Exemplo n.º 1
        private void OnBarsUpdate(object sender, BarsUpdateEventArgs e)
            if (State == State.Active && SuperDom != null && SuperDom.IsConnected)
                if (SuperDom.IsReloading)

                BarsUpdateEventArgs barsUpdate = e;
                lock (barsSync)
                    int currentMaxIndex = barsUpdate.MaxIndex;

                    for (int i = lastMaxIndex + 1; i <= currentMaxIndex; i++)
                        if (barsUpdate.BarsSeries.GetIsFirstBarOfSession(i))
                            // If a new session starts, clear out the old values and start fresh

                        double ask    = barsUpdate.BarsSeries.GetAsk(i);
                        double bid    = barsUpdate.BarsSeries.GetBid(i);
                        double close  = barsUpdate.BarsSeries.GetClose(i);
                        long   volume = barsUpdate.BarsSeries.GetVolume(i);

                        if (Bidask == VolumeSide.ask && lastBid != bid && close <= bid)
                            lastBid = bid;

                            long newVolume;
                            LastVolumes.AddOrUpdate(bid, newVolume = 1, (price, oldVolume) => newVolume = oldVolume + 1);

                        if (Bidask == VolumeSide.bid && lastAsk != ask && close >= ask)
                            lastAsk = ask;

                            long newVolume;
                            LastVolumes.AddOrUpdate(ask, newVolume = 1, (price, oldVolume) => newVolume = oldVolume + 1);

                    lastMaxIndex = barsUpdate.MaxIndex;
                    if (!clearLoadingSent)
                        SuperDom.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() => SuperDom.ClearLoadingString());
                        clearLoadingSent = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext dc, double renderWidth)
            // This may be true if the UI for a column hasn't been loaded yet (e.g., restoring multiple tabs from workspace won't load each tab until it's clicked by the user)
            if (gridPen == null)
                if (UiWrapper != null && PresentationSource.FromVisual(UiWrapper) != null)
                    Matrix m         = PresentationSource.FromVisual(UiWrapper).CompositionTarget.TransformToDevice;
                    double dpiFactor = 1 / m.M11;
                    gridPen      = new Pen(Application.Current.TryFindResource("BorderThinBrush") as Brush, 1 * dpiFactor);
                    halfPenWidth = gridPen.Thickness * 0.5;

            if (fontFamily != SuperDom.Font.Family ||
                (SuperDom.Font.Italic && fontStyle != FontStyles.Italic) ||
                (!SuperDom.Font.Italic && fontStyle == FontStyles.Italic) ||
                (SuperDom.Font.Bold && fontWeight != FontWeights.Bold) ||
                (!SuperDom.Font.Bold && fontWeight == FontWeights.Bold))
                // Only update this if something has changed
                fontFamily         = SuperDom.Font.Family;
                fontStyle          = SuperDom.Font.Italic ? FontStyles.Italic : FontStyles.Normal;
                fontWeight         = SuperDom.Font.Bold ? FontWeights.Bold : FontWeights.Normal;
                typeFace           = new Typeface(fontFamily, fontStyle, fontWeight, FontStretches.Normal);
                heightUpdateNeeded = true;

            double verticalOffset = -gridPen.Thickness;

            lock (SuperDom.Rows)
                foreach (PriceRow row in SuperDom.Rows)
                    if (renderWidth - halfPenWidth >= 0)
                        // Draw cell
                        Rect rect = new Rect(-halfPenWidth, verticalOffset, renderWidth - halfPenWidth, SuperDom.ActualRowHeight);

                        // Create a guidelines set
                        GuidelineSet guidelines = new GuidelineSet();
                        guidelines.GuidelinesX.Add(rect.Left + halfPenWidth);
                        guidelines.GuidelinesX.Add(rect.Right + halfPenWidth);
                        guidelines.GuidelinesY.Add(rect.Top + halfPenWidth);
                        guidelines.GuidelinesY.Add(rect.Bottom + halfPenWidth);

                        dc.DrawRectangle(BackColor, null, rect);
                        dc.DrawLine(gridPen, new Point(-gridPen.Thickness, rect.Bottom), new Point(renderWidth - halfPenWidth, rect.Bottom));
                        dc.DrawLine(gridPen, new Point(rect.Right, verticalOffset), new Point(rect.Right, rect.Bottom));

                        if (SuperDom.IsConnected &&
                            !SuperDom.IsReloading &&
                            State == NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.State.Active)
                            // Draw proportional volume bar
                            long buyVolume      = 0;
                            long sellVolume     = 0;
                            long totalRowVolume = 0;
                            long totalVolume    = 0;

                            if (LastVolumes.TryGetValue(row.Price, out totalRowVolume))
                                totalVolume = totalLastVolume;
                                verticalOffset += SuperDom.ActualRowHeight;

                            // Print volume value - remember to set MaxTextWidth so text doesn't spill into another column
                            if (totalRowVolume > 0)
                                string volumeString = string.Empty;

                                volumeString = totalRowVolume.ToString(Core.Globals.GeneralOptions.CurrentCulture);

                                if (renderWidth - 6 > 0)
                                    if (DisplayText || rect.Contains(Mouse.GetPosition(UiWrapper)))
                                        FormattedText volumeText = new FormattedText(volumeString, Core.Globals.GeneralOptions.CurrentCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight, typeFace, SuperDom.Font.Size, ForeColor)
                                            MaxLineCount = 1, MaxTextWidth = renderWidth - 6, Trimming = TextTrimming.CharacterEllipsis

                                        // Getting the text height is expensive, so only update it if something's changed
                                        if (heightUpdateNeeded)
                                            textHeight         = volumeText.Height;
                                            heightUpdateNeeded = false;

                                        textPosition.Y = verticalOffset + (SuperDom.ActualRowHeight - textHeight) / 2;
                                        dc.DrawText(volumeText, textPosition);
                            verticalOffset += SuperDom.ActualRowHeight;
                            verticalOffset += SuperDom.ActualRowHeight;

Exemplo n.º 3
        protected override void OnStateChange()
            if (State == State.SetDefaults)
                Name                 = "Num Touches";
                Buys                 = new ConcurrentDictionary <double, long>();
                BackColor            = Brushes.Transparent;
                BarColor             = Application.Current.TryFindResource("brushVolumeColumnBackground") as Brush;
                BuyColor             = Brushes.Green;
                DefaultWidth         = 160;
                PreviousWidth        = -1;
                DisplayText          = true;
                ForeColor            = Application.Current.TryFindResource("brushVolumeColumnForeground") as Brush;
                ImmutableBarColor    = Application.Current.TryFindResource("immutableBrushVolumeColumnBackground") as Brush;
                ImmutableForeColor   = Application.Current.TryFindResource("immutableBrushVolumeColumnForeground") as Brush;
                IsDataSeriesRequired = true;
                LastVolumes          = new ConcurrentDictionary <double, long>();
                SellColor            = Brushes.Red;
                Sells                = new ConcurrentDictionary <double, long>();
                Bidask               = VolumeSide.bid;
            else if (State == State.Configure)
                if (UiWrapper != null && PresentationSource.FromVisual(UiWrapper) != null)
                    Matrix m         = PresentationSource.FromVisual(UiWrapper).CompositionTarget.TransformToDevice;
                    double dpiFactor = 1 / m.M11;
                    gridPen      = new Pen(Application.Current.TryFindResource("BorderThinBrush") as Brush, 1 * dpiFactor);
                    halfPenWidth = gridPen.Thickness * 0.5;

                if (SuperDom.Instrument != null && SuperDom.IsConnected)
                    BarsPeriod bp = new BarsPeriod
                        MarketDataType = MarketDataType.Last,
                        BarsPeriodType = BarsPeriodType.Tick,
                        Value          = 1

                    SuperDom.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() => SuperDom.SetLoadingString());
                    clearLoadingSent = false;

                    if (BarsRequest != null)
                        BarsRequest.Update -= OnBarsUpdate;
                        BarsRequest         = null;

                    BarsRequest = new BarsRequest(SuperDom.Instrument,
                                                  Cbi.Connection.PlaybackConnection != null ? Cbi.Connection.PlaybackConnection.Now : Core.Globals.Now,
                                                  Cbi.Connection.PlaybackConnection != null ? Cbi.Connection.PlaybackConnection.Now : Core.Globals.Now);

                    BarsRequest.BarsPeriod   = bp;
                    BarsRequest.TradingHours = (TradingHoursData == TradingHours.UseInstrumentSettings || TradingHours.Get(TradingHoursData) == null) ? SuperDom.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TradingHours : TradingHours.Get(TradingHoursData);
                    BarsRequest.Update      += OnBarsUpdate;

                    BarsRequest.Request((request, errorCode, errorMessage) =>
                        // Make sure this isn't a bars callback from another column instance
                        if (request != BarsRequest)

                        lastMaxIndex    = 0;
                        maxVolume       = 0;
                        totalBuyVolume  = 0;
                        totalLastVolume = 0;
                        totalSellVolume = 0;

                        if (State >= NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.State.Terminated)

                        if (errorCode == Cbi.ErrorCode.UserAbort)
                            if (State <= NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.State.Terminated)
                                if (SuperDom != null && !clearLoadingSent)
                                    SuperDom.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() => SuperDom.ClearLoadingString());
                                    clearLoadingSent = true;

                            request.Update -= OnBarsUpdate;
                            request = null;

                        if (errorCode != Cbi.ErrorCode.NoError)
                            request.Update -= OnBarsUpdate;
                            request = null;
                            if (SuperDom != null && !clearLoadingSent)
                                SuperDom.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() => SuperDom.ClearLoadingString());
                                clearLoadingSent = true;
                        else if (errorCode == Cbi.ErrorCode.NoError)
                            SessionIterator superDomSessionIt = new SessionIterator(request.Bars);
                            bool isInclude60 = request.Bars.BarsType.IncludesEndTimeStamp(false);
                            if (superDomSessionIt.IsInSession(Core.Globals.Now, isInclude60, request.Bars.BarsType.IsIntraday))
                                for (int i = 0; i < request.Bars.Count; i++)
                                    DateTime time = request.Bars.BarsSeries.GetTime(i);
                                    if ((isInclude60 && time <= superDomSessionIt.ActualSessionBegin) || (!isInclude60 && time < superDomSessionIt.ActualSessionBegin))

                                    double ask   = request.Bars.BarsSeries.GetAsk(i);
                                    double bid   = request.Bars.BarsSeries.GetBid(i);
                                    double close = request.Bars.BarsSeries.GetClose(i);
                                    long volume  = request.Bars.BarsSeries.GetVolume(i);

                                    if (ask != double.MinValue && close >= ask)
                                        Buys.AddOrUpdate(close, volume, (price, oldVolume) => oldVolume + volume);
                                        totalBuyVolume += volume;
                                    else if (bid != double.MinValue && close <= bid)
                                        Sells.AddOrUpdate(close, volume, (price, oldVolume) => oldVolume + volume);
                                        totalSellVolume += volume;

                                    long newVolume;
                                    LastVolumes.AddOrUpdate(close, newVolume = volume, (price, oldVolume) => newVolume = 0);
                                    totalLastVolume += volume;

                                    if (newVolume > maxVolume)
                                        maxVolume = newVolume;

                                lastMaxIndex = request.Bars.Count - 1;

                                // Repaint the column on the SuperDOM

                            if (SuperDom != null && !clearLoadingSent)
                                SuperDom.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() => SuperDom.ClearLoadingString());
                                clearLoadingSent = true;
            else if (State == State.Active)
                if (!DisplayText)
                    WeakEventManager <System.Windows.Controls.Panel, MouseEventArgs> .AddHandler(UiWrapper, "MouseMove", OnMouseMove);

                    WeakEventManager <System.Windows.Controls.Panel, MouseEventArgs> .AddHandler(UiWrapper, "MouseEnter", OnMouseEnter);

                    WeakEventManager <System.Windows.Controls.Panel, MouseEventArgs> .AddHandler(UiWrapper, "MouseLeave", OnMouseLeave);

                    mouseEventsSubscribed = true;
            else if (State == State.Terminated)
                if (BarsRequest != null)
                    BarsRequest.Update -= OnBarsUpdate;

                BarsRequest = null;

                if (SuperDom != null && !clearLoadingSent)
                    SuperDom.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() => SuperDom.ClearLoadingString());
                    clearLoadingSent = true;

                if (!DisplayText && mouseEventsSubscribed)
                    WeakEventManager <System.Windows.Controls.Panel, MouseEventArgs> .RemoveHandler(UiWrapper, "MouseMove", OnMouseMove);

                    WeakEventManager <System.Windows.Controls.Panel, MouseEventArgs> .RemoveHandler(UiWrapper, "MouseEnter", OnMouseEnter);

                    WeakEventManager <System.Windows.Controls.Panel, MouseEventArgs> .RemoveHandler(UiWrapper, "MouseLeave", OnMouseLeave);

                    mouseEventsSubscribed = false;

                lastMaxIndex    = 0;
                maxVolume       = 0;
                totalBuyVolume  = 0;
                totalLastVolume = 0;
                totalSellVolume = 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void OnBarsUpdate(object sender, BarsUpdateEventArgs e)
            if (State == State.Active && SuperDom != null && SuperDom.IsConnected)
                if (SuperDom.IsReloading)

                BarsUpdateEventArgs barsUpdate = e;
                lock (barsSync)
                    int currentMaxIndex = barsUpdate.MaxIndex;

                    for (int i = lastMaxIndex + 1; i <= currentMaxIndex; i++)
                        if (barsUpdate.BarsSeries.GetIsFirstBarOfSession(i))
                            // If a new session starts, clear out the old values and start fresh
                            maxVolume       = 0;
                            totalBuyVolume  = 0;
                            totalLastVolume = 0;
                            totalSellVolume = 0;

                        double ask    = barsUpdate.BarsSeries.GetAsk(i);
                        double bid    = barsUpdate.BarsSeries.GetBid(i);
                        double close  = barsUpdate.BarsSeries.GetClose(i);
                        long   volume = barsUpdate.BarsSeries.GetVolume(i);

                        if (ask != double.MinValue && close >= ask)
                            Buys.AddOrUpdate(close, volume, (price, oldVolume) => oldVolume + volume);
                            totalBuyVolume += volume;
                        else if (bid != double.MinValue && close <= bid)
                            Sells.AddOrUpdate(close, volume, (price, oldVolume) => oldVolume + volume);
                            totalSellVolume += volume;

                        long newVolume;
                        LastVolumes.AddOrUpdate(close, newVolume = volume, (price, oldVolume) => newVolume = oldVolume + volume);
                        totalLastVolume += volume;

                        if (newVolume > maxVolume)
                            maxVolume = newVolume;

                    lastMaxIndex = barsUpdate.MaxIndex;
                    if (!clearLoadingSent)
                        SuperDom.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() => SuperDom.ClearLoadingString());
                        clearLoadingSent = true;