public void ListRequiredIfPropertyValueIsNull()
            ListRequiredIfTestObject obj = new ListRequiredIfTestObject();

            obj.StringListIfValue = null;

            ValidationContext ctx = new ValidationContext(obj);

            ctx.MemberName = "ReqListIfPropertyIsNull";

            List <ValidationResult> validationResults = new List <ValidationResult>();

            Validator.TryValidateProperty(obj.ReqListIfPropertyIsNull, ctx, validationResults).Should().BeFalse();
        public void StringListNotRequiredNullList()
            // nulllist ok because the property value doesn't match

            ListRequiredIfTestObject obj = new ListRequiredIfTestObject();

            ValidationContext ctx = new ValidationContext(obj);

            ctx.MemberName = "StringList";

            List <ValidationResult> validationResults = new List <ValidationResult>();

            Validator.TryValidateProperty(obj.StringList, ctx, validationResults).Should().BeTrue();
        public void StringListNotRequiredEmptyList()
            // empty list ok because the property value doesn't match to what is needed for the list to be required

            ListRequiredIfTestObject obj = new ListRequiredIfTestObject();

            obj.StringList = new List <string>();

            ValidationContext ctx = new ValidationContext(obj);

            ctx.MemberName = "StringList";

            List <ValidationResult> validationResults = new List <ValidationResult>();

            Validator.TryValidateProperty(obj.StringList, ctx, validationResults).Should().BeTrue();
        public void StringListRequiredNullList()
            // list required because property value matches to value that indicates the list is needed

            ListRequiredIfTestObject obj = new ListRequiredIfTestObject();

            obj.StringListIfValue = "ptv";

            ValidationContext ctx = new ValidationContext(obj);

            ctx.MemberName = "StringList";

            List <ValidationResult> validationResults = new List <ValidationResult>();

            Validator.TryValidateProperty(obj.StringList, ctx, validationResults).Should().BeFalse();
        public void StringListRequiredEmptyList()
            // empty list is not valid when the property value matches the value given in the attribute

            ListRequiredIfTestObject obj = new ListRequiredIfTestObject();

            obj.StringListIfValue = "ptv";
            obj.StringList        = new List <string>();

            ValidationContext ctx = new ValidationContext(obj);

            ctx.MemberName = "StringList";

            List <ValidationResult> validationResults = new List <ValidationResult>();

            Validator.TryValidateProperty(obj.StringList, ctx, validationResults).Should().BeFalse();
        public void RequiredListCannotHaveEmptyOrNullValues(string extraValue)
            ListRequiredIfTestObject obj = new ListRequiredIfTestObject();

            obj.StringListIfValue = "ptv";
            obj.StringList        = new List <string>()
                "some", "value", extraValue

            ValidationContext ctx = new ValidationContext(obj);

            ctx.MemberName = "StringList";

            List <ValidationResult> validationResults = new List <ValidationResult>();

            Validator.TryValidateProperty(obj.StringList, ctx, validationResults).Should().BeFalse();
        public void ShouldThrowInvalidPropertyNameDefined()
            ListRequiredIfTestObject obj = new ListRequiredIfTestObject();

            obj.DemoItems = new List <SomeDemoObject>();

            ValidationContext ctx = new ValidationContext(obj);

            ctx.MemberName = "DemoItems";

            List <ValidationResult> validationResults = new List <ValidationResult>();

            Action act = () => Validator.TryValidateProperty(obj.DemoItems, ctx, validationResults);

            // the attribute should indicate that the desired property was not found and not just silently return success
            // case: some property has value hsl and in that case the list should contain values
            // now if there is a typo in the property name, no values are required in the list by the validation
            act.ShouldThrowExactly <InvalidOperationException>().WithMessage("Property 'TypoInPropertyName' not found.");
        public void NoValidationContextShouldNotCauseInternalNullReferenceException()
            // the current implementation crashes if the public IsValid(object) is called
            // anyways the attribute can't really be used in this way as it dependant on another property on the object
            // but it shouldn't crash, it should check that it has the validationcontext before using it

            ListRequiredIfAttribute attr = new ListRequiredIfAttribute("StringListIfValue", "ptv");

            ListRequiredIfTestObject obj = new ListRequiredIfTestObject();

            obj.StringListIfValue = "ptv";
            obj.StringList        = new List <string>()

            Action act = () => attr.IsValid(obj);

            act.ShouldThrowExactly <InvalidOperationException>("validationContext cannot be null.");
        public void ShouldThrowInvalidPropertyTypeUsage()
            // Comment: should throw an exception that indicates that the property is used on a wrong property type
            // instead just saying that the value is not valid

            var obj = new ListRequiredIfTestObject();

            obj.SomeDictionary.Add("ptv", "vrk");

            var ctx = new ValidationContext(obj)
                MemberName = "SomeDictionary"

            var validationResults = new List <ValidationResult>();

            Action act = () => Validator.TryValidateProperty(obj.SomeDictionary, ctx, validationResults);

            // currently throws validation exception because dictionary doesn't implement ilist
            // the implementation should throw exception other than validation exception and indicate what is wrong
            act.ShouldThrowExactly <InvalidOperationException>("Attribute used on a property that doesn't implement IList.");
        public void PropertyNameStringListContainsNullAndEmptyString()
            // the RequiredListIfPropertyValueList is required because value 'vrk' is in the PropertyValueList

            ListRequiredIfTestObject obj = new ListRequiredIfTestObject();

            obj.PropertyValueList.Add(null);         // should be fine to have a null value in the list
            obj.PropertyValueList.Add(string.Empty); // should be fine to have an empty string

            obj.RequiredListIfPropertyValueList.Add("demo value");

            ValidationContext ctx = new ValidationContext(obj);

            ctx.MemberName = "RequiredListIfPropertyValueList";

            List <ValidationResult> validationResults = new List <ValidationResult>();

            // should be true because we have one value in the RequiredListIfPropertyValueList -list
            Validator.TryValidateProperty(obj.RequiredListIfPropertyValueList, ctx, validationResults).Should().BeTrue();