Exemplo n.º 1
 private void UpdateCurrentAttack()
     _currentAttack = _currentAttackPattern[_attackIndex];
     if (_currentAttack == null)
         for (var i = 0; i < 1; i++)
             Debug.Log($"My name is {name} and my Number {i} Attack is Null. I can't fight without it. " +
                       $"Please assign me in the editor and STOP BREAKING MY PREFAB. It's a very hard life to live. Thank you." +
                       $"Also, my serialization is broken, so I can't be loaded from a different scene. So, maybe take the spaces out of my folder name." +
                       $"Again, thank you. I love to battle!");
     _attackState = _currentAttack.StartingState;
     if (_attackState == LaserTurretAttackState.Seeking)
         _timeTilNextState = _currentAttack.SeekingTime;
     else if (_attackState == LaserTurretAttackState.WindingUp)
         _timeTilNextState = _currentAttack.WindUpTime;
     else if (_attackState == LaserTurretAttackState.Firing)
         _timeTilNextState = _currentAttack.AttackDuration;
     else if (_attackState == LaserTurretAttackState.WindingDown)
         _timeTilNextState = _currentAttack.WindDownTime;
Exemplo n.º 2
 private void WindUp()
     _timeTilNextState -= Time.deltaTime;
     if (_timeTilNextState <= 0)
         _attackState      = LaserTurretAttackState.Firing;
         _timeTilNextState = _currentAttack.AttackDuration;
         _secsTilNextShot  = 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
 private void SeekTarget()
     Turning.enabled       = true;
     Turning.RotationSpeed = _currentAttack.RotationSpeed;
     _timeTilNextState    -= Time.deltaTime;
     if (_timeTilNextState <= 0)
         _attackState      = LaserTurretAttackState.WindingUp;
         _timeTilNextState = _currentAttack.WindUpTime;
         Turning.enabled   = false;
Exemplo n.º 4
 private void Fire()
     _secsTilNextShot -= Time.deltaTime;
     if (_secsTilNextShot <= 0)
         _secsTilNextShot = _currentAttack.TimeBetweenShots;
     _timeTilNextState -= Time.deltaTime;
     if (_timeTilNextState <= 0)
         _attackState      = LaserTurretAttackState.WindingDown;
         _timeTilNextState = _currentAttack.WindDownTime;
Exemplo n.º 5
 private void FireVolley()
     _secsTilNextShot -= Time.deltaTime;
     if (_secsTilNextShot <= 0)
         var target = transform.position + transform.forward;
         LaserGun.FireTowards(new Vector3(target.x + Random.Range(-_currentAttack.Spread, _currentAttack.Spread),
                                          target.y, target.z + Random.Range(-_currentAttack.Spread, _currentAttack.Spread)));
         _secsTilNextShot += _currentAttack.TimeBetweenShots;
     _timeTilNextState -= Time.deltaTime;
     if (_timeTilNextState <= 0)
         _secsTilNextShot  = 0;
         _attackState      = LaserTurretAttackState.WindingDown;
         _timeTilNextState = _currentAttack.WindDownTime;