Exemplo n.º 1
    LabyrinthRoom BuildRoom(Vector3 location, float diameter)
        LabyrinthRoom newRoom = new LabyrinthRoom(location, diameter);

        GameObject newRoomBoundry = Instantiate(roomBoundryPrefab, location, Quaternion.identity);

        newRoomBoundry.transform.localScale = new Vector3(diameter, diameter, 1f);
        newRoomBoundry.transform.parent     = this.transform;
Exemplo n.º 2
    //Build a labyrinth room by room. Pick a random room, and explore a random direction from that room.
    //Once every direction has been explored from a room (and either been extended, or discarded), remove
    //that room from the pool of unfinished rooms.
    void BuildLabyrinth()
        //Build a starting room
        BuildRoom(new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f), roomDiameter * 2 + Random.Range(0f, diamaterVariation));

        //While there are unfinished rooms
        while (unfinishedRoomList.Count != 0 && finishedRoomList.Count < 200)
            int           nextRoomIndex = Random.Range(0, unfinishedRoomList.Count);
            LabyrinthRoom testingRoom   = unfinishedRoomList [nextRoomIndex];
            //	print ("Testing room number " + nextRoomIndex.ToString());
            //If this room has remaining directions, pick a random direction to try and extend
            if (testingRoom.HasUnexploredDirection())
                MovementDirection exploringDirection = testingRoom.PopRandomUnexploredDirection();
                //		print ("Testing direction " + exploringDirection.ToString ());
                Vector3 exploringVector = testingRoom.DirectionToVector(exploringDirection);

                float proposedDiameter = roomDiameter + Random.Range(0f, diamaterVariation);

                //Ensure that the separation radius is always sufficient to prevent the new room overlapping the current room.
                float randomRoomSeparation = (roomSeparation + Random.Range(0f, separationVariation));
                if (randomRoomSeparation < (proposedDiameter / 2f + testingRoom.GetRadius()))
                    randomRoomSeparation = (proposedDiameter / 2f + testingRoom.GetRadius() + 2f);

                Vector3 proposedLocation = testingRoom.GetPosition() + exploringVector * randomRoomSeparation;

                if (TestProposedLocation(proposedLocation, proposedDiameter))
                    LabyrinthRoom newRoom = BuildRoom(proposedLocation, proposedDiameter);
                    BuildCorridor(newRoom.GetIncomingConnectionPoint(exploringDirection), testingRoom.GetOutgoingConnectionPoint(exploringDirection));
            else                 //Otherwise, add to finished room list, and remove from unfinished room list.
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Absorbs the cells of another room.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="otherRoom">Other room</param>
 public void AbsorbRoom(LabyrinthRoom otherRoom)
     for (int i = 0; i < otherRoom.cells.Count; i++)
Exemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes the cell with a specific room.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="r">Room</param>
 public void InitializeCell(LabyrinthRoom r)