Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Take the current list of DbIonMobilityValues (which may have multiple occurrences of
        /// a precursor ion, implying multiple conformers for that ion) and convert it
        /// to a dictionary of precursor ions and their (possibly multiple) ion mobilities
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadIonMobilities()
            var dictLibrary = new Dictionary <LibKey, List <IonMobilityAndCCS> >();

            using (var session = new SessionWithLock(_sessionFactory.OpenSession(), _databaseLock, false))
                var ionMobilities = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(DbPrecursorAndIonMobility)).List <DbPrecursorAndIonMobility>();

                foreach (var im in ionMobilities)
                    var dict = dictLibrary;
                        var key = im.DbPrecursorIon.GetLibKey();
                        var ionMobilityAndCCS = im.GetIonMobilityAndCCS();
                        if (!dict.TryGetValue(key, out var list))
                            dict.Add(key, new List <IonMobilityAndCCS>()
                    catch (ArgumentException)

            DictLibrary = LibKeyMap <List <IonMobilityAndCCS> > .FromDictionary(dictLibrary);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void Testit(
            bool useDriftTimes, // If false, don't use any drift information in chromatogram extraction
            ref LibraryIonMobilityInfo driftInfoExplicitDT
            bool   CCSonly = driftInfoExplicitDT != null; // If true, force conversion from CCS to DT
            var    ext     = useDriftTimes ? (CCSonly ? "CCS" : "DT") : "train";
            string skyfile = TestFilesDir.GetTestPath("test_" + ext + ".sky");

            RunUI(() =>

            Stopwatch loadStopwatch = new Stopwatch();


            // Enable use of drift times in spectral library
            var peptideSettingsUI = ShowDialog <PeptideSettingsUI>(SkylineWindow.ShowPeptideSettingsUI);

            RunUI(() =>
                // ReSharper disable once ConditionIsAlwaysTrueOrFalse
                peptideSettingsUI.IsUseSpectralLibraryDriftTimes         = useDriftTimes;
                peptideSettingsUI.SpectralLibraryDriftTimeResolvingPower = 50;
            OkDialog(peptideSettingsUI, peptideSettingsUI.OkDialog);

            // Launch import peptide search wizard
            var importPeptideSearchDlg = ShowDialog <ImportPeptideSearchDlg>(SkylineWindow.ShowImportPeptideSearchDlg);
            var basename      = _testCase == 1 ? "40minG_WBP_wide_z2-3_mid_BSA_5pmol_01" : "09_BSAtrypticdigest_5uL_IMQTOF_AltFramesdtramp_dAJS009";
            var nextFile      = _testCase == 1 ? null : "10_BSAtrypticdigest_5uL_IMQTOF_AltFramesdtramp_dAJS010.d";
            var searchResults = GetTestPath(basename + ".pep.xml");

            var doc = SkylineWindow.Document;

            if (CCSonly || !useDriftTimes)
                // Hide the drift time info provided by SpectrumMill, so we have to convert from CCS
                var mzxmlFile    = searchResults.Replace("pep.xml", "mzXML");
                var fileContents = File.ReadAllText(mzxmlFile);
                fileContents = fileContents.Replace(" DT=", " xx=");
                if (!useDriftTimes)
                    fileContents = fileContents.Replace(" CCS=", " xxx=");
                File.WriteAllText(mzxmlFile, fileContents);

            var searchResultsList = new[] { searchResults };

            RunUI(() =>
                Assert.IsTrue(importPeptideSearchDlg.CurrentPage ==
                importPeptideSearchDlg.BuildPepSearchLibControl.CutOffScore = 0.95;
                importPeptideSearchDlg.BuildPepSearchLibControl.FilterForDocumentPeptides = false;

            RunUI(() => Assert.IsTrue(importPeptideSearchDlg.ClickNextButton()));
            doc = WaitForDocumentChange(doc);

            // Verify document library was built
            string docLibPath          = BiblioSpecLiteSpec.GetLibraryFileName(skyfile);
            string redundantDocLibPath = BiblioSpecLiteSpec.GetRedundantName(docLibPath);

            Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(docLibPath) && File.Exists(redundantDocLibPath));
            var librarySettings = SkylineWindow.Document.Settings.PeptideSettings.Libraries;

            // We're on the "Extract Chromatograms" page of the wizard.
            // All the files should be found, and we should
            // just be able to move to the next page.
            RunUI(() => Assert.IsTrue(importPeptideSearchDlg.CurrentPage == ImportPeptideSearchDlg.Pages.chromatograms_page));
            RunUI(() =>
                var importResultsControl = (ImportResultsControl)importPeptideSearchDlg.ImportResultsControl;
                importResultsControl.ExcludeSpectrumSourceFiles = true;
                importResultsControl.UpdateResultsFiles(new [] { TestFilesDirs[0].PersistentFilesDir }, true); // Go look in the persistent files dir
            if (searchResultsList.Length > 1)
                // Deal with the common name start dialog
                var importResultsNameDlg = ShowDialog <ImportResultsNameDlg>(importPeptideSearchDlg.ClickNextButtonNoCheck);
                RunUI(() =>
                RunUI(() => importPeptideSearchDlg.ClickNextButtonNoCheck());
            // Modifications are already set up, so that page should get skipped.
            RunUI(() => importPeptideSearchDlg.FullScanSettingsControl.PrecursorCharges      = new [] { 2, 3, 4, 5 });
            RunUI(() => importPeptideSearchDlg.FullScanSettingsControl.PrecursorMassAnalyzer = FullScanMassAnalyzerType.tof);
            RunUI(() => importPeptideSearchDlg.ClickNextButton()); // Accept the full scan settings

            // We're on the "Import FASTA" page of the wizard.
            RunUI(() =>
                Assert.IsTrue(importPeptideSearchDlg.CurrentPage == ImportPeptideSearchDlg.Pages.import_fasta_page);
            var peptidesPerProteinDlg = ShowDialog <PeptidesPerProteinDlg>(importPeptideSearchDlg.ClickNextButtonNoCheck);

            OkDialog(peptidesPerProteinDlg, peptidesPerProteinDlg.OkDialog);

            var doc1 = WaitForDocumentChangeLoaded(doc, 15 * 60 * 1000); // 15 minutes

            if (_testCase == 1)
                AssertEx.IsDocumentState(doc1, null, 1, 34, 45, 135);
                AssertEx.IsDocumentState(doc1, null, 1, 36, 43, 129);
            DebugLog.Info("load time = {0}", loadStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
            var errmsg = "";

            if (!useDriftTimes)
                // Inspect the loaded data directly to derive DT and CCS
                // Verify ability to extract predictions from raw data
                var peptideSettingsDlg = ShowDialog <PeptideSettingsUI>(
                    () => SkylineWindow.ShowPeptideSettingsUI(PeptideSettingsUI.TABS.Prediction));

                // Simulate user picking Edit Current from the Drift Time Predictor combo control
                var driftTimePredictorDlg = ShowDialog <EditDriftTimePredictorDlg>(peptideSettingsDlg.AddDriftTimePredictor);
                RunUI(() =>
                RunUI(() =>

                var document    = SkylineWindow.Document;
                var measuredDTs = document.Settings.PeptideSettings.Prediction.IonMobilityPredictor.MeasuredMobilityIons;
                Assert.IsNotNull(driftInfoExplicitDT, "driftInfoExplicitDT != null");
                var explicitDTs = driftInfoExplicitDT.GetIonMobilityDict();

                string errMsgAll = string.Empty;
                // A handful of peptides that really should have been trained on a clean sample
                // CONSIDER: or are they multiple conformers? They have multiple hits with distinct IM in the pepXML
                var expectedDiffs = LibKeyMap <double> .FromDictionary(new Dictionary <LibKey, double>
                    { new PeptideLibraryKey("LC[+57.0]VLHEK", 2), 18.09 },
                    { new PeptideLibraryKey("EC[+57.0]C[+57.0]DKPLLEK", 3), 7.0 },
                    { new PeptideLibraryKey("SHC[+57.0]IAEVEK", 3), 6.0 },
                    { new PeptideLibraryKey("DDPHAC[+57.0]YSTVFDK", 2), 24.0 }

                foreach (var pair in doc1.PeptidePrecursorPairs)
                    string errMsg   = string.Empty;
                    var    key      = new LibKey(pair.NodePep.ModifiedSequence, pair.NodeGroup.PrecursorAdduct);
                    double tolerCCS = 5;
                    if (expectedDiffs.ContainsKey(key))
                        tolerCCS = expectedDiffs[key] + .1;
                    if (!explicitDTs.ContainsKey(key))
                        errMsg += "Could not locate explicit IMS info for " + key + "\n";
                    var given    = explicitDTs[key][0];
                    var measured = measuredDTs[key];
                    var msg      = CheckDeltaPct(given.CollisionalCrossSectionSqA ?? 0, measured.CollisionalCrossSectionSqA ?? 0, tolerCCS, "measured CCS", key.ToString());
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg))
                        errMsg += msg + CheckDeltaPct(given.IonMobility.Mobility.Value, measured.IonMobility.Mobility.Value, -1, "measured drift time", key.ToString());
                        errMsg += CheckDelta(given.IonMobility.Mobility.Value, measured.IonMobility.Mobility.Value, 10.0, "measured drift time", key.ToString());
                    errMsg += CheckDelta(given.HighEnergyIonMobilityValueOffset, measured.HighEnergyIonMobilityValueOffset, 2.0, "measured drift time high energy offset", key.ToString());
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errMsg))
                        errMsgAll += "\n" + errMsg;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errMsgAll))

            LibraryIonMobilityInfo libraryIonMobilityInfo;

            doc1.Settings.PeptideSettings.Libraries.Libraries.First().TryGetIonMobilityInfos(doc1.MoleculeLibKeys.ToArray(), 0, out libraryIonMobilityInfo);
            if (driftInfoExplicitDT == null)
                driftInfoExplicitDT = libraryIonMobilityInfo;
                var instrumentInfo = new DataFileInstrumentInfo(new MsDataFileImpl(GetTestPath(basename + ".d")));
                var dictExplicitDT = driftInfoExplicitDT.GetIonMobilityDict();
                foreach (var pep in doc1.Peptides)
                    foreach (var nodeGroup in pep.TransitionGroups)
                        double windowDT;
                        var    calculatedDriftTime = doc1.Settings.GetIonMobility(
                            pep, nodeGroup, null, libraryIonMobilityInfo, instrumentInfo, 0, out windowDT);
                        var libKey = new LibKey(pep.ModifiedSequence, nodeGroup.PrecursorAdduct);
                        IonMobilityAndCCS[] infoValueExplicitDT;
                        if (!dictExplicitDT.TryGetValue(libKey, out infoValueExplicitDT))
                            errmsg += "No driftinfo value found for " + libKey + "\n";
                            var ionMobilityInfo = infoValueExplicitDT[0];
                            var delta           = Math.Abs(ionMobilityInfo.IonMobility.Mobility.Value - calculatedDriftTime.IonMobility.Mobility.Value);
                            var acceptableDelta = (libKey.Sequence.StartsWith("DDPHAC") || libKey.Sequence.EndsWith("VLHEK")) ? 3: 1; // These were ambiguous matches
                            if (delta > acceptableDelta)
                                errmsg += String.Format("calculated DT ({0}) and explicit DT ({1}, CCS={4}) do not agree (abs delta = {2}) for {3}\n",
                                                        calculatedDriftTime.IonMobility, ionMobilityInfo.IonMobility,
                                                        delta, libKey,
                                                        ionMobilityInfo.CollisionalCrossSectionSqA ?? 0);

            float  tolerance = (float)doc1.Settings.TransitionSettings.Instrument.MzMatchTolerance;
            double maxHeight = 0;
            var    results   = doc1.Settings.MeasuredResults;
            var    numPeaks  = _testCase == 1 ?
                               new[] { 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9, 10, 7, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 } :
            new[] { 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 };

            int npIndex = 0;

            foreach (var pair in doc1.PeptidePrecursorPairs)
                ChromatogramGroupInfo[] chromGroupInfo;
                Assert.IsTrue(results.TryLoadChromatogram(0, pair.NodePep, pair.NodeGroup,
                                                          tolerance, true, out chromGroupInfo));

                foreach (var chromGroup in chromGroupInfo)
                    if (numPeaks[npIndex] != chromGroup.NumPeaks)
                        errmsg += String.Format("unexpected peak count {0} instead of {1} in chromatogram {2}\r\n", chromGroup.NumPeaks, numPeaks[npIndex], npIndex);
                    foreach (var tranInfo in chromGroup.TransitionPointSets)
                        maxHeight = Math.Max(maxHeight, tranInfo.MaxIntensity);
            Assert.IsTrue(errmsg.Length == 0, errmsg);
            Assert.AreEqual(_testCase == 1 ? 2265204 : 1326442, maxHeight, 1);

            // Does CCS show up in reports?
            var expectedDtWindow = _testCase == 1 ? 0.74 : 0.94;

            TestReports(doc1, 0, expectedDtWindow);

            if (nextFile != null)
                // Verify that we can use library generated for one file as the default for another without its own library
                TestReports(SkylineWindow.Document, 1, expectedDtWindow);

            // And verify roundtrip of ion mobility
            RunUI(() =>
            TestReports(SkylineWindow.Document, 1, expectedDtWindow);

            // Watch for problem with reimport after changed DT window
            var docResolvingPower  = SkylineWindow.Document;
            var peptideSettingsUI2 = ShowDialog <PeptideSettingsUI>(SkylineWindow.ShowPeptideSettingsUI);

            RunUI(() =>
                // ReSharper disable once ConditionIsAlwaysTrueOrFalse
                peptideSettingsUI2.IsUseSpectralLibraryDriftTimes         = useDriftTimes;
                peptideSettingsUI2.SpectralLibraryDriftTimeResolvingPower = 40;
            OkDialog(peptideSettingsUI2, peptideSettingsUI2.OkDialog);
            var docReimport = WaitForDocumentChangeLoaded(docResolvingPower);

            // Reimport data for a replicate
            RunDlg <ManageResultsDlg>(SkylineWindow.ManageResults, dlg =>
                var chromatograms         = docReimport.Settings.MeasuredResults.Chromatograms;
                dlg.SelectedChromatograms = new[] { chromatograms[0] };
            var expectedDtWindow0 = _testCase == 2 ? 1.175 : 0.92;
            var expectedDtWindow1 = _testCase == 2 ? 0.94 : 0.92;

            TestReports(SkylineWindow.Document, 0, expectedDtWindow0, string.Format(" row {0} case {1} ccsOnly {2}", 0, _testCase, CCSonly));
            TestReports(SkylineWindow.Document, 1, expectedDtWindow1, string.Format(" row {0} case {1} ccsOnly {2}", 1, _testCase, CCSonly));