/// <summary>
        /// Lays out all the contents of the list item in the current itemblock and returns the used height of the
        /// components it has laid out.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entry"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private PDFUnit LayoutItemContent(ListNumberEntry entry)
            ComponentList          contents  = null;
            IPDFContainerComponent container = entry.ListItem as IPDFContainerComponent;

            PDFUnit avail = _itemblock.CurrentRegion.AvailableHeight;

            if (container.HasContent)
                //because we are mimicing being the container - set the full style to the item style
                Style last = this.FullStyle;
                this.FullStyle = entry.FullStyle;

                contents = container.Content;

                //And restore the full style to the previous item after.
                this.FullStyle = last;

            // Calculate the height used and return
            PDFUnit newAvail = _itemblock.CurrentRegion.AvailableHeight;
            PDFUnit used     = avail - newAvail;

        /// <summary>
        /// Layout the entry item number and returns the height used by the item number.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entry">The entry whose number should be laid out</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private PDFUnit LayoutItemNumber(ListNumberEntry entry, Style fullstyle)
            ListItem item = entry.ListItem;

            PDFUnit avail = _itemblock.CurrentRegion.AvailableHeight;

            ListItemLabel literal = (ListItemLabel)entry.NumberComponent;
            Style         applied = literal.GetAppliedStyle();

            if (null != applied)
                fullstyle = this.StyleStack.GetFullStyle(literal);

            //Get the text of the next number
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.NumberText))
                literal.Text = this.Component.Document.ListNumbering.Increment();
                literal.Text = entry.NumberText;

            //Set the list items label reference for future use if required.
            item.ItemLabelComponent = entry.NumberComponent;

            //Actually layout the item in the region
            this.DoLayoutAChild(item.ItemLabelComponent, fullstyle);

            // Calculate the height used and return
            PDFUnit newAvail = _itemblock.CurrentRegion.AvailableHeight;
            PDFUnit used     = avail - newAvail;

            if (null != applied)

        /// <summary>
        /// Lays out a single list item based on the entry, and the list position options
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index"></param>
        /// <param name="entry"></param>
        /// <param name="listPosOpts"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private PDFUnit LayoutAnItem(int index, ListNumberEntry entry, PDFPositionOptions listPosOpts)
            //restore the items applied style onto the stack

            Style   full        = entry.FullStyle;
            PDFUnit numberWidth = entry.NumberWidth;

            PDFArtefactRegistrationSet artefacts = entry.ListItem.RegisterLayoutArtefacts(this.Context, full);

            PDFPositionOptions itemopts = full.CreatePostionOptions();

            PDFUnit pageHeight = this.Context.DocumentLayout.CurrentPage.Height;
            PDFUnit h          = pageHeight;
            PDFUnit w          = _listBlock.AvailableBounds.Width;
            PDFUnit y          = _itemoffset;

            PDFUnit alley = DefaultListItemAlley;

            if (itemopts.HasAlleyWidth)
                alley = itemopts.AlleyWidth;
            else if (listPosOpts.HasAlleyWidth)
                alley = listPosOpts.AlleyWidth;

            if (itemopts.Height.HasValue)
                h = itemopts.Height.Value;
            else if (itemopts.Margins.IsEmpty == false)
                h -= itemopts.Margins.Top + itemopts.Margins.Bottom;
            h -= itemopts.Padding.Top + itemopts.Padding.Bottom;

            if (itemopts.Width.HasValue)
                w = itemopts.Width.Value;

            else if (itemopts.Margins.IsEmpty == false)
                w -= itemopts.Margins.Left + itemopts.Margins.Right;
            w -= itemopts.Padding.Left + itemopts.Padding.Right;

            PDFRect totalBounds = new PDFRect(PDFUnit.Zero, y, w, h);

            this._itemblock = _listBlock.BeginNewContainerBlock(entry.ListItem, this, full, itemopts.PositionMode);

            PDFColumnOptions colOpts = new PDFColumnOptions()
                AlleyWidth = alley, AutoFlow = false, ColumnCount = 2

            this._itemblock.InitRegions(totalBounds, itemopts, colOpts, this.Context);

            //Alter the widths of the regions to allow for only the number width

            PDFRect region1bounds = this._itemblock.Columns[0].TotalBounds;
            PDFUnit difference    = region1bounds.Width - numberWidth;

            region1bounds.Width = numberWidth;
            this._itemblock.Columns[0].TotalBounds = region1bounds;
            this._itemblock.Columns[0].HAlignment  = entry.NumberAlignment;

            PDFRect region2Bounds = this._itemblock.Columns[1].TotalBounds;

            if (region2Bounds.X > 0)
                region2Bounds.X -= difference;
            region2Bounds.Width += difference;
            this._itemblock.Columns[1].TotalBounds = region2Bounds;

            PDFUnit numberHeight = this.LayoutItemNumber(entry, full);


            bool    success       = this._itemblock.MoveToNextRegion(true, PDFUnit.Zero, this.Context); //Pass Zero as we are not interested in overflowing yet
            PDFUnit contentHeight = this.LayoutItemContent(entry);

            //check that we can fit - addind the margins and padding back in.
            PDFUnit itemHeight = PDFUnit.Max(numberHeight, contentHeight);

            if (itemopts.Height.HasValue)
                itemHeight = itemopts.Height.Value;
            else if (itemopts.Margins.IsEmpty == false)
                itemHeight += itemopts.Margins.Top + itemopts.Margins.Bottom;
            itemHeight += itemopts.Padding.Top + itemopts.Padding.Bottom;

            if (itemHeight > this._listBlock.AvailableBounds.Height - _itemoffset)
                PDFLayoutBlock  origparent = this.CurrentBlock;
                PDFLayoutRegion origregion = this.CurrentBlock.CurrentRegion;
                PDFLayoutBlock  origlist   = this._listBlock;
                PDFLayoutBlock  origItem   = this._itemblock;

                if (this._listBlock.Position.OverflowSplit == OverflowSplit.Never)
                    if (this.MoveFullListToNextRegion(_itemoffset + itemHeight))
                        //_itemoffset += itemHeight;
                        //PDFRect avail = _listBlock.AvailableBounds;
                        //avail.Height = avail.Height - _itemoffset;
                        this.Context.TraceLog.Add(TraceLevel.Warning, LOG_CATEGORY, "List '" + this.List.UniqueID + "' has filled the available space, and cannot overflow onto a new region. Layout has stopped at item index " + index);
                        this.ContinueLayout = false;
                else if (this.StartListInAnotherRegion(itemHeight, origItem, index))
                    _itemoffset = 0;
                    origItem.Offset(0, 0);
                    (origItem.Parent as PDFLayoutBlock).CurrentRegion.RemoveItem(origItem);
                    this.Context.TraceLog.Add(TraceLevel.Warning, LOG_CATEGORY, "List '" + this.List.UniqueID + "' has filled the available space, and cannot overflow onto a new region. Layout has stopped at item index " + index);

                    this.ContinueLayout = false;
            else if (this._itemblock.CurrentRegion.IsClosed)
                this._itemblock = this.CurrentBlock.LastOpenBlock();
                this._listBlock = this._itemblock.Parent as PDFLayoutBlock;

            if (null != this._itemblock)
                if (this._itemblock.CurrentRegion.IsClosed == false)

                if (this._itemblock.IsClosed == false)

            if (this.ContinueLayout)

            if (null != artefacts)
                entry.ListItem.CloseLayoutArtefacts(this.Context, artefacts, full);


        // List entry building

        #region private int BuildListEntries(PDFListStyle style, out PDFUnit width)

        /// <summary>
        /// Builds all the ListNumberEntries for all the ListItems in this lists items and stores
        /// them in a reference in this engine
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="style"></param>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int BuildListEntries(out PDFUnit width)
            int index = 0;
            HorizontalAlignment halign       = this.FullStyle.GetValue(StyleKeys.ListAlignmentKey, DefaultListItemAlignment);
            PDFUnit             defaultWidth = this.FullStyle.GetValue(StyleKeys.ListInsetKey, Const.DefaultListNumberInset);

            width = defaultWidth;

            this._entries = new List <ListNumberEntry>();

            foreach (ListItem item in this.List.Items)
                if (item.Visible)
                    Style applied, full;

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.DataStyleIdentifier) ||
                        !this.DocumentLayout.TryGetStyleWithIdentifier(item.DataStyleIdentifier, out applied, out full))
                        applied = item.GetAppliedStyle();
                        full = this.StyleStack.GetFullStyle(item);

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.DataStyleIdentifier))
                            this.DocumentLayout.SetStyleWithIdentifier(item.DataStyleIdentifier, applied, full);


                    if (full.Position.PositionMode == PositionMode.Invisible)

                        if (this.Context.ShouldLogDebug)
                            this.Context.TraceLog.Add(TraceLevel.Debug, "Layout", "Skipping over the layout of list item '" + item.UniqueID + "' as it is invisible");


                    PDFUnit itemWidth;
                    ListNumberingGroupStyle numberStyle;
                    HorizontalAlignment     itemHAlign = halign;
                    string    text;
                    Component itemNumber = BuildAListNumberComponent(item, full, ref itemHAlign, out numberStyle, out itemWidth, out text);

                    if (itemWidth < PDFUnit.Zero)
                        itemWidth = defaultWidth;
                        width = PDFUnit.Max(width, itemWidth);

                    ListNumberEntry entry = new ListNumberEntry()
                        NumberComponent  = itemNumber,
                        NumberGroupStyle = numberStyle,
                        ListItem         = item,
                        NumberWidth      = itemWidth,
                        FullStyle        = full,
                        AppliedStyle     = applied,
                        NumberIndex      = index,
                        NumberAlignment  = itemHAlign,
                        NumberText       = text

