private void CheckBox_Unchecked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { CheckBox checkBox = sender as CheckBox; LBModel model = checkBox.DataContext as LBModel; WriteXmlHelper.saveModel(model); }
//查询灯箱状态 private void btnSearchState_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { LBModel model = null; if (LightBoxHelper.listModel.Count > 0) { model = LightBoxHelper.listModel[0]; } else { model = LightBoxHelper.SelectedModel; } foreach (LBMsg msg in model.ListLBMsg) { byte[] byDate = new byte[3]; byDate[0] = 4; byDate[1] = (byte)msg.Id; byDate[2] = (byte)(msg.Id >> 8); CanDataWithInfo can = new CanDataWithInfo(0x01, byDate, "查状态"); ECANHelper.ins.sendMessageWithInfo(can); } //全网一条指令查询,可能造成同时回复数据过多,导致模块内缓存溢出 //byte[] byDate = new byte[3]; //byDate[0] = 6; //CanDataWithInfo can = new CanDataWithInfo(0x01, byDate, ""); //ECANHelper.ins.sendMessageWithInfo(can); }
private void LightBoxHelper_modelChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { LBModel model = sender as LBModel; listBoxModels.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { listBoxModels.SelectedItem = model; })); labelModelName.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { labelModelName.Content = model.ModelName; })); }
private void refreshModelId(int id, LBModel model) { foreach (LBMsg msg in model.ListLBMsg) { msg.Id = msg.Id - minId + id; } }
public WidEditLBMsg(LBModel lBModel) { InitializeComponent(); this.lBModel = lBModel; txtName.Text = lBModel.ModelName; comboBoxMinute.SelectedIndex = (int)lBModel.MWaitTime.WaitMM; comboBoxSeconds.SelectedIndex = (int)lBModel.MWaitTime.WaitSS; cbRunAll.IsChecked = lBModel.runAll; }
public static void updateModel(LBModel lbmodel) { foreach (LBModel model in listModel) { if (model.ModelName.Equals(lbmodel.ModelName)) { model.MWaitTime.WaitMM = lbmodel.MWaitTime.WaitMM; model.MWaitTime.WaitSS = lbmodel.MWaitTime.WaitSS; model.runAll = lbmodel.runAll; break; } } }
/// <summary> /// 删除模式 /// </summary> /// <param name="modelName"></param> public static void delModel(string modelName) { foreach (LBModel model in listModel) { if (model.ModelName.Equals(modelName)) { listModel.Remove(model); FileInfo file = new FileInfo(WriteXmlHelper.FILE_MODEL + modelName + ".xml"); file.Delete(); modelIndex = -1; SelectedModel = null; break; } } }
/// <summary> /// 获取所有模式 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static List <LBModel> FindModels(List <string> listModelNames) { List <LBModel> listLBModels = new List <LBModel>(); foreach (string name in listModelNames) { LBModel lbModel = ReadXmlHelper.getListBoxMsgs(WriteXmlHelper.FILE_MODEL + name + ".xml"); lbModel.ModelName = name; listLBModels.Add(lbModel); //if (lbModel.Active) { // listLBModels.Add(lbModel); //} } return(listLBModels); }
public static void setModelSelected(LBModel model) { foreach (LBModel m in listModel) { if (m == model) { m.Selected = true; } else { m.Selected = false; } } changeModel(model); modelIndex = listModel.IndexOf(model); }
public static LBModel createInitModel() { LBModel model = new LBModel(); for (int i = 1; i <= BaseConfig.ins.Rows; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= BaseConfig.ins.Columns; j++) { LBMsg lBMsg = new LBMsg(); lBMsg.Id = getLightBoxId(i, j); lBMsg.Row1 = i; lBMsg.Column = j; model.ListLBMsg.Add(lBMsg); } } return(model); }
/// <summary> /// 从文件中读取所有模式 /// </summary> public static void initModels() { listModel = FindModels(FindModelNames()); listModel.Sort(); for (int i = 0; i < listModel.Count; i++) { LBModel model = listModel[i]; if (model.sortIndex != i) { model.sortIndex = i; WriteXmlHelper.saveModel(model); } } if (listModel.Count > 0) { setModelSelected(listModel[0]); } }
private static void changeModel(LBModel nextModel) { SelectedModel.ModelName = nextModel.ModelName; SelectedModel.MWaitTime = nextModel.MWaitTime; SelectedModel.runAll = nextModel.runAll; foreach (LBMsg lb in nextModel.ListLBMsg) { LBMsg lBMsg = SelectedModel.getLightBoxMsg(lb.Row1, lb.Column); if (null != lBMsg) { lBMsg.Id = lb.Id; lBMsg.WaitTime = lb.WaitTime; lBMsg.RunTime = lb.RunTime; lBMsg.KeepTime = lb.KeepTime; lBMsg.RepeatCount = lb.RepeatCount; } } nextModel.getListWaitTime(); modelChanged?.Invoke(nextModel, null); }
private static void prevModel(object obj) { modelIndex--; if (modelIndex <= 0) { modelIndex = listModel.Count - 1; } LBModel nextModel = prevActiveModel(); if (null == nextModel) { return; } if (!nextModel.ModelName.Equals(SelectedModel)) { setModelSelected(nextModel); } //初始化等待时间 //nextModel.getListWaitTime(); modelChanging = false; }
private static LBModel prevActiveModel() { LBModel model = null; //先从modelIndex位置往前找 for (int i = modelIndex; i >= 0; i--) { LBModel m = listModel[i]; if (m.Active) { modelIndex = i; model = m; break; } } if (null == model) { videoBegin = false; //选择第一个模式 //modelIndex = 1; } //如果没找到再从0的位置找到modelIndex位置 if (null == model) { for (int i = listModel.Count - 1; i >= modelIndex; i--) { LBModel m = listModel[i]; if (m.Active) { modelIndex = i; model = m; break; } } } return(model); }
private static void nextModel(object obj) { if (modelIndex == -1) { modelIndex = 0; } else { modelIndex++; } LBModel nextModel = nextActiveModel(); if (null == nextModel) { return; } if (!nextModel.ModelName.Equals(SelectedModel)) { setModelSelected(nextModel); } //初始化等待时间 //nextModel.getListWaitTime(); modelChanging = false; }
public static void InsertNewBank(LooneyBank.Core.Bank bank, LBModel.LBEntities currentContext) { currentContext.spLOONEYBANK_Bank_Insert(bank.bankName, bank.bankDescription, bank.isOpen, bank.routingNumber); }
public static void SaveBank(LooneyBank.Core.Bank bank, LBModel.LBEntities currentContext) { //add code to update bank object's information in the currentContext. }
public WidAllKeepTime(LBModel lBModel) { InitializeComponent(); this.lBModel = lBModel; }