Exemplo n.º 1
        private List <FinalModel> Calculation(Result[] result)
            var final = new List <FinalModel>();

            var categories = result
                             .Select(s => s.Categorie)

            foreach (var categorie in categories)
                var questions = result
                                .Where(w => w.Categorie.Equals(categorie))
                                .Select(s => new QuestionResult
                    Question = s.Question,
                    Answer   = s.Answer,
                    Value    = Linguistic.GetValue(s.ImportQuestion, s.ImportAnswer)

                //var resultValue =

                final.Add(new FinalModel
                    Categorie = categorie,
                    Questions = questions,
                    Result    = Extension.GetResultValue(questions)

Exemplo n.º 2
        public void TestFuzzyRules1()
            Linguistic Beurteilung, Note1, Note2;

            Beurteilung = new Linguistic(nameof(Beurteilung));
            Beurteilung.Add("schlecht", (float)-0.01, 0, 8);
            Beurteilung.Add("mittel", 5, (float)8.5, 12);
            Beurteilung.Add("gut", 7, 15, (float)15.1);

            Note1 = new Linguistic(nameof(Note1));
            Note1.Add("1", float.MinValue, 1, 3);
            Note1.Add("2", 0, 2, 4);
            Note1.Add("3", 1, 3, 5);
            Note1.Add("4", 2, 4, 6);
            Note1.Add("5", 3, 5, float.MaxValue);

            Note2 = new Linguistic(nameof(Note2));
            Note2.Add("1", float.MinValue, 1, 3);
            Note2.Add("2", 0, 2, 4);
            Note2.Add("3", 1, 3, 5);
            Note2.Add("4", 2, 4, 6);
            Note2.Add("5", 3, 5, float.MaxValue);

            float     erg       = 0;
            Reasoning reasoning = new Reasoning(Beurteilung, Note1, Note2);

            //Beurteilung super
            reasoning.AddRule(nameof(Beurteilung), "gut", FuzzyOperator.AND, nameof(Note1), "1", nameof(Note2), "1");

            //Beurteilung gut
            reasoning.AddRule(Beurteilung, "gut", FuzzyOperator.AND, Note1, "1", Note2, "2");
            reasoning.AddRule(Beurteilung, "gut", FuzzyOperator.AND, Note1, "2", Note2, "3");
            reasoning.AddRule(Beurteilung, "gut", FuzzyOperator.AND, Note1, "1", Note2, "3");
            reasoning.AddRule(Beurteilung, "gut", FuzzyOperator.AND, Note1, "1", Note2, "4");

            //Beurteilung mittel
            reasoning.AddRule(Beurteilung, "mittel", FuzzyOperator.AND, Note1, "1", Note2, "5");
            reasoning.AddRule(Beurteilung, "mittel", FuzzyOperator.AND, Note1, "2", Note2, "4");
            reasoning.AddRule(Beurteilung, "mittel", FuzzyOperator.AND, Note1, "3", Note2, "4");
            reasoning.AddRule(Beurteilung, "mittel", FuzzyOperator.AND, Note1, "2", Note2, "5");

            //Beurteilung schlecht
            reasoning.AddRule(Beurteilung, "schlecht", FuzzyOperator.AND, Note1, "3", Note2, "5");
            reasoning.AddRule(Beurteilung, "schlecht", FuzzyOperator.AND, Note1, "4", Note2, "5");

            erg = reasoning.Execute();             // note1, note2, 0, 15
            Assert.True(erg > 12 && erg < 14);
            erg = reasoning.Execute();             // 1, 1, 1, 15
            Assert.True(erg > 12 && erg < 15);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void TestUnaryRule()
            Linguistic TotalWidth, TotalHeight, SizeRating;

            TotalWidth  = new Linguistic(nameof(TotalWidth), "not wide enough", "a good width", "too wide", 500, 2040, 2560, 4200);
            TotalHeight = new Linguistic(nameof(TotalHeight), "not high enough", "a good height", "too high", 500, 2400, 3200, 4200);
            SizeRating  = new Linguistic(nameof(SizeRating), "useless", "useful", 0, 6);
            Reasoning UnaryReasoning = new Reasoning(SizeRating, TotalWidth, TotalHeight);

            UnaryReasoning.AddRule(SizeRating, "useful", TotalWidth, "a good width");
            UnaryReasoning.AddRule(SizeRating, "useless", TotalWidth, "not wide enough");
            UnaryReasoning.AddRule(SizeRating, "useless", TotalWidth, "too wide");
            UnaryReasoning.AddRule(SizeRating, "useful", TotalHeight, "a good height");
            UnaryReasoning.AddRule(SizeRating, "useless", TotalHeight, "not high enough");
            UnaryReasoning.AddRule(SizeRating, "useless", TotalHeight, "too high");

            UnaryReasoning.Execute(new { TotalWidth = 500, TotalHeight = 650 });

            float erg = UnaryReasoning.OutVar.Value;

            // without adjusted tresholds this underspecified knowledgebase creates quite reasonable results either in term useful or useless
            // more rules with conjunctions (AND connected) would bring the reasoning quality up - see TestFuzzyOneStepInference
            bool b1 = UnaryReasoning.OutVar.IsTotally("useful");

            bool b2 = UnaryReasoning.OutVar.IsRather("useful");

            bool b3 = UnaryReasoning.OutVar.IsNotReally("useful");

            bool b4 = UnaryReasoning.OutVar.IsNotAtAll("useful");

            bool b5 = UnaryReasoning.OutVar.IsTotally("useless");

            bool b6 = UnaryReasoning.OutVar.IsRather("useless");

            bool b7 = UnaryReasoning.OutVar.IsNotReally("useless");

            bool b8 = UnaryReasoning.OutVar.IsNotAtAll("useless");

Exemplo n.º 4
        public void TestFuzzyRules2()
            #region define linguistic variables
            Linguistic TileSizeRating, TileWidth, TileHeight;
            TileSizeRating = new Linguistic(nameof(TileSizeRating), "too small", "good size", "too big", 0.0, 6.0, 8.0, 21.0);                // means: 7 is the optimum for "good size"
            TileWidth      = new Linguistic(nameof(TileWidth), "not wide enough", "a good width", "too wide", 50, 420, 420, 700);
            TileHeight     = new Linguistic(nameof(TileHeight), "not high enough", "a good height", "too high", 50, 420, 420, 700);

            Reasoning TileSizeReasoning = new Reasoning(TileSizeRating, TileWidth, TileHeight);

            #region add rules
            TileSizeReasoning.AddRule(TileSizeRating, "good size", FuzzyOperator.AND, TileWidth, "a good width", TileHeight, "a good height");
            TileSizeReasoning.AddRule(TileSizeRating, "too small", FuzzyOperator.AND, TileWidth, "not wide enough", TileHeight, "not high enough");
            TileSizeReasoning.AddRule(TileSizeRating, "too small", FuzzyOperator.AND, TileWidth, "not wide enough", TileHeight, "too high");
            TileSizeReasoning.AddRule(TileSizeRating, "too big", FuzzyOperator.AND, TileWidth, "too wide", TileHeight, "too high");
            TileSizeReasoning.AddRule(TileSizeRating, "too small", FuzzyOperator.AND, TileWidth, "too wide", TileHeight, "not high enough");

            float result0    = TileSizeReasoning.Execute(new { TileWidth = 208, TileHeight = 260 });
            float howGoodA   = TileSizeReasoning.OutVar["good size"].RuleMax;
            float howGoodB   = TileSizeRating["good size"].Value();
            float howTooBigA = TileSizeRating["too big"].RuleMax;
            float howTooBigB = TileSizeRating["too big"].Value();

            TileWidth.Value  = 180;
            TileHeight.Value = 320;
            float result1 = TileSizeReasoning.Execute();
            Assert.True(TileSizeRating["good size"].Value() > 0.83);
            Assert.True(9.9 < result1 && result1 < 10.1);

            float result3 = TileSizeReasoning.Execute(new { TileWidth = 235, TileHeight = 235 });
            Assert.True(TileSizeRating["too small"].Value() >= 0);
            Assert.True(TileSizeRating["good size"].Value() > 0.88);
            Assert.True(9.4 < result3 && result3 < 9.5);

            float result2 = TileSizeReasoning.Execute(new { TileWidth = 95, TileHeight = 121 });
            Assert.True(TileSizeReasoning.OutVar["good size"].Value() > TileSizeReasoning.OutVar["too big"].Value());

            float result4 = TileSizeReasoning.Execute(new { TileWidth = 30, TileHeight = 410 });
            Assert.True(TileSizeReasoning.OutVar.IsTotally("good size"));               // why would this be a good size for a tile; reconsider the examples
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void TestSelectionOfFuzzyTerms()
            Linguistic TileWidth;

            TileWidth       = new Linguistic(nameof(TileWidth), "not wide enough", "a good width", "too wide", 50, 160, 200, 420);
            TileWidth.Value = 180;
            var q    = (from x in TileWidth where TileWidth.IsTotally(x.Name) select x);
            var list = q.ToList().OrderByDescending(x => x.Value());

            Assert.Equal("a good width", list.First().Name);
            TileWidth.Value = 350;
            q = from x in TileWidth
                where x.Value() > 0
                select x;

            list = q.ToList().OrderByDescending(x => x.Value());
            Assert.Equal(2, list.Count());
            Assert.True(list.First().Value() > 0.73);
            Assert.True(list.Last().Value() < 0.32);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void TestFuzzyOneStepInference()
            Linguistic TileWidth, TileHeight, TotalWidth, TotalHeight, SizeRating;

            TileWidth   = new Linguistic(nameof(TileWidth), "not wide enough", "a good width", "too wide", 50, 160, 200, 420);
            TileHeight  = new Linguistic(nameof(TileHeight), "not high enough", "a good height", "too high", 50, 200, 250, 420);
            TotalWidth  = new Linguistic(nameof(TotalWidth), "not wide enough", "a good width", "too wide", 500, 2040, 2560, 4200);
            TotalHeight = new Linguistic(nameof(TotalHeight), "not high enough", "a good height", "too high", 500, 2400, 3200, 4200);

            SizeRating = new Linguistic(nameof(SizeRating), "useless", "useful", 0, 6);
            Reasoning SizeReasoning = new Reasoning(SizeRating, TileWidth, TileHeight, TotalWidth, TotalHeight);

            SizeReasoning.AddRuleSet(SizeRating, "useful", TileWidth, "a good width", TileHeight, "a good height", TotalWidth, "a good width", TotalHeight, "a good height");
            SizeReasoning.AddRulePermutations(SizeRating, "useless", TotalWidth, "not wide enough", "too wide", TotalHeight, "not high enough", "too high");
            SizeReasoning.AddRulePermutations(SizeRating, "useless", TileWidth, "not wide enough", "too wide", TileHeight, "not high enough", "too high");

            #region write test results to output window
            float result = SizeReasoning.Execute(new { TileWidth = 208, TileHeight = 260, TotalWidth = 2080, TotalHeight = 2600 });
            Console.WriteLine(TileWidth.Value + "x" + TileHeight.Value + " " + TotalWidth.Value + "x" + TotalHeight.Value + ": result {4:#.##}\t|\tuseful {0:##.#%}/{1:##.#%}\t|\tuseless {2:##.#%}/{3:##.#%}",
                              SizeRating["useful"].Value(), SizeRating["useful"].RuleMax, SizeRating["useless"].Value(), SizeRating["useless"].RuleMax, result);

            result = SizeReasoning.Execute(new { TileWidth = 208, TileHeight = 260, TotalWidth = 1040, TotalHeight = 1300 });
            Console.WriteLine(TileWidth.Value + "x" + TileHeight.Value + " " + TotalWidth.Value + "x" + TotalHeight.Value + ": result {4:#.##}\t|\tuseful {0:##.#%}/{1:##.#%}\t|\tuseless {2:##.#%}/{3:##.#%}",
                              SizeRating["useful"].Value(), SizeRating["useful"].RuleMax, SizeRating["useless"].Value(), SizeRating["useless"].RuleMax, result);

            result = SizeReasoning.Execute(new { TileWidth = 208, TileHeight = 260, TotalWidth = 832, TotalHeight = 1040 });
            Console.WriteLine(TileWidth.Value + "x" + TileHeight.Value + " " + TotalWidth.Value + "x" + TotalHeight.Value + ": result {4:#.##}\t|\tuseful {0:##.#%}/{1:##.#%}\t|\tuseless {2:##.#%}/{3:##.#%}",
                              SizeRating["useful"].Value(), SizeRating["useful"].RuleMax, SizeRating["useless"].Value(), SizeRating["useless"].RuleMax, result);

            result = SizeReasoning.Execute(new { TileWidth = 208, TileHeight = 260, TotalWidth = 624, TotalHeight = 780 });
            Console.WriteLine(TileWidth.Value + "x" + TileHeight.Value + " " + TotalWidth.Value + "x" + TotalHeight.Value + ": result {4:#.##}\t|\tuseful {0:##.#%}/{1:##.#%}\t|\tuseless {2:##.#%}/{3:##.#%}",
                              SizeRating["useful"].Value(), SizeRating["useful"].RuleMax, SizeRating["useless"].Value(), SizeRating["useless"].RuleMax, result);

            result = SizeReasoning.Execute(new { TileWidth = 208, TileHeight = 260, TotalWidth = 416, TotalHeight = 520 });
            Console.WriteLine(TileWidth.Value + "x" + TileHeight.Value + " " + TotalWidth.Value + "x" + TotalHeight.Value + ": result {4:#.##}\t|\tuseful {0:##.#%}/{1:##.#%}\t|\tuseless {2:##.#%}/{3:##.#%}",
                              SizeRating["useful"].Value(), SizeRating["useful"].RuleMax, SizeRating["useless"].Value(), SizeRating["useless"].RuleMax, result);

            result = SizeReasoning.Execute(new { TileWidth = 208, TileHeight = 260, TotalWidth = 320, TotalHeight = 400 });
            Console.WriteLine(TileWidth.Value + "x" + TileHeight.Value + " " + TotalWidth.Value + "x" + TotalHeight.Value + ": result {4:#.##}\t|\tuseful {0:##.#%}/{1:##.#%}\t|\tuseless {2:##.#%}/{3:##.#%}",
                              SizeRating["useful"].Value(), SizeRating["useful"].RuleMax, SizeRating["useless"].Value(), SizeRating["useless"].RuleMax, result);

            result = SizeReasoning.Execute(new { TileWidth = 208, TileHeight = 260, TotalWidth = 1664, TotalHeight = 2080 });
            Console.WriteLine(TileWidth.Value + "x" + TileHeight.Value + " " + TotalWidth.Value + "x" + TotalHeight.Value + ": result {4:#.##}\t|\tuseful {0:##.#%}/{1:##.#%}\t|\tuseless {2:##.#%}/{3:##.#%}",
                              SizeRating["useful"].Value(), SizeRating["useful"].RuleMax, SizeRating["useless"].Value(), SizeRating["useless"].RuleMax, result);

            result = SizeReasoning.Execute(new { TileWidth = 110, TileHeight = 110, TotalWidth = 880, TotalHeight = 1100 });
            Console.WriteLine(TileWidth.Value + "x" + TileHeight.Value + " " + TotalWidth.Value + "x" + TotalHeight.Value + ": result {4:#.##}\t|\tuseful {0:##.#%}/{1:##.#%}\t|\tuseless {2:##.#%}/{3:##.#%}",
                              SizeRating["useful"].Value(), SizeRating["useful"].RuleMax, SizeRating["useless"].Value(), SizeRating["useless"].RuleMax, result);

            result = SizeReasoning.Execute(new { TileWidth = 88, TileHeight = 110, TotalWidth = 880, TotalHeight = 1100 });
            Console.WriteLine(TileWidth.Value + "x" + TileHeight.Value + " " + TotalWidth.Value + "x" + TotalHeight.Value + ": result {4:#.##}\t|\tuseful {0:##.#%}/{1:##.#%}\t|\tuseless {2:##.#%}/{3:##.#%}",
                              SizeRating["useful"].Value(), SizeRating["useful"].RuleMax, SizeRating["useless"].Value(), SizeRating["useless"].RuleMax, result);

            #region test boolean operators
            result = SizeReasoning.Execute(new { TileWidth = 180, TileHeight = 225, TotalWidth = 2300, TotalHeight = 2800 });
            Console.WriteLine(TileWidth.Value + "x" + TileHeight.Value + " " + TotalWidth.Value + "x" + TotalHeight.Value + ": result {4:#.##}\t|\tuseful {0:##.#%}/{1:##.#%}\t|\tuseless {2:##.#%}/{3:##.#%}",
                              SizeRating["useful"].Value(), SizeRating["useful"].RuleMax, SizeRating["useless"].Value(), SizeRating["useless"].RuleMax, result);

            bool b0 = SizeReasoning.OutVar.IsTotally("useful");
            bool b1 = SizeReasoning.OutVar.IsRather("useful");
            bool b2 = SizeReasoning.OutVar.IsNotReally("useful");
            bool b3 = SizeReasoning.OutVar.IsNotAtAll("useful");
            bool b4 = SizeReasoning.OutVar.IsTotally("useless");
            bool b5 = SizeReasoning.OutVar.IsRather("useless");
            bool b6 = SizeReasoning.OutVar.IsNotReally("useless");
            bool b7 = SizeReasoning.OutVar.IsNotAtAll("useless");
            Assert.True(b0 && !b1 && !b2 && !b3 && !b4 && !b5 && !b6 && b7);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void TestFuzzyRulesTwoLevelInference()
            #region rules for the TileSize

            #region define linguistic variables
            Linguistic TileSizeRating, TileWidth, TileHeight;                                                          // to declare variables here enables the use of nameof in the following lines
            TileSizeRating = new Linguistic(nameof(TileSizeRating), "too small", "good size", "too big", 0, 6, 8, 14); // means: 6..8 is the optimum for "good size" (like pH levels: 7 is balanced)
            TileWidth      = new Linguistic(nameof(TileWidth), "not wide enough", "a good width", "too wide", 50, 208, 258, 420);
            TileHeight     = new Linguistic(nameof(TileHeight), "not high enough", "a good height", "too high", 50, 210, 260, 420);

            var TileSizeReasoning = new Reasoning(TileSizeRating, TileWidth, TileHeight);
            TileSizeReasoning.OutVar.Value = 16F;
            Assert.Same(TileSizeReasoning.OutVar, TileSizeRating);
            TileSizeReasoning.OutVar = new Linguistic("TileSizeRating", "too small", "good size", "too big", 0, 6, 8, 14);
            Assert.NotSame(TileSizeReasoning.OutVar, TileSizeRating);
            TileSizeReasoning.OutVar = TileSizeRating;
            Assert.Same(TileSizeReasoning.OutVar, TileSizeRating);

            #region add rules
            TileSizeReasoning.AddRule(TileSizeRating, "good size", FuzzyOperator.AND, TileWidth, "a good width", TileHeight, "a good height");
            //TileSizeReasoning.AddRule(TileSizeRating, "good size", TileWidth, "not wide enough", FuzzyOperator.AND, TileHeight, "a good height");
            TileSizeReasoning.AddRule(TileSizeRating, "too small", FuzzyOperator.AND, TileWidth, "not wide enough", TileHeight, "not high enough");
            //TileSizeReasoning.AddRule(TileSizeRating, "too small", TileWidth, "not wide enough", FuzzyOperator.AND, TileHeight, "too high");
            TileSizeReasoning.AddRule(TileSizeRating, "too big", FuzzyOperator.AND, TileWidth, "too wide", TileHeight, "too high");
            //TileSizeReasoning.AddRule(TileSizeRating, "too small", TileWidth, "too wide", FuzzyOperator.AND, TileHeight, "not high enough");

            // 1st level inference
            float result00 = TileSizeReasoning.Execute(new { TileWidth = 190, TileHeight = 180 });
            float result01 = TileSizeReasoning.Execute(new { TileWidth = 120, TileHeight = 120 });
            float result02 = TileSizeReasoning.Execute(new { TileWidth = 360, TileHeight = 480 });
            float result0  = TileSizeReasoning.Execute(new { TileWidth = 208, TileHeight = 260 });
            Assert.True(TileSizeRating["good size"].Value() > 0.95);


            #region rules for the TotalSize

            #region define linguistic variables
            Linguistic TotalSizeRating, TotalWidth, TotalHeight;
            TotalSizeRating = new Linguistic(nameof(TotalSizeRating), "too small", "good size", "too big", 0, 6, 8, 14);              // means: 6..8 is the optimum for "good size" (like pH levels: 7 is balanced)
            TotalWidth      = new Linguistic(nameof(TotalWidth), "not wide enough", "a good width", "too wide", 500, 2000, 2580, 4200);
            TotalHeight     = new Linguistic(nameof(TotalHeight), "not high enough", "a good height", "too high", 500, 2020, 2600, 4200);

            Reasoning TotalSizeReasoning = new Reasoning(TotalSizeRating, TotalWidth, TotalHeight);

            #region add rules
            TotalSizeReasoning.AddRule(TotalSizeRating, "good size", FuzzyOperator.AND, TotalWidth, "a good width", TotalHeight, "a good height");
            TotalSizeReasoning.AddRule(TotalSizeRating, "too small", FuzzyOperator.AND, TotalWidth, "not wide enough", TotalHeight, "not high enough");
            //TotalSizeReasoning.AddRule(TotalSizeRating, "too small", TotalWidth, "not wide enough", FuzzyOperator.AND, TotalHeight, "too high");
            TotalSizeReasoning.AddRule(TotalSizeRating, "too big", FuzzyOperator.AND, TotalWidth, "too wide", TotalHeight, "too high");
            //TotalSizeReasoning.AddRule(TotalSizeRating, "too small", TotalWidth, "too wide", FuzzyOperator.AND, TotalHeight, "not high enough");

            // still 1st level inference (parallel branch)
            TotalWidth.Value  = 2080;
            TotalHeight.Value = 2600;
            float result1 = TotalSizeReasoning.Execute();
            Assert.True(TotalSizeRating["good size"].Value() > 0.95);


            #region rules to combine TileSize and TotalSize
            Linguistic SizeRating;
            SizeRating = new Linguistic(nameof(SizeRating), "useless", "useful", 0, 10);
            Reasoning SizeReasoning = new Reasoning(SizeRating, TotalSizeRating, TileSizeRating);
            SizeReasoning.AddRule(SizeRating, "useful", FuzzyOperator.AND, TotalSizeRating, "good size", TileSizeRating, "good size");
            SizeReasoning.AddRule(SizeRating, "useful", FuzzyOperator.AND, TotalSizeRating, "too big", TileSizeRating, "good size");
            SizeReasoning.AddRule(SizeRating, "useful", FuzzyOperator.AND, TotalSizeRating, "good size", TileSizeRating, "too small");
            SizeReasoning.AddRule(SizeRating, "useless", FuzzyOperator.AND, TotalSizeRating, "too small", TileSizeRating, "too big");
            SizeReasoning.AddRule(SizeRating, "useless", FuzzyOperator.AND, TotalSizeRating, "too small", TileSizeRating, "too small");

            #region reasoning for the 2nd level
            float result0and1 = SizeReasoning.Execute();