Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Function set up words, levels and category from folder. This folder named Data and located with exe-file of server.
        /// The order of folder define how table content will be build.
        /// <summary>
        public static void SetUpWordsContent()
            int           first_space      = 0;
            int           sec_space        = 0;
            int           first_bracket    = 0;
            string        folder_name      = null;
            string        transle_path     = null;
            CategoryCache category         = new CategoryCache();
            LevelCache    level            = new LevelCache();
            WordCache     word             = new WordCache();
            string        CurrentDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            string        Data_Path        = CurrentDirectory + "/Data/";

            if (Directory.Exists(Data_Path))
                string[] categories = Directory.GetDirectories(Data_Path);
                for (int i = 0; i < categories.Length; i++)
                    folder_name            = categories[i].Substring(Data_Path.Length);          /// see name
                    first_space            = folder_name.IndexOf('_');                           /// char '_'
                    category.category_name = folder_name.Substring(first_space + 1);             /// get name
                    category.category_id   = Int32.Parse(folder_name.Substring(0, first_space)); /// get id
                    Database.category.AddCategory(ref category);
                    string[] levels = Directory.GetDirectories(categories[i]);
                    for (int j = 0; j < levels.Length; j++)
                        folder_name             = levels[j].Substring(categories[i].Length + 1); /// see name
                        first_space             = folder_name.IndexOf('_');                      /// char '_'
                        sec_space               = folder_name.IndexOf('_', first_space + 1);
                        level.level_order       = Int16.Parse(folder_name.Substring(0, first_space));
                        level.level_name        = folder_name.Substring(first_space + 1, sec_space - 2);
                        level.level_pronunction = folder_name.Substring(sec_space + 1);
                        level.category_id       = category.category_id;
                        Database.level.AddLevel(ref level);
                        string[] words = Directory.GetFiles(levels[j]);
                        foreach (string file in words)
                            if (file.Contains("translate"))
                                transle_path = file;
                        string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(transle_path);
                        for (int k = 0; k < words.Length - 1; k++)
                            first_bracket        = lines[k].IndexOf(')');
                            word.word_order      = Int16.Parse(lines[k].Substring(0, first_bracket));
                            word.category_id     = category.category_id;
                            word.level_id        = level.level_id;
                            word.word_chars      = level.level_pronunction;
                            first_space          = lines[k].IndexOf('-');
                            word.word_name       = lines[k].Substring(first_bracket + 1, first_space - (first_bracket + 1));
                            word.word_translete  = lines[k].Substring(first_space + 1);
                            word.word_sound_path = "http://" + Config.Domen + words[k].Remove(0, CurrentDirectory.Length);
                            Database.word.AddWord(ref word);
                Logger.WriteLog("Sut up game -> categories, levels and words to database from /Data/ folder.", LogLevel.Usual);
                Logger.WriteLog("Folder /Data doesn't exist in folder:" + CurrentDirectory + " Data will be empty.", LogLevel.Error);