Exemplo n.º 1
    // ConstrainSelfIntersection collides joints with the skeleton to keep the skeleton's hands and wrists from puncturing its body
    // A cylinder is created to represent the torso. Intersecting joints have their positions changed to push them outside the torso.
    public void Constrain(ref KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonData skeleton)
//        if (null == skeleton)
//        {
//            return;
//        }

        int shoulderCenterIndex = (int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.ShoulderCenter;
        int hipCenterIndex      = (int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.HipCenter;

        if (skeleton.eSkeletonPositionTrackingState[shoulderCenterIndex] != KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionTrackingState.NotTracked &&
            skeleton.eSkeletonPositionTrackingState[hipCenterIndex] != KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionTrackingState.NotTracked)
            Vector3 shoulderDiffLeft    = KinectHelper.VectorBetween(ref skeleton, shoulderCenterIndex, (int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.ShoulderLeft);
            Vector3 shoulderDiffRight   = KinectHelper.VectorBetween(ref skeleton, shoulderCenterIndex, (int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.ShoulderRight);
            float   shoulderLengthLeft  = shoulderDiffLeft.magnitude;
            float   shoulderLengthRight = shoulderDiffRight.magnitude;

            // The distance between shoulders is averaged for the radius
            float cylinderRadius = (shoulderLengthLeft + shoulderLengthRight) * 0.5f;

            // Calculate the shoulder center and the hip center.  Extend them up and down respectively.
            Vector3 shoulderCenter = (Vector3)skeleton.SkeletonPositions[shoulderCenterIndex];
            Vector3 hipCenter      = (Vector3)skeleton.SkeletonPositions[hipCenterIndex];
            Vector3 hipShoulder    = hipCenter - shoulderCenter;

            shoulderCenter = shoulderCenter - (hipShoulder * (ShoulderExtend * cylinderRadius));
            hipCenter      = hipCenter + (hipShoulder * (HipExtend * cylinderRadius));

            // Optionally increase radius to account for bulky avatars
            cylinderRadius *= RadiusMultiplier;

            // joints to collide
            int[] collisionIndices =

            foreach (int j in collisionIndices)
                Vector3 collisionJoint = (Vector3)skeleton.SkeletonPositions[j];

                Vector4 distanceNormal = KinectHelper.DistanceToLineSegment(shoulderCenter, hipCenter, collisionJoint);

                Vector3 normal = new Vector3(distanceNormal.x, distanceNormal.y, distanceNormal.z);

                // if distance is within the cylinder then push the joint out and away from the cylinder
                if (distanceNormal.w < cylinderRadius)
                    collisionJoint += normal * ((cylinderRadius - distanceNormal.w) * CollisionTolerance);

                    skeleton.SkeletonPositions[j] = (Vector4)collisionJoint;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create Helpers to manage the streams from the Kinect Sensor
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateHelpers()
            LogHelper.logInput("Create Helpers", LogHelper.logType.INFO, "Manager");

            //   Kinect
            kinectMgr = QlikMove.Kinect.KinectHelper.Instance;

            //  Gesture Helper
            GestureMgr = GestureHelper.Instance;
            //add the callback method when an event is triggered
            GestureMgr.EventRecognised += new EventHandler <QlikMove.StandardHelper.EventArguments.QlikMoveEventArgs>(this.Event_EventRecognised);

            //  AudioStream
            VoiceMgr = VoiceHelper.Instance;

            //  Launch the ActionRecogniser with its method
            ActionMgr = ActionHelper.Instance;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void RefreshJointData(KinectJoint[] buffer, UnityEngine.Vector4 floorClipPlane,
                                            Dictionary <JointType, Windows.Kinect.Joint> joints, Dictionary <JointType, JointOrientation> jointOrientations)
            var correction = KinectHelper.CalculateFloorRotationCorrection(floorClipPlane);
            var index      = 0;

            // Trick: Because SpineShoulder is not the successor of SpineMid in the enum,
            // the loop does the first iteration for SpineShoulder and restarts at index = 0 = SpineBase.
            for (int i = (int)JointType.SpineShoulder; i < buffer.Length; i = index++)
                var jointType        = (JointType)i;
                var joint            = joints[jointType];
                var jointOrientation = jointOrientations[jointType];

                var position = correction * KinectHelper.CameraSpacePointToRealSpace(joint.Position, floorClipPlane);
                var rotation = correction * KinectHelper.OrientationToRealSpace(jointOrientation.Orientation);

                if (rotation.IsZero())
                    var parent = KinectHelper.parentJointTypes[i];
                    rotation = KinectHelper.InferrRotationFromParentPosition(position, buffer[(int)parent].position);

                buffer[i] = new KinectJoint(position, rotation, joint.TrackingState);

            // This is a fix for the head rotation.
            // Normally the rotation should be inferred from the parent spine
            // like other joints but for some reason this does not work correctly.
            var head          = buffer[(int)JointType.Head];
            var neck          = buffer[(int)JointType.Neck];
            var fixedRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(neck.rotation * Vector3.forward, head.position - neck.position);

            buffer[(int)JointType.Head] = new KinectJoint(head.position, fixedRotation, head.trackingState);
        /// <summary>
        /// CorrectSensorTilt applies camera tilt correction to the skeleton data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="skeleton">The skeleton to correct</param>
        /// <param name="floorPlane">The floor plane (consisting of up normal and sensor height) detected by skeleton tracking (if any).</param>
        /// <param name="sensorElevationAngle">The tilt of the sensor as detected by Kinect.</param>
        public static void CorrectSensorTilt(Skeleton skeleton, Tuple <float, float, float, float> floorPlane, int sensorElevationAngle)
            if (null == skeleton)

            // To correct the tilt of the skeleton due to a tilted camera, we have three possible up vectors:
            // one from any floor plane detected in Skeleton Tracking, one from the gravity normal produced by the 3D accelerometer,
            // and one from the tilt value sensed by the camera motor.
            // The raw accelerometer value is not currently available in the Kinect for Windows SDK, so instead we use the
            // the sensorElevationAngle, as the floor plane from skeletal tracking is typically only detected when the
            // camera is pointing down and sees the floor.
            // Note: SensorElevationAngle value varies around +/- 60 degrees.
            Vector3 floorNormal = Vector3.UnitY; // default value (has no tilt effect)

            // Assume camera base is level, and use the tilt of the Kinect motor.
            // Rotate an up vector by the negated elevation angle around the X axis
            floorNormal = Vector3.Transform(
                Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), ConvertToRadians(sensorElevationAngle)));

            if (floorPlane != null)
                Vector4 floorPlaneVec = new Vector4(floorPlane.Item1, floorPlane.Item2, floorPlane.Item3, floorPlane.Item4);

                if (floorPlaneVec.Length() > float.Epsilon && (sensorElevationAngle == 0 || Math.Abs(sensorElevationAngle) > 50))
                    // Use the floor plane for everything.
                    floorNormal = new Vector3(floorPlaneVec.X, floorPlaneVec.Y, floorPlaneVec.Z);

            Array jointTypeValues = Enum.GetValues(typeof(JointType));

            // Running average of floor normal
            averagedFloorNormal = (averagedFloorNormal * 0.9f) + (floorNormal * 0.1f);
            Quaternion rotationToRoomSpace = KinectHelper.GetShortestRotationBetweenVectors(Vector3.UnitY, averagedFloorNormal);

            Vector3 hipCenter = KinectHelper.SkeletonPointToVector3(skeleton.Joints[JointType.HipCenter].Position);

            // De-tilt.
            foreach (JointType j in jointTypeValues)
                Joint         joint = skeleton.Joints[j];
                SkeletonPoint pt    = joint.Position;
                Vector3       pos   = KinectHelper.SkeletonPointToVector3(pt);

                // Move it back to the origin to rotate
                pos -= hipCenter;

                Vector3 rotatedVec = Vector3.Transform(pos, rotationToRoomSpace);

                rotatedVec += hipCenter;

                joint.Position     = KinectHelper.Vector3ToSkeletonPoint(rotatedVec);
                skeleton.Joints[j] = joint;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// ConstrainSelfIntersection collides joints with the skeleton to keep the skeleton's hands and wrists from puncturing its body
        /// A cylinder is created to represent the torso. Intersecting joints have their positions changed to push them outside the torso.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="skeleton">The skeleton.</param>
        public static void Constrain(Skeleton skeleton)
            if (null == skeleton)

            const float ShoulderExtend     = 0.5f;
            const float HipExtend          = 6.0f;
            const float CollisionTolerance = 1.01f;
            const float RadiusMultiplier   = 1.3f; // increase for bulky avatars

            if (skeleton.Joints[JointType.ShoulderCenter].TrackingState != JointTrackingState.NotTracked &&
                skeleton.Joints[JointType.HipCenter].TrackingState != JointTrackingState.NotTracked)
                Vector3 shoulderDiffLeft    = KinectHelper.VectorBetween(skeleton, JointType.ShoulderCenter, JointType.ShoulderLeft);
                Vector3 shoulderDiffRight   = KinectHelper.VectorBetween(skeleton, JointType.ShoulderCenter, JointType.ShoulderRight);
                float   shoulderLengthLeft  = shoulderDiffLeft.Length();
                float   shoulderLengthRight = shoulderDiffRight.Length();

                // The distance between shoulders is averaged for the radius
                float cylinderRadius = (shoulderLengthLeft + shoulderLengthRight) * 0.5f;

                // Calculate the shoulder center and the hip center.  Extend them up and down respectively.
                Vector3 shoulderCenter = KinectHelper.SkeletonPointToVector3(skeleton.Joints[JointType.ShoulderCenter].Position);
                Vector3 hipCenter      = KinectHelper.SkeletonPointToVector3(skeleton.Joints[JointType.HipCenter].Position);
                Vector3 hipShoulder    = hipCenter - shoulderCenter;

                shoulderCenter = shoulderCenter - (hipShoulder * (ShoulderExtend * cylinderRadius));
                hipCenter      = hipCenter + (hipShoulder * (HipExtend * cylinderRadius));

                // Optionally increase radius to account for bulky avatars
                cylinderRadius *= RadiusMultiplier;

                // joints to collide
                JointType[] collisionIndices = { JointType.WristLeft, JointType.HandLeft, JointType.WristRight, JointType.HandRight };

                foreach (JointType j in collisionIndices)
                    Vector3 collisionJoint = KinectHelper.SkeletonPointToVector3(skeleton.Joints[j].Position);

                    System.Numerics.Vector4 distanceNormal = KinectHelper.DistanceToLineSegment(shoulderCenter, hipCenter, collisionJoint);

                    Vector3 normal = new Vector3(distanceNormal.X, distanceNormal.Y, distanceNormal.Z);

                    // if distance is within the cylinder then push the joint out and away from the cylinder
                    if (distanceNormal.W < cylinderRadius)
                        collisionJoint += normal * ((cylinderRadius - distanceNormal.W) * CollisionTolerance);

                        Joint joint = skeleton.Joints[j];
                        joint.Position     = KinectHelper.Vector3ToSkeletonPoint(collisionJoint);
                        skeleton.Joints[j] = joint;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void SetLegMatrix(JointType joint, Matrix legRotation, ref Matrix[] boneTransforms)
            Quaternion kinectRotation = KinectHelper.DecomposeMatRot(legRotation);  // XYZ
            Quaternion avatarRotation = new Quaternion(kinectRotation.Y, kinectRotation.Z, kinectRotation.X, kinectRotation.W);

            legRotation = Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(avatarRotation);

            this.ReplaceBoneMatrix(joint, legRotation, false, ref boneTransforms);
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Event
 private void HelperReady()
     helper   = KinectHelper.Instance;
     skeleton = helper.GetFixedSkeleton();
     GreenScreen.RenderImageData(helper.DepthImagePixels, helper.ColorPixels);
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Refreshes preallocated buffers for frame and joint data.
        /// The goal is to avoid per frame allocations in the <see cref="Windows.Kinect.Body.Joints"/>
        /// and <see cref="Windows.Kinect.Body.JointOrientations"/> properties.
        /// </summary>
        public void RefreshFrameData(Body body, FaceFrameResult face, UnityEngine.Vector4 floorClipPlane)
            this.body         = body;
            this.face         = face;
            this.trackingId   = this.body.GetTrackingIdFast();
            this.lean         = this.body.GetLeanDirection();
            this.faceRotation = this.face == null ? Quaternion.identity : KinectHelper.FaceRotationToRealSpace(face.FaceRotationQuaternion);

            KinectJoint.RefreshJointData(this.joints, floorClipPlane, this.rawJoints, this.rawJointOrientations);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public Scanner(KinectHelper khelper, BoundingBox scanVolume, Vector3 centerPoint, int steps, int stepdelay)
     m_centerPoint  = centerPoint;
     m_stepDelay    = stepdelay;
     ScannerContext = this;
     m_kinectHelper = khelper;
     //m_serialCommunicator = schelper;
     m_scanVolume   = scanVolume;
     m_kinectThread = new Thread(Scan);
     m_kinectThread.IsBackground = true;
Exemplo n.º 10
        private void SetAccessoriesNew(KinectHelper helper)
            Skeleton activeSkeleton = helper.GetFixedSkeleton();

            if (helper.GetTrackedSkeletons() > 1)
                if (Accessories.CheckAccessoriesNew())
                    activeSkeleton = helper.SetNewFixedSkeleton();
Exemplo n.º 11
 private void FixJointHierarchy(KinectSkeletonJoint joint)
     // I'm not 100% sure if this is right,
     // but at the moment it works fine.
     for (int i = 0; i < this.m_JointCount; ++i)
         if (this.m_Joints[i].transform.parent == joint.transform.parent &&
             KinectHelper.InJointTypeHierachy(joint.jointType, this.m_Joints[i].jointType))
             SetJointParentWithoutRebuild(this.m_Joints[i], joint.transform);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void CopySkeleton(Skeleton sourceSkeleton)
            if (null == sourceSkeleton)

            if (null == this.skeleton)
                this.skeleton = new Skeleton();

            KinectHelper.CopySkeleton(sourceSkeleton, this.skeleton);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public OscMessage BuildJointMessage(Skeleton body, Joint joint)
            string jointName = joint.JointType.ToString();

            if (jointName.IndexOf("Left") >= 0)
                jointName = jointName.Replace("Left", "Right");
            else if (jointName.IndexOf("Right") >= 0)
                jointName = jointName.Replace("Right", "Left");

            var jointRotation = body.BoneOrientations[joint.JointType].AbsoluteRotation.Matrix;
            var position      = body.Joints[joint.JointType].Position;
            var rotation      = body.BoneOrientations[joint.JointType].AbsoluteRotation.Matrix;
            var qrotation     = body.BoneOrientations[joint.JointType].AbsoluteRotation.Quaternion;

            Quaternion qOrientation = new Quaternion(qrotation.X, qrotation.Y, qrotation.Z, qrotation.W);

            Matrix4x4 mjointRot = new Matrix4x4(jointRotation.M11, jointRotation.M12, jointRotation.M13, jointRotation.M14, jointRotation.M21, jointRotation.M22, jointRotation.M23, jointRotation.M24, jointRotation.M31, jointRotation.M32, jointRotation.M33, jointRotation.M34, jointRotation.M41, jointRotation.M42, jointRotation.M43, jointRotation.M44);

            //System.Numerics.Vector4 v = new System.Numerics.Vector4(qrotation.X, qrotation.Y, qrotation.Z, qrotation.W);
            //Plane pln = new Plane(v);
            //Matrix4x4 reflectionParent = System.Numerics.Matrix4x4.CreateReflection(pln);
            //qSend = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(reflectionParent);
            //qSend.W = qrotation.W;

            var flipMat = new Matrix4x4(1, 0, 0, 0,
                                        0, -1, 0, 0,
                                        0, 0, 1, 0,
                                        0, 0, 0, 1

            mjointRot = flipMat * mjointRot * flipMat;

            var address = String.Format("/{0}", joint.JointType);

            if (KinectHelper.BoneOrientationIsValid(qOrientation))
                Quaternion qSend;
                qSend = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(mjointRot);

                return(new OscMessage(address, (body.Position.X + position.X), (body.Position.Y + position.Y), (body.Position.Z + position.Z), qSend.W, qSend.X, qSend.Y, qSend.Z));
            return(new OscMessage(address, (body.Position.X + position.X), (body.Position.Y + position.Y), (body.Position.Z + position.Z)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method to calculate a rotated line for the constraint cones.
        /// </summary>
        private void AddRotatedLine(Vector3 rotatedLine, Skeleton skeleton, int i, Color color)
            BoneOrientationConstraint jc = this.jointConstraints[i];
            Vector3 coneTipVertex        = KinectHelper.Position(skeleton, KinectHelper.ParentBoneJoint(jc.Joint));

            // Scale dir vector for display
            rotatedLine *= LineScale;

            Vector3 coneBaseVertex = coneTipVertex + rotatedLine;

            coneTipVertex  *= this.SkeletonTranslationScaleFactor; // This will scale and optionally mirror the skeleton
            coneBaseVertex *= this.SkeletonTranslationScaleFactor;

            this.lineVertices.Add(new VertexPositionColor(coneTipVertex, color));
            this.lineIndices.Add((short)(this.lineVertices.Count - 1));
            this.lineVertices.Add(new VertexPositionColor(coneBaseVertex, color));
            this.lineIndices.Add((short)(this.lineVertices.Count - 1));
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method to add a line between two joints to the list of lines for drawing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="skeleton">The skeleton.</param>
        /// <param name="vertex1">The joint type of the first vertex.</param>
        /// <param name="vertex2">The joint type of the second vertex.</param>
        private void AddLine(Skeleton skeleton, JointType vertex1, JointType vertex2)
            // Do not draw bone if not tracked
            if (!KinectHelper.IsTrackedOrInferred(skeleton, vertex1) ||
                !KinectHelper.IsTrackedOrInferred(skeleton, vertex2))

            Color color = Color.Green;

            // Change color of bone to black if at least one joint is inferred
            if (!KinectHelper.IsTracked(skeleton, vertex1) ||
                !KinectHelper.IsTracked(skeleton, vertex2))
                color = Color.Black;

            // Change color of bone to red if constrained
            for (int i = 0; i < this.jointConstraints.Count; i++)
                if (this.jointConstraints[i].Joint == vertex2 && this.jointConstraints[i].Constraint > 1)
                    color = Color.Red;

            Vector3 jointPosition1 = KinectHelper.Position(skeleton, vertex1);
            Vector3 jointPosition2 = KinectHelper.Position(skeleton, vertex2);

            jointPosition1 *= this.SkeletonTranslationScaleFactor;  // This will scale and optionally mirror the skeleton
            jointPosition2 *= this.SkeletonTranslationScaleFactor;

            this.lineVertices.Add(new VertexPositionColor(jointPosition1, color));
            this.lineIndices.Add((short)(this.lineVertices.Count - 1));
            this.lineVertices.Add(new VertexPositionColor(jointPosition2, color));
            this.lineIndices.Add((short)(this.lineVertices.Count - 1));
Exemplo n.º 16
        public static void DrawGizmos(KinectManager manager, GizmoType type)
            if (manager.sensor == null || !manager.sensor.IsAvailable)

            Transform transform = manager.transform;

            var position   = transform.position;
            var rotation   = transform.rotation;
            var correction = KinectHelper.CalculateFloorRotationCorrection(manager.floorClipPlane);

            transform.position = transform.position + KinectHelper.SensorFloorPlaneYOffset(manager.floorClipPlane);
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.Inverse(correction) * transform.rotation;

            Gizmos.color  = KinectEditorUtils.green;
            Gizmos.matrix = transform.localToWorldMatrix;
            Gizmos.DrawFrustum(Vector3.zero, KinectHelper.fieldOfView.y, KinectHelper.clippingPlane.x,
                               KinectHelper.clippingPlane.y, KinectHelper.aspectRatio);

            transform.rotation = rotation;
            transform.position = position;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method draws the skeleton frame data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameTime">The elapsed game time.</param>
        /// <param name="skeleton">The skeleton to correct.</param>
        /// <param name="seatedMode">Set true if in seated mode.</param>
        /// <param name="world">The world matrix.</param>
        /// <param name="view">The view matrix.</param>
        /// <param name="projection">The projection matrix.</param>
        public void Draw(GameTime gameTime, Skeleton skeleton, bool seatedMode, Matrix world, Matrix view, Matrix projection)
            // If we don't have data, lets leave
            if (null == skeleton || null == this.Game || null == this.effect)

            GraphicsDevice device = this.Game.GraphicsDevice;

            // Disable the depth buffer so we can render the Kinect skeleton inside the model
            device.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.None;

            // Update the Kinect skeleton in the display
            this.CreateKinectSkeleton(skeleton, seatedMode);

            if (this.drawKinectSkeletonConstraintCones)
                this.AddConstraintDirectionCones(skeleton, seatedMode);

            this.effect.World              = world;
            this.effect.View               = view;
            this.effect.Projection         = projection;
            this.effect.VertexColorEnabled = true;

            foreach (EffectPass pass in this.effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes)

                // Draw Kinect Skeleton vertices as Line List
                device.DrawUserIndexedPrimitives <VertexPositionColor>(
                    this.lineIndices.Count / 2);

            if (null != this.localJointCoordinateSystemCrosses)
                Array jointTypeValues = Enum.GetValues(typeof(JointType));

                foreach (JointType j in jointTypeValues)
                    if (KinectHelper.IsTrackedOrInferred(skeleton, j))
                        Matrix  localWorld  = KinectHelper.Matrix4ToXNAMatrix(skeleton.BoneOrientations[j].AbsoluteRotation.Matrix);
                        Vector3 jointPosVec = KinectHelper.Position(skeleton, j);

                        jointPosVec           *= this.SkeletonTranslationScaleFactor; // This will scale and optionally mirror the skeleton
                        localWorld.Translation = jointPosVec;                         // set the translation into the rotation matrix

                        this.localJointCoordinateSystemCrosses.Draw(gameTime, localWorld * world, view, projection);

            // Re-enable the depth buffer
            device.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default;
    // Update the filter for one joint.
    protected void FilterJoint(ref KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonData skeleton, int jointIndex, ref KinectWrapper.NuiTransformSmoothParameters smoothingParameters, ref Matrix4x4[] jointOrientations)
//        if (null == skeleton)
//        {
//            return;
//        }

//        int jointIndex = (int)jt;

        Quaternion filteredOrientation;
        Quaternion trend;

        Vector3 fwdVector = (Vector3)jointOrientations[jointIndex].GetColumn(2);

        if (fwdVector == Vector3.zero)

        Quaternion rawOrientation          = Quaternion.LookRotation(fwdVector, jointOrientations[jointIndex].GetColumn(1));
        Quaternion prevFilteredOrientation = this.history[jointIndex].FilteredBoneOrientation;
        Quaternion prevTrend          = this.history[jointIndex].Trend;
        Vector3    rawPosition        = (Vector3)skeleton.SkeletonPositions[jointIndex];
        bool       orientationIsValid = KinectHelper.JointPositionIsValid(rawPosition) && KinectHelper.IsTrackedOrInferred(skeleton, jointIndex) && KinectHelper.BoneOrientationIsValid(rawOrientation);

        if (!orientationIsValid)
            if (this.history[jointIndex].FrameCount > 0)
                rawOrientation = history[jointIndex].FilteredBoneOrientation;
                history[jointIndex].FrameCount = 0;

        // Initial start values or reset values
        if (this.history[jointIndex].FrameCount == 0)
            // Use raw position and zero trend for first value
            filteredOrientation = rawOrientation;
            trend = Quaternion.identity;
        else if (this.history[jointIndex].FrameCount == 1)
            // Use average of two positions and calculate proper trend for end value
            Quaternion prevRawOrientation = this.history[jointIndex].RawBoneOrientation;
            filteredOrientation = KinectHelper.EnhancedQuaternionSlerp(prevRawOrientation, rawOrientation, 0.5f);

            Quaternion diffStarted = KinectHelper.RotationBetweenQuaternions(filteredOrientation, prevFilteredOrientation);
            trend = KinectHelper.EnhancedQuaternionSlerp(prevTrend, diffStarted, smoothingParameters.fCorrection);
            // First apply a jitter filter
            Quaternion diffJitter    = KinectHelper.RotationBetweenQuaternions(rawOrientation, prevFilteredOrientation);
            float      diffValJitter = (float)Math.Abs(KinectHelper.QuaternionAngle(diffJitter));

            if (diffValJitter <= smoothingParameters.fJitterRadius)
                filteredOrientation = KinectHelper.EnhancedQuaternionSlerp(prevFilteredOrientation, rawOrientation, diffValJitter / smoothingParameters.fJitterRadius);
                filteredOrientation = rawOrientation;

            // Now the double exponential smoothing filter
            filteredOrientation = KinectHelper.EnhancedQuaternionSlerp(filteredOrientation, prevFilteredOrientation * prevTrend, smoothingParameters.fSmoothing);

            diffJitter = KinectHelper.RotationBetweenQuaternions(filteredOrientation, prevFilteredOrientation);
            trend      = KinectHelper.EnhancedQuaternionSlerp(prevTrend, diffJitter, smoothingParameters.fCorrection);

        // Use the trend and predict into the future to reduce latency
        Quaternion predictedOrientation = filteredOrientation * KinectHelper.EnhancedQuaternionSlerp(Quaternion.identity, trend, smoothingParameters.fPrediction);

        // Check that we are not too far away from raw data
        Quaternion diff    = KinectHelper.RotationBetweenQuaternions(predictedOrientation, filteredOrientation);
        float      diffVal = (float)Math.Abs(KinectHelper.QuaternionAngle(diff));

        if (diffVal > smoothingParameters.fMaxDeviationRadius)
            predictedOrientation = KinectHelper.EnhancedQuaternionSlerp(filteredOrientation, predictedOrientation, smoothingParameters.fMaxDeviationRadius / diffVal);

//        predictedOrientation.Normalize();
//        filteredOrientation.Normalize();
//        trend.Normalize();

        // Save the data from this frame
        history[jointIndex].RawBoneOrientation      = rawOrientation;
        history[jointIndex].FilteredBoneOrientation = filteredOrientation;
        history[jointIndex].Trend = trend;

        // Set the filtered and predicted data back into the bone orientation
        if (KinectHelper.BoneOrientationIsValid(predictedOrientation))
            jointOrientations[jointIndex].SetTRS(Vector3.zero, predictedOrientation, Vector3.one);
    // Implements the per-frame filter logic for the arms up patch.
    public bool FilterSkeleton(ref KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonData skeleton, float deltaNuiTime)
//        if (null == skeleton)
//        {
//            return false;
//        }

        // exit early if we lose tracking on the entire skeleton
        if (skeleton.eTrackingState != KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonTrackingState.SkeletonTracked)

        KinectHelper.CopySkeleton(ref skeleton, ref filteredSkeleton);
        filterJoints.UpdateFilter(ref filteredSkeleton);

        // Update lerp state with the current delta NUI time.

        // Exit early if we do not have a valid body basis - too much of the skeleton is invalid.
        if ((!KinectHelper.IsTracked(skeleton, (int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.HipCenter)) ||
            (!KinectHelper.IsTrackedOrInferred(skeleton, (int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.HipLeft)) ||
            (!KinectHelper.IsTrackedOrInferred(skeleton, (int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.HipRight)))

        // Determine if the skeleton is clipped by the bottom of the FOV.
        bool clippedBottom = (skeleton.dwQualityFlags & (int)KinectWrapper.FrameEdges.Bottom) != 0;

        // Select a mask for the left leg depending on which joints are not tracked.
        // These masks define how much of the filtered joint positions should be blended
        // with the raw positions.  Based on the tracking state of the leg joints, we apply
        // more filtered data as more joints lose tracking.
        Vector3 leftLegMask = this.allTracked;

        if (!KinectHelper.IsTracked(skeleton, (int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.KneeLeft))
            leftLegMask = this.kneeInferred;
        else if (!KinectHelper.IsTracked(skeleton, (int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.AnkleLeft))
            leftLegMask = this.ankleInferred;
        else if (!KinectHelper.IsTracked(skeleton, (int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.FootLeft))
            leftLegMask = this.footInferred;

        // Select a mask for the right leg depending on which joints are not tracked.
        Vector3 rightLegMask = this.allTracked;

        if (!KinectHelper.IsTracked(skeleton, (int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.KneeRight))
            rightLegMask = this.kneeInferred;
        else if (!KinectHelper.IsTracked(skeleton, (int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.AnkleRight))
            rightLegMask = this.ankleInferred;
        else if (!KinectHelper.IsTracked(skeleton, (int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.FootRight))
            rightLegMask = this.footInferred;

        // If the skeleton is not clipped by the bottom of the FOV, cut the filtered data
        // blend in half.
        float clipMask = clippedBottom ? 1.0f : 0.5f;

        // Apply the mask values to the joints of each leg, by placing the mask values into the lerp targets.
        this.lerpLeftKnee.SetEnabled(leftLegMask.x * clipMask);
        this.lerpLeftAnkle.SetEnabled(leftLegMask.y * clipMask);
        this.lerpLeftFoot.SetEnabled(leftLegMask.z * clipMask);
        this.lerpRightKnee.SetEnabled(rightLegMask.x * clipMask);
        this.lerpRightAnkle.SetEnabled(rightLegMask.y * clipMask);
        this.lerpRightFoot.SetEnabled(rightLegMask.z * clipMask);

        // The bSkeletonUpdated flag tracks whether we have modified the output skeleton or not.
        bool skeletonUpdated = false;

        // Apply lerp to the left knee, which will blend the raw joint position with the filtered joint position based on the current lerp value.
        if (this.lerpLeftKnee.IsLerpEnabled())
            int jointIndex = (int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.KneeLeft;
            KinectHelper.LerpAndApply(ref skeleton, jointIndex, (Vector3)filteredSkeleton.SkeletonPositions[jointIndex], lerpLeftKnee.SmoothValue, KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionTrackingState.Tracked);
            skeletonUpdated = true;

        // Apply lerp to the left ankle.
        if (this.lerpLeftAnkle.IsLerpEnabled())
            int jointIndex = (int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.AnkleLeft;
            KinectHelper.LerpAndApply(ref skeleton, jointIndex, (Vector3)filteredSkeleton.SkeletonPositions[jointIndex], lerpLeftAnkle.SmoothValue, KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionTrackingState.Tracked);
            skeletonUpdated = true;

        // Apply lerp to the left foot.
        if (this.lerpLeftFoot.IsLerpEnabled())
            int jointIndex = (int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.FootLeft;
            KinectHelper.LerpAndApply(ref skeleton, jointIndex, (Vector3)filteredSkeleton.SkeletonPositions[jointIndex], lerpLeftFoot.SmoothValue, KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionTrackingState.Inferred);
            skeletonUpdated = true;

        // Apply lerp to the right knee.
        if (this.lerpRightKnee.IsLerpEnabled())
            int jointIndex = (int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.KneeRight;
            KinectHelper.LerpAndApply(ref skeleton, jointIndex, (Vector3)filteredSkeleton.SkeletonPositions[jointIndex], lerpRightKnee.SmoothValue, KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionTrackingState.Tracked);
            skeletonUpdated = true;

        // Apply lerp to the right ankle.
        if (this.lerpRightAnkle.IsLerpEnabled())
            int jointIndex = (int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.AnkleRight;
            KinectHelper.LerpAndApply(ref skeleton, jointIndex, (Vector3)filteredSkeleton.SkeletonPositions[jointIndex], lerpRightAnkle.SmoothValue, KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionTrackingState.Tracked);
            skeletonUpdated = true;

        // Apply lerp to the right foot.
        if (this.lerpRightFoot.IsLerpEnabled())
            int jointIndex = (int)KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionIndex.FootRight;
            KinectHelper.LerpAndApply(ref skeleton, jointIndex, (Vector3)filteredSkeleton.SkeletonPositions[jointIndex], lerpRightFoot.SmoothValue, KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonPositionTrackingState.Inferred);
            skeletonUpdated = true;

    // Update the filter for one joint.
    protected void FilterJoint(ref KinectWrapper.NuiSkeletonData skeleton, int jointIndex, ref KinectWrapper.NuiTransformSmoothParameters smoothingParameters)
        //        if (null == skeleton)
        //        {
        //            return;
        //        }

        //int jointIndex = (int)jt;

        Vector3 filteredPosition;
        Vector3 diffvec;
        Vector3 trend;
        Vector3 predictedPosition; // modify
        float   diffVal;

        Vector3 rawPosition           = (Vector3)skeleton.SkeletonPositions[jointIndex];
        Vector3 prevFilteredPosition  = this.history[jointIndex].FilteredPosition;
        Vector3 prevTrend             = this.history[jointIndex].Trend;
        Vector3 prevRawPosition       = this.history[jointIndex].RawPosition;
        Vector3 prevPredictedPosition = this.history[jointIndex].PredictedPosition; // modify

        bool jointIsValid = KinectHelper.JointPositionIsValid(rawPosition);

        // If joint is invalid, reset the filter
        if (!jointIsValid)
            history[jointIndex].FrameCount = 0;

        // modify
        if (filterType == 1)
            // Initial start values
            // Single Exponential Smoothing Filter
            if (this.history[jointIndex].FrameCount == 0)
                filteredPosition = rawPosition;
            else if (this.history[jointIndex].FrameCount == 1 || this.history[jointIndex].FrameCount == 2)
                filteredPosition = (rawPosition + prevRawPosition) * 0.5f;
                // First apply jitter filter
                diffvec = rawPosition - prevFilteredPosition;
                diffVal = Math.Abs(diffvec.magnitude);

                if (diffVal <= smoothingParameters.fJitterRadius)
                    filteredPosition = (rawPosition * (diffVal / smoothingParameters.fJitterRadius)) + (prevFilteredPosition * (1.0f - (diffVal / smoothingParameters.fJitterRadius)));
                    filteredPosition = rawPosition;

                // Single exponential smoothing filter
                filteredPosition = (filteredPosition * (1.0f - smoothingParameters.fSmoothing)) + (prevFilteredPosition * smoothingParameters.fSmoothing);
            predictedPosition = filteredPosition;

            // Check if we are not too far away from raw data
            diffvec = predictedPosition - rawPosition;
            diffVal = Mathf.Abs(diffvec.magnitude);

            if (diffVal > smoothingParameters.fMaxDeviationRadius)
                predictedPosition = (predictedPosition * (smoothingParameters.fMaxDeviationRadius / diffVal)) + (rawPosition * (1.0f - (smoothingParameters.fMaxDeviationRadius / diffVal)));

            trend = Vector3.zero;

            // Initial start values
            // Double Exponential Smoothing Filter
            if (this.history[jointIndex].FrameCount == 0)
                filteredPosition = rawPosition;
                trend            = Vector3.zero;
            else if (this.history[jointIndex].FrameCount == 1)
                filteredPosition = (rawPosition + prevRawPosition) * 0.5f;
                diffvec          = filteredPosition - prevFilteredPosition;
                trend            = (diffvec * smoothingParameters.fCorrection) + (prevTrend * (1.0f - smoothingParameters.fCorrection));
                // First apply jitter filter
                diffvec = rawPosition - prevFilteredPosition;
                diffVal = Math.Abs(diffvec.magnitude);

                if (diffVal <= smoothingParameters.fJitterRadius)
                    filteredPosition = (rawPosition * (diffVal / smoothingParameters.fJitterRadius)) + (prevFilteredPosition * (1.0f - (diffVal / smoothingParameters.fJitterRadius)));
                    filteredPosition = rawPosition;

                // Double exponential smoothing filter
                filteredPosition = (filteredPosition * (1.0f - smoothingParameters.fSmoothing)) + ((prevFilteredPosition + prevTrend) * smoothingParameters.fSmoothing);

                diffvec = filteredPosition - prevFilteredPosition;
                trend   = (diffvec * smoothingParameters.fCorrection) + (prevTrend * (1.0f - smoothingParameters.fCorrection));

            // Predict into the future to reduce latency
            // Vector3 predictedPosition = filteredPosition + (trend * smoothingParameters.fPrediction);
            predictedPosition = filteredPosition + (trend * smoothingParameters.fPrediction); //modify

            // Check if we are not too far away from raw data
            diffvec = predictedPosition - rawPosition;
            diffVal = Mathf.Abs(diffvec.magnitude);

            if (diffVal > smoothingParameters.fMaxDeviationRadius)
                predictedPosition = (predictedPosition * (smoothingParameters.fMaxDeviationRadius / diffVal)) + (rawPosition * (1.0f - (smoothingParameters.fMaxDeviationRadius / diffVal)));

        // Save the data from this frame
        history[jointIndex].RawPosition      = rawPosition;
        history[jointIndex].FilteredPosition = filteredPosition;
        history[jointIndex].Trend            = trend;

        // Set the filtered data back into the joint
        //        Joint j = skeleton.Joints[jt];
        //        j.Position = KinectHelper.Vector3ToSkeletonPoint(predictedPosition);
        //        skeleton.Joints[jt] = j;
        skeleton.SkeletonPositions[jointIndex] = (Vector4)predictedPosition;
Exemplo n.º 21
 private void SetAccessoriesNew(KinectHelper helper)
     Skeleton activeSkeleton = helper.GetFixedSkeleton();
     if (helper.GetTrackedSkeletons() > 1)
         if (Accessories.CheckAccessoriesNew())
             activeSkeleton = helper.SetNewFixedSkeleton();
        /// <summary>
        /// CorrectSkeletonOffsetFromFloor moves the skeleton to the floor.
        /// If no floor found in Skeletal Tracking, we can try and use the foot position
        /// but this can be very noisy, which causes the skeleton to bounce up and down.
        /// Note: Using the foot positions will reduce the visual effect of jumping when
        /// an avateer jumps, as we perform a running average.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="skeleton">The skeleton to correct.</param>
        /// <param name="floorPlane">The floor plane (consisting of up normal and sensor height) detected by skeleton tracking (if any).</param>
        /// <param name="avatarHipCenterHeight">The height of the avatar Hip Center joint.</param>
        public void CorrectSkeletonOffsetFromFloor(Skeleton skeleton, Tuple <float, float, float, float> floorPlane, float avatarHipCenterHeight)
            if (skeleton == null || skeleton.TrackingState != SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked)

            Vector4 floorPlaneVec = Vector4.Zero;
            bool    haveFloor     = false;

            if (null != floorPlane)
                floorPlaneVec = new Vector4(floorPlane.Item1, floorPlane.Item2, floorPlane.Item3, floorPlane.Item4);
                haveFloor     = floorPlaneVec.Length() > float.Epsilon;

            // If there's no floor found, try to use the lower foot position, if visible.
            Vector3 hipCenterPosition = KinectHelper.SkeletonPointToVector3(skeleton.Joints[JointType.HipCenter].Position);
            bool    haveLeftFoot      = KinectHelper.IsTrackedOrInferred(skeleton, JointType.FootLeft);
            bool    haveLeftAnkle     = KinectHelper.IsTracked(skeleton, JointType.AnkleLeft);
            bool    haveRightFoot     = KinectHelper.IsTrackedOrInferred(skeleton, JointType.FootRight);
            bool    haveRightAnkle    = KinectHelper.IsTracked(skeleton, JointType.AnkleRight);

            if (haveLeftFoot || haveLeftAnkle || haveRightFoot || haveRightAnkle)
                // As this runs after de-tilt of the skeleton, so the floor-camera offset will
                // be the foot to camera 0 height in meters as the foot is at the floor plane.
                // Jumping is enabled to some extent due to the running average, but will appear reduced in height.
                Vector3 leftFootPosition  = KinectHelper.SkeletonPointToVector3(skeleton.Joints[JointType.FootLeft].Position);
                Vector3 rightFootPosition = KinectHelper.SkeletonPointToVector3(skeleton.Joints[JointType.FootRight].Position);

                Vector3 leftAnklePosition  = KinectHelper.SkeletonPointToVector3(skeleton.Joints[JointType.AnkleLeft].Position);
                Vector3 rightAnklePosition = KinectHelper.SkeletonPointToVector3(skeleton.Joints[JointType.AnkleRight].Position);

                // Average the foot and ankle if we have it
                float leftFootAverage  = (haveLeftFoot && haveLeftAnkle) ? (leftFootPosition.Y + leftAnklePosition.Y) * 0.5f : haveLeftFoot ? leftFootPosition.Y : leftAnklePosition.Y;
                float rightFootAverage = (haveRightFoot && haveRightAnkle) ? (rightFootPosition.Y + rightAnklePosition.Y) * 0.5f : haveRightFoot ? rightFootPosition.Y : rightAnklePosition.Y;

                // We assume the lowest foot is placed on the floor
                float lowestFootPosition = 0;

                if ((haveLeftFoot || haveLeftAnkle) && (haveRightFoot || haveRightAnkle))
                    // Negate, as we are looking for the camera height above the floor plane
                    lowestFootPosition = Math.Min(leftFootAverage, rightFootAverage);
                else if (haveLeftFoot || haveLeftAnkle)
                    lowestFootPosition = leftFootAverage;
                    lowestFootPosition = rightFootAverage;

                // Running average of floor position
                this.averageFloorOffset = (this.averageFloorOffset * 0.9f) + (lowestFootPosition * 0.1f);
            else if (haveFloor)
                // Get the detected height of the camera off the floor in meters.
                if (0.0f == this.averageFloorOffset)
                    // If it's the initial frame of detection, just set the floor plane directly.
                    this.averageFloorOffset = -floorPlaneVec.W;
                    // Running average of floor position
                    this.averageFloorOffset = (this.averageFloorOffset * 0.9f) + (-floorPlaneVec.W * 0.1f);
                // Just set the avatar offset directly
                this.averageFloorOffset = hipCenterPosition.Y - avatarHipCenterHeight;

            Array jointTypeValues = Enum.GetValues(typeof(JointType));

            // Move to the floor.
            foreach (JointType j in jointTypeValues)
                Joint         joint = skeleton.Joints[j];
                SkeletonPoint pt    = joint.Position;

                pt.Y = pt.Y - this.averageFloorOffset;

                joint.Position     = pt;
                skeleton.Joints[j] = joint;
Exemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the filter for one joint.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="skeleton">The Skeleton to filter.</param>
        /// <param name="jt">The Skeleton Joint index to filter.</param>
        /// <param name="smoothingParameters">The Smoothing parameters to apply.</param>
        protected void FilterJoint(Skeleton skeleton, JointType jt, TransformSmoothParameters smoothingParameters)
            if (null == skeleton)

            int jointIndex = (int)jt;

            Quaternion filteredOrientation;
            Quaternion trend;

            Quaternion rawOrientation          = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(KinectHelper.Matrix4ToXNAMatrix(skeleton.BoneOrientations[jt].HierarchicalRotation.Matrix));
            Quaternion prevFilteredOrientation = this.history[jointIndex].FilteredBoneOrientation;
            Quaternion prevTrend          = this.history[jointIndex].Trend;
            Vector3    rawPosition        = KinectHelper.SkeletonPointToVector3(skeleton.Joints[jt].Position);
            bool       orientationIsValid = KinectHelper.JointPositionIsValid(rawPosition) && KinectHelper.IsTrackedOrInferred(skeleton, jt) && KinectHelper.BoneOrientationIsValid(rawOrientation);

            if (!orientationIsValid)
                if (this.history[jointIndex].FrameCount > 0)
                    rawOrientation = this.history[jointIndex].FilteredBoneOrientation;
                    this.history[jointIndex].FrameCount = 0;

            // Initial start values or reset values
            if (this.history[jointIndex].FrameCount == 0)
                // Use raw position and zero trend for first value
                filteredOrientation = rawOrientation;
                trend = Quaternion.Identity;
            else if (this.history[jointIndex].FrameCount == 1)
                // Use average of two positions and calculate proper trend for end value
                Quaternion prevRawOrientation = this.history[jointIndex].RawBoneOrientation;
                filteredOrientation = KinectHelper.EnhancedQuaternionSlerp(prevRawOrientation, rawOrientation, 0.5f);

                Quaternion diffStarted = KinectHelper.RotationBetweenQuaternions(filteredOrientation, prevFilteredOrientation);
                trend = KinectHelper.EnhancedQuaternionSlerp(prevTrend, diffStarted, smoothingParameters.Correction);
                // First apply a jitter filter
                Quaternion diffJitter    = KinectHelper.RotationBetweenQuaternions(rawOrientation, prevFilteredOrientation);
                float      diffValJitter = (float)Math.Abs(KinectHelper.QuaternionAngle(diffJitter));

                if (diffValJitter <= smoothingParameters.JitterRadius)
                    filteredOrientation = KinectHelper.EnhancedQuaternionSlerp(prevFilteredOrientation, rawOrientation, diffValJitter / smoothingParameters.JitterRadius);
                    filteredOrientation = rawOrientation;

                // Now the double exponential smoothing filter
                filteredOrientation = KinectHelper.EnhancedQuaternionSlerp(filteredOrientation, Quaternion.Multiply(prevFilteredOrientation, prevTrend), smoothingParameters.Smoothing);

                diffJitter = KinectHelper.RotationBetweenQuaternions(filteredOrientation, prevFilteredOrientation);
                trend      = KinectHelper.EnhancedQuaternionSlerp(prevTrend, diffJitter, smoothingParameters.Correction);

            // Use the trend and predict into the future to reduce latency
            Quaternion predictedOrientation = Quaternion.Multiply(filteredOrientation, KinectHelper.EnhancedQuaternionSlerp(Quaternion.Identity, trend, smoothingParameters.Prediction));

            // Check that we are not too far away from raw data
            Quaternion diff    = KinectHelper.RotationBetweenQuaternions(predictedOrientation, filteredOrientation);
            float      diffVal = (float)Math.Abs(KinectHelper.QuaternionAngle(diff));

            if (diffVal > smoothingParameters.MaxDeviationRadius)
                predictedOrientation = KinectHelper.EnhancedQuaternionSlerp(filteredOrientation, predictedOrientation, smoothingParameters.MaxDeviationRadius / diffVal);


            // Save the data from this frame
            this.history[jointIndex].RawBoneOrientation      = rawOrientation;
            this.history[jointIndex].FilteredBoneOrientation = filteredOrientation;
            this.history[jointIndex].Trend = trend;

            // Set the filtered and predicted data back into the bone orientation
            skeleton.BoneOrientations[jt].HierarchicalRotation.Quaternion = KinectHelper.XNAQuaternionToVector4(predictedOrientation);  // local rotation
            skeleton.BoneOrientations[jt].HierarchicalRotation.Matrix     = KinectHelper.XNAMatrixToMatrix4(Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(predictedOrientation));

            // HipCenter has no parent and is the root of our skeleton - leave the HipCenter absolute set as it is
            if (jt != JointType.HipCenter)
                Quaternion parentRot = KinectHelper.Vector4ToXNAQuaternion(skeleton.BoneOrientations[KinectHelper.ParentBoneJoint(jt)].AbsoluteRotation.Quaternion);

                // create a new world rotation
                Quaternion worldRot = Quaternion.Multiply(parentRot, predictedOrientation);
                skeleton.BoneOrientations[jt].AbsoluteRotation.Quaternion = KinectHelper.XNAQuaternionToVector4(worldRot);
                skeleton.BoneOrientations[jt].AbsoluteRotation.Matrix     = KinectHelper.XNAMatrixToMatrix4(Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(worldRot));
                // In the Hip Center root joint, absolute and relative are the same
                skeleton.BoneOrientations[jt].AbsoluteRotation.Quaternion = skeleton.BoneOrientations[jt].HierarchicalRotation.Quaternion;
                skeleton.BoneOrientations[jt].AbsoluteRotation.Matrix     = skeleton.BoneOrientations[jt].HierarchicalRotation.Matrix;
        /// <summary>
        /// Name: FilterSkeleton - Implements the per-frame filter logic for the arms up patch.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="skeleton">The skeleton to filter.</param>
        /// <param name="deltaNuiTime">Time since the last filter update.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if filter runs, false if it did not run.</returns>
        public bool FilterSkeleton(Skeleton skeleton, float deltaNuiTime)
            if (null == skeleton)

            // exit early if we lose tracking on the entire skeleton
            if (skeleton.TrackingState != SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked)

            KinectHelper.CopySkeleton(skeleton, this.filteredSkeleton);

            // Update lerp state with the current delta NUI time.

            // Exit early if we do not have a valid body basis - too much of the skeleton is invalid.
            if ((!KinectHelper.IsTracked(skeleton, JointType.HipCenter)) || (!KinectHelper.IsTrackedOrInferred(skeleton, JointType.HipLeft)) || (!KinectHelper.IsTrackedOrInferred(skeleton, JointType.HipRight)))

            // Determine if the skeleton is clipped by the bottom of the FOV.
            bool clippedBottom = skeleton.ClippedEdges == FrameEdges.Bottom;

            // Select a mask for the left leg depending on which joints are not tracked.
            // These masks define how much of the filtered joint positions should be blended
            // with the raw positions.  Based on the tracking state of the leg joints, we apply
            // more filtered data as more joints lose tracking.
            Vector3 leftLegMask = this.allTracked;

            if (!KinectHelper.IsTracked(skeleton, JointType.KneeLeft))
                leftLegMask = this.kneeInferred;
            else if (!KinectHelper.IsTracked(skeleton, JointType.AnkleLeft))
                leftLegMask = this.ankleInferred;
            else if (!KinectHelper.IsTracked(skeleton, JointType.FootLeft))
                leftLegMask = this.footInferred;

            // Select a mask for the right leg depending on which joints are not tracked.
            Vector3 rightLegMask = this.allTracked;

            if (!KinectHelper.IsTracked(skeleton, JointType.KneeRight))
                rightLegMask = this.kneeInferred;
            else if (!KinectHelper.IsTracked(skeleton, JointType.AnkleRight))
                rightLegMask = this.ankleInferred;
            else if (!KinectHelper.IsTracked(skeleton, JointType.FootRight))
                rightLegMask = this.footInferred;

            // If the skeleton is not clipped by the bottom of the FOV, cut the filtered data
            // blend in half.
            float clipMask = clippedBottom ? 1.0f : 0.5f;

            // Apply the mask values to the joints of each leg, by placing the mask values into the lerp targets.
            this.lerpLeftKnee.SetEnabled(leftLegMask.X * clipMask);
            this.lerpLeftAnkle.SetEnabled(leftLegMask.Y * clipMask);
            this.lerpLeftFoot.SetEnabled(leftLegMask.Z * clipMask);
            this.lerpRightKnee.SetEnabled(rightLegMask.X * clipMask);
            this.lerpRightAnkle.SetEnabled(rightLegMask.Y * clipMask);
            this.lerpRightFoot.SetEnabled(rightLegMask.Z * clipMask);

            // The bSkeletonUpdated flag tracks whether we have modified the output skeleton or not.
            bool skeletonUpdated = false;

            // Apply lerp to the left knee, which will blend the raw joint position with the filtered joint position based on the current lerp value.
            if (this.lerpLeftKnee.IsLerpEnabled())
                KinectHelper.LerpAndApply(skeleton, JointType.KneeLeft, KinectHelper.SkeletonPointToVector3(this.filteredSkeleton.Joints[JointType.KneeLeft].Position), this.lerpLeftKnee.SmoothValue, JointTrackingState.Tracked);
                skeletonUpdated = true;

            // Apply lerp to the left ankle.
            if (this.lerpLeftAnkle.IsLerpEnabled())
                KinectHelper.LerpAndApply(skeleton, JointType.AnkleLeft, KinectHelper.SkeletonPointToVector3(this.filteredSkeleton.Joints[JointType.AnkleLeft].Position), this.lerpLeftAnkle.SmoothValue, JointTrackingState.Tracked);
                skeletonUpdated = true;

            // Apply lerp to the left foot.
            if (this.lerpLeftFoot.IsLerpEnabled())
                KinectHelper.LerpAndApply(skeleton, JointType.FootLeft, KinectHelper.SkeletonPointToVector3(this.filteredSkeleton.Joints[JointType.FootLeft].Position), this.lerpLeftFoot.SmoothValue, JointTrackingState.Inferred);
                skeletonUpdated = true;

            // Apply lerp to the right knee.
            if (this.lerpRightKnee.IsLerpEnabled())
                KinectHelper.LerpAndApply(skeleton, JointType.KneeRight, KinectHelper.SkeletonPointToVector3(this.filteredSkeleton.Joints[JointType.KneeRight].Position), this.lerpRightKnee.SmoothValue, JointTrackingState.Tracked);
                skeletonUpdated = true;

            // Apply lerp to the right ankle.
            if (this.lerpRightAnkle.IsLerpEnabled())
                KinectHelper.LerpAndApply(skeleton, JointType.AnkleRight, KinectHelper.SkeletonPointToVector3(this.filteredSkeleton.Joints[JointType.AnkleRight].Position), this.lerpRightAnkle.SmoothValue, JointTrackingState.Tracked);
                skeletonUpdated = true;

            // Apply lerp to the right foot.
            if (this.lerpRightFoot.IsLerpEnabled())
                KinectHelper.LerpAndApply(skeleton, JointType.FootRight, KinectHelper.SkeletonPointToVector3(this.filteredSkeleton.Joints[JointType.FootRight].Position), this.lerpRightFoot.SmoothValue, JointTrackingState.Inferred);
                skeletonUpdated = true;

Exemplo n.º 25
        // NEW METHOD
        private void SetJointTransformation(BoneOrientation bone, Skeleton skeleton, Matrix bindRoot, ref Matrix[] boneTransforms)
            if (bone.StartJoint == JointType.HipCenter && bone.EndJoint == JointType.HipCenter)
                bindRoot.Translation = Vector3.Zero;
                Matrix invBindRoot = Matrix.Invert(bindRoot);

                Matrix hipOrientation = KinectHelper.Matrix4ToXNAMatrix(bone.HierarchicalRotation.Matrix);

                Matrix pelvis = boneTransforms[0];
                pelvis.Translation = Vector3.Zero;
                Matrix invPelvis = Matrix.Invert(pelvis);

                Matrix combined;
                if (avatarFront)
                    combined = (invBindRoot * hipOrientation) * invPelvis;
                    combined = invBindRoot;

                this.ReplaceBoneMatrix(JointType.HipCenter, combined, true, ref boneTransforms);
            else if (bone.EndJoint == JointType.ShoulderCenter)
                if (skeleton.Joints[JointType.HipCenter].TrackingState == JointTrackingState.NotTracked)
                    Matrix hipOrientation = KinectHelper.Matrix4ToXNAMatrix(bone.HierarchicalRotation.Matrix);

                    Quaternion kinectRotation = KinectHelper.DecomposeMatRot(hipOrientation);
                    Quaternion avatarRotation = new Quaternion(kinectRotation.Y, kinectRotation.Z, kinectRotation.X, kinectRotation.W);
                    Matrix     combined       = Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(avatarRotation);

                    this.ReplaceBoneMatrix(JointType.HipCenter, combined, true, ref boneTransforms);
            else if (bone.EndJoint == JointType.Spine)
                Matrix tempMat = KinectHelper.Matrix4ToXNAMatrix(bone.HierarchicalRotation.Matrix);

                Matrix adjustment = Matrix.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.ToRadians(30));
                tempMat *= adjustment;

                Quaternion kinectRotation = KinectHelper.DecomposeMatRot(tempMat);                                                  // XYZ
                Quaternion avatarRotation = new Quaternion(kinectRotation.Y, kinectRotation.Z, kinectRotation.X, kinectRotation.W); // transform from Kinect to avatar coordinate system
                tempMat = Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(avatarRotation);

                this.ReplaceBoneMatrix(bone.EndJoint, tempMat, false, ref boneTransforms);
            else if (bone.EndJoint == JointType.Head)
                Matrix tempMat = KinectHelper.Matrix4ToXNAMatrix(bone.HierarchicalRotation.Matrix);

                Quaternion kinectRotation = KinectHelper.DecomposeMatRot(tempMat);
                Quaternion avatarRotation = new Quaternion(kinectRotation.Y, kinectRotation.Z, kinectRotation.X, kinectRotation.W);
                tempMat = Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(avatarRotation);

                this.ReplaceBoneMatrix(bone.EndJoint, tempMat, false, ref boneTransforms);
            else if (bone.EndJoint == JointType.ElbowLeft || bone.EndJoint == JointType.WristLeft)
                Matrix tempMat = KinectHelper.Matrix4ToXNAMatrix(bone.HierarchicalRotation.Matrix);

                if (bone.EndJoint == JointType.ElbowLeft)
                    Matrix adjustment = Matrix.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.ToRadians(60));
                    tempMat *= adjustment;
                    Matrix adjustment2 = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.ToRadians(15)); //15
                    tempMat *= adjustment2;

                Quaternion kinectRotation = KinectHelper.DecomposeMatRot(tempMat);    // XYZ
                Quaternion avatarRotation = new Quaternion(kinectRotation.Y, kinectRotation.Z, kinectRotation.X, kinectRotation.W);
                tempMat = Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(avatarRotation);

                this.ReplaceBoneMatrix(bone.EndJoint, tempMat, false, ref boneTransforms);
            else if (bone.EndJoint == JointType.HandLeft)
                Matrix tempMat = KinectHelper.Matrix4ToXNAMatrix(bone.HierarchicalRotation.Matrix);

                Quaternion kinectRotation = KinectHelper.DecomposeMatRot(tempMat);    // XYZ
                Quaternion avatarRotation = new Quaternion(kinectRotation.Y, kinectRotation.X, kinectRotation.Z, kinectRotation.W);
                tempMat = Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(avatarRotation);

                this.ReplaceBoneMatrix(bone.EndJoint, tempMat, false, ref boneTransforms);
            else if (bone.EndJoint == JointType.ElbowRight || bone.EndJoint == JointType.WristRight)
                Matrix tempMat = KinectHelper.Matrix4ToXNAMatrix(bone.HierarchicalRotation.Matrix);

                if (bone.EndJoint == JointType.ElbowRight)
                    Matrix adjustment = Matrix.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.ToRadians(-60));
                    tempMat *= adjustment;
                    Matrix adjustment2 = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.ToRadians(-15)); //-15
                    tempMat *= adjustment2;

                Quaternion kinectRotation = KinectHelper.DecomposeMatRot(tempMat);    // XYZ
                Quaternion avatarRotation = new Quaternion(kinectRotation.Y, kinectRotation.Z, kinectRotation.X, kinectRotation.W);
                tempMat = Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(avatarRotation);

                this.ReplaceBoneMatrix(bone.EndJoint, tempMat, false, ref boneTransforms);
            else if (bone.EndJoint == JointType.HandRight)
                Matrix tempMat = KinectHelper.Matrix4ToXNAMatrix(bone.HierarchicalRotation.Matrix);

                Quaternion kinectRotation = KinectHelper.DecomposeMatRot(tempMat);    // XYZ
                Quaternion avatarRotation = new Quaternion(kinectRotation.Y, kinectRotation.X, kinectRotation.Z, kinectRotation.W);
                tempMat = Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(avatarRotation);

                this.ReplaceBoneMatrix(bone.EndJoint, tempMat, false, ref boneTransforms);
            else if (bone.EndJoint == JointType.KneeLeft)
                Matrix kneeLeft = KinectHelper.Matrix4ToXNAMatrix(bone.HierarchicalRotation.Matrix);
                Matrix combined = kneeLeft;

                Matrix adjustment = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.ToRadians(20));
                combined  *= adjustment;
                adjustment = Matrix.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.ToRadians(10));
                combined  *= adjustment;

                this.SetLegMatrix(bone.EndJoint, combined, ref boneTransforms);
            else if (bone.EndJoint == JointType.AnkleLeft || bone.EndJoint == JointType.AnkleRight)
                Matrix tempMat = KinectHelper.Matrix4ToXNAMatrix(bone.HierarchicalRotation.Matrix);

                if (bone.EndJoint == JointType.AnkleLeft)
                    Matrix adjustment = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.ToRadians(-90));
                    tempMat   *= adjustment;
                    adjustment = Matrix.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.ToRadians(10));
                    tempMat   *= adjustment;
                    Matrix adjustment = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.ToRadians(90));
                    tempMat   *= adjustment;
                    adjustment = Matrix.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.ToRadians(-10));
                    tempMat   *= adjustment;

                Quaternion kinectRotation = KinectHelper.DecomposeMatRot(tempMat);  // XYZ
                Quaternion avatarRotation = new Quaternion(kinectRotation.Y, kinectRotation.Z, kinectRotation.X, kinectRotation.W);
                tempMat = Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(avatarRotation);

                this.ReplaceBoneMatrix(bone.EndJoint, tempMat, false, ref boneTransforms);
            else if (bone.EndJoint == JointType.KneeRight)
                Matrix kneeRight = KinectHelper.Matrix4ToXNAMatrix(bone.HierarchicalRotation.Matrix);
                Matrix combined  = kneeRight;

                Matrix adjustment = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.ToRadians(-20));
                combined  *= adjustment;
                adjustment = Matrix.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.ToRadians(-10));
                combined  *= adjustment;

                this.SetLegMatrix(bone.EndJoint, combined, ref boneTransforms);
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the filter for one joint.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="skeleton">The Skeleton to filter.</param>
        /// <param name="jt">The Skeleton Joint index to filter.</param>
        /// <param name="smoothingParameters">The Smoothing parameters to apply.</param>
        protected void FilterJoint(Skeleton skeleton, JointType jt, TransformSmoothParameters smoothingParameters)
            if (null == skeleton)

            int jointIndex = (int)jt;

            Vector3 filteredPosition;
            Vector3 diffvec;
            Vector3 trend;
            float   diffVal;

            Vector3 rawPosition          = KinectHelper.SkeletonPointToVector3(skeleton.Joints[jt].Position);
            Vector3 prevFilteredPosition = this.history[jointIndex].FilteredPosition;
            Vector3 prevTrend            = this.history[jointIndex].Trend;
            Vector3 prevRawPosition      = this.history[jointIndex].RawPosition;
            bool    jointIsValid         = KinectHelper.JointPositionIsValid(rawPosition);

            // If joint is invalid, reset the filter
            if (!jointIsValid)
                this.history[jointIndex].FrameCount = 0;

            // Initial start values
            if (this.history[jointIndex].FrameCount == 0)
                filteredPosition = rawPosition;
                trend            = Vector3.Zero;
            else if (this.history[jointIndex].FrameCount == 1)
                filteredPosition = Vector3.Multiply(Vector3.Add(rawPosition, prevRawPosition), 0.5f);
                diffvec          = Vector3.Subtract(filteredPosition, prevFilteredPosition);
                trend            = Vector3.Add(Vector3.Multiply(diffvec, smoothingParameters.Correction), Vector3.Multiply(prevTrend, 1.0f - smoothingParameters.Correction));
                // First apply jitter filter
                diffvec = Vector3.Subtract(rawPosition, prevFilteredPosition);
                diffVal = Math.Abs(diffvec.Length());

                if (diffVal <= smoothingParameters.JitterRadius)
                    filteredPosition = Vector3.Add(Vector3.Multiply(rawPosition, diffVal / smoothingParameters.JitterRadius), Vector3.Multiply(prevFilteredPosition, 1.0f - (diffVal / smoothingParameters.JitterRadius)));
                    filteredPosition = rawPosition;

                // Now the double exponential smoothing filter
                filteredPosition = Vector3.Add(Vector3.Multiply(filteredPosition, 1.0f - smoothingParameters.Smoothing), Vector3.Multiply(Vector3.Add(prevFilteredPosition, prevTrend), smoothingParameters.Smoothing));

                diffvec = Vector3.Subtract(filteredPosition, prevFilteredPosition);
                trend   = Vector3.Add(Vector3.Multiply(diffvec, smoothingParameters.Correction), Vector3.Multiply(prevTrend, 1.0f - smoothingParameters.Correction));

            // Predict into the future to reduce latency
            Vector3 predictedPosition = Vector3.Add(filteredPosition, Vector3.Multiply(trend, smoothingParameters.Prediction));

            // Check that we are not too far away from raw data
            diffvec = Vector3.Subtract(predictedPosition, rawPosition);
            diffVal = Math.Abs(diffvec.Length());

            if (diffVal > smoothingParameters.MaxDeviationRadius)
                predictedPosition = Vector3.Add(Vector3.Multiply(predictedPosition, smoothingParameters.MaxDeviationRadius / diffVal), Vector3.Multiply(rawPosition, 1.0f - (smoothingParameters.MaxDeviationRadius / diffVal)));

            // Save the data from this frame
            this.history[jointIndex].RawPosition      = rawPosition;
            this.history[jointIndex].FilteredPosition = filteredPosition;
            this.history[jointIndex].Trend            = trend;

            // Set the filtered data back into the joint
            Joint j = skeleton.Joints[jt];

            j.Position          = KinectHelper.Vector3ToSkeletonPoint(predictedPosition);
            skeleton.Joints[jt] = j;
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method to add the constraint cone for drawing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="skeleton">The skeleton.</param>
        /// <param name="seatedMode">Set true if in seated mode.</param>
        private void AddConstraintDirectionCones(Skeleton skeleton, bool seatedMode)
            // Calculate constraint values.  0.0-1.0 means the bone is within the constraint cone.  Greater than 1.0 means
            // it lies outside the constraint cone.
            for (int i = 0; i < this.jointConstraints.Count; i++)
                BoneOrientationConstraint jc = this.jointConstraints[i];

                JointType joint = this.jointConstraints[i].Joint;

                // Do not draw bone if not tracked
                if (skeleton.Joints[joint].TrackingState == JointTrackingState.NotTracked)

                // Do not draw the following bones if in seated mode
                if (
                    seatedMode &&
                    (JointType.HipCenter == joint ||
                     JointType.Spine == joint ||
                     JointType.ShoulderCenter == joint ||
                     JointType.HipLeft == joint ||
                     JointType.KneeLeft == joint ||
                     JointType.AnkleLeft == joint ||
                     JointType.FootLeft == joint ||
                     JointType.HipRight == joint ||
                     JointType.KneeRight == joint ||
                     JointType.AnkleRight == joint ||
                     JointType.FootRight == joint))

                // Get the constraint direction in world space from the parent orientation
                Matrix matConstraintLocalToWorld = KinectHelper.Matrix4ToXNAMatrix(skeleton.BoneOrientations[skeleton.BoneOrientations[jc.Joint].StartJoint].AbsoluteRotation.Matrix);

                Vector3 constraintDirWs = jc.Dir;
                Vector3 rotatedConstraintDirWs = Vector3.Transform(constraintDirWs, matConstraintLocalToWorld);

                // Draw the constraint direction line itself
                rotatedConstraintDirWs *= 0.5f;
                this.AddRotatedLine(rotatedConstraintDirWs, skeleton, i, Color.DeepPink);

                // Get the bone direction in world space
                Vector3 boneDirWs = KinectHelper.VectorBetween(

                Quaternion constraintRotation = KinectHelper.GetShortestRotationBetweenVectors(constraintDirWs, Vector3.Up);

                for (int c = 0; c < Tesselation; c++)
                    Vector3 circlePoint = GetCircleVector(c, Tesselation);

                    // Calculate distance based on known radius (opposite side) of 1 and angle
                    circlePoint.Y = 1.0f / (float)Math.Tan(MathHelper.ToRadians(jc.Angle));

                    Vector3 tranCirclePoint = Vector3.Transform(circlePoint, constraintRotation);

                    // now transform this by the parent rotation
                    Vector3 rotatedConstraintConePointWs = Vector3.Transform(tranCirclePoint, matConstraintLocalToWorld);
                    rotatedConstraintConePointWs *= LineScale;   // scale

                    this.AddRotatedLine(rotatedConstraintConePointWs, skeleton, i, Color.HotPink);
        /// <summary>
        /// ApplyBoneOrientationConstraints and constrain rotations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="skeleton">The skeleton to correct.</param>
        /// <param name="mirrorView">Set this true if the skeleton joints are mirrored.</param>
        public void Constrain(Skeleton skeleton, bool mirrorView)
            if (null == skeleton || skeleton.TrackingState != SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked)

            if (this.jointConstraints.Count == 0)

            if (mirrorView != this.constraintsMirrored)

            // Constraints are defined as a vector with respect to the parent bone vector, and a constraint angle,
            // which is the maximum angle with respect to the constraint axis that the bone can move through.

            // Calculate constraint values. 0.0-1.0 means the bone is within the constraint cone. Greater than 1.0 means
            // it lies outside the constraint cone.
            for (int i = 0; i < this.jointConstraints.Count; i++)
                BoneOrientationConstraint jc = this.jointConstraints[i];

                if (skeleton.Joints[jc.Joint].TrackingState == JointTrackingState.NotTracked || jc.Joint == JointType.HipCenter)
                    // End joint is not tracked or Hip Center has no parent to perform this calculation with.

                // If the joint has a parent, constrain the bone direction to be within the constraint cone
                JointType parentIdx = skeleton.BoneOrientations[jc.Joint].StartJoint;

                // Local bone orientation relative to parent
                Matrix     boneOrientationRelativeToParent     = KinectHelper.Matrix4ToXNAMatrix(skeleton.BoneOrientations[jc.Joint].HierarchicalRotation.Matrix);
                Quaternion boneOrientationRelativeToParentQuat = KinectHelper.Vector4ToXNAQuaternion(skeleton.BoneOrientations[jc.Joint].HierarchicalRotation.Quaternion);

                // Local bone direction is +Y vector in parent coordinate system
                Vector3 boneRelDirVecLs = new Vector3(boneOrientationRelativeToParent.M21, boneOrientationRelativeToParent.M22, boneOrientationRelativeToParent.M23);

                // Constraint is relative to the parent orientation, which is +Y/identity relative rotation
                Vector3 constraintDirLs = jc.Dir;

                // Test this against the vector of the bone to find angle
                float boneDotConstraint = Vector3.Dot(boneRelDirVecLs, constraintDirLs);

                // Calculate the constraint value. 0.0 is in the center of the constraint cone, 1.0 and above are outside the cone.
                jc.Constraint = (float)Math.Acos(boneDotConstraint) / MathHelper.ToRadians(jc.Angle);

                this.jointConstraints[i] = jc;

                // Slerp between identity and the inverse of the current constraint rotation by the amount over the constraint amount
                if (jc.Constraint > 1)
                    Quaternion inverseRotation        = Quaternion.Inverse(boneOrientationRelativeToParentQuat);
                    Quaternion slerpedInverseRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(Quaternion.Identity, inverseRotation, jc.Constraint - 1);
                    Quaternion constrainedRotation    = boneOrientationRelativeToParentQuat * slerpedInverseRotation;

                    // Put it back into the bone orientations
                    skeleton.BoneOrientations[jc.Joint].HierarchicalRotation.Quaternion = KinectHelper.XNAQuaternionToVector4(constrainedRotation);
                    skeleton.BoneOrientations[jc.Joint].HierarchicalRotation.Matrix     = KinectHelper.XNAMatrixToMatrix4(Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(constrainedRotation));

            // Recalculate the absolute rotations from the hierarchical relative rotations
            Array jointTypeValues = Enum.GetValues(typeof(JointType));

            foreach (JointType j in jointTypeValues)
                if (j != JointType.HipCenter)
                    JointType parentIdx = skeleton.BoneOrientations[j].StartJoint;

                    // Calculate the absolute/world equivalents of the hierarchical rotation
                    Quaternion parentRotation   = KinectHelper.Vector4ToXNAQuaternion(skeleton.BoneOrientations[parentIdx].AbsoluteRotation.Quaternion);
                    Quaternion relativeRotation = KinectHelper.Vector4ToXNAQuaternion(skeleton.BoneOrientations[j].HierarchicalRotation.Quaternion);

                    // Create a new world rotation
                    Quaternion worldRotation = Quaternion.Multiply(parentRotation, relativeRotation);

                    skeleton.BoneOrientations[j].AbsoluteRotation.Quaternion = KinectHelper.XNAQuaternionToVector4(worldRotation);
                    skeleton.BoneOrientations[j].AbsoluteRotation.Matrix     = KinectHelper.XNAMatrixToMatrix4(Matrix.CreateFromQuaternion(worldRotation));