private ListInstance ExtractFields(Web web, List siteList, List<FieldRef> contentTypeFields, ListInstance list, ListCollection lists)
            var siteColumns = web.Fields;
            web.Context.Load(siteColumns, scs => scs.Include(sc => sc.Id));

            var allowedFields = siteList.Fields.Where(field => !(BuiltInFieldId.Contains(field.Id) && field.Hidden));
            foreach (var field in allowedFields)
                if (siteColumns.FirstOrDefault(sc => sc.Id == field.Id) != null)
                    var addField = true;
                    if (siteList.ContentTypesEnabled && contentTypeFields.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == field.Id) == null)
                        if (contentTypeFields.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == field.Id) == null)
                            addField = false;

                    var fieldElement = XElement.Parse(field.SchemaXml);
                    var sourceId = fieldElement.Attribute("SourceID") != null ? fieldElement.Attribute("SourceID").Value : null;

                    if (sourceId != null && sourceId == "")
                        if (field.InternalName == "Editor" ||
                            field.InternalName == "Author" ||
                            field.InternalName == "Title" ||
                            field.InternalName == "ID" ||
                            field.InternalName == "Created" ||
                            field.InternalName == "Modified" ||
                            field.InternalName == "Attachments" ||
                            field.InternalName == "_UIVersionString" ||
                            field.InternalName == "DocIcon" ||
                            field.InternalName == "LinkTitleNoMenu" ||
                            field.InternalName == "LinkTitle" ||
                            field.InternalName == "Edit" ||
                            field.InternalName == "AppAuthor" ||
                            field.InternalName == "AppEditor" ||
                            field.InternalName == "ContentType" ||
                            field.InternalName == "ItemChildCount" ||
                            field.InternalName == "FolderChildCount" ||
                            field.InternalName == "LinkFilenameNoMenu" ||
                            field.InternalName == "LinkFilename" ||
                            field.InternalName == "_CopySource" ||
                            field.InternalName == "ParentVersionString" ||
                            field.InternalName == "ParentLeafName" ||
                            field.InternalName == "_CheckinComment" ||
                            field.InternalName == "FileLeafRef" ||
                            field.InternalName == "FileSizeDisplay" ||
                            field.InternalName == "Preview" ||
                            field.InternalName == "ThumbnailOnForm")
                            addField = false;
                    if (addField)

                        list.FieldRefs.Add(new FieldRef(field.InternalName)
                            Id = field.Id,
                            DisplayName = field.Title,
                            Required = field.Required,
                            Hidden = field.Hidden,
                        if (field.TypeAsString.StartsWith("TaxonomyField"))
                            // find the corresponding taxonomy field and include it anyway
                            var taxField = (TaxonomyField)field;
                            taxField.EnsureProperties(f => f.TextField, f => f.Id);

                            var noteField = siteList.Fields.GetById(taxField.TextField);
                            web.Context.Load(noteField, nf => nf.Id, nf => nf.Title, nf => nf.Required, nf => nf.Hidden, nf => nf.InternalName);

                            list.FieldRefs.Insert(0, new FieldRef(noteField.InternalName)
                                Id = noteField.Id,
                                DisplayName = noteField.Title,
                                Required = noteField.Required,
                                Hidden = noteField.Hidden
                    var schemaXml = ParseFieldSchema(field.SchemaXml, lists);
                    var fieldElement = XElement.Parse(field.SchemaXml);
                    var listId = fieldElement.Attribute("List") != null ? fieldElement.Attribute("List").Value : null;

                    if (listId == null)
                        list.Fields.Add((new Model.Field { SchemaXml = field.SchemaXml }));
                        var listIdValue = Guid.Empty;
                        if (Guid.TryParse(listId, out listIdValue))
                            var sourceList = lists.AsEnumerable().Where(l => l.Id == listIdValue).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (sourceList != null)
                                fieldElement.Attribute("List").SetValue(String.Format("{{listid:{0}}}", sourceList.Title));

                        list.Fields.Add(new Model.Field { SchemaXml = fieldElement.ToString() });

                    if (field.TypeAsString.StartsWith("TaxonomyField"))
                        // find the corresponding taxonomy field and include it anyway
                        var taxField = (TaxonomyField)field;
                        taxField.EnsureProperties(f => f.TextField, f => f.Id);

                        var noteField = siteList.Fields.GetById(taxField.TextField);
                        web.Context.Load(noteField, nf => nf.SchemaXml);
                        var noteSchemaXml = XElement.Parse(noteField.SchemaXml);
                        list.Fields.Insert(0, new Model.Field { SchemaXml = ParseFieldSchema(noteSchemaXml.ToString(), lists) });

            return list;