public async Task AddToBasket_ReturnsLaptopConfigurationList()
            // Arrange
            var mockRepo = new Mock <ILaptopRepository>();

            mockRepo.Setup(s => s.GetLaptopList())
            mockRepo.Setup(s => s.GetConfigurationList())
            mockRepo.Setup(s => s.AddToBasket(It.IsAny <BasketItem>()))
            var service = new LaptopService(mockRepo.Object);

            // Act
            var result = await service.AddToBasket(It.IsAny <BasketItem>());

            // Assert
            var returnValue = Assert.IsType <BasketViewModel>(result);

            var basketItems = Assert.IsType <List <BasketItems> >(returnValue.BasketItems);
            var basketItem  = basketItems.FirstOrDefault();

            Assert.Equal("Dell", basketItem.Laptop.Name);

            var configurations = Assert.IsType <List <LaptopConfiguration> >(basketItem.LaptopConfigurations);
            var configuration  = configurations.FirstOrDefault();

            Assert.Equal((decimal)45.67, configuration.Price);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public ILaptopService GetServiceObject()
            if (_mapper == null)
                var mappingConfig = new MapperConfiguration(mc =>
                    mc.AddProfile(new SourceMappingProfile());
                IMapper mapper = mappingConfig.CreateMapper();
                _mapper = mapper;
            // _laptopProvider = new LaptopProvider(new LaptopService(new Mapper(provider), new LaptopDAL()));

            ILaptopService laptopService = new LaptopService(_mapper, new LaptopDAL());

        public async Task GetConfigurationList_ReturnsLaptopConfigurationList()
            var mockRepo = new Mock <ILaptopRepository>();

            mockRepo.Setup(s => s.GetConfigurationList())
            var service = new LaptopService(mockRepo.Object);

            // Act
            var result = await service.GetConfigurationList();

            // Assert
            var returnValue   = Assert.IsType <LaptopConfiguration[]>(result);
            var configuration = returnValue.FirstOrDefault();

            Assert.Equal("Ram", configuration.Name);
            Assert.Equal("8GB", configuration.Value);
        public async Task GetLaptopList_ReturnsLaptopList()
            // Arrange
            var mockRepo = new Mock <ILaptopRepository>();

            mockRepo.Setup(s => s.GetLaptopList())
            var service = new LaptopService(mockRepo.Object);

            // Act
            var result = await service.GetLaptopList();

            // Assert
            var returnValue = Assert.IsType <Laptop[]>(result);
            var laptop      = returnValue.FirstOrDefault();

            Assert.Equal("Dell", laptop.Name);
Exemplo n.º 5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List <Laptop> myLaptops = new List <Laptop>
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 1, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 2, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 3, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 4, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 5, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 6, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 7, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 8, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 9, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 10, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 11, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 12, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 13, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 14, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 15, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 16, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 17, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 18, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 19, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 20, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 21, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 22, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 23, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 24, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 25, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 26, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 27, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 28, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 29, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 30, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 31, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 32, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 33, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 34, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300
                new Laptop {
                    Id = 35, Brand = "Asus", Model = "1234b", Price = 300

            LaptopService laptopService  = new LaptopService();
            LaptopService laptopService2 = new LaptopService();
            //laptopService // Instance(physical object of LaptopServer)
            //LaptopService // LaptopService is still a physical object(static class) which is instantiated automatically, we are just using it

            List <Laptop> pageLaptops = laptopService.GetLaptopsPage(myLaptops, 2, 15); // Play with the arguments to see different results


            LaptopService.laptops.Add(new Laptop {
                Id = 36, Brand = "DELL"
            });                                                                // We are using the static class(object) to add a new laptop to the static property "laptops"
            //laptopService.laptops.Add(new Laptop { Id = 36, Brand = "DELL" }); // This is how i would look if "laptops" wasn't static property

            // This comment is for the previous 3 lines:
            // Both PrintLaptops are methods from different instances(objects), and still they are printing the newly added laptop (this is because "laptops" is a static property)
            // Remove the static keywork from "laptops" in LaptopService class and you will see that both laptopService and laptopService2 are having their own "laptops" property, it's no loager shared like it was when it was static

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");
Exemplo n.º 6
 public LaptopsController(LaptopService laptopService)
     _laptopService = laptopService;