Exemplo n.º 1
        private Linkbase CreateLabelLinkbase(Taxonomy taxonomy, DiscoverableTaxonomySet dts)
            var linkbase = new Linkbase(GetLinkbaseFileName(taxonomy, "lab"));

            var labelLink = new LabelLink(LinkbaseXNames.Label, LinkRoles.Generic);

            linkbase.AddLink(labelLink, dts);

            var locCount = 0;
            var labCount = 0;

            foreach (var extensionItem in ExtensionItems)
                var locLabel = $"loc{locCount}";
                locCount += 1;
                var locNode = CreateLocatorNode(locLabel, extensionItem, dts);

                foreach (var extensionLabel in extensionItem.Labels)
                    var labLabel = $"lab{labCount}";
                    labCount += 1;
                    var labNode = new LabelNode(labLabel, extensionLabel.Role, extensionLabel.Text, extensionLabel.Language);

                    var arc = new LabelArc(locNode, labNode);

        private Linkbase ParseLinkbase(XElement xLinkbase, Uri fileName)
            var linkbase = new Linkbase(fileName);

            var xLinks = xLinkbase.Elements()
                         .Where(e => e.Attribute(XLinkXNames.Type)?.Value == XLinkTypes.Extended).ToList();

            foreach (var xLink in xLinks)
                var link = CreateLink(xLink);

                if (link != null)
                    linkbase.AddLink(link, _dts);

                    ParseNodes(xLink, link);
                    ParseArcs(xLink, link);

Exemplo n.º 3
        private Linkbase CreateDefinitionLinkbase(Taxonomy taxonomy, DiscoverableTaxonomySet dts)
            var linkbase = new Linkbase(GetLinkbaseFileName(taxonomy, "def"));

            var memberItems = ExtensionItems.OfType <ExtensionMember>().ToList();

            var groupedByHypercube = memberItems.SelectMany(i => i.Locations.Select(l =>
                                                                                    new { l.HypercubeName, Location = l, Item = i }))
                                     .GroupBy(d => d.HypercubeName)

            foreach (var groupByHypercube in groupedByHypercube)
                var hypercubeNode = dts.GetAllLinks()
                                    .Where(l => l.ElementName == LinkbaseXNames.Definition)
                                    .SelectMany(l => l.NodesMap.Values)
                                    .OfType <LocatorNode>()
                                    .SingleOrDefault(ln => ln.Item.Name == groupByHypercube.Key);
                if (hypercubeNode == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Could not find a hypercube (aka table) {groupByHypercube.Key} in the DTS.");

                var definitionLink = new DefinitionLink(LinkbaseXNames.Definition, hypercubeNode.Link.Role);
                linkbase.AddLink(definitionLink, dts);

                var locCount = 0;
                foreach (var locationAndItem in groupByHypercube)
                    var dimensionLocationNode = hypercubeNode.FromArcs
                                                .OfType <DefinitionArc>()
                                                .Select(da => da.ToLocator)
                                                .SingleOrDefault(ln => ln.Item.Name == locationAndItem.Location.DimensionName);

                    if (dimensionLocationNode == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Could not find a dimension (aka axis) {locationAndItem.Location.DimensionName} in the hypercube (aka table) {groupByHypercube.Key}.");

                    var parentNodeInBaseTaxonomy = FindParentNode(dimensionLocationNode, locationAndItem.Location.ParentName);
                    if (parentNodeInBaseTaxonomy == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"There is no member {locationAndItem.Location.ParentName} in the dimension {groupByHypercube.Key}.");

                    var siblingArcs = parentNodeInBaseTaxonomy.GetOrderedOutgoingHierarchicalArcs <DefinitionArc>();

                    double newOrder;
                        newOrder = DetermineOrder(locationAndItem.Location.PrecedingSiblingName, siblingArcs);
                    catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"The sibling {locationAndItem.Location.PrecedingSiblingName} was not found as a child of {locationAndItem.Location.ParentName} in the dimension {groupByHypercube.Key}.", ex);

                    var parentLocLabel = $"loc_{locCount}";
                    locCount += 1;
                    var parentNode = new LocatorNode(parentLocLabel, parentNodeInBaseTaxonomy.Item);

                    var locLabel = $"loc_{locCount}";
                    locCount += 1;
                    var locNode = CreateLocatorNode(locLabel, locationAndItem.Item, dts);

                    var arc = new DefinitionArc(parentNode, locNode, newOrder);

Exemplo n.º 4
        private Linkbase CreatePresentationLinkbase(Taxonomy taxonomy, DiscoverableTaxonomySet dts)
            var conceptItems = ExtensionItems.OfType <ExtensionConcept>().ToList(); // Does that include abstracts?

            var linkbase = new Linkbase(GetLinkbaseFileName(taxonomy, "pre"));

            var groupedByNetworkRole = conceptItems.SelectMany(i => i.Locations.Select(l =>
                                                                                       new { l.NetworkRole, Location = l, Item = i }))
                                       .GroupBy(d => d.NetworkRole)

            foreach (var groupByNetworkRole in groupedByNetworkRole)
                var presentationLink = new PresentationLink(LinkbaseXNames.Presentation, groupByNetworkRole.Key);
                linkbase.AddLink(presentationLink, dts);

                var locCount = 0;
                foreach (var locationAndItem in groupByNetworkRole)
                    var parentItem = dts.FindItem(locationAndItem.Location.ParentName);
                    if (parentItem == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"There is no concept {locationAndItem.Location.ParentName} in the DTS.");

                    var parentLocatorNodes = parentItem.Nodes
                                             .Where(n => n.Link.Role == groupByNetworkRole.Key).ToList();
                    if (!parentLocatorNodes.Any())
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"The concept {locationAndItem.Location.ParentName} is not in the presentation network {groupByNetworkRole.Key}.");

                    var siblingArcs = parentLocatorNodes.First().GetOrderedOutgoingHierarchicalArcs <PresentationArc>();

                    double newOrder;
                        newOrder = DetermineOrder(locationAndItem.Location.PrecedingSiblingName, siblingArcs);
                    catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"The sibling {locationAndItem.Location.PrecedingSiblingName} was not found as a child of {locationAndItem.Location.ParentName} in the presentation network {groupByNetworkRole.Key}.", ex);

                    var parentLocLabel = $"loc_{locCount}";
                    locCount += 1;
                    var parentNode = new LocatorNode(parentLocLabel, parentItem);

                    var childLocLabel = $"loc_{locCount}";
                    locCount += 1;
                    var childNode = CreateLocatorNode(childLocLabel, locationAndItem.Item, dts);

                    var arc = new PresentationArc(parentNode, childNode, newOrder, locationAndItem.Location.PreferredLabelRole);
