Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        ///     The create menu.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateMenu()
            this.Menu = new Menu("cmMoonDraven", "Moon Draven", true);

            // Combo
            var comboMenu = new Menu("Combo", "Combo");

            comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseQCombo", "Use Q", true));
            comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseWCombo", "Use W", true));
            comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseECombo", "Use E", true));
            comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseRCombo", "Use R", true));

            // Harass
            var harassMenu = new Menu("Harass", "Harass");

            harassMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseEHarass", "Use E", true));
            harassMenu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("UseHarassToggle", "Harass! (Toggle)", Keys.T, KeyBindType.Toggle));

            // Lane Clear
            var laneClearMenu = new Menu("WaveClear", "Wave Clear");

            laneClearMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseQWaveClear", "Use Q", true));
            laneClearMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseWWaveClear", "Use W", true));
            laneClearMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseEWaveClear", "Use E"));
            laneClearMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("WaveClearManaPercent", "Mana Percent", 0x32));

            // Axe Menu
            var axeMenu = new Menu("AxeSettings", "Axe Settings");

            axeMenu.Add(new MenuList <string>("AxeMode", "Catch Axe on Mode:", new[] { "Always", "Combo", "Any" }));
            axeMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("CatchAxeRange", "Catch Axe Range", 0x320, 0x78, 0x5DC));
            axeMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("MaxAxes", "Maximum Axes", 2, 1, 3));
            axeMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseWForQ", "Use W if Axe too far", true));
            axeMenu.Add(new MenuBool("DontCatchUnderTurret", "Don't Catch Axe Under Turret", true));
            axeMenu.Add(new MenuBool("AlwaysCatch", "Always Catch Axe", false));

            // Drawing
            var drawMenu = new Menu("Drawing", "Draw");

            drawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("DrawE", "Draw E", true));
            drawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("DrawAxeLocation", "Draw Axe Location", true));
            drawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("DrawAxeRange", "Draw Axe Catch Range", true));

            // Misc Menu
            var miscMenu = new Menu("Misc", "Misc");

            miscMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseWSetting", "Use W Instantly(When Available)"));
            miscMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseEGapcloser", "Use E on Gapcloser", true));
            miscMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseEInterrupt", "Use E to Interrupt", true));
            miscMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("UseWManaPercent", "Use W Mana Percent", 0x32));
            miscMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseWSlow", "Use W if Slowed", true));

Exemplo n.º 2
        public void LoadToMenu(Menu Menu)
            var comboMenu = new Menu("sdkaio.janna.combo", "[Janna] Combo", false, ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName);
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseQ", "Use Q", true));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseW", "Use W", true));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseE", "Use E", true));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuSliderButton("RMinEnemiesSB", "Use R / R Minimum Enemies", 2, 1, 5, true));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuList <string>("RMode", "R Mode", new[] { "To Allies", "To Towers", "Both" })).SelectedValue = "Both";

            var harassMenu = new Menu("sdkaio.janna.hybrid", "[Janna] Hybrid", false, ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName);
                harassMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseQ", "Use Q", true));
                harassMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseW", "Use W", true));
                harassMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseE", "Use E", true));

            var miscMenu = new Menu("sdkaio.janna.misc", "[Janna] Misc", false, ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName);
                var miscEMenu = new Menu("sdkaio.janna.misc.eon", "Use E On", false, ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName);
                    foreach (var hero in GameObjects.AllyHeroes)
                        miscEMenu.Add(new MenuBool(hero.ChampionName.ToLower(), hero.ChampionName, true));
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static void Game_OnGameStart(EventArgs args)
            if (Player.ChampionName != "Thresh")

            _logger = new StreamWriter(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"\log.txt")
                AutoFlush = true

            _q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 1100);
            _q.SetSkillshot(true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);

            _config    = new Menu("Prediction", "Prediction", true);
            _orbwalker = new Orbwalker();
            Menu settings = new Menu("Settings", "Settings");

            settings.Add(new MenuKeyBind("Write", "Write Last Cast information to log", System.Windows.Forms.Keys.L,
            settings.Add(new MenuSeparator("Info", "Log files are located in %appdata%"));

            Game.OnUpdate  += Game_OnUpdate;
            Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void LoadToMenu(Menu Menu)
            var comboMenu = new Menu("sdkaio.janna.combo", "[Janna] Combo", false, ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName);
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseQ", "Use Q", true));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseW", "Use W", true));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseE", "Use E", true));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuSliderButton("RMinEnemiesSB", "Use R / R Minimum Enemies", 2, 1, 5, true));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuList<string>("RMode", "R Mode", new[] { "To Allies", "To Towers", "Both" })).SelectedValue = "Both";

            var harassMenu = new Menu("sdkaio.janna.hybrid", "[Janna] Hybrid", false, ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName);
                harassMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseQ", "Use Q", true));
                harassMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseW", "Use W", true));
                harassMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseE", "Use E", true));

            var miscMenu = new Menu("sdkaio.janna.misc", "[Janna] Misc", false, ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName);
                var miscEMenu = new Menu("sdkaio.janna.misc.eon", "Use E On", false, ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName);
                    foreach (var hero in GameObjects.AllyHeroes)
                        miscEMenu.Add(new MenuBool(hero.ChampionName.ToLower(), hero.ChampionName, true));

Exemplo n.º 5
        private static void CreateMenu()
            menu = new Menu("Blitzcranck", "Bliztcranck", true);
            Bootstrap.Init(new string[] { }); //blabla

            var comboMenu = new Menu("Combo", "Combo Menu");
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuList <string>("combohit", "Q hitchance ", new[] { "Medium", "Hight", "Very Hight" }));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("comboQ", "Use Q", true));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("comboE", "Use E", true));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("comboR", "Auto R", true));
                //       comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Min Enemys R", "Min Enemys R", true));
            var drawingMenu = new Menu("Draws", "Draw Menu");

                drawingMenu.Add(new MenuBool("drawQ", "Draw Q", true));
                drawingMenu.Add(new MenuBool("drawR", "Draw R", true));
                drawingMenu.Add(new MenuBool("drawGrabs", "Draw Grabs", true));
                //        comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Min Enemys R", "Min Enemys R", true));
Exemplo n.º 6
 public static MenuList List(this Menu subMenu, string name, string display, string[] array, int value = 0)
     return(subMenu.Add(new MenuList <string>(name, display, array)
         Index = value
Exemplo n.º 7
 public static MenuKeyBind KeyBind(Menu subMenu,
     string name,
     string display,
     Keys key,
     KeyBindType type = KeyBindType.Press)
     return subMenu.Add(new MenuKeyBind(name, display, key, type));
Exemplo n.º 8
 public static MenuKeyBind KeyBind(Menu subMenu,
                                   string name,
                                   string display,
                                   Keys key,
                                   KeyBindType type = KeyBindType.Press)
     return(subMenu.Add(new MenuKeyBind(name, display, key, type)));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public 塔防范围()
            TurretMenu = new Menu("塔防范围", "塔防范围");
            TurretMenu.Add(new MenuColor("敌军颜色", "敌军颜色", EnemyColor));
            TurretMenu.Add(new MenuColor("友军颜色", "友军颜色", AllyColor));

            Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public static MenuSlider Slider(
     this Menu subMenu,
     string name,
     string display,
     int cur,
     int min = 0,
     int max = 100)
     return(subMenu.Add(new MenuSlider(name, display, cur, min, max)));
Exemplo n.º 11
 public static void CreateMenu()
     var evadeMenu = new Menu("Evade", "Evade Skillshot");
         AddUI.Separator(evadeMenu, "Credit", "Credit: Evade#");
         var evadeSpells = new Menu("Spells", "Spells");
             foreach (var spell in EvadeSpellDatabase.Spells)
                 var sub = new Menu(spell.Name, string.Format("{0} ({1})", spell.Name, spell.Slot));
                     if (Program.Player.ChampionName == "Yasuo")
                         if (spell.Name == "YasuoDashWrapper")
                             AddUI.Bool(sub, "ETower", "Under Tower", false);
                         else if (spell.Name == "YasuoWMovingWall")
                             AddUI.Slider(sub, "WDelay", "Extra Delay", 100, 0, 150);
                     AddUI.Slider(sub, "DangerLevel", "If Danger Level >=", spell.DangerLevel, 1, 5);
                     if (spell.CastType == CastTypes.Target
                         && spell.ValidTargets.Contains(SpellTargets.AllyWards))
                         AddUI.Bool(sub, "WardJump", "Ward Jump");
                     AddUI.Bool(sub, "Enabled", "Enabled", false);
         foreach (var hero in
             GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.Where(i => SpellDatabase.Spells.Any(a => a.ChampionName == i.ChampionName)))
             evadeMenu.Add(new Menu(hero.ChampionName, "-> " + hero.ChampionName));
         foreach (var spell in
             SpellDatabase.Spells.Where(i => GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.Any(a => a.ChampionName == i.ChampionName)))
             var sub = new Menu(spell.SpellName, string.Format("{0} ({1})", spell.SpellName, spell.Slot));
                 AddUI.Slider(sub, "DangerLevel", "Danger Level", spell.DangerValue, 1, 5);
                 AddUI.Bool(sub, "IsDangerous", "Is Dangerous", spell.IsDangerous);
                 AddUI.Bool(sub, "DisableFoW", "Disable FoW Dodging", false);
                 AddUI.Bool(sub, "Enabled", "Enabled", !spell.DisabledByDefault);
         AddUI.KeyBind(evadeMenu, "OnlyDangerous", "Dodge Only Dangerous", Keys.Space);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public 打野计时()
            菜单 = new Menu("打野计时", "打野计时");
            菜单.Add(new MenuList <string>("时间格式", "时间格式", new string[] { "分:秒", "秒" }));
            菜单.Add(new MenuSlider("大地图字体大小", "大地图字体大小", 35, 30, 55));
            菜单.Add(new MenuColor("大地图字体颜色", "大地图字体颜色", new ColorBGRA(225, 225, 225, 225)));
            菜单.Add(new MenuSlider("小地图字体大小", "小地图字体大小", 23, 15, 35));
            菜单.Add(new MenuColor("小地图字体颜色", "小地图字体颜色", new ColorBGRA(225, 225, 225, 225)));
            菜单.Add(new MenuBool("通知", "大刷野怪刷新时通知", true));



            int 小地图字体大小 = 菜单["小地图字体大小"].GetValue <MenuSlider>().Value;

            小地图字体 = new Font(Drawing.Direct3DDevice,
                             new FontDescription
                FaceName        = "微软雅黑",
                Height          = 小地图字体大小,
                OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.Default,
                Quality         = FontQuality.Default

            int 大地图字体大小 = 菜单["大地图字体大小"].GetValue <MenuSlider>().Value;

            大地图字体 = new Font(Drawing.Direct3DDevice,
                             new FontDescription
                FaceName        = "微软雅黑",
                Height          = 大地图字体大小,
                OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.Default,
                Quality         = FontQuality.Default

            Logging.Write()(LogLevel.Info, "时间格式:" + 菜单["时间格式"].GetValue <MenuList>().Index);

            Game.OnUpdate       += Game_OnUpdate;
            GameObject.OnCreate += GameObject_OnCreate;
            GameObject.OnDelete += GameObject_OnDelete;
            Drawing.OnEndScene  += Drawing_OnEndScene;
            Drawing.OnDraw      += Drawing_OnDraw;
Exemplo n.º 13
        private static void OnLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var plugin = Type.GetType("BadaoAIO.Plugin." + Player.ChampionName);

            if (plugin == null)
                AddUI.Notif(Player.ChampionName + ": Not Supported !", 10000);
            AddUI.Notif(Player.ChampionName + ": Loaded !", 10000);
            if (Player.ChampionName == "Rammus")
                LeagueSharp.SDK.Core.Orbwalker.Enabled = false;
                Menu Orb = new Menu("Orbwalker", "Orbwalker", true).Attach();
            Bilgewater      = new Items.Item(ItemId.Bilgewater_Cutlass, 550);
            BotRK           = new Items.Item(ItemId.Blade_of_the_Ruined_King, 550);
            Youmuu          = new Items.Item(ItemId.Youmuus_Ghostblade, 0);
            Tiamat          = new Items.Item(ItemId.Tiamat_Melee_Only, 400);
            Hydra           = new Items.Item(ItemId.Ravenous_Hydra_Melee_Only, 400);
            Sheen           = new Items.Item(ItemId.Sheen, 0);
            LichBane        = new Items.Item(ItemId.Lich_Bane, 0);
            TrinityForce    = new Items.Item(ItemId.Trinity_Force, 0);
            IcebornGauntlet = new Items.Item(ItemId.Iceborn_Gauntlet, 0);
            LudensEcho      = new Items.Item(ItemId.Ludens_Echo, 0);

            foreach (var spell in
                         i =>
                         i.Name.ToLower().Contains("smite") &&
                         (i.Slot == SpellSlot.Summoner1 || i.Slot == SpellSlot.Summoner2)))
                Smite = spell.Slot;
            Ignite = Player.GetSpellSlot("summonerdot");
            Flash  = Player.GetSpellSlot("summonerflash");

            MainMenu = new Menu("BadaoAIO", "BadaoAIO", true, Player.ChampionName);
            AddUI.Bool(MainMenu, "Enable", Player.ChampionName + " Enable", true);
            MainMenu.MenuValueChanged += MainMenu_MenuValueChanged;
Exemplo n.º 14
        public 显示时间()
            ShowTimeMenu = new Menu("显示时间", "显示时间");
            ShowTimeMenu.Add(new MenuBool("显示真实时间", "显示真实时间", true));
            ShowTimeMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("TimeX", "横向显示位置(占屏幕百分比)", 71));
            ShowTimeMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("TimeY", "竖向显示位置(占屏幕百分比)", 0));
            ShowTimeMenu.Add(new MenuColor("颜色", "颜色", new SharpDX.ColorBGRA(0, 255, 147, 255)));

            字体 = new Font(Drawing.Direct3DDevice,
                          new FontDescription
                FaceName        = "微软雅黑",
                Height          = 28,
                OutputPrecision = FontPrecision.Default,
                Quality         = FontQuality.Default
            Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw;
Exemplo n.º 15
        public 检测外挂()
            Config = new Menu("检测外挂", "检测外挂");
            Config.Add(new MenuBool("启用", "启用", true));
            var detectionType = new MenuList <string>("detection", "检测级别", new string[] { "优先", "一般", "不检测" });

            detectionType.ValueChanged += (sender, args) =>
                foreach (var detector in _detectors)
                    detector.Value.ForEach(item => item.ApplySetting((DetectorSetting)detectionType.Index));

            Obj_AI_Hero.OnNewPath += Obj_AI_Hero_OnNewPath;
            Game.OnUpdate         += Game_OnUpdate;

            notification.IsOpen = true;
Exemplo n.º 16
        public 屏蔽显示()
            StreamMenu = new Menu("屏蔽显示", "屏蔽显示");
            StreamMenu.Add(new MenuBool("屏蔽发话", "禁止脚本发话"));
            StreamMenu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("屏蔽显示", "屏蔽L#的显示", Keys.Home, KeyBindType.Toggle));
            StreamMenu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("按下显示", "屏蔽时按下可显示L#内容", Keys.Shift, KeyBindType.Press));
            StreamMenu.Add(new MenuBool("死亡屏蔽显示", "死亡屏蔽显示"));
            StreamMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("已连杀人数", "已连杀人数", 0, 0, 8));
            StreamMenu.Add(new MenuBool("超神屏蔽显示", "超神屏蔽显示", true));
            StreamMenu.Add(new MenuBool("多杀屏蔽显示", "多杀屏蔽显示", true));
            StreamMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("多杀屏蔽时间", "多杀屏蔽时间", 4, 0, 10));

            Game.OnUpdate            += OnUpdate;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnNewPath    += DrawFake;
            Orbwalker.OnAction       += Orbwalker_OnAction;
            Spellbook.OnCastSpell    += BeforeSpellCast;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnIssueOrder += OnIssueOrder;
            Game.OnNotify            += Game_OnNotify;

            StreamMenu["屏蔽显示"].GetValue <MenuKeyBind>().ValueChanged += 屏蔽显示_ValueChanged;
            StreamMenu["按下显示"].GetValue <MenuKeyBind>().ValueChanged += 显示_ValueChanged;
            StreamMenu["屏蔽发话"].GetValue <MenuBool>().ValueChanged    += 屏蔽发话_ValueChanged;
Exemplo n.º 17
 public static MenuBool Bool(this Menu subMenu, string name, string display, bool state = true)
     return(subMenu.Add(new MenuBool(name, display, state)));
Exemplo n.º 18
        private void CreateMenu()
            _cfg = new Menu("VoliBear", "Volibear", true);

            var _combo = new Menu("Combo", "Combo");
                _combo.Add(new MenuBool("QCombo", "Use Q", true));
                _combo.Add(new MenuBool("WCombo", "Use W", true));
                _combo.Add(new MenuBool("ECombo", "Use E", true));
                //_combo.Add(new MenuBool("UseItems", "Use Items", true));
                _combo.Add(new MenuSlider("HPW", "Min Enemy HP% To Use W", 30, 0, 100));
                _combo.Add(new MenuBool("AutoR", "Auto use R", true));
                _combo.Add(new MenuSlider("CountR", "Num of Enemy in Range to Ult", 3, 0, 5));


            var _harass = new Menu("Harass", "Harass");
                _harass.Add(new MenuBool("HarassW", "Use W in Harass", true));
                _harass.Add(new MenuBool("HarassE", "Use E in Harass", true));
                _harass.Add(new MenuSlider("HPWHarass", "Min Enemy HP% To Use W", 30, 0, 100));


            var _laneclear = new Menu("LaneClear", "LaneClear");
                _laneclear.Add(new MenuBool("UseQLane", "Use Q", true));
                _laneclear.Add(new MenuBool("UseWLane", "Use W", true));
                _laneclear.Add(new MenuBool("UseELane", "Use E", true));

            var _jungleclear = new Menu("JungleClear", "JungleClear");
                _jungleclear.Add(new MenuBool("UseQJungle", "Use Q", true));
                _jungleclear.Add(new MenuBool("UseWJungle", "Use W", true));
                _jungleclear.Add(new MenuBool("UseEJungle", "Use E", true));

            var _killsteal = new Menu("KillSteal", "KillSteal");
                _killsteal.Add(new MenuBool("SmartKS", "Smart KillSteal", true));

            var _flee = new Menu("Flee", "Flee");
                _flee.Add(new MenuKeyBind("ActiveFlee", "Flee!", Keys.G, KeyBindType.Press));

            var _drawings = new Menu("Drawings", "Drawings");

                _drawings.Add(new MenuBool("DrawQ", "Draw Q", true));
                _drawings.Add(new MenuBool("DrawW", "Draw W", true));
                _drawings.Add(new MenuBool("DrawE", "Draw E", true));
                _drawings.Add(new MenuBool("DrawR", "Draw R", true));
Exemplo n.º 19
 internal static void CreateMenu(this Menu mainMenu)
     var evadeMenu = new Menu("Evade", "Evade Skillshot");
         evadeMenu.Separator("Credit", "Credit: Evade#");
         var evadeSpells = new Menu("Spells", "Spells");
             foreach (var spell in EvadeSpellDatabase.Spells)
                 var subMenu = new Menu(spell.Name, string.Format("{0} ({1})", spell.Name, spell.Slot));
                     if (ObjectManager.Player.ChampionName == "Yasuo")
                         if (spell.Name == "YasuoDashWrapper")
                             subMenu.Bool("ETower", "Under Tower", false);
                         else if (spell.Name == "YasuoWMovingWall")
                             subMenu.Slider("WDelay", "Extra Delay", 100, 0, 150);
                     subMenu.Slider("DangerLevel", "If Danger Level >=", spell.DangerLevel, 1, 5);
                     if (spell.CastType == CastTypes.Target
                         && spell.ValidTargets.Contains(SpellTargets.AllyWards))
                         subMenu.Bool("WardJump", "Ward Jump");
                     subMenu.Bool("Enabled", "Enabled");
         foreach (var hero in
                 i =>
                     a =>
                     string.Equals(a.ChampionName, i.ChampionName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
             evadeMenu.Add(new Menu(hero.ChampionName.ToLowerInvariant(), "-> " + hero.ChampionName));
         foreach (var spell in
                 i =>
                     a =>
                     string.Equals(a.ChampionName, i.ChampionName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
             var subMenu = new Menu(spell.SpellName, string.Format("{0} ({1})", spell.SpellName, spell.Slot));
                 subMenu.Slider("DangerLevel", "Danger Level", spell.DangerValue, 1, 5);
                 subMenu.Bool("IsDangerous", "Is Dangerous", spell.IsDangerous);
                 subMenu.Bool("DisableFoW", "Disable FoW Dodging", false);
                 subMenu.Bool("Enabled", "Enabled", !spell.DisabledByDefault);
         evadeMenu.Bool("DrawStatus", "Draw Evade Status");
         evadeMenu.KeyBind("Enabled", "Enabled", Keys.K, KeyBindType.Toggle);
         evadeMenu.KeyBind("OnlyDangerous", "Dodge Only Dangerous", Keys.Space);
Exemplo n.º 20
        private static void OnLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var plugin = Type.GetType("BadaoAIO.Plugin." + Player.ChampionName);
            if (plugin == null)
                AddUI.Notif(Player.ChampionName + ": Not Supported !",10000);
            AddUI.Notif(Player.ChampionName + ": Loaded !",10000);
            if (Player.ChampionName == "Rammus")
                LeagueSharp.SDK.Core.Orbwalker.Enabled = false;
                Menu Orb = new Menu("Orbwalker", "Orbwalker", true).Attach();
            Bilgewater = new Items.Item(ItemId.Bilgewater_Cutlass, 550);
            BotRK = new Items.Item(ItemId.Blade_of_the_Ruined_King, 550);
            Youmuu = new Items.Item(ItemId.Youmuus_Ghostblade, 0);
            Tiamat = new Items.Item(ItemId.Tiamat_Melee_Only, 400);
            Hydra = new Items.Item(ItemId.Ravenous_Hydra_Melee_Only, 400);
            Sheen = new Items.Item(ItemId.Sheen,0);
            LichBane = new Items.Item(ItemId.Lich_Bane, 0);
            TrinityForce = new Items.Item(ItemId.Trinity_Force, 0);
            IcebornGauntlet = new Items.Item(ItemId.Iceborn_Gauntlet, 0);
            LudensEcho = new Items.Item(ItemId.Ludens_Echo, 0);

            foreach (var spell in
                    i =>
                        i.Name.ToLower().Contains("smite") &&
                        (i.Slot == SpellSlot.Summoner1 || i.Slot == SpellSlot.Summoner2)))
                Smite = spell.Slot;
            Ignite = Player.GetSpellSlot("summonerdot");
            Flash = Player.GetSpellSlot("summonerflash");

            MainMenu = new Menu("BadaoAIO", "BadaoAIO", true, Player.ChampionName);
            AddUI.Bool(MainMenu, "Enable", Player.ChampionName + " Enable", true);
            MainMenu.MenuValueChanged += MainMenu_MenuValueChanged;
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        ///     The initialize method of the <c>orbwalker</c>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="menu">
        ///     The LeagueSharp menu
        /// </param>
        internal static void Initialize(Menu menu)
            var drawing = new Menu("drawings", "Drawings");

            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("drawAARange", "Draw Auto-Attack Range", true));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("drawKillableMinion", "Draw Killable Minion"));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("drawKillableMinionFade", "Enable Killable Minion Fade Effect"));

            var advanced = new Menu("advanced", "Advanced");

            advanced.Add(new MenuSeparator("separatorMovement", "Movement"));
                new MenuSlider(
                    "Delay between Movement",
                    new Random(Variables.TickCount).Next(30, 101),
            advanced.Add(new MenuBool("movementScramble", "Randomize movement location", true));
            advanced.Add(new MenuSlider("movementExtraHold", "Extra Hold Position", 25, 0, 250));
                new MenuSlider(
                    "Maximum Movement Distance",
                    new Random().Next(500, 1201),
            advanced.Add(new MenuSeparator("separatorMisc", "Miscellaneous"));
            advanced.Add(new MenuSlider("miscExtraWindup", "Extra Windup", 80, 0, 200));
            advanced.Add(new MenuSlider("miscFarmDelay", "Farm Delay", 0, 0, 200));
            advanced.Add(new MenuBool("miscPriorizeFarm", "Priorize farm over harass", true));
            advanced.Add(new MenuBool("miscMissile", "Use Missile Checks", true));
            advanced.Add(new MenuSeparator("separatorOther", "Other"));
                new MenuButton("resetAll", "Settings", "Reset All Settings")
                Action = () =>
                    Menu["advanced"]["movementMaximumDistance"].GetValue <MenuSlider>().Value = new Random().Next(
                    Menu["advanced"]["movementDelay"].GetValue <MenuSlider>().Value = new Random().Next(30, 101);
            Menu.Add(new MenuSeparator("separatorKeys", "Key Bindings"));
            Menu.Add(new MenuBool("enableOption", "Enable Orbwalker", true));
            Menu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("lasthitKey", "Farm", Keys.X, KeyBindType.Press));
            Menu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("laneclearKey", "Lane Clear", Keys.V, KeyBindType.Press));
            Menu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("hybridKey", "Hybrid", Keys.C, KeyBindType.Press));
            Menu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("orbwalkKey", "Orbwalk", Keys.Space, KeyBindType.Press));

            Menu.MenuValueChanged += (sender, args) =>
                var keyBind = sender as MenuKeyBind;
                if (keyBind != null)
                    var           modeName = keyBind.Name.Substring(0, keyBind.Name.IndexOf("Key", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                    OrbwalkerMode mode;
                    ActiveMode = Enum.TryParse(modeName, true, out mode)
                                         ? keyBind.Active
                                               ? mode
                                               : mode == ActiveMode
                                                     ? Menu["lasthitKey"].GetValue <MenuKeyBind>().Active
                                                           ? OrbwalkerMode.LastHit
                                                           : Menu["laneclearKey"].GetValue <MenuKeyBind>().Active
                                                                 ? OrbwalkerMode.LaneClear
                                                                 : Menu["hybridKey"].GetValue <MenuKeyBind>().Active
                                                                       ? OrbwalkerMode.Hybrid
                                                                       : Menu["orbwalkKey"].GetValue <MenuKeyBind>()
                                                                             ? OrbwalkerMode.Orbwalk
                                                                             : OrbwalkerMode.None
                                                     : ActiveMode
                                         : ActiveMode;

                var boolean = sender as MenuBool;
                if (boolean != null)
                    if (boolean.Name.Equals("enableOption"))
                        enabled = boolean.Value;


            Movement = Attack = true;
            enabled  = Menu["enableOption"].GetValue <MenuBool>().Value;

            Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast;
            Drawing.OnDraw      += OnDraw;
            GameObject.OnCreate += OnCreate;
Exemplo n.º 22
 public static MenuSlider Slider(Menu subMenu, string name, string display, int cur, int min = 0, int max = 100)
     return subMenu.Add(new MenuSlider(name, display, cur, min, max));
Exemplo n.º 23
 private static void OnLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Player = ObjectManager.Player;
     var plugin = Type.GetType("Valvrave_Sharp.Plugin." + Player.ChampionName);
     if (plugin == null)
         Game.PrintChat(Player.ChampionName + ": Not Load !");
         () =>
                 MenuCustomizer.Instance.Parent["orbwalker"]["lasthitKey"].DisplayName = "Last Hit";
                 Player = GameObjects.Player;
                 MainMenu = new Menu("ValvraveSharp", "Valvrave Sharp", true, Player.ChampionName).Attach();
                 AddUI.Separator(MainMenu, "Author", "Author: Brian");
                 AddUI.Separator(MainMenu, "Paypal", "Paypal: [email protected]");
                 Bilgewater = new Items.Item(ItemId.Bilgewater_Cutlass, 550);
                 BotRuinedKing = new Items.Item(ItemId.Blade_of_the_Ruined_King, 550);
                 Youmuu = new Items.Item(ItemId.Youmuus_Ghostblade, 0);
                 Tiamat = new Items.Item(ItemId.Tiamat_Melee_Only, 400);
                 Hydra = new Items.Item(ItemId.Ravenous_Hydra_Melee_Only, 400);
                 foreach (var spell in
                         i =>
                         && (i.Slot == SpellSlot.Summoner1 || i.Slot == SpellSlot.Summoner2)))
                     Smite = spell.Slot;
                 Ignite = Player.GetSpellSlot("summonerdot");
                 Flash = Player.GetSpellSlot("summonerflash");
                 Game.PrintChat(Player.ChampionName + ": Loaded !");
Exemplo n.º 24
        public Yasuo()
            Q  = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 510);
            Q2 = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 1150);
            W  = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 400);
            E  = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 475);
            R  = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 1300);
            Q.SetSkillshot(GetQ12Delay, 20, float.MaxValue, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            Q2.SetSkillshot(GetQ3Delay, 90, 1500, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            E.SetTargetted(0, GetESpeed);
            Q.DamageType   = Q2.DamageType = R.DamageType = DamageType.Physical;
            E.DamageType   = DamageType.Magical;
            Q.MinHitChance = Q2.MinHitChance = HitChance.VeryHigh;

            var orbwalkMenu = new Menu("Orbwalk", "Orbwalk");
                Config.Separator(orbwalkMenu, "blank0", "Q/Ignite/Item: Always On");
                Config.Separator(orbwalkMenu, "blank1", "E Gap Settings");
                Config.Bool(orbwalkMenu, "EGap", "Use E");
                Config.Slider(orbwalkMenu, "ERange", "If Distance >", 300, 0, (int)E.Range);
                Config.Bool(orbwalkMenu, "ETower", "Under Tower");
                Config.Bool(orbwalkMenu, "EStackQ", "Stack Q While Gap", false);
                Config.Separator(orbwalkMenu, "blank2", "R Settings");
                Config.Bool(orbwalkMenu, "R", "Use R");
                Config.Bool(orbwalkMenu, "RDelay", "Delay Casting");
                Config.Slider(orbwalkMenu, "RHpU", "If Enemy Hp < (%)", 60);
                Config.Slider(orbwalkMenu, "RCountA", "Or Enemy >=", 2, 1, 5);
            var hybridMenu = new Menu("Hybrid", "Hybrid");
                Config.Separator(hybridMenu, "blank3", "Q: Always On");
                Config.Bool(hybridMenu, "Q3", "Also Q3");
                Config.Bool(hybridMenu, "QLastHit", "Last Hit (Q1/2)");
                Config.Separator(hybridMenu, "blank4", "Auto Q Settings");
                Config.KeyBind(hybridMenu, "AutoQ", "KeyBind", Keys.T, KeyBindType.Toggle);
                Config.Bool(hybridMenu, "AutoQ3", "Also Q3", false);
            var lcMenu = new Menu("LaneClear", "Lane Clear");
                Config.Separator(lcMenu, "blank5", "Q: Always On");
                Config.Bool(lcMenu, "Q3", "Also Q3");
                Config.Separator(lcMenu, "blank6", "E Settings");
                Config.Bool(lcMenu, "E", "Use E");
                Config.Bool(lcMenu, "ELastHit", "Last Hit Only", false);
                Config.Bool(lcMenu, "ETower", "Under Tower", false);
            var farmMenu = new Menu("Farm", "Farm");
                Config.Separator(farmMenu, "blank7", "Q Settings");
                Config.Bool(farmMenu, "Q", "Use Q");
                Config.Bool(farmMenu, "Q3", "Also Q3", false);
                Config.Separator(farmMenu, "blank8", "E Settings");
                Config.Bool(farmMenu, "E", "Use E");
                Config.Bool(farmMenu, "ETower", "Under Tower", false);
            var ksMenu = new Menu("KillSteal", "Kill Steal");
                Config.Bool(ksMenu, "Q", "Use Q");
                Config.Bool(ksMenu, "E", "Use E");
                Config.Bool(ksMenu, "R", "Use R");
                Config.Separator(ksMenu, "blank7", "Extra R Settings");
                foreach (var enemy in GameObjects.EnemyHeroes)
                    Config.Bool(ksMenu, "RCast" + enemy.ChampionName, "Cast On " + enemy.ChampionName, false);
            var fleeMenu = new Menu("Flee", "Flee");

                Config.KeyBind(fleeMenu, "E", "Use E", Keys.C);
                Config.Bool(fleeMenu, "Q", "Stack Q While Dash");
            if (GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.Any())
            var drawMenu = new Menu("Draw", "Draw");

                Config.Bool(drawMenu, "Q", "Q Range");
                Config.Bool(drawMenu, "E", "E Range", false);
                Config.Bool(drawMenu, "R", "R Range");
                Config.Bool(drawMenu, "StackQ", "Auto Stack Q Status");
            Config.KeyBind(MainMenu, "StackQ", "Auto Stack Q", Keys.Z, KeyBindType.Toggle);

            Game.OnUpdate  += OnUpdate;
            Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw;
            Game.OnUpdate  += OnUpdateEvade;
Exemplo n.º 25
        internal static void Generate(Menu RootMenu)
            var keysMenu = new Menu("dz191.thresh.keys", "Keys");
                keysMenu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("ePull", "E Pull", Keys.T, KeyBindType.Press));
                keysMenu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("ePush", "E Push", Keys.G, KeyBindType.Press));

            var comboMenu = new Menu("dz191.thresh.orbwalk", "Combo Options");
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("separatorSkills", "Combo - Skills"));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useQ", "Use Q", true));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useW", "Use W", true));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useE", "Use E", true));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useR", "Use R", true));

                ////Mana Manager
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("separatorMana", "Combo - Mana Manager"));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("QMana", "Q Mana", 15));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("WMana", "W Mana", 30));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("EMana", "E Mana", 10));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("RMana", "R Mana", 15));

                ////Skills Options
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("separatorOptions", "Combo - Skill Options"));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("rMinEnemies", "Min Enemies for R", 2, 1, 5));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("pullInUlt", "Pull Enemies into R (Box) with E"));

            var harassMenu = new Menu("dz191.thresh.harass", "Harass Options");
                harassMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("separatorHSkills", "Harass - Skills"));
                harassMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useQ", "Use Q", true));
                harassMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useE", "Use E", true));

                ////Mana Manager
                harassMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("separatorHMana", "Harass - Mana Manager"));
                harassMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("QMana", "Q Mana", 15));
                harassMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("EMana", "E Mana", 10));


            var lanternMenu = new Menu("dz191.thresh.lantern", "Lantern Options");
                var lanternAllies = new Menu("dz191.thresh.lantern.allies", "Use Lantern On");
                    if (GameObjects.AllyHeroes.Any())
                        foreach (var ally in GameObjects.AllyHeroes)
                            lanternAllies.Add(new MenuBool(ally.ChampionName.ToLowerInvariant(), ally.ChampionName, true));


                lanternMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("separatorLanternKeys", "Lantern Usage"));
                lanternMenu.Add(new MenuBool("saveAllies", "Auto Save Allies with Lantern", true));
                lanternMenu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("throwLantern", "Throw Lantern", Keys.S, KeyBindType.Press));

                lanternMenu.Add(new MenuList<string>("prioritizeAlly", "Throw Lantern Priority", new[] { "Health", "Closest" }));

                ////Health and Options
                lanternMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("separatorLanternOptions", "Lantern Options"));
                lanternMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("allyHealth", "Auto Use Lantern if Ally Health < %", 20));
                lanternMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("enemiesNumber", "And Enemies Around >=", 2, 1, 5));

                lanternMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("separatorLanternCC", "Lantern on CC"));
                lanternMenu.Add(new MenuBool("lanternCC", "Lantern CC'd allies", true));
                lanternMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("minCC", "Minimum Number of CC on Ally", 2, 1, 5));

            var miscMenu = new Menu("dz191.thresh.misc", "Misc Options");
                ////Antigapcloser and Interrupter
                miscMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("separatorMiscAGP", "Antigapcloser & Interrupter"));
                miscMenu.Add(new MenuBool("antigapcloser", "AntiGapcloser", true));
                miscMenu.Add(new MenuBool("interrupter", "Interrupter", true));
                miscMenu.Add(new MenuList<string>("interruptskills", "Interrupt Skills", new[] { "Only E", "Only Q", "Q and E" }));
                miscMenu.Add(new MenuBool("xspecial", "The XSpecial", true));
                miscMenu.Add(new MenuList<string>("defaultEMode", "E Mode", new[] { "Push", "Pull" }));

                ////Items & Spells
                miscMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("separatorMiscItems", "Items & Spells"));
                miscMenu.Add(new MenuBool("exhaust", "Use Exhaust", true));
                miscMenu.Add(new MenuBool("ignite", "Use Ignite", true));


            var drawingMenu = new Menu("dz191.thresh.drawing", "Drawing Options");
                drawingMenu.Add(new MenuBool("drawQ", "Draw Q Range"));
                drawingMenu.Add(new MenuBool("drawE", "Draw E Range"));
                drawingMenu.Add(new MenuBool("drawQTarget", "Draw Q Target"));

Exemplo n.º 26
        private static void CreateMenu()
            menu = new Menu("Blitzcranck", "Bliztcranck", true);
            Bootstrap.Init(new string[] { }); //blabla

            var comboMenu = new Menu("Combo", "Combo Menu");
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuList<string>("combohit", "Q hitchance ", new[] { "Medium", "Hight", "Very Hight" }));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("comboQ", "Use Q", true));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("comboE", "Use E", true));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("comboR", "Auto R", true));
            //       comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Min Enemys R", "Min Enemys R", true));
            var drawingMenu = new Menu("Draws", "Draw Menu");
                drawingMenu.Add(new MenuBool("drawQ", "Draw Q", true));
                drawingMenu.Add(new MenuBool("drawR", "Draw R", true));
                drawingMenu.Add(new MenuBool("drawGrabs", "Draw Grabs", true));
                //        comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Min Enemys R", "Min Enemys R", true));
Exemplo n.º 27
        public void BuildMikaelsMenu(Menu Menu)
            var MikaelsMenu = new Menu("use.mikaelsmenu", "Mikaels Options", true);
                foreach (var ally in ObjectManager.Get<Obj_AI_Hero>()
                    .Where(h => h.IsAlly)
                    .Select(hero => hero.ChampionName)

                    MikaelsMenu.Add(new MenuBool(string.Format("use.mikaels.{0}", ally.ToLowerInvariant()), ally, true));
            MikaelsMenu.Add(new MenuBool("enable.mikaels", "Enable Mikaels Usage", true));

Exemplo n.º 28
        public static void OnLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 1175);
            W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 1075);
            E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 1100);
            R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 3250);

            Q.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 110f, 1300f, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            W.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 110f, 1200f, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            E.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 280f, 1300f, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle);
            R.SetSkillshot(1.35f, 190f, 5000000, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);

            Config = new Menu("Mighty Lux", "Mighty Lux", true);
            Config.Add(new MenuSeparator("Mighty Lux", "Mighty Lux"));
            Bootstrap.Init(new string[] {});

            var spell = Config.Add(new Menu("spell", "Combo Settings"));
            var combo = Config.Add(new Menu("combo", "Spell Settings"));

            spell.Add(new MenuSeparator("Combo Menu", "Combo Menu"));
            spell.Add(new MenuBool("UseQ", "Use Q", true));
            spell.Add(new MenuBool("UseE", "Use E", true));
            spell.Add(new MenuBool("UseR", "Use R", true));

            combo.Add(new MenuSeparator("Advanced Q Settings", "Advanced Q Settings"));
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("AutoQcc", "Auto [Q] on CC'd enemies", true));
            combo.Add(new MenuSeparator("Advanced W Settings", "Advanced W Settings"));
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("AutoWturret", "Auto [W] on Turret Shots", true));
            combo.Add(new MenuSeparator("Advanced R Settings", "Advanced R Settings"));
            combo.Add(new MenuKeyBind("forceR", "Semi-Manual [R] cast", Keys.R, KeyBindType.Press));
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("UseRF", "Use [R] to Finish off enemies", true));
            combo.Add((new MenuBool("useraoe", "Use [R] if it will hit X amount of Enemies", true)));
            combo.Add((new MenuSlider("raoeslider", "Enemy Count", 4, 0, 5)));

            combo.Add(new MenuSeparator("Killsteal Settings", "Killsteal Settings"));
            combo.Add((new MenuBool("UseQKS", "Use [Q] for Killstealing", true)));
            combo.Add((new MenuBool("UseRKS", "Use [R] for Killstealing", true)));
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("UseEKS", "Use [E] for Killstealing", true));

            combo.Add(new MenuSeparator("science", "Prediction Settings"));
            combo.Add(new MenuList <string>("hitchanceQ", "[Q] Hitchance",
                                            objects: new[] { "High", "Medium", "Low", "VeryHigh" }));
            combo.Add(new MenuList <string>("hitchanceE", "[E] Hitchance",
                                            objects: new[] { "High", "Medium", "Low", "VeryHigh" }));
            combo.Add(new MenuList <string>("hitchanceR", "[R] Hitchance",
                                            objects: new[] { "High", "Medium", "Low", "VeryHigh" }));

            var harass = Config.Add(new Menu("harass", "Harass Settings"));

            harass.Add(new MenuSeparator("Harass Menu", "Harass Menu"));
            harass.Add(new MenuBool("harrQ", "Use Q", true));
            harass.Add(new MenuBool("harrE", "Use E", true));
            harass.Add(new MenuSlider("harassmana", "Mana Percentage", 65, 0, 100));

            var laneclear = Config.Add(new Menu("laneclear", "Laneclear Settings"));

            laneclear.Add(new MenuSeparator("Laneclear Menu", "Laneclear Menu"));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuBool("laneQ", "Use Q", true));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuBool("laneE", "Use E", true));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuSeparator("[E] Settings", "[E] Settings"));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuSlider("laneclearEcount", "Minion Count", 2, 0, 10));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuSeparator("[Q] Settings", "[Q] Settings"));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuSlider("laneclearQcount", "Minion Count", 2, 0, 10));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuSeparator("Misc Settings", "Misc Settings"));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuSlider("lanemana", "Mana Percentage", 65, 0, 100));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuSlider("lanelevel", "Don't use Abilities till level", 8, 0, 18));

            var jungle = Config.Add(new Menu("jungle", "Junglesteal Settings"));

            jungle.Add(new MenuSeparator("Jungle Settings", "Junglesteal Settings"));
            jungle.Add(new MenuKeyBind("toggle", "Junglesteal with [R] (TOGGLE)", Keys.K, KeyBindType.Toggle));
            jungle.Add(new MenuBool("blue", "Blue buff", true));
            jungle.Add(new MenuBool("red", "Red buff", true));
            jungle.Add(new MenuBool("dragon", "Dragon", true));
            jungle.Add(new MenuBool("baron", "Baron", true));
            jungle.Add(new MenuList <string>("jungleteam", "[BROKEN/NOT WORKING]", new[] { "Enemy", "Ally" }));

            var misc = Config.Add(new Menu("misc", "Sound Settings"));

            misc.Add(new MenuSeparator("sound", "Sound Settings"));
            misc.Add(new MenuBool("rsound", "Enable [R] Cast Sound Effect", true));

            var drawing = Config.Add(new Menu("draw", "Draw Settings"));
            var utility = Config.Add(new Menu("util", "Utility Drawings"));

            drawing.Add(new MenuSeparator("Draw Menu", "Draw Menu"));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("disable", "Disable all drawings", false));
            drawing.Add(new MenuList <string>("drawmode", "Drawing Mode:", new[] { "Normal", "Custom" }));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("disableq", "[Q] draw", true));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("disablew", "[W] draw", true));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("disablee", "[E] draw", true));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("disabler", "[R] draw", true));
            drawing.Add(new MenuSeparator("Color Settings", "Color Settings"));

            //I'll call your parents if you copy this. KappaHD
            //Do you need an Onii-chan or a Senpai? Feel free to contact me on Skype: djkleeven
            drawing.Add(new MenuColor("drawq", "[Q] Range Draw Color", new ColorBGRA(32, 20, 10, 255)));
            drawing.Add(new MenuColor("draww", "[W] Range Draw Color", new ColorBGRA(32, 20, 10, 255)));
            drawing.Add(new MenuColor("drawe", "[E] Range Draw Color", new ColorBGRA(32, 20, 10, 255)));
            drawing.Add(new MenuColor("drawr", "[R] Range Draw Color", new ColorBGRA(32, 20, 10, 255)));

            utility.Add(new MenuSeparator("Utility Drawings", "Utility Drawings"));

            utility.Add(new MenuList <string>("dmgdrawer", "Damage Indicator", new[] { "Custom", "SDK" }));
            utility.Add(new MenuColor("dmgcolor", "Damage Indicator Color", new ColorBGRA(32, 155, 120, 255)));
            utility.Add(new MenuBool("drawRdmg", "Draw [R] Damage Indicator", true));
            // utility.Add(new MenuColor("rdmgcolor", "Damage Indicator Color", new ColorBGRA(32, 155, 120, 255)));
            //  utility.Add(new MenuBool("HUD", "Heads-Up Display", true));
            utility.Add(new MenuBool("indicator", "Enemy Indicator", true));
            utility.Add(new MenuBool("orbmode", "Draw Active Orbwalk Mode", true));

            Config.Add(new MenuButton("resetAll", "Settings", "Reset All Settings")
                Action = () =>

            Dash.OnDash                    += AntiGapcloser;
            Game.OnUpdate                  += OnUpdate;
            GameObject.OnDelete            += GameObject_OnDelete;
            GameObject.OnCreate            += GameObject_OnCreate;
            Obj_AI_Turret.OnAggro          += Turretaggro;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += TurretOnProcessSpellCast;
            Drawing.OnDraw                 += MiscDrawings;
Exemplo n.º 29
 public static void CreateMenu(Menu mainMenu)
     var evadeMenu = mainMenu.Add(new Menu("Evade", "Evade Skillshot"));
         evadeMenu.Separator("Credit: Evade#");
         var evadeSpells = evadeMenu.Add(new Menu("Spells", "Spells"));
             foreach (var spell in EvadeSpellDatabase.Spells)
                 var subMenu = evadeSpells.Add(new Menu(spell.Name, spell.Name));
                     if (spell.UnderTower)
                         subMenu.Bool(spell.Slot + "Tower", "Under Tower", false);
                     if (spell.ExtraDelay)
                         subMenu.Slider(spell.Slot + "Delay", "Extra Delay", 100, 0, 150);
                     subMenu.Slider("DangerLevel", "If Danger Level >=", spell.DangerLevel, 1, 5);
                     if (spell.IsTargetted && spell.ValidTargets.Contains(SpellValidTargets.AllyWards))
                         subMenu.Bool("WardJump", "Ward Jump");
                     subMenu.Bool("Enabled", "Enabled");
         foreach (var hero in
                      i =>
                          a =>
                          string.Equals(a.ChampionName, i.ChampionName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
             evadeMenu.Add(new Menu(hero.ChampionName.ToLowerInvariant(), "-> " + hero.ChampionName));
         foreach (var spell in
                      i =>
                          a =>
                          string.Equals(a.ChampionName, i.ChampionName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
             var subMenu =
                     new Menu(spell.SpellName, $"{spell.SpellName} ({spell.Slot})"));
                 subMenu.Slider("DangerLevel", "Danger Level", spell.DangerValue, 1, 5);
                 subMenu.Bool("IsDangerous", "Is Dangerous", spell.IsDangerous);
                 subMenu.Bool("DisableFoW", "Disable FoW Dodging", false);
                 subMenu.Bool("Draw", "Draw");
                 subMenu.Bool("Enabled", "Enabled", !spell.DisabledByDefault);
         var drawMenu = evadeMenu.Add(new Menu("Draw", "Draw"));
             drawMenu.Bool("Skillshot", "Skillshot");
             drawMenu.Bool("Status", "Evade Status");
         evadeMenu.KeyBind("Enabled", "Enabled", Keys.K, KeyBindType.Toggle);
         evadeMenu.KeyBind("OnlyDangerous", "Dodge Only Dangerous", Keys.Space);
Exemplo n.º 30
 public static MenuSeparator Separator(this Menu subMenu, string display)
     cBlank += 1;
     return(subMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("blank" + cBlank, display)));
Exemplo n.º 31
        public Jinx()
            Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 725);

            W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 1500f);
            W.SetSkillshot(0.6f, 60f, 3300f, true, LeagueSharp.Common.SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);

            E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 900f);
            E.SetSkillshot(0.7f, 120f, 1750f, false, LeagueSharp.Common.SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle);

            R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 20000);
            R.SetSkillshot(0.6f, 140f, 1700f, false, LeagueSharp.Common.SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);

            _r2 = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 20000);
            _r2.SetSkillshot(0.6f, 140f, 1700f, false, LeagueSharp.Common.SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);

               //Set key

            Menu Skill = new Menu("Keys", "Cài đặt kill");
            Skill.Add(new MenuSlider("Q_Max_Range", "Q khi đủ tầm", 650, 500, 1200));
            Skill.Add(new MenuSlider("W_Max_Range", "W khi đủ tầm", 900, 500, 1500));
            Skill.Add(new MenuSlider("R_Min_Range", "Tầm đánh R nhỏ nhât", 300, 300, 1200));
            Skill.Add(new MenuSlider("R_Max_Range", "Tầm đánh R lớn nhất", 20000, 500, 20000));
            Skill.Add(new MenuKeyBind("Combo_WE", "Combo WE", System.Windows.Forms.Keys.E, KeyBindType.Press, "E"));

            // Combo
            Menu ComboMenu = new Menu("Combo", "Combo");
            ComboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseQ","Dùng Q",true));
            ComboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseW", "Dùng W", true));
            ComboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseE", "Dùng E", true));
            ComboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseR", "Dùng R", true));
            ComboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("R_Nearest_Killable", "Giết khi gần Chết"));

            //Cấu rỉa
            Menu HarassMenu = new Menu("Harass", "Cấu Rỉa");
            HarassMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseQ", "Dùng Q", true));
            HarassMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseW", "Dùng W", true));
            //Đẩy đường
            Menu LaneClearMenu = new Menu("LaneClear", "Đẩy Đường");

            LaneClearMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseQ", "Use Q", true));

            //Dọn rừng
            Menu JungleClearMenu = new Menu("JungleClear", "Dọn Rừng");
            JungleClearMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseQ", "Use Q", true));

            //Tiện ích
            Menu MiscMenu = new Menu("Misc", "Tiện ích");
            MiscMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseKillsteal", "Dùng R KS", true));
            MiscMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Misc_Use_WE", "Combo E + W", true));
            //Hiển thị
            Menu DrawingsMenu = new Menu("Drawings", "Hiển Thị");
            DrawingsMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("Qseparator", "Q"));
            DrawingsMenu.Add(new MenuBool("DrawQ", "Draw Q Range", true));
            DrawingsMenu.Add(new MenuColor("QColor", "Color", SharpDX.Color.Blue));

            DrawingsMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("Wseparator", "W"));
            DrawingsMenu.Add(new MenuBool("DrawW", "Draw W Range"));
            DrawingsMenu.Add(new MenuColor("WColor", "Color", SharpDX.Color.Blue));

            DrawingsMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("Eseparator", "E"));
            DrawingsMenu.Add(new MenuBool("DrawE", "Draw E Range", true));
            DrawingsMenu.Add(new MenuColor("EColor", "Color", SharpDX.Color.Blue));

            DrawingsMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("Rseparator", "R"));
            DrawingsMenu.Add(new MenuBool("DrawR", "Draw R Range"));
            DrawingsMenu.Add(new MenuColor("RColor", "Color", SharpDX.Color.Blue));
            DrawingsMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Draw_R_Killable", "Tìm Muc tiêu ULti"));

            DrawingsMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("Dseparator", "DamageIndicator"));

            var UseDamageIndicator = new MenuBool("UseDamageIndicator", "Use DamageIndicator", true);
            var DamageIndicatorFillColor = new MenuColor("DamageIndicatorFillColor", "Color", SharpDX.Color.Goldenrod);

            UseDamageIndicator.ValueChanged += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { DamageIndicator.Enabled = UseDamageIndicator.Value; };
            DamageIndicatorFillColor.ValueChanged += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { DamageIndicator.FillColor = Color.FromArgb(DamageIndicatorFillColor.Color.ToBgra()); };



            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnGameUpdate;
            Drawing.OnDraw += Game_OnDraw;
            Spellbook.OnCastSpell += Spellbook_OnCastSpell;
            DamageIndicator.DamageToUnit = GetComboDamage;

            Logging.Write()(LogLevel.Info, "HuyNK Series SDK: Jinx Loaded!");
Exemplo n.º 32
        private static void LoadMenu()
            RootMenu = new Menu("dz191.thresh", "Thresh - Soul Hunter", true);

Exemplo n.º 33
 public static MenuList List(Menu subMenu, string name, string display, string[] array)
     return subMenu.Add(new MenuList<string>(name, display, array));
Exemplo n.º 34
        public Syndra()
            Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 800);
            W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 1150);
            E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 700); //1100
            R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 675);
            Q.SetSkillshot(0.5f, 10, float.MaxValue, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle);
            W.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 10, 1450, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle, Player.Position, Player.Position);
            E.SetSkillshot(0.5f, 10, 1600, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle);
            Q.DamageType   = W.DamageType = E.DamageType = DamageType.Magical;
            Q.MinHitChance = HitChance.Medium;
            W.MinHitChance = HitChance.Medium;
            Menu Combo = new Menu("Combo", "Combo");
                Bool(Combo, "Qc", "Q", true);
                Bool(Combo, "Wc", "W", true);
                Bool(Combo, "Ec", "E", true);
                Bool(Combo, "QEc", "QE", true);
                Bool(Combo, "Rc", "R", true);
                Separator(Combo, "Rbc", "cast R target:");
                foreach (var hero in GameObjects.EnemyHeroes)
                    Bool(Combo, hero.ChampionName + "c", hero.ChampionName, true);
            Menu Harass = new Menu("Harass", "Harass");
                Bool(Harass, "Qh", "Q", true);
                Bool(Harass, "Wh", "W", true);
                Bool(Harass, "Eh", "E", true);
                Slider(Harass, "manah", "Min mana", 40, 0, 100);
            Menu Auto = new Menu("Auto", "Auto");
                Bool(Auto, "Qa", "Q on target AA + spellcast ", true);
                Bool(Auto, "GapIntera", "Anti-Gap & Interrupt", true);
                Bool(Auto, "killsteala", "KillSteal ", true);
            Menu Helper = new Menu("Helper", "Helper");
                Bool(Helper, "enableh", "Enabale", true);
                KeyBind(Helper, "QEh", "QE to mouse", Keys.G, KeyBindType.Press);
            Menu drawMenu = new Menu("Draw", "Draw");

                Bool(drawMenu, "Qd", "Q");
                Bool(drawMenu, "Wd", "W");
                Bool(drawMenu, "Ed", "E");
                Bool(drawMenu, "QEd", "QE");
                Bool(drawMenu, "Rd", "R");
                Bool(drawMenu, "Hpd", "Damage Indicator");
            drawMenu.MenuValueChanged += drawMenu_MenuValueChanged;

            Game.OnUpdate  += OnUpdate;
            Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast           += OnProcessSpellCast;
            GameObject.OnCreate                      += OnCreate;
            GameObject.OnDelete                      += OnDelete;
            Gapcloser.OnGapCloser                    += Gapcloser_OnGapCloser;
            InterruptableSpell.OnInterruptableTarget += InterruptableSpell_OnInterruptableTarget;
            //Orb.OnAction += Orbwalker_OnAction;
            DamageIndicator.DamageToUnit = SyndraDamage;
            DamageIndicator.Enabled       = drawhp;
            CustomDamageIndicator.Enabled = drawhp;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnLevelUp        += Obj_AI_Base_OnLevelUp;
Exemplo n.º 35
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void AddToMenu(Menu tsMenu)
            this.menu = tsMenu;

            this.weightsMenu = new Menu("weights", "Weights");

            var heroPercentMenu = new Menu("heroPercentage", "Hero Percentage");
            foreach (var enemy in GameObjects.EnemyHeroes)
                    new MenuSlider(


                new MenuButton("export", "Export to Clipboard", "Export") { Action = this.ExportSettings });
                new MenuButton("import", "Import from Clipboard", "Import") { Action = this.ImportSettings });
            this.weightsMenu.Add(new MenuButton("reset", "Reset to Default", "Reset") { Action = this.ResetSettings });

            foreach (var weight in this.pItems)
                    new MenuSlider(
                        Math.Min(MaxWeight, Math.Max(MinWeight, weight.Weight)),

            this.weightsMenu.MenuValueChanged += (sender, args) =>
                    var slider = sender as MenuSlider;
                    if (slider != null)
                        foreach (var weight in this.pItems.Where(weight => slider.Name.Equals(weight.Name)))
                            weight.Weight = slider.Value;


            foreach (var weight in this.pItems)
                weight.Weight = this.weightsMenu[weight.Name].GetValue<MenuSlider>().Value;

            foreach (var enemy in GameObjects.EnemyHeroes)
                this.weightsMenu["heroPercentage"][enemy.ChampionName].GetValue<MenuSlider>().Value = DefaultPercentage;
Exemplo n.º 36
        private static void Game_OnGameStart(EventArgs args)
            if (Player.ChampionName != "Thresh") return;

            _logger = new StreamWriter(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"\log.txt") { AutoFlush = true };

            _q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 1100);
            _q.SetSkillshot(true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);

            _config = new Menu("Prediction", "Prediction", true);
            _orbwalker = new Orbwalker();
            Menu settings = new Menu("Settings", "Settings");
            settings.Add(new MenuKeyBind("Write", "Write Last Cast information to log", System.Windows.Forms.Keys.L,
            settings.Add(new MenuSeparator("Info", "Log files are located in %appdata%"));

            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate;
            Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw;
Exemplo n.º 37
 public TwistedFate()
     Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 1400);
     W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W);
     E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E);
     R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R);
     Q.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 40, 1000, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
     Q.DamageType = W.DamageType = E.DamageType = DamageType.Magical;
     Q.MinHitChance = HitChance.High;
     Menu Combo = new Menu("Combo", "Combo");
         Bool(Combo, "Qc", "Q", true);
         Bool(Combo, "Qafterattackc", "Q after attack", true);
         Bool(Combo, "Qimmobilec", "Q on immobile", true);
         Slider(Combo, "Qhitc", "Q if will hit", 2, 1, 3);
         Bool(Combo, "Wc", "W", true);
         Bool(Combo, "pickgoldc", "Pick gold card while using R", true);
         Bool(Combo, "dontpickyellow1stc", "don't pick gold at 1st turn", false);
     Menu Harass = new Menu("Harass", "Harass");
         Bool(Harass, "Qh", "Q", true);
         Bool(Harass, "Qafterattackh", "Q after attack", true);
         Bool(Harass, "Qimmobileh", "Q on immobile", true);
         Slider(Harass, "Qhith", "Q if will hit", 2, 1, 3);
         Bool(Harass, "Wh", "W", true);
         List(Harass, "Wcolorh", "W card type", new[] { "blue", "red", "gold" });
         Slider(Harass, "manah", "Min mana", 40, 0, 100);
     Menu Clear = new Menu("Clear", "Clear");
         Bool(Clear, "Qj", "Q", true);
         Slider(Clear, "Qhitj", "Q if will hit", 2, 1, 3);
         Bool(Clear, "Wj", "W", true);
         List(Clear, "Wcolorj", "W card type", new[] { "blue", "red" });
         Slider(Clear, "wmanaj", "mana only W blue", 0, 0, 100);
         Slider(Clear, "manaj", "Min mana", 40, 0, 100);
     Menu Auto = new Menu("Auto", "Auto");
         Bool(Auto, "throwyellowa", "gapclose + interrupt: throw gold card", true);
         Bool(Auto, "killsteala", "KillSteal Q", true);
     Menu Helper = new Menu("Helper", "Pick card Helper");
         Bool(Helper, "enableh", "Enabale", true);
         KeyBind(Helper, "pickyellowh", "Pick Yellow", Keys.W,KeyBindType.Toggle);
         KeyBind(Helper, "pickblueh", "Pick Blue", Keys.G,KeyBindType.Toggle);
         KeyBind(Helper, "pickredh", "Pick Red", Keys.H,KeyBindType.Toggle);
     Menu drawMenu = new Menu("Draw", "Draw");
         Bool(drawMenu, "Qd", "Q");
         Bool(drawMenu, "Rd", "R");
         Bool(drawMenu, "Hpd", "Damage Indicator");
     drawMenu.MenuValueChanged += drawMenu_MenuValueChanged;
     Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate;
     Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw;
     //Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast;
     //GameObject.OnCreate += OnCreate;
     Gapcloser.OnGapCloser += Gapcloser_OnGapCloser;
     InterruptableSpell.OnInterruptableTarget += InterruptableSpell_OnInterruptableTarget;
     Drawing.OnEndScene += Drawing_OnEndScene;
     Orb.OnAction += Orbwalker_OnAction;
     DamageIndicator.DamageToUnit = TwistedFateDamage;
     DamageIndicator.Enabled = drawhp;
     CustomDamageIndicator.Enabled = drawhp;
Exemplo n.º 38
        /// <summary>
        ///     The create menu.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateMenu()
            this.Menu = new Menu("cmMoonDraven", "Moon Draven", true);

            // Combo
            var comboMenu = new Menu("Combo", "Combo");
            comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseQCombo", "Use Q", true));
            comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseWCombo", "Use W", true));
            comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseECombo", "Use E", true));
            comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseRCombo", "Use R", true));

            // Harass
            var harassMenu = new Menu("Harass", "Harass");
            harassMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseEHarass", "Use E", true));
            harassMenu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("UseHarassToggle", "Harass! (Toggle)", Keys.T, KeyBindType.Toggle));

            // Lane Clear
            var laneClearMenu = new Menu("WaveClear", "Wave Clear");
            laneClearMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseQWaveClear", "Use Q", true));
            laneClearMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseWWaveClear", "Use W", true));
            laneClearMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseEWaveClear", "Use E"));
            laneClearMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("WaveClearManaPercent", "Mana Percent", 0x32));

            // Axe Menu
            var axeMenu = new Menu("AxeSettings", "Axe Settings");
            axeMenu.Add(new MenuList<string>("AxeMode", "Catch Axe on Mode:", new[] { "Always", "Combo", "Any" }));
            axeMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("CatchAxeRange", "Catch Axe Range", 0x320, 0x78, 0x5DC));
            axeMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("MaxAxes", "Maximum Axes", 2, 1, 3));
            axeMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseWForQ", "Use W if Axe too far", true));
            axeMenu.Add(new MenuBool("DontCatchUnderTurret", "Don't Catch Axe Under Turret", true));
            axeMenu.Add(new MenuBool("AlwaysCatch", "Always Catch Axe", false));

            // Drawing
            var drawMenu = new Menu("Drawing", "Draw");
            drawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("DrawE", "Draw E", true));
            drawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("DrawAxeLocation", "Draw Axe Location", true));
            drawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("DrawAxeRange", "Draw Axe Catch Range", true));

            // Misc Menu
            var miscMenu = new Menu("Misc", "Misc");
            miscMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseWSetting", "Use W Instantly(When Available)"));
            miscMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseEGapcloser", "Use E on Gapcloser", true));
            miscMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseEInterrupt", "Use E to Interrupt", true));
            miscMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("UseWManaPercent", "Use W Mana Percent", 0x32));
            miscMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseWSlow", "Use W if Slowed", true));

Exemplo n.º 39
        public static void OnLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Player.ChampionName != ChampName)

            Q  = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 865);
            Qn = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 865);
            W  = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 585);
            E  = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 585);
            R  = new Spell(SpellSlot.R);

            Q.SetSkillshot(0.26f, 50f, 1700f, true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            Qn.SetSkillshot(0.26f, 50f, 1700f, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);

            abilitySequence = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 4, 1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 3, 2, 2, 3, 4, 3, 3 };

            Config = new Menu("Slutty Ryze", "Slutty Ryze", true);
            LeagueSharp.SDK.Core.Bootstrap.Init(null); //This will be a loader functionality later on

            var comboMenu        = new Menu("combo", "Combo Settings");
            var combodefaultMenu = new Menu("combos", "Spells");
                combodefaultMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useQ", "Use Q", true));
                combodefaultMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useW", "Use W", true));
                combodefaultMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useE", "Use E", true));
                combodefaultMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useR", "Use R"));
                combodefaultMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useRww", "Use R Only when Rooted", true));


            var combooptionsMenu = new Menu("combooptions", "Combo Options");

                combooptionsMenu.Add(new MenuBool("AAblock", "Auto Attack Block", true));
                combooptionsMenu.Add(new MenuList <string>("comboooptions", "Combo Mode", new[] { "Stable", "Beta Combo" }));



            var hybridMenu = new Menu("hybrid", "Hybrid");
                hybridMenu.Add(new MenuBool("nospell", "Don't Proc Passive", true));
                hybridMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useQm", "Use Q", true));
                hybridMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useQml", "Use Q Last Hit", true));
                hybridMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useWm", "Use W", true));
                hybridMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useEm", "Use E", true));
                hybridMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseQauto", "Auto Q"));
                hybridMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("mMin", "Minimum Mana For Spells", 40));


            var clearMenu = new Menu("laneclear", "Clear");
            var laneMenu  = new Menu("laneeclear", "Lane Clear (V)");
                laneMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("minmana", "Minimum Mana For Spells", 40));
                laneMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useq2L", "Use Q", true));
                laneMenu.Add(new MenuBool("usew2L", "Use W", true));
                laneMenu.Add(new MenuBool("usee2L", "Use E", true));
                laneMenu.Add(new MenuBool("user2L", "Use R", true));

                laneMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useQlc", "Use Q Last hit", true));
                laneMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useWlc", "Use W Last hit", true));
                laneMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useElc", "Use E Last Hit", true));

                // laneMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("useRl", "Use R When X Minions", 1,3,20));
                laneMenu.Add(new MenuBool("spellblock", "Don't Use Spells when to pop passive"));


            var lasthitMenu = new Menu("lasthit", "Last Hit (X)");

                lasthitMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useQ2l", "Use Q Last hit", true));
                lasthitMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useW2l", "Use W Last hit", true));
                lasthitMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useE2l", "Use E Last Hit", true));



             * var potionMenu = new Menu("autoP", "Auto Potions");
             * {
             *  potionMenu.Add(new MenuBool("autoPO", "Auto Health Potion", true));
             *  potionMenu.Add(new MenuBool("HP", "Auto Health Potion", true));
             *  potionMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("HPSlider", "Minimum %Health for Potion", 30));
             *  potionMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Mana", "Auto Mana Potion", true));
             *  potionMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("MANASlider", "Minimum %Mana for Potion", 30));
             *  potionMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Biscuit", "Auto Biscuit", true));
             *  potionMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("bSlider", "Minimum %Health for Biscuit", 30));
             *  potionMenu.Add(new MenuBool("flask", "Auto Flask", true));
             *  potionMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("fSlider", "Minimum %Health for flask", 30));
             * }
             * Config.Add(potionMenu);

            var miscMenu = new Menu("misc", "Miscellaneous");
                miscMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useW2I", "Interrupt With W", true));
                miscMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useQW2D", "Use W/Q On Dashing", true));
                miscMenu.Add(new MenuBool("level", "Auto Skill Level Up", true));
                miscMenu.Add(new MenuBool("autow", "Auto W enemy under turre", true));


             * var passiveMenu = new Menu("passive", "Passive Stack");
             * {
             *  passiveMenu.Add(new MenuBool("autoPassive", "Passive Stack"))
             * }

            var drawMenu = new Menu("draw", "Drawings");

                drawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("qDraw", "Draw Q", true));
                drawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("wDraw", "Draw W", true));
                drawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("eDraw", "Draw E", true));


            Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw;
            Game.OnUpdate  += OnUpdate;
            InterruptableSpell.OnInterruptableTarget += Interruptable;
            // Dash.OnDash += Unit_Ondash;
Exemplo n.º 40
        public static void SetUp()
            VHR.VHRMenu = new Menu("VayneHunter Reborn", "VHR", true);

            #region Modes Menu
            var comboMenu = new Menu("dz191.vhr.orbwalk", "[VHR] Combo"); //Done
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseQ", "Use Q", true));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseE", "Use E", true));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseR", "Use R", true));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("rMinEnemies", "Min R Enemies", 2, 1, 5));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("sepCombo", "Mana Manager"));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("QMana", "Q Mana"));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("EMana", "E Mana"));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("RMana", "R Mana"));

            var harassMenu = new Menu("dz191.vhr.hybrid", "[VHR] Harass"); //Done
                harassMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseQ", "Use Q", true));
                harassMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseE", "Use E", true));
                harassMenu.Add(new MenuBool("eThird", "E for 3rd proc"));

                harassMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("sepHarass", "Mana Manager"));
                harassMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("QMana", "Q Mana", 25));
                harassMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("EMana", "E Mana", 20));

            var farmMenu = new Menu("dz191.vhr.laneclear", "[VHR] Farm"); //Done, sort of.
                farmMenu.Add(new MenuBool("UseQ", "Use Q", true));
                farmMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("sepFarm", "Mana Manager"));
                farmMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("QMana", "Q Mana", 40));

            #region Misc Menu
            var miscMenu = new Menu("dz191.vhr.misc", "[VHR] Misc");
            var miscQMenu = new Menu("dz191.vhr.misc.tumble", "Tumble");
                miscQMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("sepQ1", "Q Mode Settings"));
                miscQMenu.Add(new MenuList<string>("qlogic", "Q Logic", new[] { "Normal", "Kite Melees when Possible" })); //Done

                miscQMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("sepQ2", "Q Safety Checks")); //Done
                miscQMenu.Add(new MenuBool("noqenemies", "Don't Q into enemies", true)); //Done
                miscQMenu.Add(new MenuBool("dynamicqsafety", "Dynamic Q Safety Distance")); //Done
                miscQMenu.Add(new MenuBool("limitQ", "Limit Q")); //Done
                miscQMenu.Add(new MenuBool("qspam", "Ignore Q checks")); //Done

                miscQMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("sepQ3", "Q Integration"));
                miscQMenu.Add(new MenuBool("smartq", "Try to QE First")); //Done
                miscQMenu.Add(new MenuBool("noaastealth", "Don't AA while stealthed")); //TODO Disabled?

                miscQMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("sepQ4", "Q Miscellaneous"));
                miscQMenu.Add(new MenuBool("qinrange", "Q To KS if Enemy Killable", true)); //Done
                miscQMenu.Add(new MenuBool("qburst", "Q Wall Burst (Mirin Mode!)", true)); //Done
                miscQMenu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("walltumble", "Tumble Over Wall (WallTumble)", Keys.Y, KeyBindType.Press));

            var miscEMenu = new Menu("dz191.vhr.misc.condemn", "Condemn"); //All Done
                miscEMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("sepE1", "E Mode Settings"));
                miscEMenu.Add(new MenuList<string>("condemnmethod", "Condemn Method", new[] { "VHR SDK", "Marksman/Gosu"}));

                miscEMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("sepE2", "E Prediction Settings (Only VHR Method)"));
                miscEMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("predictionNumber", "Number of Predictions (Higher = Laggier)", 10, 1, 15));
                miscEMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("accuracy", "Condemn Accuracy", 50));
                miscEMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("nextprediction", "Last Prediction Time (Don't touch unless you know what you're doing)", 500, 0, 1000));
                ////miscEMenu.Add(new MenuList<string>("enemymode", "Enemy Bounding Box", new[] { "Circle", "Point"}));

                miscEMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("sepE3", "E Skill Settings (Both)"));
                miscEMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("pushdistance", "E Push Distance", 460, 350, 470)); //Done
                miscEMenu.Add(new MenuBool("onlystuncurrent", "Only stun current target")); //Done
                miscEMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("noeaa", "Don't E if Target can be killed in X AA (0 = Always E)", 1, 0, 4)); //Done
                miscEMenu.Add(new MenuBool("condemnflag", "Condemn to J4 flag", true)); //Done
                miscEMenu.Add(new MenuBool("noeturret", "No E Under enemy turret", true)); //Done

                miscEMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("sepE4", "E Miscellaneous (Both)"));
                miscEMenu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("enextauto", "E Next Auto", Keys.T, KeyBindType.Toggle)); //Done
                miscEMenu.Add(new MenuBool("autoe", "Auto E")); //Done
                miscEMenu.Add(new MenuBool("eks", "Smart E Ks")); //Done
                miscEMenu.Add(new MenuBool("trinketbush", "Trinket Bush on Condemn", true)); //Done
                miscEMenu.Add(new MenuBool("lowlifepeel", "Peel with E when low")); //Done


            var miscGeneralSubMenu = new Menu("dz191.vhr.misc.general", "General");
                miscGeneralSubMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("sepGeneral1", "AntiGP & Interrupter"));
                miscGeneralSubMenu.Add(new MenuBool("antigp", "Anti Gapcloser", true)); //Done
                miscGeneralSubMenu.Add(new MenuBool("interrupt", "Interrupter", true)); //Done
                miscGeneralSubMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("antigpdelay", "Anti Gapcloser Delay (ms)", 0, 0, 1000)); //Done

                miscGeneralSubMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("sepGeneral2", "Various"));
                miscGeneralSubMenu.Add(new MenuBool("specialfocus", "Focus targets with 2 W marks")); //Done
                miscGeneralSubMenu.Add(new MenuBool("reveal", "Stealth Reveal (Pink Ward)")); //Done
                miscGeneralSubMenu.Add(new MenuBool("disablemovement", "Disable Orbwalker Movement")); //Done
                miscGeneralSubMenu.Add(new MenuBool("disableaa", "Disable Orbwalker AA")); //Done

                miscGeneralSubMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("sepGeneral3", "Performance"));
                miscGeneralSubMenu.Add(new MenuBool("lightweight", "Lightweight mode")); //Semi-Done
                ////TODO When Lightweight is enabled then double all the intervals in the TickLimiters.


                new MenuSeparator(
                    "sepVersion", "VH Revolution by Asuna v." + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version));

Exemplo n.º 41
        /// <summary>
        ///     The initialize method of the <c>orbwalker</c>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="menu">
        ///     The LeagueSharp menu
        /// </param>
        internal static void Initialize(Menu menu)
            var drawing = new Menu("drawings", "显示设置");
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("drawAARange", "显示平A范围", true));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("drawKillableMinion", "补刀提示"));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("drawKillableMinionFade", "补刀提示动画"));

            var advanced = new Menu("advanced", "高级设置");
            advanced.Add(new MenuSeparator("separatorMovement", "移动"));
                new MenuSlider(
                    new Random(Variables.TickCount).Next(30, 101),
            advanced.Add(new MenuBool("movementScramble", "随机移动位置", true));
            advanced.Add(new MenuSlider("movementExtraHold", "待命范围", 25, 0, 250));
                new MenuSlider(
                    new Random().Next(500, 1201),
            advanced.Add(new MenuSeparator("separatorMisc", "其它设置"));
            advanced.Add(new MenuSlider("miscExtraWindup", "额外延时", 80, 0, 200));
            advanced.Add(new MenuSlider("miscFarmDelay", "补刀延时", 0, 0, 200));
            advanced.Add(new MenuBool("miscPriorizeFarm", "优先补刀,其次消耗", true));
            advanced.Add(new MenuBool("miscMissile", "碰撞检测", true));
            advanced.Add(new MenuSeparator("separatorOther", "其它"));
                new MenuButton("resetAll", "设置", "重置所有设置")
                        Action = () =>
                                Menu["advanced"]["movementMaximumDistance"].GetValue<MenuSlider>().Value = new Random().Next(
                                Menu["advanced"]["movementDelay"].GetValue<MenuSlider>().Value = new Random().Next(30, 101);
            Menu.Add(new MenuSeparator("separatorKeys", "键位设置"));
            Menu.Add(new MenuBool("enableOption", "启用走砍", true));
            Menu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("lasthitKey", "补刀", Keys.X, KeyBindType.Press));
            Menu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("laneclearKey", "清线", Keys.V, KeyBindType.Press));
            Menu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("hybridKey", "消耗", Keys.C, KeyBindType.Press));
            Menu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("orbwalkKey", "走砍", Keys.Space, KeyBindType.Press));

            Menu.MenuValueChanged += (sender, args) =>
                    var keyBind = sender as MenuKeyBind;
                    if (keyBind != null)
                        var modeName = keyBind.Name.Substring(0, keyBind.Name.IndexOf("Key", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                        OrbwalkerMode mode;
                        ActiveMode = Enum.TryParse(modeName, true, out mode)
                                         ? keyBind.Active
                                               ? mode
                                               : mode == ActiveMode
                                                     ? Menu["lasthitKey"].GetValue<MenuKeyBind>().Active
                                                           ? OrbwalkerMode.LastHit
                                                           : Menu["laneclearKey"].GetValue<MenuKeyBind>().Active
                                                                 ? OrbwalkerMode.LaneClear
                                                                 : Menu["hybridKey"].GetValue<MenuKeyBind>().Active
                                                                       ? OrbwalkerMode.Hybrid
                                                                       : Menu["orbwalkKey"].GetValue<MenuKeyBind>()
                                                                             ? OrbwalkerMode.Orbwalk
                                                                             : OrbwalkerMode.None
                                                     : ActiveMode
                                         : ActiveMode;

                    var boolean = sender as MenuBool;
                    if (boolean != null)
                        if (boolean.Name.Equals("enableOption"))
                            enabled = boolean.Value;


            Movement = Attack = true;
            enabled = Menu["enableOption"].GetValue<MenuBool>().Value;

            Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast;
            Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw;
            GameObject.OnCreate += OnCreate;
Exemplo n.º 42
        /// <summary>
        ///     Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Orbwalker" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="menu">The menu.</param>
        internal Orbwalker(Menu menu)
            var drawing = new Menu("drawings", "Drawings");

            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("drawAARange", "Auto-Attack Range", true));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("drawAARangeEnemy", "Auto-Attack Range Enemy"));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("drawExtraHoldPosition", "Extra Hold Position"));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("drawKillableMinion", "Killable Minions"));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("drawKillableMinionFade", "Killable Minions Fade Effect"));

            var advanced = new Menu("advanced", "Advanced");

            advanced.Add(new MenuSeparator("separatorMovement", "Movement"));
            advanced.Add(new MenuBool("movementRandomize", "Randomize Location", true));
            advanced.Add(new MenuSlider("movementExtraHold", "Extra Hold Position", 0, 0, 250));
            advanced.Add(new MenuSlider("movementMaximumDistance", "Maximum Distance", 1500, 500, 1500));

            advanced.Add(new MenuSeparator("separatorDelay", "Delay"));
            advanced.Add(new MenuSlider("delayMovement", "Movement", 0, 0, 500));
            advanced.Add(new MenuSlider("delayWindup", "Windup", 80, 0, 200));
            advanced.Add(new MenuSlider("delayFarm", "Farm", 30, 0, 200));

            advanced.Add(new MenuSeparator("separatorPrioritization", "Prioritization"));
            advanced.Add(new MenuBool("prioritizeFarm", "Farm Over Harass", true));
            advanced.Add(new MenuBool("prioritizeMinions", "Minions Over Objectives"));
            advanced.Add(new MenuBool("prioritizeSmallJungle", "Small Jungle"));
            advanced.Add(new MenuBool("prioritizeWards", "Wards"));
            advanced.Add(new MenuBool("prioritizeSpecialMinions", "Special Minions"));

            advanced.Add(new MenuSeparator("separatorAttack", "Attack"));
            advanced.Add(new MenuBool("attackWards", "Wards"));
            advanced.Add(new MenuBool("attackBarrels", "Barrels"));
            advanced.Add(new MenuBool("attackClones", "Clones"));
            advanced.Add(new MenuBool("attackSpecialMinions", "Special Minions", true));

            advanced.Add(new MenuSeparator("separatorMisc", "Miscellaneous"));
            advanced.Add(new MenuBool("miscMissile", "Use Missile Checks", true));
            advanced.Add(new MenuBool("miscAttackSpeed", "Don't Kite if Attack Speed > 2.5", true));


            this.Menu.Add(new MenuSeparator("separatorKeys", "Key Bindings"));
            this.Menu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("lasthitKey", "Last Hit", Keys.X, KeyBindType.Press));
            this.Menu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("laneclearKey", "Lane Clear", Keys.V, KeyBindType.Press));
            this.Menu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("hybridKey", "Hybrid", Keys.C, KeyBindType.Press));
            this.Menu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("comboKey", "Combo", Keys.Space, KeyBindType.Press));
            this.Menu.Add(new MenuBool("enabledOption", "Enabled", true));

            this.Menu.MenuValueChanged += (sender, args) =>
                var keyBind = sender as MenuKeyBind;
                if (keyBind != null)
                    var            modeName = keyBind.Name.Substring(0, keyBind.Name.IndexOf("Key", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                    OrbwalkingMode mode;
                    this.ActiveMode = Enum.TryParse(modeName, true, out mode)
                                              ? keyBind.Active
                                                    ? mode
                                                    : mode == this.ActiveMode
                                                          ? this.Menu["lasthitKey"].GetValue <MenuKeyBind>().Active
                                                                ? OrbwalkingMode.LastHit
                                                                : this.Menu["laneclearKey"].GetValue <MenuKeyBind>()
                                                                      ? OrbwalkingMode.LaneClear
                                                                      : this.Menu["hybridKey"].GetValue <MenuKeyBind>()
                                                                            ? OrbwalkingMode.Hybrid
                                                                            : this.Menu["comboKey"]
                                      .GetValue <MenuKeyBind>().Active
                                                                                  ? OrbwalkingMode.Combo
                                                                                  : OrbwalkingMode.None
                                                          : this.ActiveMode
                                              : this.ActiveMode;

                var boolean = sender as MenuBool;
                if (boolean != null)
                    if (boolean.Name.Equals("enabledOption"))
                        this.Enabled = boolean.Value;

            this.Selector = new Selector(this);
            this.Enabled  = this.Menu["enabledOption"].GetValue <MenuBool>().Value;
Exemplo n.º 43
        public Yasuo()
            Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 500);
            Q2 = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 1100);
            W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 400);
            E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 475);
            R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 1300);
            Q.SetSkillshot(GetQDelay, 20, float.MaxValue, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            Q2.SetSkillshot(GetQ2Delay, 90, 1500, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            E.SetTargetted(0.05f, GetESpeed);
            Q.DamageType = Q2.DamageType = R.DamageType = DamageType.Physical;
            E.DamageType = DamageType.Magical;
            Q.MinHitChance = Q2.MinHitChance = HitChance.High;

            var orbwalkMenu = new Menu("Orbwalk", "Orbwalk");
                Separator(orbwalkMenu, "blank0", "Q/Ignite/Item: Always On");
                Separator(orbwalkMenu, "blank1", "E Gap Settings");
                Bool(orbwalkMenu, "EGap", "Use E");
                Slider(orbwalkMenu, "ERange", "If Distance >", (int)(E.Range * 0.5), 0, (int)E.Range);
                Bool(orbwalkMenu, "ETower", "Under Tower", false);
                Bool(orbwalkMenu, "EStackQ", "Stack Q While Gap", false);
                Separator(orbwalkMenu, "blank2", "R Settings");
                Bool(orbwalkMenu, "R", "Use R");
                Bool(orbwalkMenu, "RDelay", "Delay Casting");
                Slider(orbwalkMenu, "RHpU", "If Enemy Hp < (%)", 60);
                Slider(orbwalkMenu, "RCountA", "Or Enemy >=", 2, 1, 5);
            var hybridMenu = new Menu("Hybrid", "Hybrid");
                Separator(hybridMenu, "blank3", "Q: Always On");
                Bool(hybridMenu, "Q3", "Also Q3");
                Bool(hybridMenu, "QLastHit", "Last Hit (Q1/2)");
                Separator(hybridMenu, "blank4", "Auto Q Settings");
                KeyBind(hybridMenu, "AutoQ", "KeyBind", Keys.T, KeyBindType.Toggle);
                Bool(hybridMenu, "AutoQ3", "Also Q3", false);
            var lcMenu = new Menu("LaneClear", "Lane Clear");
                Separator(lcMenu, "blank5", "Q: Always On");
                Bool(lcMenu, "Q3", "Also Q3");
                Separator(lcMenu, "blank6", "E Settings");
                Bool(lcMenu, "E", "Use E");
                Bool(lcMenu, "ETower", "Under Tower", false);
            var lhMenu = new Menu("LastHit", "Last Hit");
                Separator(lhMenu, "blank7", "Q Settings");
                Bool(lhMenu, "Q", "Use Q");
                Bool(lhMenu, "Q3", "Also Q3", false);
                Separator(lhMenu, "blank8", "E Settings");
                Bool(lhMenu, "E", "Use E");
                Bool(lhMenu, "ETower", "Under Tower", false);
            var ksMenu = new Menu("KillSteal", "Kill Steal");
                Bool(ksMenu, "Q", "Use Q");
                Bool(ksMenu, "E", "Use E");
                Bool(ksMenu, "R", "Use R");
                Separator(ksMenu, "blank7", "Extra R Settings");
                foreach (var enemy in GameObjects.EnemyHeroes)
                    Bool(ksMenu, "RCast" + enemy.ChampionName, "Cast On " + enemy.ChampionName);
            var fleeMenu = new Menu("Flee", "Flee");
                KeyBind(fleeMenu, "E", "Use E", Keys.C);
                Bool(fleeMenu, "Q", "Stack Q While Dash");
            if (GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.Any())
            var drawMenu = new Menu("Draw", "Draw");
                Bool(drawMenu, "StackQ", "Auto Stack Q Status");
            KeyBind(MainMenu, "StackQ", "Auto Stack Q", Keys.Z, KeyBindType.Toggle);

            Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate;
            Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw;
            Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdateEvade;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnPlayAnimation += OnPlayAnimation;
Exemplo n.º 44
        private static void OnLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 600f);
            W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W);
            E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E);
            R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 400f);

            Q.SetTargetted(0f, 1000f, Player.Position);

            Config = new Menu("Mighty Fiora", "Mighty Fiora", true);
            Config.Add(new MenuSeparator("Mighty Fiora", "Mighty Fiora"));

            var combo = Config.Add(new Menu("combo", "Combo Settings"));
            var spell = Config.Add(new Menu("spell", "Spell Settings"));

            combo.Add(new MenuSeparator("Combo Menu", "Combo Menu"));
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("UseQ", "Use Q", true));
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("UseW", "Use W", true));
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("UseE", "Use E", true));
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("UseR", "Use R", true));

            //Advanced Spell Settings
            spell.Add(new MenuSeparator("Advanced Q Settings", "Advanced Q Settings"));
            spell.Add(new MenuBool("qgapcloseonly", "Use [Q] for Gapclosing only", false));
            spell.Add((new MenuSlider("qgapcloserange", "Gapclose Range", 300, 0, 600)));
            spell.Add(new MenuSeparator("Advanced W Settings", "Advanced W Settings"));
            spell.Add(new MenuBool("autow", "Use [W] on Autoattacks", true));
            spell.Add(new MenuSlider("wdelay", "Cast Delay in Miliseconds", 80, 0, 1000));
            spell.Add(new MenuSeparator("Advanced R Settings", "Advanced R Settings"));

            spell.Add(new MenuBool("UseRF", "Use [R] on Killable", true));
            spell.Add(new MenuKeyBind("forceR", "Force [R] Toggle (will R after Combo)", Keys.J, KeyBindType.Toggle));

            spell.Add(new MenuBool("rhp", "Auto [R] if HP <= %", true));
            spell.Add((new MenuSlider("rhp%", "Player HP %", 30, 0, 100)));

            spell.Add(new MenuBool("rAOE", "Auto [R] on X amount of Enemies", true));
            spell.Add((new MenuSlider("rcount", "Enemy Count", 4, 0, 5)));

            var harass = Config.Add(new Menu("harass", "Harass Settings"));

            harass.Add(new MenuSeparator("Harass Menu", "Harass Menu"));
            harass.Add(new MenuBool("harrQ", "Use Q", true));
            harass.Add(new MenuBool("harrE", "Use E", true));

            var laneclear = Config.Add(new Menu("laneclear", "Laneclear Settings"));

            laneclear.Add(new MenuSeparator("Coming Soon", "Coming Soon"));

            var drawing = Config.Add(new Menu("draw", "Draw Settings"));

            drawing.Add(new MenuSeparator("Draw Menu", "Draw Menu"));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("disable", "Disable all drawings", false));
            drawing.Add(new MenuList <string>("drawmode", "Drawing Mode:", objects: new[] { "Normal", "Custom" }));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("disableq", "[Q] draw", true));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("disableqp", "[Q] Gapclose draw", true));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("disablee", "[E] draw", true));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("disabler", "[R] draw", true));
            drawing.Add(new MenuSeparator("Color Settings", "Color Settings"));

            //I'll call your parents if you copy this. KappaHD
            //Do you need an Onii-chan or a Senpai? Feel free to contact me on Skype: djkleeven
            drawing.Add(new MenuColor("drawq", "[Q] Range Draw Color", new ColorBGRA(32, 20, 10, 255)));
            drawing.Add(new MenuColor("drawqp", "[Q] Gapclose Draw Color", new ColorBGRA(125, 20, 10, 255)));
            drawing.Add(new MenuColor("drawe", "[E] Range Draw Color", new ColorBGRA(32, 20, 10, 255)));
            drawing.Add(new MenuColor("drawr", "[R] Range Draw Color", new ColorBGRA(32, 20, 10, 255)));
            drawing.Add(new MenuSeparator("Misc Settings", "Misc Settings"));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("dmgindic", "Damage Indicator", true));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("targets", "Draw Selected Target", true));

            Config.Add(new MenuButton("resetAll", "Settings", "Reset All Settings")

                Action = () =>

            Bootstrap.Init(new string[] { });

            Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast;
            Orbwalker.OnAction             += OnAction;
            Drawing.OnDraw           += OnDraw;
            Obj_AI_Hero.OnBuffRemove += Tiamat;
            Obj_AI_Hero.OnBuffAdd    += Qbuff;
            Drawing.OnEndScene       += DamageIn;
Exemplo n.º 45
        /// <summary>
        ///     The generation function.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Generate()
            RootMenu = new Menu("com.ikalista", "iKalista 2.0", true);

            var comboMenu = new Menu("com.kalista.combo", "Combo Options");
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("sep111", "Combo"));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useQ", "Use Q", true));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useE", "Use E", true));

                comboMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("sep11", "Auto E")); // Make Module
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("autoE", "Auto E"));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("minStacks", "Min Percent for Auto E", 100, 10));

                comboMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("sep123", "E Leaving"));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useELeaving", "E Leaving target"));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("eLeavePercent", "Min Percent for Leaving", 40, 10)); // Make Module

                comboMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("sep231", "E Before Death"));                      // make module
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("eDeath", "E Before Death"));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("eDeathPercent", "Damage Percent Before Death", 20, 10));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("myHealthPercent", "My Health Percent Before Death", 15, 5, 50));

                comboMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("sep321", "Ultimate Options"));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("saveAlly", "Save Ally With Ultimate"));
                comboMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("allyHealth", "Min Ally Health to save", 15, 10));

            var harassMenu = new Menu("com.kalista.harass", "Harass Options");
                harassMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useQ", "Use Q", true));
                harassMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useE", "Use E", true));
                harassMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("minStacks", "Min Percent for Auto E", 50, 10));
                harassMenu.Add(new MenuBool("autoHarass", "Minion -> Champion Harass", true));

            var laneclearMenu = new Menu("com.kalista.laneclear", "Laneclear Options");
                laneclearMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useQ", "Use Q", true));
                laneclearMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("qClear", "Min Minions for Q", 3, 1, 10));
                laneclearMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("qMana", "Min Mana for Q %", 50, 10));

                laneclearMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("sep3321", "-"));

                laneclearMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useE", "Use E", true));
                laneclearMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("eClear", "Min Minions for E", 3, 1, 10));
                laneclearMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("eMana", "Min Mana for E %", 50, 10));

            var miscMenu = new Menu("com.kalista.misc", "Misc Options");
                miscMenu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("sentinelDrake", "Send Sentinel to Dragon", Keys.T, KeyBindType.Press));
                miscMenu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("sentinelBaron", "Send Sentinel to Baron", Keys.Y, KeyBindType.Press));
                miscMenu.Add(new MenuBool("useJungleSteal", "Use Jungle Steal", true));
                    new MenuList <string>(
                        "Jungle Steal Mode",
                        new[] { "Both", "Jungle Minions", "Super / Siege Minions" }));

            var fleeMenu = new Menu("com.kalista.flee", "Flee Options");
                fleeMenu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("fleeActive", "Flee Key", Keys.V, KeyBindType.Press));
                fleeMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("sep", "-"));
                fleeMenu.Add(new MenuBool("wallJump", "Try Wall Jump", true));
                fleeMenu.Add(new MenuBool("aaFlee", "Use Auto Attacks", true));

            var drawingMenu = new Menu("com.kalista.drawing", "Drawing Options");

                drawingMenu.Add(new MenuBool("drawQ", "Draw Q Range"));
                drawingMenu.Add(new MenuBool("drawE", "Draw E Range"));
                drawingMenu.Add(new MenuBool("drawELeaving", "Draw E Range Leaving"));
                drawingMenu.Add(new MenuBool("drawPercentage", "Draw E Damage Percentage"));

Exemplo n.º 46
        private void CreateMenu()
            _cfg = new Menu("Aatrox", "Aatrox", true);

            var combo = new Menu("Combo", "Combo");
                combo.Add(new MenuBool("QCombo", "Use Q", true));
                combo.Add(new MenuBool("WCombo", "Use W", true));
                combo.Add(new MenuBool("ECombo", "Use E", true));
                combo.Add(new MenuBool("RCombo", "Use R", true));
                combo.Add(new MenuSlider("minW", "Min HP % W", 50, 0, 100));
                combo.Add(new MenuSlider("maxW", "Max HP % W", 80, 0, 100));
                combo.Add(new MenuBool("DontQ", "Don't Q at enemy tower", true));
                combo.Add(new MenuBool("Dive", "Dive Tower when target HP is lower then %", true));
                combo.Add(new MenuSlider("DiveMHP", "My HP % to Towerdive", 60, 0, 100));
                combo.Add(new MenuSlider("DiveTHP", "Target HP % to Towerdive", 10, 0, 100));
                combo.Add(new MenuBool("UseItems", "Use Items", true));


            var harass = new Menu("Harass", "Harass");
                harass.Add(new MenuBool("HarQ", "Use Q in Harass", false));
                harass.Add(new MenuBool("HarE", "Use E in Harass", true));


            var laneclear = new Menu("LaneClear", "LaneClear");
                laneclear.Add(new MenuBool("UseQLane", "Use Q", false));
                laneclear.Add(new MenuBool("UseWLane", "Use W", true));
                laneclear.Add(new MenuBool("UseELane", "Use E", true));

            var jungleclear = new Menu("JungleClear", "JungleClear");
                jungleclear.Add(new MenuBool("UseQJungle", "Use Q", true));
                jungleclear.Add(new MenuBool("UseWJungle", "Use W", true));
                jungleclear.Add(new MenuBool("UseEJungle", "Use E", true));

            var killsteal = new Menu("KillSteal", "KillSteal");
                killsteal.Add(new MenuBool("SmartKS", "Smart KillSteal", true));
                killsteal.Add(new MenuBool("RKS", "Use R in KS", false));


            var drawings = new Menu("Drawings", "Drawings");
                drawings.Add(new MenuBool("DrawQ", "Draw Q", true));
                drawings.Add(new MenuBool("DrawE", "Draw E", true));

            var misc = new Menu("Misc", "Misc");
                misc.Add(new MenuBool("TowerQ", "Auto Q Under Turret", false));
                misc.Add(new MenuBool("IntQ", "Auto Interrupt with Q", false));
                misc.Add(new MenuBool("IntMed", "Interrupt Medium Danger Spells", false));
                misc.Add(new MenuBool("SmartW", "Smart W Logic", true));


            var flee = new Menu("Flee", "Flee");
                flee.Add(new MenuKeyBind("ActiveFlee", "Flee!", Keys.G, KeyBindType.Press));

Exemplo n.º 47
        public Ahri()
            Q  = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 880);
            W  = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 550);
            E  = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 975);
            E2 = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 975);
            R  = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 450);//600
            Q.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 100, 1600, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            E.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 60, 1550, true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            E2.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 60, 1550, true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            Q.DamageType   = W.DamageType = E.DamageType = DamageType.Magical;
            Q.MinHitChance = HitChance.High;
            E.MinHitChance = HitChance.High;

            Menu Asassin = new Menu("Assassin", "AssasinMode");
                KeyBind(Asassin, "activeAssasin", "Assassin Key", Keys.T, KeyBindType.Press);
                Separator(Asassin, "1", "Make sure you select a target");
                Separator(Asassin, "2", "before press this key");
            Menu Combo = new Menu("Combo", "Combo");
                Bool(Combo, "Qc", "Q", true);
                Bool(Combo, "Wc", "W", true);
                Bool(Combo, "Ec", "E", true);
            Menu Harass = new Menu("Harass", "Harass");
                Bool(Harass, "Qh", "Q", true);
                Bool(Harass, "Wh", "W", true);
                Bool(Harass, "Eh", "E", true);
                Slider(Harass, "manah", "Min mana", 40, 0, 100);
            Menu Clear = new Menu("Clear", "Clear");
                Bool(Clear, "Qj", "Q", true);
                Slider(Clear, "Qhitj", "Q if will hit", 2, 1, 3);
                Slider(Clear, "manaj", "Min mana", 40, 0, 100);
            Menu Auto = new Menu("Auto", "Auto");
                KeyBind(Auto, "harassa", "Harass Q", Keys.H, KeyBindType.Toggle);
                Bool(Auto, "interrupta", "E interrupt + gapcloser", true);
                Bool(Auto, "killsteala", "KillSteal", true);
            Menu drawMenu = new Menu("Draw", "Draw");

                Bool(drawMenu, "Qd", "Q");
                Bool(drawMenu, "Wd", "W");
                Bool(drawMenu, "Ed", "E");
                Bool(drawMenu, "Rd", "R");
                Bool(drawMenu, "Hpd", "Damage Indicator");
            drawMenu.MenuValueChanged += drawMenu_MenuValueChanged;

            Game.OnUpdate                            += Game_OnUpdate;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnNewPath                    += Obj_AI_Base_OnNewPath;
            Drawing.OnDraw                           += Drawing_OnDraw;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast           += Obj_AI_Base_OnProcessSpellCast;
            Gapcloser.OnGapCloser                    += Gapcloser_OnGapCloser;
            InterruptableSpell.OnInterruptableTarget += InterruptableSpell_OnInterruptableTarget;
            DamageIndicator.DamageToUnit              = AhriDamage;
            DamageIndicator.Enabled       = drawhp;
            CustomDamageIndicator.Enabled = drawhp;
Exemplo n.º 48
        public TwistedFate()
            Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 1400);
            W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W);
            E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E);
            R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R);
            Q.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 40, 1000, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            Q.DamageType   = W.DamageType = E.DamageType = DamageType.Magical;
            Q.MinHitChance = HitChance.High;
            Menu Combo = new Menu("Combo", "Combo");
                Bool(Combo, "Qc", "Q", true);
                Bool(Combo, "Qafterattackc", "Q after attack", true);
                Bool(Combo, "Qimmobilec", "Q on immobile", true);
                Slider(Combo, "Qhitc", "Q if will hit", 2, 1, 3);
                Bool(Combo, "Wc", "W", true);
                Bool(Combo, "pickgoldc", "Pick gold card while using R", true);
                Bool(Combo, "dontpickyellow1stc", "don't pick gold at 1st turn", false);
            Menu Harass = new Menu("Harass", "Harass");
                Bool(Harass, "Qh", "Q", true);
                Bool(Harass, "Qafterattackh", "Q after attack", true);
                Bool(Harass, "Qimmobileh", "Q on immobile", true);
                Slider(Harass, "Qhith", "Q if will hit", 2, 1, 3);
                Bool(Harass, "Wh", "W", true);
                List(Harass, "Wcolorh", "W card type", new[] { "blue", "red", "gold" });
                Slider(Harass, "manah", "Min mana", 40, 0, 100);
            Menu Clear = new Menu("Clear", "Clear");
                Bool(Clear, "Qj", "Q", true);
                Slider(Clear, "Qhitj", "Q if will hit", 2, 1, 3);
                Bool(Clear, "Wj", "W", true);
                List(Clear, "Wcolorj", "W card type", new[] { "blue", "red" });
                Slider(Clear, "wmanaj", "mana only W blue", 0, 0, 100);
                Slider(Clear, "manaj", "Min mana", 40, 0, 100);
            Menu Auto = new Menu("Auto", "Auto");
                Bool(Auto, "throwyellowa", "gapclose + interrupt: throw gold card", true);
                Bool(Auto, "killsteala", "KillSteal Q", true);
            Menu Helper = new Menu("Helper", "Pick card Helper");
                Bool(Helper, "enableh", "Enabale", true);
                KeyBind(Helper, "pickyellowh", "Pick Yellow", Keys.W, KeyBindType.Toggle);
                KeyBind(Helper, "pickblueh", "Pick Blue", Keys.G, KeyBindType.Toggle);
                KeyBind(Helper, "pickredh", "Pick Red", Keys.H, KeyBindType.Toggle);
            Menu drawMenu = new Menu("Draw", "Draw");

                Bool(drawMenu, "Qd", "Q");
                Bool(drawMenu, "Rd", "R");
                Bool(drawMenu, "Hpd", "Damage Indicator");
            drawMenu.MenuValueChanged += drawMenu_MenuValueChanged;
            Game.OnUpdate             += OnUpdate;
            Drawing.OnDraw            += OnDraw;
            //Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast;
            //GameObject.OnCreate += OnCreate;
            Gapcloser.OnGapCloser += Gapcloser_OnGapCloser;
            InterruptableSpell.OnInterruptableTarget += InterruptableSpell_OnInterruptableTarget;
            Drawing.OnEndScene          += Drawing_OnEndScene;
            Orb.OnAction                += Orbwalker_OnAction;
            DamageIndicator.DamageToUnit = TwistedFateDamage;
            DamageIndicator.Enabled       = drawhp;
            CustomDamageIndicator.Enabled = drawhp;
Exemplo n.º 49
        public Zed()
            Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 975);
            Q2 = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 975);
            W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 600);
            E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 290);
            R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 700);
            Q.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 50, 1700, true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            Q2.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 50, 1700, true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            E.SetTargetted(0, float.MaxValue);
            Q.DamageType = Q2.DamageType = E.DamageType = R.DamageType = DamageType.Physical;
            Q.MinHitChance = Q2.MinHitChance = HitChance.VeryHigh;

            var orbwalkMenu = new Menu("Orbwalk", "Orbwalk");
                Config.Separator(orbwalkMenu, "blank0", "Q/E/Ignite/Item: Always On");
                Config.Separator(orbwalkMenu, "blank1", "W Settings");
                Config.Bool(orbwalkMenu, "WNormal", "Use For Non-R Combo");
                Config.List(orbwalkMenu, "WAdv", "Use For R Combo", new[] { "OFF", "Line", "Triangle", "Mouse" }).Index
                    = 1;
                Config.List(orbwalkMenu, "WSwapGap", "Swap To Gap Close", new[] { "OFF", "Smart", "Always" }).Index = 1;
                Config.Separator(orbwalkMenu, "blank2", "R Settings");
                Config.Bool(orbwalkMenu, "R", "Use R");
                    "Priorize If Ready And Distance <=",
                    (int)(R.Range + 200),
                    (int)(R.Range + W.Range));
                Config.List(orbwalkMenu, "RSwapGap", "Swap To Gap Close", new[] { "OFF", "Smart", "Always" }).Index = 1;
                Config.Slider(orbwalkMenu, "RSwapIfHpU", "Swap If Hp < (%)", 20);
                Config.Bool(orbwalkMenu, "RSwapIfKill", "Swap If Mark Can Kill Target");
                Config.Separator(orbwalkMenu, "blank3", "Extra R Settings");
                foreach (var enemy in GameObjects.EnemyHeroes)
                    Config.Bool(orbwalkMenu, "RCast" + enemy.ChampionName, "Cast On " + enemy.ChampionName, false);
            var hybridMenu = new Menu("Hybrid", "Hybrid");
                Config.List(hybridMenu, "Mode", "Mode", new[] { "W-E-Q", "E-Q", "Q" });
                Config.Bool(hybridMenu, "QOverW", "Priorize Q Over W", false);
                Config.Separator(hybridMenu, "blank4", "Auto Q Settings");
                Config.KeyBind(hybridMenu, "AutoQ", "KeyBind", Keys.T, KeyBindType.Toggle);
                Config.Slider(hybridMenu, "AutoQMpA", "If Mp >=", 100, 0, 200);
            var farmMenu = new Menu("Farm", "Farm");
                Config.Bool(farmMenu, "Q", "Use Q");
                Config.Bool(farmMenu, "E", "Use E", false);
            var ksMenu = new Menu("KillSteal", "Kill Steal");
                Config.Bool(ksMenu, "Q", "Use Q");
                Config.Bool(ksMenu, "E", "Use E");
            var drawMenu = new Menu("Draw", "Draw");
                Config.Bool(drawMenu, "Q", "Q Range");
                Config.Bool(drawMenu, "W", "W Range");
                Config.Bool(drawMenu, "E", "E Range", false);
                Config.Bool(drawMenu, "R", "R Range");
                Config.Bool(drawMenu, "Target", "Target");
                Config.Bool(drawMenu, "WPos", "W Shadow");
                Config.Bool(drawMenu, "RPos", "R Shadow");
            Config.KeyBind(MainMenu, "FleeW", "Use W To Flee", Keys.C);

            Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate;
            Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast;
            GameObject.OnCreate += OnCreate;
            GameObject.OnDelete += OnDelete;
Exemplo n.º 50
 public static void CreateMenu(Menu mainMenu)
     var evadeMenu = mainMenu.Add(new Menu("Evade", "Evade Skillshot"));
         evadeMenu.Separator("Credit: Evade#");
         var evadeSpells = evadeMenu.Add(new Menu("Spells", "Spells"));
             foreach (var spell in EvadeSpellDatabase.Spells)
                 var subMenu = evadeSpells.Add(new Menu(spell.Name, spell.Name));
                     if (spell.UnderTower)
                         subMenu.Bool(spell.Slot + "Tower", "Under Tower", false);
                     if (spell.ExtraDelay)
                         subMenu.Slider(spell.Slot + "Delay", "Extra Delay", 100, 0, 150);
                     subMenu.Slider("DangerLevel", "If Danger Level >=", spell.DangerLevel, 1, 5);
                     if (spell.IsTargetted && spell.ValidTargets.Contains(SpellValidTargets.AllyWards))
                         subMenu.Bool("WardJump", "Ward Jump");
                     subMenu.Bool("Enabled", "Enabled");
         foreach (var hero in
                 i =>
                     a =>
                     string.Equals(a.ChampionName, i.ChampionName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
             evadeMenu.Add(new Menu(hero.ChampionName.ToLowerInvariant(), "-> " + hero.ChampionName));
         foreach (var spell in
                 i =>
                     a =>
                     string.Equals(a.ChampionName, i.ChampionName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
             var subMenu =
                     new Menu(spell.SpellName, $"{spell.SpellName} ({spell.Slot})"));
                 subMenu.Slider("DangerLevel", "Danger Level", spell.DangerValue, 1, 5);
                 subMenu.Bool("IsDangerous", "Is Dangerous", spell.IsDangerous);
                 subMenu.Bool("DisableFoW", "Disable FoW Dodging", false);
                 subMenu.Bool("Draw", "Draw");
                 subMenu.Bool("Enabled", "Enabled", !spell.DisabledByDefault);
         var drawMenu = evadeMenu.Add(new Menu("Draw", "Draw"));
             drawMenu.Bool("Skillshot", "Skillshot");
             drawMenu.Bool("Status", "Evade Status");
         evadeMenu.KeyBind("Enabled", "Enabled", Keys.K, KeyBindType.Toggle);
         evadeMenu.KeyBind("OnlyDangerous", "Dodge Only Dangerous", Keys.Space);
Exemplo n.º 51
 public static MenuBool Bool(Menu subMenu, string name, string display, bool state = true)
     return subMenu.Add(new MenuBool(name, display, state));
Exemplo n.º 52
        private static void OnLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 600f);
            W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W);
            E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E);
            R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 400f);

            Q.SetTargetted(0f, 1000f, Player.Position);

            Config = new Menu("Mighty Fiora", "Mighty Fiora", true);
            Config.Add(new MenuSeparator("Mighty Fiora", "Mighty Fiora"));

            var combo = Config.Add(new Menu("combo", "Combo Settings"));
            var spell = Config.Add(new Menu("spell", "Spell Settings"));

            combo.Add(new MenuSeparator("Combo Menu", "Combo Menu"));
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("UseQ", "Use Q", true));
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("UseW", "Use W", true));
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("UseE", "Use E", true));
            combo.Add(new MenuBool("UseR", "Use R", true));

            //Advanced Spell Settings
            spell.Add(new MenuSeparator("Advanced Q Settings", "Advanced Q Settings"));
            spell.Add(new MenuBool("qgapcloseonly", "Use [Q] for Gapclosing only", false));
            spell.Add((new MenuSlider("qgapcloserange", "Gapclose Range", 300, 0, 600)));
            spell.Add(new MenuSeparator("Advanced W Settings", "Advanced W Settings"));
            spell.Add(new MenuBool("autow", "Use [W] on Autoattacks", true));
            spell.Add(new MenuSlider("wdelay", "Cast Delay in Miliseconds", 80, 0, 1000));
            spell.Add(new MenuSeparator("Advanced R Settings", "Advanced R Settings"));

            spell.Add(new MenuBool("UseRF", "Use [R] on Killable", true));
            spell.Add(new MenuKeyBind("forceR", "Force [R] Toggle (will R after Combo)", Keys.J, KeyBindType.Toggle));

            spell.Add(new MenuBool("rhp", "Auto [R] if HP <= %", true));
            spell.Add((new MenuSlider("rhp%", "Player HP %", 30, 0, 100)));

            spell.Add(new MenuBool("rAOE", "Auto [R] on X amount of Enemies", true));
            spell.Add((new MenuSlider("rcount", "Enemy Count", 4, 0, 5)));

            var harass = Config.Add(new Menu("harass", "Harass Settings"));
            harass.Add(new MenuSeparator("Harass Menu", "Harass Menu"));
            harass.Add(new MenuBool("harrQ", "Use Q", true));
            harass.Add(new MenuBool("harrE", "Use E", true));

            var laneclear = Config.Add(new Menu("laneclear", "Laneclear Settings"));
            laneclear.Add(new MenuSeparator("Coming Soon", "Coming Soon"));

            var drawing = Config.Add(new Menu("draw", "Draw Settings"));
            drawing.Add(new MenuSeparator("Draw Menu", "Draw Menu"));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("disable", "Disable all drawings", false));
            drawing.Add(new MenuList<string>("drawmode", "Drawing Mode:", objects: new[] {"Normal", "Custom"}));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("disableq", "[Q] draw", true));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("disableqp", "[Q] Gapclose draw", true));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("disablee", "[E] draw", true));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("disabler", "[R] draw", true));
            drawing.Add(new MenuSeparator("Color Settings", "Color Settings"));

            //I'll call your parents if you copy this. KappaHD
            //Do you need an Onii-chan or a Senpai? Feel free to contact me on Skype: djkleeven
            drawing.Add(new MenuColor("drawq", "[Q] Range Draw Color", new ColorBGRA(32, 20, 10, 255)));
            drawing.Add(new MenuColor("drawqp", "[Q] Gapclose Draw Color", new ColorBGRA(125, 20, 10, 255)));
            drawing.Add(new MenuColor("drawe", "[E] Range Draw Color", new ColorBGRA(32, 20, 10, 255)));
            drawing.Add(new MenuColor("drawr", "[R] Range Draw Color", new ColorBGRA(32, 20, 10, 255)));
            drawing.Add(new MenuSeparator("Misc Settings", "Misc Settings"));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("dmgindic", "Damage Indicator", true));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("targets", "Draw Selected Target", true));

            Config.Add(new MenuButton("resetAll", "Settings", "Reset All Settings")

                Action = () =>

            Bootstrap.Init(new string[] { });

            Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast;
            Orbwalker.OnAction += OnAction;
            Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw;
            Obj_AI_Hero.OnBuffRemove += Tiamat;
            Obj_AI_Hero.OnBuffAdd += Qbuff;
            Drawing.OnEndScene += DamageIn;
Exemplo n.º 53
 public static MenuSeparator Separator(Menu subMenu, string name, string display)
     return subMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator(name, display));
Exemplo n.º 54
        internal static void Init(Menu menu)
            var orbwalkMenu = menu.Add(new Menu("Orbwalker", "Orbwalker"));

                orbwalkMenu.Bool("Enable", "Enable Orbwalker");
                var drawMenu = orbwalkMenu.Add(new Menu("Draw", "Draw"));
                    drawMenu.Bool("AARange", "Auto-Attack Range");
                    drawMenu.Bool("KillableMinion", "Killable Minion", false);
                    drawMenu.Bool("KillableMinionFade", "Enable Killable Minion Fade Effect", false);
                var advMenu = orbwalkMenu.Add(new Menu("Advanced", "Advanced"));
                    advMenu.Slider("ExtraHold", "Extra Hold Position", 25, 0, 250);
                    advMenu.Slider("ExtraWindup", "Extra Windup", 80, 0, 200);
                    advMenu.Slider("FarmDelay", "Farm Delay", 30, 0, 200);
                    advMenu.Bool("PriorizeFarm", "Priorize Farm Over Harass");
                    advMenu.Bool("Missile", "Use Missile Checks (Ranged)");
                orbwalkMenu.Separator("Key Bindings");
                orbwalkMenu.KeyBind("lasthitKey", "Farm", Keys.X);
                orbwalkMenu.KeyBind("laneclearKey", "Lane Clear", Keys.V);
                orbwalkMenu.KeyBind("hybridKey", "Hybrid", Keys.C);
                orbwalkMenu.KeyBind("orbwalkKey", "Orbwalk", Keys.Space);
            Movement = Attack = true;

            Game.OnUpdate += args =>
                if (InterruptableSpell.IsCastingInterruptableSpell(Program.Player, true) || !Enabled)
                if (ActiveMode != OrbwalkingMode.None)
                    Orbwalk(OrbwalkTarget, OrbwalkPosition);
            Spellbook.OnStopCast += (sender, args) =>
                if (!sender.Owner.IsMe || !Enabled)
                if (args.DestroyMissile && args.StopAnimation)
            Obj_AI_Base.OnDoCast += (sender, args) =>
                if (!sender.IsMe || !Enabled || !AutoAttack.IsAutoAttack(args.SData.Name))
                if (Game.Ping <= 30)
                    DelayAction.Add(30, () => OnDoCastDelayed(args));
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast;
            Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw;
Exemplo n.º 55
        internal static void Init(Menu menu)
            var orbwalkMenu = menu.Add(new Menu("Orbwalker", "Orbwalker"));
                orbwalkMenu.Bool("Enable", "Enable Orbwalker");
                var drawMenu = orbwalkMenu.Add(new Menu("Draw", "Draw"));
                    drawMenu.Bool("AARange", "Auto-Attack Range");
                    drawMenu.Bool("KillableMinion", "Killable Minion", false);
                    drawMenu.Bool("KillableMinionFade", "Enable Killable Minion Fade Effect", false);
                var advMenu = orbwalkMenu.Add(new Menu("Advanced", "Advanced"));
                    advMenu.Slider("ExtraHold", "Extra Hold Position", 25, 0, 250);
                    advMenu.Slider("ExtraWindup", "Extra Windup", 80, 0, 200);
                    advMenu.Slider("FarmDelay", "Farm Delay", 30, 0, 200);
                    advMenu.Bool("PriorizeFarm", "Priorize Farm Over Harass");
                    advMenu.Bool("Missile", "Use Missile Checks (Ranged)");
                orbwalkMenu.Separator("Key Bindings");
                orbwalkMenu.KeyBind("lasthitKey", "Farm", Keys.X);
                orbwalkMenu.KeyBind("laneclearKey", "Lane Clear", Keys.V);
                orbwalkMenu.KeyBind("hybridKey", "Hybrid", Keys.C);
                orbwalkMenu.KeyBind("orbwalkKey", "Orbwalk", Keys.Space);
            Movement = Attack = true;

            Game.OnUpdate += args =>
                    if (InterruptableSpell.IsCastingInterruptableSpell(Program.Player, true) || !Enabled)
                    if (ActiveMode != OrbwalkingMode.None)
                        Orbwalk(OrbwalkTarget, OrbwalkPosition);
            Spellbook.OnStopCast += (sender, args) =>
                    if (!sender.Owner.IsMe || !Enabled)
                    if (args.DestroyMissile && args.StopAnimation)
            Obj_AI_Base.OnDoCast += (sender, args) =>
                    if (!sender.IsMe || !Enabled || !AutoAttack.IsAutoAttack(args.SData.Name))
                    if (Game.Ping <= 30)
                        DelayAction.Add(30, () => OnDoCastDelayed(args));
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast;
            Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw;
Exemplo n.º 56
        public Ahri()
            Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 880);
            W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 550);
            E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 975);
            E2 = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 975);
            R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 450);//600
            Q.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 100, 1600, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            E.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 60, 1550, true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            E2.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 60, 1550, true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            Q.DamageType = W.DamageType = E.DamageType = DamageType.Magical;
            Q.MinHitChance = HitChance.High;
            E.MinHitChance = HitChance.High;

            Menu Asassin = new Menu("Assassin", "AssasinMode");
                KeyBind(Asassin, "activeAssasin", "Assassin Key", Keys.T, KeyBindType.Press);
                Separator(Asassin, "1", "Make sure you select a target");
                Separator(Asassin, "2", "before press this key");
            Menu Combo = new Menu("Combo", "Combo");
                Bool(Combo, "Qc", "Q", true);
                Bool(Combo, "Wc", "W", true);
                Bool(Combo, "Ec", "E", true);
            Menu Harass = new Menu("Harass", "Harass");
                Bool(Harass, "Qh", "Q", true);
                Bool(Harass, "Wh", "W", true);
                Bool(Harass, "Eh", "E", true);
                Slider(Harass, "manah", "Min mana", 40, 0, 100);
            Menu Clear = new Menu("Clear", "Clear");
                Bool(Clear, "Qj", "Q", true);
                Slider(Clear, "Qhitj", "Q if will hit", 2, 1, 3);
                Slider(Clear, "manaj", "Min mana", 40, 0, 100);
            Menu Auto = new Menu("Auto", "Auto");
                KeyBind(Auto, "harassa", "Harass Q", Keys.H, KeyBindType.Toggle);
                Bool(Auto, "interrupta", "E interrupt + gapcloser", true);
                Bool(Auto, "killsteala", "KillSteal", true);
            Menu drawMenu = new Menu("Draw", "Draw");
                Bool(drawMenu, "Qd", "Q");
                Bool(drawMenu, "Wd", "W");
                Bool(drawMenu, "Ed", "E");
                Bool(drawMenu, "Rd", "R");
                Bool(drawMenu, "Hpd", "Damage Indicator");
            drawMenu.MenuValueChanged += drawMenu_MenuValueChanged;

            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnNewPath += Obj_AI_Base_OnNewPath;
            Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += Obj_AI_Base_OnProcessSpellCast;
            Gapcloser.OnGapCloser += Gapcloser_OnGapCloser;
            InterruptableSpell.OnInterruptableTarget += InterruptableSpell_OnInterruptableTarget;
            DamageIndicator.DamageToUnit = AhriDamage;
            DamageIndicator.Enabled = drawhp;
            CustomDamageIndicator.Enabled = drawhp;
Exemplo n.º 57
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void AddToMenu(Menu tsMenu)
            this.menu = tsMenu;

            this.weightsMenu = new Menu("weights", "Weights");

            var heroPercentMenu = new Menu("heroPercentage", "Hero Percentage");

            foreach (var enemy in GameObjects.EnemyHeroes)
                    new MenuSlider(


                new MenuButton("export", "Export to Clipboard", "Export")
                Action = this.ExportSettings
                new MenuButton("import", "Import from Clipboard", "Import")
                Action = this.ImportSettings
            this.weightsMenu.Add(new MenuButton("reset", "Reset to Default", "Reset")
                Action = this.ResetSettings

            foreach (var weight in this.pItems)
                    new MenuSlider(
                        Math.Min(MaxWeight, Math.Max(MinWeight, weight.Weight)),

            this.weightsMenu.MenuValueChanged += (sender, args) =>
                var slider = sender as MenuSlider;
                if (slider != null)
                    foreach (var weight in this.pItems.Where(weight => slider.Name.Equals(weight.Name)))
                        weight.Weight = slider.Value;


            foreach (var weight in this.pItems)
                weight.Weight = this.weightsMenu[weight.Name].GetValue <MenuSlider>().Value;

            foreach (var enemy in GameObjects.EnemyHeroes)
                this.weightsMenu["heroPercentage"][enemy.ChampionName].GetValue <MenuSlider>().Value = DefaultPercentage;
Exemplo n.º 58
        public Zed()
            Q  = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 925);
            Q2 = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 925);
            W  = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 550);
            E  = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 290);
            R  = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 625);
            Q.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 50, 1700, true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            Q2.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 50, 1700, true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);
            E.SetTargetted(0.05f, float.MaxValue);
            Q.DamageType   = Q2.DamageType = E.DamageType = R.DamageType = DamageType.Physical;
            Q.MinHitChance = Q2.MinHitChance = HitChance.VeryHigh;

            var orbwalkMenu = new Menu("Orbwalk", "Orbwalk");
                Config.Separator(orbwalkMenu, "blank0", "Q/E/Ignite/Item: Always On");
                Config.Separator(orbwalkMenu, "blank1", "W Settings");
                Config.Bool(orbwalkMenu, "WNormal", "Use For Non-R Combo");
                Config.List(orbwalkMenu, "WAdv", "Use For R Combo", new[] { "OFF", "Line", "Triangle", "Mouse" });
                Config.List(orbwalkMenu, "WSwapGap", "Swap To Gap Close", new[] { "OFF", "Smart", "Always" });
                Config.Separator(orbwalkMenu, "blank2", "R Settings");
                Config.Bool(orbwalkMenu, "R", "Use R");
                    "Priorize If Ready And Distance <=",
                    (int)(R.Range + 225),
                    (int)(R.Range + W.Range));
                Config.List(orbwalkMenu, "RSwapGap", "Swap To Gap Close", new[] { "OFF", "Smart", "Always" });
                Config.Slider(orbwalkMenu, "RSwapIfHpU", "Swap If Hp < (%)", 20);
                Config.Bool(orbwalkMenu, "RSwapIfKill", "Swap If Mark Can Kill Target");
                Config.Separator(orbwalkMenu, "blank3", "Extra R Settings");
                foreach (var enemy in GameObjects.EnemyHeroes)
                    Config.Bool(orbwalkMenu, "RCast" + enemy.ChampionName, "Cast On " + enemy.ChampionName, false);
            var hybridMenu = new Menu("Hybrid", "Hybrid");
                Config.List(hybridMenu, "Mode", "Mode", new[] { "W-E-Q", "E-Q", "Q" });
                Config.Bool(hybridMenu, "QOverW", "Priorize Q Over W", false);
                Config.Separator(hybridMenu, "blank4", "Auto Q Settings");
                Config.KeyBind(hybridMenu, "AutoQ", "KeyBind", Keys.T, KeyBindType.Toggle);
                Config.Slider(hybridMenu, "AutoQMpA", "If Mp >=", 100, 0, 200);
            var lhMenu = new Menu("LastHit", "Last Hit");
                Config.Bool(lhMenu, "Q", "Use Q");
                Config.Bool(lhMenu, "E", "Use E", false);
            var ksMenu = new Menu("KillSteal", "Kill Steal");
                Config.Bool(ksMenu, "Q", "Use Q");
                Config.Bool(ksMenu, "E", "Use E");
            var drawMenu = new Menu("Draw", "Draw");

                Config.Bool(drawMenu, "Q", "Q Range");
                Config.Bool(drawMenu, "W", "W Range");
                Config.Bool(drawMenu, "E", "E Range", false);
                Config.Bool(drawMenu, "R", "R Range");
                Config.Bool(drawMenu, "Target", "Target");
                Config.Bool(drawMenu, "WPos", "W Shadow");
                Config.Bool(drawMenu, "RPos", "R Shadow");
            Config.KeyBind(MainMenu, "FleeW", "Use W To Flee", Keys.C);

            Game.OnUpdate  += OnUpdate;
            Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast;
            GameObject.OnCreate            += OnCreate;
            GameObject.OnDelete            += OnDelete;
Exemplo n.º 59
        /// <summary>
        ///     The initialize method of the <c>orbwalker</c>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="menu">
        ///     The LeagueSharp menu
        /// </param>
        internal static void Initialize(Menu menu)
            var drawing = new Menu("drawings", "Drawings");
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("drawAARange", "Draw Auto-Attack Range", true));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("drawKillableMinion", "Draw Killable Minion"));
            drawing.Add(new MenuBool("drawKillableMinionFade", "Enable Killable Minion Fade Effect"));

            var advanced = new Menu("advanced", "Advanced");
            advanced.Add(new MenuSeparator("separatorMovement", "Movement"));
                new MenuSlider(
                    "Delay between Movement", 
                    new Random(Variables.TickCount).Next(30, 101), 
            advanced.Add(new MenuBool("movementScramble", "Randomize movement location", true));
            advanced.Add(new MenuSlider("movementExtraHold", "Extra Hold Position", 25, 0, 250));
                new MenuSlider(
                    "Maximum Movement Distance", 
                    new Random().Next(500, 1201), 
            advanced.Add(new MenuSeparator("separatorMisc", "Miscellaneous"));
            advanced.Add(new MenuSlider("miscExtraWindup", "Extra Windup", 80, 0, 200));
            advanced.Add(new MenuSlider("miscFarmDelay", "Farm Delay", 0, 0, 200));
            advanced.Add(new MenuBool("miscPriorizeFarm", "Priorize farm over harass", true));
            advanced.Add(new MenuSeparator("separatorOther", "Other"));
                new MenuButton("resetAll", "Settings", "Reset All Settings")
                        Action = () =>
                                Menu["advanced"]["movementMaximumDistance"].GetValue<MenuSlider>().Value = new Random().Next(
                                Menu["advanced"]["movementDelay"].GetValue<MenuSlider>().Value = new Random().Next(30, 101);
            Menu.Add(new MenuSeparator("separatorKeys", "Key Bindings"));
            Menu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("lasthitKey", "Farm", Keys.X, KeyBindType.Press));
            Menu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("laneclearKey", "Lane Clear", Keys.V, KeyBindType.Press));
            Menu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("hybridKey", "Hybrid", Keys.C, KeyBindType.Press));
            Menu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("orbwalkKey", "Orbwalk", Keys.Space, KeyBindType.Press));

            Menu.MenuValueChanged += (sender, args) =>
                    var keyBind = sender as MenuKeyBind;
                    if (keyBind != null)
                        var modeName = keyBind.Name.Substring(0, keyBind.Name.IndexOf("Key", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                        OrbwalkerMode mode;
                        ActiveMode = Enum.TryParse(modeName, true, out mode)
                                         ? keyBind.Active ? mode : mode == ActiveMode ? OrbwalkerMode.None : ActiveMode
                                         : ActiveMode;


            Movement = Attack = true;

            Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast;
            Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw;
Exemplo n.º 60
 internal static void Init()
     var evadeMenu = MainMenu.Add(new Menu("EvadeTarget", "Evade Target"));
         evadeMenu.Bool("W", "Use W");
         var aaMenu = new Menu("AA", "Auto Attack");
             aaMenu.Bool("B", "Basic Attack");
             aaMenu.Slider("BHpU", "-> If Hp < (%)", 35);
             aaMenu.Bool("C", "Crit Attack");
             aaMenu.Slider("CHpU", "-> If Hp < (%)", 40);
         foreach (var hero in
                 i =>
                     a =>
             evadeMenu.Add(new Menu(hero.ChampionName.ToLowerInvariant(), "-> " + hero.ChampionName));
         foreach (var spell in
                 i =>
                     a =>
                 spell.MissileName + " (" + spell.Slot + ")",
     Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdateTarget;
     GameObject.OnCreate += ObjSpellMissileOnCreate;
     GameObject.OnDelete += ObjSpellMissileOnDelete;