/// <summary>
        /// Fetch the grass set from the project-based file
        /// Populate the list of grass configurations
        /// Sort the grass config list
        /// Populate the source list
        /// </summary>
        private void GetGrassSettings()
            if (lbGrassSetup == null)
                lbGrassSetup = new LBGrassSetup();

            if (lbGrassSetup != null)
                EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Loading grass configurations", "Please Wait", 0f);


                if (lbGrassSetup.lbGrassConfigList != null)
                    int numGrassConfigs = lbGrassSetup.lbGrassConfigList.Count;

                    // Get a list of the Texture2D assets
                    for (int i = 0; i < numGrassConfigs; i++)
                        LBGrassConfig lbGrassConfig = lbGrassSetup.lbGrassConfigList[i];
                        EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Loading grass settings", "Please Wait", i + 1 / numGrassConfigs);
                        if (lbGrassConfig != null)
                            lbGrassConfig.texture2D = (Texture2D)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(lbGrassConfig.grassTexturePath, typeof(Texture2D));

#if LBGrassEditorAdmin
                            if (lbGrassConfig.texture2D == null)
                                Debug.Log("LBGrassEditor.GetGrassSettings " + lbGrassConfig.grassTexturePath + " not installed");
                            //Debug.Log("GetGrassSettings: " + lbGrassConfig.grassTexturePath);

                    // Sort the list by grass texture name
                    lbGrassSetup.lbGrassConfigList.Sort(delegate(LBGrassConfig grass1, LBGrassConfig grass2) { return(grass1.grassTextureName.CompareTo(grass2.grassTextureName)); });

        /// <summary>
        /// This will import grass settings from the latest LB version file
        /// which is located in Assets/LandscapeBuilder/Setup folder and gets
        /// updated with newer versions of LB.
        /// WARNING: It will overwrite any user settings made in this Editor
        /// </summary>
        private void UpgradeGrassSettings()
            // Need to load the textures first.

            // Import the file from the Assets folder which was downloaded with the latest package of LB
            LBGrassSetup lbGrassSetupUpgrade = new LBGrassSetup();

            if (lbGrassSetupUpgrade != null)
                if (lbGrassSetupUpgrade.lbGrassConfigList != null)
                    int    numConfigsToUpgrade = lbGrassSetupUpgrade.lbGrassConfigList.Count;
                    int    upgradingCount      = 0;
                    int    numAdded            = 0;
                    int    numUpgraded         = 0;
                    int    numSkipped          = 0;
                    float  upgradeProgress     = 0f;
                    string progressMsg         = string.Empty;
                    string textureFolder       = string.Empty;

                    // Loop throught the new grass configs
                    foreach (LBGrassConfig lbGrassConfigUpgrade in lbGrassSetupUpgrade.lbGrassConfigList)
                        if (lbGrassConfigUpgrade != null)
                            allowRepaint    = true;
                            progressMsg     = "Upgrading " + (upgradingCount++).ToString() + " of " + numConfigsToUpgrade.ToString() + " ... Please wait";
                            upgradeProgress = upgradingCount / numConfigsToUpgrade;
                            if (EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar("Upgrading Grass Configurations", progressMsg, upgradeProgress))

                            // Find a match in the current config list (used in the LandscapeBuilderGrassSelector)
                            LBGrassConfig lbGrassconfigCurrent = lbGrassSetup.lbGrassConfigList.Find(g => g.grassTextureName == lbGrassConfigUpgrade.grassTextureName &&
                                                                                                     g.sourceName == lbGrassConfigUpgrade.sourceName);

                            // Is this a new configuration to be added?
                            if (lbGrassconfigCurrent == null)
                                LBGrassConfig newGrassConfig = new LBGrassConfig();
                                if (newGrassConfig != null)
                                    // default configuration
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lbGrassConfigUpgrade.grassTextureName))
                                        newGrassConfig = new LBGrassConfig(lbGrassConfigUpgrade);

                                        // Select the correct folder based on the source of the LBGrassConfig (i.e. which Unity package is it from)
                                        if (lbGrassConfigUpgrade.sourceName == sourceNameHQPhotoPackVol1)
                                            textureFolder = "Assets/" + pathHQPhotoPackVol1;
                                        else if (lbGrassConfigUpgrade.sourceName == sourceNameHQPhotoPackVol2)
                                            textureFolder = "Assets/" + pathHQPhotoPackVol2;
                                        else if (lbGrassConfigUpgrade.sourceName == sourceNameRusticGrass)
                                            textureFolder = "Assets/" + pathRusticGrass;
                                            textureFolder = "unknown";

                                        // The paths may not match the current project
                                        //string[] lookFor = new string[] { textureFolder };

                                        if (textureFolder == "unknown")
                                            //string shortName = lbGrassConfigUpgrade.grassTextureName.Substring(0, lbGrassConfigUpgrade.grassTextureName.LastIndexOf('.'));

                                            // If the folder doesn't exist this typically means it is not installed in the project, so use the default path.
                                            if (AssetDatabase.IsValidFolder(textureFolder))
                                                //Debug.Log("valid: " + textureFolder);
                                                // TODO - LB Grass Editor - get the correct project folder path when upgrading rather than using the default.
                                                // Currently this can return multiple textures for names that have a space in them. For now
                                                // we're going to use the default path...

                                                //string[] textureGUIDArray = AssetDatabase.FindAssets(shortName + " t:texture2D", lookFor);

                                                //if (textureGUIDArray != null)
                                                //    foreach (string guidstr in textureGUIDArray)
                                                //    {
                                                //        string pathToTexture2D = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guidstr);
                                                //        //Debug.Log(" tx: " + pathToTexture2D);
                                                //    }

                                            //Debug.Log("upgrade path: " + lbGrassConfigUpgrade.grassTexturePath);

                                // Existing configuration - so update settings
                                lbGrassconfigCurrent.grassPatchFadingMode = lbGrassConfigUpgrade.grassPatchFadingMode;
                                lbGrassconfigCurrent.healthyColour        = lbGrassConfigUpgrade.healthyColour;
                                lbGrassconfigCurrent.dryColour            = lbGrassConfigUpgrade.dryColour;
                                lbGrassconfigCurrent.detailRenderMode     = lbGrassConfigUpgrade.detailRenderMode;
                                lbGrassconfigCurrent.minWidth             = lbGrassConfigUpgrade.minWidth;
                                lbGrassconfigCurrent.maxWidth             = lbGrassConfigUpgrade.maxWidth;
                                lbGrassconfigCurrent.minHeight            = lbGrassConfigUpgrade.minHeight;
                                lbGrassconfigCurrent.maxHeight            = lbGrassConfigUpgrade.maxHeight;

                                // Update the texture settings - only update installed textures
                                if (lbGrassconfigCurrent.texture2D != null)
                                    LBTextureOperations.SetTextureAttributes(lbGrassconfigCurrent.texture2D, TextureImporterCompression.CompressedHQ, FilterMode.Bilinear, false, 0, true);
                                    LBTextureOperations.SetTextureAttributes(lbGrassconfigCurrent.texture2D, TextureImporterFormat.AutomaticCompressed, FilterMode.Bilinear, false, 0, true);

                    // Save the updates
                    if (lbGrassSetup != null)
                    Debug.Log("Landscape Builder Grass Editor: Added " + numAdded.ToString() + " new grass configurations added. " + numUpgraded.ToString() + " updated. " + numSkipped.ToString() + " skipped.");
                    allowRepaint = false;
                    // Refresh the on-screen list