Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <PropertyListingListViewModel> Handle(CreatePropertyListingCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var contact = new ListingContact(request.ContactName, request.ContactTel,
                                             request.ContactEmail, request.ContactSMS, request.ContactOthers);

            //var listedProperty = _context.RentalProperty.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == request.RentalPropertyId);

            var listing = new PropertyListing(request.Title, request.ListingDesc, contact, request.RentalPropertyId, false,
                                              request.MonthlyRent, request.Notes,
                                              DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now);

            var listingProeprty = _context.RentalProperty.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == request.RentalPropertyId);

            await _context.AddAsync(listing);

            var addedListing = new PropertyListingListViewModel();

            addedListing.Title             = request.Title;
            addedListing.ListingDesc       = request.ListingDesc;
            addedListing.MonthlyRent       = request.MonthlyRent;
            addedListing.ListingNote       = request.Notes;
            addedListing.IsActive          = false; // this represents the status of listing: published or not
            addedListing.PropertyName      = listingProeprty.PropertyName;
            addedListing.PropertyType      = listingProeprty.PropertyType;
            addedListing.PropertyBuildYear = listingProeprty.PropertyBuildYear;
            addedListing.IsShared          = listingProeprty.IsShared;
            addedListing.IsBasementSuite   = listingProeprty.IsBasementSuite;
            addedListing.Created           = DateTime.Now;
            addedListing.Updated           = DateTime.Now;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                // Send message to message queue

                addedListing.Id = listing.Id;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;


            //throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 2
        public PropertyListing(string title, string listingDesc,
                               ListingContact contact, int rentalPropertyId, bool isActive,
                               decimal rent, string notes,

                               DateTime added, DateTime updated)
            Title            = title;
            ListingDesc      = listingDesc;
            Contact          = contact;
            RentalPropertyId = rentalPropertyId;
            IsActive         = isActive;
            MonthlyRent      = rent;
            Note             = notes;
            Created          = added;
            Modified         = updated;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public PropertyListing Update(
            PropertyListing listing,
            string title,
            string listingDesc,
            ListingContact contact,
            decimal rent,
            bool isActive, // add to update the publishing status -- may refactor in the future
            string notes,
            DateTime updated)
            Title       = title;
            ListingDesc = listingDesc;
            Contact     = contact;
            MonthlyRent = rent;
            Note        = notes;
            IsActive    = isActive; // add to update the publishing status -- may refactor in the future
            Modified    = updated;

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// This update listing process only catches published/listed event so that Asset microservice can upate the property status from "UnSet" to "Vacant" or vice verser
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <PropertyListingUpdateViewModel> Handle(UpdatePropertyListingCommand request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var listing = _context.PropertyListing
                          .Include(r => r.RentalProperty)
                          .ThenInclude(p => p.PropertyImg)
                          .FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == request.Id);
//.ThenInclude(m => m.PropertyImg.ToList())
            var contact = new ListingContact(request.ContactName, request.ContactTel,
                                             request.ContactEmail, request.ContactSMS, request.ContactOthers);

            var allImgs = _context.PropertyImg.ToList(); // Get all property images

            var rentalProperty = listing.RentalProperty;

            var originalStatus = listing.IsActive;

            var updated = listing.Update(listing, request.Title, request.ListingDesc, contact, request.MonthlyRent, request.isActive, request.Note, DateTime.Now);


            var updatedList = new PropertyListingUpdateViewModel();  // need to include all images?

            updatedList.Id = updated.Id;
            updatedList.RentalPropertyId = updated.RentalPropertyId;
            updatedList.Title            = updated.Title;
            updatedList.ListingDesc      = updated.ListingDesc;
            updatedList.MonthlyRent      = updated.MonthlyRent;
            updatedList.Note             = updated.Note;
            updatedList.IsActive         = updated.IsActive;
            updatedList.ContactName      = updated.Contact.ContactName;
            updatedList.ContactEmail     = updated.Contact.ContactEmail;
            updatedList.ContactTel       = updated.Contact.ContactTel;
            updatedList.ContactSMS       = updated.Contact.ContactSMS;
            updatedList.ContactOthers    = updated.Contact.ContactOthers;
            updatedList.Created          = updated.Created;
            updatedList.Modified         = updated.Modified;
            updatedList.Updated          = updated.Modified;

            updatedList.RentalProperty = listing.RentalProperty;
            updatedList.PropertyName   = listing.RentalProperty.PropertyName;
            updatedList.PropertyImgs   = allImgs;

            updatedList.Contact = contact;

            //updatedList.PropertyImgs = allImgs.ToList();

            // Update rental property status

            ListingStatus status;

            if (request.isActive == true)
                status = (ListingStatus)Enum.Parse(typeof(ListingStatus), "Listed");
                status = (ListingStatus)Enum.Parse(typeof(ListingStatus), "NotSet");


                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                // Only send message to the message queue for status change, i.e. isActive from true to false or vice versa
                if (originalStatus != request.isActive)
                    RentalPropertyStatusChangeEvent e = new RentalPropertyStatusChangeEvent(new Guid(), listing.RentalProperty.OriginalId, status.ToString());

                        await _messagePublisher.PublishMessageAsync(e.MessageType, e, "status_updated"); // publishing the message

                        Log.Information("Message  {MessageType} with Id {MessageId} has been published successfully: Proeprty status change.", e.MessageType, e.MessageId);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Log.Error(ex, "Error while publishing {MessageType} message with id {MessageId}. Proeprty status change.", e.MessageType, e.MessageId);

                        throw ex;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Information("Error {Message} saving to database!", ex.Message);
                throw ex;


            //throw new NotImplementedException();