public ActionResult GetValueFromEditForm()
            string leaveRequestID = Request.QueryString["name"].ToString();
            int    LeaveRequestID = Convert.ToInt32(leaveRequestID);

            string EmloyeeID = Session["EmpID"].ToString();
            int    EmpID     = Int32.Parse(EmloyeeID);

            string ComboValue = Request.Form["HComboValue"];
            string StartDate  = Request.Form["HStartDate"];
            string EndDate    = Request.Form["HEndDate"];
            string DateDiff   = Request.Form["HDateDiff"];
            string Handover   = Request.Form["HHandover"];
            string Mobile     = Request.Form["mobile"];
            string reason     = Request.Form["reason"];

            string isCompassionate = Request.Form["HIscompassionate"];
            string isHalfDay       = Request.Form["HIsHalfDay"];

            Boolean checkForHalfDay       = false;
            Boolean checkForCompassionate = false;
            int     handover = 0;

            if (isHalfDay == "full day" || isHalfDay == "first half day" || isHalfDay == "second half day")
                checkForHalfDay = true;
            if (isCompassionate == "compassionate")
                checkForCompassionate = true;
            if (Handover != null)
                handover = Convert.ToInt32(Handover);

            LeaveApply lea     = new LeaveApply();
            int        LeaveID = Convert.ToInt32(ComboValue);

            DateTime startDate = DateTime.Parse(StartDate);
            DateTime endDate   = DateTime.Parse(EndDate);
            int      dateDiff  = Convert.ToInt32(DateDiff);

            //Don't insert/ It is needed to update. Use LeaveRequestedID to update table
            lea.InsertLeaveRequest(EmpID, reason, startDate, endDate, dateDiff, checkForHalfDay, checkForCompassionate, handover);
            lea.InsertLeaveRequestToUsedLeave(EmpID, LeaveID, startDate, endDate, dateDiff);
        public ActionResult GetValueFromLeaveApplicationForm()
            string EmloyeeID = Session["EmpID"].ToString();
            int    EmpID     = Int32.Parse(EmloyeeID);

            string ComboValue = Request.Form["HComboValue"];
            string StartDate  = Request.Form["HStartDate"];
            string EndDate    = Request.Form["HEndDate"];
            string DateDiff   = Request.Form["HDateDiff"];
            string Handover   = Request.Form["HHandover"];
            string Mobile     = Request.Form["mobile"];
            string reason     = Request.Form["reason"];

            string isCompassionate = Request.Form["HIscompassionate"];
            string isHalfDay       = Request.Form["HIsHalfDay"];

            string[] separater  = { "," };
            string[] comboValue = ComboValue.Split(separater, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            string[] startDate  = StartDate.Split(separater, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            string[] endDate    = EndDate.Split(separater, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            string[] dateDiff   = DateDiff.Split(separater, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            Boolean checkForHalfDay       = false;
            Boolean checkForCompassionate = false;
            int     handover = 0;

            if (isHalfDay == "full day" || isHalfDay == "first half day" || isHalfDay == "second half day")
                checkForHalfDay = true;
            if (isCompassionate == "compassionate")
                checkForCompassionate = true;
            if (Handover != null)
                handover = Convert.ToInt32(Handover);
            int i = 0;

            foreach (var word in comboValue)
                string   LeaveName = comboValue[i];
                string   SDate     = startDate[i];
                DateTime sDate     = DateTime.Parse(SDate);
                string   EDate     = endDate[i];
                DateTime eDate     = DateTime.Parse(EDate);

                LeaveApply lea     = new LeaveApply();
                int        LeaveID = lea.getLeaveID(LeaveName);

                double diff2 = (eDate - sDate).TotalDays;
                int    Diff  = Convert.ToInt32(diff2);
                Diff = Diff + 1;
                decimal diff = Convert.ToDecimal(Diff);

                lea.InsertLeaveRequest(EmpID, reason, sDate, eDate, Diff, checkForHalfDay, checkForCompassionate, handover);
                lea.InsertLeaveRequestToUsedLeave(EmpID, LeaveID, sDate, eDate, diff);
                i = i + 1;