Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets flag bit(s)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="flag">The flag bit(s) to set</param>
 /// <param name="setting">True to set, false to clear</param>
 void SetFlag(LegItemFlag flag, bool setting)
     if (setting)
         m_Switches |= flag;
         m_Switches &= (~flag);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the distance of a specific span in this face.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="distance">The distance to assign.</param>
        /// <param name="index">The index of the distance [0,NumSpan-1]</param>
        /// <param name="qualifier"></param>
        /// <returns>True if index was valid.</returns>
        internal bool SetDistance(Distance distance, int index, LegItemFlag qualifier)
            // Return if index is out of range.
            if (index < 0 || index >= NumSpan)

            // Remember any qualifier.
            if (qualifier != 0)
                m_Spans[index].Flags |= qualifier;

            // Assign the distance
            m_Spans[index].ObservedDistance = distance;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the distance of a specific span in this face.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="distance">The distance to assign.</param>
        /// <param name="index">The index of the distance [0,NumSpan-1]</param>
        /// <param name="qualifier"></param>
        /// <returns>True if index was valid.</returns>
        internal bool SetDistance(Distance distance, int index, LegItemFlag qualifier)
            // Return if index is out of range.
            if (index < 0 || index >= NumSpan)
                return false;

            // Remember any qualifier.
            if (qualifier != 0)
                m_Spans[index].Flags |= qualifier;

            // Assign the distance
            m_Spans[index].ObservedDistance = distance;
            return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a straight leg.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="items">Array of path items.</param>
        /// <param name="si">Index to the item where the leg data starts.</param>
        /// <param name="nexti">Index of the item where the next leg starts.</param>
        /// <returns>The new leg.</returns>
        static StraightLeg CreateStraightLeg(PathItem[] items, int si, out int nexti)
            // Get the leg ID.
            int legnum = items[si].LegNumber;

            // How many distances have we got?
            int ndist = 0;

            for (nexti = si; nexti < items.Length && items[nexti].LegNumber == legnum; nexti++)
                if (items[nexti].IsDistance)

            // Create the leg.
            StraightLeg leg = new StraightLeg(ndist);

            // Assign each distance.
            ndist = 0;
            for (int i = si; i < nexti; i++)
                Distance d = items[i].GetDistance();
                if (d != null)
                    // See if there is a qualifier after the distance
                    LegItemFlag qual = LegItemFlag.Null;
                    if ((i + 1) < nexti)
                        PathItemType nexttype = items[i + 1].ItemType;

                        if (nexttype == PathItemType.MissConnect)
                            qual = LegItemFlag.MissConnect;

                        if (nexttype == PathItemType.OmitPoint)
                            qual = LegItemFlag.OmitPoint;

                    leg.PrimaryFace.SetDistance(d, ndist, qual);

            // If the first item is an angle, remember it as part of the leg.
            if (items[si].ItemType == PathItemType.Angle)
                leg.StartAngle = items[si].Value;
            else if (items[si].ItemType == PathItemType.Deflection)

            // Return a reference to the new leg
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a circular leg.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="items">Array of path items.</param>
        /// <param name="si">Index to the item where the leg data starts.</param>
        /// <param name="nexti">Index of the item where the next leg starts.</param>
        /// <returns>The new leg.</returns>
        static CircularLeg CreateCircularLeg(PathItem[] items, int si, out int nexti)
            // Confirm that the first item refers to the BC.
            if (items[si].ItemType != PathItemType.BC)
                throw new Exception("PathParser.CreateCircularLeg - Not starting at BC");

            // The BC has to be followed by at least 3 items: angle, radius
            // and EC (add an extra 1 to account for 0-based indexing).
            if (items.Length < si + 4)
                throw new Exception("PathParser.CreateCircularLeg - Insufficient curve data");

            double bangle    = 0.0;         // Angle at BC
            double cangle    = 0.0;         // Central angle
            double eangle    = 0.0;         // Angle at EC
            bool   twoangles = false;       // True if bangle & eangle are both defined.
            bool   clockwise = true;        // True if curve is clockwise
            int    irad      = 0;           // Index of the radius item
            bool   cul       = false;       // True if cul-de-sac case

            // Point to item following the BC.
            nexti = si + 1;
            PathItemType type = items[nexti].ItemType;

            // If the angle following the BC is a central angle
            if (type == PathItemType.CentralAngle)
                // We have a cul-de-sac
                cul = true;

                // Get the central angle.
                cangle = items[nexti].Value;
            else if (type == PathItemType.BcAngle)
                // Get the entry angle.
                bangle = items[nexti].Value;

                // Does an exit angle follow?
                if (items[nexti].ItemType == PathItemType.EcAngle)
                    eangle    = items[nexti].Value;
                    twoangles = true;
                // The field after the BC HAS to be an angle.
                throw new ApplicationException("Angle does not follow BC");

            // Must be followed by radius.
            if (items[nexti].ItemType != PathItemType.Radius)
                throw new ApplicationException("Radius does not follow angle");

            // Get the radius
            Distance radius = items[nexti].GetDistance();

            irad = nexti;

            // The item after the radius indicates whether the curve is counterclockwise.
            if (items[nexti].ItemType == PathItemType.CounterClockwise)
                clockwise = false;

            // Get the leg ID.
            int legnum = items[si].LegNumber;

            // How many distances have we got?
            int ndist = 0;

            for (; nexti < items.Length && items[nexti].LegNumber == legnum; nexti++)
                if (items[nexti].IsDistance)

            // Create the leg.
            CircularLeg        leg     = new CircularLeg(radius, clockwise, ndist);
            CircularLegMetrics metrics = leg.Metrics;

            // Set the entry angle or the central angle, depending on what we have.
            if (cul)

            // Assign second angle if we have one.
            if (twoangles)

            // Assign each distance, starting one after the radius.
            ndist = 0;
            for (int i = irad + 1; i < nexti; i++)
                Distance dist = items[i].GetDistance();
                if (dist != null)
                    // See if there is a qualifier after the distance
                    LegItemFlag qual = LegItemFlag.Null;
                    if (i + 1 < nexti)
                        PathItemType nexttype = items[i + 1].ItemType;
                        if (nexttype == PathItemType.MissConnect)
                            qual = LegItemFlag.MissConnect;
                        if (nexttype == PathItemType.OmitPoint)
                            qual = LegItemFlag.OmitPoint;

                    leg.PrimaryFace.SetDistance(dist, ndist, qual);

            // Return the new leg.
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates new <c>SpanInfo</c> with everything set to null.
 /// </summary>
 internal SpanInfo()
     m_Distance = null;
     m_Feature  = null;
     m_Switches = LegItemFlag.Null;