Exemplo n.º 1
    public void Collided(object[] args)
        if (active)
            KinematicCollision collision = (KinematicCollision)args[0];

            if (target != null && collision.Collider.Equals(target))
                if (state == BreedState.GoingForBreed)
                else if (state == BreedState.Breeding)
                    if (breedingTimer > breedingThreshold)
                        if (component.Sex == AnimalBehaviourComponent.AnimalSex.Female)
                            Node spawnNode = component.parent.GetNode(Game.ANIMAL_SPAWNER_PATH);
                            int  nextSex   = BaseComponent.random.Next(0, 2);
                            spawnNode.Call("SpawnAnimal", component.PresetName, (AnimalBehaviourComponent.AnimalSex)nextSex, component.Body.GetTranslation() + new Vector3(0.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f));
                            component.Satiated -= component.BirthDrop;

                            //quick and dirty balance fix - frogs not reproducing enough
                            if (component.PresetName == "frog")
                                spawnNode.Call("SpawnAnimal", component.PresetName, (AnimalBehaviourComponent.AnimalSex)nextSex, component.Body.GetTranslation() + new Vector3(0.5f, 2.0f, 0.0f));
                        active = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
    public void Move(Vector3 movement, float moveDelta = 1f)
        movement *= moveDelta;

        Transform current     = GetTransform();
        Transform destination = current;


        Vector3            delta     = destination.origin - current.origin;
        KinematicCollision collision = MoveAndCollide(delta);

        if (collision != null && collision.Collider != null)
            ICollide collider = collision.Collider as ICollide;

            if (collider != null)
                Node colliderNode = collider as Node;
                collider.OnCollide(this as object);

        if (!grounded && collision != null && collision.Position.y < GetTranslation().y)
            if (gravityVelocity < 0)
                grounded        = true;
                gravityVelocity = 0f;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void ProcessCollision(KinematicCollision collision)
     if (((Node)collision.Collider).GetGroups().Contains("WaterWell"))
         _currentWaterCapacity = MaxWaterCapacity;
Exemplo n.º 4
    public void CheckCollision()
        int slideCount = GetSlideCount();

        if (slideCount == 0)

        speed *= speedMultiplier;

        KinematicCollision collisionInfo = GetSlideCollision(slideCount - 1);

        Pad pad = collisionInfo.Collider as Pad;

        if (pad != null)
            if (hitAmount % 4 == 0)

        Vector3 collisionNormal = collisionInfo.Normal;

        collisionNormal.y = 0;

        Vector3 reflectedDirection = (direction - 2 * (direction * collisionNormal) * collisionNormal).Normalized();

        direction = reflectedDirection;
Exemplo n.º 5
 protected AbstractState CheckIfFalling(KinematicCollision kc)
     if (kc == null)
         return(new FallingState(sharedState));
     sharedState.otherForces.y = -5; //Keep player grounded - This is kinda hacky
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override void Move(Vector3 direction)
            Transform current     = Transform;
            Transform destination = current;


            Vector3            delta     = destination.origin - current.origin;
            KinematicCollision collision = MoveAndCollide(delta);
Exemplo n.º 7
    public static Vector3 CastBoxFromPlayer(float distance)
        //Goto Player
        Singleton.PlacementPreview.GlobalTransform = Player.Singleton.ScanRay.GlobalTransform;

        Vector3            rel       = -(Singleton.PlacementPreview.GlobalTransform.basis.z * distance);
        KinematicCollision collision = Singleton.PlacementPreview.MoveAndCollide(rel, testOnly: true);

        return((collision == null) ? Singleton.PlacementPreview.Translation + rel : Singleton.PlacementPreview.Translation + collision.Travel);
Exemplo n.º 8
    // Physics substeps
    void ResetGrounded()
        KinematicCollision groundCollision = new KinematicCollision
            normal = Vector3.up,
            slope  = 0.0f

        ground      = groundCollision;
        wasGrounded = isGrounded;
        isGrounded  = false;
Exemplo n.º 9
    public void Collided(object[] args)
        if (active)
            KinematicCollision collision = (KinematicCollision)args[0];

            if (target != null && collision.Collider.Equals(target))
Exemplo n.º 10
 public override void _PhysicsProcess(float delta)
     if (_processMovement)
         KinematicCollision collision = MoveAndCollide(_velocity * delta);
         if (collision != null)
Exemplo n.º 11
    private void Fall()
        KinematicCollision collision = null;

        for (uint i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            collision = Move(Vector3.Down);
            if (collision != null)
Exemplo n.º 12
    private void HandleCollision(KinematicCollision collision)
        Node collider = (Node)collision.Collider;

        if (collider.Name == "Water")
            thirst    = 100f;
            hunger   -= 1f;
            direction = Direction.IDLE;
            state     = State.SEARCHING_WATER;
            timer     = maxTime;
Exemplo n.º 13
    // ****************** FUNCION PRINCIPAL DESPLAZAMIENTO *******

    public override void _PhysicsProcess(float delta)
        try {
            if (golpeado > 0)
                Transform trans = this.GlobalTransform;
                //  Vector3 directionlocal = trans.basis.Xform(direcciongolpeado);
                Vector3            directionlocal = direcciongolpeado;
                KinematicCollision choque         = MoveAndCollide(directionlocal * VELOCIDADGOLPEADO * delta);
        catch (Exception ex) {
Exemplo n.º 14
        public override void Move(Vector3 direction)
            Transform current     = Transform;
            Transform destination = current;


            Vector3            delta     = destination.origin - current.origin;
            KinematicCollision collision = MoveAndCollide(delta);

            if (collision != null && collision.Position.y < this.Transform.origin.y)
                jumpReady = true;
Exemplo n.º 15
        public override AbstractState PhysicsProcess(float dt)


            //If the player is colliding with anything, change to stationary state
            KinematicCollision kc = sharedState.UnconsciousMovement(sharedState.otherForces * dt);

            if (kc != null)
                sharedState.otherForces.y = -5; //Keep grounded - Super hacky?
                return(new StandingState(sharedState));
Exemplo n.º 16
    // acciones a realizar cuando choca contra algo mientras atacaba
    private void choca(KinematicCollision choque, Vector3 directionlocal)
        //      timerusogeneral.Stop();

        Godot.Object golpeado   = choque.Collider;
        ulong        idcollider = choque.ColliderId;
        ulong        idjugador  = globales.NODOJUGADOR.GetInstanceId();

        if (idjugador == idcollider)

        cambiaTipoMovimiento(TIPOSMOVIMIENTOS.PARADACHOQUE, 0);
Exemplo n.º 17
    public override void _PhysicsProcess(float delta)
        _activeTime += delta;
        // let grenade "drop" for a frame
        if (_explodeNextTick)

        // after 3 seconds, explode
        if (_activeTime > _maxPrimedTime)
            if (_thrown)
                this.Transform   = this._playerOwner.GetGlobalTransform();
                _explodeNextTick = true;

        if ((_thrown || _explodeNextTick) && _stageOne)
            _velocity = _direction * _currentSpeed;
            Vector3 motion = _velocity * delta;

            KinematicCollision c = this.MoveAndCollide(motion);

            if (c != null)
                // bounce
                _direction     = motion.Bounce(c.Normal);
                _currentSpeed *= .95f;
                // apply gravity
                _direction.y -= _gravity * delta;
Exemplo n.º 18
    void NormalPhysicsProcess(float delta)
        if (floors > 0 && !wants_to_move)
            linear_velocity = new Vector3(linear_velocity.x, 0, linear_velocity.z);
        if (floors > 0 && GetSlideCount() > 0)
            KinematicCollision col = GetSlideCollision(0);
            old_normal = col.Normal;

        linear_velocity = MoveAndSlide(linear_velocity, floorNormal: Vector3.Up, floorMaxAngle: Mathf.Pi * 2);
        if (floors > 0 && GetSlideCount() < 1)
            //MoveAndCollide(-1 * old_normal);
Exemplo n.º 19
    // logic functions
    public void drop_path(KinematicCollision hit_data = null)
        target_point = Translation;
        target_path  = new List <Vector3>();

        var hit_obj = hit_data.Collider as Spatial;

        step_back_normal = (hit_obj.GlobalTransform.origin - GlobalTransform.origin).Normalized();
        step_back_mode   = mode;
        mode             = 3;


        GD.Print("impact while moving");
        if (hit_data != null)
            GD.Print("data: " + hit_data.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 20
    void ProbeGround()
        KinematicCollision groundCollision;

        CalculateOwnCapsuleParameters(out Vector3 capsuleTop, out Vector3 capsuleBottom, out float radius);

        // Move capsule bottom up just a bit to make sure we raycast against anything that's already touching
        capsuleBottom += Vector3.up * collisionResolutionDistance;

        // Check for ground by casting our capsule down
        if (Physics.CapsuleCast(capsuleTop, capsuleBottom, radius, -Vector3.up, out RaycastHit capsuleHit, groundSnapDistance))
            groundCollision.point  = capsuleHit.point;
            groundCollision.normal = capsuleHit.normal;
            groundCollision.slope  = Vector3.Angle(groundCollision.normal, Vector3.up);

            // Try to find surface normal if possible, using raycast
            if (Physics.Raycast(capsuleBottom, -capsuleHit.normal, out RaycastHit rayHit, (groundSnapDistance + radius)))
                groundCollision.normal = rayHit.normal;
                groundCollision.slope  = Vector3.Angle(groundCollision.normal, Vector3.up);

            if (groundCollision.slope <= slopeAngleLimit)
                // Update ground properties
                isGrounded = true;
                ground     = groundCollision;

                // Snap to ground
                position += Vector3.up * -(capsuleHit.distance - collisionResolutionDistance);

                if (!wasGrounded)
            else if (groundCollision.slope <= 90.0f && wasGrounded)
Exemplo n.º 21
    private void CollisionHandler(KinematicCollision collision)
        // stop updating movement
        _processMovement = false;

        // need to rotate weapon so +y axis is parallel to velocity and move it into body to be "stuck in"
        GlobalTransform = Util.Normal2Basis(GlobalTransform, _velocity.Normalized());
        Vector3 localDelta = ToLocal(collision.Position) - ToLocal(GetNode <Position3D>("PenetrationPoint").GlobalTransform.origin);


        // turn on pickup hitbox
        _pickupHitbox.Monitoring  = true;
        _pickupHitbox.Monitorable = true;

        // visualize teleport location (leave for later to update teleport location further)
        // MeshInstance debugTeleportLocation = GetNode<MeshInstance>("DebugTeleportLocation");
        // debugTeleportLocation.Visible = true;
        // Transform placeholder = debugTeleportLocation.GlobalTransform;
        // placeholder.origin = GetTeleportLocation();
        // debugTeleportLocation.GlobalTransform = placeholder;
Exemplo n.º 22
    public override void _PhysicsProcess(float delta)
        Vector3            vel    = _direction * _speed;
        Vector3            motion = vel * delta;
        KinematicCollision c      = this.MoveAndCollide(motion);

        if (c != null)
            Random ran    = new Random();
            float  damage = _damage + ran.Next(0, 20);
            // if c collider is kinematic body (direct hit)
            if (c.Collider is Player pl)
                pl.TakeDamage(this.Transform, _weaponOwnerString, _weaponOwnerInflictLength, _playerOwner, damage);
                this.Explode(pl, damage);
                this.Explode(null, damage);
Exemplo n.º 23
        public override void Move(Vector3 direction)
            Transform current     = Transform;
            Transform destination = current;


            Vector3            delta     = destination.origin - current.origin;
            KinematicCollision collision = MoveAndCollide(delta);

            if (collision != null && collision.Position.y < this.Transform.origin.y)
                jumpReady = true;
            Node colliderNode = collision?.Collider as Node;

            if (colliderNode != null && colliderNode.IsInGroup(Constants.HazardGroup))
Exemplo n.º 24
    public override void _PhysicsProcess(float delta)
        _time    += delta;
        _velocity = _direction * _currentSpeed;
        Vector3 motion = _velocity * delta;

        KinematicCollision c = this.MoveAndCollide(motion);

        if (c != null)
            // if c collider is kinematic body (direct hit)
            if (c.Collider is Player pl)
                if (pl != this._playerOwner)
                    pl.TakeDamage(this.Transform, this.WeaponOwner.GetType().ToString().ToLower(), this.WeaponOwner.InflictLength, _playerOwner, _damage);

                    this.Explode(pl, _damage);
                // bounce
                _direction     = motion.Bounce(c.Normal);
                _currentSpeed *= .95f;
            // apply gravity
            _direction.y -= _gravity * delta;
        // after 2.5 seconds, explode
        if (_time > _lifeTime)
            this.Explode(null, _damage);
Exemplo n.º 25
    private void Walk(float delta)
        //Since IsOnFloor() doesn't properly update on concave collision shapes, count the number of bodies that _JumpArea is colliding with

        //Get the rotation of the head
        Basis aim = Head.GlobalTransform.basis;

        //Get slope of floor and if ground hit, set head velocity
        Vector3 normal;
        bool    playerFeetOverlapsFloor = PlayerFeet.Singleton.Bodies > 0;

        if (playerFeetOverlapsFloor)
            normal = GroundRay.GetCollisionNormal();
            normal = Vector3.Up;

        //Calculate ground angle
        float groundAngle = Mathf.Acos(normal.Dot(Vector3.Up));

        //Determine if slipping and set initial direction
        bool slipping       = false;
        bool noWalkSlipping = false;

        if (groundAngle > MaxSlopeSlip)
            slipping = true;
            if (groundAngle > MaxSlopeNoWalk)
                noWalkSlipping = true;
            Direction = Vector3.Up.Slide(normal);
            Direction = Vector3.Zero;

        //Get crouch
        bool crouchPressed = CrouchToggle && !CrouchJumped?Input.IsActionJustPressed("crouch") : (Input.IsActionPressed("crouch") != Crouched);

        //Determine if landing
        PlayerArms.Singleton.Land = false;
        if (IsOnFloor())
            if (WasInAir)
                //Reset number of jumps
                JumpsLeft = JumpCount;

                //Play land animations
                PlayerArms.Singleton.Fall = false;
                PlayerArms.Singleton.Land = true;
                if (!slipping && ImpactVelocity >= HeadDipThreshold)
                    PlayerAnimationTree.Singleton.LandBlend = Mathf.Min(1f, Mathf.Abs((ImpactVelocity - HeadDipThreshold) / (-Gravity - HeadDipThreshold)));

                //Play Land Sounds if Velocity is significant

                //Deal fall damage
                if (ImpactVelocity >= FatalFallVelocity)
                    PlayerHealthManager.Singleton.Kill("A Fatal Fall");
                else if (ImpactVelocity >= MajorInjuryFallVelocity)
                    PlayerHealthManager.Singleton.TakeDamage("A Major Spill", 50);
                else if (ImpactVelocity >= MinorInjuryFallVelocity)
                    PlayerHealthManager.Singleton.TakeDamage("A Minor Spill", 10);

                //Determine if player had crouch jumped
                if (CrouchJumped)
                    CrouchJumped    = false;
                    WantsToUncrouch = crouchPressed;

                WasInAir = false;
        else if (Mathf.Abs(Velocity.y) > 4f)
            WasInAir = true;
            PlayerArms.Singleton.Fall = true;
            ImpactVelocity            = -Velocity.y;

        //Get input and set direction
        bool userMoving = (Vinput != 0 || Hinput != 0);

        Direction += aim.z * (slipping ? -1f : 1f) * Vinput;
        Direction += aim.x * (slipping ? -1f : 1f) * Hinput;
        if (Direction.Length() > 1f)
            Direction = Direction.Normalized();

        Vector3 velocityNoGravity = new Vector3(Velocity.x, 0, Velocity.z);

        //Get sprint
        if (SprintToggle)
            if (Input.IsActionJustPressed("sprint"))
                Sprint = !Sprint;
            Sprint = (Input.IsActionPressed("sprint") != SprintToWalk);

        //Get speed and acceleration dependant variables
        bool accelerate = Direction.Dot(velocityNoGravity) > 0;

        //Set target speed
        Vector3 targetVelocity;

        if (slipping)
            targetVelocity = Direction * Gravity * (1f - Vector3.Up.Dot(normal));
            targetVelocity = Direction * (Sprint ? (IsOnFloor() ? FullSpeedSprint : Mathf.Max(Velocity.Length(), FullSpeedWalk)) : FullSpeedWalk);

        //Apply gravity
        Velocity.y += Gravity * delta;

        //Calculate velocity
        float acceleration   = IsOnFloor() || (IsOnWall() && noWalkSlipping) ? AccelerationWalk: AccelerationAir;
        float deacceleration = IsOnFloor() ? DeaccelerationWalk : DeaccelerationAir;

        velocityNoGravity = velocityNoGravity.LinearInterpolate(targetVelocity, (accelerate ? acceleration : deacceleration) * delta);
        Velocity.x        = velocityNoGravity.x;
        Velocity.z        = velocityNoGravity.z;

        //Set walking animation blend
        float bob1D = PlayerArms.Singleton.Walk;

        if (userMoving && IsOnFloor())
            bob1D = Mathf.Min(1f, bob1D + ((Sprint ? BobIncrementSprint : BobIncrementWalk) * delta));
            bob1D = Mathf.Max(0.01f, bob1D - ((IsOnFloor() ? BobDecrementFloor : BobDecrementAir) * delta));
        if (HeadBobbing)
            PlayerAnimationTree.Singleton.HeadBobBlend = bob1D;
        PlayerArms.Singleton.Walk = bob1D;
        PlayerAnimationTree.Singleton.HeadBobScale = Sprint ? 1.5f : 1f;

        //Set arm swing blend
        SwingTarget = SwingTarget.LinearInterpolate(Vector2.Zero, 0.05f);
        PlayerArms.Singleton.Swing = SwingTarget;

        //Set step timer
        if (bob1D > 0.1f)
            if (PlayerFeet.Singleton.StepTimer.Paused == true)
                //GD.Print("Not Paused");
                PlayerFeet.Singleton.StepTimer.Paused = false;
            if (PlayerFeet.Singleton.StepTimer.Paused == false)
                PlayerFeet.Singleton.StepTimer.Paused = true;
        PlayerFeet.Singleton.StepTimer.WaitTime = Sprint ? 0.25f : 0.5f;

        //Get jump
        PlayerArms.Singleton.Jump = false;
        if ((BunnyHopping ? Input.IsActionPressed("jump") : Input.IsActionJustPressed("jump")) && (playerFeetOverlapsFloor) || Input.IsActionJustPressed("jump") && JumpsLeft > 0)
            PlayerArms.Singleton.Jump = true;
            if (!PlayerFeet.Singleton.JumpPlayer.Playing)
            Velocity.y = 0f;
            //Velocity += normal * JumpHeight;
            //Velocity.y *= (noWalkSlipping ? 0.1f : 1f);
            if (!slipping && Direction.Dot(velocityNoGravity) < 0f)
                //GD.Print("Reset Velocity");
                Velocity.x = 0f;
                Velocity.z = 0f;
            Velocity += (noWalkSlipping ? normal : Vector3.Up) * JumpHeight;
            PlayerFeet.Singleton.CanBunnyHop = false;
            _SnapArea.Snap = false;

            if (!playerFeetOverlapsFloor)
                //Update number of jumps
                JumpsLeft -= 1;

        if (crouchPressed || (Crouched && WantsToUncrouch))
            if (IsOnFloor())
                //Check if uncrouch is possible
                if ((Crouched && StandArea.GetOverlappingBodies().Count == 0) || (!Crouched))
                    //Invert crouch (animation, collision, etc. handled in get set)
                    Crouched        = !Crouched;
                    WantsToUncrouch = false;
                else if (crouchPressed)
                    //Invert WantToUncrouch. Player will uncrouch at latest opportunity.
                    WantsToUncrouch = !WantsToUncrouch;
            else if (CanCrouchJump && !Crouched && !CrouchJumped)
                CrouchJumped = true;
                Crouched     = true;
                Translate(Vector3.Up * 1.1f);
                //GD.Print("Crouch jump.");

        //Get Climb
        if (Input.IsActionPressed("climb"))
            WantsToClimb = true;

        //Calculate ledge point
        Vector3 closestLedgePoint = Vector3.Inf;
        bool    canClimb          = false;
        bool    withCrouch        = false;

        ClimbLabel.Visible = false;
        if (!Crouched)
            foreach (RayCast LedgeRay in LedgeRays)
                if (LedgeRay.IsColliding())
                    if (LedgeRay.GetCollisionPoint().DistanceTo(Translation) < closestLedgePoint.DistanceTo(Translation))
                        closestLedgePoint = LedgeRay.GetCollisionPoint();
                        canClimb          = true;
            closestLedgePoint = closestLedgePoint + (Vector3.Up * (StandHeight + 0.075f));

            if (canClimb)
                //Disable all other colliders
                bool[] shapeDisabledState = new bool[OtherCollision.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < OtherCollision.Count; ++i)
                    //GD.Print("Disabling collision ", OtherCollision[i].Name);
                    shapeDisabledState[i]      = OtherCollision[i].Disabled;
                    OtherCollision[i].Disabled = true;

                //Test to see if player has space to climb
                canClimb = !TestMove(new Transform(Quat.Identity, closestLedgePoint), Vector3.Zero);
                if (!canClimb)
                    _CollisionStand.Disabled  = true;
                    _CollisionCrouch.Disabled = false;
                    canClimb   = !TestMove(new Transform(Quat.Identity, closestLedgePoint), Vector3.Zero);
                    withCrouch = canClimb;
                    _CollisionStand.Disabled  = false;
                    _CollisionCrouch.Disabled = true;

                //Reset colliders
                for (int i = 0; i < OtherCollision.Count; ++i)
                    //GD.Print("Reseting other collision", OtherCollision[i], " ", shapeDisabledState[i]);
                    OtherCollision[i].Disabled = shapeDisabledState[i];

            ClimbLabel.Visible = canClimb;
            if (canClimb && WantsToClimb)
                if (withCrouch)
                    Crouched = true;

                //Set climb point and enter climb state
                ClimbPoint    = closestLedgePoint;
                ClimbStep     = (ClimbPoint - Translation).Normalized() * ClimbSpeed;
                ClimbDistance = (ClimbPoint - Translation).Length();
                PlayerAnimationTree.Singleton.HeadBobScale = 0f;
                Climbing = true;

                //Reset ImpactVelocity and zero y Velocity to avoid confusing animations
                ImpactVelocity = Velocity.y = 0f;

        //Move Player and calculate distance
        Vector3 o  = Translation;
        Vector3 vo = velocityNoGravity;

        if (userMoving || slipping)
            Velocity = MoveAndSlideWithSnap(Velocity, _SnapArea.Snap ? Vector3.Down : Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Up, true, 4, MaxSlopeNoWalk);
            //Velocity = MoveAndSlideWithSnap(Velocity, _SnapArea.Snap ? Vector3.Down : Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Up, true, 4, MaxSlopeNoWalk);
            Velocity = MoveAndSlide(Velocity, Vector3.Up, true, 4, MaxSlopeNoWalk);
            if (GetSlideCount() > 0)
                KinematicCollision slide = GetSlideCollision(0);
                if (Vector3.Up.AngleTo(slide.Normal) < MaxSlopeSlip)
                    //Player is sliding on a slope they shouldn't be sliding on.
                    Velocity = vo;
        Vector3 d        = Translation;
        Vector3 distance = (d - o);

        //Calculate Acceleration and force
        MovementVelocity     = distance / delta;
        MovementAcceleration = 2f * distance / Mathf.Pow(delta, 2f);
        MovementForce        = Mass * MovementAcceleration;
Exemplo n.º 26
    private void HandleCollision(KinematicCollision collision)
        if (collision.Collider == Parent)

        heading = Vector3.Zero;

        if (collision.Collider.HasMethod("Hit"))
            Node b = new Node();

            // Set hit particle based on living or inanimate object
            if (collision.Collider is Player)
                b = humanHitParticle.Instance();
            else if (collision.Collider is Enemy)
                if (((Global)GetNode("/root/Global")).HumanEnemies)
                    b = humanHitParticle.Instance();
                    b = waspHitParticle.Instance();
                b = hitParticle.Instance();
            // Set particle variables
            ((CPUParticles)b.GetNode("CPUParticles")).Emitting = true;

            Vector3 offset = Vector3.Zero;
            if (collision.Collider.Get("Translation") == null)
                offset = (Vector3)collision.Collider.Get("Translation");
            ((CPUParticles)b.GetNode("CPUParticles")).SetTranslation(collision.Position - offset);

            if (collision.Collider is RigidBody && !(collision.Collider is Player) && !(collision.Collider is Enemy))
                // Apply impulse to rigidbodies
                ((RigidBody)collision.Collider).ApplyCentralImpulse(-collision.Normal * 5f);

            // Add particle

            Node b = hitParticle.Instance();
            ((CPUParticles)b.GetNode("CPUParticles")).Emitting = true;

            Vector3 offset = Vector3.Zero;
            if (collision.Collider.Get("Translation") == null)
                offset = (Vector3)collision.Collider.Get("Translation");
            ((CPUParticles)b.GetNode("CPUParticles")).SetTranslation(collision.Position - offset);
Exemplo n.º 27
 public virtual void OnPlayerCollide(KinematicCollision Collision)
Exemplo n.º 28
    //provides grid based movement and handles collision information
    public KinematicCollision Move(Vector3 relVec)
        if (!_collisionLoaded)
        relVec *= SPEED;
        KinematicCollision collision = MoveAndCollide(relVec, testOnly: true);

        //don't move if it would cause a collision and return that collision
        if (collision != null)
            //handle the collision
            Node   collider = (Node)collision.Collider;
            string name     = NameGetter.FromCollision(collider);
            switch (name)
            case "bambooPlatformStatic":
                Spatial staticBody = (StaticBody)collider;
                if (staticBody.Translation.y != 0)
                    staticBody.Translation = Vector3.Zero;
                    relVec   += new Vector3(0, SPEED, 0);
                    collision = null;

            case "pot":
                moveWrapper colliderMove = (moveWrapper)collider;
                if (colliderMove.Move(relVec / SPEED) == null)
                    collision = null;

            case "GridMap":
            case "flowerPlatform":

                GD.Print("Unhandled collision against " + name);
        //move if it wouldn't cause a collision
        if (collision == null)
            Translation += relVec;
            if (planted)
                var plant = (Spatial)plantRaycast.GetCollider();
                if (plant != null)
                    plant.Translation += relVec;
                    planted = false;
Exemplo n.º 29
    public Vector3 Move(Vector3 Momentum, float Delta, int MaxSlideCount, float MaxAngle, float Snap)
        Vector3 Movement = Momentum * Delta;

        if (Momentum.y <= 0)
            Vector3            OriginalTranslation = Translation;
            var                SnapVec             = new Vector3(0, -Snap, 0);
            KinematicCollision SnapCollision       = MoveAndCollide(SnapVec);

            if (SnapCollision != null && Acos(SnapCollision.Normal.Dot(new Vector3(0, 1, 0))) <= Deg2Rad(MaxAngle))
                OnFloor = true;

                float TargetHLength = Movement.Flattened().Length();
                Movement = Movement.Slide(SnapCollision.Normal);
                float NewHLength = Movement.Flattened().Length();
                if (TargetHLength != 0 && NewHLength != 0)                //Protect against division by zero
                    Movement *= TargetHLength / Movement.Flattened().Length();

                Translation = OriginalTranslation;
                Momentum.y  = 0;                //On floor so "zero" out vertical momentum
                Translation = OriginalTranslation;
                OnFloor     = false;
            OnFloor = false;

        int   SlideCount = 0;
        float Traveled   = 0f;

        while (SlideCount <= MaxSlideCount)
            Movement = Movement.Normalized() * (Movement.Length() - Traveled);
            KinematicCollision Collision = MoveAndCollide(Movement);
            if (Collision == null)
                break;                 //No collision, reached destination

            Traveled += Collision.Travel.Length();
            if (Traveled >= Movement.Length())
                break;                 //Reached destination
            SlideCount += 1;

            //Dirty hack to prevent horizontal nudging when landing
            bool  SlideByNormal           = true;
            float NormalAverageHorizontal = (Abs(Collision.Normal.x) + Abs(Collision.Normal.z)) / 2f;
            if (Collision.Normal.y >= NormalAverageHorizontal)
                SlideByNormal = false;

            if (SlideByNormal && Acos(Collision.Normal.Dot(new Vector3(0, 1, 0))) <= Deg2Rad(MaxAngle))
                Movement = Movement.Slide(Collision.Normal);

            if (Acos(Collision.Normal.Dot(new Vector3(0, 1, 0))) <= Deg2Rad(MaxAngle))
                OnFloor = true;
            else if (SlideByNormal)
                Momentum = Momentum.Slide(Collision.Normal);

        if (OnFloor)
            Momentum.y = 0f;             //On floor so "zero" out vertical momentum
        MoveAndSlide(new Vector3());
Exemplo n.º 30
    public override void _PhysicsProcess(float delta)
        try {
            // ****** No se mueve
            if (tipomovimiento == TIPOSMOVIMIENTOS.NINGUNO)
                 * if (direccion != new Vector3())
                 * {
                 *  // ascender/descender
                 *  Vector3 direcciontrans = new Vector3(direccion.x, 0,direccion.z);
                 *  Transform trans = this.GlobalTransform;
                 *  Vector3 directionlocal = trans.basis.Xform(direcciontrans);
                 *  //   Vector3 directionlocal = direccion;
                 *  KinematicCollision choque = MoveAndCollide(directionlocal * VELOCIDAD * delta);
                 *  // actuamos si chocamos
                 * }

            // se mueve al azar por el escenario
            if (tipomovimiento == TIPOSMOVIMIENTOS.MOVIENDOSE)
                // el movimiento normal es siempre hacia el frente, si está mirando hacia arriba o abajo
                // hacemos que mire al frente

                Vector3 giroactual = Rotation;
                if (giroactual.x != 0)
                    if (Math.Abs(giroactual.x) < VELOCIDADGIRO)
                        giroactual.x = 0;
                    else if (giroactual.x > VELOCIDADGIRO)
                        giroactual.x -= VELOCIDADGIRO;
                        giroactual.x += VELOCIDADGIRO;

                    this.Rotation = giroactual;

                // comprobamos si hay que rotar

                Vector3 posicionyo       = this.Translation;
                Vector2 diferencia2d     = new Vector2(posicionobjetivoactual.x, posicionobjetivoactual.z) - new Vector2(posicionyo.x, posicionyo.z);
                Vector3 zfact            = -this.GlobalTransform.basis.z;
                Vector2 zfact2d          = new Vector2(zfact.x, zfact.z);
                Vector2 diferencia2dnorm = diferencia2d.Normalized();
                Vector2 zfact2dnorm      = zfact2d.Normalized();
                float   anguloangle      = zfact2dnorm.AngleTo(diferencia2dnorm);

                if (anguloangle > (float)VELOCIDADGIRO)
                else if (anguloangle < (float)VELOCIDADGIRO)

                // avanzamos

                Vector3 posicionactual = Translation;

                if (direccion != new Vector3())
                    Vector3 vectordistancia = posicionobjetivoactual - posicionyo;
                    float   distanciafloat  = vectordistancia.Length();

                    float lay = 0;

                    // ascender/descender

                    if (vectordistancia.y > 0)
                        lay = (float)0.02;
                    if (vectordistancia.y < 0)
                        lay = (float)-0.02;

                    Vector3 direcciontrans = new Vector3(direccion.x, lay, direccion.z);

                    Transform trans          = this.GlobalTransform;
                    Vector3   directionlocal = trans.basis.Xform(direcciontrans);
                    //   Vector3 directionlocal = direccion;
                    KinematicCollision choque = MoveAndCollide(directionlocal * VELOCIDAD * delta);

                    // actuamos si chocamos

                    if (choque != null || distanciafloat < 10)

                    if (decideAtacarJugador())
                        cambiaTipoMovimiento(TIPOSMOVIMIENTOS.ATAQUEPREPARANDO, 0);

            // se desplaza como siempre, pero buscando como objetivo al jugador
            if (tipomovimiento == TIPOSMOVIMIENTOS.BUSCANDOJUGADOR)
                // funciona igual que el movimiento normal, pero el objetivo es siempre el jugador

                posicionobjetivoactual = globales.NODOJUGADOR.Translation;

                // comprobamos si hay que rotar

                Vector3 posicionyo       = this.Translation;
                Vector2 diferencia2d     = new Vector2(posicionobjetivoactual.x, posicionobjetivoactual.z) - new Vector2(posicionyo.x, posicionyo.z);
                Vector3 zfact            = -this.GlobalTransform.basis.z;
                Vector2 zfact2d          = new Vector2(zfact.x, zfact.z);
                Vector2 diferencia2dnorm = diferencia2d.Normalized();
                Vector2 zfact2dnorm      = zfact2d.Normalized();
                float   anguloangle      = zfact2dnorm.AngleTo(diferencia2dnorm);

                if (anguloangle > (float)VELOCIDADGIRO)
                else if (anguloangle < (float)VELOCIDADGIRO)

                // avanzamos

                Vector3 posicionactual = Translation;

                if (direccion != new Vector3())
                    Vector3 vectordistancia = posicionobjetivoactual - posicionyo;
                    float   distanciafloat  = vectordistancia.Length();

                    float lay = 0;

                    // ascender/descender

                    if (vectordistancia.y > 0)
                        lay = (float)0.02;
                    if (vectordistancia.y < 0)
                        lay = (float)-0.02;

                    Vector3 direcciontrans = new Vector3(direccion.x, lay, direccion.z);

                    Transform trans          = this.GlobalTransform;
                    Vector3   directionlocal = trans.basis.Xform(direcciontrans);
                    //   Vector3 directionlocal = direccion;
                    KinematicCollision choque = MoveAndCollide(directionlocal * VELOCIDAD * delta);

                    // actuamos si chocamos

                    if (choque != null)

                    if (decideAtacarJugador())
                        cambiaTipoMovimiento(TIPOSMOVIMIENTOS.ATAQUEPREPARANDO, 0);

            // deja de moverse y gira para encarar al jugador antes de atacar
            if (tipomovimiento == TIPOSMOVIMIENTOS.ATAQUEPREPARANDO)
                Vector3 giroactual  = Rotation;
                Vector3 girodestino = vectorgirapreparaataque;

                if (giroactual.y < girodestino.y && (girodestino.y - giroactual.y) > (VELOCIDADGIRO * 1.5))
                    //      RotateY(CANTIDADGIROAT);
                    giroactual.y += VELOCIDADGIRO * (float)1.5;
                if (giroactual.y > girodestino.y && (giroactual.y - girodestino.y) > (VELOCIDADGIRO * 1.5))
                    // RotateY(-CANTIDADGIROAT);
                    giroactual.y -= VELOCIDADGIRO * (float)1.5;

                if (giroactual.x < girodestino.x && (girodestino.x - giroactual.x) > (VELOCIDADGIRO * 1.5))
                    //      RotateY(CANTIDADGIROAT);
                    giroactual.x += VELOCIDADGIRO * (float)1.5;
                if (giroactual.x > girodestino.x && (giroactual.x - girodestino.x) > (VELOCIDADGIRO * 1.5))
                    // RotateY(-CANTIDADGIROAT);
                    giroactual.x -= VELOCIDADGIRO * (float)1.5;

                this.Rotation = giroactual;

                // si alcanza el giro destino, se lanza al ataque despues de 1 segundo

                if ((girodestino.y - giroactual.y) < (VELOCIDADGIRO * 2) && (giroactual.x - girodestino.x) < (VELOCIDADGIRO * 1.5))
                    cambiaTipoMovimiento(TIPOSMOVIMIENTOS.ATAQUEAPUNTOLANZAR, 0);

            // deja de moverse y gira para encarar al jugador antes de atacar
            if (tipomovimiento == TIPOSMOVIMIENTOS.ATAQUEAPUNTOLANZAR)
                contadordeltaataque -= delta;

                this.Rotation = vectorgirapreparaataque;
                this.RotateZ(objrand.RandfRange(-(float)0.2, (float)0.2));

                if (contadordeltaataque <= 0)

            // avanza en linea recta acelerando hasta alcanzar una velocidad maxima
            if (tipomovimiento == TIPOSMOVIMIENTOS.ATAQUEACELERANDO)
                // avanzamos

                Vector3 posicionactual = Translation;

                if (direccion != new Vector3())
                    Vector3 direcciontrans = new Vector3(direccion.x, 0, direccion.z);

                    Transform trans          = this.GlobalTransform;
                    Vector3   directionlocal = trans.basis.Xform(direcciontrans);
                    //   Vector3 directionlocal = direccion;
                    contadordeltaataque -= delta;

                    KinematicCollision choque = MoveAndCollide(directionlocal * velocidadatacando * delta);

                    if (choque != null)
                        choca(choque, directionlocal);
                    if (contadordeltaataque <= 0)
                        cambiaTipoMovimiento(TIPOSMOVIMIENTOS.ATAQUECONSTANTE, 0);

                    // actuamos si chocamos

            if (tipomovimiento == TIPOSMOVIMIENTOS.ATAQUECONSTANTE)
                // avanzamos

                Vector3 posicionactual = Translation;

                if (direccion != new Vector3())
                    Vector3 direcciontrans = new Vector3(direccion.x, 0, direccion.z);

                    Transform trans          = this.GlobalTransform;
                    Vector3   directionlocal = trans.basis.Xform(direcciontrans);
                    //   Vector3 directionlocal = direccion;
                    contadordeltaataque -= delta;

                    KinematicCollision choque = MoveAndCollide(directionlocal * velocidadatacando * delta);

                    if (choque != null)
                        choca(choque, directionlocal);
                    if (contadordeltaataque <= 0)
                        cambiaTipoMovimiento(TIPOSMOVIMIENTOS.ATAQUEDESACELERANDO, 0);

                    // actuamos si chocamos

            if (tipomovimiento == TIPOSMOVIMIENTOS.ATAQUEDESACELERANDO)
                // avanzamos

                Vector3 posicionactual = Translation;

                if (direccion != new Vector3())
                    Vector3 direcciontrans = new Vector3(direccion.x, 0, direccion.z);

                    Transform trans          = this.GlobalTransform;
                    Vector3   directionlocal = trans.basis.Xform(direcciontrans);
                    //   Vector3 directionlocal = direccion;
                    contadordeltaataque -= delta;

                    KinematicCollision choque = MoveAndCollide(directionlocal * velocidadatacando * delta);

                    if (choque != null)
                        choca(choque, directionlocal);
                    if (contadordeltaataque <= 0)
                        cambiaTipoMovimiento(TIPOSMOVIMIENTOS.MOVIENDOSE, 0);

                    // actuamos si chocamos

            // se mueve un poco hacia atras al chocar despues de un ataque

            if (tipomovimiento == TIPOSMOVIMIENTOS.PARADACHOQUE)
                // avanzamos

                Vector3 posicionactual = Translation;

                if (direccion != new Vector3())
                    // hacemos que se vaya poniendo derecho

                    Vector3 giroactual = Rotation;
                    if (giroactual.x != 0)
                        if (Math.Abs(giroactual.x) < VELOCIDADGIRO)
                            giroactual.x = 0;
                        else if (giroactual.x > VELOCIDADGIRO)
                            giroactual.x -= VELOCIDADGIRO;
                            giroactual.x += VELOCIDADGIRO;

                        this.Rotation = giroactual;

                    Vector3 direcciontrans = new Vector3(direccion.x, 0, -direccion.z);

                    Transform trans          = this.GlobalTransform;
                    Vector3   directionlocal = trans.basis.Xform(direcciontrans);
                    //   Vector3 directionlocal = direccion;
                    contadordeltaataque -= delta;

                    KinematicCollision choque = MoveAndCollide(directionlocal * VELOCIDAD * 2 * delta);

                    if (contadordeltaataque <= 0)
                        cambiaTipoMovimiento(TIPOSMOVIMIENTOS.MOVIENDOSE, 0);

                    // actuamos si chocamos
        catch (Exception ex) {