dic[key][1].p);

                else if (dic[key].Count > 2)  // 当前栅格接收到了>2个信号
                    // 重叠覆盖
                    if (dic[key][0].p > effective && dic[key][1].p > effective && dic[key][2].p > effective &&
                        Math.Abs(dic[key][0].p - dic[key][1].p) < T && Math.Abs(dic[key][0].p - dic[key][2].p) < T &&
                        Math.Abs(dic[key][1].p - dic[key][2].p) < T)
                        Analysis A = new Analysis(xid, yid, xy[key][0], xy[key][1], xy[key][2], xy[key][3]);

                        System.Data.DataRow thisrow = dtable.NewRow();
                        thisrow["GXID"]             = xid;
                        thisrow["GYID"]             = yid;
                        thisrow["GZID"]             = 0;
                        thisrow["type"]             = (short)DefectType.Overlapped;
                        thisrow["CI"]               = dic[key][0].ci;
                        thisrow["PCI"]              = dic[key][0].pci;
                        thisrow["ReceivedPowerdbm"] = dic[key][0].p;
                        thisrow["explain"]          = string.Format("{0}:{1};{2}:{3};{4}:{5}", dic[key][0].ci, dic[key][0].p, dic[key][1].ci, dic[key][1].p, dic[key][2].ci, dic[key][2].p);

                    // pci mod3 对打
                    if (dic[key][0].p > effective && dic[key][1].p > effective && dic[key][2].p > effective &&
                        (dic[key][0].pci % 3 == dic[key][1].pci % 3 || dic[key][0].pci % 3 == dic[key][2].pci % 3))

                        System.Data.DataRow thisrow = dtable.NewRow();
                        thisrow["GXID"]             = xid;
                        thisrow["GYID"]             = yid;
                        thisrow["GZID"]             = 0;
                        thisrow["type"]             = (short)DefectType.PCImod3;
                        thisrow["CI"]               = dic[key][0].ci;
                        thisrow["PCI"]              = dic[key][0].pci;
                        thisrow["ReceivedPowerdbm"] = dic[key][0].p;
                        thisrow["explain"]          = string.Format("{0}:{1},{2};{3}:{4},{5};{6}:{7},{8}", dic[key][0].ci,
                                                                    dic[key][0].pci, dic[key][0].p, dic[key][1].ci, dic[key][1].pci, dic[key][1].p,
                                                                    dic[key][2].ci, dic[key][2].pci, dic[key][2].p);

                    // pci 冲突
                    if (dic[key][0].p > effective && dic[key][1].p > effective && dic[key][2].p > effective &&
                        (dic[key][0].pci == dic[key][1].pci || dic[key][0].pci == dic[key][2].pci))

                        System.Data.DataRow thisrow = dtable.NewRow();
                        thisrow["GXID"]             = xid;
                        thisrow["GYID"]             = yid;
                        thisrow["GZID"]             = 0;
                        thisrow["type"]             = (short)DefectType.PCIconflict;
                        thisrow["CI"]               = dic[key][0].ci;
                        thisrow["PCI"]              = dic[key][0].pci;
                        thisrow["ReceivedPowerdbm"] = dic[key][0].p;
                        thisrow["explain"]          = string.Format("{0}:{1},{2};{3}:{4},{5};{6}:{7},{8}", dic[key][0].ci,
                                                                    dic[key][0].pci, dic[key][0].p, dic[key][1].ci, dic[key][1].pci, dic[key][1].p,
                                                                    dic[key][2].ci, dic[key][2].pci, dic[key][2].p);

                    // pci 混淆
                    if (dic[key][0].p > effective && dic[key][1].p > effective && dic[key][2].p > effective &&
                        dic[key][1].pci == dic[key][2].pci)

                        System.Data.DataRow thisrow = dtable.NewRow();
                        thisrow["GXID"]             = xid;
                        thisrow["GYID"]             = yid;
                        thisrow["GZID"]             = 0;
                        thisrow["type"]             = (short)DefectType.PCIconfusion;
                        thisrow["CI"]               = dic[key][0].ci;
                        thisrow["PCI"]              = dic[key][0].pci;
                        thisrow["ReceivedPowerdbm"] = dic[key][0].p;
                        thisrow["explain"]          = string.Format("{0}:{1},{2};{3}:{4},{5};{6}:{7},{8}", dic[key][0].ci,
                                                                    dic[key][0].pci, dic[key][0].p, dic[key][1].ci, dic[key][1].pci, dic[key][1].p,
                                                                    dic[key][2].ci, dic[key][2].pci, dic[key][2].p);


            #region  立体

            foreach (string key in dic1.Keys)
                if (updateSize == ++cnt1)
                    cnt1 = 0;
                dic1[key].Sort(new SubCompare());
                int m = dic1[key].Count - 1;

                string[] id  = key.Split(',');
                int      xid = Convert.ToInt32(id[0]);
                int      yid = Convert.ToInt32(id[1]);
                int      zid = Convert.ToInt32(id[2]);

                if (dic1[key][0].p < -95) // && dic1[key][m] > -110)

                    System.Data.DataRow thisrow = dtable.NewRow();
                    thisrow["GXID"]             = xid;
                    thisrow["GYID"]             = yid;
                    thisrow["GZID"]             = zid;
                    thisrow["type"]             = (short)DefectType.Weak;
                    thisrow["CI"]               = dic1[key][0].ci;
                    thisrow["PCI"]              = dic1[key][0].pci;
                    thisrow["ReceivedPowerdbm"] = dic1[key][0].p;
                    thisrow["explain"]          = "";

                if (dic1[key][0].p < -110)

                // 当前栅格只接收到一个信号,不存在pci模3对打、过覆盖、重叠覆盖、PCI冲突、PCI混淆
                if (dic1[key].Count < 2)

                // 过覆盖
                if (dic1[key][0].p > effective && dic1[key][1].p > effective && Math.Abs(dic1[key][0].p - dic1[key][1].p) < T1)
                    Analysis A = new Analysis(xid, yid, zid, xy1[key][0], xy1[key][1], xy1[key][2], xy1[key][3], zid * h);

                    System.Data.DataRow thisrow = dtable.NewRow();
                    thisrow["GXID"]             = xid;
                    thisrow["GYID"]             = yid;
                    thisrow["GZID"]             = zid;
                    thisrow["type"]             = (short)DefectType.Excessive;
                    thisrow["CI"]               = dic1[key][0].ci;
                    thisrow["PCI"]              = dic1[key][0].pci;
                    thisrow["ReceivedPowerdbm"] = dic1[key][0].p;
                    thisrow["explain"]          = string.Format("{0}:{1};{2}:{3}", dic1[key][0].ci, dic1[key][0].p, dic1[key][1].ci, dic1[key][1].p);;

                // 当前栅格接收到了 2 个信号
                if (dic1[key].Count == 2)
                    // pci mod3 对打
                    if (dic1[key][0].p > effective && dic1[key][1].p > effective && dic1[key][0].pci % 3 == dic1[key][1].pci % 3)

                        System.Data.DataRow thisrow = dtable.NewRow();
                        thisrow["GXID"]             = xid;
                        thisrow["GYID"]             = yid;
                        thisrow["GZID"]             = zid;
                        thisrow["type"]             = (short)DefectType.PCImod3;
                        thisrow["CI"]               = dic1[key][0].ci;
                        thisrow["PCI"]              = dic1[key][0].pci;
                        thisrow["ReceivedPowerdbm"] = dic1[key][0].p;
                        thisrow["explain"]          = string.Format("{0}:{1},{2};{3}:{4},{5}", dic1[key][0].ci, dic1[key][0].pci,
                                                                    dic1[key][0].p, dic1[key][1].ci, dic1[key][1].pci, dic1[key][1].p);

                    // pci 冲突
                    if (dic1[key][0].p > effective && dic1[key][1].p > effective && dic1[key][0].pci == dic1[key][1].pci)

                        System.Data.DataRow thisrow = dtable.NewRow();
                        thisrow["GXID"]             = xid;
                        thisrow["GYID"]             = yid;
                        thisrow["GZID"]             = zid;
                        thisrow["type"]             = (short)DefectType.PCIconflict;
                        thisrow["CI"]               = dic1[key][0].ci;
                        thisrow["PCI"]              = dic1[key][0].pci;
                        thisrow["ReceivedPowerdbm"] = dic1[key][0].p;
                        thisrow["explain"]          = string.Format("{0}:{1},{2};{3}:{4},{5}", dic1[key][0].ci, dic1[key][0].pci,
                                                                    dic1[key][0].p, dic1[key][1].ci, dic1[key][1].pci, dic1[key][1].p);

                else if (dic1[key].Count > 2)  // 当前栅格接收到了>2个信号
                    // 重叠覆盖
                    if (dic1[key][0].p > effective && dic1[key][1].p > effective && dic1[key][2].p > effective &&
                        Math.Abs(dic1[key][0].p - dic1[key][1].p) < T && Math.Abs(dic1[key][0].p - dic1[key][2].p) < T &&
                        Math.Abs(dic1[key][1].p - dic1[key][2].p) < T)
                        Analysis A = new Analysis(xid, yid, zid, xy1[key][0], xy1[key][1], xy1[key][2], xy1[key][3], zid * h);

                        System.Data.DataRow thisrow = dtable.NewRow();
                        thisrow["GXID"]             = xid;
                        thisrow["GYID"]             = yid;
                        thisrow["GZID"]             = zid;
                        thisrow["type"]             = (short)DefectType.Overlapped;
                        thisrow["CI"]               = dic1[key][0].ci;
                        thisrow["PCI"]              = dic1[key][0].pci;
                        thisrow["ReceivedPowerdbm"] = dic1[key][0].p;
                        thisrow["explain"]          = string.Format("{0}:{1};{2}:{3};{4}:{5}", dic1[key][0].ci, dic1[key][0].p, dic1[key][1].ci, dic1[key][1].p, dic1[key][2].ci, dic1[key][2].p);

                    // pci mod3 对打
                    if (dic1[key][0].p > effective && dic1[key][1].p > effective && dic1[key][2].p > effective &&
                        (dic1[key][0].pci % 3 == dic1[key][1].pci % 3 || dic1[key][0].pci % 3 == dic1[key][2].pci % 3))

                        System.Data.DataRow thisrow = dtable.NewRow();
                        thisrow["GXID"]             = xid;
                        thisrow["GYID"]             = yid;
                        thisrow["GZID"]             = zid;
                        thisrow["type"]             = (short)DefectType.PCImod3;
                        thisrow["CI"]               = dic1[key][0].ci;
                        thisrow["PCI"]              = dic1[key][0].pci;
                        thisrow["ReceivedPowerdbm"] = dic1[key][0].p;
                        thisrow["explain"]          = string.Format("{0}:{1},{2};{3}:{4},{5};{6}:{7},{8}", dic1[key][0].ci,
                                                                    dic1[key][0].pci, dic1[key][0].p, dic1[key][1].ci, dic1[key][1].pci, dic1[key][1].p,
                                                                    dic1[key][2].ci, dic1[key][2].pci, dic1[key][2].p);

                    // pci 冲突
                    if (dic1[key][0].p > effective && dic1[key][1].p > effective && dic1[key][2].p > effective &&
                        (dic1[key][0].pci == dic1[key][1].pci || dic1[key][0].pci == dic1[key][2].pci))

                        System.Data.DataRow thisrow = dtable.NewRow();
                        thisrow["GXID"]             = xid;
                        thisrow["GYID"]             = yid;
                        thisrow["GZID"]             = zid;
                        thisrow["type"]             = (short)DefectType.PCIconflict;
                        thisrow["CI"]               = dic1[key][0].ci;
                        thisrow["PCI"]              = dic1[key][0].pci;
                        thisrow["ReceivedPowerdbm"] = dic1[key][0].p;
                        thisrow["explain"]          = string.Format("{0}:{1},{2};{3}:{4},{5};{6}:{7},{8}", dic1[key][0].ci,
                                                                    dic1[key][0].pci, dic1[key][0].p, dic1[key][1].ci, dic1[key][1].pci, dic1[key][1].p,
                                                                    dic1[key][2].ci, dic1[key][2].pci, dic1[key][2].p);

                    // pci 混淆
                    if (dic1[key][0].p > effective && dic1[key][1].p > effective && dic1[key][2].p > effective &&
                        dic1[key][1].pci == dic1[key][2].pci)

                        System.Data.DataRow thisrow = dtable.NewRow();
                        thisrow["GXID"]             = xid;
                        thisrow["GYID"]             = yid;
                        thisrow["GZID"]             = zid;
                        thisrow["type"]             = (short)DefectType.PCIconfusion;
                        thisrow["CI"]               = dic1[key][0].ci;
                        thisrow["PCI"]              = dic1[key][0].pci;
                        thisrow["ReceivedPowerdbm"] = dic1[key][0].p;
                        thisrow["explain"]          = string.Format("{0}:{1},{2};{3}:{4},{5};{6}:{7},{8}", dic1[key][0].ci,
                                                                    dic1[key][0].pci, dic1[key][0].p, dic1[key][1].ci, dic1[key][1].pci, dic1[key][1].p,
                                                                    dic1[key][2].ci, dic1[key][2].pci, dic1[key][2].p);

            using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy bcp = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy(DataUtil.ConnectionString))
                bcp.BatchSize            = dtable.Rows.Count;
                bcp.BulkCopyTimeout      = 1000;
                bcp.DestinationTableName = "tbDefect";

            double total  = dic.Count + dic1.Count;
            double totalG = dic.Count;
            double totalB = dic1.Count;

            string mess = string.Format(" 地面---总栅格数:{0}\n 弱覆盖点数:{1}, 占比:{2}\n 过覆盖点数:{3}, 占比:{4}\n 重叠覆盖点数:{5}, 占比:{6}\n PCI模3对打点数:{7}, 占比:{8}\n PCI冲突点数:{9}, 占比:{10}\n PCI混淆点数:{11}, 占比:{12}\n",
                                        weak, weak / totalG,
                                        exessive.Count, exessive.Count / totalG,
                                        overlap.Count, overlap.Count / totalG,
                                        pcim3, pcim3 / totalG,
                                        pcic, pcic / totalG,
                                        pcih, pcih / totalG);

            string mess3D = string.Format(" 立体---总栅格数:{0}\n 弱覆盖点数:{1}, 占比:{2}\n 过覆盖点数:{3}, 占比:{4}\n 重叠覆盖点数:{5}, 占比:{6}\n PCI模3对打点数:{7}, 占比:{8}\n PCI冲突点数:{9}, 占比:{10}\n PCI混淆点数:{11}, 占比:{12}\n",
                                          weak1, weak1 / totalB,
                                          exessive1.Count, exessive1.Count / totalB,
                                          overlap1.Count, overlap1.Count / totalB,
                                          pcim31, pcim31 / totalB,
                                          pcic1, pcic1 / totalB,
                                          pcih1, pcih1 / totalB);

            string messAll = string.Format(" 总计---总栅格数:{0}\n 弱覆盖点数:{1}, 占比:{2}\n 过覆盖点数:{3}, 占比:{4}\n 重叠覆盖点数:{5}, 占比:{6}\n PCI模3对打点数:{7}, 占比:{8}\n PCI冲突点数:{9}, 占比:{10}\n PCI混淆点数:{11}, 占比:{12}\n",
                                           weak + weak1, (weak + weak1) / total,
                                           (exessive.Count + exessive1.Count), (exessive.Count + exessive1.Count) / total,
                                           (overlap.Count + overlap1.Count), (overlap.Count + overlap1.Count) / total,
                                           (pcim3 + pcim31), (pcim3 + pcim31) / total,
                                           (pcic + pcic1), (pcic + pcic1) / total,
                                           (pcih + pcih1), (pcih + pcih1) / total);
            return(new Result(true, mess + mess3D + messAll));

Exemplo n.º 3
    public LoadInfo GetLoadInfo()
        System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); //simuleaza un server real
        LoadInfo result = new LoadInfo();

        result.SetList = DataBaseManager.GetUserSets(((Guid)(Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey)).ToString());
        result.PicList = DataBaseManager.GetUncotegorizedUserPictures(((Guid)(Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey)).ToString());

        return result;
Exemplo n.º 4
 protected Instance(LoadInfo info)
     positionKey = info.GetString("PositionKey");
     name        = info.GetString("Name");
     simObject   = info.GetValue <SimObjectDefinition>("SimObject");
Exemplo n.º 5
 protected SetMusclePositionCommand(LoadInfo info)
     : base(info)
Exemplo n.º 6
 protected TimelineAction(LoadInfo info)
     StartTime = info.GetSingle(START_TIME, 0.0f);
     Duration  = info.GetSingle(DURATION, 0.0f);
 protected PlayTimelineCommand(LoadInfo info)
     : base(info)
 protected HighlightTeethAction(LoadInfo info)
     : base(info)
Exemplo n.º 9
 protected NavigateNextCommand(LoadInfo info)
     : base(info)
 protected BEPUikRevoluteJointDefinition(LoadInfo info)
     : base(info)
     WorldFreeAxis = info.GetVector3("WorldFreeAxis");
Exemplo n.º 11
 protected FossaPresetState(LoadInfo info)
     : base(info)
     fossaName = info.GetString(FOSSA_NAME);
     position  = info.GetFloat(POSITION);
Exemplo n.º 12
 protected FKChainState(LoadInfo info)
     info.RebuildDictionary("Link", links);
Exemplo n.º 13
 protected AnatomyTreeNode(LoadInfo info)
     name = info.GetString("Name");
     info.RebuildList <AnatomyTreeNode>("Child", children);
 protected BEPUikDistanceJointDefinition(LoadInfo info)
     : base(info)