Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Load_LinearRegression()
            string xml = @"<?xml version=""1.0""?>
  <Descriptor Type=""None"" Name="""">
    <Features Length=""2"">
      <Property Name=""LeftOperand"" Type=""Double"" Discrete=""False"" Start=""0"" />
      <Property Name=""RightOperand"" Type=""Double"" Discrete=""False"" Start=""1"" />
      <Property Name=""Result"" Type=""Double"" Discrete=""False"" Start=""-1"" />
  <v size=""3"">
  <v size=""2"">
  <v size=""2"">

            LinearRegressionModel model = new LinearRegressionModel();

        private static void TestLinearRegression(FeatureVector training, FeatureVector test)
            LinearRegression      lr          = new LinearRegression();
            LinearRegressionModel lrModel     = (LinearRegressionModel)lr.Fit(training);
            FeatureVector         predictions = lrModel.transform(test);

Exemplo n.º 3
        private static void TestMSELinearRegression()
            var x = np.array(new double[, ] {
                { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { 2, 2, 2, 2 }
            var weights = np.array(new double[] { 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 });
            var y       = np.array(new double[] { 3, 3 });

            var resultat = LinearRegressionModel.MSELinearRegression(weights, x, y);

Exemplo n.º 4
        private static void TestCostDerivative()
            var x = np.array(new double[, ] {
                { 1.95223362, 0.19171514, 0.00512253, 0.80421507 }, { 2.33011483, 0.07497046, 2.37159478, 0.77167166 }
            var weights = np.array(new double[] { 0.93176825, 1.25294411, 1.08222077, 1.04574184, 1.54479269 });
            var y       = np.array(new double[] { 2, 1 });

            var resultat = LinearRegressionModel.CostDerivative(weights, x, y);

Exemplo n.º 5
        private static void TestLinearRegression()
            var lrm = new LinearRegressionModel {
                Weights = np.array(new double[] { 2, 4, 6, 2, 2 })
            var x = np.array(new double[][] { new double[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 } });

            var list = LinearRegressionModel.MatrixToDataSet(x);

            var resultat = lrm.Predict(list);

Exemplo n.º 6
        private static void TestGradientDescent()
            var x = np.array(new double[, ] {
                { 1.95223362, 0.19171514, 0.00512253, 0.80421507 }, { 2.33011483, 0.07497046, 2.37159478, 0.77167166 }
            var y        = np.array(new double[] { 2, 1 });
            var weight   = np.array(np.random.rand(x.shape[1] + 1)).reshape(x.shape[1] + 1, 1);
            var progress = LinearRegressionModel.GradientDescent(ref weight, x, y, 500, 0.1);

            foreach (var d in progress)
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void TestLinearEquationCalculation()
            List <UMCLight> observedUmcList = null;
            List <UMCLight> targetUmcList   = null;

            CreateObservedAndTargetUmcLists(ref observedUmcList, ref targetUmcList);

            var xyDataList =
                observedUmcList.Select((t, i) => new XYData(t.DriftTime, targetUmcList[i].DriftTime)).ToList();

            var regression     = new LinearRegressionModel();
            var linearEquation = regression.CalculateRegression(xyDataList);

            Assert.AreEqual(Math.Round(linearEquation.Slope, 4), 0.7142);
            Assert.AreEqual(Math.Round(linearEquation.Intercept, 4), 1.1324);
Exemplo n.º 8
        private static void TestFit()
            var lrm = new LinearRegressionModel {
                Weights = np.array(new double[] { 2, 4, 6, 2, 2 })
            var x = np.array(new double[, ] {
                { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { 2, 5, 2, 2 }, { 2, 3, 2, 2 }, { 5, 2, 2, 2 }, { 2, 2, 3, 2 }, { 7, 2, 2, 2 }, { 2, 6, 2, 2 }, { 2, 4, 2, 2 }, { 2, 3, 3, 2 }, { 2, 2, 2, 8 }

            var list = LinearRegressionModel.MatrixToDataSet(x);

            var yList = lrm.Predict(list);
            var y     = np.array(yList.Cast <double>().ToArray());

            Console.WriteLine($"Weights {lrm.Weights.ToString()}");
            Console.WriteLine($"X {x.ToString()}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Y { y.ToString()}");

            lrm.Fit(list, yList);

            Console.WriteLine($"Weights after fit {lrm.Weights.ToString()}");
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Aligns features to the baseline correcting for drift time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fullObservedEnumerable">All features.</param>
        /// <param name="observedEnumerable">Filtered features to use for drift time correction.</param>
        /// <param name="targetEnumerable">Expected features that should be filtered.</param>
        /// <param name="massTolerance">PPM Mass Tolerance.</param>
        /// <param name="netTolerance">Normalized Elution Time Tolerance.</param>
        public static DriftTimeAlignmentResults <TTarget, TObserved> AlignObservedEnumerable(IEnumerable <UMCLight> fullObservedEnumerable, IEnumerable <TTarget> observedEnumerable, IEnumerable <TObserved> targetEnumerable, double massTolerance, double netTolerance)
            // Setup Tolerance for Feature Matching
            var featureMatcherParameters = new FeatureMatcherParameters();

            featureMatcherParameters.SetTolerances(massTolerance, netTolerance, DRIFT_TIME_TOLERANCE);
            featureMatcherParameters.UseDriftTime = true;

            // Find all matches based on defined tolerances
            var featureMatcher = new FeatureMatcher <TTarget, TObserved>(observedEnumerable.ToList(), targetEnumerable.ToList(), featureMatcherParameters);
            var matchList      = featureMatcher.FindMatches(observedEnumerable.ToList(), targetEnumerable.ToList(), featureMatcherParameters.UserTolerances, 0);

            // Create <ObservedDriftTime, TargetDriftTime> XYData List
            var xyDataList = new List <XYData>();

            foreach (var featureMatch in matchList)
                var xyData = new XYData(featureMatch.ObservedFeature.DriftTime, featureMatch.TargetFeature.DriftTime);

            var linearRegression = new LinearRegressionModel();

            // Find the Linear Equation for the <ObservedDriftTime, TargetDriftTime> XYData List
            var linearEquation = linearRegression.CalculateRegression(xyDataList);

            // Set the Aligned Drift Time value for each of the observed Features, even if they were not found in matching
            foreach (var observedT in fullObservedEnumerable)
                observedT.DriftTimeAligned = linearRegression.Transform(linearEquation, observedT.DriftTime);

            var results = new DriftTimeAlignmentResults <TTarget, TObserved>(matchList, linearEquation);

        public ActionResult PredictionCalculate(CropYieldRequest mvcModel)
            // Multiple linear regression can be performed using
            // the LinearRegressionModel class.

            // This QuickStart sample uses data test scores of 200 high school
            // students, including science, math, and reading.

            // First, read the data from a file into a data frame.
            var data = DataFrame.ReadCsv(@"C:\SF.Code\Extreme\Extreme\test3.csv");

            //// Now create the regression model. Parameters are the data frame,
            //// the name of the dependent variable, and a string array containing
            //// the names of the independent variables.
            //var model = new LinearRegressionModel(data, "science", new string[] {"math", "female", "socst", "read"});

            // Alternatively, we can use a formula to describe the variables
            // in the model. The dependent variable goes on the left, the
            // independent variables on the right of the ~:
            //var model2 = new LinearRegressionModel(data,
            //      "science ~ math + female + socst + read");
            var model = new LinearRegressionModel(data, "Yield ~ Temperature + NDVI + Rainfall");

            // We can set model options now, such as whether to exclude
            // the constant term:
            // model.NoIntercept = false;

            // The Compute method performs the actual regression analysis.

            // The Parameters collection contains information about the regression
            // parameters.
            //Console.WriteLine("Variable\t           Value         Std.Error       t-stat  p-Value");
            double[] ValuesToSend = new double[10];
            int      count        = 0;

            foreach (Parameter parameter in model.Parameters)
                // Parameter objects have the following properties:
                Console.WriteLine("{0,-20}\t {1,10:F2}\t {2,10:F6} {3,8:F2}\t {4,7:F5}",
                                  // Name, usually the name of the variable:
                                  // Estimated value of the parameter:
                                  // Standard error:
                                  // The value of the t statistic for the hypothesis that the parameter
                                  // is zero.
                                  // Probability corresponding to the t statistic.
                ValuesToSend[count] = parameter.Value; count++;

            // In addition to these properties, Parameter objects have
            // a GetConfidenceInterval method that returns
            // a confidence interval at a specified confidence level.
            // Notice that individual parameters can be accessed
            // using their numeric index. Parameter 0 is the intercept,
            // if it was included.
            //Interval confidenceInterval = model.Parameters[0].GetConfidenceInterval(0.95);
            //Console.WriteLine(" for intercept: {0:F4} - {1:F4}",
            //    confidenceInterval.LowerBound, confidenceInterval.UpperBound);

            // Parameters can also be accessed by name:
            //confidenceInterval = model.Parameters.Get("NDVI").GetConfidenceInterval(0.95);
            //Console.WriteLine("95% confidence interval for 'NDVI': {0:F4} - {1:F4}",
            //    confidenceInterval.LowerBound, confidenceInterval.UpperBound);

            // There is also a wealth of information about the analysis available
            // through various properties of the LinearRegressionModel object:
            //Console.WriteLine("Residual standard error: {0:F3}", model.StandardError);
            //Console.WriteLine("R-Squared:\t          {0:F4}", model.RSquared);
            //Console.WriteLine("Adjusted R-Squared:\t  {0:F4}", model.AdjustedRSquared);
            //Console.WriteLine("F-statistic:             {0:F4}", model.FStatistic);
            //Console.WriteLine("Corresponding p-value:   {0:F5}", model.PValue);

            // Much of this data can be summarized in the form of an ANOVA table:

            // All this information can be printed using the Summarize method.
            // You will also see summaries using the library in C# interactive.

            LanguageVm eng = new LanguageVm
                Home    = "Home",
                Graph   = "Graphs",
                Chart   = "Charts",
                About   = "About",
                Contact = "Contact",
                MapSrc  = "https://ryoeun0.carto.com/builder/3237491e-11e9-11e7-89c3-0e05a8b3e3d7/embed"

            ViewBag.CropYield = (ValuesToSend[0] +
                                 ValuesToSend[1] * mvcModel.Temperature +
                                 ValuesToSend[2] * mvcModel.NDVI +
                                 ValuesToSend[3] * mvcModel.Rainfall).ToString("f2");
            ViewBag.RSquared = model.RSquared.ToString("f4");

            return(View("Prediction", eng));
        public async Task <ActionResult <IEnumerable <LinearRegressionModel> > > GenerateLinearCostForecast()
            Forecast forecast = new Forecast();
            //get the cost data and dates
            Procedures proc    = new Procedures(_db, _config);
            var        results = (await proc.SummaryPeriodCostsAsync(Procedures.Period.Daily)).FirstOrDefault();

            LinearRegressionModel data = new LinearRegressionModel();

            if (results.dataPoints.Count == 0)
                var _day  = DateTime.DaysInMonth(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month);
                var _date = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, _day);
                data.rSquared      = 0;
                data.yIntercept    = 0;
                data.slope         = 0;
                data.start         = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now).ToUnixTimeSeconds();
                data.end           = new DateTimeOffset(_date).ToUnixTimeSeconds();
                data.numOfElements = 0;

                return(new List <LinearRegressionModel> {
            if (results.dataPoints.Count == 1)
                var _day  = DateTime.DaysInMonth(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month);
                var _date = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, _day);
                data.rSquared      = 0;
                data.yIntercept    = results.dataPoints.FirstOrDefault().y;
                data.slope         = 0;
                data.start         = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now).ToUnixTimeSeconds();
                data.end           = new DateTimeOffset(_date).ToUnixTimeSeconds();
                data.numOfElements = 1;

                return(new List <LinearRegressionModel> {
            var x = results.dataPoints.Select(row => row.x); //datetime data
            var y = results.dataPoints.Select(row => row.y); //cost data <double>

            DateTime start  = x.ElementAt(0);
            DateTime second = x.ElementAt(1);
            DateTime end    = x.Last();

            var epochDates = forecast.generateUnixEpochFromDatetime(start, end, x.Count());

            double rSquared, yIntercept, slope;

            forecast.LinearRegression(epochDates.ToArray(), y.ToArray(), out rSquared, out yIntercept, out slope);

            data.rSquared      = rSquared;
            data.yIntercept    = yIntercept;
            data.slope         = slope;
            data.start         = epochDates.First();
            data.end           = epochDates.Last();
            data.numOfElements = epochDates.Count();

            return(new List <LinearRegressionModel> {
Exemplo n.º 12
        private void buttonForDataSplitNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            trainingSetPercentage = (double)numericUpDownForTrainingSetPercent.Value / 100.0;
            numFolds = (int)numericUpDownForNumFolds.Value;

            double[] smaOut         = null;
            double[] wmaOut         = null;
            double[] emaOut         = null;
            double[] macdOut        = null;
            double[] stochasticsOut = null;
            double[] williamsROut   = null;
            double[] rsiOut         = null;
            double[] closesOut      = null;

            var data = IndicatorService.GetData(code, targetDate, new string[] { "Tarih", "Kapanis" }, numberOfData + 1);

            if (isSMAChecked)
                smaOut = IndicatorDataPreprocessor.GetSMAOut(MovingAverage.Simple(code, targetDate, smaPeriod, numberOfData));
            if (isWMAChecked)
                wmaOut = IndicatorDataPreprocessor.GetWMAOut(MovingAverage.Weighted(code, targetDate, wmaPeriod, numberOfData));
            if (isEMAChecked)
                emaOut = IndicatorDataPreprocessor.GetEMAOut(MovingAverage.Exponential(code, targetDate, emaPeriod, numberOfData));
            if (isMACDChecked)
                macdOut = IndicatorDataPreprocessor.GetMACDOut(new MovingAverageConvergenceDivergence(code, targetDate, firstPeriod, secondPeriod, triggerPeriod, numberOfData));
            if (isStochasticsChecked)
                stochasticsOut = IndicatorDataPreprocessor.GetStochasticsOut(new Stochastics(code, targetDate, fastKPeriod, fastDPeriod, slowDPeriod, numberOfData));
            if (isWilliamsRChecked)
                williamsROut = IndicatorDataPreprocessor.GetWilliamsROut(WilliamsR.Wsr(code, targetDate, williamsRPeriod, numberOfData));
            if (isRSIChecked)
                rsiOut = IndicatorDataPreprocessor.GetRSIOut(RelativeStrengthIndex.Rsi(code, targetDate, rsiPeriod, numberOfData));
            closesOut = IndicatorDataPreprocessor.GetClosesOut(numberOfData, data);

            int minRowCount = 1000000;

            if (smaOut != null)
                minRowCount = smaOut.Length;
            if (wmaOut != null)
                minRowCount = minRowCount < wmaOut.Length ? minRowCount : wmaOut.Length;
            if (emaOut != null)
                minRowCount = minRowCount < emaOut.Length ? minRowCount : emaOut.Length;
            if (macdOut != null)
                minRowCount = minRowCount < macdOut.Length ? minRowCount : macdOut.Length;
            if (rsiOut != null)
                minRowCount = minRowCount < rsiOut.Length ? minRowCount : rsiOut.Length;
            if (williamsROut != null)
                minRowCount = minRowCount < williamsROut.Length ? minRowCount : williamsROut.Length;
            if (stochasticsOut != null)
                minRowCount = minRowCount < stochasticsOut.Length ? minRowCount : stochasticsOut.Length;
            if (closesOut != null)
                minRowCount = minRowCount < closesOut.Length ? minRowCount : closesOut.Length;

            var fv = new FeatureVector();

            if (isSMAChecked)
                fv.AddColumn("SMA", smaOut.Select(p => (object)p.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).Take(minRowCount).ToArray());
            if (isWMAChecked)
                fv.AddColumn("WMA", wmaOut.Select(p => (object)p.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).Take(minRowCount).ToArray());
            if (isEMAChecked)
                fv.AddColumn("EMA", emaOut.Select(p => (object)p.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).Take(minRowCount).ToArray());
            if (isMACDChecked)
                fv.AddColumn("MACD", macdOut.Select(p => (object)p.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).Take(minRowCount).ToArray());
            if (isRSIChecked)
                fv.AddColumn("RSI", rsiOut.Select(p => (object)p.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).Take(minRowCount).ToArray());
            if (isWilliamsRChecked)
                fv.AddColumn("WilliamsR", williamsROut.Select(p => (object)p.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).Take(minRowCount).ToArray());
            if (isStochasticsChecked)
                fv.AddColumn("Stochastics", stochasticsOut.Select(p => (object)p.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).Take(minRowCount).ToArray());
            fv.AddColumn("label", closesOut.Select(p => (object)string.Format("{0:0.0}", p).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).Take(minRowCount).ToArray());

            var training = new FeatureVector();
            var test     = new FeatureVector();
            int count    = fv.Values[0].Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < fv.ColumnName.Count; i++)
                training.AddColumn(fv.ColumnName[i], fv.Values[i].Take((int)(count * trainingSetPercentage)).ToArray());

            for (int i = 0; i < fv.ColumnName.Count; i++)
                test.AddColumn(fv.ColumnName[i], fv.Values[i].Skip((int)(count * trainingSetPercentage)).Take(count).ToArray()); // Take(count) means take the rest of all elements, number of the rest of the elements is smaller than count.

            if (numFolds > 0)
                BinaryClassificationEvaluator bce1    = new BinaryClassificationEvaluator();
                LinearRegression    linearRegression  = new LinearRegression();
                CrossValidator      cvLinReg          = new CrossValidator(linearRegression, bce1, numFolds);
                CrossValidatorModel cvLinRegModel     = (CrossValidatorModel)cvLinReg.Fit(training);
                FeatureVector       linRegPredictions = cvLinRegModel.transform(test);
                linRegAcc = bce1.Accuracy;

                BinaryClassificationEvaluator bce2 = new BinaryClassificationEvaluator();
                LogisticRegression            logisticRegression = new LogisticRegression();
                CrossValidator      cvLogReg          = new CrossValidator(logisticRegression, bce2, numFolds);
                CrossValidatorModel cvLogRegModel     = (CrossValidatorModel)cvLogReg.Fit(training);
                FeatureVector       logRegPredictions = cvLogRegModel.transform(test);
                logRegAcc = bce2.Accuracy;

                BinaryClassificationEvaluator bce3    = new BinaryClassificationEvaluator();
                NaiveBayes          naiveBayes        = new NaiveBayes();
                CrossValidator      cvNaiBay          = new CrossValidator(naiveBayes, bce3, numFolds);
                CrossValidatorModel cvNaiBayModel     = (CrossValidatorModel)cvNaiBay.Fit(training);
                FeatureVector       naiBayPredictions = cvNaiBayModel.transform(test);
                naiBayAcc = bce3.Accuracy;
                BinaryClassificationEvaluator bce1          = new BinaryClassificationEvaluator();
                LinearRegression      linearRegression      = new LinearRegression();
                LinearRegressionModel linearRegressionModel = (LinearRegressionModel)linearRegression.Fit(training);
                FeatureVector         linRegPredictions     = linearRegressionModel.transform(test);
                linRegAcc = bce1.Accuracy;

                BinaryClassificationEvaluator bce2 = new BinaryClassificationEvaluator();
                LogisticRegression            logicticRegression      = new LogisticRegression();
                LogisticRegressionModel       logisticRegressionModel = (LogisticRegressionModel)logicticRegression.Fit(training);
                FeatureVector logRegPredictions = logisticRegressionModel.transform(test);
                logRegAcc = bce2.Accuracy;

                BinaryClassificationEvaluator bce3 = new BinaryClassificationEvaluator();
                NaiveBayes      naiveBayes         = new NaiveBayes();
                NaiveBayesModel naiveBayesModel    = (NaiveBayesModel)naiveBayes.Fit(training);
                FeatureVector   naiBayPredictions  = naiveBayesModel.transform(test);
                naiBayAcc = bce3.Accuracy;

            labelForLinRegAcc.Text = linRegAcc.ToString();
            labelForLogRegAcc.Text = logRegAcc.ToString();
            labelForNaiBayAcc.Text = naiBayAcc.ToString();

Exemplo n.º 13
        private void buttonAnalyze_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Model  newModel = new Model();
            string formula  = "SalePrice ~ " + string.Join(" + ", typeof(Flat).GetProperties()
                                                           .Where(o => o.Name != "Id" && o.Name != "SalePrice").Select(o => o.Name).ToArray());

            string[] stats = null;
            Extreme.DataAnalysis.Models.RegressionModel regression = null;
            switch (comboBoxModels.Text)
            case "Linear regression":
                newModel.Name = "Linear regression";
                LinearRegressionModel model1 = new LinearRegressionModel(DataFrame.FromDataTable(flatsRepos.GetDataFrame()), formula);

                newModel.ResidualStandardError = model1.StandardError;
                newModel.RSquared            = model1.RSquared;
                newModel.AdjustedRSquared    = model1.AdjustedRSquared;
                newModel.FStatistic          = model1.FStatistic;
                newModel.CorrespondingPValue = model1.PValue;

                stats = new string[]
                    $"Residual standard error:   {model1.StandardError:f2}",
                    $"R-Squared:   {model1.RSquared:f2}",
                    $"Adjusted R-Squared:   {model1.AdjustedRSquared:f2}",
                    $"F-statistic:   {model1.FStatistic:f2}",
                    $"Corresponding p-value:   {model1.PValue:f2}"
                regression = model1;

            /* case "Logistic regression":
             *  LogisticRegressionModel model2 = new LogisticRegressionModel(DataFrame.FromDataTable(flatsRepos.GetDataFrame()), formula);
             *  model2.Compute();
             *  Extreme.Statistics.Tests.SimpleHypothesisTest lrt = model2.GetLikelihoodRatioTest();
             *  newModel.LogLikehood = model2.LogLikelihood;
             *  newModel.ChiSquared = lrt.Statistic;
             *  newModel.CorrespondingPValue = lrt.PValue;
             *  stats = new string[]
             *  {
             *      $"Log-likelihood:   {model2.LogLikelihood:f2}",
             *      $"Chi-Squared:   {lrt.Statistic:f2}",
             *      $"P-Value:   {lrt.PValue:f2}"
             *  };
             *  //regression = model2;
             *  break;*/
            case "Generalized linear regression":
                newModel.Name = "Generalized linear regression: " + comboBoxGeneralizedType.Text;
                GeneralizedLinearModel model3 = new GeneralizedLinearModel(DataFrame.FromDataTable(flatsRepos.GetDataFrame()), formula);
                switch (comboBoxGeneralizedType.Text)
                case "Binomial":
                    model3.ModelFamily = ModelFamily.Binomial;

                case "InverseGaussian":
                    model3.ModelFamily = ModelFamily.InverseGaussian;

                case "Normal":
                    model3.ModelFamily = ModelFamily.Normal;

                case "Poisson":
                    model3.ModelFamily = ModelFamily.Poisson;

                if (comboBoxGeneralizedType.Text == "Normal" || comboBoxGeneralizedType.Text == "Poisson")
                    newModel.LogLikehood       = model3.LogLikelihood;
                    newModel.KernelLogLikehood = model3.GetKernelLogLikelihood();
                    newModel.Akaike            = model3.GetAkaikeInformationCriterion();
                    newModel.CorrectedAIC      = model3.GetCorrectedAkaikeInformationCriterion();
                    newModel.Bayesian          = model3.GetBayesianInformationCriterion();
                    newModel.ChiSquared        = model3.GetChiSquare();
                    stats = new string[]
                        $"Log likelihood   {model3.LogLikelihood:f2}",
                        $"Kernel log likelihood:   {model3.GetKernelLogLikelihood():f2}",
                        $"Akaike (AIC):   {model3.GetAkaikeInformationCriterion():f2}",
                        $"Corrected AIC:   {model3.GetCorrectedAkaikeInformationCriterion():f2}",
                        $"Bayesian (BIC):   { model3.GetBayesianInformationCriterion():f2}",
                        $"Chi Square:   { model3.GetChiSquare():f2}"
                regression = model3;
            foreach (Parameter parameter in regression.Parameters)
                typeof(Model).GetProperty(parameter.Name).SetValue(newModel, parameter.Value);
            dataGridViewParams.DataSource = regression.Parameters.ToArray();
            dataGridViewParams.Columns[dataGridViewParams.Columns.Count - 1].Visible = false;
            if (stats != null)