Exemplo n.º 1
        private void SendProposal()
            _leaderProposal = null;

            var leader = GetBestLeaderCandidate(_prepareOkReceived, _servers, _resigningLeaderInstanceId, _lastAttemptedView);

            if (leader == null)
                Log.Information("ELECTIONS: (V={lastAttemptedView}) NO LEADER CANDIDATE WHEN TRYING TO SEND PROPOSAL.",

            _leaderProposal = leader;

            Log.Information("ELECTIONS: (V={lastAttemptedView}) SENDING PROPOSAL CANDIDATE: {formatNodeInfo}, ME: {ownInfo}.",
                            _lastAttemptedView, FormatNodeInfo(leader), FormatNodeInfo(GetOwnInfo()));

            var proposal = new ElectionMessage.Proposal(_memberInfo.InstanceId, _memberInfo.HttpEndPoint,
                                                        leader.InstanceId, leader.HttpEndPoint,
                                                        leader.EpochNumber, leader.EpochPosition, leader.EpochId, leader.EpochLeaderInstanceId,
                                                        leader.LastCommitPosition, leader.WriterCheckpoint, leader.ChaserCheckpoint, leader.NodePriority);

            Handle(new ElectionMessage.Accept(_memberInfo.InstanceId, _memberInfo.HttpEndPoint,
                                              leader.InstanceId, leader.HttpEndPoint, _lastInstalledView));
Exemplo n.º 2
 private static bool IsCandidateGoodEnough(LeaderCandidate candidate, LeaderCandidate ownInfo)
     if (candidate.EpochNumber != ownInfo.EpochNumber)
         return(candidate.EpochNumber > ownInfo.EpochNumber);
     if (candidate.LastCommitPosition != ownInfo.LastCommitPosition)
         return(candidate.LastCommitPosition > ownInfo.LastCommitPosition);
     if (candidate.WriterCheckpoint != ownInfo.WriterCheckpoint)
         return(candidate.WriterCheckpoint > ownInfo.WriterCheckpoint);
     if (candidate.ChaserCheckpoint != ownInfo.ChaserCheckpoint)
         return(candidate.ChaserCheckpoint > ownInfo.ChaserCheckpoint);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static bool IsLegitimateLeader(int view, EndPoint proposingServerEndPoint, Guid proposingServerId,
                                              LeaderCandidate candidate, MemberInfo[] servers, Guid?lastElectedLeader, Guid instanceId,
                                              LeaderCandidate ownInfo,
            var leader = servers.FirstOrDefault(x =>
                                                x.IsAlive && x.InstanceId == lastElectedLeader && x.State == VNodeState.Leader);

            if (leader != null && leader.InstanceId != resigningLeader)
                if (candidate.InstanceId == leader.InstanceId ||
                    candidate.EpochNumber > leader.EpochNumber ||
                    (candidate.EpochNumber == leader.EpochNumber && candidate.EpochId != leader.EpochId))

                    "ELECTIONS: (V={view}) NOT LEGITIMATE LEADER PROPOSAL FROM [{proposingServerEndPoint},{proposingServerId:B}] M={candidateInfo}. "
                    + "PREVIOUS LEADER IS ALIVE: [{leaderHttpEndPoint},{leaderId:B}].",
                    view, proposingServerEndPoint, proposingServerId, FormatNodeInfo(candidate),
                    leader.HttpEndPoint, leader.InstanceId);

            if (candidate.InstanceId == instanceId)

            if (!IsCandidateGoodEnough(candidate, ownInfo))
                    "ELECTIONS: (V={view}) NOT LEGITIMATE LEADER PROPOSAL FROM [{proposingServerEndPoint},{proposingServerId:B}] M={candidateInfo}. ME={ownInfo}.",
                    view, proposingServerEndPoint, proposingServerId, FormatNodeInfo(candidate),

Exemplo n.º 4
        private void ShiftToLeaderElection(int view)
            Log.Information("ELECTIONS: (V={view}) SHIFT TO LEADER ELECTION.", view);

            _state = ElectionsState.ElectingLeader;
            _lastAttemptedView = view;

            _leaderProposal = null;
            _leader         = null;

            var viewChangeMsg = new ElectionMessage.ViewChange(_memberInfo.InstanceId, _memberInfo.HttpEndPoint, view);

                                                            new ElectionMessage.ElectionsTimedOut(view)));
Exemplo n.º 5
 private static string FormatNodeInfo(LeaderCandidate candidate)
     return(FormatNodeInfo(candidate.HttpEndPoint, candidate.InstanceId,
                           candidate.LastCommitPosition, candidate.WriterCheckpoint, candidate.ChaserCheckpoint,
                           candidate.EpochNumber, candidate.EpochPosition, candidate.EpochId, candidate.EpochLeaderInstanceId, candidate.NodePriority));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void Handle(ElectionMessage.Proposal message)
            if (_state == ElectionsState.Shutdown)
            if (message.ServerId == _memberInfo.InstanceId)
            if (_state != ElectionsState.Acceptor)
            if (message.View != _lastInstalledView)
            if (_servers.All(x => x.InstanceId != message.ServerId))
            if (_servers.All(x => x.InstanceId != message.LeaderId))

            var candidate = new LeaderCandidate(message.LeaderId, message.LeaderHttpEndPoint,
                                                message.EpochNumber, message.EpochPosition, message.EpochId, message.EpochLeaderInstanceId,
                                                message.LastCommitPosition, message.WriterCheckpoint, message.ChaserCheckpoint, message.NodePriority);

            var ownInfo = GetOwnInfo();

            if (!IsLegitimateLeader(message.View, message.ServerHttpEndPoint, message.ServerId,
                                    candidate, _servers, _lastElectedLeader, _memberInfo.InstanceId, ownInfo,

                "ELECTIONS: (V={lastAttemptedView}) PROPOSAL FROM [{serverHttpEndPoint},{serverId:B}] M={candidateInfo}. ME={ownInfo}, NodePriority={priority}",
                message.ServerHttpEndPoint, message.ServerId, FormatNodeInfo(candidate), FormatNodeInfo(GetOwnInfo()),

            if (_leaderProposal == null)
                _leaderProposal = candidate;

            if (_leaderProposal.InstanceId == message.LeaderId)
                // NOTE: proposal from other server is also implicit Accept from that server
                Handle(new ElectionMessage.Accept(message.ServerId, message.ServerHttpEndPoint,
                                                  message.LeaderId, message.LeaderHttpEndPoint, message.View));
                var accept = new ElectionMessage.Accept(_memberInfo.InstanceId, _memberInfo.HttpEndPoint,
                                                        message.LeaderId, message.LeaderHttpEndPoint, message.View);
                Handle(accept);                 // implicitly sent accept to ourselves
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static LeaderCandidate GetBestLeaderCandidate(Dictionary <Guid, ElectionMessage.PrepareOk> received,
                                                             MemberInfo[] servers, Guid?resigningLeaderInstanceId, int lastAttemptedView)
            var best = received.Values
                       .OrderByDescending(x => x.EpochNumber)
                       .ThenByDescending(x => x.LastCommitPosition)
                       .ThenByDescending(x => x.WriterCheckpoint)
                       .ThenByDescending(x => x.ChaserCheckpoint)
                       .ThenByDescending(x => x.NodePriority)
                       .ThenByDescending(x => x.ServerId)

            if (best == null)

            var bestCandidate = new LeaderCandidate(best.ServerId, best.ServerHttpEndPoint,
                                                    best.EpochNumber, best.EpochPosition, best.EpochId, best.EpochLeaderInstanceId,
                                                    best.LastCommitPosition, best.WriterCheckpoint, best.ChaserCheckpoint, best.NodePriority);

            if (best.EpochLeaderInstanceId != Guid.Empty)
                //best.EpochLeaderInstanceId = id of the last leader/master which has been able to write an epoch record to the transaction log and get it replicated
                //to the "best" node which has the latest data, i.e data that has been replicated to at least a quorum number of nodes for sure.
                //We know that the data from the "best" node originates from this leader/master itself from this epoch record onwards, thus it implies that
                //the leader/master in this epoch record must have the latest replicated data as well and is thus definitely a valid candidate for leader/master if it's still alive.
                //NOTE 1: It does not matter if the "best" node's latest epoch record has been replicated to a quorum number of nodes or not, the
                //leader/master in the epoch record must still have the latest replicated data
                //NOTE 2: it is not necessary that this leader/master is the last elected leader/master in the cluster e.g a leader/master might be elected but
                //has no time to replicate the epoch. In this case, it will need to truncate when joining the new leader.

                var             previousLeaderId        = best.EpochLeaderInstanceId;
                LeaderCandidate previousLeaderCandidate = null;

                //we have received a PrepareOk message from the previous leader, so we definitely know it's alive.
                if (received.TryGetValue(previousLeaderId, out var leaderMsg) &&
                    leaderMsg.EpochNumber == best.EpochNumber &&
                    leaderMsg.EpochId == best.EpochId)
                    Log.Debug("ELECTIONS: (V={lastAttemptedView}) Previous Leader (L={previousLeaderId:B}) from last epoch record is still alive.", lastAttemptedView, previousLeaderId);
                    previousLeaderCandidate = new LeaderCandidate(leaderMsg.ServerId, leaderMsg.ServerHttpEndPoint,
                                                                  leaderMsg.EpochNumber, leaderMsg.EpochPosition, leaderMsg.EpochId, leaderMsg.EpochLeaderInstanceId,
                                                                  leaderMsg.LastCommitPosition, leaderMsg.WriterCheckpoint, leaderMsg.ChaserCheckpoint,

                //we try to find at least one node from the quorum no. of PrepareOk messages which says that the previous leader is alive
                //if none of them say it's alive, a quorum can very probably not be formed with the previous leader
                //otherwise we know that the leader was alive during the last gossip time interval and we try our luck
                if (previousLeaderCandidate == null)
                    foreach (var(id, prepareOk) in received)
                        var member = prepareOk.ClusterInfo.Members.FirstOrDefault(x => x.InstanceId == previousLeaderId && x.IsAlive);

                        if (member != null)
                            //these checks are not really necessary but we do them to ensure that everything is normal.
                            if (best.EpochNumber == member.EpochNumber && best.EpochId != member.EpochId)
                                //something is definitely not right if the epoch numbers match but not the epoch ids
                                Log.Warning("ELECTIONS: (V={lastAttemptedView}) Epoch ID mismatch in gossip information from node {nodeId:B}. Best node's Epoch Id: {bestEpochId:B}, Leader node's Epoch Id: {leaderEpochId:B}", lastAttemptedView, id, best.EpochId, member.EpochId);

                            if (best.EpochNumber - member.EpochNumber > 2)
                                //gossip information may be slightly out of date. We log a warning if the epoch number is off by more than 2
                                Log.Warning("ELECTIONS: (V={lastAttemptedView}) Epoch number is off by more than two in gossip information from node {nodeId:B}. Best node's Epoch number: {bestEpochNumber}, Leader node's Epoch number: {leaderEpochNumber}.", lastAttemptedView, id, best.EpochNumber, member.EpochNumber);

                            Log.Debug("ELECTIONS: (V={lastAttemptedView}) Previous Leader (L={previousLeaderId:B}) from last epoch record is still alive according to gossip from node {nodeId:B}.", lastAttemptedView, previousLeaderId, id);
                            previousLeaderCandidate = new LeaderCandidate(member.InstanceId,
                                                                          member.EpochNumber, member.EpochPosition, member.EpochId, best.EpochLeaderInstanceId,
                                                                          member.LastCommitPosition, member.WriterCheckpoint, member.ChaserCheckpoint,

                if (previousLeaderCandidate == null)
                    Log.Debug("ELECTIONS: (V={lastAttemptedView}) Previous Leader (L={previousLeaderId:B}) from last epoch record is dead, defaulting to the best candidate (B={bestCandidateId:B}).", lastAttemptedView, previousLeaderId, bestCandidate.InstanceId);
                else if (previousLeaderCandidate.InstanceId == resigningLeaderInstanceId)
                    Log.Debug("ELECTIONS: (V={lastAttemptedView}) Previous Leader (L={previousLeaderId:B}) from last epoch record is alive but it is resigning, defaulting to the best candidate (B={bestCandidateId:B}).", lastAttemptedView, previousLeaderId, bestCandidate.InstanceId);
                    bestCandidate = previousLeaderCandidate;

            Log.Debug("ELECTIONS: (V={lastAttemptedView}) Proposing node: {leaderCandidateId:B} as best leader candidate", lastAttemptedView, bestCandidate.InstanceId);