Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Does a pivot step by the specified variables on the given LP model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The LP mondel on which the pivot step will be done.</param>
        /// <param name="stepInVariable">This non-basis variable will step in the base.</param>
        /// <param name="stepOutVariable">This basis variable will step out from the base.</param>
        /// <param name="withoutObjectiveFunction">Optional - wheter the new basis varibale should be exchanged with its equivalent (right side of its constraint) in the objective function or not.</param>
        /// <returns>The model after the pivot step.</returns>
        private static LPModel MakePivotStep(this LPModel model, Variable stepInVariable, Variable stepOutVariable, bool withoutObjectiveFunction = false)
            var constraintWithStepOutBasisVariable = model.Constraints.Where(constraint => constraint.LeftSide.Single().Variable?.Equals(stepOutVariable) ?? false).Single();
            var stepInVariableTerm = constraintWithStepOutBasisVariable.RightSide.Where(term => term.Variable?.Equals(stepInVariable) ?? false).Single();

            constraintWithStepOutBasisVariable.Add(new Term[] {
                new Term {
                    SignedCoefficient = -1, Variable = stepOutVariable
                new Term {
                    SignedCoefficient = stepInVariableTerm.SignedCoefficient * -1, Variable = stepInVariable
            // TODO: le kell cserélni a reciprokkal történő szorzást osztásra
            constraintWithStepOutBasisVariable.Multiply(new Rational(stepInVariableTerm.SignedCoefficient.Denominator, stepInVariableTerm.SignedCoefficient.Numerator) * -1);

            model.Constraints.Where(constraint => constraint != constraintWithStepOutBasisVariable)
            .ForAll(constraint => constraint.ReplaceVarWithExpression(stepInVariable, constraintWithStepOutBasisVariable.RightSide));

            if (!withoutObjectiveFunction)
                // TODO: the right side will be copied in the replace function
                model.Objective.Function.ReplaceVarWithExpression(stepInVariable, constraintWithStepOutBasisVariable.RightSide);

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// This function transforms the LP model from dictionary from back to standard form.
        /// This opertion is needed e.g. when one or more of the basis variables has/have a negative value thus the first phase must be executed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The LP model which will be transformed back to standard form.</param>
        /// <returns>The LP model in standard form.</returns>
        private static LPModel BackToStandardFromDictionary(this LPModel model)
            for (int i = 0; i < model.Constraints.Count; ++i)
                var constraint = model.Constraints[i];

                var slackVariable = constraint.LeftSide.Single().Variable.Value;
                // the right side without the constant
                var originalLeftSide = constraint.RightSide.Where(term => term.Variable.HasValue).Multiply(-1).ToList();
                // the only constant term
                var originalRightSide = constraint.RightSide.Where(term => term.Constant).ToList();
                // left side <= right side
                var originalSideConnection = SideConnection.LessThanOrEqual;

                model.Constraints[i] = new Equation
                    LeftSide       = originalLeftSide,
                    RightSide      = originalRightSide,
                    SideConnection = originalSideConnection

                model.InterpretationRanges.Remove(model.InterpretationRanges.Where(range => range.LeftSide.Any(term => term.Variable?.Equals(slackVariable) ?? false)).Single());
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// If there was a first phase and the optimum of the objective function was 0 the model should be transformed to such a dictionary form on which the second phase can be executed.
        /// This function does the necessary changes on the model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The LP model wanted to be transformed to be eligible to the execution of the second phase.</param>
        /// <returns>The transformed LP model.</returns>
        private static LPModel ToSecondPhaseDictionaryForm(this LPModel model)
            #region Throw out the 'var0 = 0' shaped constraint if any
            var constraintToRemove = model.Constraints.Where(constraint => constraint.LeftSide.Count == 1 && constraint.LeftSide.Any(term => term.Variable.Value.Index == 0) &&
                                                             (constraint.RightSide.Count == 1 || constraint.RightSide.Any(term => term.Constant && term.SignedCoefficient == 0)) || constraint.RightSide.Count == 0)
            if (constraintToRemove != null)

            #region If var0 is a basis variable it will be exchanged with a non-basis variable by a pivot step
            var constraintWithVar0Basis = model.Constraints.Where(constraint => constraint.LeftSide.Count == 1 && constraint.LeftSide.Any(term => term.Variable.Value.Index == 0))

            var var0 = new Variable {
                Name = model.AllVariables.First().Name, Index = 0
            if (constraintWithVar0Basis != null)
                // choosing the variable has a negative coefficient and the smallest index
                var newBasisVariable = constraintWithVar0Basis.RightSide
                                       .Where(term => term.Variable.Value.Index == constraintWithVar0Basis.RightSide
                                              .Where(t => t.Variable.HasValue /*&& t.SignedCoefficient < 0*/)
                                              .Min(t => t.Variable.Value.Index))

                model.MakePivotStep(newBasisVariable, var0, withoutObjectiveFunction: true);

            #region Throw out the rest of the var0 occurences
            model.Constraints.ForAll(constraint =>
                var foundVar0 = constraint.RightSide.Where(term => term.Variable?.Equals(new Variable {
                    Name = model.AllVariables.First().Name, Index = 0
                }) ?? false).SingleOrDefault();
                if (foundVar0 != null)
            model.InterpretationRanges.Remove(model.InterpretationRanges.Single(range => range.LeftSide.Single().Variable?.Equals(var0) ?? false));

            #region Set back the original objective function exhanging the basis variables with their equivaltent expressions from the dictionary (right sides)
            model.Objective = model.TmpObjective;
            model.Constraints.ForAll(constraint =>
                var basisVariable = constraint.LeftSide.Single(term => term.Variable.HasValue).Variable.Value;
                model.Objective.Function.ReplaceVarWithExpression(basisVariable, constraint.RightSide);

Exemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Changes the LP models aim to the specified <see cref="OptimizationAim"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="model">The LP model whose optimization aim will be changed.</param>
 /// <returns>The LP model having the selected optimization aim.</returns>
 internal static LPModel ChangeOptimizationAimTo(this LPModel model, OptimizationAim aim)
     if (model.Objective.Aim != aim)
         model.Objective.Aim = aim;
         // multiplying both sides of the function adds a minus sign (-) prefix to to funtion name - we don't want to leave this
         model.Objective.Function.LeftSide.Single().SignedCoefficient *= -1;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void FillWebPage(int ID)
            //selected Laptop from DB
            LPModel    productModel = new LPModel();
            tblProduct product      = productModel.GetProduct(ID);

            //Fill in the Textbox
            txtDes.Text = product.LP_desc;
            txtNm.Text  = product.LP_name;
            txtPrc.Text = product.LP_price.ToString();

            //Set the values of drop down list
            ddlImg.SelectedValue = product.LP_image;
            ddlTyp.SelectedValue = product.Type_ID.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the simplex algoritm on the given LP model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The LP model on which the simplex algoritm will be executed.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="SimplexAlgorithmExectionException"></exception>
        public static LPModel RunSimplex(this LPModel model)
            while (!model.AllObjectiveFunctionVariableHasNegativeCoefficient())
                #region Choosing new basis variable by Bland - let1s name its index as k
                var kIndex         = model.Objective.Function.RightSide.Where(term => term.Variable.HasValue && term.SignedCoefficient > 0).Min(term => term.Variable.Value.Index);
                var stepInVariable = model.Objective.Function.RightSide.Where(term => term.Variable.HasValue && term.Variable.Value.Index == kIndex).Single().Variable.Value;

                #region All k-indexed variable has positive coefficient in the constraints? YES - stop, no limit, NO - continue
                Func <Term, bool>  hasKIndex = term => term.Variable?.Equals(stepInVariable) ?? false;
                IEnumerable <Term> termsWithKIndexedVariables = model.Constraints.Where(constraint => constraint.RightSide.Any(term => hasKIndex(term)))
                                                                .Select(constraint => constraint.RightSide.Where(term => hasKIndex(term)).Single());

                bool allKIndexedHasPositiveIndex = termsWithKIndexedVariables.All(term => term.SignedCoefficient > 0);
                if (allKIndexedHasPositiveIndex)
                    throw new SimplexAlgorithmExectionException(SimplexAlgorithmExectionErrorType.NotLimited);

                #region Determining the variable which will leave the base by finding the smallest quotient
                Equation selectedConstraint = null;
                Rational?smallestQuotient   = null;
                model.Constraints.Where(constraint => constraint.RightSide.Any(term => hasKIndex(term) && term.SignedCoefficient < 0))
                .ForAll(constraint =>
                    // This value must be non-negative - if not the dictionary were not valid
                    var constraintsConstantValue     = constraint.RightSide.Where(term => term.Constant).SingleOrDefault()?.SignedCoefficient ?? 0;
                    var kIndexedVariablesCoefficient = constraint.RightSide.Where(term => hasKIndex(term)).Single().SignedCoefficient;
                    // If this is the fist ratio, we will store it automatically (smallestQuotient doesn't have a value yet
                    var smallestQuotientFound = !smallestQuotient.HasValue || ((constraintsConstantValue / kIndexedVariablesCoefficient.Abs()) < smallestQuotient);
                    if (smallestQuotientFound)
                        selectedConstraint = constraint;
                        smallestQuotient   = constraintsConstantValue / kIndexedVariablesCoefficient.Abs();
                var stepOutVariable = selectedConstraint.LeftSide.Single().Variable.Value;

                #region Making a pivot step
                model.MakePivotStep(stepInVariable, stepOutVariable);

Exemplo n.º 7
        private void fillpage()
            LPModel           m = new LPModel();
            List <tblProduct> p = m.GetAllProducts();

            if (p != null)
                foreach (tblProduct product in p)
                    Panel       productPanel = new Panel();
                    ImageButton imageButton  = new ImageButton
                        ImageUrl    = "~/Images/" + product.LP_image,
                        CssClass    = "LaptopImage",
                        PostBackUrl = string.Format("~/Laptop.aspx?ID={0}", product.ID)
                    Label lblName = new Label
                        Text     = product.LP_name,
                        CssClass = "LaptopName"
                    Label lblPrice = new Label
                        Text     = "$ " + product.LP_price,
                        CssClass = "LaptopPrice"

                    productPanel.Controls.Add(new Literal {
                        Text = "<hr/>"
                    productPanel.Controls.Add(new Literal {
                        Text = "<hr/>"

                    //Add dynamic controls to static control
                pnlLaptop.Controls.Add(new Literal {
                    Text = "No Laptop found!"
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            LPModel    product = new LPModel();
            tblProduct p       = CreateLaptop();

            //Check url if its contains an ID parameter
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request.QueryString["ID"]))
                //if ID exists can edit and Update row
                int ID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ID"]);
                lblDesc.Text = product.UpdateLaptop(ID, p);
                //if ID not exist then Create a new row
                lblDesc.Text = product.InsertLaptop(p);
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// This function transfers the LP model to dictionary form - the left sides of the constraints will contain the basic variables, the right side the "rest" of the constraint.
        /// The constants on the right side are the values of the basic variables. The constant in the objective function is the value wanted to be maximized.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The LP model wanted to be transformed to dictionary form.</param>
        /// <returns>The LP model itself in dictionary format.</returns>
        public static LPModel AsDictionary(this LPModel model)
            model.Constraints.ForAll(constraint =>
                var newSlackVariable = new Variable {
                    Name = model.AllVariables.First().Name, Index = model.AllVariables.Max(var => var.Index) + 1
                // this line transfers the terms of the left side to the right side
                constraint.AddToLeft(new Term[] { new Term {
                                                      SignedCoefficient = 1, Variable = newSlackVariable
                                                  } });
                constraint.SideConnection = SideConnection.Equal;


Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// This function runs the two-phase simplex algoritm on the given LP model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The LP model on which the algorithm will be executed.</param>
        /// <returns>The LP model in dictionary form with an optimal solution if any.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="SimplexAlgorithmExectionException">When the algorithm cannot return an optimal solution.</exception>
        public static LPModel TwoPhaseSimplex(this LPModel model)

            if (model.FirstPhaseNeeded())

                if (model.Objective.FunctionValue != 0)
                    throw new SimplexAlgorithmExectionException(SimplexAlgorithmExectionErrorType.NoSolution);


Exemplo n.º 11
        private void fPage()
            //select laptop data
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request.QueryString["ID"]))
                int        ID      = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ID"]);
                LPModel    model   = new LPModel();
                tblProduct product = model.GetProduct(ID);

                //Fill page with data
                lblTitle.Text      = product.LP_name;
                lblDesc.Text       = product.LP_desc;
                lblPrice.Text      = "Price per Item: $ " + product.LP_price;
                imgLaptop.ImageUrl = "~/Images/" + product.LP_image;
                lblProNo.Text      = product.ID.ToString();

                //Fill quantity with numbers 1-20
                int[] amount = Enumerable.Range(1, 20).ToArray();
                ddlQuantity.DataSource           = amount;
                ddlQuantity.AppendDataBoundItems = true;
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the dual simplex algoritm on the given LP model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lpModel">The LP model on wich the dual simplex method will be executed.</param>
        /// <returns>The LP model</returns>
        public static LPModel DualSimplex(this LPModel model)
            while (!model.AllBasisVariableHaveNonNegativeValuesInTheDictionary())
                #region Choosing variable will step out from the base - choosing the dictionary row having the most negative index - we will choose the lowest index anyway
                var stepOutVariable = model.Constraints.Where(dictionaryRow => (dictionaryRow.RightSide.SingleOrDefault(term => term.Constant)?.SignedCoefficient ?? 0) < 0)
                                      .Select(dictionaryRow => new { Variable = dictionaryRow.LeftSide.Single().Variable.Value, Value = dictionaryRow.RightSide.Single(term => term.Constant).SignedCoefficient })
                                      .OrderBy(variableValuePair => variableValuePair.Value)
                                      .ThenBy(variableValuePair => variableValuePair.Variable.Index)

                var rowWithStepOutVariable = model.Constraints.Single(row => row.LeftSide.Single().Variable.Value.Equals(stepOutVariable));
                if (rowWithStepOutVariable.RightSide.Where(term => !term.Constant).All(term => term.SignedCoefficient < 0))
                    throw new SimplexAlgorithmExectionException(SimplexAlgorithmExectionErrorType.NoSolution);

                #region Choosing the variable will step in the basis - by finding the smallest quotient
                var termsWithPositiveCoefficient = rowWithStepOutVariable.RightSide.Where(term => term.SignedCoefficient > 0 && !term.Constant);
                var varsWithQuotient             = new Dictionary <Variable, Rational>();

                termsWithPositiveCoefficient.ForAll(term =>
                    var functionTermsCoefficient = model.Objective.Function.RightSide.SingleOrDefault(functionTerm => !functionTerm.Constant && functionTerm.Variable.Value.Equals(term.Variable.Value))?.SignedCoefficient ?? 0;
                    varsWithQuotient.Add(term.Variable.Value, functionTermsCoefficient / term.SignedCoefficient);
                var stepInVariable = varsWithQuotient.OrderBy(kv => kv.Value).ThenBy(kv => kv.Key.Index).First().Key;

                #region Making a pivot step
                model.MakePivotStep(stepInVariable, stepOutVariable);

Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Searhes for variables having non-zero limit or having no limit at all.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The LP model in which the search is executed.</param>
        /// <returns>A dictionary contains the variables as key and their interpretation range as value.</returns>
        private static Dictionary <Variable, Equation> FindVariablesWithNoLimitOrNonZeroLimit(this LPModel model)
            var result = new Dictionary <Variable, Equation>();

            foreach (var variable in model.DecisionVariables)
                // the variable has no limit - cannot be found
                var withNoLimit = !model.InterpretationRanges.Any(
                    range => range.LeftSide.Any(term => term.Variable?.Equals(variable) ?? false)
                if (withNoLimit)
                    result.Add(variable, null);
                    // variable with non-zero lower limit?
                    var nonZeroInterpretationRangeOfVariable = model.InterpretationRanges
                                                               .Where(range => (range.LeftSide.Single().Variable.Value.Equals(variable)) &&                  // the variable can be found
                                                                      (range.RightSide.Single().Constant&& range.RightSide.Single().SignedCoefficient != 0)) // the limit is a non-zero constant
                    if (nonZeroInterpretationRangeOfVariable != null)
                        result.Add(variable, nonZeroInterpretationRangeOfVariable);
                    // else the variable has a zero lower limit - won't add to the collection

        public async Task <IActionResult> Solve([FromBody] LPModelDto lpModelDto, bool integerProgramming = false)
            bool               wrongFormat = false;
            string             message     = null;
            SimplexSolutionDto solution    = null;
            LPModel            lpModel     = null;

            catch (ArgumentException e)
                wrongFormat = true;
                message     = string.Format(Messages.WRONG_FORMAT_CHECK_ARG, e.ParamName);

            if (wrongFormat)
                return(BadRequest(new { success = false, message = message }));

            if (integerProgramming)
                    lpModel  = Gomory.RunGomory(lpModelDto);
                    solution = lpModel.GetSolutionFromDictionary(lpModelDto.MapTo(new LPModel()).Objective.Function);
                catch (SimplexAlgorithmExectionException e)
                    message = e.ExecutionError == SimplexAlgorithmExectionErrorType.NoSolution ?
                              Messages.SIMPLEX_INT_RESULT_NO_SOLUTION :
                lpModel = lpModelDto.MapTo(new LPModel());

                    solution = lpModel.GetSolutionFromDictionary(lpModelDto.MapTo(new LPModel()).Objective.Function);
                catch (SimplexAlgorithmExectionException e)
                    message = e.ExecutionError == SimplexAlgorithmExectionErrorType.NoSolution ?
                              Messages.SIMPLEX_RESULT_NO_SOLUTION :
                catch (Exception)
                    message = Messages.GENERAL_ERROR;

            if (message == Messages.GENERAL_ERROR)
                return(StatusCode(500, new { success = false, message = message }));

            var lpTask = new LpTask
                LPModelAsJson  = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(lpModelDto),
                SolutionAsJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new LPTaskResultDto {
                    SolutionFound = solution != null, Message = message, Solution = solution
                SolvedAt           = DateTimeOffset.Now,
                IntegerProgramming = integerProgramming

            await _lpTaskOperations.Add(lpTask);

            return(Json(new { success = true, taskId = lpTask.Id }));
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void LPModel_ToString()
            var constraint1 = new Equation
                LeftSide = new List <Term>()
                    new Term()
                        SignedCoefficient = 3, Variable = new Variable()
                            Name = "x", Index = 1
                    new Term()
                        SignedCoefficient = 1, Variable = new Variable()
                            Name = "x", Index = 2
                SideConnection = SideConnection.LessThanOrEqual,
                RightSide      = new List <Term>()
                    new Term {
                        SignedCoefficient = 80

            var constraint2 = new Equation
                LeftSide = new List <Term>()
                    new Term()
                        SignedCoefficient = 3, Variable = new Variable()
                            Name = "x", Index = 1
                    new Term()
                        SignedCoefficient = -1, Variable = new Variable()
                            Name = "x", Index = 2
                SideConnection = SideConnection.GreaterThanOrEqual,
                RightSide      = new List <Term>()

            var x1Ipr = new Equation
                LeftSide = new List <Term>()
                    new Term()
                        SignedCoefficient = 1, Variable = new Variable()
                            Name = "x", Index = 1
                SideConnection = SideConnection.GreaterThanOrEqual,
                RightSide      = new List <Term>()

            var x2Ipr = new Equation
                LeftSide = new List <Term>()
                    new Term()
                        SignedCoefficient = 1, Variable = new Variable()
                            Name = "x", Index = 2
                SideConnection = SideConnection.GreaterThanOrEqual,
                RightSide      = new List <Term>()

            var objective = new Objective(

                new Equation
                LeftSide = new List <Term>()
                    new Term()
                        SignedCoefficient = 1, Variable = new Variable()
                            Name = "z", Index = 0
                SideConnection = SideConnection.Equal,
                RightSide      = new List <Term>()
                    new Term()
                        SignedCoefficient = 3, Variable = new Variable()
                            Name = "x", Index = 1
                    new Term()
                        SignedCoefficient = 4, Variable = new Variable()
                            Name = "x", Index = 2

            var lpModel = new LPModel
                DecisionVariables = new Variable[] { new Variable()
                                                         Name = "x", Index = 1
                                                     }, new Variable()
                                                         Name = "x", Index = 2
                                                     } },
                AllVariables = new Variable[] { new Variable()
                                                    Name = "x", Index = 1
                                                }, new Variable()
                                                    Name = "x", Index = 2
                                                } },
                Constraints          = new Equation[] { constraint1, constraint2 },
                InterpretationRanges = new Equation[] { x1Ipr, x2Ipr },
                Objective            = objective

                "+3x1 +1x2 <= +80\r\n+3x1 -1x2 >= 0\r\n----\r\n+1z0 = +3x1 +4x2\r\n----\r\nInterpretation ranges: +1x1 >= 0, +1x2 >= 0\r\nDecision variables: x1, x2\r\n----\r\n",
Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the solution from the dictionary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The LP model.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="SimplexSolutionDto"></see> containing the solution. </returns>
        public static SimplexSolutionDto GetSolutionFromDictionary(this LPModel model, Equation objectiveFunction)
            var decisionVariableValues = new List <VariableValuePairDto>();

            model.DecisionVariables.ForAll(decisionVariable =>
                Func <Equation, Variable, bool> leftSideVariable = (equation, variable) => equation.LeftSide.Single().Variable?.Equals(variable) ?? false;
                bool isBasisVariable = model.Constraints.Any(constraint => leftSideVariable(constraint, decisionVariable));

                // value of a basis variable: the constant of its equation/constraint
                if (isBasisVariable)
                    var value = model.Constraints.Single(constraint => leftSideVariable(constraint, decisionVariable)).RightSide.SingleOrDefault(term => term.Constant)?.SignedCoefficient ?? 0;
                    decisionVariableValues.Add(new VariableValuePairDto
                        Variable = new VariableDto {
                            Index = decisionVariable.Index, Name = decisionVariable.Name
                        Value = new RationalDto {
                            Numerator = value.Numerator, Denominator = value.Denominator
                    bool isExpressedByOtherVariables = model.StandardFormAliases?.Any(aliasExpr => leftSideVariable(aliasExpr, decisionVariable)) ?? false;
                    // does not appear in the dictionary - was exchanged with an expression with new variables when the model was transformed into standard form in the beginning
                    if (isExpressedByOtherVariables)
                        var variableAlias               = model.StandardFormAliases.Single(aliasExpr => leftSideVariable(aliasExpr, decisionVariable));
                        var dependentVariables          = variableAlias.RightSide.Where(term => term.Variable.HasValue).Select(term => term.Variable.Value);
                        var dependentVariablesAndValues = new Dictionary <Variable, Rational>();

                        dependentVariables.ForAll(dependentVariable =>
                            bool isDependentVariableInBasis = model.Constraints.Any(constraint => leftSideVariable(constraint, dependentVariable));
                            if (isDependentVariableInBasis)
                                var dependentVarValue = model.Constraints.Single(constraint => leftSideVariable(constraint, dependentVariable)).RightSide.Single(term => !term.Variable.HasValue).SignedCoefficient;
                                dependentVariablesAndValues.Add(dependentVariable, dependentVarValue);
                                dependentVariablesAndValues.Add(dependentVariable, Rational.Zero);

                        // replace the variables in the alias expression with their value so we can get a numeric value for the original decision variable
                        Rational valueOfVariableAlias = Rational.Zero;
                        variableAlias.RightSide.ForAll(term =>
                            var termValue = term.Variable.HasValue ?
                                            term.SignedCoefficient * dependentVariablesAndValues.Single(kv => kv.Key.Equals(term.Variable.Value)).Value :
                            valueOfVariableAlias += termValue;

                        decisionVariableValues.Add(new VariableValuePairDto
                            Variable = new VariableDto {
                                Index = decisionVariable.Index, Name = decisionVariable.Name
                            Value = new RationalDto {
                                Numerator = valueOfVariableAlias.Numerator, Denominator = valueOfVariableAlias.Denominator
                    // non-basis variable
                        decisionVariableValues.Add(new VariableValuePairDto
                            Variable = new VariableDto {
                                Index = decisionVariable.Index, Name = decisionVariable.Name
                            Value = new RationalDto {
                                Numerator = Rational.Zero.Numerator, Denominator = Rational.Zero.Denominator

            Rational objFuncVal = 0;

            objectiveFunction.RightSide.Where(term => !term.Constant).ForAll(term =>
                var valueFromSolution = decisionVariableValues.Single(dvv => dvv.Variable.Index == term.Variable.Value.Index).Value;
                objFuncVal           += term.SignedCoefficient * new Rational(valueFromSolution.Numerator, valueFromSolution.Denominator);

            return(new SimplexSolutionDto(new RationalDto {
                Numerator = objFuncVal.Numerator, Denominator = objFuncVal.Denominator
            }, decisionVariableValues));
Exemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Decides if there is at least one row in the dictionary whose constant is negative or not.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="model"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static bool AllBasisVariableHaveNonNegativeValuesInTheDictionary(this LPModel model) => !model.Constraints.Where(dictionaryRow => (dictionaryRow.RightSide.SingleOrDefault(term => term.Constant)?.SignedCoefficient ?? 0) < 0).Any();
Exemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks wheter only negative coefficients can be found in the objective function or not. If so the execution of the simplex algoritm can be finished.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="model">The LP model on which the check will be perfomed.</param>
 /// <returns>Wheter the execution of the simplex algoritm can be finished or not.</returns>
 private static bool AllObjectiveFunctionVariableHasNegativeCoefficient(this LPModel model) => model.Objective.Function.RightSide.Where(term => term.Variable.HasValue).All(term => term.SignedCoefficient < 0);
Exemplo n.º 19
 private static bool IsDecisionVariable(Variable var, LPModel model) => model.DecisionVariables.Contains(var);
Exemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Decides wheter a first phase is needed or not on the current dictionary form LP model.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="model">The LP model in dictionary form.</param>
 /// <returns>Wheter a first phase is needed or not.</returns>
 private static bool FirstPhaseNeeded(this LPModel model) => model.Constraints.Any(constraint => constraint.RightSide.Any(term => term.Constant && term.SignedCoefficient < 0));
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Turns the LP model into standard form, so the model contains only inequations with <= direction, uses variables having zero lower bound and the aim is maximizing the objective functions value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The LP model wanted to be transformed to standard form.</param>
        /// <returns>The LP model itself in standard form.</returns>
        public static LPModel AsStandard(this LPModel model)
            #region transforming equations to inequations
            var eqConstraints = model.Constraints.Where(constraint => constraint.SideConnection == SideConnection.Equal).Copy();
            foreach (var constraint in eqConstraints)
                    new Equation
                    LeftSide       = constraint.LeftSide.ToList().Copy() as IList <Term>,
                    SideConnection = SideConnection.LessThanOrEqual,
                    RightSide      = constraint.RightSide.ToList().Copy() as IList <Term>
                    new Equation
                    LeftSide       = constraint.LeftSide.ToList().Copy() as IList <Term>,
                    SideConnection = SideConnection.GreaterThanOrEqual,
                    RightSide      = constraint.RightSide.ToList().Copy() as IList <Term>
            ((List <Equation>)model.Constraints).RemoveAll(constraint => constraint.SideConnection == SideConnection.Equal);

            #region changing limitless variables or variables with non-zero lower bound to new ones having zero lower bound
            var varsWithNonZeroOrWithoutLimit = model.FindVariablesWithNoLimitOrNonZeroLimit();
            foreach (var variableAndRange in varsWithNonZeroOrWithoutLimit)
                if (variableAndRange.Value != null)
                    var newVariable = new Variable {
                        Name = variableAndRange.Value.LeftSide.Single().Variable.Value.Name, Index = model.AllVariables.Max(var => var.Index) + 1
                    var alias = new Equation
                        // e.g. x1 = x2 + 3 (<var> = <var> <const>)
                        LeftSide = new Term[] { new Term {
                                                    SignedCoefficient = 1, Variable = variableAndRange.Key
                                                } },
                        SideConnection = SideConnection.Equal,
                        RightSide      = new Term[] { new Term {
                                                          SignedCoefficient = 1, Variable = newVariable
                                                      }, variableAndRange.Value.RightSide.Single() },

                    // e.g. x2 >= 0 (<var> >= 0)

                    // searching for the badly limited variable in the constraints and replacing them with the new one
                    foreach (var constraint in model.Constraints)
                        constraint.ReplaceVarWithExpression(variableAndRange.Key, alias.RightSide);
                    model.Objective.Function.ReplaceVarWithExpression(variableAndRange.Key, alias.RightSide);
                    var newVariable1 = new Variable {
                        Name = variableAndRange.Key.Name, Index = model.AllVariables.Max(var => var.Index) + 1
                    var newVariable2 = new Variable {
                        Name = variableAndRange.Key.Name, Index = model.AllVariables.Max(var => var.Index) + 2
                    var alias = new Equation
                        // e.g. x1 = x2 - x3 (<limitless_var> = <zero_limit_var1> - <zero_limit_var2>
                        LeftSide = new Term[] { new Term {
                                                    SignedCoefficient = 1, Variable = variableAndRange.Key
                                                } },
                        SideConnection = SideConnection.Equal,
                        RightSide      = new Term[] { new Term {
                                                          SignedCoefficient = 1, Variable = newVariable1
                                                      }, new Term {
                                                          SignedCoefficient = -1, Variable = newVariable2
                                                      } }


                    // searching for the limitless variable in the constraints and replacing them with the new expression
                    foreach (var constraint in model.Constraints)
                        constraint.ReplaceVarWithExpression(variableAndRange.Key, alias.RightSide);
                    model.Objective.Function.ReplaceVarWithExpression(variableAndRange.Key, alias.RightSide);

            #region transforming inequations with constraint >= to new ones having the constraint <=
            model.Constraints.Where(constraint => constraint.SideConnection == SideConnection.GreaterThanOrEqual).ForAll(constraint => constraint.Multiply(-1));

            #region changing the optimization aim to max if it was min

Exemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// This function transforms the LP model to such a dictionary form on which the first phase of the two-phase simplex algorithm can be ececuted.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The LP model.</param>
        /// <returns>The transformed LP model.</returns>
        private static LPModel ToFirstPhaseDictionaryForm(this LPModel model)
            #region Adding -var0 to the left side of the constarints & the slack variables
            var var0 = new Variable {
                Name = model.AllVariables.First().Name, Index = 0

            model.Constraints.ForAll(constraint =>
                constraint.AddToLeft(new Term[] { new Term {
                                                      SignedCoefficient = -1, Variable = var0
                                                  } });

                var newSlackVariable = new Variable {
                    Name = model.AllVariables.First().Name, Index = model.AllVariables.Max(var => var.Index) + 1

                constraint.AddToLeft(new Term[] { new Term {
                                                      SignedCoefficient = 1, Variable = newSlackVariable
                                                  } });
                constraint.SideConnection = SideConnection.Equal;

            #region Expressing the var0 variable from the constraint which has the most negative right side
            var mostNegativeRightSidedConstraint = model.Constraints.OrderBy(constraint => constraint.RightSide.SingleOrDefault(term => term.Constant)?.SignedCoefficient ?? 0).First();
            // on the right side there must be only one single constant (and nothing else) anyway
            var rightSideConstant = mostNegativeRightSidedConstraint.RightSide.Single(term => term.Constant);

            mostNegativeRightSidedConstraint.Add(new Term[] { new Term {
                                                                  SignedCoefficient = 1, Variable = var0
                                                              } });
            mostNegativeRightSidedConstraint.Add(new Term[] { new Term {
                                                                  SignedCoefficient = rightSideConstant.SignedCoefficient * -1, Variable = rightSideConstant.Variable
                                                              } });

            #region Expressing the slack variables from the other constraints and replacing var0-s with its equivalent expression got in the previous step
            foreach (var constraint in model.Constraints)
                if (!constraint.Equals(mostNegativeRightSidedConstraint))
                    // we have added the slack variables to the constraints after the var0 and the decision variables - so the slack variable must have the highest index in the constraint
                    var slackVariableTerm = constraint.LeftSide.OrderByDescending(term => term.Variable.Value.Index).First();
                    var constantOnRight   = constraint.RightSide.SingleOrDefault(term => term.Constant) ?? new Term {
                        SignedCoefficient = 0

                    constraint.Add(new Term[] { new Term {
                                                    SignedCoefficient = slackVariableTerm.SignedCoefficient * -1, Variable = slackVariableTerm.Variable
                                                } });
                    constraint.Add(new Term[] { new Term {
                                                    SignedCoefficient = constantOnRight.SignedCoefficient * -1
                                                } });
                    // TODO: le kell cserélni a reciprokkal történő szorzást osztásra
                    constraint.Multiply(1 / constraint.LeftSide.Single().SignedCoefficient);

                    // mostNegativeRightSidedConstraint shape is something like this: var0 = <expression on the right>
                    constraint.ReplaceVarWithExpression(var0, mostNegativeRightSidedConstraint.RightSide);

            #region Changing the objective function to -var0 (to its equivalent expression) and the optimization aim to maximize

            #region Saving the old objective function to be able to write back after the fist phase of the simplex algorithm is done
            model.TmpObjective = model.Objective;

            model.Objective = new Objective
                new Equation
                LeftSide = new Term[] { new Term {
                                            SignedCoefficient = 1, Variable = new Variable {
                                                Name = model.FirstPhasefunctionVariableName.ToString(), Index = 0
                                        } },
                SideConnection = SideConnection.Equal,
                RightSide      = mostNegativeRightSidedConstraint.Copy().RightSide.Multiply(-1) as IList <Term>
