Exemplo n.º 1
    // Methods for InteractableLever
    #region METHODS
    void Awake()
        _hoverFrame      = 0;
        _isDown          = false;
        _isHover         = false;
        _enabled         = true;
        _angle           = 0f;
        _targetAngle     = 0f;
        _dragAngleOffset = 0f;
        _lastOutput      = null;

        if (snapAngles != null && snapAngles.Length > 0)
            //the current up-vector for the lever
            Vector3 up = lever.rotation * Vector3.up;
            //the origin up-vector, according to the rotation of the base
            Vector3 axisUp = leverAxis.rotation * Vector3.up;
            //the current real angle the lever is at
            float startingAngle = SignedDegreesBetween(up, axisUp, leverAxis.rotation * Vector3.forward);
            _currentSnapAngle = GetClosestLeverAngle(startingAngle);
            _currentSnapAngle = null;
Exemplo n.º 2
    protected virtual void Update()
        bool gvrClicked = GvrController.ClickButtonDown;
        bool gvrDown    = GvrController.ClickButton;

        //if we stopped hovering, invoke the proper event(s) and do global stuff
            bool previouslyHovering = _isHover;
            _isHover = (_hoverFrame--) > 0;
            if (!_isHover && GlobalHoverTarget == this)
                GlobalHoverTarget = null;

            if (previouslyHovering && !_isHover && !_isDown && events.onHoverExit != null)

        //allow dragging dragging, even if we're not hovering, so long as the button was pressed when we were previously hovering over the object
        if (_isHover && gvrClicked)
            //if we were previously released, invoke ClickPressed
            if (!_isDown)
            _isDown = true;

        if (!gvrDown)
            if (_isDown)
            _isDown = false;

        var prevSnap = _currentSnapAngle;

        _currentSnapAngle = GetLeverAngleToSnapTo(_targetAngle) ?? _currentSnapAngle;

        //if we switched angle-snaps, invoke the appropriate events
        if (prevSnap != _currentSnapAngle)
            _invokedSnap = false;

        if (!_invokedSnap &&
            _currentSnapAngle != null &&
            _currentSnapAngle.onLockedToAngle != null &&
            !(_isDown & _currentSnapAngle.requireReleaseForEvents) &&
            Mathf.Abs(Mathf.DeltaAngle(_angle, _currentSnapAngle.angle)) <= _currentSnapAngle.triggerAngleDifference)
            _invokedSnap = true;

        if (_isDown)
            UpdateLeverAngle(PointerPosition, PointerEulers);

            if (connectedLevers != null)
                for (int c = 0; c < connectedLevers.Length; ++c)
                    if (connectedLevers[c].lever != null)
                        connectedLevers[c].lever.Angle = this.Angle * connectedLevers[c].ratio;
            if (_currentSnapAngle != null)
                _targetAngle = _currentSnapAngle.angle;
                _angle       = Mathf.LerpAngle(_angle, _targetAngle, rotationSpeed);
                //set the rotation on the lever to point at the hit vector
                lever.rotation = leverAxis.rotation * Quaternion.AngleAxis(_angle, Vector3.forward);

        float output = Output;

        if (_lastOutput != null)
            if (events.onOutputChanged != null)

        if (animator != null)
            animator.SetBool(ANIM_PROP_HOVER, _isHover);
            animator.SetBool(ANIM_PROP_DOWN, _isDown);