Exemplo n.º 1
 private void lstHome_ContainerContentChanging(ListViewBase sender, ContainerContentChangingEventArgs args)
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static void SetInterElementDelay(ListViewBase obj, double value) => obj.SetValue(InterElementDelayProperty, value);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static void SetAnimateOnItemsSourceChange(ListViewBase obj, bool value) => obj.SetValue(AnimateOnItemsSourceChangeProperty, value);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static void SetItemsBinding(ListViewBase obj, bool value) => obj.SetValue(ItemsBindingProperty, value);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static void SetItems(ListViewBase obj, AnimationSettings value) => obj.SetValue(ItemsProperty, value);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public static void SetColor(ListViewBase obj, Brush value)
     obj.SetValue(ColorProperty, value);
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void OnContainerContentChanging(ListViewBase sender, ContainerContentChangingEventArgs args)
            if (args.InRecycleQueue == true)
                // XAML has indicated that the item is no longer being shown, so add it to the recycle queue
                var tag = args.ItemContainer.Tag as string;

                Debug.WriteLine($"Adding {args.ItemContainer.GetHashCode()} to {tag}");

                var added = _typeToItemHashSetMapping[tag].Add(args.ItemContainer);

                Debug.Assert(added == true, "Recycle queue should never have dupes. If so, we may be incorrectly reusing a container that is already in use!");


            var message = args.Item as MessageViewModel;

            var content = args.ItemContainer.ContentTemplateRoot as FrameworkElement;
            content.Tag = message;

            if (content is Grid grid)
                var photo = grid.FindName("Photo") as ProfilePicture;
                if (photo != null)
                    photo.Tag = message;

                    if (message.IsSaved())
                        if (message.ForwardInfo is MessageForwardedFromUser fromUser)
                            var user = message.ProtoService.GetUser(fromUser.SenderUserId);
                            if (user != null)
                                photo.Source = PlaceholderHelper.GetUser(ViewModel.ProtoService, user, 32, 32);
                        else if (message.ForwardInfo is MessageForwardedPost post)
                            var chat = message.ProtoService.GetChat(post.ForwardedFromChatId);
                            if (chat != null)
                                photo.Source = PlaceholderHelper.GetChat(ViewModel.ProtoService, chat, 32, 32);
                        var user = message.GetSenderUser();
                        if (user != null)
                            photo.Source = PlaceholderHelper.GetUser(ViewModel.ProtoService, user, 32, 32);

                content = grid.FindName("Bubble") as FrameworkElement;
            else if (content is StackPanel panel && !(content is MessageBubble))
                content = panel.FindName("Service") as FrameworkElement;

            if (content is MessageBubble bubble)
                bubble.UpdateMessage(args.Item as MessageViewModel);
                args.Handled = true;
            else if (content is MessageService service)
                service.UpdateMessage(args.Item as MessageViewModel);
                args.Handled = true;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public static void SetCommand(ListViewBase obj, ICommand value)
     obj.SetValue(CommandProperty, value);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static object GetCommandParameter(ListViewBase obj)
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Event fired when we change ListView active assets order
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        private async void ListViewActiveAssets_DragItemsCompleted(ListViewBase sender, DragItemsCompletedEventArgs args)
            var assetsInListView = (sender as ListView).Items.OfType <Asset>().ToList();

            await this.CurrentDevice.UpdateOrderAssetsAsync(string.Join(",", assetsInListView.Select(x => x.AssetId)));
Exemplo n.º 11
 public static ICommand GetCommand(ListViewBase obj)
Exemplo n.º 12
 private void ListView_DragItemsCompleted(ListViewBase sender, DragItemsCompletedEventArgs args)
     _del_item = null;
Exemplo n.º 13
        private static async Task ScrollIntoView(
            ListViewBase listViewBase,
            ScrollViewer scrollViewer,
            SelectorItem selectorItem,
            bool isVirtualizing,
            double previousXOffset,
            double previousYOffset,
            ItemPosition itemPosition = ItemPosition.Default,
            bool disableAnimation     = false)
            var transform = selectorItem.TransformToVisual((UIElement)scrollViewer.Content);
            var position  = transform.TransformPoint(new Point(0, 0));

            if (isVirtualizing)
                var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <object>();

                EventHandler <ScrollViewerViewChangedEventArgs> viewChanged = (s, e) => tcs.TrySetResult(null);
                    scrollViewer.ViewChanged += viewChanged;
                    scrollViewer.ChangeView(previousXOffset, previousYOffset, null, true);
                    await tcs.Task;
                    scrollViewer.ViewChanged -= viewChanged;

            var listViewBaseWidth  = listViewBase.ActualWidth;
            var selectorItemWidth  = selectorItem.ActualWidth;
            var listViewBaseHeight = listViewBase.ActualHeight;
            var selectorItemHeight = selectorItem.ActualHeight;

            previousXOffset = scrollViewer.HorizontalOffset;
            previousYOffset = scrollViewer.VerticalOffset;

            if (itemPosition == ItemPosition.Left)
                scrollViewer.ChangeView(position.X, previousYOffset, null, disableAnimation);
            else if (itemPosition == ItemPosition.Top)
                scrollViewer.ChangeView(previousXOffset, position.Y, null, disableAnimation);
            else if (itemPosition == ItemPosition.Center)
                var CentreX        = (listViewBaseWidth - selectorItemWidth) / 2.0;
                var CentreY        = (listViewBaseHeight - selectorItemHeight) / 2.0;
                var finalXPosition = position.X - CentreX;
                var finalYPosition = position.Y - CentreY;
                scrollViewer.ChangeView(finalXPosition, finalYPosition, null, disableAnimation);
            else if (itemPosition == ItemPosition.Right)
                var finalXPosition = position.X - listViewBaseWidth + selectorItemWidth;
                scrollViewer.ChangeView(finalXPosition, previousYOffset, null, disableAnimation);
            else if (itemPosition == ItemPosition.Bottom)
                var finalYPosition = position.Y - listViewBaseHeight + selectorItemHeight;
                scrollViewer.ChangeView(previousXOffset, finalYPosition, null, disableAnimation);
            else if (itemPosition == ItemPosition.Default)
                var bottomXPosition = position.X - listViewBaseWidth + selectorItemWidth;
                var finalXPosition  = position.X;

                if (previousXOffset < position.X && previousXOffset > bottomXPosition)
                    finalXPosition = previousXOffset;
                else if (Math.Abs(previousXOffset - bottomXPosition) < Math.Abs(previousXOffset - position.X))
                    finalXPosition = bottomXPosition;

                var rightYPosition = position.Y - listViewBaseHeight + selectorItemHeight;
                var finalYPosition = position.Y;

                if (previousYOffset < position.Y && previousYOffset > rightYPosition)
                    finalYPosition = previousYOffset;
                else if (Math.Abs(previousYOffset - rightYPosition) < Math.Abs(previousYOffset - position.Y))
                    finalYPosition = rightYPosition;

                scrollViewer.ChangeView(finalXPosition, finalYPosition, null, disableAnimation);
Exemplo n.º 14
 private void ListViewOnContainerContentChanging(ListViewBase sender, ContainerContentChangingEventArgs args)
     args.ItemContainer.Tag     = args.Item;
     args.ItemContainer.Tapped -= ItemContainerOnTapped;
     args.ItemContainer.Tapped += ItemContainerOnTapped;
Exemplo n.º 15
        public async static Task ScrollToItem(this ListViewBase listViewBase, object item, SnapPointsAlignment alignment, bool highlight, double?pixel = null)
            var scrollViewer = listViewBase.GetScrollViewer();

            if (scrollViewer == null)

            var selectorItem = listViewBase.ContainerFromItem(item) as SelectorItem;

            if (selectorItem == null)
                // call task-based ScrollIntoViewAsync to realize the item
                await listViewBase.ScrollIntoViewAsync(item);

                // this time the item shouldn't be null again
                selectorItem = (SelectorItem)listViewBase.ContainerFromItem(item);

            if (selectorItem == null)

            // calculate the position object in order to know how much to scroll to
            var transform = selectorItem.TransformToVisual((UIElement)scrollViewer.Content);
            var position  = transform.TransformPoint(new Point(0, 0));

            if (alignment == SnapPointsAlignment.Near)
                if (pixel is double adjust)
                    position.Y -= adjust;
            else if (alignment == SnapPointsAlignment.Center)
                position.Y -= (listViewBase.ActualHeight - selectorItem.ActualHeight) / 2d;
            else if (alignment == SnapPointsAlignment.Far)
                position.Y -= listViewBase.ActualHeight - selectorItem.ActualHeight;

                if (pixel is double adjust)
                    position.Y += adjust;

            // scroll to desired position with animation!
            scrollViewer.ChangeView(position.X, position.Y, null, alignment != SnapPointsAlignment.Center);

            if (highlight)
                var bubble = selectorItem.Descendants <MessageBubble>().FirstOrDefault() as MessageBubble;
                if (bubble == null)

Exemplo n.º 16
 public static void SetCommandParameter(ListViewBase obj, object value)
     obj.SetValue(CommandParameterProperty, value);
Exemplo n.º 17
 public static Brush GetColor(ListViewBase obj)
 private void TestHistoryListView_ContainerContentChanging(ListViewBase sender, ContainerContentChangingEventArgs args)
     args.ItemContainer.Background = Application.Current.Resources["CustomLightGrayGradientBrush"] as Brush;
Exemplo n.º 19
        private void OnChoosingItemContainer(ListViewBase sender, ChoosingItemContainerEventArgs args)
            var typeName = SelectTemplateCore(args.Item);

            Debug.Assert(_typeToItemHashSetMapping.ContainsKey(typeName), "The type of the item used with DataTemplateSelectorBehavior must have a DataTemplate mapping");
            var relevantHashSet = _typeToItemHashSetMapping[typeName];

            // args.ItemContainer is used to indicate whether the ListView is proposing an
            // ItemContainer (ListViewItem) to use. If args.Itemcontainer != null, then there was a
            // recycled ItemContainer available to be reused.
            if (args.ItemContainer != null)
                if (args.ItemContainer.Tag.Equals(typeName))
                    // Suggestion matches what we want, so remove it from the recycle queue
                    Debug.WriteLine($"Removing (suggested) {args.ItemContainer.GetHashCode()} from {typeName}");
                    // The ItemContainer's datatemplate does not match the needed
                    // datatemplate.
                    // Don't remove it from the recycle queue, since XAML will resuggest it later
                    args.ItemContainer = null;

            // If there was no suggested container or XAML's suggestion was a miss, pick one up from the recycle queue
            // or create a new one
            if (args.ItemContainer == null)
                // See if we can fetch from the correct list.
                if (relevantHashSet.Count > 0)
                    // Unfortunately have to resort to LINQ here. There's no efficient way of getting an arbitrary
                    // item from a hashset without knowing the item. Queue isn't usable for this scenario
                    // because you can't remove a specific element (which is needed in the block above).
                    args.ItemContainer = relevantHashSet.First();
                    Debug.WriteLine($"Removing (reused) {args.ItemContainer.GetHashCode()} from {typeName}");
                    // There aren't any (recycled) ItemContainers available. So a new one
                    // needs to be created.
                    var item = CreateSelectorItem(typeName);
                    item.Style         = Messages.ItemContainerStyleSelector.SelectStyle(args.Item, item);
                    args.ItemContainer = item;
                    Debug.WriteLine($"Creating {args.ItemContainer.GetHashCode()} for {typeName}");

            // Indicate to XAML that we picked a container for it
            args.IsContainerPrepared = true;
Exemplo n.º 20
        private void OnChoosingItemContainer(ListViewBase sender, ChoosingItemContainerEventArgs args)
            var stickerSet = args.Item as StickerSetInfo;
            var cover      = stickerSet.GetThumbnail();

            var typeName = cover?.Format switch
                StickerFormatTgs => "AnimatedItemTemplate",
                StickerFormatWebm => "VideoItemTemplate",
                _ => "ItemTemplate"
            var relevantHashSet = _typeToItemHashSetMapping[typeName];

            // args.ItemContainer is used to indicate whether the ListView is proposing an
            // ItemContainer (ListViewItem) to use. If args.Itemcontainer != null, then there was a
            // recycled ItemContainer available to be reused.
            if (args.ItemContainer != null)
                if (args.ItemContainer.Tag.Equals(typeName))
                    // Suggestion matches what we want, so remove it from the recycle queue
                    // The ItemContainer's datatemplate does not match the needed
                    // datatemplate.
                    // Don't remove it from the recycle queue, since XAML will resuggest it later
                    args.ItemContainer = null;

            // If there was no suggested container or XAML's suggestion was a miss, pick one up from the recycle queue
            // or create a new one
            if (args.ItemContainer == null)
                // See if we can fetch from the correct list.
                if (relevantHashSet.Count > 0)
                    // Unfortunately have to resort to LINQ here. There's no efficient way of getting an arbitrary
                    // item from a hashset without knowing the item. Queue isn't usable for this scenario
                    // because you can't remove a specific element (which is needed in the block above).
                    args.ItemContainer = relevantHashSet.First();
                    // There aren't any (recycled) ItemContainers available. So a new one
                    // needs to be created.
                    var item = new ListViewItem();
                    item.ContentTemplate   = _typeToTemplateMapping[typeName];
                    item.Style             = sender.ItemContainerStyle;
                    item.Tag               = typeName;
                    item.ContextRequested += StickerSet_ContextRequested;
                    args.ItemContainer     = item;

            // Indicate to XAML that we picked a container for it
            args.IsContainerPrepared = true;
Exemplo n.º 21
 public static bool GetItemsBinding(ListViewBase obj) => (bool)obj.GetValue(ItemsBindingProperty);
Exemplo n.º 22
        private async void OnContainerContentChanging(ListViewBase sender, ContainerContentChangingEventArgs args)
            if (args.InRecycleQueue)

            var content    = args.ItemContainer.ContentTemplateRoot as Grid;
            var stickerSet = args.Item as StickerSetInfo;

            var title = content.Children[1] as TextBlock;

            title.Text = stickerSet.Title;

            var subtitle = content.Children[2] as TextBlock;

            subtitle.Text = Locale.Declension("Stickers", stickerSet.Size);

            var cover = stickerSet.GetThumbnail();

            if (cover == null)

            var file = cover.StickerValue;

            if (file.Local.IsFileExisting())
                if (content.Children[0] is Image photo)
                    photo.Source = await PlaceholderHelper.GetWebPFrameAsync(file.Local.Path, 48);

                    ElementCompositionPreview.SetElementChildVisual(content.Children[0], null);
                else if (args.Phase == 0 && content.Children[0] is LottieView lottie)
                    lottie.Source = UriEx.ToLocal(file.Local.Path);
                else if (args.Phase == 0 && content.Children[0] is AnimationView animation)
                    animation.Source = new LocalVideoSource(file);
                if (content.Children[0] is Image photo)
                    photo.Source = null;
                else if (args.Phase == 0 && content.Children[0] is LottieView lottie)
                    lottie.Source = null;
                else if (args.Phase == 0 && content.Children[0] is AnimationView animation)
                    animation.Source = null;

                CompositionPathParser.ParseThumbnail(cover, out ShapeVisual visual, false);
                ElementCompositionPreview.SetElementChildVisual(content.Children[0], visual);

                UpdateManager.Subscribe(content, ViewModel.ProtoService, file, UpdateFile, true);

                if (file.Local.CanBeDownloaded && !file.Local.IsDownloadingActive)
                    ViewModel.ProtoService.DownloadFile(file.Id, 1);

            args.Handled = true;
Exemplo n.º 23
 public static AnimationSettings GetItems(ListViewBase obj) => (AnimationSettings)obj.GetValue(ItemsProperty);
Exemplo n.º 24
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ListViewBindableSelectionHandler"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="listView">The ListView.</param>
 /// <param name="boundSelection">The bound selection.</param>
 public ListViewBindableSelectionHandler(
     ListViewBase listView, dynamic boundSelection)
     _handler = OnBoundSelectionChanged;
     Attach(listView, boundSelection);
Exemplo n.º 25
 public static double GetInterElementDelay(ListViewBase obj) => (double)obj.GetValue(InterElementDelayProperty);
 private void OnTravelGridContainerContentChanging(ListViewBase sender, ContainerContentChangingEventArgs args)
     args.ItemContainer.Loaded += OnItemContainerLoaded;
Exemplo n.º 27
 public static bool GetAnimateOnItemsSourceChange(ListViewBase obj) => (bool)obj.GetValue(AnimateOnItemsSourceChangeProperty);
Exemplo n.º 28
 private void HomeFeedGrid_ContainerContentChanging(ListViewBase sender, ContainerContentChangingEventArgs args)
     args.ItemContainer.Loaded += ItemContainer_Loaded;
Exemplo n.º 29
        private void Search_ContainerContentChanging(ListViewBase sender, ContainerContentChangingEventArgs args)
            if (args.InRecycleQueue)
                //var photo = content.Children[0] as ProfilePicture;
                //photo.Source = null;


            var result = args.Item as SearchResult;
            var chat   = result.Chat;
            var user   = result.User ?? ViewModel.ProtoService.GetUser(chat);

            if (user == null)

            var content = args.ItemContainer.ContentTemplateRoot as Grid;

            if (content == null)

            if (args.Phase == 0)
                var title = content.Children[1] as TextBlock;
                title.Text = user.GetFullName();
            else if (args.Phase == 1)
                var subtitle = content.Children[2] as TextBlock;
                if (result.IsPublic)
                    subtitle.Text = $"@{user.Username}";
                    subtitle.Text = LastSeenConverter.GetLabel(user, true);

                if (ApiInformation.IsPropertyPresent("Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.TextBlock", "TextHighlighters"))
                    if (subtitle.Text.StartsWith($"@{result.Query}", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        var highligher = new TextHighlighter();
                        highligher.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
                        highligher.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent);
                        highligher.Ranges.Add(new TextRange {
                            StartIndex = 1, Length = result.Query.Length

            else if (args.Phase == 2)
                var photo = content.Children[0] as ProfilePicture;
                photo.Source = PlaceholderHelper.GetUser(ViewModel.ProtoService, user, 36, 36);

            if (args.Phase < 2)

            args.Handled = true;
Exemplo n.º 30
        private void OnContainerContentChanging(ListViewBase sender, ContainerContentChangingEventArgs args)
            if (args.InRecycleQueue)

            var radio     = args.ItemContainer.ContentTemplateRoot as RadioButton;
            var content   = radio.Content as Grid;
            var emojiPack = args.Item as EmojiSet;

            radio.Click    -= EmojiSet_Click;
            radio.Click    += EmojiSet_Click;
            radio.IsChecked = SettingsService.Current.Appearance.EmojiSet.Id == emojiPack.Id;

            if (SettingsService.Current.Appearance.EmojiSet.Id == emojiPack.Id)
                _selectedSet = emojiPack;

            radio.Tag   = emojiPack;
            content.Tag = emojiPack;

            if (args.Phase == 0)
                var title = content.Children[1] as TextBlock;
                title.Text = emojiPack.Title;
            else if (args.Phase == 1)
                var subtitle = content.Children[2] as TextBlock;
                var file     = emojiPack.Document;

                var size = Math.Max(file.Size, file.ExpectedSize);
                if (file.Local.IsDownloadingActive)
                    subtitle.Text       = string.Format("{0} {1} / {2}", "Downloading", FileSizeConverter.Convert(file.Local.DownloadedSize, size), FileSizeConverter.Convert(size));
                    subtitle.Foreground = BootStrapper.Current.Resources["SystemControlDisabledChromeDisabledLowBrush"] as Brush;
                else if (file.Local.CanBeDownloaded && !file.Local.IsDownloadingCompleted)
                    subtitle.Text       = string.Format("{0} {1}", Strings.Resources.AccActionDownload, FileSizeConverter.Convert(size));
                    subtitle.Foreground = BootStrapper.Current.Resources["SystemControlDisabledChromeDisabledLowBrush"] as Brush;
                    if (SettingsService.Current.Appearance.EmojiSet.Id == emojiPack.Id)
                        subtitle.Text       = "Current Set";
                        subtitle.Foreground = BootStrapper.Current.Resources["SystemControlForegroundAccentBrush"] as Brush;
                        subtitle.Text       = emojiPack.IsDefault ? Strings.Resources.Default : "Downloaded";
                        subtitle.Foreground = BootStrapper.Current.Resources["SystemControlDisabledChromeDisabledLowBrush"] as Brush;
            else if (args.Phase == 2)
                var photo = content.Children[0] as Image;

                var file = emojiPack.Thumbnail;
                if (file != null && file.Local.IsDownloadingCompleted)
                    photo.Source = new BitmapImage {
                        UriSource = UriEx.ToLocal(file.Local.Path), DecodePixelWidth = 40, DecodePixelHeight = 40
                else if (file != null && file.Local.CanBeDownloaded && !file.Local.IsDownloadingActive)
                    photo.Source = null;
                    _protoService.DownloadFile(file.Id, 1);

            if (args.Phase < 2)

            args.Handled = true;