Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Update_IndexNodes()
            using (var db = new LiteEngine())
                var doc = new BsonDocument {
                    ["_id"] = 1, ["name"] = "Mauricio", ["phones"] = new BsonArray()
                        "51", "11"

                db.Insert("col1", doc);

                db.EnsureIndex("col1", "idx_name", "name", false);
                db.EnsureIndex("col1", "idx_phones", "phones[*]", false);

                doc["name"]   = "David";
                doc["phones"] = new BsonArray()
                    "11", "25"

                db.Update("col1", doc);

                doc["name"] = "John";

                db.Update("col1", doc);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Simple_Performance_Runner()
            // just a simple example to test performance speed
            using (var file = new TempFile())
                using (var db = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                    var ti = new Stopwatch();
                    var tx = new Stopwatch();
                    var tu = new Stopwatch();
                    var td = new Stopwatch();

                    db.Insert("col", GetDocs(N1));

                    db.EnsureIndex("col", "name");

                    db.Update("col", GetDocs(N1));

                    db.EnsureIndex("col", "name");

                    db.Delete("col", Query.All());

                    Debug.WriteLine("Insert time: " + ti.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                    Debug.WriteLine("EnsureIndex time: " + tx.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                    Debug.WriteLine("Update time: " + tu.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                    Debug.WriteLine("Delete time: " + td.ElapsedMilliseconds);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Multikey_Count_Test()
            using (var file = new TempFile())
                using (var db = new LiteEngine(file.Disk(), cacheSize: 10, autocommit: true))
                    // create index before
                    db.EnsureIndex("col", "list");

                    db.Insert("col", GetDocs(1, 1000, 1, 2, 3));
                    db.Insert("col", GetDocs(1001, 2000, 2, 3));
                    db.Insert("col", GetDocs(2001, 2500, 4));

                    Assert.AreEqual(1000, db.Count("col", Query.All("list", 1)));
                    Assert.AreEqual(2000, db.Count("col", Query.All("list", 2)));
                    Assert.AreEqual(2000, db.Count("col", Query.All("list", 3)));
                    Assert.AreEqual(500, db.Count("col", Query.All("list", 4)));

                    // drop index
                    db.DropIndex("col", "list");

                    // re-create index
                    db.EnsureIndex("col", "list");

                    // count again
                    Assert.AreEqual(1000, db.Count("col", Query.All("list", 1)));
                    Assert.AreEqual(2000, db.Count("col", Query.All("list", 2)));
                    Assert.AreEqual(2000, db.Count("col", Query.All("list", 3)));
                    Assert.AreEqual(500, db.Count("col", Query.All("list", 4)));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void MultiKey_InsertUpdate_Test()
            using (var file = new TempFile())
                using (var db = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                    db.Insert("col", GetDocs(1, 1, 1, 2, 3));
                    db.Insert("col", GetDocs(2, 2, 2, 2, 4));
                    db.Insert("col", GetDocs(3, 3, 3));

                    // create index afer documents are in collection
                    db.EnsureIndex("col", "list");
                    db.EnsureIndex("col", "rnd");

                    db.Update("col", GetDocs(2, 2, 9, 9));

                    // try find
                    var r = string.Join(",", db.Find("col", Query.EQ("list", 2)).Select(x => x["_id"].ToString()));

                    Assert.AreEqual("1", r);
                    Assert.AreEqual(3, db.Count("col", null));
                    Assert.AreEqual(3, db.Count("col", Query.All()));

                    // 5 keys = [1, 2, 3],[3],[9]
                    var l = string.Join(",", db.FindIndex("col", Query.All("list")));

                    Assert.AreEqual("1,2,3,3,9", l);

                    // count should be count only documents - not index nodes
                    Assert.AreEqual(3, db.Count("col", Query.All("list")));
Exemplo n.º 5
        static void ExecuteTest(string name, Action test)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} (N = {1})", name, TASKS);

            // delete datafile before starts

            // create empty database and collection with index in name
            using (var db = new LiteEngine(filename))
                db.EnsureIndex("collection", "name");

            var s = new Stopwatch();


            // execute test


            Console.WriteLine("Time Elapsed (ms): " + s.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            // assert if database are ok
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void Find_Index_Keys()
            using (var db = new LiteEngine(new MemoryStream()))
                db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                    { "Number", 1 }
                }, BsonType.Int32);
                db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                    { "Number", 2 }
                }, BsonType.Int32);
                db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                    { "Number", 3 }
                }, BsonType.Int32);
                db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                    { "Number", 4 }
                }, BsonType.Int32);
                db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                    { "Number", 5 }
                }, BsonType.Int32);

                db.EnsureIndex("col", "Number");

                Assert.AreEqual(5, db.FindIndex("col", Query.EQ("Number", 5)).First().AsInt32);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void Query_Test()
            using (var file = new TempFile())
                using (var db = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                    db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument[]
                        new BsonDocument {
                            { "_id", 1 }, { "name", "e" }
                        new BsonDocument {
                            { "_id", 2 }, { "name", "d" }
                        new BsonDocument {
                            { "_id", 3 }, { "name", "c" }
                        new BsonDocument {
                            { "_id", 4 }, { "name", "b" }
                        new BsonDocument {
                            { "_id", 5 }, { "name", "a" }

                    db.EnsureIndex("col", "name");

                    Func <Query, string> result = (q) => string.Join(",", db.FindIndex("col", q).Select(x => x.ToString()));

                    Assert.AreEqual("1", result(Query.EQ("_id", 1)));
                    Assert.AreEqual("4,5", result(Query.GTE("_id", 4)));
                    Assert.AreEqual("1", result(Query.LT("_id", 2)));
                    Assert.AreEqual("a,b,d,e", result(Query.Not("name", "c")));
                    Assert.AreEqual("2,4", result(Query.Where("_id", (v) => v.AsInt32 % 2 == 0)));
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void Thread_Insert_Test()
            using (var file = new TempFile())
                using (var db = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                    db.EnsureIndex("col", "thread");

                    // insert 1000 x thread=1
                    var ta = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                        for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                            db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                                { "thread", 1 }

                    // insert 700 x thread=2
                    var tb = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                        for (var i = 0; i < 700; i++)
                            db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                                { "thread", 2 }

                    Task.WaitAll(ta, tb);

                    Assert.AreEqual(1000, db.Count("col", Query.EQ("thread", 1)));
                    Assert.AreEqual(700, db.Count("col", Query.EQ("thread", 2)));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void Loop_Test()
            using (var tmp = new TempFile())
                using (var db = new LiteEngine(tmp.Filename))
                    db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                        { "Number", 1 }
                    db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                        { "Number", 2 }
                    db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                        { "Number", 3 }
                    db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                        { "Number", 4 }

                using (var db = new LiteEngine(tmp.Filename))
                    foreach (var doc in db.Find("col", Query.All()))
                        doc["Name"] = "John";
                        db.Update("col", doc);

                    db.EnsureIndex("col", "Name");
                    var all = db.Find("col", Query.EQ("Name", "John"));

                    Assert.AreEqual(4, all.Count());
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void Index_Order()
            using (var tmp = new TempFile())
            using (var db = new LiteEngine(tmp.Filename))
                db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument { { "text", "D" } });
                db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument { { "text", "A" } });
                db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument { { "text", "E" } });
                db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument { { "text", "C" } });
                db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument { { "text", "B" } });

                db.EnsureIndex("col", "text");

                var asc = string.Join("",
                    db.Find("col", Query.All("text"))
                    .Select(x => x["text"].AsString)

                var desc = string.Join("",
                    db.Find("col", Query.All("text", Query.Descending))
                    .Select(x => x["text"].AsString)

                Assert.AreEqual("ABCDE", asc);
                Assert.AreEqual("EDCBA", desc);

                var indexes = db.GetIndexes("col");

                Assert.AreEqual(1, indexes.Count(x => x.Field == "text"));

Exemplo n.º 11
        public void Query_Test()
            using (var file = new TempFile())
            using (var db = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument[]
                    new BsonDocument { { "_id", 1 }, { "name", "e" } },
                    new BsonDocument { { "_id", 2 }, { "name", "d" } },
                    new BsonDocument { { "_id", 3 }, { "name", "c" } },
                    new BsonDocument { { "_id", 4 }, { "name", "b" } },
                    new BsonDocument { { "_id", 5 }, { "name", "a" } }

                db.EnsureIndex("col", "name");

                Func<Query, string> result = (q) => string.Join(",", db.FindIndex("col", q).Select(x => x.ToString()));

                Assert.AreEqual("1", result(Query.EQ("_id", 1)));
                Assert.AreEqual("4,5", result(Query.GTE("_id", 4)));
                Assert.AreEqual("1", result(Query.LT("_id", 2)));
                Assert.AreEqual("a,b,d,e", result(Query.Not("name", "c")));
                Assert.AreEqual("2,4", result(Query.Where("_id", (v) => v.AsInt32 % 2 == 0)));
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void Loop_Test()
            using (var tmp = new TempFile())
                using (var db = new LiteEngine(tmp.Filename))
                    db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument { { "Number", 1 } });
                    db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument { { "Number", 2 } });
                    db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument { { "Number", 3 } });
                    db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument { { "Number", 4 } });

                using (var db = new LiteEngine(tmp.Filename))
                    foreach (var doc in db.Find("col", Query.All()))
                        doc["Name"] = "John";
                        db.Update("col", doc);

                    db.EnsureIndex("col", "Name");
                    var all = db.Find("col", Query.EQ("Name", "John"));

                    Assert.AreEqual(4, all.Count());
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void Delete_Query()
            using (var file = new TempFile())
                var initial = new DateTime(2000, 01, 01);

                using (var db = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                    for (var i = 0; i < 5000; i++)
                        db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                            { "dt", initial.AddDays(i) }

                    db.EnsureIndex("col", "dt");

                    Assert.AreEqual(5000, db.Count("col"));

                    Assert.AreEqual(0, db.Count("col", Query.GT("dd", initial)));

                    var del = db.Delete("col", Query.GT("dd", initial));

                    Assert.AreEqual(0, del);

                    Assert.AreEqual(0, db.Count("col", Query.GT("dd", initial)));
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void Engine_QueryUpdate_Test()
            using (var file = new TempFile())
                using (var db = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                    db.EnsureIndex("col", "name");

                    // insert 4 documents
                    db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                        { "_id", 1 }
                    db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                        { "_id", 2 }
                    db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                        { "_id", 3 }
                    db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                        { "_id", 4 }

                    // query all documents and update name
                    foreach (var d in db.Find("col", Query.All()))
                        d["name"] = "john";
                        db.Update("col", d);

                    // this simple test if same thread open a read mode and then open write lock mode
                    Assert.AreEqual(4, db.Count("col", Query.EQ("name", "john")));
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void Populate(IEnumerable <BsonDocument> docs)
            // create indexes before
            _engine.EnsureIndex("col", "age");

            // bulk data insert
            _engine.Insert("col", docs);
Exemplo n.º 16
        public void Checkpoint_TransactionRecovery_Test()
            using (var file = new TempFile())
                using (var db = new LiteEngine(new FileDiskService(file.Filename), autocommit: false))
                    var log = new StringBuilder();
                    db.Log.Level    = Logger.CACHE;
                    db.Log.Logging += (s) => log.AppendLine(s);

                    // initialize my "col" with 1000 docs without transaction
                    db.Insert("col", GetDocs(1, 1000));

                    // commit now for intialize new transaction

                    // insert a lot of docs inside a single collection (will do checkpoint in disk)
                    db.Insert("col", GetDocs(1001, N));

                    // update all documents
                    db.Update("col", GetDocs(1, N));

                    // create new index
                    db.EnsureIndex("col", "type");

                    // checks if cache had a checkpoint

                    // datafile must be big (because checkpoint expand file)
                    Assert.IsTrue(file.Size > 30 * 1024 * 1024); // in MB\

                    // delete all docs > 1000
                    db.Delete("col", Query.GT("_id", 1000));

                    db.DropIndex("col", "type");

                    // let's rollback everything

                    // be sure cache are empty
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, db.CacheUsed);

                    // datafile must returns to original size (less than 1.5MB for 1000 docs)
                    Assert.IsTrue(file.Size < 1.5 * 1024 * 1024); // in MB

                    // test in my only doc exits
                    Assert.AreEqual(1000, db.Count("col", Query.All()));
                    Assert.AreEqual(1000, db.Count("col", null));

                    // test indexes (must have only _id index)
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, db.GetIndexes("col").Count());
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void Performance_Test()
            // just a simple example to test performance speed
            using (var file = new TempFile())
            using (var db = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                var ti = new Stopwatch();
                var tx = new Stopwatch();
                var tu = new Stopwatch();
                var td = new Stopwatch();

                db.Insert("col", GetDocs(N1));

                db.EnsureIndex("col", "name");

                db.Update("col", GetDocs(N1));

                db.EnsureIndex("col", "name");

                db.Delete("col", Query.All());

                Debug.Print("Insert time: " + ti.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                Debug.Print("EnsureIndex time: " + tx.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                Debug.Print("Update time: " + tu.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                Debug.Print("Delete time: " + td.ElapsedMilliseconds);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public void Checkpoint_Recovery_Test()
            using (var file = new TempFile())
                // init with N docs with type=1
                using (var db = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                    db.EnsureIndex("col", "type");
                    db.Insert("col", GetDocs(1, N, type: 1));
                    Assert.AreEqual(N, db.Count("col", Query.EQ("type", 1)));

                // re-open and try update all docs to type=2
                using (var db = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                    var log = new StringBuilder();
                    db.Log.Level    = Logger.CACHE;
                    db.Log.Logging += (s) => log.AppendLine(s);

                        // try update all to "type=2"
                        // but throws exception before finish
                        db.Update("col", GetDocs(1, N, type: 2, throwAtEnd: true));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (!ex.Message.Contains("Try Recovery!"))

                    // checks if cache had a checkpoint

                    // re-check if all docs will be type=1
                    Assert.AreEqual(N, db.Count("col", Query.EQ("type", 1)));
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, db.Count("col", Query.EQ("type", 2)));

                // re-open datafile the be sure contains only type=1
                using (var db = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                    Assert.AreEqual(N, db.Count("col", Query.EQ("type", 1)));
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, db.Count("col", Query.EQ("type", 2)));
Exemplo n.º 19
        public void Thread_InsertUpdate_Test()
            const int N = 3000;

            using (var file = new TempFile())
                using (var db = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                    db.EnsureIndex("col", "updated");

                    Assert.AreEqual(0, db.Count("col", Query.EQ("updated", true)));

                    // insert basic document
                    var ta = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                        for (var i = 0; i < N; i++)
                            var doc = new BsonDocument {
                                { "_id", i }

                            db.Insert("col", doc);

                    // update _id=N
                    var tb = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                        var i = 0;
                        while (i < N)
                            var doc = new BsonDocument
                                { "_id", i },
                                { "updated", true },
                                { "name", TempFile.LoremIpsum(5, 10, 1, 5, 1) }

                            if (db.Update("col", doc))

                    Task.WaitAll(ta, tb);

                    Assert.AreEqual(N, db.Count("col", Query.EQ("updated", true)));
Exemplo n.º 20
        public void Checkpoint_Recovery_Test()
            using (var file = new TempFile())
                // init with N docs with type=1
                using (var db = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                    db.EnsureIndex("col", "type");
                    db.Insert("col", GetDocs(1, N, type: 1));
                    Assert.AreEqual(N, db.Count("col", Query.EQ("type", 1)));

                // re-open and try update all docs to type=2
                using (var db = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                    var log = new StringBuilder();
                    db.Log.Level = Logger.CACHE;
                    db.Log.Logging += (s) => log.AppendLine(s);

                        // try update all to "type=2"
                        // but throws exception before finish
                        db.Update("col", GetDocs(1, N, type: 2, throwAtEnd: true));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (!ex.Message.Contains("Try Recovery!")) Assert.Fail(ex.Message);

                    // checks if cache had a checkpoint

                    // re-check if all docs will be type=1
                    Assert.AreEqual(N, db.Count("col", Query.EQ("type", 1)));
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, db.Count("col", Query.EQ("type", 2)));

                // re-open datafile the be sure contains only type=1
                using (var db = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                    Assert.AreEqual(N, db.Count("col", Query.EQ("type", 1)));
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, db.Count("col", Query.EQ("type", 2)));
Exemplo n.º 21
        public void Concurrency_InsertUpdate_Test()
            const int N = 3000;

            using (var file = new TempFile())
            using (var db = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                db.EnsureIndex("col", "updated");

                Assert.AreEqual(0, db.Count("col", Query.EQ("updated", true)));

                // insert basic document
                var ta = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    for (var i = 0; i < N; i++)
                        var doc = new BsonDocument { { "_id", i } };

                        db.Insert("col", doc);

                // update _id=N
                var tb = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    var i = 0;
                    while (i < N)
                        var doc = new BsonDocument
                            { "_id", i },
                            { "updated", true },
                            { "name", TempFile.LoremIpsum(5, 10, 1, 5, 1) }

                        if (db.Update("col", doc)) i++;

                Task.WaitAll(ta, tb);

                Assert.AreEqual(N, db.Count("col", Query.EQ("updated", true)));
Exemplo n.º 22
        public void Process_Insert_Delete()
            using (var file = new TempFile())
                using (var dbA = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                    using (var dbB = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                        dbA.EnsureIndex("col", "process", false);

                        // insert 1000 x instance=1
                        var ta = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                            for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                                dbA.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                                    { "process", 1 }

                        // keeping delete all
                        var tb = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                            // while before starts insert
                            while (dbB.Count("col", Query.EQ("process", 1)) == 0)

                            // while until has docs
                            while (dbB.Count("col", Query.EQ("process", 1)) > 0)
                                dbB.Delete("col", Query.All());

                        Task.WaitAll(ta, tb);

                        Assert.AreEqual(0, dbA.Count("col", Query.EQ("process", 1)));
                        Assert.AreEqual(0, dbB.Count("col", Query.EQ("process", 1)));
Exemplo n.º 23
        public void Loop_With_Update()
            using (var tmp = new TempFile())
                // initialize database with 4
                using (var db = new LiteEngine(tmp.Filename))
                    db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                        { "Number", 1 }
                    }, BsonType.Int32);
                    db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                        { "Number", 2 }
                    }, BsonType.Int32);
                    db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                        { "Number", 3 }
                    }, BsonType.Int32);
                    db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                        { "Number", 4 }
                    }, BsonType.Int32);
                    db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                        { "Number", 5 }
                    }, BsonType.Int32);

                using (var db = new LiteEngine(tmp.Filename))
                    foreach (var doc in db.Find("col", Query.All(), 0, 1000))
                        var id = doc["_id"];

                        doc["Name"] = "John";

                        // inside this update, locker must be in write
                        db.Update("col", doc);

                    db.EnsureIndex("col", "Name");
                    var all = db.Find("col", Query.EQ("Name", "John"));

                    Assert.AreEqual(5, all.Count());
Exemplo n.º 24
        public void Checkpoint_Index_Test()
            using (var file = new TempFile())
                using (var db = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                    // insert basic N documents
                    db.Insert("col", GetDocs(1, N));

                    var log = new StringBuilder();
                    db.Log.Level    = Logger.CACHE;
                    db.Log.Logging += (s) => log.AppendLine(s);

                    // create an index in col
                    db.EnsureIndex("col", "name");


                    Assert.AreEqual(N, db.Count("col", Query.All()));
Exemplo n.º 25
        public void Checkpoint_Index_Test()
            using (var file = new TempFile())
            using (var db = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                // insert basic N documents
                db.Insert("col", GetDocs(1, N));

                var log = new StringBuilder();
                db.Log.Level = Logger.CACHE;
                db.Log.Logging += (s) => log.AppendLine(s);

                // create an index in col
                db.EnsureIndex("col", "name");


                Assert.AreEqual(N, db.Count("col", Query.All()));
Exemplo n.º 26
        public void Index_Order()
            using (var tmp = new TempFile())
                using (var db = new LiteEngine(tmp.Filename))
                    db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                        { "text", "D" }
                    db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                        { "text", "A" }
                    db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                        { "text", "E" }
                    db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                        { "text", "C" }
                    db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                        { "text", "B" }

                    db.EnsureIndex("col", "text");

                    var asc = string.Join("",
                                          db.Find("col", Query.All("text"))
                                          .Select(x => x["text"].AsString)

                    var desc = string.Join("",
                                           db.Find("col", Query.All("text", Query.Descending))
                                           .Select(x => x["text"].AsString)

                    Assert.AreEqual("ABCDE", asc);
                    Assert.AreEqual("EDCBA", desc);

                    var indexes = db.GetIndexes("col");

                    Assert.AreEqual(1, indexes.Count(x => x.Field == "text"));
Exemplo n.º 27
        public void Process_Multi_Insert()
            using (var file = new TempFile())
                using (var dbA = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                    using (var dbB = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                        dbA.EnsureIndex("col", "process", false);

                        // insert 1000 x instance=1
                        var ta = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                            for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                                dbA.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                                    { "process", 1 }

                        // insert 700 x instance=2
                        var tb = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                            for (var i = 0; i < 700; i++)
                                dbB.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                                    { "process", 2 }

                        Task.WaitAll(ta, tb);

                        Assert.AreEqual(1000, dbA.Count("col", Query.EQ("process", 1)));
                        Assert.AreEqual(700, dbA.Count("col", Query.EQ("process", 2)));

                        Assert.AreEqual(1000, dbB.Count("col", Query.EQ("process", 1)));
                        Assert.AreEqual(700, dbB.Count("col", Query.EQ("process", 2)));
Exemplo n.º 28
        public void Process_Insert_Count()
            using (var file = new TempFile())
                using (var dbA = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                    using (var dbB = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                        dbA.EnsureIndex("col", "process", false);

                        // insert 1000 x instance=1
                        var ta = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                            for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                                dbA.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                                    { "process", 1 }

                        // keep querying until found 1000 docs
                        var tb = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                            var count = 0L;

                            while (count < 1000)
                                // force query all rows
                                count = dbB.Count("col", Query.EQ("process", 1));


                        Task.WaitAll(ta, tb);

                        Assert.AreEqual(1000, dbA.Count("col", Query.EQ("process", 1)));
                        Assert.AreEqual(1000, dbB.Count("col", Query.EQ("process", 1)));
Exemplo n.º 29
        public IEnumerable <BsonValue> Execute(StringScanner s, LiteEngine engine)
            var    col        = this.ReadCollection(engine, s);
            var    field      = s.Scan(this.FieldPattern).Trim().ThrowIfEmpty("Invalid field/index name", s);
            var    unique     = false;
            string expression = null;


            if (s.HasTerminated == false)
                unique = s.Scan(@"unique\s*").Length > 0;

                if (s.Scan(@"\s*using\s+(.+)").Length > 0)
                    expression = BsonExpression.ReadExpression(s, true, false)?.Source;


            yield return(engine.EnsureIndex(col, field, unique, expression));
Exemplo n.º 30
        public void Execute(LiteEngine engine, StringScanner s, Display display, InputCommand input, Env env)
            var col = this.ReadCollection(engine, s);
            var field = s.Scan(this.FieldPattern).Trim().ThrowIfEmpty("Invalid field name");
            var unique = false;


            if (s.HasTerminated == false)
                var options = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(s.ToString());

                if (options.IsBoolean)
                    unique = options.AsBoolean;
                else if (options.IsDocument) // support old version index definitions
                    unique = options.AsDocument["unique"].AsBoolean;

            display.WriteResult(engine.EnsureIndex(col, field, unique));
Exemplo n.º 31
        public void Engine_QueryUpdate_Test()
            using (var file = new TempFile())
            using (var db = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                db.EnsureIndex("col", "name");

                // insert 4 documents
                db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument { { "_id", 1 } });
                db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument { { "_id", 2 } });
                db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument { { "_id", 3 } });
                db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument { { "_id", 4 } });

                // query all documents and update name
                foreach(var d in db.Find("col", Query.All()))
                    d["name"] = "john";
                    db.Update("col", d);

                // this simple test if same thread open a read mode and then open write lock mode
                Assert.AreEqual(4, db.Count("col", Query.EQ("name", "john")));
Exemplo n.º 32
        public void Execute(LiteEngine engine, StringScanner s, Display display, InputCommand input, Env env)
            var col    = this.ReadCollection(engine, s);
            var field  = s.Scan(this.FieldPattern).Trim().ThrowIfEmpty("Invalid field name");
            var unique = false;


            if (s.HasTerminated == false)
                var options = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(s.ToString());

                if (options.IsBoolean)
                    unique = options.AsBoolean;
                else if (options.IsDocument) // support old version index definitions
                    unique = options.AsDocument["unique"].AsBoolean;

            display.WriteResult(engine.EnsureIndex(col, field, unique));
Exemplo n.º 33
        public void ShrinkTest_Test()
            // do some tests
            Action<LiteEngine> DoTest = (db) =>
                Assert.AreEqual(1, db.Count("col", null));
                Assert.AreEqual(99, db.UserVersion);
                Assert.IsNotNull(db.GetIndexes("col").FirstOrDefault(x => x.Field == "name"));
                Assert.IsTrue(db.GetIndexes("col").FirstOrDefault(x => x.Field == "name").Unique);

            using (var file = new TempFile())
                using (var db = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                    db.UserVersion = 99;
                    db.EnsureIndex("col", "name", true);
                    db.Insert("col", GetDocs(1, 30000));
                    db.Delete("col", Query.GT("_id", 1)); // delete 29.999 docs

                    Assert.AreEqual(1, db.Count("col", null));

                    // file still large than 20mb (even with only 1 document)
                    Assert.IsTrue(file.Size > 20 * 1024 * 1024);

                    // reduce datafile

                    // now file are small than 50kb
                    Assert.IsTrue(file.Size < 50 * 1024);


                // re-open datafile to check if is ok
                using (var db = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                    // still 1 doc and 1 name unique index

                    // shrink again but now with password
                    var reduced = db.Shrink("abc123");

                    // file still same size (but now are encrypted)
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, reduced);

                    // still 1 doc and 1 name unique index

                // re-open, again, but now with password
                using (var db = new LiteEngine(file.Filename, "abc123"))

                    // now, remove password

                    // test again
Exemplo n.º 34
        public void AutoId_No_Duplicate_After_Delete()
            // using strong type
            using (var db = new LiteDatabase(new MemoryStream()))
                var col = db.GetCollection <EntityInt>("col1");

                col.EnsureIndex(x => x.Name);

                col.Insert(new EntityInt {
                    Name = "One"
                col.Insert(new EntityInt {
                    Name = "Two"

                var one = col.FindOne(x => x.Name == "One");
                var two = col.FindOne(x => x.Name == "Two");

                Assert.AreEqual(1, one.Id);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, two.Id);

                // now delete first 2 rows

                // and insert new documents
                col.Insert(new EntityInt {
                    Name = "Three"
                col.Insert(new EntityInt {
                    Name = "Four"

                var three = col.FindOne(x => x.Name == "Three");
                var four  = col.FindOne(x => x.Name == "Four");

                Assert.AreEqual(3, three.Id);
                Assert.AreEqual(4, four.Id);

            // using bsondocument/engine
            using (var db = new LiteEngine(new MemoryStream()))
                db.EnsureIndex("col", "Name");

                db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                    ["Name"] = "One"
                }, BsonType.Int32);
                db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                    ["Name"] = "Two"
                }, BsonType.Int32);

                var one = db.FindOne("col", Query.EQ("Name", "One"));
                var two = db.FindOne("col", Query.EQ("Name", "Two"));

                Assert.AreEqual(1, one["_id"].AsInt32);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, two["_id"].AsInt32);

                // now delete first 2 rows
                db.Delete("col", one["_id"].AsInt32);
                db.Delete("col", two["_id"].AsInt32);

                // and insert new documents
                db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                    ["Name"] = "Three"
                }, BsonType.Int32);
                db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument {
                    ["Name"] = "Four"
                }, BsonType.Int32);

                var three = db.FindOne("col", Query.EQ("Name", "Three"));
                var four  = db.FindOne("col", Query.EQ("Name", "Four"));

                Assert.AreEqual(3, three["_id"].AsInt32);
                Assert.AreEqual(4, four["_id"].AsInt32);
Exemplo n.º 35
        public void Concurrency_Insert_Test()
            using (var file = new TempFile())
            using (var db = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                db.EnsureIndex("col", "thread");

                // insert 5000 x thread=1
                var ta = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    for(var i = 0; i < 5000; i++)
                        db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument { { "thread", 1 } });

                // insert 4000 x thread=2
                var tb = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    for (var i = 0; i < 4000; i++)
                        db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument { { "thread", 2 } });

                Task.WaitAll(ta, tb);

                Assert.AreEqual(5000, db.Count("col", Query.EQ("thread", 1)));
                Assert.AreEqual(4000, db.Count("col", Query.EQ("thread", 2)));
Exemplo n.º 36
        public void ShrinkTest_Test()
            // do some tests
            Action <LiteEngine> DoTest = (db) =>
                Assert.AreEqual(1, db.Count("col", null));
                Assert.AreEqual(99, db.UserVersion);
                Assert.IsNotNull(db.GetIndexes("col").FirstOrDefault(x => x.Field == "name"));
                Assert.IsTrue(db.GetIndexes("col").FirstOrDefault(x => x.Field == "name").Unique);

            using (var file = new TempFile())
                using (var db = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                    db.UserVersion = 99;
                    db.EnsureIndex("col", "name", true);
                    db.Insert("col", GetDocs(1, 40000));
                    db.Delete("col", Query.GT("_id", 1)); // delete 29.999 docs

                    Assert.AreEqual(1, db.Count("col", null));

                    // file still large than 20mb (even with only 1 document)
                    Assert.IsTrue(file.Size > 20 * 1024 * 1024);

                    // reduce datafile

                    // now file are small than 50kb
                    Assert.IsTrue(file.Size < 50 * 1024);


                // re-open datafile to check if is ok
                using (var db = new LiteEngine(file.Filename))
                    // still 1 doc and 1 name unique index

                    // shrink again but now with password
                    var reduced = db.Shrink("abc123");

                    // file still same size (but now are encrypted)
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, reduced);

                    // still 1 doc and 1 name unique index

                // re-open, again, but now with password
                using (var db = new LiteEngine(file.Filename, "abc123"))

                    // now, remove password

                    // test again
Exemplo n.º 37
        public void Culture_Ordinal_Sort()
            // 1046 = pt-BR
            var collation = new Collation(1046, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase);

            var s = new EngineSettings
                DataStream = new MemoryStream()

            var names = new string[] { "Ze", "Ana", "Ána", "Ánã", "Ana Paula", "ana lucia" };

            var sortByLinq = names.OrderBy(x => x, collation).ToArray();
            var findByLinq = names.Where(x => collation.Compare(x, "ANA") == 0).ToArray();

            using (var e = new LiteEngine(s))
                //e.Rebuild(new RebuildOptions { Collation = collation });

                e.Insert("col1", names.Select(x => new BsonDocument {
                    ["name"] = x
                }), BsonAutoId.Int32);

                // sort by merge sort
                var sortByOrderByName = e.Query("col1", new Query {
                    OrderBy = "name"
                                        .Select(x => x["name"].AsString)

                var query = new Query();
                query.Where.Add("name = 'ANA'");

                // find by expression
                var findByExpr = e.Query("col1", query)
                                 .Select(x => x["name"].AsString)


                // index test
                e.EnsureIndex("col1", "idx_name", "name", false);

                // sort by index
                var sortByIndexName = e.Query("col1", new Query {
                    OrderBy = "name"
                                      .Select(x => x["name"].AsString)

                // find by index
                var findByIndex = e.Query("col1", query)
                                  .Select(x => x["name"].AsString)

Exemplo n.º 38
 public void CreateIndex()
     _db.EnsureIndex("col", "name", false);
Exemplo n.º 39
        public void ExecuteQuery(bool createIndex)
            using (var db = new LiteEngine(new MemoryStream()))
                db.Insert("col", new BsonDocument[]
                    new BsonDocument {
                        ["age"] = 1, ["name"] = "a"
                    new BsonDocument {
                        ["age"] = 2, ["name"] = "b"
                    new BsonDocument {
                        ["age"] = 3, ["name"] = "c"
                    new BsonDocument {
                        ["age"] = 4, ["name"] = "d"
                    new BsonDocument {
                        ["age"] = 5, ["name"] = "e"
                    new BsonDocument {
                        ["age"] = 6, ["name"] = "f"
                    new BsonDocument {
                        ["age"] = 7, ["name"] = "g"
                    new BsonDocument {
                        ["age"] = 8, ["name"] = "h"
                    new BsonDocument {
                        ["age"] = 9, ["name"] = "i"
                    new BsonDocument {
                        ["age"] = 9, ["name"] = "j"

                if (createIndex)
                    db.EnsureIndex("col", "age");
                    db.EnsureIndex("col", "name");

                Func <Query, string> result = (q) => string.Join(",", db.Find("col", q).Select(x => x["name"].AsString));

                Assert.AreEqual("a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j", result(Query.All()));

                Assert.AreEqual("a", result(Query.EQ("age", 1)));
                Assert.AreEqual("g", result(Query.EQ("age", 7)));

                Assert.AreEqual("h,i,j", result(Query.GT("age", 7)));
                Assert.AreEqual("g,h,i,j", result(Query.GTE("age", 7)));

                Assert.AreEqual("", result(Query.LT("age", 1)));
                Assert.AreEqual("a", result(Query.LTE("age", 1)));

                Assert.AreEqual("g,h,i,j", result(Query.Between("age", 7, 9)));

                Assert.AreEqual("a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h", result(Query.Not("age", 9)));
                Assert.AreEqual("a", result(Query.Not(Query.GTE("age", 2))));
                Assert.AreEqual("a,g,i,j", result(Query.In("age", 1, 7, 9)));
                Assert.AreEqual("a", result(Query.StartsWith("name", "a")));

                Assert.AreEqual("j", result(Query.And(Query.EQ("age", 9), Query.EQ("name", "j"))));

                Assert.AreEqual("j", result(Query.And(Query.GTE("age", 1), Query.And(Query.LTE("age", 9), Query.EQ("name", "j")))));

                Assert.AreEqual("j", result(Query.And(Query.GTE("age", 1), Query.LTE("age", 9), Query.EQ("name", "j"))));

                Assert.AreEqual("a,i,j", result(Query.Or(Query.EQ("age", 1), Query.EQ("age", 9))));

                Assert.AreEqual("b,d,f,h", result(Query.Where("age", (v) => v.AsInt32 % 2 == 0)));
Exemplo n.º 40
        public void Checkpoint_TransactionRecovery_Test()
            using (var file = new TempFile())
                using (var db = new LiteEngine(new FileDiskService(file.Filename), autocommit: false ))
                    var log = new StringBuilder();
                    db.Log.Level = Logger.CACHE;
                    db.Log.Logging += (s) => log.AppendLine(s);

                    // initialize my "col" with 1000 docs without transaction
                    db.Insert("col", GetDocs(1, 1000));

                    // commit now for intialize new transaction

                    // insert a lot of docs inside a single collection (will do checkpoint in disk)
                    db.Insert("col", GetDocs(1001, N));

                    // update all documents
                    db.Update("col", GetDocs(1, N));

                    // create new index
                    db.EnsureIndex("col", "type");

                    // checks if cache had a checkpoint

                    // datafile must be big (because checkpoint expand file)
                    Assert.IsTrue(file.Size > 30 * 1024 * 1024); // in MB\

                    // delete all docs > 1000
                    db.Delete("col", Query.GT("_id", 1000));

                    db.DropIndex("col", "type");

                    // let's rollback everything

                    // be sure cache are empty
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, db.CacheUsed);

                    // datafile must returns to original size (less than 1.5MB for 1000 docs)
                    Assert.IsTrue(file.Size < 1.5 * 1024 * 1024); // in MB

                    // test in my only doc exits
                    Assert.AreEqual(1000, db.Count("col", Query.All()));
                    Assert.AreEqual(1000, db.Count("col", null));

                    // test indexes (must have only _id index)
                    Assert.AreEqual(1, db.GetIndexes("col").Count());