public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            var results = new List <ValidationResult>();

            if ((new[] { "US", "CA" }.Contains(CountryCode)) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PostalCode))
                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Postal is required.", new[] { "Postal" }));

            if (CountryCode == "US" && PostalCode != null && !Regex.Match(PostalCode, @"^\d{1,5}(\-\d{4})?$").Success)
                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Postal is not valid.", new[] { "Postal" }));

            if ((new[] { "US", "CA", "AU" }.Contains(CountryCode)) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(StateProvince))
                results.Add(new ValidationResult("State is required.", new[] { "StateProvince" }));

            if (CountryCode == "CA" && PostalCode != null && !Regex.Match(PostalCode, @"(\D\d\D\s\d\D\d)").Success)
                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Postal is not valid.", new[] { "Postal" }));

            if (MainframeAddressOverride != null)
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(MainframeAddressOverride.PostalCode) && (MainframeAddressOverride.CountryCode == "US"))
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("ZIP is required.", new[] { "Postal" }));

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(MainframeAddressOverride.PostalCode) && !(MainframeAddressOverride.CountryCode == "US"))
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("ZIP is for US only.", new[] { "Postal" }));

            var accountLegacyMapping = LegacyMappings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.LegacySystemName == LegacySystemNames.Account.Name);

            if (accountLegacyMapping != null && BillingProfile != null)
                if (accountLegacyMapping.LegacyIdentifier.StartsWith("Z") && BillingProfile.TaxExemptNumber != null)
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Tax Exempt Number cannot be used for this office."));

                //VAT Number  Office != Z * Value is not null   VAT Number cannot be used for this office.
                if (BillingProfile.VATNumber != null && !accountLegacyMapping.LegacyIdentifier.StartsWith("Z"))
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("VAT Number cannot be used for this office.", new[] { "VATNumber" }));

            //GST Exempt  Billing Address Country != Canada  Value = Y   Country cannot be GST Exempt.
            if (BillingProfile.GSTExempt == true && CountryCode != "CA")
                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Country cannot be GST Exempt."));

            //QST Exempt  Billing Address Country != Canada  Value = Y   Country cannot be QST Exempt.
            if (BillingProfile.QSTExempt == true && CountryCode != "CA")
                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Country cannot be QST Exempt."));

            if (results.Count > 0)

            IValidationRepository validator  = null;
            IRepository           repository = null;

                if (ServiceLocator.IsLocationProviderSet)
                        validator  = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <IValidationRepository>();
                        repository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance(typeof(IRepository)) as IRepository;
                    catch (ActivationException) { }

                /* validate the address using the tax service */
                if (validator != null)
                    if (!validator.ValidateTaxAddress(this))
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Billing Address is not tax compliant.  City and/or Postal Code are invalid for the selected Country.", new[] { "SystemAddress" }));

                    string errorMessage;
                    if (!validator.ValidateBillingLocation(this, out errorMessage))
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult(string.Format("Billing location failed SAP validation: {0}", errorMessage), null));

                if (LegacyMappings.Any(x => x.LegacySystemName == LegacySystemNames.Suffix.Name))
                    if (MainframeAddressOverride == null)
                        if (repository != null)
                            var formatter        = new MainframeAddressFormatter(repository);
                            var convertedAddress = formatter.ConvertBillingAddress(this);
                            if (
                                (convertedAddress.Name ?? string.Empty).Length > 30 ||
                                (convertedAddress.Line1 ?? string.Empty).Length > 30 ||
                                (convertedAddress.Line2 ?? string.Empty).Length > 30 ||
                                (convertedAddress.Line3 ?? string.Empty).Length > 30
                                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Billing Address is not mainframe compliant. Please use Mainframe Override address."));
                        /* Check if the billing address is mainframe compliant and still mainframe override address is provided  */
                        if (repository != null)
                            var formatter        = new MainframeAddressFormatter(repository);
                            var convertedAddress = formatter.ConvertBillingAddress(this);
                            if (
                                (convertedAddress.Name ?? string.Empty).Length <= 30 &&
                                (convertedAddress.Line1 ?? string.Empty).Length <= 30 &&
                                (convertedAddress.Line2 ?? string.Empty).Length <= 30 &&
                                (convertedAddress.Line3 ?? string.Empty).Length <= 30
                                results.Add(new ValidationResult(
                                                "Billing Address is mainframe compliant. Please remove Mainframe Override address."));

                        var context = new ValidationContext(MainframeAddressOverride, serviceProvider: null, items: null);
                        Validator.TryValidateObject(MainframeAddressOverride, context, results, true);

                    if (BillingProfile != null)
                        var context = new ValidationContext(BillingProfile, serviceProvider: null, items: null);
                        Validator.TryValidateObject(BillingProfile, context, results, true);

                    if (repository == null)

                    if (accountLegacyMapping == null)

                    var suffixLegacyMapping = LegacyMappings.First(x => x.LegacySystemName == LegacySystemNames.Suffix.Name);

                    var countries = repository.GetCountries();
                    var country   = countries.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == CountryCode);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(country?.MainframeShortCode) && MainframeAddressOverride == null)
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Billing Address is not mainframe compliant. Mainframe does not support the specified country.  Please use Mainframe Override Address."));

Exemplo n.º 2
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            var results = new List <ValidationResult>();

            var range = default(V4IPRange);

                range = new V4IPRange(this);
            catch (Exception e)
                results.Add(new ValidationResult(e.Message));

            if (TerminationDate.HasValue)
                if (TerminationDate < DateTime.UtcNow)
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Termination date cannot be a date in the past."));
                if (TerminationDate < StartDate)
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Termination date cannot come before the start date."));

            // Check to see if IP address range is public
            if (!range.IsIPAddressPublic())
                results.Add(new ValidationResult("IP address or range of address contains non-public IP addresses."));

            if (!IsDeleted)
                if (LegacyMappings != null)
                    if (!(LegacyMappings.Where(x => x.IsActive).ToList().Count > 0))
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult(
                                        "IP address must be mapped to at least one account, subscriber, or suffix."));

            if (results.Count > 0)

            IRepository repository = null;

                repository = ServiceLocator.IsLocationProviderSet ? ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <IRepository>() : null;
            catch (Exception)
            if (repository == null)

            using (repository)
                // Check to make sure edits do not modify ip address values or start date
                if (Id > 0)
                    var oldRecord = repository.GetIPAddress(Id);
                    if (oldRecord == null)
                            new ValidationResult("Unable to find existing IP Address record to validate against"));
                    if (IpAddressFromNode1 != oldRecord.IpAddressFromNode1 ||
                        IpAddressFromNode2 != oldRecord.IpAddressFromNode2 ||
                        IpAddressFromNode3 != oldRecord.IpAddressFromNode3 ||
                        IpAddressFromNode4 != oldRecord.IpAddressFromNode4 ||
                        IpAddressToNode1 != oldRecord.IpAddressToNode1 ||
                        IpAddressToNode2 != oldRecord.IpAddressToNode2 ||
                        IpAddressToNode3 != oldRecord.IpAddressToNode3 ||
                        IpAddressToNode4 != oldRecord.IpAddressToNode4 ||
                        StartDate.Date != oldRecord.StartDate.Date)
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("IP Address values and start date cannot be updated. "));

                // Check for overlaps with existing account, suffix, and subscriber mappings
                var overlaps = repository.GetIPAddressesByCustomerId(CustomerId)
                               .Where(ip => ip.Id != Id &&
                                      new V4IPRange(ip).HasOverlap(range) &&
                                      ip.LegacyMappings.Any(lm => LegacyMappings.Any(nlm => nlm.Id == lm.Id)))

                if (overlaps.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var overlap in overlaps)
                        var mappingStrings = overlap.LegacyMappings
                                             .Where(lm => LegacyMappings.Any(nlm => lm.Id == nlm.Id))
                        var mappingListString = string.Concat(mappingStrings).TrimEnd(',');

                        results.Add(new ValidationResult(
                                        $"The IP address range {range} overlaps with exising IP address range {new V4IPRange(overlap)}, and both have the following matching mappings:{mappingListString}."));

        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            var results = new List <ValidationResult>();

            IRepository           repository           = null;
            IValidationRepository validationRepository = null;
            IFeatureConfiguration featureConfig        = null;

            if (ServiceLocator.IsLocationProviderSet)
                    repository           = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance(typeof(IRepository)) as IRepository;
                    validationRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance(typeof(IValidationRepository)) as IValidationRepository;
                    featureConfig        = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance(typeof(IFeatureConfiguration)) as IFeatureConfiguration;
                catch (ActivationException)
                    //do nothing

            IEnumerable <SecondaryCustomerProfile> secondaryProfiles  = null;
            IEnumerable <ShippingLocation>         ActiveZZSubscriber = null;

            if (repository != null)
                var suffixLegacyMappingIds = LegacyMappings.Where(lm => lm.LegacySystemName == LegacySystemNames.Suffix.Name).Select(x => x.Id);

                secondaryProfiles = repository.GetCustomer(CustomerId, RelatedEntitiesEnum.SecondaryCustomerProfiles)
                                    .Where(scp => scp.LegacyMappings.Any(pplm => suffixLegacyMappingIds.Contains(pplm.Id)));

                ActiveZZSubscriber = repository.GetCustomer(CustomerId, RelatedEntitiesEnum.ShippingLocations)
                                     .ShippingLocations.Where(x => x.LegacyMappings.Exists(lm => lm.LegacySystemName == LegacySystemNames.Subscriber.Name && lm.LegacyIdentifier.Substring(8, 2) == "ZZ") && x.IsActive)

            if (UsesEbsconetForRenewals)
                if (secondaryProfiles != null)
                    if (secondaryProfiles.Any(x => x.EBSCONetCustomer == false))
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Cannot use EBSCONET for Renewals if Customer is not set up for EBSCONET", new[] { "EBSCONetCustomer" }));

            if (validationRepository != null)
                string errorMessage;
                if (!validationRepository.ValidateProfile(this, out errorMessage))
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult(string.Format("Profile failed SAP validation: {0}", errorMessage), null));
            #region F17008;
            if (featureConfig != null)
                var CcisAddedToRenewalsProfileFeatureEnabled = featureConfig.IsAvailable(FeaturesEnum.CcisAddedToRenewalsProfile);

                if (CcisAddedToRenewalsProfileFeatureEnabled)
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(MailRenewalsToComments) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(MailRenewalsTo))
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Mail Renewals To is not selected.", new[] { "MailRenewalsTo" }));

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(MailRenewalsToComments) && MailRenewalsToComments.Length > 500)
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Mail Renewals To Comments length cannot be greater than 500."));

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PaymentDocumentHeading) && PaymentDocumentHeading.Length > 30)
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Payment Document Heading length cannot be greater than 30."));

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PaymentDocumentHeading) && ProduceRenewalAsAPaymentDocument == false)
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Heading is not valid if Renewal is not set up as Payment Document."));

                    //   if (UsesEbsconetEpackageRenewals == true && UsesEbsconetForRenewals == true)
                    //    results.Add(new ValidationResult("EBSCONET ePackage Renewals (EPR) and EBSCONET Renewals are mutually exclusive."));

                    if (UsesEbsconetEpackageRenewals)
                        if (secondaryProfiles != null)
                            if (secondaryProfiles.Any(x => x.EBSCONetCustomer == false))
                                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Cannot use EBSCONET ePackage Renewals (EPR) if Customer is not set up for EBSCONET.", new[] { "EBSCONetCustomer" }));
                    // if (MailRenewalsTo == "ZZ Subscriber" && shippingLocation != shippingLocation.Where(x => x.LegacyMappings.First(lm => lm.LegacySystemName == LegacySystemName.Subscriber).LegacyIdentifier.Reverse().ToString().Substring(0, 2).ToLower().Equals("zz") && x.IsActive))

                    //  results.Add(new ValidationResult("Subscriber Code ZZ is not active.", new[] { "MailRenewalsTo" }));
                    if (MailRenewalsTo == "ZZ Subscriber" && ActiveZZSubscriber.Count() == 0)
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Subscriber Code ZZ is not active.", new[] { "MailRenewalsTo" }));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            var results = new List <ValidationResult>();

            var officeCodes = LegacyMappings.Where(x => x.LegacySystemName == LegacySystemNames.Account.Name).Select(x => x.LegacyIdentifier.Substring(0, 2)).Distinct();

            IRepository           repository           = null;
            IValidationRepository validationRepository = null;
            IFeatureConfiguration featureConfig        = null;

            if (ServiceLocator.IsLocationProviderSet)
                    repository           = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance(typeof(IRepository)) as IRepository;
                    validationRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance(typeof(IValidationRepository)) as IValidationRepository;
                    featureConfig        = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance(typeof(IFeatureConfiguration)) as IFeatureConfiguration;
                catch (ActivationException)
                    //do nothing

            if (repository != null)
                if (Id > 0)
                    var existingProfile = repository.GetSecondaryCustomerProfile(Id);
                    if (existingProfile != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(existingProfile.ISOBillingCurrency.Trim()) && existingProfile.ISOBillingCurrency != ISOBillingCurrency)
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("ISO Billing Currency cannot be changed.", new[] { "ISOBillingCurrency" }));

            //verify EBSCOBillingCurrency is populated
            if (new[] { "AU", "BA", "FB", "JA", "KO", "MX", "NZ", "TO", "TQ", "TW", "ZE", "ZI", "ZJ", "ZN", "ZP", "ZQ", "ZR", "ZS", "ZT", "ZU", "ZV", "ZX", "ZZ", "ZF", "ZY" }.Any(o1 => officeCodes.Any(o2 => o1 == o2)))
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EBSCOBillingCurrency))
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("EBSCO Billing Currency is required.", new[] { "EBSCOBillingCurrency" }));

            //verify EBSCOBillingCurrency is populated
            //if (new[] { "BR", "BT", "CG", "DC", "DV", "LA", "RB", "SF", "TN" }.Any(o1 => officeCodes.Any(o2 => o1 == o2)))
            //    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EBSCOBillingCurrency) && !StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(EBSCOBillingCurrency, "US"))
            //        results.Add(new ValidationResult("EBSCO Billing Currency must be 'US'.", new[] { "EBSCOBillingCurrency" }));

            //verify arcurrency is valid for given EBSCOBillingCurrency
            if (EBSCOBillingCurrency != null && EBSCOBillingCurrency == "US" && ARCurrency != "US")
                results.Add(new ValidationResult("A/R Currency is not a valid selection", new[] { "ARCurrency" }));

            //verify satellite office code and satellite country is not blank for certain offices
            if (new[] { "ZU", "ZA", "ZJ", "ZN", "ZQ", "ZS", "ZT", "ZZ", "ZE", "ZX", "ZR", "ZC", "ZI", "ZP", "ZV", "ZF", "ZY", "AU", "NZ", "BA", "FB", "JA", "KO", "MX", "TW" }.Any(o1 => officeCodes.Any(o2 => o1 == o2)))
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SatelliteOfficeCode))
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Satellite Office Code is required.", new[] { "SatelliteOfficeCode" }));
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SatelliteCountry))
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Satellite Country is required.", new[] { "SatelliteCountry" }));

            if (new[] { "TO", "TQ" }.Any(o1 => officeCodes.Any(o2 => o1 == o2)) && (ISOBillingCurrency ?? string.Empty) == "USD")
                if (!StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(SatelliteOfficeCode, "USA"))
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Satellite Office Code must be selected.", new[] { "SatelliteOfficeCode" }));
                if (officeCodes.Count() > 1 || !StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Equals(officeCodes.First(), SatelliteCountry))
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Satellite Country must equal the Office Code.", new[] { "SatelliteCountry" }));

            //verify satellite office code and satellite country are populated only for certain offices
            if (officeCodes.Any(o1 => !new[] { "ZU", "ZA", "ZJ", "ZN", "ZQ", "ZS", "ZT", "ZZ", "ZE", "ZX", "ZR", "ZC", "ZI", "ZP", "ZV", "ZF", "ZY", "AU", "NZ", "BA", "FB", "JA", "KO", "MX", "TW", "TO", "TQ" }.Any(o2 => o1 == o2)))
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SatelliteOfficeCode))
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Satellite Office Code is not available.", new[] { "SatelliteOfficeCode" }));
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SatelliteCountry))
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Satellite Country is not available.", new[] { "SatelliteCountry" }));

            if ((!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SatelliteOfficeCode) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SatelliteCountry)) ||
                (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SatelliteOfficeCode) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SatelliteCountry)))
                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Satellite Office Code and Satellite Country must both be provided."));

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EBSCONetCustomerComments) && EBSCONetCustomer == false)
                results.Add(new ValidationResult("EBSCONET Customer Comments cannot be entered.", new[] { "EBSCONetCustomerComments" }));

            if (validationRepository != null)
                string errorMessage;
                if (!validationRepository.ValidateProfile(this, out errorMessage))
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult(string.Format("Profile failed SAP validation: {0}", errorMessage), null));

            //verify ebsco billing currency belongs to iso billing currency
            if (validationRepository != null)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ISOBillingCurrency) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(EBSCOBillingCurrency))
                    string errorMessage;
                    if (!validationRepository.HasMatchingEbscoAndISOCurrencies(ISOBillingCurrency, EBSCOBillingCurrency, out errorMessage))
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult(errorMessage));

            if (!IncludeInNetPublishersLogic.HasValue)
                IncludeInNetPublishersLogic = true;

            if (!EmailCSRForEJournalUpdates.HasValue)
                EmailCSRForEJournalUpdates = true;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EJSCustomer))
                EJSCustomer = "No";

            if (featureConfig != null)
                if (featureConfig.IsAvailable(FeaturesEnum.AddRemainingCCILines))
                    //Verify Ingenta ID Comments cannot be entered if Ingenta ID is null
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(IngentaIDComments) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(IngentaID))
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Ingenta ID Comments cannot be entered.", new[] { "IngentaIDComments" }));

                    //Verify Athens ID Comments cannot be entered if Athens ID is null
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(AthensIDComments) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(AthensID))
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Athens ID Comments cannot be entered.", new[] { "AthensIDComments" }));

        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            var results = new List <ValidationResult>();

            var legacyOfficeCodes = LegacyMappings.Select(x => x.LegacyIdentifier.Substring(0, 2)).ToList();

            #region AccountToBeMerged
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(AccountToBeMerged) && IncludeEDIInvoicingDetails == false)
                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Account to be merged is not valid.", new[] { "AccountToBeMerged" }));

            #region CombineSuffixes
            if (CombineSuffixes.HasValue && ConsolidateInvoicing == false)
                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Combine Suffixes cannot be used if account is not consolidated.", new[] { "CombineSuffixes" }));

            #region CommentLineRequiredComments
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CommentLineRequiredComments) && CommentLineRequired == null)
                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Cannot add Comment Line Required Comments.", new[] { "CommentLineRequiredComments" }));

            #region ConsolidatedInvoiceMonth
            if (ConsolidatedInvoiceMonth == null && ConsolidateInvoicing == true && new[] { "ZE", "ZF", "ZI", "ZN", "ZP", "ZQ", "ZS", "ZT", "ZU", "ZV", "ZY", "ZZ" }.Any(o1 => legacyOfficeCodes.Any(o2 => o1 == o2)))
                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Consolidated Invoice Month must be selected.", new[] { "ConsolidatedInvoiceMonth" }));

            if (ConsolidatedInvoiceMonth != null && ConsolidateInvoicing == false)
                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Consolidated Invoice Month cannot be used if account is not consolidated.", new[] { "ConsolidatedInvoiceMonth" }));

            #region ConsolidatedInvoiceParameters
            if (ConsolidatedInvoiceParameters.HasValue && ConsolidateInvoicing == false)
                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Consolidated Invoice Parameters cannot be used if account is not consolidated.", new[] { "CombineSuffixes" }));

            #region ConsolidatedInvoicing
            IRepository           repository     = null;
            IValidationRepository validationRepo = null;
            IFeatureConfiguration featureConfig  = null;

                string errorMessageConsolidated;
                if (ServiceLocator.IsLocationProviderSet)
                        repository     = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance(typeof(IRepository)) as IRepository;
                        validationRepo = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance(typeof(IValidationRepository)) as IValidationRepository;
                        featureConfig  = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance(typeof(IFeatureConfiguration)) as IFeatureConfiguration;
                    catch (ActivationException)
                        //do nothing

                if (!legacyOfficeCodes.All(x => new[] { "BR", "BT", "CG", "DC", "DV", "LA", "RB", "SF", "TN", "TO", "TQ" }.Contains(x)))
                    if (repository != null)
                        var suffixIds = LegacyMappings.Where(x => x.LegacySystemName == LegacySystemNames.Suffix.Name).Select(x => x.Id).ToArray();

                        var customer          = repository.GetCustomer(CustomerId, RelatedEntitiesEnum.SecondaryCustomerProfiles);
                        var secondaryProfiles = customer.SecondaryCustomerProfiles;
                        var matchingProfiles  = secondaryProfiles.Where(sp => sp.LegacyMappings
                                                                        .Any(splm =>

                        if (matchingProfiles.Any())
                            //var isoCurrency = matchingProfiles.First().ISOBillingCurrency;
                            //var billingCurrency = matchingProfiles.First().EBSCOBillingCurrency;

                            string errorMessage;

                            if (!validationRepo.ValidateConsolidatedInvoices(this, matchingProfiles.First(), out errorMessageConsolidated))
                                results.Add(new ValidationResult(string.Format(errorMessageConsolidated), null));


                #region DiscountDays
                if ((DiscountDays ?? 0) > 0 && (CashDiscountPercent ?? 0) == 0)
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Discount Days is not valid.", new[] { "DiscountDays" }));
                if ((DiscountDays ?? 0) == 0 && (CashDiscountPercent ?? 0) > 0)
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Discount Days is not valid.", new[] { "DiscountDays" }));

                #region EDIFileTransmissionMethod
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EDIFileTransmissionMethod) && IncludeEDIInvoicingDetails)
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("EDI File Transmission Method is required.", new[] { "EDIFileTransmissionMethod" }));
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EDIFileTransmissionMethod) && IncludeEDIInvoicingDetails == false)
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("EDI File Transmission Method is not valid.", new[] { "EDIFileTransmissionMethod" }));

                #region EDIForMainRenewalInvoiceOnly
                if (EDIForMainRenewalInvoiceOnly && IncludeEDIInvoicingDetails == false)
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("EDI For Main Renewal Invoice Only is not valid.", new[] { "EDIForMainRenewalInvoiceOnly" }));

                #region EmailAddressesforAcknowledgements
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EmailAddressesforAcknowledgements) && IncludeEDIInvoicingDetails == false)
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Email Addresses for Acknowledgements is not valid.", new[] { "EmailAddressesforAcknowledgements" }));
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EmailAddressesforAcknowledgements) && ILSFormat != null && new[] { "EBSCO Standard", "Innovative" }.Contains(ILSFormat, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Email Addresses for Acknowledgements is required.", new[] { "EmailAddressesforAcknowledgements" }));

                #region F24216 - Add EDI System
                if (featureConfig != null)
                    if (featureConfig.IsAvailable(FeaturesEnum.EDISystem))
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EDISystem) && IncludeEDIInvoicingDetails == false)
                            results.Add(new ValidationResult("EDI System is not valid.", new[] { "EDISystem" }));
                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EDISystem) && IncludeEDIInvoicingDetails == true)
                            results.Add(new ValidationResult("EDI System is required.", new[] { "EDISystem" }));

                #region F20178 - Add Fund Code (Client Billing info fields)
                if (featureConfig != null)
                    if (featureConfig.IsAvailable(FeaturesEnum.FundCodeFields))
                        if (FundCodeRequired == 1 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FundCodeRequiredComments))
                            results.Add(new ValidationResult("Cannot add Fund Code Required Comments.", new[] { "FundCodeRequiredComments" }));
                        if (FundCodeRequired == 1 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FundCodeToPrintOnInvoice))
                            results.Add(new ValidationResult("Cannot add Fund Code to print on Invoice.", new[] { "FundCodeToPrintOnInvoice" }));
                        if (FundCodeRequired == 2 && FundCodeToPrintOnInvoice?.Length > 6)
                            results.Add(new ValidationResult("Fund Code to print on Invoice can not be more than 6 characters.", new[] { "FundCodeToPrintOnInvoice" }));
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(HegisNumberRequiredComments) && HegisNumbersRequired == false)
                            results.Add(new ValidationResult("Cannot add Hegis Number Required Comments.", new[] { "HegisNumberRequiredComments" }));
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(HegisNumberRequiredComments) && HegisNumberRequiredComments.StartsWith("------"))
                            results.Add(new ValidationResult("Hegis Number Required Comments is invalid.", new[] { "HegisNumberRequiredComments" }));
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(HegisNumberRequiredComments) &&
                            (HegisNumberRequiredComments.StartsWith("**C") || HegisNumberRequiredComments.StartsWith("**c")) &&
                            !Regex.IsMatch(HegisNumberRequiredComments, @"\*\*[Cc][123]"))
                            results.Add(new ValidationResult("Hegis Number Required Comments is invalid.", new[] { "HegisNumberRequiredComments" }));

                #region ILSFormat
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ILSFormat) && IncludeEDIInvoicingDetails == true)
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("ILS Format is required.", new[] { "ILSFormat" }));
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ILSFormat) && IncludeEDIInvoicingDetails == false)
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("ILS Format is not valid.", new[] { "ILSFormat" }));

                #region InvoiceTypestoInclude
                if (InvoiceTypestoInclude != null && IncludeEDIInvoicingDetails == false)
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Invoice Types to Include is not valid.", new[] { "InvoiceTypestoInclude" }));

                #region MaximumInvoiceAmount
                if ((MaximumInvoiceAmount ?? 0) > 0 && (MaximumInvoiceLineItems ?? 0) > 0)
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Maximum Invoice Amount and Maximum Line Items are mutually exclusive.", new[] { "MaximumInvoiceAmount" }));

                #region MaximumInvoiceAmountComments
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(MaximumInvoiceAmountComments) && (MaximumInvoiceAmount ?? 0) == 0)
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Cannot add Maximum Invoice Amount Comments.", new[] { "MaximumInvoiceAmountComments" }));

                #region MaximumInvoiceLineItems
                if ((MaximumInvoiceAmount ?? 0) > 0 && (MaximumInvoiceLineItems ?? 0) > 0)
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Maximum Invoice Amount and Maximum Line Items are mutually exclusive.", new[] { "MaximumInvoiceLineItems" }));

                #region MaximumInvoiceLineItemsComments
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(MaximumInvoiceLineItemsComments) && (MaximumInvoiceLineItems ?? 0) == 0)
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Cannot add Maximum Invoice Line Items Comments.", new[] { "MaximumInvoiceLineItemsComments" }));

                #region PeriodSplit
                if (PeriodSplit != null && !legacyOfficeCodes.All(x => new[] { "ZE", "ZF", "ZI", "ZN", "ZP", "ZQ", "ZS", "ZT", "ZU", "ZV", "ZY", "ZZ" }.Contains(x)))
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Period Split cannot be selected for this office code.", new[] { "PeriodSplit" }));
                if (PeriodSplit != null && ConsolidateInvoicing == false)
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Period Split cannot be used if account is not consolidated.", new[] { "PeriodSplit" }));

                #region ProcessImmediately
                if (ProcessImmediately && ConsolidateInvoicing == false)
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Process Immediately cannot be used if account is not consolidated.", new[] { "ProcessImmediately" }));

                #region HoldUntilCurrentRatesAvailable
                if (HoldUntilCurrentRatesAvailable && ConsolidateInvoicing == false)
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Hold Until Current Rates Available cannot be used if account is not consolidated.", new[] { "ProcessImmediately" }));

                #region SortbyISC
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SortbyISC) && SortbyISC != "S" && TSCRequired == true)
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Sort by ISC is not valid.", new[] { "SortbyISC" }));

                #region SpecialInstructions
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SpecialInstructions) && IncludeEDIInvoicingDetails == false)
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Special Instructions is not valid.", new[] { "MaximumInvoiceLineItemsComments" }));

                #region TSCRequiredComments
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(TSCRequiredComments) && TSCRequired == false)
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Cannot add TSC Required Comments.", new[] { "TSCRequiredComments" }));

                #region UseC1CommentComments
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(UseC1CommentComments) && UseC1Comment == false)
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Cannot add Use C1* Comment Comments.", new[] { "UseC1CommentComments" }));

                #region UseC3CommentComments
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(UseC3CommentComments) && UseC3Comment == false)
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Cannot add Use C3* Comment Comments.", new[] { "UseC3CommentComments" }));

                #region BreakAdjustmentsBySubscriber
                if (BreakAdjustmentsbySubscriber && OriginalInvoiceItemCount > 0)
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Break Adjustments by Subscriber is invalid.", new[] { "BreakAdjustmentsbySubscriber" }));
                if (BreakAdjustmentsbySubscriber && SupplementalInvoiceItemCount > 0)
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Break Adjustments by Subscriber is invalid.", new[] { "BreakAdjustmentsbySubscriber" }));

                #region F13205;
                if (featureConfig != null)
                    IEnumerable <BillingLocation> billingLocations = null;
                    var CcisAddedToInvoicesProfileFeatureEnabled   = featureConfig.IsAvailable(FeaturesEnum.CcisAddedToInvoicesProfile);

                    if (CcisAddedToInvoicesProfileFeatureEnabled)
                        if (IncludeInvoiceDetailReport == true && PrintInvoicesInOldFormat == true)
                            results.Add(new ValidationResult("Cannot include Invoice Detail Report if Invoice is printed in old format.", new[] { "IncludeInvoiceDetailReport" }));

                        if (PrintPageTotal == true && PrintRunningSubTotal == true)
                            results.Add(new ValidationResult("Cannot print both Running Sub-Total and Page Total on an Invoice.", new[] { "PrintPageTotal" }));

                        // if (featureConfig.IsAvailable(FeaturesEnum.ManageBillingAddresses))
                        if (featureConfig.IsAvailable("CA.F7222.US326097.BillingLocationSAPSync"))
                            if (repository != null && !IsDefault)
                                var suffixLegacyMappingIds = LegacyMappings.Where(lm => lm.LegacySystemName == LegacySystemNames.Suffix.Name).Select(x => x.Id);

                                billingLocations = repository.GetCustomer(CustomerId, RelatedEntitiesEnum.BillingLocations)
                                                   .BillingLocations.Where(x => x.LegacyMappings.Any(lm => suffixLegacyMappingIds.Contains(lm.Id)))

                                if (SplitPaymentUsePublicAdministrationVATMatrix && !billingLocations.All(x => x.CountryCode.Equals("IT")))
                                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Public Administration VAT Matrix is only available in Italy.", new[] { "SplitPaymentUsePublicAdministrationVatMatrix" }));
                            if (SplitPaymentUsePublicAdministrationVATMatrix == true && !legacyOfficeCodes.Any(x => new[] { "ZI", "ZQ" }.Contains(x)))
                                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Public Administration VAT Matrix is only available in Italy.", new[] { "SplitPaymentUsePublicAdministrationVatMatrix" }));

                        //begin - can move to attributes when feature CA.F13205 enabled
                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(MailInvoicesTo))
                            results.Add(new ValidationResult("Mail Invoices To is a required field.", new[] { "MailInvoicesTo" }));

                        Regex regex = new Regex(@"(([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.']+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,63}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)(\s*;\s*|\s*$))*");
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AlternateReplyToEmailAddressForInvoices))
                            if (AlternateReplyToEmailAddressForInvoices.Length > 100)
                                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Alternate Reply To Email Address for Invoices exceeds maximum length of 100.", new[] { "AlternateReplyToEmailAddressForInvoices" }));

                            var email = regex.Match(AlternateReplyToEmailAddressForInvoices);
                            if (email.Value.Length != AlternateReplyToEmailAddressForInvoices.Length)
                                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Alternate Reply to Email Addresses for Invoices is invalid.  Multiple emails should be seperated by a semicolon ';'", new[] { "AlternateReplyToEmailAddressForInvoices" }));

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(EmailAddressForOvernightEdits))
                            if (EmailAddressForOvernightEdits.Length > 200)
                                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Email Address for Overnight Edits exceeds maximum length of 200.", new[] { "EmailAddressForOvernightEdits" }));
                            var email = regex.Match(EmailAddressForOvernightEdits);
                            if (email.Value.Length != EmailAddressForOvernightEdits.Length)
                                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Email Addresses for Overnight Edits is invalid..  Multiple emails should be seperated by a semicolon ';'", new[] { "EmailAddressForOvernightEdits" }));
                        //end - can move to attributes when feature CA.F13205 enabled

                if (validationRepo != null)
                    string errorMessage;
                    if (!validationRepo.ValidateProfile(this, out errorMessage))
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult(string.Format("Profile failed SAP validation: {0}", errorMessage), null));

        public List <string> WarningValidation()
            List <string> warnings = new List <string>();

            IRepository           repository    = null;
            IFeatureConfiguration featureConfig = null;

            if (ServiceLocator.IsLocationProviderSet)
                    repository    = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance(typeof(IRepository)) as IRepository;
                    featureConfig = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance(typeof(IFeatureConfiguration)) as IFeatureConfiguration;
                catch (ActivationException)
                    //do nothing

                if (LegacyMappings.Any(x => x.LegacySystemName == LegacySystemNames.Subscriber.Name))
                    if (TapeAddress != null)
                        if (repository != null)
                            if (MainframeAddressOverride == null)
                                var formatter        = new MainframeAddressFormatter(repository);
                                var convertedAddress = formatter.ConvertShippingAddress(this);
                                if (
                                    (convertedAddress.Name ?? string.Empty).Length <= 24 &&
                                    (convertedAddress.Line1 ?? string.Empty).Length <= 24 &&
                                    (convertedAddress.Line2 ?? string.Empty).Length <= 24 &&
                                    (convertedAddress.Line3 ?? string.Empty).Length <= 24 &&
                                    (convertedAddress.Line4 ?? string.Empty).Length <= 24
                                    warnings.Add("Shipping Address is tape compliant. Please remove Tape address if it is no longer needed.");
                                if (
                                    (MainframeAddressOverride.Name ?? string.Empty).Length <= 24 &&
                                    (MainframeAddressOverride.Line1 ?? string.Empty).Length <= 24 &&
                                    (MainframeAddressOverride.Line2 ?? string.Empty).Length <= 24 &&
                                    (MainframeAddressOverride.Line3 ?? string.Empty).Length <= 24 &&
                                    (MainframeAddressOverride.Line4 ?? string.Empty).Length <= 24 &&
                                    (MainframeAddressOverride.Line5 ?? string.Empty).Length <= 24
                                    warnings.Add("Mainframe Override Address is tape compliant. Please remove Tape address if it is no longer needed.");

                    if (ShippingProfile != null)
                        var tempGST = ShippingProfile.GSTExempt.HasValue ? (bool)ShippingProfile.GSTExempt : false;
                        var tempQST = ShippingProfile.QSTExempt.HasValue ? (bool)ShippingProfile.QSTExempt : false;

                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ShippingProfile.VATCountryCode) && LegacyMappings[0].LegacyIdentifier.StartsWith("Z"))
                            warnings.Add("VAT Country Code not selected.");

                        //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ShippingProfile?.Postage))

                        //    if (new[] { " " }.Contains(ShippingProfile.Postage) && CountryCode != "US")
                        //    {
                        //        warnings.Add("US postage may not be valid based on shipping address.");
                        //    }

                        //    if (new[] { "F" }.Contains(ShippingProfile.Postage) && (CountryCode == "US" || CountryCode == "CA"))
                        //    {
                        //        warnings.Add("Foreign postage may not be valid based on shipping address.");
                        //    }

                        //    if (new[] { "P" }.Contains(ShippingProfile.Postage) && (CountryCode == "US" || CountryCode == "CA"))
                        //    {
                        //        warnings.Add("Pan-American postage may not be valid based on shipping address.");
                        //    }

                        //    if (new[] { "C" }.Contains(ShippingProfile.Postage) && CountryCode != "CA")
                        //    {
                        //        warnings.Add("Canadian postage may not be valid based on shipping address.");
                        //    }

                        //    if (!new[] { "C" }.Contains(ShippingProfile.Postage) && CountryCode == "CA")
                        //    {
                        //        warnings.Add("Non-Canadian postage may not be valid based on shipping address.");
                        //    }

                        //var flag = featureConfig.IsAvailable(FeaturesEnum.)

                        if (featureConfig.IsAvailable(FeaturesEnum.AddJetsDropAddress))
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ShippingProfile?.Postage))
                                string countryCode = CountryCode;
                                bool   isAlternateShippingAddress = false;

                                if (JetsAddress != null)
                                    countryCode = JetsAddress.CountryCode;
                                    isAlternateShippingAddress = true;
                                else if (DropAddress != null)
                                    countryCode = DropAddress.CountryCode;
                                    isAlternateShippingAddress = true;

                                if (ShippingProfile.Postage == "C" && countryCode != "CA")
                                    warnings.Add(isAlternateShippingAddress ? "Canadian postage may not be valid based on alternate shipping address." : "Canadian postage may not be valid based on shipping address.");

                                if (ShippingProfile.Postage == "F" && countryCode == "CA")
                                    warnings.Add(isAlternateShippingAddress ? "Foreign postage may not be valid based on alternate shipping address." : "Foreign postage may not be valid based on shipping address.");

                                if (ShippingProfile.Postage == "P" && countryCode == "CA")
                                    warnings.Add(isAlternateShippingAddress ? "Pan-American postage may not be valid based on alternate shipping address." : "Pan-American postage may not be valid based on shipping address.");
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ShippingProfile?.Postage))
                                if (new[] { " " }.Contains(ShippingProfile.Postage) && CountryCode != "US")
                                    warnings.Add("US postage may not be valid based on shipping address.");

                                if (new[] { "F" }.Contains(ShippingProfile.Postage) && (CountryCode == "US" || CountryCode == "CA"))
                                    warnings.Add("Foreign postage may not be valid based on shipping address.");

                                if (new[] { "P" }.Contains(ShippingProfile.Postage) && (CountryCode == "US" || CountryCode == "CA"))
                                    warnings.Add("Pan-American postage may not be valid based on shipping address.");

                                if (new[] { "C" }.Contains(ShippingProfile.Postage) && CountryCode != "CA")
                                    warnings.Add("Canadian postage may not be valid based on shipping address.");

                                if (!new[] { "C" }.Contains(ShippingProfile.Postage) && CountryCode == "CA")
                                    warnings.Add("Non-Canadian postage may not be valid based on shipping address.");

                        if (!ShippingProfile.RateClass.HasFlag(ShippingProfile.RateClassEnum.Individual) &&
                            new[] { "CD", "CI", "EN", "GD", "HD", "IN", "LN", "MN", "PR", "SN", "XI" }.Contains(ShippingProfile.CustomerCategory))
                            warnings.Add("Rate Class selection does not match Customer Category.");

                        if (ShippingProfile.RateClass.HasFlag(ShippingProfile.RateClassEnum.Individual) &&
                            !new[] { "CD", "CI", "EN", "GD", "HD", "IN", "LN", "MN", "PR", "SN", "XI" }.Contains(ShippingProfile.CustomerCategory))
                            warnings.Add("Rate Class selection does not match Customer Category.");

                        if (ShippingProfile.Postage != "C")
                            if (CountryCode == "CA" && tempGST == false)
                                warnings.Add("Must be GST Exempt for Postage Code.");

                        if (ShippingProfile.Postage != "C")
                            if (CountryCode == "CA" && tempQST == false)
                                warnings.Add("Must be QST Exempt for Postage Code.");

                    if (TapeAddress == null && JetsAddress == null && DropAddress == null)
                        if (MainframeAddressOverride == null)
                            if (repository != null)
                                var formatter        = new MainframeAddressFormatter(repository);
                                var convertedAddress = formatter.ConvertShippingAddress(this);

                                if ((convertedAddress.Name ?? string.Empty).Length > 24 ||
                                    (convertedAddress.Line1 ?? string.Empty).Length > 24 ||
                                    (convertedAddress.Line2 ?? string.Empty).Length > 24 ||
                                    (convertedAddress.Line3 ?? string.Empty).Length > 24 ||
                                    (convertedAddress.Line4 ?? string.Empty).Length > 24
                                    warnings.Add("Shipping Address is not tape compliant. Please enter a Tape address if one is needed.");

                if (TapeAddress == null && JetsAddress == null && DropAddress == null)
                    if (repository != null)
                        if (MainframeAddressOverride != null)
                            if (
                                (MainframeAddressOverride.Name ?? string.Empty).Length > 24 ||
                                (MainframeAddressOverride.Line1 ?? string.Empty).Length > 24 ||
                                (MainframeAddressOverride.Line2 ?? string.Empty).Length > 24 ||
                                (MainframeAddressOverride.Line3 ?? string.Empty).Length > 24 ||
                                (MainframeAddressOverride.Line4 ?? string.Empty).Length > 24 ||
                                (MainframeAddressOverride.Line5 ?? string.Empty).Length > 24
                                warnings.Add("Mainframe Override Address is not tape compliant. Please enter a Tape address if one is needed.");

        public new IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            IFeatureConfiguration featureConfig = null;

            if (ServiceLocator.IsLocationProviderSet)
                    featureConfig = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance(typeof(IFeatureConfiguration)) as IFeatureConfiguration;
                catch (ActivationException)
                    //do nothing

            var results = new List <ValidationResult>();

            if ((new[] { "US", "CA" }.Contains(CountryCode)) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PostalCode))
                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Postal is required.", new[] { "Postal" }));

            if (CountryCode == "US" && PostalCode != null && !Regex.Match(PostalCode, @"^\d{1,5}(\-\d{4})?$").Success)
                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Postal is not valid.", new[] { "Postal" }));

            if ((new[] { "US", "CA", "AU" }.Contains(CountryCode)) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(StateProvince))
                results.Add(new ValidationResult("State is required.", new[] { "StateProvince" }));

            if (CountryCode == "CA" && PostalCode != null && !Regex.Match(PostalCode, @"(\D\d\D\s\d\D\d)").Success)
                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Postal is not valid.", new[] { "Postal" }));

            if (FteCounts?.Select(x => x.CountType).Distinct().Count() != FteCounts?.Select((x => x.CountType)).Count())
                results.Add(new ValidationResult("FTE Type cannot be selected more than once.", new[] { "Fte" }));

            if (ShippingProfile != null)
                var tempGST = ShippingProfile.GSTExempt.HasValue ? (bool)ShippingProfile.GSTExempt : false;
                var tempQST = ShippingProfile.QSTExempt.HasValue ? (bool)ShippingProfile.QSTExempt : false;

                if (CountryCode != "CA" && tempGST)
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Country cannot be GST Exempt.", new[] { "GST Exempt" }));

                if (CountryCode != "CA" && tempQST)
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Country cannot be QST Exempt.", new[] { "QST Exempt" }));

                var accountLegacyMapping = LegacyMappings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.LegacySystemName == LegacySystemNames.Account.Name);
                if (accountLegacyMapping != null)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ShippingProfile.Language) &&
                        !accountLegacyMapping.LegacyIdentifier.StartsWith("Z") &&
                        !new[] { "AU", "BA", "FB", "JA", "KO", "NZ", "TO", "TQ", "TW" }.Contains(accountLegacyMapping.LegacyIdentifier.Substring(0, 2)))
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Language cannot be selected for this office.", new[] { "Language" }));

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ShippingProfile.Language) &&
                        //!new[] { "DU - Dutch", "EN - Englisth", "FR - French", "GE - German", "IT - Italian", "PR - Portuguese", "SO - South African", "SP - Spanish", "TU - Turkish" }.Contains(ShippingProfile.Language))
                        !new[] { "DU", "EN", "FR", "GE", "IT", "PR", "SO", "SP", "TU" }.Contains(ShippingProfile.Language))
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Language code is invalid.", new[] { "Language" }));

                    if (featureConfig.IsAvailable(FeaturesEnum.SplitTaxExemptAndVatOnShippingProfile))
                        if (ShippingProfile != null)
                            if (accountLegacyMapping.LegacyIdentifier.StartsWith("Z") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ShippingProfile.TaxExemptNumber))
                                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Tax Exempt Number cannot be used for this office."));

                            //VAT Number  Office != Z * Value is not null   VAT Number cannot be used for this office.
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ShippingProfile.VATNumber) && !accountLegacyMapping.LegacyIdentifier.StartsWith("Z"))
                                results.Add(new ValidationResult("VAT Number cannot be used for this office.", new[] { "VATNumber" }));

                //ITEM FORMATS
                var ItemFormat1Thru6 = new List <string>();

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ShippingProfile.ItemFormat1))

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ShippingProfile.ItemFormat2))
                    if (ItemFormat1Thru6.Distinct().Count() != ItemFormat1Thru6.Count())
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Item Formats cannot be selected more than once.", new[] { "ItemFormat2" }));

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ShippingProfile.ItemFormat3))
                    if (ItemFormat1Thru6.Distinct().Count() != ItemFormat1Thru6.Count())
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Item Formats cannot be selected more than once.", new[] { "ItemFormat3" }));

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ShippingProfile.ItemFormat4))
                    if (ItemFormat1Thru6.Distinct().Count() != ItemFormat1Thru6.Count())
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Item Formats cannot be selected more than once.", new[] { "ItemFormat4" }));

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ShippingProfile.ItemFormat5))
                    if (ItemFormat1Thru6.Distinct().Count() != ItemFormat1Thru6.Count())
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Item Formats cannot be selected more than once.", new[] { "ItemFormat5" }));

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ShippingProfile.ItemFormat6))
                    if (ItemFormat1Thru6.Distinct().Count() != ItemFormat1Thru6.Count())
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Item Formats cannot be selected more than once.", new[] { "ItemFormat6" }));

                //STANDARD FORMATS
                var StandardFormat1Thru6 = new List <string>();

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ShippingProfile.StandardFormat1))
                    if (ItemFormat1Thru6.Contains(ShippingProfile.StandardFormat1))
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Format cannot be selected as both Standard and Item Format.", new[] { "StandardFormat1" }));

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ShippingProfile.StandardFormat2))
                    if (StandardFormat1Thru6.Distinct().Count() != StandardFormat1Thru6.Count())
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Standard Formats cannot be selected more than once.", new[] { "StandardFormat2" }));
                    if (ItemFormat1Thru6.Contains(ShippingProfile.StandardFormat2))
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Format cannot be selected as both Standard and Item Format.", new[] { "StandardFormat2" }));

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ShippingProfile.StandardFormat3))
                    if (StandardFormat1Thru6.Distinct().Count() != StandardFormat1Thru6.Count())
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Standard Formats cannot be selected more than once.", new[] { "StandardFormat3" }));
                    if (ItemFormat1Thru6.Contains(ShippingProfile.StandardFormat3))
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Format cannot be selected as both Standard and Item Format.", new[] { "StandardFormat3" }));

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ShippingProfile.StandardFormat4))
                    if (StandardFormat1Thru6.Distinct().Count() != StandardFormat1Thru6.Count())
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Standard Formats cannot be selected more than once.", new[] { "StandardFormat4" }));
                    if (ItemFormat1Thru6.Contains(ShippingProfile.StandardFormat4))
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Format cannot be selected as both Standard and Item Format.", new[] { "StandardFormat4" }));

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ShippingProfile.StandardFormat5))
                    if (StandardFormat1Thru6.Distinct().Count() != StandardFormat1Thru6.Count())
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Standard Formats cannot be selected more than once.", new[] { "StandardFormat5" }));
                    if (ItemFormat1Thru6.Contains(ShippingProfile.StandardFormat5))
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Format cannot be selected as both Standard and Item Format.", new[] { "StandardFormat5" }));

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ShippingProfile.StandardFormat6))
                    if (StandardFormat1Thru6.Distinct().Count() != StandardFormat1Thru6.Count())
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Standard Formats cannot be selected more than once.", new[] { "StandardFormat6" }));
                    if (ItemFormat1Thru6.Contains(ShippingProfile.StandardFormat6))
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Format cannot be selected as both Standard and Item Format.", new[] { "StandardFormat6" }));

                //RATE CLASS
                if (ShippingProfile.RateClass.HasFlag(ShippingProfile.RateClassEnum.Institution) &&
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Individual and Institution are mutually exclusive.", new[] { "RateClass" }));

                if (ShippingProfile.RateClass.HasFlag(ShippingProfile.RateClassEnum.RegularEducator) &&
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Special Educator and Regular Educator are mutually exclusive.", new[] { "RateClass" }));

                if (ShippingProfile.RateClass.HasFlag(ShippingProfile.RateClassEnum.RegularProfessional) &&
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Special Professional and Regular Professional are mutually exclusive.", new[] { "RateClass" }));

                if ((ShippingProfile.RateClass.HasFlag(ShippingProfile.RateClassEnum.RegularEducator) ||
                     ShippingProfile.RateClass.HasFlag(ShippingProfile.RateClassEnum.SpecialEducator)) &&
                    (ShippingProfile.RateClass.HasFlag(ShippingProfile.RateClassEnum.RegularProfessional) ||
                     ShippingProfile.RateClass.HasFlag(ShippingProfile.RateClassEnum.SpecialProfessional) ||
                     ShippingProfile.RateClass.HasFlag(ShippingProfile.RateClassEnum.Field) ||
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Rate Class selection is mutually exclusive.", new[] { "RateClass" }));

                if ((ShippingProfile.RateClass.HasFlag(ShippingProfile.RateClassEnum.RegularProfessional) ||
                     ShippingProfile.RateClass.HasFlag(ShippingProfile.RateClassEnum.SpecialProfessional)) &&
                    (ShippingProfile.RateClass.HasFlag(ShippingProfile.RateClassEnum.SpecialEducator) ||
                     ShippingProfile.RateClass.HasFlag(ShippingProfile.RateClassEnum.RegularEducator) ||
                     ShippingProfile.RateClass.HasFlag(ShippingProfile.RateClassEnum.Field) ||
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Rate Class selection is mutually exclusive.", new[] { "RateClass" }));

                if (ShippingProfile.RateClass.HasFlag(ShippingProfile.RateClassEnum.Field) &&
                    (ShippingProfile.RateClass.HasFlag(ShippingProfile.RateClassEnum.SpecialEducator) ||
                     ShippingProfile.RateClass.HasFlag(ShippingProfile.RateClassEnum.RegularEducator) ||
                     ShippingProfile.RateClass.HasFlag(ShippingProfile.RateClassEnum.Military) ||
                     ShippingProfile.RateClass.HasFlag(ShippingProfile.RateClassEnum.SpecialProfessional) ||
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Rate Class selection is mutually exclusive.", new[] { "RateClass" }));

                if (ShippingProfile.RateClass.HasFlag(ShippingProfile.RateClassEnum.Military) &&
                    (ShippingProfile.RateClass.HasFlag(ShippingProfile.RateClassEnum.SpecialEducator) ||
                     ShippingProfile.RateClass.HasFlag(ShippingProfile.RateClassEnum.RegularEducator) ||
                     ShippingProfile.RateClass.HasFlag(ShippingProfile.RateClassEnum.Field) ||
                     ShippingProfile.RateClass.HasFlag(ShippingProfile.RateClassEnum.SpecialProfessional) ||
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Rate Class selection is mutually exclusive.", new[] { "RateClass" }));

                #region Postage
                if (featureConfig.IsAvailable(FeaturesEnum.AddJetsDropAddress))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ShippingProfile.Postage))
                        string countryCode = CountryCode;
                        bool   isAlternateShippingAddress = false;

                        if (JetsAddress != null)
                            countryCode = JetsAddress.CountryCode;
                            isAlternateShippingAddress = true;
                        else if (DropAddress != null)
                            countryCode = DropAddress.CountryCode;
                            isAlternateShippingAddress = true;

                        if (ShippingProfile.Postage == " " && countryCode != "US")
                                ? new ValidationResult("US postage may not be valid based on alternate shipping address.",
                                                       new[] { "Postage" })
                                : new ValidationResult("US postage may not be valid based on shipping address.",
                                                       new[] { "Postage" }));

                        if (ShippingProfile.Postage != " " && countryCode == "US")
                                ? new ValidationResult("Postage must be US based on alternate shipping address.",
                                                       new[] { "Postage" })
                                : new ValidationResult("Postage must be US based on shipping address.",
                                                       new[] { "Postage" }));

            #region JetsAddress.JetsServiceChargePercent
            if (JetsAddress != null)
                var accountLegacyMapping = LegacyMappings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.LegacySystemName == "Mainframe - Account");
                if (accountLegacyMapping != null)
                    if ((JetsAddress.JetsServiceChargePercent > 0m) &&
                        (!new[] { "AU", "BA", "FB", "JA", "KO", "MX", "TW", "ZE", "ZF", "ZI", "ZJ", "ZN", "ZP", "ZQ", "ZR", "ZS", "ZT", "ZU", "ZV", "ZX", "ZY", "ZZ" }.Contains(accountLegacyMapping.LegacyIdentifier.Substring(0, 2))))
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("JETS Service Charge Percent cannot be used for this office.", new[] { "JetsServiceChargePercent" }));

            if (results.Count > 0)

            IValidationRepository validator  = null;
            IRepository           repository = null;
                if (ServiceLocator.IsLocationProviderSet)
                        validator  = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <IValidationRepository>();
                        repository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance(typeof(IRepository)) as IRepository;
                    catch (ActivationException) { }

                //var context = new ValidationContext(Address, serviceProvider: null, items: null);
                //var result = Validator.TryValidateObject(Address, context, results, true);
                //    return results;

                //IRepository repository = null;
                ////IListLookupService lookupService = null;
                //if (ServiceLocator.IsLocationProviderSet)
                //    try
                //    {
                //        //repository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance(typeof(IRepository)) as IRepository;
                //        //lookupService = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance(typeof(IListLookupService)) as IListLookupService;
                //    }
                //    catch (ActivationException)
                //    {
                //        //do nothing
                //    }

                /* validate the address using the tax service */
                if (validator != null)
                    if (!validator.ValidateTaxAddress(this))
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Shipping Address is not tax compliant.  City and/or Postal Code are invalid for the selected Country.", new[] { "SystemAddress" }));

                if (LegacyMappings.Any(x => x.LegacySystemName == LegacySystemNames.Subscriber.Name))
                    if (MainframeAddressOverride == null)
                        if (LegacyMappings.Any(x => x.LegacySystemName == LegacySystemNames.Subscriber.Name))
                            if (repository != null)
                                var formatter        = new MainframeAddressFormatter(repository);
                                var convertedAddress = formatter.ConvertShippingAddress(this);
                                if (
                                    (convertedAddress.Name ?? string.Empty).Length > 30 ||
                                    (convertedAddress.Line1 ?? string.Empty).Length > 30 ||
                                    (convertedAddress.Line2 ?? string.Empty).Length > 30 ||
                                    (convertedAddress.Line3 ?? string.Empty).Length > 30 ||
                                    (convertedAddress.Line4 ?? string.Empty).Length > 30
                                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Shipping Address is not mainframe compliant. Please use Mainframe Override address."));
                        /* Check if the shipping address is mainframe compliant and still mainframe override address is provided  */
                        if (repository != null)
                            var formatter        = new MainframeAddressFormatter(repository);
                            var convertedAddress = formatter.ConvertShippingAddress(this);
                            if (
                                (convertedAddress.Name ?? string.Empty).Length <= 30 &&
                                (convertedAddress.Line1 ?? string.Empty).Length <= 30 &&
                                (convertedAddress.Line2 ?? string.Empty).Length <= 30 &&
                                (convertedAddress.Line3 ?? string.Empty).Length <= 30 &&
                                (convertedAddress.Line4 ?? string.Empty).Length <= 30
                                results.Add(new ValidationResult(
                                                "Shipping Address is mainframe compliant. Please remove Mainframe Override address."));

                        var context = new ValidationContext(MainframeAddressOverride, serviceProvider: null, items: null);
                        Validator.TryValidateObject(MainframeAddressOverride, context, results, true);

                    if (TapeAddress != null)
                        var context = new ValidationContext(TapeAddress, serviceProvider: null, items: null);
                        Validator.TryValidateObject(TapeAddress, context, results, true);

                    if (JetsAddress != null)
                        var context = new ValidationContext(JetsAddress, serviceProvider: null, items: null);
                        Validator.TryValidateObject(JetsAddress, context, results, true);

                    if (DropAddress != null)
                        var context = new ValidationContext(DropAddress, serviceProvider: null, items: null);
                        Validator.TryValidateObject(DropAddress, context, results, true);

                    if (ShippingProfile != null)
                        var context = new ValidationContext(ShippingProfile, serviceProvider: null, items: null);
                        Validator.TryValidateObject(ShippingProfile, context, results, true);

                    if (LegacyMappings.Count > 0)
                        if (repository == null)

                        var accountLegacyMapping = LegacyMappings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.LegacySystemName == LegacySystemNames.Account.Name);
                        if (accountLegacyMapping == null)

                        var subcodeLegacyMapping = LegacyMappings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.LegacySystemName == LegacySystemNames.Subscriber.Name);

                        if (subcodeLegacyMapping != null)
                            if (subcodeLegacyMapping.LegacyIdentifier.Length < 10)
                                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Subscriber Mapping is not 2 character long.", new[] { "Subscriber Code" }));

                            var existingCustomer = repository.GetCustomer(CustomerId, RelatedEntitiesEnum.ShippingLocations);
                            foreach (var location in existingCustomer.ShippingLocations.Where(x => x.Id != Id && x.LegacyMappings.Any(alm => alm.Id == accountLegacyMapping.Id)))
                                if (location.LegacyMappings.Any(x => x.LegacySystemName == LegacySystemNames.Subscriber.Name && x.LegacyIdentifier == subcodeLegacyMapping.LegacyIdentifier))
                                    results.Add(new ValidationResult("Subscriber is already mapped to an existing address.", new[] { "Subscriber Code" }));

                            var countries = repository.GetCountries();
                            var country   = countries.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == CountryCode);
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(country?.MainframeShortCode) && MainframeAddressOverride == null)
                                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Shipping Address is not mainframe compliant. Mainframe does not support the specified country.  Please use Mainframe Override Address."));

                    if (ShippingProfile != null)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ShippingProfile.VATCountryCode) && !LegacyMappings[0].LegacyIdentifier.StartsWith("Z"))
                            results.Add(new ValidationResult("VAT Country Code cannot be selected for this office.", new[] { "VATCountryCode" }));

                    if (TapeAddress != null)
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Tape Address cannot be provided without a subscriber code.", new[] { "Tape Address" }));
        public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
            var results = new List <ValidationResult>();

            IRepository           repository           = null;
            IValidationRepository validationRepository = null;
            IFeatureConfiguration featureConfig        = null;

            if (ServiceLocator.IsLocationProviderSet)
                    repository           = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance(typeof(IRepository)) as IRepository;
                    validationRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance(typeof(IValidationRepository)) as IValidationRepository;
                    featureConfig        = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance(typeof(IFeatureConfiguration)) as IFeatureConfiguration;
                catch (ActivationException)
                    //do nothing

            IEnumerable <OrderProfile> orderProfiles = null;

            if (repository != null)
                var suffixLegacyMappingIds = LegacyMappings.Where(lm => lm.LegacySystemName == LegacySystemNames.Suffix.Name).Select(x => x.Id);

                orderProfiles = repository.GetCustomer(CustomerId, RelatedEntitiesEnum.OrderProfiles)
                                .Where(scp => scp.LegacyMappings.Any(pplm => suffixLegacyMappingIds.Contains(pplm.Id)));

            #region ClaimCheckerInformation
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ClaimCheckerInformation))
                if (orderProfiles != null)
                    if (orderProfiles.Any(x => string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.ClaimCheckerReport?.Trim())))
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Cannot use Claim Checker Information if Claim Checker Report is not selected", new[] { "ClaimCheckerInformation" }));

            #region ClaimCheckerSpecialHandling
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ClaimCheckerSpecialHandling))
                if (orderProfiles != null)
                    if (orderProfiles.Any(x => string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.ClaimCheckerReport?.Trim())))
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Cannot use Claim Checker Special Handling if Claim Checker Report is not selected", new[] { "ClaimCheckerSpecialHandling" }));

            #region AlertCustomerIfPriceIncreasesByPercent
            if ((AlertCustomerIfPriceIncreasesByPercent > 0m) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PriceIncreaseAlert)))
                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Price Increase Alert month not selected", new[] { "AlertCustomerIfPriceIncreasesByPercent" }));
            if ((AlertCustomerIfPriceIncreasesByPercent == 0m || !AlertCustomerIfPriceIncreasesByPercent.HasValue) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PriceIncreaseAlert)))
                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Price Increase Alert percentage is not provided", new[] { "AlertCustomerIfPriceIncreasesByPercent" }));

            #region EmailAddressesToSendAlert
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(EmailAddressesToSendAlert) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(PriceIncreaseAlert))
                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Price Increase Alert email not provided", new[] { "EmailAddressesToSendAlert" }));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(EmailAddressesToSendAlert) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(PriceIncreaseAlert))
                results.Add(new ValidationResult("Price Increase Alert month not selected", new[] { "EmailAddressesToSendAlert" }));

            #region PrintJetsCumulativeReport
            if (featureConfig != null)
                if (featureConfig.IsAvailable(FeaturesEnum.AddRemainingCCILines))
                    if ((PrintJetsCumulativeReport == false) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(JetsCumulativeReportFrequency))
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Cannot add Jets Cumulative Report Frequency.", new[] { "JetsCumulativeReportFrequency" }));
                    if ((PrintJetsCumulativeReport == false) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PrintJetsCumulativeReportComments))
                        results.Add(new ValidationResult("Cannot add Print Jets Cumulative Report Comments.", new[] { "PrintJetsCumulativeReportComments" }));

            if (validationRepository != null)
                string errorMessage;
                if (!validationRepository.ValidateProfile(this, out errorMessage))
                    results.Add(new ValidationResult(string.Format("Profile failed SAP validation: {0}", errorMessage), null));
