public void CallYoutubeComment(YoutubeLiveChatCallbackBody body) { InsertEventLog($"[{DateTimeExtensions.TimestampToDateTime(body.PublishTime).AddHours(8):yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}] Vtuber [{body.VtuberName}] 在 {body.LiveAuthorName} 的直播间发表了评论 {body.Message}"); foreach (var vtuberBot in Bots) { var groups = vtuberBot.GetGroupsAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); if (groups == null) { continue; } foreach (var groupInfo in groups) { var config = Config.DefaultConfig.GroupConfigs.FirstOrDefault(v => v.GroupId == groupInfo.GroupId) ?.PublishConfigs.FirstOrDefault(v => v.VtuberName == body.VtuberName); if (config == null || !config.YoutubeComment || LiveList.ContainsKey(body.VtuberName)) { continue; } try { vtuberBot.GetSendingService().SendGroupMessageAsync(groupInfo.GroupId, $"Vtuber {body.VtuberName} 于 {DateTimeExtensions.TimestampToDateTime(body.PublishTime).AddHours(8):yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} 在 {body.LiveAuthorName} 的直播间发表了评论\r\n" + $"评论内容: {body.Message}\r\n" + $"直播地址: {body.LiveLink}") .GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Error("Cannot send message.", true, ex); } } } }
public void CallYoutubeLiveUploaded(YoutubeLiveUploadedCallbackBody body) { var liveDetail = _liveInfoCollection.FindAsync(v => v.VideoId == body.VideoId).GetAwaiter().GetResult() .FirstOrDefault(); InsertEventLog($"[{DateTime.Now:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}] Vtuber [{body.VtuberName}] {liveDetail.Title} 的直播录像已上传完成, 下载链接:" + body.FileHash); foreach (var vtuberBot in Bots) { var groups = vtuberBot.GetGroupsAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); if (groups == null || liveDetail == null) { continue; } foreach (var groupInfo in groups) { var config = Config.DefaultConfig.GroupConfigs.FirstOrDefault(v => v.GroupId == groupInfo.GroupId) ?.PublishConfigs.FirstOrDefault(v => v.VtuberName == body.VtuberName); if (config == null || !config.YoutubeBeginLive || LiveList.ContainsKey(body.VtuberName)) { continue; } try { vtuberBot.GetSendingService().SendGroupMessageAsync(groupInfo.GroupId, $"Vtuber {body.VtuberName} {liveDetail.Title} 的直播录像已上传完成, 总时长{(liveDetail.EndTime - liveDetail.BeginTime).TotalMinutes:F1}分钟\r\n下载链接:" + body.FileHash) .GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Error("Cannot send message.", true, ex); } } } }
public void CallYoutubeStopLive(YoutubeLiveCallbackBody body) { if (LiveList.ContainsKey(body.VtuberName)) { LiveList.Remove(body.VtuberName); InsertEventLog($"[{DateTimeExtensions.TimestampToDateTime(body.ActualStartTime).AddHours(8):yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}] Vtuber [{body.VtuberName}] 停止直播"); VtuberStopYoutubeLiveEvent?.Invoke(body); } }
//所有 public static LiveList getAll(int page) { string text = getAllPage(page); LiveList liveList = JsonHelper.DeSerialize <LiveList>(text); InsertData(liveList); return(liveList); }
public static LiveList getAppId(string appid, int page) { string url = "{\"key\":{\"module\":\"pgg_live_read_ifc_mt_svr\",\"method\":\"get_pc_live_list\",\"param\":{\"appid\":\"" + appid + "\",\"page_num\":" + page + ",\"page_size\":120,\"tag_id\":0,\"tag_id_str\":\"\"}}}&app_info={\"platform\":4,\"terminal_type\":2,\"egame_id\":\"egame_official\",\"imei\":\"\",\"version_code\":\"\",\"version_name\":\"\"}"; string text = getWeb(url); LiveList liveList = JsonHelper.DeSerialize <LiveList>(text); InsertData(liveList); return(liveList); }
public void CallYoutubeBeginLive(YoutubeLiveCallbackBody body) { if (!LiveList.ContainsKey(body.VtuberName)) { LogHelper.Info($"Vtuber [{body.VtuberName}] 已开始直播 {body.LiveLink} ({body.LiveTitle}) -{DateTimeExtensions.TimestampToDateTime(body.ActualStartTime).AddHours(8):yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}"); InsertEventLog($"[{DateTimeExtensions.TimestampToDateTime(body.ActualStartTime).AddHours(8):yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}] Vtuber [{body.VtuberName}] 开始直播 {body.LiveTitle} ({body.LiveLink})"); if (DateTime.Now - DateTimeExtensions.TimestampToDateTime(body.ActualStartTime).AddHours(8) < TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10)) { foreach (var vtuberBot in Bots) { var groups = vtuberBot.GetGroupsAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); if (groups == null) { continue; } foreach (var groupInfo in groups) { var config = Config.DefaultConfig.GroupConfigs.FirstOrDefault(v => v.GroupId == groupInfo.GroupId) ?.PublishConfigs.FirstOrDefault(v => v.VtuberName == body.VtuberName); if (config == null || !config.YoutubeBeginLive || LiveList.ContainsKey(body.VtuberName)) { continue; } try { vtuberBot.GetSendingService().SendGroupMessageAsync(groupInfo.GroupId, $"{body.VtuberName} 在 {DateTimeExtensions.TimestampToDateTime(body.ActualStartTime).AddHours(8):yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} 开始了直播 {body.LiveTitle}\r\n" + $"链接: {body.LiveLink}\r\n当前观众数量: {body.ViewersCount}\r\n" + $"原定开播时间: {DateTimeExtensions.TimestampToDateTime(body.ScheduledStartTime).AddHours(8):yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}\r\n" + $"实际开播时间: {DateTimeExtensions.TimestampToDateTime(body.ActualStartTime).AddHours(8):yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}") .GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Error("Cannot send message.", true, ex); } } } } LiveList.Add(body.VtuberName, body.LiveLink); VtuberBeginYoutubeLiveEvent?.Invoke(body); } }
private static void InsertData(LiveList liveList) { var connection = new MySqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString); var db = new QueryFactory(connection, new MySqlCompiler()); foreach (var item in { var query = db.Query("RankInfo").Insert(new { UserId = item.anchor_id, UserNick = item.anchor_name, UserFans = item.fans_count, RoomOnline =, RoomTitle = item.title, AppName = item.appname }); } }
private static void InsertData(LiveList liveList) { //入库 var connection = new MySqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString); var db = new QueryFactory(connection, new MySqlCompiler()); foreach (var item in { var query = db.Query("RankInfo").Insert(new { UserId = item.uid, UserNick = item.nn, RoomId = item.rid, RoomOnline = item.ol, RoomTitle = item.rn, AppName = item.c2name, Od = item.od }); } }
private static void RankTask() { //所有 3 页 LiveList liveList = getAll(1); if ( >= 2) { getAll(2); } if ( >= 3) { getAll(3); } //颜值 2 页 liveList = getYZ(1); if ( >= 2) { getYZ(2); } //舞蹈 2 页 liveList = getWD(1); if ( >= 2) { getWD(2); } //二次元 2 页 liveList = getECY(1); if ( >= 2) { liveList = getECY(2); } }
private static void RankTask() { //所有 3 页 LiveList liveList = getAppId("hot", 1); if ( > 120) { getAppId("hot", 2); } if ( > 240) { getAppId("hot", 3); } //梦工厂 2 页 liveList = getAppId("2000000157", 1); if ( > 120) { getAppId("2000000157", 2); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets a sequence of live objects from the collection, causing a purge. /// </summary> /// <returns>The sequence of live objects.</returns> IEnumerator <T> IEnumerable <T> .GetEnumerator() { return(LiveList.GetEnumerator()); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); // create population of Stocks _securities = new LiveList<Security>(); _securities.PublishInner.Connect( Enumerable .Range(0, 1000) .Select(i => { var security = new Security { Price = { PublishValue = i * 1000000 }, SharesOnIssue = { PublishValue = 1 } }; do { security.Code.PublishValue = RandomString(3); } while (_securities.PublishInner.Any(s => s.Code == security.Code)); return security; })); // setup queries MarketCaps = _securities.Select(s => s.MarketCap); TotalMarketCap = MarketCaps.Sum(); TotalPublishedRate = TotalPublished .Convert<int,double>() .ToLiveRateOfChange(); // bind UI counters DataContext = this; // make constant deltas Observable.Start(() => { while (true) { using (Publish.Transaction()) { TotalPublished.PublishValue++; var now = HiResTimer.Now(); var securities = _securities.PublishInner.ToArray(); securities.FastParallel( (s, from, to) => { for (var i = from; i < to; i++) { var security = s[i]; var oldPrice = security.Price.PublishValue; var price = oldPrice; var delta = 0.01M; //random.Next(-5, 6) / 100M; //if (delta == 0) // delta = 0.01M; price += delta; if (price < 0) price -= delta * 2; security.Price.SetValue(price, now); } }); } } }); Observable .Timer(TimeSpan.Zero, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.11)) .Subscribe(l => { //using (Publish.Transaction()) _NonPublished.PublishValue++; }); }