Exemplo n.º 1
    public void showDetailInfo(string orderId)
        var    orderBLL = new LVWEIBA.BLL.order_list();
        var    order    = orderBLL.GetModel(orderId);
        string sql      = "";

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderId))
            sql += " and order_id='" + orderId + "'";
        var       bll  = new LVWEIBA.DAL.order_Mx();
        DataTable list = bll.GetDataMixedWithSpot(" 1=1 " + sql).Tables[0];

        foreach (DataRow dr in list.Rows)
            orderStateDB = order.order_zt;
            orderState   = DealState(order.order_zt);
            if (dr["productNum"] != null)
                goodId = dr["productNum"].ToString();
            if (dr["BeginTime"] != null)
                startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["BeginTime"]).ToString("yyyy年MM月dd号");
                endDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["EndTime"]).ToString("yyyy年MM月dd号");

            if (orderStateDB != "DZF")
                if (dr["Master"] != null)
                    ticketMaster = dr["Master"].ToString() + " " + dr["MasterTel"].ToString();
            ticketCount   = dr["ProCount"].ToString();
            marketPrice   = dr["market_price"].ToString();
            transferPrice = dr["Transaction_price"].ToString();
Exemplo n.º 2
    public void showDetailInfo(string orderId)
        var    orderBLL = new LVWEIBA.BLL.order_list();
        var    order    = orderBLL.GetModel(orderId);
        string sql      = "";

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderId))
            sql += " and order_id='" + orderId + "'";
        var       bll  = new LVWEIBA.DAL.order_Mx();
        DataTable list = bll.GetList(" 1=1 " + sql).Tables[0];

        foreach (DataRow dr in list.Rows)
            orderStateDB = order.order_zt;
            orderState   = DealState(order.order_zt);
            if (dr["productNum"] != null)
                goodId = dr["productNum"].ToString();
            if (dr["Sdate"] != null)
                startDate = dr["Sdate"].ToString();

            if (orderStateDB != "DZF")
                if (dr["Provider"] != null)
                    provider = dr["Provider"].ToString();
                if (dr["LineMaster"] != null)
                    lineMaster = dr["LineMaster"].ToString() + " " + dr["LineMasterMoble"].ToString();
                if (dr["Leader"] != null)
                    leader = dr["Leader"].ToString() + " " + dr["LeaderMobil"].ToString();
                if (dr["JIheTime"] != null)
                    jeHeTime = dr["JIheTime"].ToString();
                if (dr["JiHePlace"] != null)
                    jeHePlace = dr["JiHePlace"].ToString();
            member        = dr["adultCount"].ToString() + "成人" + dr["puppyCount"] + "儿童";
            marketPrice   = dr["market_price"].ToString();
            transferPrice = dr["Transaction_price"].ToString();
Exemplo n.º 3
    protected void btn_submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        decimal order_Price = int.Parse(hid_price_yh.Value);
        string  order_id    = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "0000" + "MP" + BaseClass.Common.Common.getSuijiString(2);

        LVWEIBA.Model.order_Mx modelMx = null;

        LVWEIBA.BLL.order_Mx bllMx = new LVWEIBA.BLL.order_Mx();
        modelMx                   = new LVWEIBA.Model.order_Mx();
        modelMx.order_id          = order_id;
        modelMx.productNum        = hid_ticket_id.Value;
        modelMx.market_price      = int.Parse(hid_price_sc.Value); //市场价
        modelMx.Transaction_price = int.Parse(hid_price_yh.Value); //优惠价
        modelMx.Transfer_price    = int.Parse(hid_price_jj.Value); //交接价
        modelMx.ProCount          = int.Parse(this.hid_count.Value);
        modelMx.ProType = "DZP";
        modelMx.adultCount = 0;
        modelMx.puppyCount = 0;


        LVWEIBA.Model.order_list model = new LVWEIBA.Model.order_list();
        model.order_id    = order_id;
        model.user_id     = member;
        model.order_sj    = DateTime.Now;
        model.order_zt    = "DZF";//待支付
        model.order_Price = order_Price;
        model.bz          = HiddenFieldBZ.Value;

        LVWEIBA.BLL.order_list bll = new LVWEIBA.BLL.order_list();
        if (bll.Add(model))
        {        //给订单添加旅客信息
            System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection nc = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection(Request.Form);
            string[] arrhotel = nc.GetValues("hotel");
            LVWEIBA.BLL.MemberHotelMx bllhotel = new LVWEIBA.BLL.MemberHotelMx();
            if (arrhotel != null && arrhotel.Length > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < arrhotel.Length; i++)
                    if (arrhotel[i] == "")
                    MemberHotelMx m = new MemberHotelMx();
                    m.Member  = member;
                    m.OrderID = order_id;
                    m.Hotel   = int.Parse(arrhotel[i]);
                    m.Sj      = DateTime.Now;
                Jscript.NorefLocation(this.Page, "请选择联系用户!", "showTicket.aspx");
            Response.Redirect("indent_pay.aspx?ddbm=" + order_id + "&lineid=" + ViewState["ticketId"] + "&type='mp'");