Exemplo n.º 1
        public Debug(L2A.UTIL.ParameterList parameter_list, string return_xml) : base(return_xml)

            // Get the creation type.
            extra_label.Text = "";
            string creation_type = parameter_list.options_["creation_type"];

            if ("create" == creation_type)
                button_cancel.Text = "Cancel item creation";
            else if ("edit" == creation_type)
                button_cancel.Text = "Cancel edit item";
            else if ("redo_all" == creation_type)
                extra_label.Text   = "Could not create the combined Latex file for the redo mode." + Environment.NewLine + "This usually happens when something in the header changes " + Environment.NewLine + "or the document is compiled on a different system than before.";
                button_cancel.Text = "Continue";
                button_ok.Visible  = false;
                L2A.ERR.ExceptionClass.Exception("The creation type \"" + creation_type + "\" is not defiend.");

            latex_log_file_ = parameter_list.options_["log_file"];
Exemplo n.º 2
        public Options(L2A.UTIL.ParameterList parameter_list, string return_xml) : base(return_xml)

            // Add the available latex commands to the dropdown list.

            // Store the default list.
            default_list_ = parameter_list.sub_lists_["default_options"];

            // Set the git sha.
            git_sha.Text        = parameter_list.options_["git_sha"];
            git_sha.ReadOnly    = true;
            git_sha.BorderStyle = 0;
            git_sha.BackColor   = BackColor;
            git_sha.TabStop     = false;
            git_sha.TextAlign   = HorizontalAlignment.Right;

            // Set the document header path.
            header_path_                = parameter_list.options_["document_header_path"];
            document_header.ReadOnly    = true;
            document_header.BorderStyle = 0;
            document_header.BackColor   = BackColor;
            document_header.TabStop     = false;
            document_header.Enabled     = false;
            if (header_path_ == "no_documents")
                // In this case there are no open documents in Illustrator -> we can do nothing with the header.
                document_header.Text      = "No active documents in Illustrator";
                document_header.ForeColor = Color.Gray;
                header_button.Visible     = false;
            else if (header_path_ == "not_saved")
                // In this case the current opened document in Illustrator is not saved -> we can do nothing with the header.
                document_header.Text      = "Current document not saved";
                document_header.ForeColor = Color.Gray;
                header_button.Visible     = false;
            else if (File.Exists(header_path_))
                // In this case the document header exists -> allow the user to open it with the open header button.
                document_header.Text    = header_path_;
                header_button.Text      = "Open";
                document_header.Enabled = true;
                // In this case the document header does not exists -> allow the user to create it with the header button.
                document_header.Text = "No header in the document directory";
                header_button.Text   = "Create Default";

            // Load the current options.
Exemplo n.º 3
 private bool FormIsChanged()
     L2A.UTIL.ParameterList property_list = input_parameter_list_.sub_lists_["property_list"];
     return(return_parameter_list_.options_["text_align_horizontal"] != property_list.options_["text_align_horizontal"] ||
            return_parameter_list_.options_["text_align_vertical"] != property_list.options_["text_align_vertical"] ||
            return_parameter_list_.options_["placed_option"] != property_list.options_["placed_option"] ||
            return_parameter_list_.sub_lists_["latex"].main_option_ != property_list.sub_lists_["latex"].main_option_);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void SetFromParameterList(L2A.UTIL.ParameterList parameter_list)
            // Set the latex path and options.
            latex_command.SelectedItem = parameter_list.options_["command_latex"];
            latex_path.Text            = parameter_list.options_["path_latex"];
            latex_command_options.Text = parameter_list.options_["command_latex_options"];

            // Set the ghostscript path.
            gs_path.Text = parameter_list.options_["command_gs"];
Exemplo n.º 5
        public BaseForm(string return_xml) : base()
            // Set the members and form items.
            return_xml_ = return_xml;

            // Default form result.
            form_result_ = "cancel";

            // Create an empty parameter list with values to return.
            return_parameter_list_ = new L2A.UTIL.ParameterList();
Exemplo n.º 6
        public BaseForm(string return_xml) : base()
            // Set the members and form items.
            return_xml_ = return_xml;

            // Default form result.
            form_result_ = "cancel";

            // Create an empty parameter list with values to return.
            return_parameter_list_ = new L2A.UTIL.ParameterList();

            // Set the icon.
            this.Icon = Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(Application.ExecutablePath);
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void SetFromParameterList(L2A.UTIL.ParameterList parameter_list)
            // Set the latex path and options.
            latex_command.SelectedItem = parameter_list.options_["command_latex"];
            latex_path.Text            = parameter_list.options_["path_latex"];
            latex_command_options.Text = parameter_list.options_["command_latex_options"];

            // Set the ghostscript path.
            gs_path.Text = parameter_list.options_["command_gs"];

            // Set the warning flags.
            check_box_save.Checked     = Convert.ToBoolean(Int32.Parse(parameter_list.options_["warning_ai_not_saved"]));
            check_box_boundary.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(Int32.Parse(parameter_list.options_["warning_boundary_boxes"]));
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// This is a very basic test where simply "ok" is returned.
        /// </summary>
        static private void CheckForms(string return_xml)
            var return_parameter_list = new L2A.UTIL.ParameterList();

            return_parameter_list.options_["form_result"] = "ok";

            // Write the parameter list to string.
            string xml_string = return_parameter_list.ToString("LaTeX2AI_form_result");

            using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(return_xml, false))
Exemplo n.º 9
        public Redo(L2A.UTIL.ParameterList parameter_list, string return_xml) : base(return_xml)

            // Set the checkbox items.
            check_box_latex.Checked    = false;
            check_box_boundary.Checked = true;
            all_items.Checked          = true;
            selected_items.Checked     = false;

            // Add number to form.
            string n_all_items      = parameter_list.options_["n_all_items"];
            string n_selected_items = parameter_list.options_["n_selected_items"];

            all_items.Text      = "All LaTeX2AI Items in the document (" + n_all_items + ")";
            selected_items.Text = "Selected LaTeX2AI Items (" + n_selected_items + ")";

Exemplo n.º 10
        public virtual void ThisFormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e)
            // When the form is closed, write the result xml.

            // Add the form result value.
            L2A.UTIL.ParameterList root_parameter_list = new L2A.UTIL.ParameterList();
            root_parameter_list.options_["form_result"] = form_result_;

            // If a option parameter list exits, add it.
            if (return_parameter_list_ != null)
                root_parameter_list.sub_lists_["LaTeX2AI_form_result"] = return_parameter_list_;

            // Write the parameter list to string.
            string xml_string = root_parameter_list.ToString("LaTeX2AI_form_result");

            using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(return_xml_, false))
Exemplo n.º 11
        public Item(L2A.UTIL.ParameterList parameter_list, string return_xml) : base(return_xml)

            // Set the position item.
            SetPosition(parameter_list.options_["text_align_horizontal"], parameter_list.options_["text_align_vertical"]);

            // Set the placement options.

            // Set the latex code.
            textbox.Text = parameter_list.sub_lists_["latex"].main_option_;

            // Set the position of the cursor in the text box.
            int cursor_position = Int32.Parse(parameter_list.sub_lists_["latex"].options_["cursor_position"]);

            textbox.SelectionStart  = cursor_position;
            textbox.SelectionLength = 0;

            // Set the textbox to be active.
            ActiveControl = textbox;
Exemplo n.º 12
        static void Main()

            // Check if correct number of arguments are given.
            string[] arguments = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
            if (arguments.Length != 6)
                L2A.ERR.ExceptionClass.Exception("Exactly 6 input arguments are expected.");

            // Convert the xml to a parameter list.
            L2A.UTIL.ParameterList parameter_list = new L2A.UTIL.ParameterList(arguments[2]);

            // Check the git sha and the build type.
            if (arguments[4] != L2A.Constants.l2a_version_git_sha_head_)
                    "The git sha of the forms application: "
                    + L2A.Constants.l2a_version_git_sha_head_
                    + " does not match with the one from the LaTeX2AI plug-in: "
                    + arguments[4]);
            string build_type = "debug";
            string build_type = "release";
            if (arguments[5] != build_type)
                    "The build types of the forms application: "
                    + build_type
                    + " does not match with the one from the LaTeX2AI plug-in: "
                    + arguments[5]);

            // Get the path of the return xml file.
            string return_path = arguments[3];

            // Open the desired form.
            if (arguments[1] == "l2a_test_forms")
                TestForms(parameter_list, return_path);
            else if (arguments[1] == "l2a_item")
                Application.Run(new L2A.FORMS.Item(parameter_list, return_path));
            else if (arguments[1] == "l2a_redo")
                Application.Run(new L2A.FORMS.Redo(parameter_list, return_path));
            else if (arguments[1] == "l2a_debug")
                Application.Run(new L2A.FORMS.Debug(parameter_list, return_path));
            else if (arguments[1] == "l2a_options")
                Application.Run(new L2A.FORMS.Options(parameter_list, return_path));
                L2A.ERR.ExceptionClass.Exception("The form type \"" + arguments[1] + "\" is not defiend.");
Exemplo n.º 13
        public Item(L2A.UTIL.ParameterList parameter_list, string return_xml) : base(return_xml)

            input_parameter_list_ = parameter_list;
            L2A.UTIL.ParameterList property_list = input_parameter_list_.sub_lists_["property_list"];

            // Set the position item.
            SetPosition(property_list.options_["text_align_horizontal"], property_list.options_["text_align_vertical"]);

            // Set the placement options.

            // Set the latex code.
            textbox.Text = property_list.sub_lists_["latex"].main_option_;

            // Set the position of the cursor in the text box.
            int cursor_position = Int32.Parse(property_list.sub_lists_["latex"].options_["cursor_position"]);

            textbox.SelectionStart  = cursor_position;
            textbox.SelectionLength = 0;

            // Set the textbox to be active.
            ActiveControl = textbox;

            // Set the redo boundary box relatex stuff in the form.
            string boundary_box_state = input_parameter_list_.options_["boundary_box_state"];

            if (boundary_box_state == "none")
                group_boundary_box.Visible = false;
                group_boundary_box.Visible = true;
                if (boundary_box_state == "ok")
                    boundary_box_status.Text  = "Ok";
                    rebo_boundary_box.Enabled = false;
                else if (boundary_box_state == "streched")
                    boundary_box_status.Text = "Streched";
                else if (boundary_box_state == "diamond")
                    boundary_box_status.Text = "Bend";

            // Set the redo latex related stuff.
            string latex_exists = input_parameter_list_.options_["latex_exists"];

            if (latex_exists == "0")
                group_latex.Visible = false;
                group_latex.Visible = true;