Exemplo n.º 1
        // Delete a file from the database
        public void DeleteFile(int id)
            LMSFile file = db.Files.Find(id);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult Upload(int courseId = 0, bool isPublic = false)
            UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager = LMSRepo.GetUserManager();
            LMSFile         dbFile       = new LMSFile();
            ApplicationUser uploader     = userManager.FindById(User.Identity.GetUserId());
            string          uploaderName = uploader.RealName;
            //string courseName = LMSRepo.GetCourseByID(courseID).CourseName;
            string courseName = "Def";
            string location   = "~/Content/Uploads/Shared/";

            //Creates a slugs for the course name and the uploader name
            courseName   = ExtensionClass.GenerateSlug(courseName);
            uploaderName = ExtensionClass.GenerateSlug(uploaderName);

            //If the file is not public, set it in a user personal folder
            if (!isPublic)
                location = "~/Content/Uploads/" + courseName + "/" + uploaderName + "/";
                var directoryPath =
                    Path.Combine(Server.MapPath(location), ""); //Converts the folder location in absolute path

                //if the folder does not exist, create a new one
                if (!Directory.Exists(directoryPath))
                    //Try if the location is writable
                        DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryPath);
                    catch (Exception)
                        //To-Do: Set proper catch block
                        ViewBag.ErrorMessage =
                            "Unable to create folder at this location. Make sure the location is writable.";

            if (Request.Files.Count <= 0)
            var file = Request.Files[0];

            if (file == null || file.ContentLength <= 0)
            var fileSize   = file.ContentLength;
            var fileFormat = file.ContentType;
            var fileName   = file.FileName;

            //Sluggish the file name and trim length
            //fileName = ExtensionClass.GenerateSlug(fileName);
            var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath(location), fileName);

            //Verifies if the file has already been uploaded in the same directory
            var existingFilesWithSameName = LMSRepo.GetAllFiles().Where(f =>
                                                                        f.Name == fileName || f.Name.Replace(" - copy", "") == fileName && f.URL == path).ToList();

            if (existingFilesWithSameName.Count > 0)
                var existingFilesWithSameNameAndSize =
                    existingFilesWithSameName.Where(ef => ef.Size == fileSize).ToList();
                if (existingFilesWithSameNameAndSize.Count > 0) //Found file with same name and size
                    var existingFilesWithSameNameAndSizeAndFormat = existingFilesWithSameNameAndSize
                                                                    .Where(ef => ef.Format == fileFormat).ToList();
                    if (existingFilesWithSameNameAndSizeAndFormat.Count > 0) //Exact same file found
                        return(null);                                        //To-Do: proper handling
                    else //File with same name and size found but different format: Change name
                        fileName += " - copy";
                else //If same names but different sizes, Change upload name, add - copy
                    fileName += " - copy";

            //Add file information in the file object to be saved in the database
            dbFile.Name            = fileName;
            dbFile.Size            = fileSize;
            dbFile.Uploader        = uploader;
            dbFile.Format          = fileFormat;
            dbFile.IsPublicVisible = isPublic;
            dbFile.UploadDate      = DateTime.Now;
            dbFile.URL             = path;
            //dbFile.Course = new Course();

            //Add file to the database

            //Moves the file to the server

Exemplo n.º 3
 // Edit a file in the database
 public void EditFile(LMSFile file)
     db.Entry(file).State = EntityState.Modified;
Exemplo n.º 4
 // Add a file to the database
 public void AddFile(LMSFile file)