Exemplo n.º 1
        public static LeadRectD GetBoundingRect(LeadPointD[] points)
            double xmin = points[0].X;
            double ymin = points[0].Y;
            double xmax = xmin;
            double ymax = ymin;

            for (int i = 1; i < points.Length; i++)
                if (points[i].X < xmin)
                    xmin = points[i].X;
                if (points[i].X > xmax)
                    xmax = points[i].X;
                if (points[i].Y < ymin)
                    ymin = points[i].Y;
                if (points[i].Y > ymax)
                    ymax = points[i].Y;

            return(LeadRectD.FromLTRB(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax));
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void AdjustFusionImage_Edit(object sender, AnnRectangleObject fusionEditRect)
            int subCellIndex = _cell.ActiveSubCell;
            int index        = _cmbFusedIndex.SelectedIndex;

            MedicalViewerFusion fusion = _cell.SubCells[subCellIndex].Fusion[index];

            AnnContainer _Container = GetContainer(_cell, fusionEditRect);

            fusion.Rotation = (float)fusionEditRect.Angle;

            LeadPointD[] pt = new LeadPointD[1];

            LeadRectD rect = _Container.Mapper.RectFromContainerCoordinates(fusionEditRect.Rect, AnnFixedStateOperations.None);

            Rectangle displayRect = _cell.GetDisplayedImageRectangle();

            rect.Offset(-displayRect.Left, -displayRect.Top);

            pt[0].X = (float)(rect.X + rect.Width / 2);
            pt[0].Y = (float)(rect.Y + rect.Height / 2);

            LeadPointD point = LeadPointD.Create(pt[0].X, pt[0].Y);


            float normalizedXPosition = (float)(((float)point.X - (float)displayRect.Width / 2) / fusion.FusedImage.Width * 100 / _cell.GetScale(subCellIndex));
            float normalizedYPosition = (float)(((float)point.Y - (float)displayRect.Height / 2) / fusion.FusedImage.Height * 100 / _cell.GetScale(subCellIndex));

            float scaleX = (float)((rect.Width / fusion.FusedImage.Width) * 100 / _cell.GetScale(subCellIndex));
            float scaleY = (float)((rect.Height / fusion.FusedImage.Height) * 100 / _cell.GetScale(subCellIndex));

            if (scaleX == 0)
                scaleX = 0.1F;

            if (scaleY == 0)
                scaleY = 0.1F;

            RectangleF rectangle = new RectangleF(normalizedXPosition, normalizedYPosition, Math.Abs(scaleX), Math.Abs(scaleY));

            fusion.DisplayRectangle = rectangle;


            CellData cellData = (CellData)_cell.Tag;

            if (cellData.SyncCellFusion)
                UpdateCellFusions(fusion, subCellIndex, index);

        private bool IsValidY(int y)
            LeadRectD itemBounds = ImageViewer.GetItemBounds(ImageViewer.ActiveItem, ImageViewerItemPart.Item);

            itemBounds = ImageViewer.ConvertRect(null, ImageViewerCoordinateType.Item, ImageViewerCoordinateType.Image, itemBounds);
            return(y >= 0.0 && y <= itemBounds.Size.Height);
Exemplo n.º 4
        void _rasterImageList_PostRender(object sender, Leadtools.Controls.ImageViewerRenderEventArgs e)
            for (int i = 0; i < _rasterImageList.Items.Count; i++)
                ImageViewerItem item = _rasterImageList.Items[i];

                LeadRectD itemLeadRect  = _rasterImageList.GetItemBounds(item, ImageViewerItemPart.Item);
                Rectangle itemRect      = new Rectangle((int)itemLeadRect.X, (int)itemLeadRect.Y, (int)itemLeadRect.Width, (int)itemLeadRect.Height);
                LeadSize  itemImageSize = _rasterImageList.GetItemImageSize(item, false);

                LeadRect imageRect = new LeadRect(
                    itemRect.Left + (itemRect.Width - itemImageSize.Width) / 2,
                    itemRect.Top + (itemRect.Height - itemImageSize.Height) / 2,

                itemLeadRect = ImageViewer.GetDestinationRectangle(item.Image.ImageWidth, item.Image.ImageHeight, imageRect, ControlSizeMode.None, ControlAlignment.Near, ControlAlignment.Near).ToLeadRectD();

                var destRect = LeadRectD.Create(itemLeadRect.X, itemLeadRect.Y, itemLeadRect.Width * 720.0 / 96.0, itemLeadRect.Height * 720.0 / 96.0);

                destRect.X = 0.0;
                destRect.Y = 0.0;

                //Get the graphic object from the item's image to draw (burn) annotations on it.
                Leadtools.Drawing.RasterImageGdiPlusGraphicsContainer GdiPlusGraphicsContainer = new RasterImageGdiPlusGraphicsContainer(item.Image);
                Graphics g = GdiPlusGraphicsContainer.Graphics;

                // Use anti-aliasing
                g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

                // Now draw the annotation s on this rectangle
                if (_automationManager != null && _automation.Containers.Count > 0 && _automation.Containers.Count > i)
                    AnnContainer container = _automation.Containers[i];

                    //Clear the old painting

                    //Burn the current annotations to the image list item
                    if (container != null)
                        AnnWinFormsRenderingEngine engine = new AnnWinFormsRenderingEngine();
                        engine.Resources = _automationManager.Resources;

                        // Save its visible state and set it to true (it is false if viewer is in single mode)
                        bool containerIsVisible = container.IsVisible;
                        container.IsVisible = true;

                        engine.Attach(container, g);
                        engine.BurnToRectWithDpi(destRect, 96, 96, 96, 96);

                        if (container.IsVisible != containerIsVisible)
                            container.IsVisible = containerIsVisible;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void _ImageList_Paint(object sender, ImageViewerRenderEventArgs e)
            // Draw the letter R on each recognized page

            LeadSize itemImageSize = _ImageList.ItemSize;
            Graphics g             = e.PaintEventArgs.Graphics;

            using (Brush textBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, Color.Black)))
                foreach (ImageViewerItem item in _ImageList.Items)
                    bool isPageRecognized = false;

                    if (item.Tag != null)
                        isPageRecognized = (bool)item.Tag;

                    if (isPageRecognized)
                        LeadRectD itemRect  = _ImageList.GetItemBounds(item, ImageViewerItemPart.Image);
                        var       transform = _ImageList.GetItemImageTransform(item);
                        itemRect.X = transform.OffsetX;
                        itemRect.Y = transform.OffsetY;

                        SizeF      textSize = g.MeasureString("R", _ImageList.Font);
                        RectangleF textRect = new RectangleF((float)itemRect.X + 2, (float)itemRect.Y + 2, textSize.Width, textSize.Height);

                        g.FillRectangle(textBrush, textRect);

                        g.DrawString("R", _ImageList.Font, Brushes.White, textRect.Location);
        internal void AddSelectedObject(AnnObjectTreeNode node)
            node.IsSelected = true;
            AnnObjectCollection annObjects = new AnnObjectCollection();

            foreach (AnnObjectTreeNode item in SelectedItems)
            if (_imageViewer != null && _automation != null)
                var invalidRect = LeadRectD.Empty;
                foreach (AnnObject annObject in annObjects)
                    if (annObject != null)
                        invalidRect = LeadRectD.UnionRects(invalidRect, _automation.GetObjectInvalidateRect(annObject));
                _automation.ActiveContainer = ((PageTreeNode)node.TreeParentNode).AnnContainer;
        private bool IsValidX(int x)
            LeadRectD itemBounds = ImageViewer.GetItemBounds(ImageViewer.ActiveItem, ImageViewerItemPart.Item);

            itemBounds = ImageViewer.ConvertRect(null, ImageViewerCoordinateType.Item, ImageViewerCoordinateType.Image, itemBounds);
            return(x >= 0.0 && x <= itemBounds.Size.Width);
 // Rendering
 public virtual void AutomationInvalidate(LeadRectD rc)
     // Invalidate the viewer
     if (_imageViewer != null)
Exemplo n.º 9
 void rasterImageViewer1_PostRender(object sender, ImageViewerRenderEventArgs e)
     if (!selectedRect.IsEmpty)
         LeadRectD rect = rasterImageViewer1.ImageTransform.TransformRect(selectedRect.ToLeadRectD());
         e.PaintEventArgs.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, new Rectangle((int)rect.X, (int)rect.Y, (int)rect.Width, (int)rect.Height));
Exemplo n.º 10
        static AnnHiliteObject CreateHilite(LeadRectD rect)
            AnnHiliteObject annHiliteObject = new AnnHiliteObject();

            annHiliteObject.Rect = rect;

Exemplo n.º 11
        private LeadRectD BoundsToAnnotations(AnnObject annObject, RectangleF rect)
            // Convert a rectangle from logical (top-left) to annotation object coordinates
            LeadRectD rc = LeadRectD.Create(rect.Left + System.Convert.ToDouble(rect.Width < 0) * rect.Width, rect.Top + System.Convert.ToDouble(rect.Height < 0) * rect.Height, Math.Abs(rect.Width), Math.Abs(rect.Height));

            rc = _filledFormViewer.ConvertRect(null, ImageViewerCoordinateType.Image, ImageViewerCoordinateType.Control, rc);
            rc = automation.Container.Mapper.RectToContainerCoordinates(rc);
Exemplo n.º 12
        private LeadRectD BoundsToAnnotations(AnnRectangleObject rectObject, LeadRect rect, AnnContainer container)
            // Convert a rectangle from logical (top-left) to annotation object coordinates
            LeadRectD rc = rect.ToLeadRectD();

            rc = _rasterImageViewer.ConvertRect(null, ImageViewerCoordinateType.Image, ImageViewerCoordinateType.Control, rc);
            rc = container.Mapper.RectToContainerCoordinates(rc);
        public LeadRectD ToImage(LeadRectD value)
            LeadRectD result = LeadRectD.FromLTRB(
                value.Left * XRatio,
                value.Top * YRatio,
                value.Right * XRatio,
                value.Bottom * YRatio);//,

Exemplo n.º 14
        protected override LeadRectD GetBoundingRectangle()
            LeadRectD rc = base.GetBoundingRectangle();

            if (!_cobbAngleData.IntersectionPoint.IsEmpty)
                rc = LeadRectD.Union(rc, _cobbAngleData.IntersectionPoint);

        public LeadRectD FromImage(LeadRectD value)
            LeadRectD result = LeadRectD.FromLTRB(
                value.Left / XRatio,
                value.Top / YRatio,
                value.Right / XRatio,
                value.Bottom / YRatio);//,

            // value.Unit);
Exemplo n.º 16
        void CreateDefaultLayers()
            string[] layers = new string[] { "Red", "Green", "Blue" };

            LeadRectD rect = new LeadRectD(LeadPointD.Create(860, 700), LeadPointD.Create(5200, 1850));

            foreach (string layer in layers)
                CreateRectangle(rect, AnnSolidColorBrush.Create(layer), CreateLayer(string.Format("{0} Layer", layer)));
                rect.Offset(360, 360);
Exemplo n.º 17
 // Called to invalidate an area on the viewer
 public void AutomationInvalidate(LeadRectD rc)
     if (rc.IsEmpty)
         Rectangle rect = new Rectangle((int)(rc.Left + .5), (int)(rc.Top + .5), (int)(rc.Width + .5), (int)(rc.Height + .5));
Exemplo n.º 18
        private void AddHighlight(Rectangle highlightBounds)
            AnnHiliteObject annotationField = new AnnHiliteObject();

            annotationField.HiliteColor = "Yellow";
            //Now we can calculate the object bounds correctly
            RectangleF rc   = RectangleF.FromLTRB(highlightBounds.Left, highlightBounds.Top, highlightBounds.Right, highlightBounds.Bottom);
            LeadRectD  rect = BoundsToAnnotations(annotationField, rc);

            annotationField.Rect = rect;
Exemplo n.º 19
 // Rendering
 public virtual void AutomationInvalidate(LeadRectD rc)
     if (rc.IsEmpty)
         var rect = new Rectangle((int)(rc.X + .5), (int)(rc.Y + .5), (int)(rc.Width + .5), (int)(rc.Height + .5));
Exemplo n.º 20
        AnnRectangleObject CreateRectangle(LeadRectD rect, AnnBrush brush, AnnLayer layer)
            AnnRectangleObject annRectObject = new AnnRectangleObject();

            annRectObject.Rect          = rect;
            annRectObject.Fill          = brush;
            annRectObject.Stroke.Stroke = AnnSolidColorBrush.Create("yellow");

Exemplo n.º 21
        protected override LeadRectD GetBoundingRectangle()
            LeadRectD rc = base.GetBoundingRectangle();

            double radius = _centerPointRadius.Value;

            if (!(double.IsInfinity(radius) || (double.IsInfinity(radius))) && !rc.IsEmpty)
                rc.Inflate(radius, radius);

Exemplo n.º 22
        public static LeadPointD[] GetCornerPoints(LeadRectD rect)
            bool isEmpty = rect.IsEmpty;

            LeadPointD[] corners =
                !isEmpty ? LeadPointD.Create(rect.Left,  rect.Top) : LeadPointD.Create(0,    0),
                !isEmpty ? LeadPointD.Create(rect.Right, rect.Top) : LeadPointD.Create(0,    0),
                !isEmpty ? LeadPointD.Create(rect.Right, rect.Bottom) : LeadPointD.Create(0, 0),
                !isEmpty ? LeadPointD.Create(rect.Left,  rect.Bottom) : LeadPointD.Create(0, 0),

Exemplo n.º 23
        private void DrawBarcodeData(Graphics g, RasterImage image, BarcodeData data, StringFormat sf, Brush brush, Pen pen)
            LeadRect  rect = data.Bounds;
            LeadRectD rc   = new LeadRectD(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
            string    line = BarcodeEngine.GetSymbologyFriendlyName(data.Symbology);

            if (FourPoints && data.Symbology != BarcodeSymbology.Aztec && data.Symbology != BarcodeSymbology.Maxi && data.Symbology != BarcodeSymbology.MicroQR)
                LeadPointD[] pointsL = new LeadPointD[4];                Point[] points = new Point[4];
                pointsL[0].X = ((int)rc.Left & 0xffff);                  pointsL[0].Y = ((int)rc.Left >> 16);
                pointsL[1].X = ((int)rc.Top & 0xffff);                   pointsL[1].Y = ((int)rc.Top >> 16);
                pointsL[2].X = ((int)rc.Width & 0xffff);                 pointsL[2].Y = ((int)rc.Width >> 16);
                pointsL[3].X = ((int)rc.Height & 0xffff);                pointsL[3].Y = ((int)rc.Height >> 16);


                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    points[i].X = (int)pointsL[i].X;    points[i].Y = (int)pointsL[i].Y;

                g.DrawPolygon(pen, points);

                SizeF size = g.MeasureString(line, Font, points[2].X - points[0].X, sf);
                rc.Width  = (int)size.Width + 1;
                rc.Height = (int)size.Height + 1;

                g.FillRectangle(brush, points[0].X, points[0].Y, (int)rc.Width, (int)rc.Height);
                g.DrawString(line, Font, Brushes.White, new RectangleF(points[0].X, points[0].Y, (int)rc.Width, (int)rc.Height), sf);
                rc = _rasterImageViewer.ImageTransform.TransformRect(rc);
                rc.Inflate(3, 3);

                if (rc.Width < 10 || rc.Height < 10)

                g.DrawRectangle(pen, (int)rc.X, (int)rc.Y, (int)rc.Width, (int)rc.Height);

                SizeF size = g.MeasureString(line, Font, (int)rc.Width, sf);
                rc.Width  = (int)size.Width + 1;
                rc.Height = (int)size.Height + 1;

                g.FillRectangle(brush, (int)rc.X, (int)rc.Y, (int)rc.Width, (int)rc.Height);
                g.DrawString(line, Font, Brushes.White, new RectangleF((int)rc.X, (int)rc.Y, (int)rc.Width, (int)rc.Height), sf);
Exemplo n.º 24
        private void SetViewerZoomPercentage(double percentage)
            // Normalize the percentage based on min/max value allowed
            percentage = Math.Max(_minimumViewerScalePercentage, Math.Min(_maximumViewerScalePercentage, percentage));

            if (Math.Abs(_rasterImageViewer.ScaleFactor * 100.0 - percentage) > 0.01)
                // Save the current center location in the viewer, we will use it later to
                // re-center the viewer

                LeadRectD LeadPhysicalViewRectangle = _rasterImageViewer.GetItemViewBounds(_rasterImageViewer.ActiveItem, ImageViewerItemPart.Image, true);
                LeadRectD LeadLogicalViewRectangle  = _rasterImageViewer.GetItemBounds(_rasterImageViewer.ActiveItem, ImageViewerItemPart.Image);

                Rectangle PhysicalViewRectangle = new Rectangle((int)LeadPhysicalViewRectangle.Left, (int)LeadPhysicalViewRectangle.Top, (int)LeadPhysicalViewRectangle.Width, (int)LeadPhysicalViewRectangle.Height);
                Rectangle LogicalViewRectangle  = new Rectangle((int)LeadLogicalViewRectangle.Left, (int)LeadLogicalViewRectangle.Top, (int)LeadLogicalViewRectangle.Width, (int)LeadLogicalViewRectangle.Height);

                Rectangle rc     = Rectangle.Intersect(PhysicalViewRectangle, LogicalViewRectangle);
                PointF    center = new PointF(rc.Left + rc.Width / 2, rc.Top + rc.Right / 2);

                LeadMatrix  LeadM = _rasterImageViewer.ImageTransform;
                Matrix      M     = new Matrix((float)LeadM.M11, (float)LeadM.M12, (float)LeadM.M21, (float)LeadM.M22, (float)LeadM.OffsetX, (float)LeadM.OffsetY);
                Transformer trans = new Transformer(M);
                center = trans.PointToLogical(center);


                // Switch to normal size mode if we are not in it
                if (_rasterImageViewer.SizeMode != ControlSizeMode.ActualSize)
                    _rasterImageViewer.Zoom(ControlSizeMode.ActualSize, 1, _rasterImageViewer.DefaultZoomOrigin);

                // Zoom
                _rasterImageViewer.Zoom(ControlSizeMode.None, percentage / 100.0, _rasterImageViewer.DefaultZoomOrigin);

                // Go back to original center point
                LeadM           = _rasterImageViewer.ImageTransform;
                M               = new Matrix((float)LeadM.M11, (float)LeadM.M12, (float)LeadM.M21, (float)LeadM.M22, (float)LeadM.OffsetX, (float)LeadM.OffsetY);
                trans.Transform = M;
                center          = trans.PointToPhysical(center);

                _rasterImageViewer.CenterAtPoint(LeadPoint.Create((int)center.X, (int)center.Y));


                _rasterImageViewer_TransformChanged(_rasterImageViewer, EventArgs.Empty);

Exemplo n.º 25
        public void UpdateAnimateRegions(bool animateRegions)
            LeadRectD rc = _viewer.GetItemBounds(_viewer.ActiveItem, ImageViewerItemPart.Floater);

            if (animateRegions)
                _viewer.ImageRegionRenderMode = ControlRegionRenderMode.Animated;
                _viewer.ImageRegionRenderMode = ControlRegionRenderMode.Fixed;
            _viewer.FloaterRegionRenderMode = _viewer.ImageRegionRenderMode;
        private void ApplyEncryptDecrypt(ScrambleCommandFlags flags, LeadRectD bounds, int key)
            LeadRect boundsInImage = _image.RectangleToImage(RasterViewPerspective.TopLeft, bounds.ToLeadRect());
            LeadRect imageRect     = LeadRect.Create(0, 0, _image.ImageWidth, _image.ImageHeight);

            flags |= ScrambleCommandFlags.Intersect;

            ScrambleCommand scrambleCommand = new ScrambleCommand(boundsInImage, key, flags);

            if (imageRect.Contains(boundsInImage))
Exemplo n.º 27
        private LeadRect BoundsFromAnnotations(AnnRectangleObject rectObject, AnnContainer container)
            // Convert a rectangle from annotation object to logical coordinates (top-left)
            LeadRectD temp = container.Mapper.RectFromContainerCoordinates(rectObject.Rect, AnnFixedStateOperations.None);

            if (temp.IsEmpty)

            temp = _rasterImageViewer.ConvertRect(null, ImageViewerCoordinateType.Control, ImageViewerCoordinateType.Image, temp);
            LeadRect rect = temp.ToLeadRect();

Exemplo n.º 28
        private void ApplyEncryptDecrypt(ScrambleCommandFlags flags, LeadRectD bounds, int key)
            LeadRect rect = bounds.ToLeadRect();

            LeadRect imageRect = LeadRect.Create(0, 0, _image.ImageWidth, _image.ImageHeight);

            flags |= ScrambleCommandFlags.Intersect;

            ScrambleCommand scrambleCommand = new ScrambleCommand(rect, key, flags);

            if (imageRect.Contains(rect))
Exemplo n.º 29
        private void HighlightWord(Graphics g, int zoneIndex, int wordIndex, Brush b, Pen p)
            OcrWord word = _ocrZoneWords[zoneIndex][wordIndex];

            // Get the word bounding rectangle and convert to physical so we can draw it on the viewer surface
            LeadRect rc = LeadRectD.FromLTRB(word.Bounds.Left, word.Bounds.Top, word.Bounds.Right, word.Bounds.Bottom).ToLeadRect();

            rc = _imageViewer.ConvertRect(null, ImageViewerCoordinateType.Image, ImageViewerCoordinateType.Control, rc);

            // Make the rectangle a little bit bigger for visibility purposes
            rc.Inflate(_wordEdge, _wordEdge);

            g.FillRectangle(b, Leadtools.Demos.Converters.ConvertRect(rc));
            g.DrawRectangle(p, rc.X, rc.Y, rc.Width - 1, rc.Height - 1);
Exemplo n.º 30
 // Rendering
 public virtual void AutomationInvalidate(LeadRectD rc)
     // Invalidate the viewer
     if (_imageViewer != null)
         if (rc.IsEmpty)
             var rect = new Rectangle((int)(rc.X + .5), (int)(rc.Y + .5), (int)(rc.Width + .5), (int)(rc.Height + .5));