Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Quaternions()
            LLQuaternion a = new LLQuaternion(1, 0, 0, 0);
            LLQuaternion b = new LLQuaternion(1, 0, 0, 0);

            Assert.IsTrue(a == b, "LLQuaternion comparison operator failed");

            LLQuaternion expected = new LLQuaternion(0, 0, 0, -1);
            LLQuaternion result   = a * b;

            Assert.IsTrue(result == expected, a.ToString() + " * " + b.ToString() + " produced " + result.ToString() +
                          " instead of " + expected.ToString());

            a        = new LLQuaternion(1, 0, 0, 0);
            b        = new LLQuaternion(0, 1, 0, 0);
            expected = new LLQuaternion(0, 0, 1, 0);
            result   = a * b;

            Assert.IsTrue(result == expected, a.ToString() + " * " + b.ToString() + " produced " + result.ToString() +
                          " instead of " + expected.ToString());

            a        = new LLQuaternion(0, 0, 1, 0);
            b        = new LLQuaternion(0, 1, 0, 0);
            expected = new LLQuaternion(-1, 0, 0, 0);
            result   = a * b;

            Assert.IsTrue(result == expected, a.ToString() + " * " + b.ToString() + " produced " + result.ToString() +
                          " instead of " + expected.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected bool MultipleObjUpdate(SimClient simClient, Packet packet)
            MultipleObjectUpdatePacket multipleupdate = (MultipleObjectUpdatePacket)packet;

            for (int i = 0; i < multipleupdate.ObjectData.Length; i++)
                if (multipleupdate.ObjectData[i].Type == 9) //change position
                    libsecondlife.LLVector3 pos = new LLVector3(multipleupdate.ObjectData[i].Data, 0);
                    foreach (Entity ent in m_world.Entities.Values)
                        if (ent.localid == multipleupdate.ObjectData[i].ObjectLocalID)
                    //should update stored position of the prim
                else if (multipleupdate.ObjectData[i].Type == 10)//rotation
                    libsecondlife.LLQuaternion rot = new LLQuaternion(multipleupdate.ObjectData[i].Data, 0, true);
                    foreach (Entity ent in m_world.Entities.Values)
                        if (ent.localid == multipleupdate.ObjectData[i].ObjectLocalID)
                            ent.rotation = new Axiom.MathLib.Quaternion(rot.W, rot.X, rot.Y, rot.Z);
                            ((OpenSim.world.Primitive)ent).UpdateFlag = true;
                else if (multipleupdate.ObjectData[i].Type == 13)//scale
                    libsecondlife.LLVector3 scale = new LLVector3(multipleupdate.ObjectData[i].Data, 12);
                    foreach (Entity ent in m_world.Entities.Values)
                        if (ent.localid == multipleupdate.ObjectData[i].ObjectLocalID)
                            ((OpenSim.world.Primitive)ent).Scale = scale;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public PrimData(byte[] data)
            int i = 0;

            this.OwnerID          = new LLUUID(data, i); i += 16;
            this.PCode            = data[i++];
            this.PathBegin        = (ushort)(data[i++] + (data[i++] << 8));
            this.PathEnd          = (ushort)(data[i++] + (data[i++] << 8));
            this.PathScaleX       = data[i++];
            this.PathScaleY       = data[i++];
            this.PathShearX       = data[i++];
            this.PathShearY       = data[i++];
            this.PathSkew         = (sbyte)data[i++];
            this.ProfileBegin     = (ushort)(data[i++] + (data[i++] << 8));
            this.ProfileEnd       = (ushort)(data[i++] + (data[i++] << 8));
            this.Scale            = new LLVector3(data, i); i += 12;
            this.PathCurve        = data[i++];
            this.ProfileCurve     = data[i++];
            this.ParentID         = (uint)(data[i++] + (data[i++] << 8) + (data[i++] << 16) + (data[i++] << 24));
            this.ProfileHollow    = (ushort)(data[i++] + (data[i++] << 8));
            this.PathRadiusOffset = (sbyte)data[i++];
            this.PathRevolutions  = data[i++];
            this.PathTaperX       = (sbyte)data[i++];
            this.PathTaperY       = (sbyte)data[i++];
            this.PathTwist        = (sbyte)data[i++];
            this.PathTwistBegin   = (sbyte)data[i++];
            ushort length = (ushort)(data[i++] + (data[i++] << 8));

            this.Texture = new byte[length];
            Array.Copy(data, i, Texture, 0, length); i += length;
            this.CreationDate  = (Int32)(data[i++] + (data[i++] << 8) + (data[i++] << 16) + (data[i++] << 24));
            this.OwnerMask     = (uint)(data[i++] + (data[i++] << 8) + (data[i++] << 16) + (data[i++] << 24));
            this.NextOwnerMask = (uint)(data[i++] + (data[i++] << 8) + (data[i++] << 16) + (data[i++] << 24));
            this.GroupMask     = (uint)(data[i++] + (data[i++] << 8) + (data[i++] << 16) + (data[i++] << 24));
            this.EveryoneMask  = (uint)(data[i++] + (data[i++] << 8) + (data[i++] << 16) + (data[i++] << 24));
            this.BaseMask      = (uint)(data[i++] + (data[i++] << 8) + (data[i++] << 16) + (data[i++] << 24));
            this.Position      = new LLVector3(data, i); i += 12;
            this.Rotation      = new LLQuaternion(data, i, true); i += 12;
            this.LocalID       = (uint)(data[i++] + (data[i++] << 8) + (data[i++] << 16) + (data[i++] << 24));
            this.FullID        = new LLUUID(data, i); i += 16;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static object ParseLLSDBlock(LLSDMap blockData, Type blockType)
            object block = Activator.CreateInstance(blockType);

            // Iterate over each field and set the value if a match was found in the LLSD
            foreach (FieldInfo field in blockType.GetFields())
                if (blockData.ContainsKey(field.Name))
                    Type fieldType = field.FieldType;

                    if (fieldType == typeof(ulong))
                        // ulongs come in as a byte array, convert it manually here
                        byte[] bytes = blockData[field.Name].AsBinary();
                        ulong  value = Helpers.BytesToUInt64(bytes);
                        field.SetValue(block, value);
                    else if (fieldType == typeof(uint))
                        // uints come in as a byte array, convert it manually here
                        byte[] bytes = blockData[field.Name].AsBinary();
                        uint   value = Helpers.BytesToUIntBig(bytes);
                        field.SetValue(block, value);
                    else if (fieldType == typeof(ushort))
                        // Just need a bit of manual typecasting love here
                        field.SetValue(block, (ushort)blockData[field.Name].AsInteger());
                    else if (fieldType == typeof(byte))
                        // Just need a bit of manual typecasting love here
                        field.SetValue(block, (byte)blockData[field.Name].AsInteger());
                    else if (fieldType == typeof(short))
                        field.SetValue(block, (short)blockData[field.Name].AsInteger());
                    else if (fieldType == typeof(string))
                        field.SetValue(block, blockData[field.Name].AsString());
                    else if (fieldType == typeof(bool))
                        field.SetValue(block, blockData[field.Name].AsBoolean());
                    else if (fieldType == typeof(float))
                        field.SetValue(block, (float)blockData[field.Name].AsReal());
                    else if (fieldType == typeof(double))
                        field.SetValue(block, blockData[field.Name].AsReal());
                    else if (fieldType == typeof(int))
                        field.SetValue(block, blockData[field.Name].AsInteger());
                    else if (fieldType == typeof(LLUUID))
                        field.SetValue(block, blockData[field.Name].AsUUID());
                    else if (fieldType == typeof(LLVector3))
                        LLVector3 vec = (LLVector3)field.GetValue(block);
                        field.SetValue(block, vec);
                    else if (fieldType == typeof(LLVector4))
                        LLVector4 vec = (LLVector4)field.GetValue(block);
                        field.SetValue(block, vec);
                    else if (fieldType == typeof(LLQuaternion))
                        LLQuaternion quat = (LLQuaternion)field.GetValue(block);
                        field.SetValue(block, quat);

            // Additional fields come as properties, Handle those as well.
            foreach (PropertyInfo property in blockType.GetProperties())
                if (blockData.ContainsKey(property.Name))
                    LLSDType   proptype = blockData[property.Name].Type;
                    MethodInfo set      = property.GetSetMethod();

                    if (proptype.Equals(LLSDType.Binary))
                        byte[] bytes = blockData[property.Name].AsBinary();
                        set.Invoke(block, new object[] { blockData[property.Name].AsBinary() });
                        set.Invoke(block, new object[] { Helpers.StringToField(blockData[property.Name].AsString()) });

Exemplo n.º 5
        private void ExportPrims()
            FileStream   file   = null;
            StreamWriter stream = null;

                file   = new FileStream(Filename, FileMode.Create);
                stream = new StreamWriter(file);

                uint   type = 0;
                string output;


                lock (Prims)
                    foreach (PrimObject prim in Prims.Values)
                        LLVector3    position = prim.Position;
                        LLQuaternion rotation = prim.Rotation;

                        output = "";

                        if (prim.ParentID != 0)
                            // This prim is part of a linkset, we need to adjust it's position and rotation
                            if (Prims.ContainsKey(prim.ParentID))
                                // The child prim only stores a relative position, add the world position of the parent prim
                                position += Prims[prim.ParentID].Position;

                                // The child prim only stores a relative rotation, start with the parent prim rotation
                                rotation = rotation * Prims[prim.ParentID].Rotation;
                                // We don't have the base position for this child prim, can't render it
                                Log("Couldn't export child prim " + prim.ID.ToString() + ", parent prim is missing");

                        output += "<primitive name=\"Object\" description=\"\" key=\"Num_000" + prim.LocalID + "\" version=\"2\">" + Environment.NewLine;
                        output += "<states><physics params=\"\">false</physics><temporary params=\"\">false</temporary><phantom params=\"\">false</phantom></states>" + Environment.NewLine;
                        output += "<properties>" + Environment.NewLine +
                                  "<levelofdetail val=\"9\" />" + Environment.NewLine;

                        switch (prim.ProfileCurve + prim.PathCurve)
                        case 17:
                            // PRIM_TYPE_BOX
                            type = 0;

                        case 16:
                            // PRIM_TYPE_CYLINDER
                            type = 1;

                        case 19:
                            // PRIM_TYPE_PRISM
                            type = 2;

                        case 37:
                            // PRIM_TYPE_SPHERE
                            type = 3;

                        case 32:
                            // PRIM_TYPE_TORUS
                            type = 4;

                        case 33:
                            // PRIM_TYPE_TUBE
                            type = 5;

                        case 35:
                            // PRIM_TYPE_RING
                            type = 6;

                            Log("Not exporting an unhandled prim, ProfileCurve=" +
                                prim.ProfileCurve + ", PathCurve=" + prim.PathCurve);

                        output += "<type val=\"" + type + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                        output += "<position x=\"" + string.Format("{0:F6}", position.X) +
                                  "\" y=\"" + string.Format("{0:F6}", position.Y) +
                                  "\" z=\"" + string.Format("{0:F6}", position.Z) + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                        output += "<rotation x=\"" + string.Format("{0:F6}", rotation.X) +
                                  "\" y=\"" + string.Format("{0:F6}", rotation.Y) +
                                  "\" z=\"" + string.Format("{0:F6}", rotation.Z) +
                                  "\" s=\"" + string.Format("{0:F6}", rotation.W) + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                        output += "<size x=\"" + string.Format("{0:F3}", prim.Scale.X) +
                                  "\" y=\"" + string.Format("{0:F3}", prim.Scale.Y) +
                                  "\" z=\"" + string.Format("{0:F3}", prim.Scale.Z) + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;

                        if (type == 1)
                            output += "<cut x=\"" + prim.ProfileBegin + "\" y=\"" + prim.ProfileEnd + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                            output += "<dimple x=\"" + prim.PathBegin + "\" y=\"" + prim.PathEnd + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                            output += "<cut x=\"" + prim.PathBegin + "\" y=\"" + prim.PathEnd + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                            output += "<dimple x=\"" + prim.ProfileBegin + "\" y=\"" + prim.ProfileEnd + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;

                        output += "<advancedcut x=\"" + prim.ProfileBegin + "\" y=\"" + prim.ProfileEnd + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                        output += "<hollow val=\"" + prim.ProfileHollow + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                        output += "<twist x=\"" + prim.PathTwistBegin + "\" y=\"" + prim.PathTwist + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                        output += "<topsize x=\"" + Math.Abs(prim.PathScaleX - 1.0F) + "\" y=\"" +
                                  Math.Abs(prim.PathScaleY - 1.0F) + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                        output += "<holesize x=\"" + (1.0F - prim.PathScaleX) + "\" y=\"" + (1.0F - prim.PathScaleY) + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                        output += "<topshear x=\"" + prim.PathShearX + "\" y=\"" + prim.PathShearY + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                        output += "<taper x=\"" + /*Math.Abs(prim.PathScaleX - 1.0F)*/ prim.PathTaperX + "\" y=\"" +
                                  /*Math.Abs(prim.PathScaleY - 1.0F)*/ prim.PathTaperY + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                        output += "<revolutions val=\"" + prim.PathRevolutions + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                        output += "<radiusoffset val=\"" + prim.PathRadiusOffset + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                        output += "<skew val=\"" + prim.PathSkew + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                        output += "<material val=\"" + prim.Material + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                        // TODO: Hollowshape. 16-21 = circle, 32-37 = square, 48-53 = triangle
                        output += "<hollowshape val=\"0\" />" + Environment.NewLine;

                        output += "<textures params=\"\">" +
                                  "</textures>" +
                                  "<scripts params=\"\">" +
                                  "</scripts>" + Environment.NewLine +
                                  "</properties>" + Environment.NewLine +
                                  "</primitive>" + Environment.NewLine;


            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show("There was an error writing the prims file, check the log for details",
                                "primexport Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                Log("Error writing prims to " + Filename + ": " + e.ToString());
                if (stream != null)
                if (file != null)
                cmdExport.Enabled = true;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override string Execute(string[] args, LLUUID fromAgentID)
            if (args.Length < 1)
                return("Usage: import inputfile.xml [usegroup]");

            string           filename = args[0];
            LLUUID           GroupID  = (args.Length > 1) ? Client.GroupID : LLUUID.Zero;
            string           xml;
            List <Primitive> prims;

            try { xml = File.ReadAllText(filename); }
            catch (Exception e) { return(e.Message); }

            try { prims = Helpers.LLSDToPrimList(LLSDParser.DeserializeXml(xml)); }
            catch (Exception e) { return("Failed to deserialize " + filename + ": " + e.Message); }

            // Build an organized structure from the imported prims
            Dictionary <uint, Linkset> linksets = new Dictionary <uint, Linkset>();

            for (int i = 0; i < prims.Count; i++)
                Primitive prim = prims[i];

                if (prim.ParentID == 0)
                    if (linksets.ContainsKey(prim.LocalID))
                        linksets[prim.LocalID].RootPrim = prim;
                        linksets[prim.LocalID] = new Linkset(prim);
                    if (!linksets.ContainsKey(prim.ParentID))
                        linksets[prim.ParentID] = new Linkset();


            primsCreated = new List <Primitive>();
            Console.WriteLine("Importing " + linksets.Count + " structures.");

            foreach (Linkset linkset in linksets.Values)
                if (linkset.RootPrim.LocalID != 0)
                    state       = ImporterState.RezzingParent;
                    currentPrim = linkset.RootPrim;
                    // HACK: Import the structure just above our head
                    // We need a more elaborate solution for importing with relative or absolute offsets
                    linkset.RootPrim.Position    = Client.Self.SimPosition;
                    linkset.RootPrim.Position.Z += 3.0f;
                    currentPosition              = linkset.RootPrim.Position;

                    // Rez the root prim with no rotation
                    LLQuaternion rootRotation = linkset.RootPrim.Rotation;
                    linkset.RootPrim.Rotation = LLQuaternion.Identity;

                    Client.Objects.AddPrim(Client.Network.CurrentSim, linkset.RootPrim.Data, GroupID,
                                           linkset.RootPrim.Position, linkset.RootPrim.Scale, linkset.RootPrim.Rotation);

                    if (!primDone.WaitOne(10000, false))
                        return("Rez failed, timed out while creating the root prim.");

                    Client.Objects.SetPosition(Client.Network.CurrentSim, primsCreated[primsCreated.Count - 1].LocalID, linkset.RootPrim.Position);

                    state = ImporterState.RezzingChildren;

                    // Rez the child prims
                    foreach (Primitive prim in linkset.Children)
                        currentPrim     = prim;
                        currentPosition = prim.Position + linkset.RootPrim.Position;

                        Client.Objects.AddPrim(Client.Network.CurrentSim, prim.Data, GroupID, currentPosition,
                                               prim.Scale, prim.Rotation);

                        if (!primDone.WaitOne(10000, false))
                            return("Rez failed, timed out while creating child prim.");
                        Client.Objects.SetPosition(Client.Network.CurrentSim, primsCreated[primsCreated.Count - 1].LocalID, currentPosition);

                    // Create a list of the local IDs of the newly created prims
                    List <uint> primIDs = new List <uint>(primsCreated.Count);
                    primIDs.Add(rootLocalID); // Root prim is first in list.

                    if (linkset.Children.Count != 0)
                        // Add the rest of the prims to the list of local IDs
                        foreach (Primitive prim in primsCreated)
                            if (prim.LocalID != rootLocalID)
                        linkQueue = new List <uint>(primIDs.Count);

                        // Link and set the permissions + rotation
                        state = ImporterState.Linking;
                        Client.Objects.LinkPrims(Client.Network.CurrentSim, linkQueue);

                        if (primDone.WaitOne(1000 * linkset.Children.Count, false))
                            Client.Objects.SetRotation(Client.Network.CurrentSim, rootLocalID, rootRotation);
                            Console.WriteLine("Warning: Failed to link {0} prims", linkQueue.Count);
                        Client.Objects.SetRotation(Client.Network.CurrentSim, rootLocalID, rootRotation);

                    // Set permissions on newly created prims
                    Client.Objects.SetPermissions(Client.Network.CurrentSim, primIDs,
                                                  PermissionWho.Everyone | PermissionWho.Group | PermissionWho.NextOwner,
                                                  PermissionMask.All, true);

                    state = ImporterState.Idle;
                    // Skip linksets with a missing root prim
                    Console.WriteLine("WARNING: Skipping a linkset with a missing root prim");

                // Reset everything for the next linkset

            return("Import complete.");
Exemplo n.º 7
        public override string Execute(string[] args, LLUUID fromAgentID)
            if (args.Length != 1)
                return("Usage: import inputfile.xml");

            string name = args[0];
            Dictionary <uint, PrimObject> prims;

            currentClient = Client;

                XmlReader         reader    = XmlReader.Create(name);
                List <PrimObject> listprims = Helpers.PrimListFromXml(reader);

                // Create a dictionary indexed by the old local ID of the prims
                prims = new Dictionary <uint, PrimObject>();
                foreach (PrimObject prim in listprims)
                    prims.Add(prim.LocalID, prim);
            catch (Exception)
                return("Failed to import the object XML file, maybe it doesn't exist or is in the wrong format?");

            if (!registeredCreateEvent)
                TestClient.OnPrimCreated += new TestClient.PrimCreatedCallback(TestClient_OnPrimCreated);
                registeredCreateEvent     = true;

            // Build an organized structure from the imported prims
            Dictionary <uint, Linkset> linksets = new Dictionary <uint, Linkset>();

            foreach (PrimObject prim in prims.Values)
                if (prim.ParentID == 0)
                    if (linksets.ContainsKey(prim.LocalID))
                        linksets[prim.LocalID].RootPrim = prim;
                        linksets[prim.LocalID] = new Linkset(prim);
                    if (!linksets.ContainsKey(prim.ParentID))
                        linksets[prim.ParentID] = new Linkset();


            primsCreated = new List <PrimObject>();
            linking      = false;
            Console.WriteLine("Importing " + linksets.Count + " structures.");

            foreach (Linkset linkset in linksets.Values)
                if (linkset.RootPrim.LocalID != 0)
                    // HACK: Offset the root prim position so it's not lying on top of the original
                    // We need a more elaborate solution for importing with relative or absolute offsets
                    linkset.RootPrim.Position.Z += 3.0f;
                    currentPosition              = linkset.RootPrim.Position;

                    // Rez the root prim with no rotation
                    LLQuaternion rootRotation = linkset.RootPrim.Rotation;
                    linkset.RootPrim.Rotation = LLQuaternion.Identity;

                    rezzingRootPrim = true;
                    currentPrim     = linkset.RootPrim;

                    Client.Objects.AddPrim(Client.Network.CurrentSim, linkset.RootPrim, linkset.RootPrim.Position);

                    if (!primDone.WaitOne(10000, false))
                        return("Rez failed, timed out while creating a prim.");

                    rezzingRootPrim = false;

                    // Rez the child prims
                    foreach (PrimObject prim in linkset.Children)
                        currentPrim     = prim;
                        currentPosition = prim.Position + linkset.RootPrim.Position;

                        Client.Objects.AddPrim(Client.Network.CurrentSim, prim, currentPosition);

                        if (!primDone.WaitOne(10000, false))
                            return("Rez failed, timed out while creating a prim.");

                    // Create a list of the local IDs of the newly created prims
                    List <uint> primIDs = new List <uint>();
                    foreach (PrimObject prim in primsCreated)
                        if (prim.LocalID != rootLocalID)
                    // Make sure the root object is the last in our list so it becomes the new root

                    // Link and set the permissions + rotation
                    linking = true;

                    Client.Objects.LinkPrims(Client.Network.CurrentSim, primIDs);

                    Client.Objects.SetPermissions(Client.Network.CurrentSim, primIDs,
                                                  Helpers.PermissionWho.Everyone | Helpers.PermissionWho.Group | Helpers.PermissionWho.NextOwner,
                                                  Helpers.PermissionType.Copy | Helpers.PermissionType.Modify | Helpers.PermissionType.Move |
                                                  Helpers.PermissionType.Transfer, true);

                    Client.Objects.SetRotation(Client.Network.CurrentSim, rootLocalID, rootRotation);

                    for (int i = 0; i < linkset.Children.Count + 1; i++)
                        primDone.WaitOne(10000, false);

                    linking = false;
                    // Skip linksets with a missing root prim
                    Console.WriteLine("WARNING: Skipping a linkset with a missing root prim");

                // Reset everything for the next linkset

            return("Import complete.");
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void ExportPrimBlender(StreamWriter stream)
            uint   type = 0;
            string output;

            lock (Prims)

                foreach (PrimObject prim in Prims.Values)
                    LLVector3    position = prim.Position;
                    LLQuaternion rotation = prim.Rotation;

                    output = "";

                    if (prim.ParentID != 0)
                        // This prim is part of a linkset, we need to adjust it's position and rotation
                        if (Prims.ContainsKey(prim.ParentID))
                            // The child prim only stores a relative position, add the world position of the parent prim
                            position += Prims[prim.ParentID].Position;

                            // The child prim only stores a relative rotation, start with the parent prim rotation
                            rotation = rotation * Prims[prim.ParentID].Rotation;
                        else if (Avatars.Contains(prim.ParentID) || Attachments.Contains(prim.ParentID))
                            // Skip this
                            // We don't have the base position for this child prim, can't render it
                            Log("Couldn't export child prim " + prim.ID.ToString() + ", parent prim is missing" +

                    output += "<primitive name=\"Object\" description=\"\" key=\"Num_000" + prim.LocalID + "\" version=\"2\">" + Environment.NewLine;
                    output += "<states><physics params=\"\">false</physics><temporary params=\"\">false</temporary><phantom params=\"\">false</phantom></states>" + Environment.NewLine;
                    output += "<properties>" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "<levelofdetail val=\"9\" />" + Environment.NewLine;

                    switch (prim.ProfileCurve + prim.PathCurve)
                    case 17:
                        // PRIM_TYPE_BOX
                        type = 0;

                    case 16:
                        // PRIM_TYPE_CYLINDER
                        type = 1;

                    case 19:
                        // PRIM_TYPE_PRISM
                        type = 2;

                    case 37:
                        // PRIM_TYPE_SPHERE
                        type = 3;

                    case 32:
                        // PRIM_TYPE_TORUS
                        type = 4;

                    case 33:
                        // PRIM_TYPE_TUBE
                        type = 5;

                    case 35:
                        // PRIM_TYPE_RING
                        type = 6;

                        Log("Not exporting an unhandled prim, ProfileCurve=" +
                            prim.ProfileCurve + ", PathCurve=" + prim.PathCurve + Environment.NewLine);

                    output += "<type val=\"" + type + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                    output += "<position x=\"" + string.Format("{0:F6}", position.X) +
                              "\" y=\"" + string.Format("{0:F6}", position.Y) +
                              "\" z=\"" + string.Format("{0:F6}", position.Z) + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                    output += "<rotation x=\"" + string.Format("{0:F6}", rotation.X) +
                              "\" y=\"" + string.Format("{0:F6}", rotation.Y) +
                              "\" z=\"" + string.Format("{0:F6}", rotation.Z) +
                              "\" s=\"" + string.Format("{0:F6}", rotation.W) + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                    output += "<size x=\"" + string.Format("{0:F3}", prim.Scale.X) +
                              "\" y=\"" + string.Format("{0:F3}", prim.Scale.Y) +
                              "\" z=\"" + string.Format("{0:F3}", prim.Scale.Z) + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;

                    if (type == 1)
                        output += "<cut x=\"" + prim.ProfileBegin + "\" y=\"" + prim.ProfileEnd + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                        output += "<dimple x=\"" + prim.PathBegin + "\" y=\"" + prim.PathEnd + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                        output += "<cut x=\"" + prim.PathBegin + "\" y=\"" + prim.PathEnd + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                        output += "<dimple x=\"" + prim.ProfileBegin + "\" y=\"" + prim.ProfileEnd + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;

                    output += "<advancedcut x=\"" + prim.ProfileBegin + "\" y=\"" + prim.ProfileEnd + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                    output += "<hollow val=\"" + prim.ProfileHollow + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                    output += "<twist x=\"" + prim.PathTwistBegin + "\" y=\"" + prim.PathTwist + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                    output += "<topsize x=\"" + Math.Abs(prim.PathScaleX - 1.0f) + "\" y=\"" +
                              Math.Abs(prim.PathScaleY - 1.0f) + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                    output += "<holesize x=\"" + (1.0f - prim.PathScaleX) + "\" y=\"" + (1.0f - prim.PathScaleY) + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                    output += "<topshear x=\"" + prim.PathShearX + "\" y=\"" + prim.PathShearY + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                    output += "<taper x=\"" + prim.PathTaperX + "\" y=\"" + prim.PathTaperY + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                    output += "<revolutions val=\"" + prim.PathRevolutions + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                    output += "<radiusoffset val=\"" + prim.PathRadiusOffset + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                    output += "<skew val=\"" + prim.PathSkew + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                    output += "<material val=\"" + prim.Material + "\" />" + Environment.NewLine;
                    // FIXME: Hollowshape. 16-21 = circle, 32-37 = square, 48-53 = triangle
                    output += "<hollowshape val=\"0\" />" + Environment.NewLine;

                    output += "<textures params=\"\">" +
                              "</textures>" +
                              "<scripts params=\"\">" +
                              "</scripts>" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "</properties>" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "</primitive>" + Environment.NewLine;


Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ViewProjectionMatrix"></param>
        protected void RenderBasicPrims()
            Graphics.GraphicsDevice.VertexDeclaration = PrimVertexDeclaration;


            lock (Prims)
                foreach (EffectPass pass in EffectBasicPrim.CurrentTechnique.Passes)

                    foreach (PrimVisual prim in Prims.Values)
                        if (prim.Prim.ParentID != 0)
                            if (!Prims.ContainsKey(prim.Prim.ParentID))
                                // We don't have the base position for this child prim, can't render it
                                // Child prim in a linkset

                                // Add the base position of the parent prim and the offset position of this child
                                LLVector3    llBasePosition = Prims[prim.Prim.ParentID].Prim.Position;
                                LLQuaternion llBaseRotation = Prims[prim.Prim.ParentID].Prim.Rotation;

                                Vector3 basePosition = new Vector3(llBasePosition.X, llBasePosition.Y, llBasePosition.Z);

                                Matrix worldOffset  = Matrix.CreateTranslation(basePosition);
                                Matrix rootRotation = Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(new Quaternion(llBaseRotation.X,
                                                                                                 llBaseRotation.Y, llBaseRotation.Z, llBaseRotation.W));

                                EffectBasicPrim.Parameters["WorldViewProj"].SetValue(prim.Matrix * rootRotation * worldOffset * ViewProjectionMatrix);
                            // FIXME: We only do this test on unlinked objects for now, since child bounding boxes are
                            // still broken
                            //ContainmentType contain = Frustum.Contains(prim.BoundBox);
                            //if (contain == ContainmentType.Disjoint)
                            //    continue;

                            // Root prim or not part of a linkset
                            EffectBasicPrim.Parameters["WorldViewProj"].SetValue(prim.Matrix * ViewProjectionMatrix);

                        Graphics.GraphicsDevice.DrawUserPrimitives <VertexPositionColor>(PrimitiveType.TriangleList,
                                                                                         prim.VertexArray, 0, prim.VertexArray.Length / 3);


Exemplo n.º 10
        public byte[] ToBytes()
            int i = 0;

            byte[] bytes = new byte[126 + Texture.Length];
            Array.Copy(OwnerID.GetBytes(), 0, bytes, i, 16); i += 16;
            bytes[i++] = this.PCode;
            bytes[i++] = (byte)(this.PathBegin % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((this.PathBegin >> 8) % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)(this.PathEnd % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((this.PathEnd >> 8) % 256);
            bytes[i++] = this.PathScaleX;
            bytes[i++] = this.PathScaleY;
            bytes[i++] = this.PathShearX;
            bytes[i++] = this.PathShearY;
            bytes[i++] = (byte)this.PathSkew;
            bytes[i++] = (byte)(this.ProfileBegin % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((this.ProfileBegin >> 8) % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)(this.ProfileEnd % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((this.ProfileEnd >> 8) % 256);
            Array.Copy(Scale.GetBytes(), 0, bytes, i, 12); i += 12;
            bytes[i++] = this.PathCurve;
            bytes[i++] = this.ProfileCurve;
            bytes[i++] = (byte)(ParentID % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((ParentID >> 8) % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((ParentID >> 16) % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((ParentID >> 24) % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)(this.ProfileHollow % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((this.ProfileHollow >> 8) % 256);
            bytes[i++] = ((byte)this.PathRadiusOffset);
            bytes[i++] = this.PathRevolutions;
            bytes[i++] = ((byte)this.PathTaperX);
            bytes[i++] = ((byte)this.PathTaperY);
            bytes[i++] = ((byte)this.PathTwist);
            bytes[i++] = ((byte)this.PathTwistBegin);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)(Texture.Length % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((Texture.Length >> 8) % 256);
            Array.Copy(Texture, 0, bytes, i, Texture.Length); i += Texture.Length;
            bytes[i++] = (byte)(this.CreationDate % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((this.CreationDate >> 8) % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((this.CreationDate >> 16) % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((this.CreationDate >> 24) % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)(this.OwnerMask % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((this.OwnerMask >> 8) % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((this.OwnerMask >> 16) % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((this.OwnerMask >> 24) % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)(this.NextOwnerMask % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((this.NextOwnerMask >> 8) % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((this.NextOwnerMask >> 16) % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((this.NextOwnerMask >> 24) % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)(this.GroupMask % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((this.GroupMask >> 8) % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((this.GroupMask >> 16) % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((this.GroupMask >> 24) % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)(this.EveryoneMask % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((this.EveryoneMask >> 8) % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((this.EveryoneMask >> 16) % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((this.EveryoneMask >> 24) % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)(this.BaseMask % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((this.BaseMask >> 8) % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((this.BaseMask >> 16) % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((this.BaseMask >> 24) % 256);
            Array.Copy(this.Position.GetBytes(), 0, bytes, i, 12); i += 12;
            if (this.Rotation == new LLQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 0))
                this.Rotation = new LLQuaternion(0, 1, 0, 0);
            Array.Copy(this.Rotation.GetBytes(), 0, bytes, i, 12); i += 12;
            bytes[i++] = (byte)(this.LocalID % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((this.LocalID >> 8) % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((this.LocalID >> 16) % 256);
            bytes[i++] = (byte)((this.LocalID >> 24) % 256);
            Array.Copy(FullID.GetBytes(), 0, bytes, i, 16); i += 16;
