public static async void LanGameOptionsMenuInit(Window window, Game game)
            GameOptions = new GameOptionsUtil(window, game, "Lan");

            if (game.SkirmishManager.IsHosting)
                game.SkirmishManager.Settings.MapName = GameOptions.CurrentMap.Name;

            // Clear chat field
            var textChat = (TextBox)window.Controls.FindControl(TextEntryChatPrefix);

            textChat.Text = string.Empty;

            var buttonStart = (Button)window.Controls.FindControl($"LanGameOptionsMenu.wnd:ButtonStart");

            //TODO: Use the right language strings
            buttonStart.Text = game.SkirmishManager.IsHosting ? "Play Game" : "Accept";

            //game.SkirmishManager.OnStop += () =>
            //    //TODO: somehow make this work
            //    game.Scene2D.WndWindowManager.SetWindow(@"Menus\LanLobbyMenu.wnd");

            if (window.Tag == NetworkUtils.OnlineTag && game.SkirmishManager.IsHosting)
                var listBoxChat = (ListBox)window.Controls.FindControl(ListboxChatWindowLanGamePrefix);
                var listBoxItem = new ListBoxDataItem(null, new string[] { "Checking UPnP status..." }, ColorRgbaF.White);
                listBoxChat.Items = new[] { listBoxItem };

                if (UPnP.Status == UPnPStatus.Enabled)
                    if (await UPnP.ForwardPortsAsync())
                        listBoxItem.ColumnData[0] = $"Ports forwarded via UPnP. Your external IP is {UPnP.ExternalIP?.ToString() ?? "unknown."}";
                        listBoxItem.ColumnData[0] = $"Failed to forward ports via UPnP. Your external IP is {UPnP.ExternalIP?.ToString() ?? "unknown."}";
                    listBoxItem.ColumnData[0] = "UPnP is disabled.";
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static async void LanGameOptionsMenuInit(Window window, Game game)
            GameOptions = new GameOptionsUtil(window, game, "Lan");

            if (game.SkirmishManager.IsHosting)
                game.SkirmishManager.SkirmishGame.MapName = GameOptions.CurrentMap.Name;

            GameOptions.OnSlotIndexChange += (index, name, value) =>
                if (game?.SkirmishManager?.SkirmishGame == null)

                var slot = game.SkirmishManager.SkirmishGame.Slots[index];

                switch (name)
                case GameOptionsUtil.ComboBoxColorPrefix:
                    Logger.Trace($"Changed the color box to {value}");
                    slot.ColorIndex = (byte)value;

                case GameOptionsUtil.ComboBoxPlayerPrefix:
                    Logger.Trace($"Changed the player type box to {value}");


                case GameOptionsUtil.ComboBoxPlayerTemplatePrefix:
                    Logger.Trace($"Changed the faction box to {value}");
                    slot.FactionIndex = (byte)value;

                case GameOptionsUtil.ComboBoxTeamPrefix:
                    Logger.Trace($"Changed the team box to {value}");
                    slot.Team = (byte)value;

            // Clear chat field
            var textChat = (TextBox)window.Controls.FindControl(TextEntryChatPrefix);

            textChat.Text = string.Empty;

            var buttonStart = (Button)window.Controls.FindControl($"LanGameOptionsMenu.wnd:ButtonStart");

            //TODO: Use the right language strings
            buttonStart.Text = game.SkirmishManager.IsHosting ? "Play Game" : "Accept";

            //game.SkirmishManager.OnStop += () =>
            //    //TODO: somehow make this work
            //    game.Scene2D.WndWindowManager.SetWindow(@"Menus\LanLobbyMenu.wnd");

            if (window.Tag == NetworkUtils.OnlineTag && game.SkirmishManager.IsHosting)
                var listBoxChat = (ListBox)window.Controls.FindControl(ListboxChatWindowLanGamePrefix);
                var listBoxItem = new ListBoxDataItem(null, new string[] { "Checking UPnP status..." }, ColorRgbaF.White);
                listBoxChat.Items = new[] { listBoxItem };

                if (UPnP.Status == UPnPStatus.Enabled)
                    if (await UPnP.ForwardPortsAsync())
                        listBoxItem.ColumnData[0] = $"Ports forwarded via UPnP. Your external IP is {UPnP.ExternalIP?.ToString() ?? "unknown."}";
                        listBoxItem.ColumnData[0] = $"Failed to forward ports via UPnP. Your external IP is {UPnP.ExternalIP?.ToString() ?? "unknown."}";
                    listBoxItem.ColumnData[0] = "UPnP is disabled.";
        public static void LanLobbyMenuUpdate(Window window, Game game)
            if (!_game.LobbyManager.Updated)

            // Update games
            var games = _game.LobbyManager.Players.Where(x => x.Value.IsHosting);

            var listBoxGames = (ListBox)window.Controls.FindControl(ListBoxGamesPrefix);
            var items        = new List <ListBoxDataItem>(listBoxGames.Items);

            //remove items that are no longer in the list
            items.RemoveAll(x => games.Where(y => y.Key.Equals(((KeyValuePair <IPEndPoint, LobbyPlayer>)x.DataItem).Key)).Count() == 0);

            //update the items that are in the list
            items.ForEach(x => x.ColumnData = new[] { ((KeyValuePair <IPEndPoint, LobbyPlayer>)x.DataItem).Value.Name });

            //add the missing items to the list
            foreach (var lobbyPlayer in games)
                var existing = items.Find(x => ((KeyValuePair <IPEndPoint, LobbyPlayer>)x.DataItem).Key.Equals(lobbyPlayer.Key));
                if (existing == null)
                    existing = new ListBoxDataItem(lobbyPlayer, new[] { lobbyPlayer.Value.Name }, listBoxGames.TextColor);

                existing.ColumnData = new[] { lobbyPlayer.Value.Name };

            listBoxGames.Items = items.ToArray();

            // Update players
            var listBoxPlayers = (ListBox)window.Controls.FindControl(ListBoxPlayersPrefix);

            items = new List <ListBoxDataItem>(listBoxPlayers.Items);

            var players = _game.LobbyManager.Players.Where(x => x.Value.IsHosting == false);

            //remove items that are no longer in the list
            items.RemoveAll(x => players.Where(y => y.Key.Equals(((KeyValuePair <IPEndPoint, LobbyPlayer>)x.DataItem).Key)).Count() == 0);

            //add the missing items to the list
            foreach (var lobbyPlayer in players)
                var existing = items.Find(x => ((KeyValuePair <IPEndPoint, LobbyPlayer>)x.DataItem).Key.Equals(lobbyPlayer.Key));
                if (existing == null)
                    existing = new ListBoxDataItem(lobbyPlayer, new[] { lobbyPlayer.Value.Name }, listBoxPlayers.TextColor);

                existing.ColumnData = new[] { lobbyPlayer.Value.Name };

            listBoxPlayers.Items = items.ToArray();

            game.LobbyManager.Updated = false;