Exemplo n.º 1
        public void RunConversion()
            LfProjectConfig config       = _factory.Create(_project).Config;
            FieldLists      fieldConfigs = FieldListsForEntryAndSensesAndExamples(config);

            var    fixedComments   = new List <LfComment>(_conn.GetComments(_project));
            string allCommentsJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fixedComments);
            // _logger.Debug("Doing Lcm->Mongo direction. The json for ALL comments from Mongo would be: {0}", allCommentsJson);
            // _logger.Debug("Doing Lcm->Mongo direction. About to call LfMergeBridge with that JSON...");
            string bridgeOutput;

            if (CallLfMergeBridge(allCommentsJson, out bridgeOutput))
                string           newCommentsStr      = ConvertMongoToLcmComments.GetPrefixedStringFromLfMergeBridgeOutput(bridgeOutput, "New comments not yet in LF: ");
                string           newRepliesStr       = ConvertMongoToLcmComments.GetPrefixedStringFromLfMergeBridgeOutput(bridgeOutput, "New replies on comments already in LF: ");
                string           newStatusChangesStr = ConvertMongoToLcmComments.GetPrefixedStringFromLfMergeBridgeOutput(bridgeOutput, "New status changes on comments already in LF: ");
                List <LfComment> comments            = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <LfComment> >(newCommentsStr);
                List <Tuple <string, List <LfCommentReply> > >         replies       = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Tuple <string, List <LfCommentReply> > > >(newRepliesStr);
                List <KeyValuePair <string, Tuple <string, string> > > statusChanges = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <KeyValuePair <string, Tuple <string, string> > > >(newStatusChangesStr);

                foreach (LfComment comment in comments)
                    // LfMergeBridge only sets the Guid in comment.Regarding, and leaves it to the LfMerge side to set the rest of the fields meaningfully
                    if (comment.Regarding != null)
                        Guid guid;
                        if (Guid.TryParse(comment.Regarding.TargetGuid ?? "", out guid))
                            // The GUID in Chorus notes MIGHT be an entry, or it might be a sense or an example sentence.
                            // We want to handle these three cases differently -- see FromTargetGuid below.
                            comment.Regarding = FromTargetGuid(guid, fieldConfigs);
                    // _logger.Debug("Comment by {6} regarding field {0} (containing {1}) of word {2} (GUID {7}, meaning {3}) has content {4}{5} and status {8} (GUID {9})",
                    //  comment.Regarding.FieldNameForDisplay,
                    //  comment.Regarding.FieldValue,
                    //  comment.Regarding.Word,
                    //  comment.Regarding.Meaning,
                    //  comment.Content,
                    //  comment.Replies.Count <= 0 ? "" : " and replies [" + String.Join(", ", comment.Replies.Select(reply => "\"" + reply.Content + "\"")) + "]",
                    //  comment.AuthorNameAlternate ?? "<null>",
                    //  comment.Regarding.TargetGuid,
                    //  comment.Status,
                    //  comment.StatusGuid
                    //  );
                _conn.UpdateComments(_project, comments);
                _conn.UpdateReplies(_project, replies);
                _conn.UpdateCommentStatuses(_project, statusChanges);
                // Failure, which has already been logged so we don't need to log it again
Exemplo n.º 2
        public FieldLists FieldListsForEntryAndSensesAndExamples(LfProjectConfig config)
            FieldLists result = new FieldLists();

            result.entryConfig   = config.Entry;
            result.senseConfig   = null;
            result.exampleConfig = null;
            if (result.entryConfig != null && result.entryConfig.Fields.ContainsKey("senses"))
                result.senseConfig = result.entryConfig.Fields["senses"] as LfConfigFieldList;
            if (result.senseConfig != null && result.senseConfig.Fields.ContainsKey("examples"))
                result.exampleConfig = result.senseConfig.Fields["examples"] as LfConfigFieldList;