Exemplo n.º 1
    public void PostGenerateOne(Canvas twoDMap, int seed, int aiSeed)
        Random.seed = seed;
        IntVector2 newSize = new IntVector2(size.x / 2, size.z / 2);
        IntVector2 offset  = new IntVector2(-newSize.x - 1, (size.z - newSize.z) / 2);

        postOneCells = new LevelCell[newSize.x, newSize.z];
        List <LevelCell> activeCells     = new List <LevelCell>();
        IntVector2       coordinates     = new IntVector2(offset.x + newSize.x - 1, ((newSize.z - 1) / 2) + offset.z);
        IntVector2       roomCoordinates = new IntVector2(coordinates.x + 2, coordinates.z);

        DoFirstPostGenerationStep(postOneCells, activeCells, coordinates, roomCoordinates, twoDMap, offset, newSize);
        while (activeCells.Count > 0)
            DoNextGenerationStep(postOneCells, activeCells, twoDMap, offset, newSize);
        Destroy(postOneCells[coordinates.x - offset.x, coordinates.z - offset.z].GetEdge(LevelDirection.East).image.gameObject);
        Destroy(this.cells[roomCoordinates.x, roomCoordinates.z].GetEdge(LevelDirection.West).image.gameObject);
        Destroy(postOneCells[coordinates.x - offset.x, coordinates.z - offset.z].GetEdge(LevelDirection.East).gameObject);
        Destroy(this.cells[roomCoordinates.x, roomCoordinates.z].GetEdge(LevelDirection.West).gameObject);
        LevelCell cell = CreateHallwayCell(new IntVector2(roomCoordinates.x - 1, roomCoordinates.z), new IntVector2(1, 1), twoDMap);

        cell.InitializeCell(this.cells[roomCoordinates.x, roomCoordinates.z].room);
        CreateTwoDCell(cell, twoDMap);
        CreateWall(cell, null, LevelDirection.North, twoDMap);
        CreateWall(cell, null, LevelDirection.South, twoDMap);
        CreatePassageInSameRoom(cell, postOneCells[coordinates.x - offset.x, coordinates.z - offset.z], LevelDirection.West, twoDMap);
        CreatePassageInSameRoom(cell, this.cells[roomCoordinates.x, roomCoordinates.z], LevelDirection.East, twoDMap);
        CleanLevel(postOneCells, offset);
        Random.seed = aiSeed;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public GlobalData()
     for (int i = 0; i < Const.MaxLevel; i++)
         AllLevels[i] = new LevelCell[Const.MapSize, Const.MapSize];
Exemplo n.º 3
    public void Initialize()
        // create layers
        layers = new Layers();
        foreach (string layerName in layersName)

        // build quad tree
        worldBounds     = new SBSBounds();
        worldBounds.min = worldBoundsMin;
        worldBounds.max = worldBoundsMax;

        rootCell = this.BuildQuadTree(worldBounds, 5);

        // initialize level objects
        LevelObject[] objects = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <LevelObject>(true);
        foreach (LevelObject obj in objects)

        //if (RacingManager.Instance != null)
        //    RacingManager.Instance.track.Build();

        foreach (LevelObject obj in objects)
            obj.gameObject.SendMessage("OnPostInit", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
Exemplo n.º 4
    protected LevelCell BuildQuadTree(SBSBounds bounds, int depth, bool yUp = true)
        LevelCell root = new LevelCell(bounds);

        this.RecursiveBuildQuadTree(null, root, 0, depth - 1, yUp);
Exemplo n.º 5
    public void GetObjectData(System.Object obj, SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
        LevelCell levelCell = (LevelCell)obj;

        info.AddValue("average", levelCell._average);
        info.AddValue("grayscale", levelCell._grayscale);
        info.AddValue("rgbComponents", levelCell._rgbComponents);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public override void Initialize(LevelCell cell, LevelCell otherCell, LevelDirection direction)
     base.Initialize(cell, otherCell, direction);
     wall.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = material;
     this.cell      = cell;
     this.otherCell = otherCell;
     this.direction = direction;
 private void Start()
     for (int levelNum = 0; levelNum < _levelTitles.Length; levelNum++)
         GameObject newCell   = Instantiate(_cellPrefab, _content);
         LevelCell  levelCell = newCell.GetComponent <LevelCell>();
         levelCell.PopulateCell(levelNum + 1, _levelTitles[levelNum], _levelPreviews[levelNum], SaveData.IsLevelLocked(levelNum), SaveData.IsLevelComplete(levelNum));
Exemplo n.º 8
    private void DoFirstPostGenerationStep(LevelCell[,] cells, List <LevelCell> activeCells, IntVector2 coordinates, IntVector2 roomCoordinates, Canvas twoDMap, IntVector2 offset, IntVector2 size)
        tempNodeList = new List <Node>();
        LevelCell cell = CreateCell(cells, coordinates, twoDMap, offset);

        cell.InitializeCell(this.cells[roomCoordinates.x, roomCoordinates.z].room);
        CreateTwoDCell(cell, twoDMap);
Exemplo n.º 9
 void SetupLevelTable()
     foreach (LevelInfo levelInfo in  LevelManager.Instance.levelInfoByStageId[stageInfo.identifier])
         GameObject stageObject = Instantiate(levelCellPrefab, levelTable);
         LevelCell  levelCell   = stageObject.GetComponent <LevelCell>();
         levelCell.InitWithLevelInfo(levelInfo, isUnlocked);
Exemplo n.º 10
    public System.Object SetObjectData(System.Object obj, SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context, ISurrogateSelector selector)
        LevelCell levelCell = (LevelCell)obj;

        levelCell._average       = (Color)info.GetValue("average", typeof(Color));
        levelCell._grayscale     = (float)info.GetValue("grayscale", typeof(float));
        levelCell._rgbComponents = (RGBContent)info.GetValue("rgbComponents", typeof(RGBContent));
        obj = levelCell;
Exemplo n.º 11
    private void CreateTwoDCell(LevelCell cell, Canvas twoDMap)
        Image newImage = Instantiate(twoDCellPrefab) as Image;

        newImage.transform.SetParent(twoDMap.transform, false);
        newImage.transform.localPosition = new Vector3((cell.coordinates.x - midX) * 1.0f, (cell.coordinates.z - midY) * 1.0f, 0);
        newImage.color = cell.room.mats.floorMaterial.color;
        cell.twoDImage = newImage;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public virtual void Initialize(LevelCell cell, LevelCell otherCell, LevelDirection direction)
     this.cell      = cell;
     this.otherCell = otherCell;
     this.direction = direction;
     cell.SetEdge(direction, this);
     transform.parent        = cell.transform;
     transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
     transform.localRotation = direction.ToRotation();
Exemplo n.º 13
    private void DoFirstGenerationStep(LevelCell [,] cells, List <LevelCell> activeCells, IntVector2 coordinates, Canvas twoDMap, IntVector2 offset, IntVector2 size)
        tempNodeList = new List <Node>();
        coordinates  = new IntVector2(coordinates.x + offset.x, coordinates.z + offset.z);
        LevelCell cell = CreateCell(cells, coordinates, twoDMap, offset);

        CreateTwoDCell(cell, twoDMap);
Exemplo n.º 14
    private void CreateWall(LevelCell cell, LevelCell otherCell, LevelDirection direction, Canvas twoDMap)
        LevelWall wall = Instantiate(wallPrefab) as LevelWall;

        wall.Initialize(cell, otherCell, direction);
        if (otherCell != null)
            wall = Instantiate(wallPrefab) as LevelWall;
            wall.Initialize(otherCell, cell, direction.GetOpposite());
        CreateTwoDWall(cell, twoDMap, direction);
Exemplo n.º 15
    private void DoNextGenerationStep(LevelCell [,] cells, List <LevelCell> activeCells, Canvas twoDMap, IntVector2 offset, IntVector2 size)
        int       currentIndex = activeCells.Count - 1;
        LevelCell currentCell  = activeCells[currentIndex];

        if (currentCell.IsFullyInitialized)
        LevelDirection direction   = currentCell.RandomUninitializedDirection;
        IntVector2     coordinates = currentCell.coordinates + direction.ToIntVector2();

        if (ContainsCoordinates(coordinates, size, offset))
            LevelCell neighbor = cells[coordinates.x - offset.x, coordinates.z - offset.z];
            if (neighbor == null)
                neighbor = CreateCell(cells, coordinates, twoDMap, offset);
                CreatePassage(currentCell, neighbor, direction, twoDMap, false);
            else if (currentCell.room == neighbor.room)
                CreatePassageInSameRoom(currentCell, neighbor, direction, twoDMap);
                if (currentCell.room.matIndex == neighbor.room.matIndex)
                    CreatePassageInSameRoom(currentCell, neighbor, direction, twoDMap);
                    if (Random.value < breakableWallProability)
                        CreateBreakableWall(currentCell, neighbor, direction, twoDMap);
                        CreateWall(currentCell, neighbor, direction, twoDMap);
            CreateWall(currentCell, null, direction, twoDMap);
Exemplo n.º 16
    private void CreateBreakableWall(LevelCell cell, LevelCell otherCell, LevelDirection direction, Canvas twoDMap)
        LevelBreakableWall wall = Instantiate(breakableWallPrefab) as LevelBreakableWall;

        wall.material = breakableMats[cell.room.matIndex];
        wall.Initialize(cell, otherCell, direction);
        LevelBreakableWall otherWall = Instantiate(breakableWallPrefab) as LevelBreakableWall;

        otherWall.material = breakableMats[otherCell.room.matIndex];
        otherWall.Initialize(otherCell, cell, direction.GetOpposite());
        CreateTwoDWall(cell, twoDMap, direction);
Exemplo n.º 17
    private LevelCell CreateHallwayCell(IntVector2 coordinates, IntVector2 arrayCoordinates, Canvas twoDMap)
        LevelCell newCell = Instantiate(cellPrefab) as LevelCell;

        cells[arrayCoordinates.x, arrayCoordinates.z] = newCell;
        newCell.coordinates             = coordinates;
        newCell.name                    = "Maze Cell " + newCell.coordinates.x + ", " + newCell.coordinates.z;
        newCell.transform.parent        = transform;
        newCell.transform.localPosition =
            new Vector3(newCell.coordinates.x - size.x * 0.5f + 0.5f, 0f, newCell.coordinates.z - size.z * 0.5f + 0.5f);

Exemplo n.º 18
    public void Generate()
        grid = new LevelCell[WIDTH, HEIGHT];
        for (int x = 0; x < WIDTH; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y++)
                grid[x, y] = new LevelCell(UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 4));


        transform.position = new Vector3(-WIDTH / 2f, -HEIGHT);
Exemplo n.º 19
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns true if the cell in the level is visible by the given camera.
    /// </summary>
    private bool IsCellVisible(Cell cell, GameCamera camera)
        // Get the LevelCell corresponding to the given cell coordinates.
        LevelCell levelCell = level.GetLevelCell(cell);

        // If the camera's frustum does not overlap the level cell
        if (camera.Right < levelCell.Left || camera.Left >= levelCell.Right ||
            camera.Top < levelCell.Bottom || camera.Bottom > levelCell.Top)
            // Return false, since the camera cannot see the cell

        // Return true if this statement is reached, since the camera can see the cell in the level
Exemplo n.º 20
    private void CreatePassageInSameRoom(LevelCell cell, LevelCell otherCell, LevelDirection direction, Canvas twoDMap)
        LevelPassage passage = Instantiate(passagePrefab) as LevelPassage;

        passage.Initialize(cell, otherCell, direction);
        passage = Instantiate(passagePrefab) as LevelPassage;
        passage.Initialize(otherCell, cell, direction.GetOpposite());
        if (cell.room != otherCell.room)
            LevelRoom joinRoom = otherCell.room;
        CreateTwoDPassage(cell, twoDMap, direction);
Exemplo n.º 21
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates and returns a LevelCell at the given (row,column) coordinates. A random prefab from 'cellPrefabs' is chosen
    /// and duplicated to serve as the physical cell inside the level.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="traversable">If true, the cell will be traversable by characters. If false, the cell is blocked off
    /// by obstacles and cannot be walked through by character </param>
    /// <param name="boundaryCell">If set to <c>true</c>, the cell is outside the bounds of the grid. It serves to block
    /// of the boundaries of the grid. Default = false</param>
    private LevelCell CreateLevelCell(int row, int column, GameObject[] cellPrefabs, bool traversable, bool boundaryCell)
        // Choose a random prefab to occupy this given coordinates.
        GameObject cellPrefab = cellPrefabs[Random.Range(0, cellPrefabs.Length)];

        // Instantiate a copy of the chosen prefab.
        GameObject cellObject = Instantiate(cellPrefab);

        // Create a new LevelCell instance. This acts as a container for the cell in the level grid
        LevelCell levelCell = new LevelCell(row, column, cellWidth, cellHeight, cellObject, traversable);

        // Place the cell at the correct position in the level.
        levelCell.Transform.position = GetCellPosition(row, column);

        // Set the parent of each LevelCell to the same GameObject, the 'levelHolder'. Keeps the Hierarchy clean.

        // If the created cell is traversable
        if (traversable)
            // Get the distance (in cell units) from the cell to the start of the level. This is the shortest path from the
            // cell to the starting cell of the level.
            int distanceToStart = GetDistanceToStart(row, column);
            // Update the cell's distance to the start of the level.
            levelCell.DistanceToStart = distanceToStart;

            // Populate the dictionary with a list at the index 'distanceToStart' to avoid a NullReferenceException
            if (!traversableCells.ContainsKey(distanceToStart))
                traversableCells.Add(distanceToStart, new List <Cell>());

            // Add the cell to the list of traversable cells in the level. The cell is stored in a dictionary mapping the
            // cell's distance from the start of level, to a list of cells that are at that distance.
            traversableCells[distanceToStart].Add(new Cell(row, column));

        // If the created cell is inside the maze, and is not made to close off any boundaries, add it to the level grid.
        if (!boundaryCell)
            // Store the created LevelCell inside the level grid for storage purposes
            grid[row, column] = levelCell;

        // Return the created cell to place in the level grid
Exemplo n.º 22
    /// <summary>
    /// Generate the branches in the level maze. These are divergences in the maze that lead to nowhere
    /// </summary>
    private void GenerateBranches()
        // Calculates the number of cells that separate each branch in the golden path. The branches are evenly distributed accross the golden path
        int branchSeparationDistance = (int)(goldenPath.Count / this.branchCount);

        // Iterate from 0 to the number of branches in the level and create each branch individually.
        for (int branchNumber = 0; branchNumber < this.branchCount; branchNumber++)
            // Calculates the index of the cell at which the branch starts. This is the branchSeparationDistance*(branchNumber+1)
            // (Note: branchNumber incremented by one to avoid starting a branch at the first cell in the golden path.)
            // (Another Note: Final index decremented by one to avoid generating an index out of bounds of goldenPath:List<>)
            int startCellIndex = branchSeparationDistance * (branchNumber + 1) - 1;

            // Retrieve the golden path cell at which the branch will start.
            Cell startCell = goldenPath[startCellIndex];

            // Choose a cell in which to start the branch. Note that the function called is smart enough to return an onoccupied cell.
            Cell branchCell = ChooseNextTraversableCell(startCell, branchNavigator);

            // Invert the probabilities in the grid navigator so that the branches go in the opposite direction of the golden path.
            //gridNavigator.Invert ();

            // Cycles until 'maxBranchSize' cells are placed in the branch. or until a dead end is reached.
            for (int i = 0; i < maxBranchSize; i++)
                // If the chosen cell to form the branching path is already occupied or is out of bounds of the grid, break
                // this for loop. The branch has reached a dead end.
                if (IsOccupied(branchCell) || IsOutOfBounds(branchCell))

                // Create a traversable cell at the chosen (row,column) coordinates. This is a cell for the current branch being defined
                LevelCell branchLevelCell = CreateLevelCell(branchCell.row, branchCell.column, traversableCellPrefabs, true);

                // If the cell in the branch which was just created forms a dead end, break the loop, since the branch can't go any further
                if (IsDeadEnd(branchCell))

                // Choose the next cell to be added to the branching path
                branchCell = ChooseNextTraversableCell(branchCell, branchNavigator);
Exemplo n.º 23
    void Update()
        if (GetComponent <Renderer>() != null)
            _bounds = GetComponent <Renderer>().bounds;
        else if (GetComponent <Collider>() != null)
            _bounds = GetComponent <Collider>().bounds;
            _bounds = new SBSBounds(_transform.position, SBSVector3.zero);

        if (null == cell)
            cell = LevelRoot.Instance.RootCell;
            if (null == cell)

        LevelCell newCell = cell.FindObjectContainmentCell(this);

        if (newCell != cell)
            if (cell != null)

            cell = newCell;

        _prevLocalToWorld = _localToWorld;
        _prevWorldToLocal = _worldToLocal;

        _localToWorld = _transform.localToWorldMatrix;
        _worldToLocal = _transform.worldToLocalMatrix;
Exemplo n.º 24
    public void SetCell(int x, int y, int z, int level, Quaternion rotation)
        if (levelCellList == null)
            levelCellList = new List <LevelCell>();
        LevelCell cell = levelCellList.Find(element => (element.x == x) && (element.y == y) && (element.z == z));

        if (cell == default)
            cell          = new LevelCell();
            cell.x        = x;
            cell.y        = y;
            cell.z        = z;
            cell.rotation = rotation;
        cell.prefabIndex = level;
Exemplo n.º 25
    public IEnumerator CleanLevelCinematically()
        LevelCell[,] areaCells = cells;
        IntVector2       offset    = new IntVector2(0, 0);
        List <LevelRoom> deadRooms = new List <LevelRoom>();

        foreach (LevelRoom room in rooms)
            if (room.cells.Count <= 4)
                bool           roomCleaned = false;
                int            cellIndex   = 0;
                LevelCell      cell        = room.cells[0];
                LevelDirection direction   = 0;
                while (!roomCleaned && cellIndex < room.cells.Count)
                    cell = room.cells[cellIndex];
                    while ((int)direction < 4 && !roomCleaned)
                        if (cell.GetEdge(direction) is LevelPassage)
                            IntVector2 coordinates = cell.coordinates + direction.ToIntVector2();
                            LevelCell  otherCell   = areaCells[coordinates.x - offset.x, coordinates.z - offset.z];
                            if (otherCell.room != cell.room)
                                StartCoroutine(AssimilateCinematically(otherCell.room, cell.room));
                                roomCleaned = true;
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.0f));
        foreach (LevelRoom room in deadRooms)
    IEnumerator UpdateLoop()
        yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

        while (true)
            // If the player has reached his destination
            if (((Vector2)player.transform.position - targetPosition).sqrMagnitude < 0.5f * 0.5f)

                /*if((cellsTraversed % 3) == 0)
                 * {
                 *      yield return new WaitForSeconds(idleTime);
                 *      continue;
                 * }*/

                int playerToStart = levelToTraverse.GetLevelCell(levelToTraverse.GetCellFromPosition(player.Transform.position)).DistanceToStart;

                // Choose the next to traverse to
                LevelCell nextCell = levelToTraverse.GetCellAtDistance(playerToStart + 1);

                if (nextCell == null)
                    nextCell = levelToTraverse.GetCellAtDistance(playerToStart - 1);

                // Update the target position
                targetPosition = nextCell.Transform.position;

                Action walk = player.CharacterControl.ActionSet.basicActions.GetBasicAction(BasicActionType.Walk);

                Debug.Log("WALK " + targetPosition);

                walk.targetPosition = targetPosition;


            yield return(null);
Exemplo n.º 27
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the distance from the given cell to the start of the level. Note: Only works if this cell has at least one neighbouring
    /// cell that is traversable. This distance denotes the shortest path (in cell units) from the start of the level to the given cell.
    /// Returns zero if the given cell has no traversable neighbouring cells.
    /// </summary>
    public int GetDistanceToStart(int row, int column)
        // Store the traversable LevelCell that is
        // A) a neighbour of the given cell, and
        // B) closest to the starting cell in the level
        LevelCell closestNeighbourToStart = GetNeighbourClosestToStart(row, column);

        // If the given cell does not have any traversable neighbouring cells
        if (closestNeighbourToStart == null)
            // Return zero, since there does not exist a path from this cell to the start of the level

        // This cell is one unit away (in cell units) from his closest neighbour
        int distanceToStart = closestNeighbourToStart.DistanceToStart + 1;

        // Return the distance (in cell units) from the given cell to the starting cell of the level.
Exemplo n.º 28
    List <LevelCell> LoadAllLevelCells( )
        List <LevelCell> lcl = new List <LevelCell>();

        lcl.AddRange(Resources.LoadAll <LevelCell>("LevelCells/"));

        // uses 'for' due to 'foreach' enumerators breaking from modifying the list in real time
        // checks each loaded cell to make sure nothing's just garbage or otherwise
        // not meant to be used
        for (int i = 0; i < lcl.Count; i++)
            LevelCell lc = lcl [i];
            if (!lc.IsUsable)

Exemplo n.º 29
    private void CreatePassage(LevelCell cell, LevelCell otherCell, LevelDirection direction, Canvas twoDMap, bool existingCell)
        LevelPassage passage = Instantiate(passagePrefab) as LevelPassage;

        passage.Initialize(cell, otherCell, direction);
        passage = Instantiate(passagePrefab) as LevelPassage;
        if (!existingCell)
            if (Random.value < newRoomProbability)
            CreateTwoDCell(otherCell, twoDMap);
        passage.Initialize(otherCell, cell, direction.GetOpposite());
        CreateTwoDPassage(cell, twoDMap, direction);
Exemplo n.º 30
    private void CreateTwoDWall(LevelCell cell, Canvas twoDMap, LevelDirection direction)
        IntVector2 positionMultiplier = direction.ToIntVector2();
        Vector3    cellPosition       = new Vector3((cell.coordinates.x - midX) * 1.0f, (cell.coordinates.z - midY) * 1.0f, 0);
        Vector2    offset             = new Vector2(positionMultiplier.x * 0.5f, positionMultiplier.z * 0.5f);
        Image      newImage           = null;

        if (positionMultiplier.x != 0)
            newImage = Instantiate(twoDVertPrefab) as Image;
            newImage = Instantiate(twoDHorzPrefab) as Image;
        newImage.transform.SetParent(twoDMap.transform, false);
        newImage.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(cellPosition.x + offset.x, cellPosition.y + offset.y, 0);
        newImage.color = Color.black;
        cell.GetEdge(direction).image = newImage;