public void DeleteFailureLeagueInTheRepo()
            var mock = new Mock <ILeagueRepository>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            // Creating the rules for mock, always send true in this case
            mock.As <ICRUDRepository <League, int, LeagueFilter> >().Setup(m => m.Remove(It.IsAny <int>()))

            var mockSeasonRepo = new Mock <ISeasonRepository>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            mockSeasonRepo.As <ICRUDRepository <Season, int, SeasonFilter> >().Setup(m => m.Get(It.IsAny <int>()))
            .Returns <int>(id => Task.FromResult(new Season()));

            // Creating the controller which we want to create
            LeagueController controller = new LeagueController(mock.Object, mockSeasonRepo.Object);

            // configuring the context for the controler

            HttpResponseMessage response = controller.Delete(0).Result;

            // the result should say "HttpStatusCode.NotFound"
            Assert.AreEqual(response.StatusCode, HttpStatusCode.NotFound);