// GET: LaptopAds/Details/5
        public ActionResult Details(int?id)
            //on this page user will be looking for details of a Laptop by sending an ID

            //first check if there is any ID given with this page
            if (id == null)
                //return Bad Request if LaptopAds/Details/ & No ID in URL
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));

            //Get the Laptop by Given ID
            Laptop laptop = Laptops.GetByID(id);

            //Check if Laptop Exists
            if (laptop == null)
                //if not exists then Show 404 Not found

            //if laptop is found then Populate the LaptopAdViewModel
            //create an object
            LaptopAdViewModel laptopAdViewModel = new LaptopAdViewModel();

            //Populate it from Laptop Details
            laptopAdViewModel.ID               = laptop.ID;
            laptopAdViewModel.Title            = laptop.Ad.Title;
            laptopAdViewModel.AccessoryBrand   = laptop.AccessoryBrand;
            laptopAdViewModel.AccessoryBrandID = laptop.AccessoryBrandID;
            laptopAdViewModel.OperatingSystem  = laptop.OperatingSystem;
            laptopAdViewModel.Ram              = laptop.Ram;
            laptopAdViewModel.Processor        = laptop.Processor;
            laptopAdViewModel.HardDisk         = laptop.HardDisk;
            laptopAdViewModel.Condition        = laptop.Ad.Condition;
            laptopAdViewModel.ConditionID      = laptop.Ad.ConditionID;
            laptopAdViewModel.Description      = laptop.Ad.Description;
            laptopAdViewModel.Currency         = laptop.Ad.Currency;
            laptopAdViewModel.CurrencyID       = laptop.Ad.CurrencyID;
            laptopAdViewModel.Price            = laptop.Ad.Price;
            laptopAdViewModel.Country          = laptop.Ad.Country;
            laptopAdViewModel.CountryID        = laptop.Ad.CountryID;
            laptopAdViewModel.State            = laptop.Ad.State;
            laptopAdViewModel.StateID          = laptop.Ad.StateID;
            laptopAdViewModel.City             = laptop.Ad.City;
            laptopAdViewModel.CityID           = laptop.Ad.CityID;
            laptopAdViewModel.Seller           = laptop.Ad.Seller;
            laptopAdViewModel.SellerID         = laptop.Ad.SellerID;
            laptopAdViewModel.PostingTime      = laptop.Ad.PostingTime;

            //now for Image we will go back to Images Repository & match AdID there.
            laptopAdViewModel.Images = Images.GetAll().Where(i => i.AdID == laptop.AdID).ToList();

            //now for Reviews
            laptopAdViewModel.Reviews = Reviews.GetAll().Where(i => i.AdID == laptop.AdID).ToList();

        // GET: LaptopAds
        public ActionResult Index()
            //This is the main page for Laptop Ads.
            //we will get records from Database into this page.

            //Get All Laptops as List
            //Aditionally I only want to get last 12 Laptop Ads in Descending Order so as not to bombard the Index Page
            List <Laptop> LaptopsList = Laptops.GetAll().OrderByDescending(b => b.Ad.PostingTime).Take(12).ToList();

            //There will be many Laptop Ads so we created a whole List of LaptopAdViewModel
            List <LaptopAdViewModel> laptopAdViewModels = new List <LaptopAdViewModel>();

            //Now Iterate over this List of laptops to populate LaptopAdVieqModels List
            foreach (Laptop laptop in LaptopsList)
                //New LaptopAdViewModel Object
                LaptopAdViewModel laptopAdViewModel = new LaptopAdViewModel();

                //populate this object from
                laptopAdViewModel.ID               = laptop.ID;
                laptopAdViewModel.Title            = laptop.Ad.Title;
                laptopAdViewModel.AccessoryBrandID = laptop.AccessoryBrandID;
                laptopAdViewModel.AccessoryBrand   = laptop.AccessoryBrand;
                laptopAdViewModel.OperatingSystem  = laptop.OperatingSystem;
                laptopAdViewModel.Ram              = laptop.Ram;
                laptopAdViewModel.Processor        = laptop.Processor;
                laptopAdViewModel.HardDisk         = laptop.HardDisk;
                laptopAdViewModel.Condition        = laptop.Ad.Condition;
                laptopAdViewModel.ConditionID      = laptop.Ad.ConditionID;
                laptopAdViewModel.Description      = laptop.Ad.Description;
                laptopAdViewModel.Currency         = laptop.Ad.Currency;
                laptopAdViewModel.CurrencyID       = laptop.Ad.CurrencyID;
                laptopAdViewModel.Price            = laptop.Ad.Price;
                laptopAdViewModel.Country          = laptop.Ad.Country;
                laptopAdViewModel.CountryID        = laptop.Ad.CountryID;
                laptopAdViewModel.StateID          = laptop.Ad.StateID;
                laptopAdViewModel.State            = laptop.Ad.State;
                laptopAdViewModel.CityID           = laptop.Ad.CityID;
                laptopAdViewModel.City             = laptop.Ad.City;
                laptopAdViewModel.SellerID         = laptop.Ad.SellerID;
                laptopAdViewModel.Seller           = laptop.Ad.Seller;

                //For images we will iterate through Images from Database & see which Images belong to this Ad
                //then we will send this Images List to laptopAdViewMode.Images
                //-JUST LEAVE IT- bcz i think this will increase load times.
                laptopAdViewModel.Images = laptop.Ad.Images;

                //Get the reviews from Laptops Ads Review relation
                laptopAdViewModel.Reviews = laptop.Ad.Reviews;

                //now add this viewmodel in List

            //Now return this list of LaptopAdViewModel to View
        public ActionResult Delete(int?id)
            //User is trying to delete this object

            //check if the ID supplied is not null
            if (id == null)
                //return bad request
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            //get te laptop from database by the supplied ID
            Laptop laptop = Laptops.GetByID(id);

            //see if this laptop exists
            if (laptop == null)
                //if not then 404 Not Found

            //since the laptop exists now we populate the view model from it
            LaptopAdViewModel laptopAdViewModel = new LaptopAdViewModel();

            laptopAdViewModel.ID               = laptop.ID;
            laptopAdViewModel.Title            = laptop.Ad.Title;
            laptopAdViewModel.AccessoryBrandID = laptop.AccessoryBrandID;
            laptopAdViewModel.AccessoryBrand   = laptop.AccessoryBrand;
            laptopAdViewModel.OperatingSystem  = laptop.OperatingSystem;
            laptopAdViewModel.Ram              = laptop.Ram;
            laptopAdViewModel.Processor        = laptop.Processor;
            laptopAdViewModel.HardDisk         = laptop.HardDisk;
            laptopAdViewModel.ConditionID      = laptop.Ad.ConditionID;
            laptopAdViewModel.Condition        = laptop.Ad.Condition;
            laptopAdViewModel.Description      = laptop.Ad.Description;
            laptopAdViewModel.CurrencyID       = laptop.Ad.CurrencyID;
            laptopAdViewModel.Currency         = laptop.Ad.Currency;
            laptopAdViewModel.Price            = laptop.Ad.Price;
            laptopAdViewModel.CountryID        = laptop.Ad.CountryID;
            laptopAdViewModel.Country          = laptop.Ad.Country;
            laptopAdViewModel.StateID          = laptop.Ad.StateID;
            laptopAdViewModel.State            = laptop.Ad.State;
            laptopAdViewModel.CityID           = laptop.Ad.CityID;
            laptopAdViewModel.City             = laptop.Ad.City;
            laptopAdViewModel.SellerID         = laptop.Ad.SellerID;
            laptopAdViewModel.Seller           = laptop.Ad.Seller;

            //send this model to User for confirmation to delete
            //i think we should not have this view altogether. why show this whole form
            //we should show user a jquery confirmation & then we delete on the basis of result from there.
        public ActionResult Edit(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            Laptop laptop = Laptops.GetByID(id);

            if (laptop == null)
            LaptopAdViewModel laptopAdViewModel = new LaptopAdViewModel();

            laptopAdViewModel.ID               = laptop.ID;
            laptopAdViewModel.Title            = laptop.Ad.Title;
            laptopAdViewModel.AccessoryBrand   = laptop.AccessoryBrand;
            laptopAdViewModel.AccessoryBrandID = laptop.AccessoryBrandID;
            laptopAdViewModel.OperatingSystem  = laptop.OperatingSystem;
            laptopAdViewModel.Ram              = laptop.Ram;
            laptopAdViewModel.Processor        = laptop.Processor;
            laptopAdViewModel.HardDisk         = laptop.HardDisk;
            laptopAdViewModel.Condition        = laptop.Ad.Condition;
            laptopAdViewModel.ConditionID      = laptop.Ad.ConditionID;
            laptopAdViewModel.Description      = laptop.Ad.Description;
            laptopAdViewModel.Currency         = laptop.Ad.Currency;
            laptopAdViewModel.CurrencyID       = laptop.Ad.CurrencyID;
            laptopAdViewModel.Price            = laptop.Ad.Price;
            laptopAdViewModel.Country          = laptop.Ad.Country;
            laptopAdViewModel.CountryID        = laptop.Ad.CountryID;
            laptopAdViewModel.State            = laptop.Ad.State;
            laptopAdViewModel.StateID          = laptop.Ad.StateID;
            laptopAdViewModel.City             = laptop.Ad.City;
            laptopAdViewModel.CityID           = laptop.Ad.CityID;

            //Populate Lists in ViewModel to be shown on View
            laptopAdViewModel.AccessoryBrandsList = AccessoryBrands.GetAll();
            laptopAdViewModel.ConditionsList      = Conditions.GetAll();
            laptopAdViewModel.CurrenciesList      = Currencies.GetAll();
            laptopAdViewModel.CountriesList       = Countries.GetAll();
            laptopAdViewModel.StatesList          = States.GetAll().Where(c => c.CountryID == laptop.Ad.CountryID);
            laptopAdViewModel.CitiesList          = Cities.GetAll().Where(c => c.StateID == laptop.Ad.StateID);

        public ActionResult AddReview(LaptopAdViewModel laptopAdViewModel, int?id, string Review)
            if (Review.Length >= 50)
                //Get the Ad Object from the ID by Laptop Object
                Laptop laptop = Laptops.GetByID(id);

                if (laptop == null)

                //Get Current User Details to be send as Seller Details in Review Object
                string CurrentUserName = User.Identity.GetUserName();

                Review newReview = new Review();

                newReview.Content     = Review;
                newReview.AdID        = laptop.AdID;
                newReview.Ad          = laptop.Ad;
                newReview.PostingTime = DateTime.Now;

                Seller seller = Sellers.GetAll().Where(s => s.Username == CurrentUserName).FirstOrDefault();

                newReview.SellerID = seller.ID;
                newReview.Seller   = seller;

                newReview.ReviewStars = 5; //for now I dont want to implement this functionality but its good to keep for later.


                //Now return the user back to the details of this ad
                return(RedirectToAction("Details", "LaptopAds", new { id = id }));

            //review was not correct. return back to URL
            return(RedirectToAction("Details", "LaptopAds", new { id = id }));
        public ActionResult Create()
            //Displaying the form for user to create Laptop Ad
            //We have to populate the Create form for those DropDown & User Details like Country, State & City in their already.

            //First get Current User details so we can know about Seller
            string CurrentUserName = User.Identity.GetUserName();
            Seller seller          = Sellers.GetAll().Where(s => s.Username == CurrentUserName).FirstOrDefault();

            //Create a Model & populate then send it to the View
            LaptopAdViewModel laptopAdViewModel = new LaptopAdViewModel();

            laptopAdViewModel.CountryID = seller.CountryID;
            laptopAdViewModel.Country   = seller.Country;
            laptopAdViewModel.State     = seller.State;
            laptopAdViewModel.StateID   = seller.StateID;
            laptopAdViewModel.City      = seller.City;
            laptopAdViewModel.CityID    = seller.CityID;
            laptopAdViewModel.Seller    = seller;
            laptopAdViewModel.SellerID  = seller.ID;

            Currency currency = Currencies.GetAll().Where(c => c.CountryID == seller.CountryID).FirstOrDefault();

            if (currency != null)
                laptopAdViewModel.CurrencyID = currency.ID;
                laptopAdViewModel.Currency   = currency;

            //Populate Lists in ViewModel to be shown on View
            laptopAdViewModel.AccessoryBrandsList = AccessoryBrands.GetAll();
            laptopAdViewModel.ConditionsList      = Conditions.GetAll();
            laptopAdViewModel.CurrenciesList      = Currencies.GetAll();
            laptopAdViewModel.CountriesList       = Countries.GetAll();
            laptopAdViewModel.StatesList          = States.GetAll().Where(c => c.CountryID == seller.CountryID);
            laptopAdViewModel.CitiesList          = Cities.GetAll().Where(c => c.StateID == seller.StateID);

Exemplo n.º 7
        public ActionResult Index()
            HomeViewModel homeViewModel = new HomeViewModel();

            List <BikeAdViewModel>      bikeAdViewModels      = new List <BikeAdViewModel>();
            List <LaptopAdViewModel>    laptopAdViewModels    = new List <LaptopAdViewModel>();
            List <CellPhoneAdViewModel> cellPhoneAdViewModels = new List <CellPhoneAdViewModel>();

            //Get from DB - only send 3 items from all catgories to Homepage
            List <Bike>      BikesList      = Bikes.GetAll().OrderByDescending(b => b.Ad.PostingTime).Take(3).ToList();
            List <CellPhone> CellPhonesList = CellPhones.GetAll().OrderByDescending(b => b.Ad.PostingTime).Take(3).ToList();
            List <Laptop>    LaptopsList    = Laptops.GetAll().OrderByDescending(b => b.Ad.PostingTime).Take(3).ToList();

            foreach (Bike bike in BikesList)
                BikeAdViewModel bikeAdViewModel = new BikeAdViewModel();

                bikeAdViewModel.ID               = bike.ID;
                bikeAdViewModel.Title            = bike.Ad.Title;
                bikeAdViewModel.VehicleBrandID   = bike.VehicleBrandID;
                bikeAdViewModel.VehicleBrand     = bike.VehicleBrand;
                bikeAdViewModel.YearID           = bike.YearID;
                bikeAdViewModel.Year             = bike.Year;
                bikeAdViewModel.DrivenKilometers = bike.DrivenKilometers;
                bikeAdViewModel.ColorID          = bike.ColorID;
                bikeAdViewModel.Color            = bike.Color;
                bikeAdViewModel.Insurance        = bike.Insurance;
                bikeAdViewModel.Condition        = bike.Ad.Condition;
                bikeAdViewModel.ConditionID      = bike.Ad.ConditionID;
                bikeAdViewModel.Description      = bike.Ad.Description;
                bikeAdViewModel.Currency         = bike.Ad.Currency;
                bikeAdViewModel.CurrencyID       = bike.Ad.CurrencyID;
                bikeAdViewModel.Price            = bike.Ad.Price;
                bikeAdViewModel.Country          = bike.Ad.Country;
                bikeAdViewModel.CountryID        = bike.Ad.CountryID;
                bikeAdViewModel.StateID          = bike.Ad.StateID;
                bikeAdViewModel.State            = bike.Ad.State;
                bikeAdViewModel.CityID           = bike.Ad.CityID;
                bikeAdViewModel.City             = bike.Ad.City;
                bikeAdViewModel.SellerID         = bike.Ad.SellerID;
                bikeAdViewModel.Seller           = bike.Ad.Seller;

                bikeAdViewModel.Images = bike.Ad.Images;

                bikeAdViewModel.Reviews = bike.Ad.Reviews;


            foreach (CellPhone cellPhone in CellPhonesList)
                CellPhoneAdViewModel cellPhoneAdViewModel = new CellPhoneAdViewModel();

                cellPhoneAdViewModel.ID               = cellPhone.ID;
                cellPhoneAdViewModel.Title            = cellPhone.Ad.Title;
                cellPhoneAdViewModel.AccessoryBrandID = cellPhone.AccessoryBrandID;
                cellPhoneAdViewModel.AccessoryBrand   = cellPhone.AccessoryBrand;
                cellPhoneAdViewModel.OperatingSystem  = cellPhone.OperatingSystem;
                cellPhoneAdViewModel.Condition        = cellPhone.Ad.Condition;
                cellPhoneAdViewModel.ConditionID      = cellPhone.Ad.ConditionID;
                cellPhoneAdViewModel.Description      = cellPhone.Ad.Description;
                cellPhoneAdViewModel.Currency         = cellPhone.Ad.Currency;
                cellPhoneAdViewModel.CurrencyID       = cellPhone.Ad.CurrencyID;
                cellPhoneAdViewModel.Price            = cellPhone.Ad.Price;
                cellPhoneAdViewModel.Country          = cellPhone.Ad.Country;
                cellPhoneAdViewModel.CountryID        = cellPhone.Ad.CountryID;
                cellPhoneAdViewModel.StateID          = cellPhone.Ad.StateID;
                cellPhoneAdViewModel.State            = cellPhone.Ad.State;
                cellPhoneAdViewModel.CityID           = cellPhone.Ad.CityID;
                cellPhoneAdViewModel.City             = cellPhone.Ad.City;
                cellPhoneAdViewModel.SellerID         = cellPhone.Ad.SellerID;
                cellPhoneAdViewModel.Seller           = cellPhone.Ad.Seller;

                cellPhoneAdViewModel.Images = cellPhone.Ad.Images;

                cellPhoneAdViewModel.Reviews = cellPhone.Ad.Reviews;


            foreach (Laptop laptop in LaptopsList)
                //New LaptopAdViewModel Object
                LaptopAdViewModel laptopAdViewModel = new LaptopAdViewModel();

                //populate this object from
                laptopAdViewModel.ID               = laptop.ID;
                laptopAdViewModel.Title            = laptop.Ad.Title;
                laptopAdViewModel.AccessoryBrandID = laptop.AccessoryBrandID;
                laptopAdViewModel.AccessoryBrand   = laptop.AccessoryBrand;
                laptopAdViewModel.OperatingSystem  = laptop.OperatingSystem;
                laptopAdViewModel.Ram              = laptop.Ram;
                laptopAdViewModel.Processor        = laptop.Processor;
                laptopAdViewModel.HardDisk         = laptop.HardDisk;
                laptopAdViewModel.Condition        = laptop.Ad.Condition;
                laptopAdViewModel.ConditionID      = laptop.Ad.ConditionID;
                laptopAdViewModel.Description      = laptop.Ad.Description;
                laptopAdViewModel.Currency         = laptop.Ad.Currency;
                laptopAdViewModel.CurrencyID       = laptop.Ad.CurrencyID;
                laptopAdViewModel.Price            = laptop.Ad.Price;
                laptopAdViewModel.Country          = laptop.Ad.Country;
                laptopAdViewModel.CountryID        = laptop.Ad.CountryID;
                laptopAdViewModel.StateID          = laptop.Ad.StateID;
                laptopAdViewModel.State            = laptop.Ad.State;
                laptopAdViewModel.CityID           = laptop.Ad.CityID;
                laptopAdViewModel.City             = laptop.Ad.City;
                laptopAdViewModel.SellerID         = laptop.Ad.SellerID;
                laptopAdViewModel.Seller           = laptop.Ad.Seller;

                laptopAdViewModel.Images = laptop.Ad.Images;

                laptopAdViewModel.Reviews = laptop.Ad.Reviews;


            homeViewModel.Bikes      = bikeAdViewModels;
            homeViewModel.CellPhones = cellPhoneAdViewModels;
            homeViewModel.Laptops    = laptopAdViewModels;

        public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "ID,Title,AccessoryBrandID,OperatingSystem,Ram,Processor,HardDisk,ConditionID,Description,CurrencyID,Price,CountryID,StateID,CityID")] LaptopAdViewModel laptopAdViewModel, HttpPostedFileBase ImageFile)
            //Now user has submitted the Edit page with his new details
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //since this laptop already exists we will get it by the ID from LaptopAdViewModel that we got in parameter
                Laptop laptop = Laptops.GetByID(laptopAdViewModel.ID);

                //now update this laptop fields from the Model
                laptop.AccessoryBrandID = laptopAdViewModel.AccessoryBrandID;
                laptop.AccessoryBrand   = laptopAdViewModel.AccessoryBrand; // <------------------------This might give error bcz the view may send a model that may not have this AccessoryBrand
                laptop.OperatingSystem  = laptopAdViewModel.OperatingSystem;
                laptop.Ram       = laptopAdViewModel.Ram;
                laptop.Processor = laptopAdViewModel.Processor;
                laptop.HardDisk  = laptopAdViewModel.HardDisk;

                //Update this laptop in Database

                //Now if the user updated any Ad fields
                //Get an Ad object from Databse since it already exists there.
                Ad ad = Ads.GetByID(laptop.AdID);

                //update this object from the Model we got
                ad.Title       = laptopAdViewModel.Title;
                ad.ConditionID = laptopAdViewModel.ConditionID;
                ad.Condition   = laptopAdViewModel.Condition;
                ad.Description = laptopAdViewModel.Description;
                ad.CurrencyID  = laptopAdViewModel.CurrencyID;
                ad.Currency    = laptopAdViewModel.Currency;
                ad.Price       = laptopAdViewModel.Price;
                ad.CountryID   = laptopAdViewModel.CountryID;
                ad.Country     = laptopAdViewModel.Country;
                ad.StateID     = laptopAdViewModel.StateID;
                ad.State       = laptopAdViewModel.State;
                ad.CityID      = laptopAdViewModel.CityID;
                ad.City        = laptopAdViewModel.City;
                ad.Slug        = laptopAdViewModel.Title.Replace(' ', '-');

                //Now update this object in database

                //Now if there is new updated image with form,
                if (ImageFile != null && ImageFile.ContentLength > 0)
                    //we have to do 2 things here
                    //1- Delete the previous image record from image table & images folder
                    //2- Save the new image & its record in images table

                    var uploadDir = "~/images";

                    //check if the ad have any images
                    if (ad.Images != null && ad.Images.Count > 0)
                        //get the first image from this ad
                        //i am not getting a list here bcz the delete method that i have do not get a list
                        //Yes I think i can loop through the list if i get & dlete one by one --- but choro yar. esy he theek hy.
                        Image oldimage = ad.Images.First();

                        //1- Delete the previous record

                        //Now delete the previous image from images directory
                        var OldImagePath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath(uploadDir), oldimage.Path);


                    //2 - Lets update the new image
                    var NewImageName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + System.IO.Path.GetExtension(ImageFile.FileName);
                    var ImagePath    = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath(uploadDir), NewImageName);

                    //Upload the image in our images diretory

                    //create new Image object
                    var image = new Image
                        Path = NewImageName, //I am saving NewImageName in path because we will use relative path in img tag like ~\images\Model.Images.First().Path etc
                        AdID = ad.ID

                    //add this image object in Database

                //get user back to the details page of this LaptopAds
                return(RedirectToAction("Details", "LaptopAds", new { id = laptop.ID }));

            //ViewBag.AccessoryBrandID = new SelectList(db.AccessoryBrands, "ID", "Name", laptopAdViewModel.AccessoryBrandID);
            //ViewBag.CityID = new SelectList(db.Cities, "ID", "Name", laptopAdViewModel.CityID);
            //ViewBag.ConditionID = new SelectList(db.Conditions, "ID", "ConditionType", laptopAdViewModel.ConditionID);
            //ViewBag.CountryID = new SelectList(db.Countries, "ID", "Name", laptopAdViewModel.CountryID);
            //ViewBag.CurrencyID = new SelectList(db.Currencies, "ID", "Name", laptopAdViewModel.CurrencyID);
            //ViewBag.StateID = new SelectList(db.States, "ID", "Name", laptopAdViewModel.StateID);

            //IRepositoryBase<AccessoryBrand> AccessoryBrands = new AccessoryBrandsRepository(myDataContext);
            //IRepositoryBase<Condition> Conditions = new ConditionsRepository(myDataContext);
            //IRepositoryBase<Country> Countries = new CountriesRepository(myDataContext);
            //IRepositoryBase<Currency> Currencies = new CurrenciesRepository(myDataContext);

            //ViewBag.AccessoryBrandID = new SelectList(AccessoryBrands.GetAll(), "ID", "Name", laptopAdViewModel.AccessoryBrandID);
            //ViewBag.ConditionID = new SelectList(Conditions.GetAll(), "ID", "ConditionType", laptopAdViewModel.ConditionID);
            //ViewBag.CountryID = new SelectList(Countries.GetAll(), "ID", "Name", laptopAdViewModel.CountryID);
            //ViewBag.CurrencyID = new SelectList(Currencies.GetAll(), "ID", "Name", laptopAdViewModel.CurrencyID);

        public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "ID,Title,AccessoryBrandID,OperatingSystem,Ram,Processor,HardDisk,ConditionID,Description,CurrencyID,Price,CountryID,StateID,CityID")] LaptopAdViewModel laptopAdViewModel, HttpPostedFileBase ImageFile)
            //User has submitted the Create Form with LaptopAdViewModel details & maybe ImageFile
            //We have to get the details from LaptopAdViewModel into Ad, Laptop & Image Models

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //New Ad Object to be populated & then Added into Repository
                Ad ad = new Ad();

                //populate this Ad Object
                ad.Title       = laptopAdViewModel.Title;
                ad.ConditionID = laptopAdViewModel.ConditionID;
                ad.Description = laptopAdViewModel.Description;
                ad.CurrencyID  = laptopAdViewModel.CurrencyID;
                ad.Price       = laptopAdViewModel.Price;
                ad.CountryID   = laptopAdViewModel.CountryID;
                ad.StateID     = laptopAdViewModel.StateID;
                ad.CityID      = laptopAdViewModel.CityID;

                //Get Current User Details to be send as Seller Details in Ad Object
                string CurrentUserName = User.Identity.GetUserName();
                ad.SellerID = Sellers.GetAll().Where(s => s.Username == CurrentUserName).FirstOrDefault().ID;

                ad.Slug        = laptopAdViewModel.Title.Replace(' ', '-');
                ad.PostingTime = DateTime.Now;

                //Now Add this ad object in our Ads Repository

                //Now Create the Laptop Object which we want to store in our database
                Laptop laptop = new Laptop();

                //populate this object too from LaptopAdViewModel
                laptop.AccessoryBrandID = laptopAdViewModel.AccessoryBrandID;
                laptop.OperatingSystem  = laptopAdViewModel.OperatingSystem;
                laptop.Ram       = laptopAdViewModel.Ram;
                laptop.Processor = laptopAdViewModel.Processor;
                laptop.HardDisk  = laptopAdViewModel.HardDisk;
                laptop.AdID      = ad.ID;

                //Add this new laptop details to Database

                //Now Check if user has submitted a legal Image file
                if (ImageFile != null && ImageFile.ContentLength > 0)
                    //We have to store this image in our Database as Image Path & then save it in our Images table with AdID

                    //Get Image Path
                    var uploadDir    = "~/images";
                    var NewImageName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + System.IO.Path.GetExtension(ImageFile.FileName);
                    var ImagePath    = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath(uploadDir), NewImageName);

                    //Save this image in our images folder

                    //Create Image object & add AdID from ad object
                    var image = new Image
                        Path = NewImageName, //I am saving NewImageName in path because we will use relative path in img tag like ~\images\Model.Images.First().Path etc
                        AdID = ad.ID

                    //Insert this Image object in Database

                //If Ad is added to Database we goto LaptopAds/Index page to view all ads.
                //we can change it to show us the page of our add too - Recomended
                return(RedirectToAction("Details", "LaptopAds", new { id = laptop.ID }));

            //if ModelState is not in good & Valid we come here

            //Populate Lists in ViewModel to be shown on View
            laptopAdViewModel.AccessoryBrandsList = AccessoryBrands.GetAll();
            laptopAdViewModel.ConditionsList      = Conditions.GetAll();
            laptopAdViewModel.CurrenciesList      = Currencies.GetAll();
            laptopAdViewModel.CountriesList       = Countries.GetAll();
            laptopAdViewModel.StatesList          = States.GetAll().Where(c => c.CountryID == laptopAdViewModel.CountryID);
            laptopAdViewModel.CitiesList          = Cities.GetAll().Where(c => c.StateID == laptopAdViewModel.StateID);

            //return the same LaptopAdViewModel back