Exemplo n.º 1
 public GridData(eState[,] tileStates)
     _tileStates  = (eState[, ])tileStates.Clone();
     _winningLine = null;
     _width       = tileStates.GetLength(0);
     _height      = tileStates.GetLength(1);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private CompResult ComputeParallelLines(double width, List <MyPoint3D> cartPolygon, LineDefinition lineDef, List <MyPoint3D> intersections, bool addLinesToMap)
            CompResult result = new CompResult();

            while (intersections.Count > 1)
                intersections = intersections.Distinct(new MyPoint3D.MyPoint3D_EqualityComparer()).ToList();
                if (intersections.Min(p => p.Y) == intersections.Max(p => p.Y))
                    intersections.Sort(new MyPoint3D.MyPoint3D_ComparerByX());
                    intersections.Sort(new MyPoint3D.MyPoint3D_ComparerByY());

                for (int i = 0; i < intersections.Count - 1; i += 2)
                    var p1 = intersections[i + 1];
                    var p2 = intersections[i];
                    result.LinesLength += (p1 - p2).Norm;
                    if (addLinesToMap)
                        AddLineToMap(p1, p2);
                        AddSwathToMap(p1, p2, width);
                lineDef       = LineDefinition.GetParallelLine(lineDef, width);
                intersections = Utility.GetHeadlandIntersections(cartPolygon, lineDef, width);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the value of PWL for given time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="time">Time.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// PWL's value for given time.
        /// </returns>
        protected double GetLineValue(double time)
            while (_currentLineIndex < _pwlPoints)
                if (Times[_currentLineIndex] >= time)
                    long prevLineIndex = _currentLineIndex - 1;
                    if (prevLineIndex >= 0)
                        if (_lineDefinition == null)
                            _lineDefinition  = CreateLineParameters(Times[prevLineIndex], Times[_currentLineIndex], Voltages[prevLineIndex], Voltages[_currentLineIndex]);
                            _breakPointAdded = false;
                        return((_lineDefinition.A * time) + _lineDefinition.B);

                _breakPointAdded = false;
                _lineDefinition  = null;

            return(Voltages[_pwlPoints - 1]);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public void IncrementScore(int winner, LineDefinition winningLine)
     if(winner > -1)
Exemplo n.º 5
 public GridData(eState[,] tileStates)
     _tileStates = (eState[,])tileStates.Clone();
     _winningLine = null;
     _width = tileStates.GetLength(0);
     _height = tileStates.GetLength(1);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public void IncrementScore(int winner, LineDefinition winningLine)
     if (winner > -1)
 public void HighlightWinningLine(int winner, LineDefinition winningLine)
     if(winningLine != null)
         StartCoroutine(_gridDisplay.FlashWinningTiles(winningLine, _gameManager.ResetScene));
 public void HighlightWinningLine(int winner, LineDefinition winningLine)
     if (winningLine != null)
         StartCoroutine(_gridDisplay.FlashWinningTiles(winningLine, _gameManager.ResetScene));
Exemplo n.º 9
 public GridData(int width, int height)
     _tileStates  = null;
     _winningLine = null;
     _width       = width;
     _height      = height;
     _tileStates  = new eState[width, height];
Exemplo n.º 10
 public GridData(int width, int height)
     _tileStates = null;
     _winningLine = null;
     _width = width;
     _height = height;
     _tileStates = new eState[width, height];
Exemplo n.º 11
        void doAllFields()
            if (selectedField == null)
                if (Fields.Count > 0)
                    selectedField = Fields.First();

            foreach (var poly in Fields)
                PointExtension.LocalLatitude = poly.Locations.Min(p => p.Latitude);

                var geoPolygon = new List <GeoPoint>();
                foreach (var p in poly.Locations)

                List <MyPoint3D> cartPolygon = new List <MyPoint3D>();
                foreach (var p in poly.Locations)

                var lineDef = LineDefinition.GetBestLine(cartPolygon);
                var res     = AnalyzeFieldAndShowSwaths(poly, lineDef);
                if (double.IsNaN(res.AppliedArea))
                res.AppliedArea = res.AppliedArea / 10000;
                res.FieldArea   = res.FieldArea / 10000;
                //res.Savings = (res.AppliedArea - res.FieldArea) * CostHa;
                res.SectionSaving = (res.AppliedArea - res.FieldArea) * CostHa * (1 - 1.0 / NumberOfSections);
                res.SectionLoss   = (res.AppliedArea - res.FieldArea) * CostHa - res.SectionSaving;
                res.FieldName     = (AnalysisResult.Count + 1).ToString();
            AppliedArea   = AnalysisResult.Sum(r => r.AppliedArea);
            FieldArea     = AnalysisResult.Sum(r => r.FieldArea);
            SectionSaving = AnalysisResult.Sum(r => r.SectionSaving);
            SectionLoss   = AnalysisResult.Sum(r => r.SectionLoss);

            double totalNozzleSaving = (AppliedArea - FieldArea) * CostHa * (1 - 1.0 / NumberOfNozzles);

            NozzleSaving = totalNozzleSaving - SectionSaving;
            NozzleLoss   = (AppliedArea - FieldArea) * CostHa - totalNozzleSaving;

            SectionPaybackHa = SectionControlPrice / (SectionSaving / AppliedArea);
            NozzlePaybackHa  = (NozzleControlPrice - SectionControlPrice) / (NozzleSaving / AppliedArea);
Exemplo n.º 12
        private void FindWinningLine(Move move)
            List <LineDefinition> lines = GetLines(move);

            foreach (LineDefinition line in lines)
                if (IsWinningLine(line))
                    _winningLine = line;
Exemplo n.º 13
    public IEnumerator FlashWinningTiles(LineDefinition winningLine, PostFlashRoutine postFlashRoutine)
        for(int flashCount = 0; flashCount < 6; ++flashCount)
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.15f);
            bool flashOn = flashCount%2 == 0;

            for(int tileCount = 0; tileCount < 3; ++tileCount)
                Move tilePosition = winningLine.GetMove(tileCount);
                TileDisplay tileDisplay = GetTileDisplay(tilePosition);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public static LineDefinitionList XmlToLineDefinitionsList(string body)
            var lineList = new LineDefinitionList();
            var doc      = XDocument.Parse(body);

            // Handle all LINES
            var lines = from node in doc.Descendants(NS + "line")
                        select new
                object_type = node.Attribute(MOVENS + "object-type").Value,
                name        = (node.Attribute("title") == null) ? null : node.Attribute("title").Value,
                active      = (node.Attribute(MOVENS + "active") == null) ? null : node.Attribute(MOVENS + "active").Value,
                id          = (node.Attribute(MOVENS + "id") == null) ? null : node.Attribute(MOVENS + "id").Value,
                stroke      = (node.Attribute("stroke") == null) ? null : node.Attribute("stroke").Value,
                used        = ((node.Attribute(MOVENS + "used") != null) ? (node.Attribute(MOVENS + "used").Value.ToLower() == "true") : false),
                x1          = node.Attribute("x1").Value,
                y1          = node.Attribute("y1").Value,
                x2          = node.Attribute("x2").Value,
                y2          = node.Attribute("y2").Value,
                events      = ((node.Attribute("name") == null) ? null : node.Attribute("name").Value)

            foreach (var line in lines)
                if (line.object_type.ToUpper() != LINE)

                var newLine = new LineDefinition();
                newLine.Id         = int.Parse(line.id);
                newLine.Name       = line.name;
                newLine.Active     = (line.active.ToLower() == "true");
                newLine.Used       = line.used;
                newLine.Color      = line.stroke;
                newLine.LeftName   = LeftName(line.events);
                newLine.RightName  = RightName(line.events);
                newLine.Initial.X  = (int)Convert.ToDouble(line.x1);
                newLine.Initial.Y  = (int)Convert.ToDouble(line.y1);
                newLine.Terminal.X = (int)Convert.ToDouble(line.x2);
                newLine.Terminal.Y = (int)Convert.ToDouble(line.y2);

Exemplo n.º 15
    public IEnumerator FlashWinningTiles(LineDefinition winningLine, PostFlashRoutine postFlashRoutine)
        for (int flashCount = 0; flashCount < 6; ++flashCount)
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.15f));

            bool flashOn = flashCount % 2 == 0;

            for (int tileCount = 0; tileCount < 3; ++tileCount)
                Move        tilePosition = winningLine.GetMove(tileCount);
                TileDisplay tileDisplay  = GetTileDisplay(tilePosition);
Exemplo n.º 16
        public static bool LinesIntersection3d(LineDefinition lineA, LineDefinition lineB, out Vector3d closestPointA, out Vector3d closestPointB)
            closestPointA = Vector3d.Zero;
            closestPointB = Vector3d.Zero;
            var dirProjection = lineA.UnitDirection.Dot(lineB.UnitDirection);

            if (Math.Abs(Math.Abs(dirProjection) - 1.0) < 0.00001)
                return(false); // parallel sides
            var sepProjection1 = (lineB.Point - lineA.Point).Dot(lineA.UnitDirection);
            var sepProjection2 = (lineB.Point - lineA.Point).Dot(lineB.UnitDirection);
            var d1             = (sepProjection1 - dirProjection * sepProjection2) / (1 - dirProjection * dirProjection);
            var d2             = (dirProjection * sepProjection1 - sepProjection2) / (1 - dirProjection * dirProjection);

            closestPointA = lineA.Point + d1 * lineA.UnitDirection;
            closestPointB = lineB.Point + d2 * lineB.UnitDirection;
Exemplo n.º 17
        private bool IsWinningLine(LineDefinition lineDefinition)
            Move   firstMove  = lineDefinition.GetMove(0);
            eState firstState = _tileStates[firstMove._column, firstMove._row];

            if (firstState == eState.empty)

            for (int tileCount = 1; tileCount < 3; ++tileCount)
                Move move = lineDefinition.GetMove(tileCount);

                if (_tileStates[move._column, move._row] != firstState)
Exemplo n.º 18
        void processField()
            PointExtension.LocalLatitude = selectedField.Locations.Min(p => p.Latitude);
            LineDefinition lineDef_AB = LineDefinition.GetLineDefinition(flagA.Location.ToGeoPoint().ToCart(), flagB.Location.ToGeoPoint().ToCart());

            AnalysisResult res = AnalyzeFieldAndShowSwaths(selectedField, lineDef_AB);

            AppliedArea = res.AppliedArea / 10000;
            FieldArea   = res.FieldArea / 10000;
            //Savings = (res.AppliedArea - res.FieldArea) / 10000 * CostHa;
            SectionSaving = (res.AppliedArea - res.FieldArea) / 10000 * CostHa * (1 - 1.0 / NumberOfSections);
            SectionLoss   = (res.AppliedArea - res.FieldArea) / 10000 * CostHa - SectionSaving;

            double totalNozzleSaving = (res.AppliedArea - res.FieldArea) / 10000 * CostHa * (1 - 1.0 / NumberOfNozzles);

            NozzleSaving = totalNozzleSaving - SectionSaving;
            NozzleLoss   = (res.AppliedArea - res.FieldArea) / 10000 * CostHa - totalNozzleSaving;

            SectionPaybackHa = SectionControlPrice / (SectionSaving / AppliedArea);
            NozzlePaybackHa  = (NozzleControlPrice - SectionControlPrice) / (NozzleSaving / AppliedArea);
Exemplo n.º 19
 private void FindWinningLine(Move move)
     List<LineDefinition> lines = GetLines(move);
     foreach(LineDefinition line in lines)
             _winningLine = line;
Exemplo n.º 20
 public static void OnGameWonEvent(int winningPlayer, LineDefinition winningLine)
     OnGameWon(winningPlayer, winningLine);
 public bool Equals(LineDefinition other)
     return this.LineParams.IsSameLine(other.LineParams);
Exemplo n.º 22
        private bool IsWinningLine(LineDefinition lineDefinition)
            Move firstMove = lineDefinition.GetMove(0);
            eState firstState = _tileStates[firstMove._column, firstMove._row];

            if(firstState == eState.empty)
                return false;

            for(int tileCount = 1; tileCount < 3; ++tileCount)
                Move move = lineDefinition.GetMove(tileCount);

                if(_tileStates[move._column, move._row] != firstState)
                    return false;
            return true;
Exemplo n.º 23
        public void TestChooseHeadlandInterstion()
            List <MyPoint3D> headland = new List <MyPoint3D>();

            //headland.Add(new MyPoint3D());
            headland.Add(new MyPoint3D()
                X = 10
            headland.Add(new MyPoint3D()
                Y = 10
            headland.Add(new MyPoint3D()
                X = -10
            headland.Add(new MyPoint3D()
                Y = -10
            headland.Add(new MyPoint3D()
                X = 10
            //headland.Add(new MyPoint3D());

            LineDefinition line = new LineDefinition()
                k = 1
            LineDefinition headlandLine = new LineDefinition()
                k = -1, b = 10
            var intersection = Utility.ChooseHeadlandIntersection(headland, line, 2, headlandLine, new MyPoint3D()
                X = 5, Y = 5

            Assert.AreEqual(5 - Math.Sqrt(2) / 2, intersection.X);
            Assert.AreEqual(5 - Math.Sqrt(2) / 2, intersection.Y);

            line = new LineDefinition()
                k = -1
            headlandLine = new LineDefinition()
                k = 1, b = -10
            intersection = Utility.ChooseHeadlandIntersection(headland, line, 2, headlandLine, new MyPoint3D()
                X = 5, Y = -5
            Assert.AreEqual(true, Math.Abs(5 - Math.Sqrt(2) / 2 - intersection.X) < 0.00000001);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, Math.Abs(-5 + Math.Sqrt(2) / 2 - intersection.Y) < 0.00000001);

            line = new LineDefinition()
                k = -1
            headlandLine = new LineDefinition()
                k = 1, b = 10
            intersection = Utility.ChooseHeadlandIntersection(headland, line, 2, headlandLine, new MyPoint3D()
                X = -5, Y = 5
            Assert.AreEqual(true, Math.Abs(-5 + Math.Sqrt(2) / 2 - intersection.X) < 0.00000001);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, Math.Abs(5 - Math.Sqrt(2) / 2 - intersection.Y) < 0.00000001);

            line = new LineDefinition()
                k = 1
            headlandLine = new LineDefinition()
                k = -1, b = -10
            intersection = Utility.ChooseHeadlandIntersection(headland, line, 2, headlandLine, new MyPoint3D()
                X = -5, Y = -5
            Assert.AreEqual(true, Math.Abs(-5 + Math.Sqrt(2) / 2 - intersection.X) < 0.00000001);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, Math.Abs(-5 + Math.Sqrt(2) / 2 - intersection.Y) < 0.00000001);

            headland = new List <MyPoint3D>();
            headland.Add(new MyPoint3D()
                X = 25.0 / 3
            headland.Add(new MyPoint3D()
                Y = 25.0 / 4
            headland.Add(new MyPoint3D()
                X = -25.0 / 3
            headland.Add(new MyPoint3D()
                Y = -25.0 / 4
            headland.Add(new MyPoint3D()
                X = 25.0 / 3

            line = new LineDefinition()
                k = 4.0 / 3
            headlandLine = new LineDefinition()
                k = -3.0 / 4, b = 25.0 / 4
            intersection = Utility.ChooseHeadlandIntersection(headland, line, 2, headlandLine, new MyPoint3D()
                X = 3, Y = 4
            Assert.AreEqual(true, Math.Abs(3 - 3.0 / 5 - intersection.X) < 0.00000001);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, Math.Abs(4 - 4.0 / 5 - intersection.Y) < 0.00000001);

            line = new LineDefinition()
                k = 4.0 / 3
            headlandLine = new LineDefinition()
                k = -3.0 / 4, b = -25.0 / 4
            intersection = Utility.ChooseHeadlandIntersection(headland, line, 2, headlandLine, new MyPoint3D()
                X = -3, Y = -4
            Assert.AreEqual(true, Math.Abs(-3 + 3.0 / 5 - intersection.X) < 0.00000001);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, Math.Abs(-4 + 4.0 / 5 - intersection.Y) < 0.00000001);

            headland = new List <MyPoint3D>();
            headland.Add(new MyPoint3D()
                X = 90, Y = 10
            headland.Add(new MyPoint3D()
                X = -30, Y = 90
            headland.Add(new MyPoint3D()
                X = 70, Y = 125
            headland.Add(new MyPoint3D()
                X = 90, Y = 10

            line = LineDefinition.GetLineDefinition(new MyPoint3D(), new MyPoint3D()
                X = 15, Y = 60
            headlandLine = LineDefinition.GetLineDefinition(new MyPoint3D()
                X = 90, Y = 10
            }, new MyPoint3D()
                X = -30, Y = 90
            intersection = Utility.ChooseHeadlandIntersection(headland, line, 10, headlandLine, new MyPoint3D()
                X = 15, Y = 60
Exemplo n.º 24
 public static void OnGameWonEvent(int winningPlayer, LineDefinition winningLine)
     OnGameWon(winningPlayer, winningLine);
Exemplo n.º 25
        private AnalysisResult AnalyzeFieldAndShowSwaths(FieldVM polygon, LineDefinition lineDef)
            double processedArea = 0;
            double width         = ImplementWidth;
            var    geoPolygon    = new List <GeoPoint>();

            foreach (var p in polygon.Locations)

            List <MyPoint3D> cartPolygon = new List <MyPoint3D>();

            foreach (var p in polygon.Locations)

            double length = width / 2.0;

            if (Utility.CalculateArea(geoPolygon, false) < 0)
                length = -length;

            List <MyPoint3D> boundary = new List <MyPoint3D>();
            MyPoint3D        prevP    = cartPolygon[0];

            for (int i = 1; i < cartPolygon.Count; i++)
                if ((prevP - cartPolygon[i]).Norm < 3)
                prevP = cartPolygon[i];
            if ((boundary.First() - boundary.Last()).Norm < 3)

            length = -length;
            List <MyPoint3D> headLand = Utility.ShiftBoundary(length, boundary);

            List <MyPoint3D> innerBoundary = Utility.ShiftBoundary(2 * length, boundary);

            AddOuterSwathToMap(boundary, innerBoundary);

            var intersections = Utility.GetHeadlandIntersections(headLand, lineDef, width);

            processedArea += width * ComputeParallelLines(width, headLand, lineDef, intersections, true).LinesLength;

            lineDef        = LineDefinition.GetParallelLine(lineDef, -width);
            intersections  = Utility.GetHeadlandIntersections(headLand, lineDef, width);
            processedArea += width * ComputeParallelLines(-width, headLand, lineDef, intersections, true).LinesLength;
            for (int i = 1; i < headLand.Count; i++)
                processedArea += width * (headLand[i - 1] - headLand[i]).Norm;

            AnalysisResult res = new AnalysisResult();

            res.AppliedArea = processedArea;
            res.FieldArea   = Utility.CalculateArea(geoPolygon);