private bool RenderSceneToTexture2()
            // Set the render target to be the render to texture.

            // Clear the render to texture.
            RenderTexture2.ClearRenderTarget(D3D.DeviceContext, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

            // Generate the light view matrix based on the light's position.

            // Get the world matrix from the d3d object.
            Matrix worldMareix = D3D.WorldMatrix;

            // Get the view and orthographic matrices from the light object.
            Matrix lightViewMatrix  = Light2.ViewMatrix;
            Matrix lightOrthoMatrix = Light2.ProjectionMatrix;

            // Setup the translation matrix for the cube model.
            Vector3 cubePosition = CubeModel.GetPosition();

            Matrix.Translation(cubePosition.X, cubePosition.Y, cubePosition.Z, out worldMareix);

            // Render the cube model with the depth shader.
            if (!DepthShader.Render(D3D.DeviceContext, CubeModel.IndexCount, worldMareix, lightViewMatrix, lightOrthoMatrix))

            // Reset the world matrix.
            worldMareix = D3D.WorldMatrix;

            // Setup the translation matrix for the sphere model.
            Vector3 spherePosition = SphereModel.GetPosition();

            Matrix.Translation(spherePosition.X, spherePosition.Y, spherePosition.Z, out worldMareix);

            // Render the sphere model with the depth shader.
            if (!DepthShader.Render(D3D.DeviceContext, SphereModel.IndexCount, worldMareix, lightViewMatrix, lightOrthoMatrix))

            // Reset the world matrix.
            worldMareix = D3D.WorldMatrix;

            // Setup the translation matrix for the ground model.
            Vector3 groundPosition = GroundModel.GetPosition();

            Matrix.Translation(groundPosition.X, groundPosition.Y, groundPosition.Z, out worldMareix);

            // Render the ground model with the depth shader.
            if (!DepthShader.Render(D3D.DeviceContext, GroundModel.IndexCount, worldMareix, lightViewMatrix, lightOrthoMatrix))

            // Reset the render target back to the original back buffer and not the render to texture anymore.

            // Reset the viewport back to the original.

        public bool Render()
            // First render the scene to a texture.
            if (!RenderSceneToTexture())

            // Render the scene to texture again but use the second light's view point.
            if (!RenderSceneToTexture2())

            // Clear the buffers to begin the scene.
            D3D.BeginScene(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

            // Generate the view matrix based on the camera's position.

            // Generate the light view matrix based on the light's position.

            // Do the same for the second light.

            // Get the world, view, and projection matrices from the camera and d3d objects.
            Matrix viewMatrix       = Camera.ViewMatrix;
            Matrix worldMatrix      = D3D.WorldMatrix;
            Matrix projectionMatrix = D3D.ProjectionMatrix;

            // Get the light's view and projection matrices from the light object.
            Matrix lightViewMatrix       = Light.ViewMatrix;
            Matrix lightProjectionMatrix = Light.ProjectionMatrix;

            // Do the same for the second light.
            Matrix lightViewMatrix2       = Light2.ViewMatrix;
            Matrix lightProjectionMatrix2 = Light2.ProjectionMatrix;

            // Setup the translation matrix for the cube model.
            Vector3 cubePosition = CubeModel.GetPosition();

            Matrix.Translation(cubePosition.X, cubePosition.Y, cubePosition.Z, out worldMatrix);

            // Put the cube model vertex and index buffers on the graphics pipeline to prepare them for drawing.

            // Render the model using the shadow shader.
            if (!ShadowShader.Render(D3D.DeviceContext, CubeModel.IndexCount, worldMatrix, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, lightViewMatrix, lightProjectionMatrix, CubeModel.Texture.TextureResource, RenderTexture.ShaderResourceView, Light.Position, Light.AmbientColor, Light.DiffuseColour, lightViewMatrix2, lightProjectionMatrix2, RenderTexture2.ShaderResourceView, Light2.Position, Light2.DiffuseColour))

            // Reset the world matrix.
            worldMatrix = D3D.WorldMatrix;

            // Setup the translation matrix for the sphere model.
            Vector3 spherePosition = SphereModel.GetPosition();

            Matrix.Translation(spherePosition.X, spherePosition.Y, spherePosition.Z, out worldMatrix);

            // Put the model vertex and index buffers on the graphics pipeline to prepare them for drawing.
            if (!ShadowShader.Render(D3D.DeviceContext, SphereModel.IndexCount, worldMatrix, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, lightViewMatrix, lightProjectionMatrix, SphereModel.Texture.TextureResource, RenderTexture.ShaderResourceView, Light.Position, Light.AmbientColor, Light.DiffuseColour, lightViewMatrix2, lightProjectionMatrix2, RenderTexture2.ShaderResourceView, Light2.Position, Light2.DiffuseColour))

            // Reset the world matrix.
            worldMatrix = D3D.WorldMatrix;

            // Setup the translation matrix for the ground model.
            Vector3 groundPosition = GroundModel.GetPosition();

            Matrix.Translation(groundPosition.X, groundPosition.Y, groundPosition.Z, out worldMatrix);

            // Render the ground model using the shadow shader.
            if (!ShadowShader.Render(D3D.DeviceContext, GroundModel.IndexCount, worldMatrix, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, lightViewMatrix, lightProjectionMatrix, GroundModel.Texture.TextureResource, RenderTexture.ShaderResourceView, Light.Position, Light.AmbientColor, Light.DiffuseColour, lightViewMatrix2, lightProjectionMatrix2, RenderTexture2.ShaderResourceView, Light2.Position, Light2.DiffuseColour))

            // Present the rendered scene to the screen.
