Exemplo n.º 1
    private void TakeShot()

        foreach (var entity in m_owner.EntityPerception.Enemies)
            Vector2 direction = (Vector2)entity.transform.position - (Vector2)m_owner.transform.position;

            if (ShotInRegion(direction))

        if (m_shotCandidates.Count == 0 && !AlwaysFiring)

        Vector2 shotDirection = Vector2.zero;
        int     target        = -1;

        if (!AlwaysFiring)
            target = Random.Range(0, m_shotCandidates.Count);

            shotDirection = (m_shotCandidates[target].transform.position - m_owner.transform.position);

        if (Random.Range(0, 5) != 0 || AlwaysFiring)
            shotDirection = Vector3.Lerp(m_shotRegionStartDirection, m_shotRegionEndDirection, Random.value) * 10.0f;
            LevelGrid grid = Level.Instance.GetGrid();

            int hitMask = 1 << (int)GridCellContentsType.Wall;

            LevelGridRaycastHit hit = new LevelGridRaycastHit();

            if (grid.Raycast(m_owner.transform.position, m_owner.transform.position + (Vector3)shotDirection, hitMask, ref hit))
                Vector2 hitPosition;
                grid.GetCellLocation(hit.x, hit.y, out hitPosition);
                hit.cell.ApplyDamage(ShotDamage, DamageType.Bullet, shotDirection);

                Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)hitPosition + new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.2f), (Vector3)hitPosition + new Vector3(0.2f, 0.2f, -1.2f), Color.green, 2.0f);
            m_shotCandidates[target].EntityHealth.ApplyDamage(ShotDamage, DamageType.Bullet);

        Debug.DrawLine(m_owner.transform.position, m_owner.transform.position + (Vector3)shotDirection, Color.white, 0.2f);

        ScreenShake.Instance.AddShake(0.2f, m_owner.transform.position);
Exemplo n.º 2
    public void Start()
        s_instance = this;

        m_raycastHit = new LevelGridRaycastHit();

        m_meshRenderer = GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();

        LevelLayout layout = LevelLayout.Deserialise(@"C:\Unity\Squad\Assets\Resources\Levels\newlevel.xml");

Exemplo n.º 3
    // Bounds checking on input rays should be done outside of this method to avoid s******g it up further
    public bool Raycast(Vector2 rayStart, Vector2 rayEnd, int contentsMask, ref LevelGridRaycastHit outHit)
        rayStart -= m_gridStart;
        rayEnd   -= m_gridStart;

        float x1 = rayStart.x;
        float y1 = rayStart.y;
        float x2 = rayEnd.x;
        float y2 = rayEnd.y;

        int lowX  = Mathf.Max((int)(x1 / m_cellSize), 0);
        int lowY  = Mathf.Max((int)(y1 / m_cellSize), 0);
        int highX = Mathf.Min((int)(x2 / m_cellSize), m_numCellsX - 1);
        int highY = Mathf.Min((int)(y2 / m_cellSize), m_numCellsY - 1);

        highX = Mathf.Max(highX, 0);
        highY = Mathf.Max(highY, 0);

        int dx = ((x1 < x2) ? 1 : ((x1 > x2) ? -1 : 0));
        int dy = ((y1 < y2) ? 1 : ((y1 > y2) ? -1 : 0));

        float minx = m_cellSize * ((int)(x1 / m_cellSize));
        float maxx = minx + m_cellSize;
        float tx   = ((x1 > x2) ? (x1 - minx) : maxx - x1) / Mathf.Abs(x2 - x1);
        float miny = m_cellSize * ((int)(y1 / m_cellSize));
        float maxy = miny + m_cellSize;
        float ty   = ((y1 > y2) ? (y1 - miny) : maxy - y1) / Mathf.Abs(y2 - y1);

        float deltatx = m_cellSize / Mathf.Abs(x2 - x1);
        float deltaty = m_cellSize / Mathf.Abs(y2 - y1);

        const int maxIterations     = 200;
        int       currentIterations = 0;

        while (currentIterations < maxIterations)

            if (tx <= ty)
                if (lowX == highX)
                tx   += deltatx;
                lowX += dx;

                if ((m_cells[lowX, lowY].m_contentsMask & contentsMask) != 0)
                    outHit.x    = lowX;
                    outHit.y    = lowY;
                    outHit.cell = m_cells[lowX, lowY];
            else if (ty <= tx)
                if (lowY == highY)
                ty   += deltaty;
                lowY += dy;

                if ((m_cells[lowX, lowY].m_contentsMask & contentsMask) != 0)
                    outHit.x    = lowX;
                    outHit.y    = lowY;
                    outHit.cell = m_cells[lowX, lowY];
