/// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LayerItemViewModel"/> class from a <see cref="LayerLegendInfo"/>..
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layer">The layer.</param>
        /// <param name="layerLegendInfo">The layer legend info.</param>
        /// <param name="defaultLayerDescription">The default layer description (= the map layer description).</param>
        internal LayerItemViewModel(Layer layer, LayerLegendInfo layerLegendInfo, string defaultLayerDescription)
            : this(layer)
            Debug.Assert(layerLegendInfo != null);

            SubLayerID  = layerLegendInfo.SubLayerID;
            Label       = layerLegendInfo.LayerName;
            ParentLabel = layer.DisplayName;
            LayerType   = layerLegendInfo.LayerType;
            IsHidden    = layerLegendInfo.IsHidden;

            Description = string.IsNullOrEmpty(layerLegendInfo.LayerDescription) ? defaultLayerDescription : layerLegendInfo.LayerDescription;

            // Convert scale to resolution
            MinimumScale = layerLegendInfo.MinimumScale == 0.0 ? double.PositiveInfinity : layerLegendInfo.MinimumScale;
            MaximumScale = layerLegendInfo.MaximumScale;

            if (layerLegendInfo.LayerLegendInfos != null)
                LayerItems = layerLegendInfo.LayerLegendInfos.Select(info => new LayerItemViewModel(layer, info, defaultLayerDescription)).ToObservableCollection();

            if (layerLegendInfo.LegendItemInfos != null)
                LegendItems = layerLegendInfo.LegendItemInfos.Select(info => new LegendItemViewModel(info, Geometry.GeometryType.Unknown)).ToObservableCollection();
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LayerItemViewModel"/> class from a <see cref="LayerLegendInfo"/>..
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layer">The layer.</param>
        /// <param name="layerLegendInfo">The layer legend info.</param>
        /// <param name="defaultLayerDescription">The default layer description (= the map layer description).</param>
        /// <param name="map">The map.</param>
        internal LayerItemViewModel(Layer layer, LayerLegendInfo layerLegendInfo, string defaultLayerDescription, Map map)
            : this(layer)
            Debug.Assert(layerLegendInfo != null);
            Debug.Assert(map != null);             // Needed to convert scale to resolution

            SubLayerID  = layerLegendInfo.SubLayerID;
            Label       = layerLegendInfo.LayerName;
            ParentLabel = layer.DisplayName ?? layer.ID;
            LayerType   = layerLegendInfo.LayerType;
            IsHidden    = layerLegendInfo.IsHidden;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(layerLegendInfo.LayerDescription))
                Description = defaultLayerDescription;
                Description = layerLegendInfo.LayerDescription;

            // Convert scale to resolution
            MaximumResolution = layerLegendInfo.MinimumScale == 0.0 ? double.PositiveInfinity : ConvertToResolution(layerLegendInfo.MinimumScale, map);
            MinimumResolution = ConvertToResolution(layerLegendInfo.MaximumScale, map);

            if (layerLegendInfo.LayerLegendInfos != null)
                LayerItems = layerLegendInfo.LayerLegendInfos.Select(info => new LayerItemViewModel(layer, info, defaultLayerDescription, map)).ToObservableCollection();

            if (layerLegendInfo.LegendItemInfos != null)
                LegendItems = layerLegendInfo.LegendItemInfos.Select(info => new LegendItemViewModel(info)).ToObservableCollection();
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LayerItemViewModel"/> class from a <see cref="LayerLegendInfo"/>..
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="layer">The layer.</param>
		/// <param name="layerLegendInfo">The layer legend info.</param>
		/// <param name="defaultLayerDescription">The default layer description (= the map layer description).</param>
		/// <param name="map">The map.</param>
		internal LayerItemViewModel(Layer layer, LayerLegendInfo layerLegendInfo, string defaultLayerDescription, Map map)
			: this(layer)
			Debug.Assert(layerLegendInfo != null);
			Debug.Assert(map != null); // Needed to convert scale to resolution

			SubLayerID = layerLegendInfo.SubLayerID;
			Label = layerLegendInfo.LayerName;
			ParentLabel = layer.DisplayName ?? layer.ID;
			LayerType = layerLegendInfo.LayerType;
			IsHidden = layerLegendInfo.IsHidden;
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(layerLegendInfo.LayerDescription))
				Description = defaultLayerDescription;
				Description = layerLegendInfo.LayerDescription;

			// Convert scale to resolution
			MaximumResolution = layerLegendInfo.MinimumScale == 0.0 ? double.PositiveInfinity : ConvertToResolution(layerLegendInfo.MinimumScale, map);
			MinimumResolution = ConvertToResolution(layerLegendInfo.MaximumScale, map);

			if (layerLegendInfo.LayerLegendInfos != null)
				LayerItems = layerLegendInfo.LayerLegendInfos.Select(info => new LayerItemViewModel(layer, info, defaultLayerDescription, map)).ToObservableCollection();

			if (layerLegendInfo.LegendItemInfos != null)
				LegendItems = layerLegendInfo.LegendItemInfos.Select(info => new LegendItemViewModel(info)).ToObservableCollection();
        /// <summary>
        /// Iteratively called to create nodes for all sub-layers in a Dynamic Map Service
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateDynamicLayerTree(string mapID, LayerLegendInfo legendInfo, TreeViewItem layerNode, LayerInfo[] lyrInfos, List <int> layerIDs, List <int> visibleLayerIDs, bool toggleLayer, bool parentVisible)
            if (legendInfo.LayerLegendInfos != null)
                foreach (LayerLegendInfo layerLegendInfo in legendInfo.LayerLegendInfos)
                    if (layerIDs.IndexOf(layerLegendInfo.SubLayerID) > -1)
                        LayerInfo lyrInfo      = lyrInfos[layerLegendInfo.SubLayerID];
                        bool      hasSubLayers = lyrInfo.SubLayerIds != null;
                        bool      lyrVisib     = (toggleLayer) ? ((visibleLayerIDs.Count > 0) ? false : lyrInfo.DefaultVisibility) : lyrInfo.DefaultVisibility;
                        if (!hasSubLayers && lyrVisib && parentVisible)

                        TreeViewItem fLayerNode = CreateFeatureLayerNode(mapID, lyrInfo.Name, lyrInfo.ID, layerLegendInfo.MinimumScale, layerLegendInfo.MaximumScale, lyrVisib, hasSubLayers, toggleLayer);
                        fLayerNode.ItemTemplate = this.Resources["SymbolTreeNode"] as DataTemplate;
                        fLayerNode.ItemsSource  = layerLegendInfo.LegendItemInfos;

                        CreateDynamicLayerTree(mapID, layerLegendInfo, fLayerNode, lyrInfos, layerIDs, visibleLayerIDs, false, lyrVisib && parentVisible);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Queries for the legend infos of a layer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The returned result is encapsulated in a <see cref="LayerLegendInfo" /> object containing one legend item showing the heat map gradient.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="callback">The method to call on completion.</param>
        /// <param name="errorCallback">The method to call in the event of an error.</param>
        public void QueryLegendInfos(Action <LayerLegendInfo> callback, Action <Exception> errorCallback)
            // Create one legend item with a radial brush using the heat map gradient (reversed)

            // Create the UI element
            RadialGradientBrush brush = new RadialGradientBrush()
                Center         = new Point(0.5, 0.5),
                RadiusX        = 0.5,
                RadiusY        = 0.5,
                GradientOrigin = new Point(0.5, 0.5),
                GradientStops  = new GradientStopCollection()

            if (Gradient != null)
                foreach (GradientStop stop in Gradient)
                    brush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop()
                        Color = stop.Color, Offset = 1 - stop.Offset
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle()
                Height = 20, Width = 20, Fill = brush

            // Create the imagesource
            ImageSource imageSource;

            imageSource = new WriteableBitmap(rect, null);
            RenderTargetBitmap renderTargetBitmap = new RenderTargetBitmap(20, 20, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Pbgra32);
            imageSource = renderTargetBitmap;
            // Create a layerItemInfo array (so enumerable) with one item
            LegendItemInfo legendItemInfo = new LegendItemInfo()
                Label       = ID,
                ImageSource = imageSource
            LegendItemInfo[] legendItemInfos = new LegendItemInfo[] { legendItemInfo };

            // Create the returned layerLegendInfo
            LayerLegendInfo layerLegendInfo = new LayerLegendInfo()
                LegendItemInfos = legendItemInfos

            if (callback != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LayerItemViewModel"/> class from a <see cref="LayerLegendInfo"/>..
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layer">The layer.</param>
        /// <param name="layerLegendInfo">The layer legend info.</param>
        /// <param name="defaultLayerDescription">The default layer description (= the map layer description).</param>
        internal LayerItemViewModel(Layer layer, LayerLegendInfo layerLegendInfo, string defaultLayerDescription)
            : this(layer)
            Debug.Assert(layerLegendInfo != null);

            SubLayerID  = layerLegendInfo.SubLayerID;
            Label       = layerLegendInfo.LayerName;
            ParentLabel = layer.DisplayName;
            LayerType   = layerLegendInfo.LayerType;
            IsHidden    = layerLegendInfo.IsHidden;

            Description = string.IsNullOrEmpty(layerLegendInfo.LayerDescription) ? defaultLayerDescription : layerLegendInfo.LayerDescription;

            // Convert scale to resolution
            MinimumScale = layerLegendInfo.MinimumScale == 0.0 ? double.PositiveInfinity : layerLegendInfo.MinimumScale;
            MaximumScale = layerLegendInfo.MaximumScale;

            if (layerLegendInfo.LayerLegendInfos != null)
                LayerItems = layerLegendInfo.LayerLegendInfos.Select(info => new LayerItemViewModel(layer, info, defaultLayerDescription)).ToObservableCollection();

            if (layerLegendInfo.LegendItemInfos != null)
                LegendItems = layerLegendInfo.LegendItemInfos.Select(info => new LegendItemViewModel(info, Geometry.GeometryType.Unknown)).ToObservableCollection();

            if (Layer is ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer)
                ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer dynamicLayer = (ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer)Layer;
                if (dynamicLayer.VisibleLayers.Contains(SubLayerID))
                    _isEnabled = true;
                    _isEnabled = false;
Exemplo n.º 7
        LayerLegendInfo _layerLegendInfo = null;         // save info to avoid new web request

        /// <summary>
        /// Queries for the legend infos of a layer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The returned result is encapsulated in a <see cref="LayerLegendInfo" /> object.
        /// This object represents the legend of the map service layer and contains a collection of LayerLegendInfos (one by sublayer)
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="callback">The method to call on completion.</param>
        /// <param name="errorCallback">The method to call in the event of an error.</param>
        public void QueryLegendInfos(Action <LayerLegendInfo> callback, Action <Exception> errorCallback)
            if (callback == null)

            if (_layerLegendInfo == null && IsInitialized)
                // Create legend tree from the LayerList
                _layerLegendInfo = new LayerLegendInfo
                    LayerLegendInfos = CreateLegendInfos(LayerList),
                    LayerName        = Title,
                    LayerDescription = Abstract,
                    LayerType        = "WMS Layer",
                    SubLayerID       = 0

        private void OnLegendInfoSucceed(LayerLegendInfo legendInfo, TreeViewItem mapTreeNode)
            layerCount++; // Count Legend-Initialized LivingMap

            if (mapTreeNode != null && mapTreeNode.Tag != null)
                LivingMapLayer mapConfig = mapTreeNode.Tag as LivingMapLayer;

                if (legendInfo.LayerLegendInfos != null)
                    if (this.MapControl.Layers[mapConfig.ID] is ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer)
                        ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer dynamicLayer = this.MapControl.Layers[mapConfig.ID] as ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer;
                        List <int> layerIDs        = GetDynamicMapLayerIDs(mapConfig, dynamicLayer.Layers);
                        List <int> visibleLayerIDs = new List <int>();

                        CreateDynamicLayerTree(mapConfig.ID, legendInfo, mapTreeNode, dynamicLayer.Layers, layerIDs, visibleLayerIDs, mapConfig.ToggleLayer, true);

                        // Initialize map visibilities
                        dynamicLayer.VisibleLayers = visibleLayerIDs.ToArray();
                        EventCenter.DispatchMapLayerVisibilityChangeEvent(this, new MapLayerVisibilityChangeEventArgs(dynamicLayer, new int[0]));
                        CreateCachedLayerTree(mapConfig.ID, legendInfo, mapTreeNode);
                else if (legendInfo.LegendItemInfos != null) // Feature Layer
                    mapTreeNode.ItemTemplate = this.Resources["SymbolTreeNode"] as DataTemplate;
                    mapTreeNode.ItemsSource  = legendInfo.LegendItemInfos;

            if (layerCount == MapContentTree.Items.Count)
                this.IsBusy = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Iteratively called to create nodes for all sub-layers in a Cached Map Service
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateCachedLayerTree(string mapID, LayerLegendInfo legendInfo, TreeViewItem layerNode)
            if (legendInfo.LayerLegendInfos != null)
                foreach (LayerLegendInfo layerLegendInfo in legendInfo.LayerLegendInfos)
                    TreeViewItem tLayerNode = new TreeViewItem()
                        Header = legendInfo.LayerName, Tag = new TOCNodeInfo()
                            MapID = mapID, IsTiledMap = true, LayerID = legendInfo.SubLayerID
                    tLayerNode.MouseRightButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(LayerNode_RightClick);
                    tLayerNode.ItemTemplate          = this.Resources["SymbolTreeNode"] as DataTemplate;
                    tLayerNode.ItemsSource           = layerLegendInfo.LegendItemInfos;

                    CreateCachedLayerTree(mapID, layerLegendInfo, tLayerNode);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LayerItemViewModel"/> class from a <see cref="LayerLegendInfo"/>..
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layer">The layer.</param>
        /// <param name="layerLegendInfo">The layer legend info.</param>
        /// <param name="defaultLayerDescription">The default layer description (= the map layer description).</param>
        /// <param name="scale">The scale.</param>
        internal LayerItemViewModel(Layer layer, LayerLegendInfo layerLegendInfo, string defaultLayerDescription, double scale)
            : this(layer)
            Debug.Assert(layerLegendInfo != null);

            SubLayerID = layerLegendInfo.SubLayerID;
            Label = layerLegendInfo.LayerName;
            ParentLabel = layer.DisplayName;
            LayerType = layerLegendInfo.LayerType;
            IsHidden = layerLegendInfo.IsHidden;

            // Take care of 'ShowLegend' flag that might be defined for sublayers in the portal service item
            // Would be better to do that in the implementation of ILegendSupport in the client package
            // but this one has no access to the portal package. So doing that here is a shortcut for lazy dev.
            if (!IsHidden && Layer.Tag is IList<WebMapLayer>)
                var webMapLayers = Layer.Tag as IList<WebMapLayer>;
                IsHidden = webMapLayers.Where(wml => wml.SubLayers != null)
                    .SelectMany(wml => wml.SubLayers)
                    .Any(sl => sl.Id == SubLayerID && sl.ShowLegend.HasValue && !sl.ShowLegend.Value);

            Description = string.IsNullOrEmpty(layerLegendInfo.LayerDescription) ? defaultLayerDescription : layerLegendInfo.LayerDescription;

            // Convert scale to resolution
            MinimumScale = layerLegendInfo.MinimumScale == 0.0 ? double.PositiveInfinity : layerLegendInfo.MinimumScale;
            MaximumScale = layerLegendInfo.MaximumScale;

            if (layerLegendInfo.LayerLegendInfos != null)
                LayerItems = layerLegendInfo.LayerLegendInfos.Select(info => new LayerItemViewModel(layer, info, defaultLayerDescription, scale)).ToObservableCollection();

            if (layerLegendInfo.LegendItemInfos != null)
                LegendItems = layerLegendInfo.LegendItemInfos.Select(info => new LegendItemViewModel(info)).ToObservableCollection();
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Refreshes the legend from infos coming from the map layer.
        /// </summary>
        internal async void Refresh()
            if (_isQuerying || Layer == null)
                return;                 // already querying
            //if (!(Layer is GroupLayerBase)) // GroupLayer : don't wait for layer intialized, so the user will see the layer hierarchy even if the group layer is not initialized yet (else would need to wait for all sublayers initialized)
            if (Layer.Status < LayerStatus.Initialized)
                IsBusy = true;                  // set busy indicator waiting for layer initialized
                return;                         // Refresh will be done on event Initialized

            LayerItems = null;
            LegendItems = null;

            if (Layer is ILegendSupport)
                IsBusy      = true;
                _isQuerying = true;
                var legendSupport = Layer as ILegendSupport;

                LayerLegendInfo result    = null;
                Exception       exception = null;
                    result = await legendSupport.GetLegendInfosAsync();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    exception = ex;

                if (LegendTree == null)
                    // The legend item has been detached ==> result no more needed
                    IsBusy = _isQuerying = false;

                if (exception != null)
                    // Fire event Refreshed with an exception
                    if (LegendTree != null)
                        LegendTree.OnRefreshed(this, new Legend.RefreshedEventArgs(this, exception));

                    _isQuerying = false;
                    IsBusy      = false;

                if (result != null)
                    Description = result.LayerDescription;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Label))                     // Label is set with LayerID : keep it if not null
                        Label = result.LayerName;

                    // Combine Layer and Service scale
                    double minScale = result.MinimumScale == 0.0 ? double.PositiveInfinity : result.MinimumScale;
                    _serviceMinScale = minScale;
                    if (Layer.MinScale != 0.0 && !double.IsNaN(Layer.MinScale))
                        minScale = Math.Min(minScale, Layer.MinScale);
                    double maxScale = result.MaximumScale;
                    _serviceMaxScale = maxScale;
                    if (!double.IsNaN(Layer.MaxScale))
                        maxScale = Math.Max(maxScale, Layer.MaxScale);

                    MinimumScale = minScale;
                    MaximumScale = maxScale;

                    IsHidden = result.IsHidden;

                    // For feature layers, force the geometry type since GeometryType.Unknown doesn't work well with advanced symbology.
                    Geometry.GeometryType geometryType = Geometry.GeometryType.Unknown;
                    if (Layer is FeatureLayer)
                        var fl = Layer as FeatureLayer;
                        if (fl.FeatureTable != null && fl.FeatureTable.ServiceInfo != null)
                            geometryType = fl.FeatureTable.ServiceInfo.GeometryType;

                    if (result.LayerLegendInfos != null)
                        LayerItems = result.LayerLegendInfos.Select(info => new LayerItemViewModel(Layer, info, Description)).ToObservableCollection();

                    if (result.LegendItemInfos != null)
                        LegendItems = result.LegendItemInfos.Select(info => new LegendItemViewModel(info, geometryType)).ToObservableCollection();

                // If groupLayer -> add the child layers

                // Kml layer particular case : if a KML layer has only a child which is not another KML layer ==> set the child item as transparent so it doesn't appear in the legend

                _isQuerying = false;
                // Fire event Refreshed without exception
                LegendTree.OnRefreshed(this, new Legend.RefreshedEventArgs(this, null));
                IsBusy = false;
                IsBusy = false;
                // Fire event Refreshed
                if (LegendTree != null)
                    LegendTree.OnRefreshed(this, new Legend.RefreshedEventArgs(this, null));
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Queries for the legend infos of the layer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The returned result is encapsulated in a <see cref="LayerLegendInfo" /> object.
        /// A group layer returns only one item describing the group layer (the legends of the sublayers are not returned by this method) 
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="callback">The method to call on completion.</param>
        /// <param name="errorCallback">The method to call in the event of an error (cant' happen with a group layer).</param>
        public override void QueryLegendInfos(Action<LayerLegendInfo> callback, Action<Exception> errorCallback)
            if (callback != null)
                if (IsInitialized)
                    // create one default layerLegendInfo item.
                    LayerLegendInfo layerLegendInfo = new LayerLegendInfo
                                                      		LegendItemInfos = null,
                                                      		LayerName = Name,
                                                      		LayerDescription = Name,
                                                      		IsHidden = IsHidden
                    // delay the answer until initialization
                    EventHandler<EventArgs> handler = null;
                    handler = delegate(object s, EventArgs e)
                                    KmlLayer kmlLayer = s as KmlLayer;
                                    if (kmlLayer == null)
                                    kmlLayer.Initialized -= handler;

                                    // create one default layerLegendInfo item.
                                    LayerLegendInfo layerLegendInfo = new LayerLegendInfo
                                                                      		LegendItemInfos = null,
                                                                      		LayerName = kmlLayer.Name,
                                                                      		LayerDescription = kmlLayer.Name,
                                                                      		IsHidden = kmlLayer.IsHidden
                    Initialized += handler;
Exemplo n.º 13
		LayerLegendInfo _layerLegendInfo = null; // save info to avoid new web request

		/// <summary>
		/// Queries for the legend infos of a layer.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// The returned result is encapsulated in a <see cref="LayerLegendInfo" /> object.
		/// This object represents the legend of the map service layer and contains a collection of LayerLegendInfos (one by sublayer)
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="callback">The method to call on completion.</param>
		/// <param name="errorCallback">The method to call in the event of an error.</param>
		public void QueryLegendInfos(Action<LayerLegendInfo> callback, Action<Exception> errorCallback)
			if (callback == null)

			if (_layerLegendInfo == null && IsInitialized)
				// Create legend tree from the LayerList
				_layerLegendInfo = new LayerLegendInfo
					LayerLegendInfos = CreateLegendInfos(LayerList),
					LayerName = Title,
					LayerDescription = Abstract,
					LayerType = "WMS Layer",
					SubLayerID = 0

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LayerItemViewModel"/> class from a <see cref="LayerLegendInfo"/>..
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layer">The layer.</param>
        /// <param name="layerLegendInfo">The layer legend info.</param>
        /// <param name="defaultLayerDescription">The default layer description (= the map layer description).</param>
        internal LayerItemViewModel(Layer layer, LayerLegendInfo layerLegendInfo, string defaultLayerDescription)
            : this(layer)
            Debug.Assert(layerLegendInfo != null);

            SubLayerID = layerLegendInfo.SubLayerID;
            Label = layerLegendInfo.LayerName;
            ParentLabel = layer.DisplayName;
            LayerType = layerLegendInfo.LayerType;
            IsHidden = layerLegendInfo.IsHidden;

            Description = string.IsNullOrEmpty(layerLegendInfo.LayerDescription) ? defaultLayerDescription : layerLegendInfo.LayerDescription;

            // Convert scale to resolution
            MinimumScale = layerLegendInfo.MinimumScale == 0.0 ? double.PositiveInfinity : layerLegendInfo.MinimumScale;
            MaximumScale = layerLegendInfo.MaximumScale;

            if (layerLegendInfo.LayerLegendInfos != null)
                LayerItems = layerLegendInfo.LayerLegendInfos.Select(info => new LayerItemViewModel(layer, info, defaultLayerDescription)).ToObservableCollection();

            if (layerLegendInfo.LegendItemInfos != null)
                LegendItems = layerLegendInfo.LegendItemInfos.Select(info => new LegendItemViewModel(info, Geometry.GeometryType.Unknown)).ToObservableCollection();
Exemplo n.º 15
#pragma warning restore 0067

		public void QueryLegendInfos(Action<LayerLegendInfo> callback, Action<Exception> errorCallback)
			if (!IsSupported)
				throw new NotImplementedException();

			var featureLayer = _layer as FeatureLayer;
			var layerLegendInfo = new LayerLegendInfo();
			var layerInfo = featureLayer == null ? null : featureLayer.LayerInfo;

			if (layerInfo != null)
				layerLegendInfo.LayerDescription = layerInfo.Description;
				layerLegendInfo.MinimumScale = layerInfo.MinimumScale;
				layerLegendInfo.MaximumScale = layerInfo.MaximumScale;
			if (featureLayer != null)
				layerLegendInfo.LayerType = "Feature Layer";
Exemplo n.º 16
		/// <summary>
		/// Queries for the legend infos of a layer.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// The returned result is encapsulated in a <see cref="LayerLegendInfo" /> object containing one legend item showing the heat map gradient.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="callback">The method to call on completion.</param>
		/// <param name="errorCallback">The method to call in the event of an error.</param>
		public void QueryLegendInfos(Action<LayerLegendInfo> callback, Action<Exception> errorCallback)
			// Create one legend item with a radial brush using the heat map gradient (reversed)

			// Create the UI element
			RadialGradientBrush brush = new RadialGradientBrush()
				Center = new Point(0.5, 0.5),
				RadiusX = 0.5,
				RadiusY = 0.5,
				GradientOrigin = new Point(0.5, 0.5),
				GradientStops = new GradientStopCollection()

			if (Gradient != null)
				foreach (GradientStop stop in Gradient)
					brush.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop() { Color = stop.Color, Offset = 1 - stop.Offset });
			Rectangle rect = new Rectangle() { Height = 20, Width = 20, Fill = brush };

			// Create the imagesource
			ImageSource imageSource;
			imageSource = new WriteableBitmap(rect, null);
			RenderTargetBitmap renderTargetBitmap = new RenderTargetBitmap(20, 20, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Pbgra32);
			imageSource = renderTargetBitmap;
			// Create a layerItemInfo array (so enumerable) with one item
			LegendItemInfo legendItemInfo = new LegendItemInfo() {
				Label = ID,
				ImageSource = imageSource
			LegendItemInfo[] legendItemInfos = new LegendItemInfo[] { legendItemInfo };

			// Create the returned layerLegendInfo
			LayerLegendInfo layerLegendInfo = new LayerLegendInfo() { LegendItemInfos = legendItemInfos };

			if (callback != null)