public void MenuSetUp() { ldtp = LibraryClass.GetLdtpObject(); LibraryClass.LaunchAStyleWxLdtp(); // close the open pane ldtp.SelectMenuItem("mnuFile;mnuClose"); }
public static void CloseAStyleWxLdtp(Ldtp.Ldtp ldtp) { // Console.WriteLine("Closing AStyleWx"); ldtp.SelectMenuItem("mnuFile;mnuExit"); if (ldtp.WaitTillGuiNotExist() != 1) { Console.WriteLine("Error in WaitTillGuiNotExist"); Environment.Exit(1); } }
public static void MenuSetUpFixture() { // display warning messages Console.WriteLine("\nThis test MUST be run as an administrator."); Console.WriteLine("Otherwise the WinLdtpService will not work."); Console.WriteLine("And an \"Unable to connect...\" exception will be thrown."); Console.WriteLine("Do NOT use the mouse while this test is running.\n"); // create ldtp // failure does not throw a catchable object // it will fail at ldtp.LaunchApp() in LaunchAStyleWxLdtp() Console.WriteLine("Creating ldtp object"); ldtp = new Ldtp.Ldtp("*AStyleWx"); // compile astylewx Console.WriteLine("Compiling astylewx"); LibraryClass.CompileWindowsAStyleWxExe("DLL Debug"); }
public void MenuSetUp() { ldtp = LibraryClass.GetLdtpObject(); LibraryClass.LaunchAStyleWxLdtp(); }