/// <summary>
        /// Initialize a new instance of the KryptonAutoHiddenSlidePanel class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="control">Reference to control that is being managed.</param>
        /// <param name="edge">Docking edge being managed.</param>
        /// <param name="panel">Reference to auto hidden panel for this edge.</param>
        public KryptonAutoHiddenSlidePanel(Control control, DockingEdge edge, KryptonAutoHiddenPanel panel)
            _control         = control;
            _edge            = edge;
            _panel           = panel;
            _state           = DockingAutoHiddenShowState.Hidden;
            _checkMakeHidden = OnCheckMakeHidden;

            // We need to a timer to automate sliding in and out
            _slideTimer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer
                Interval = SLIDE_INTERVAL
            _slideTimer.Tick += OnSlideTimerTick;

            // Timer used to delay between notification of need to slide inwards and performing actual slide
            _dismissTimer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer
                Interval = DISMISS_INTERVAL
            _dismissTimer.Tick += OnDismissTimerTick;
            _dismissRunning     = false;

            // Create inner panel that holds the actual dockspace and separator
            _dockspaceSlide = new KryptonDockspaceSlide
                Dock           = DockStyle.Fill,
                AutoHiddenHost = true
            _dockspaceSlide.PageCloseClicked      += OnDockspacePageCloseClicked;
            _dockspaceSlide.PageAutoHiddenClicked += OnDockspacePageAutoHiddenClicked;
            _dockspaceSlide.PageDropDownClicked   += OnDockspacePageDropDownClicked;

            SeparatorControl = new KryptonDockspaceSeparator(edge, true);
            SeparatorControl.SplitterMoving   += OnDockspaceSeparatorMoving;
            SeparatorControl.SplitterMoved    += OnDockspaceSeparatorMoved;
            SeparatorControl.SplitterMoveRect += OnDockspaceSeparatorMoveRect;

            _inner = new KryptonPanel();
            _inner.Controls.AddRange(new Control[] { _dockspaceSlide, SeparatorControl });

            // Do not show ourself until we are needed
            Visible = false;

            // Add a Button that is not showing and used to push focus away from the dockspace
            _dummyTarget = new Button
                Location = new Point(-200, -200),
                Size     = new Size(100, 100)

            // Add ourself into the target control for docking
            control.SizeChanged += OnControlSizeChanged;

            // Need to peek at windows messages so we can determine if mouse is over the slide out panel
        private void OnSlidePanelSeparatorMoveRect(object sender, SplitterMoveRectMenuArgs e)
            // Cast to correct type and grab associated dockspace control
            KryptonDockspaceSeparator separatorControl = (KryptonDockspaceSeparator)sender;
            KryptonDockspace          dockspaceControl = _slidePanel.DockspaceControl;
            KryptonPage page = _slidePanel.Page;

            // Events are generated from the parent docking manager
            KryptonDockingManager dockingManager = DockingManager;

            if (dockingManager != null)
                // Allow the movement rectangle to be modified by event handlers
                AutoHiddenSeparatorResizeEventArgs autoHiddenSeparatorResizeRectArgs = new(separatorControl, dockspaceControl, page, FindMovementRect(e.MoveRect));
                e.MoveRect = autoHiddenSeparatorResizeRectArgs.ResizeRect;