Exemplo n.º 1
 private void KillTaskNew_Hit(object sender, EventArgs e)
         KillTask NewKillTask = new KillTask();
         NewKillTask.TaskName = "NewTask " + DateTime.Now;
         KTHolder = NewKillTask;
         OldKTName = NewKillTask.TaskName;
     }catch(Exception ex){LogError(ex);}
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void KTPopView_VisibleChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
                KTHolder.TaskName = KTPopTaskName.Text;
                KTHolder.CompleteCount = Convert.ToInt32(KTPopCompleteCount.Text);
                KTHolder.NPCInfo = KTPopNPCInfo.Text;
                KTHolder.NPCCoords = KTPopNPCCoords.Text;
                KTHolder.NPCYellowFlagText = KTPopNPCFlagTxt.Text;
                KTHolder.NPCYellowCompleteText = KTPopNPCCompleteTxt.Text;

                FileInfo KillTasksFile = new FileInfo(GearDir + @"\KillTasks.xml");
                XmlReaderSettings rsettings = new XmlReaderSettings();
                rsettings.IgnoreWhitespace = true;
                List<KillTask> MasterKTList = ReadMasterKTList();

                XmlWriterSettings wsettings = new XmlWriterSettings();
                wsettings.Indent = true;
                wsettings.NewLineOnAttributes = true;

                if(MasterKTList.Any(x => x.TaskName == OldKTName))
                    MasterKTList.RemoveAll(x => x.TaskName == OldKTName);



                if(!mKTSet.MyKillTasks.Any(x => x.TaskName == KTHolder.TaskName))

                if(OldKTName != KTHolder.TaskName)
                    mKTSet.MyKillTasks.RemoveAll(x => x.TaskName == OldKTName);


                KTHolder = null;
                OldKTName = String.Empty;


            }catch(Exception ex){LogError(ex);}
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void KillTaskEdit_Hit(object sender, EventArgs e)
                int Index = mKTSet.MyKillTasks.FindIndex(x => x.TaskName == KillTaskSelected.Text);
                if(Index == -1)
                    WriteToChat("First select a kill task.");

                KTHolder = mKTSet.MyKillTasks[Index];
                OldKTName = KTHolder.TaskName;
            }catch(Exception ex){LogError(ex);}
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void KillTaskDelete_Hit(object sender, EventArgs e)
                int scroll = KillTaskList.ScrollPosition;

                int Index = mKTSet.MyKillTasks.FindIndex(x => x.TaskName == KillTaskSelected.Text);
                if(Index == -1)
                    WriteToChat("First select a kill task.");

                List<KillTask> MasterKTList = ReadMasterKTList();
                if(MasterKTList.Any(x => x.TaskName == KillTaskSelected.Text))
                    MasterKTList.RemoveAll(x => x.TaskName == KillTaskSelected.Text);


                mKTSet.MyKillTasks.RemoveAll(x => x.TaskName == KillTaskSelected.Text);

                KillTaskSelected.Text = null;
                OldKTName = String.Empty;
                KTHolder = null;


                KillTaskList.ScrollPosition = scroll;

            }catch(Exception ex){LogError(ex);}
Exemplo n.º 5
        public override bool Run() // Run
            if (Autonomous || Actor.IsNPC)
            if (!AcceptCancelDialog.Show("Are You Sure All Kill Sim?"))

            List <Sim> list = new List <Sim>();

            foreach (Sim sim in LotManager.Actors)
                //if (sim.SimDescription.ToddlerOrAbove && !sim.IsInActiveHousehold && sim.LotCurrent != Household.ActiveHousehold.LotHome) //OK
                //if (!sim.IsInActiveHousehold || !(sim.Service is GrimReaper)) //Failed
                //if (sim.IsNPC && !sim.IsInActiveHousehold) //OK
                //if (sim.IsNPC && !sim.IsInActiveHousehold || !(sim.Service is GrimReaper)) // Failed All Sim Not If ||
                if (!(sim.Service is GrimReaper)) // OK
                    //sim.InteractionQueue.AddNext(NotKillSimNPCOnly.Singleton.CreateInstance(sim, sim, new InteractionPriority((InteractionPriorityLevel)12, 1f), false, true));
                    //if (!AcceptCancelDialog.Show("Done?")) return false;
                    //sim.InteractionQueue.Add(CCnlean.Singleton.CreateInstance(Actor, sim, new InteractionPriority((InteractionPriorityLevel)1, 0f), false, true));
            if (list.Count > 0)
                foreach (Sim nlist in list)
                        //Name is
                        if (nlist.SimDescription.FirstName == "Death" && nlist.SimDescription.LastName == "Good System")

                        if (nlist.SimDescription.FirstName == "Good System" && nlist.SimDescription.LastName == "Death Helper")

                        if (nlist.SimDescription.FirstName == "Grim" && nlist.SimDescription.LastName == "Reaper")
                    catch (NullReferenceException)
                    { }

                     * List<SimDescription.DeathType> listr = new List<SimDescription.DeathType>();
                     * listr.Add(SimDescription.DeathType.Drown);
                     * listr.Add(SimDescription.DeathType.Starve);
                     * listr.Add(SimDescription.DeathType.Thirst);
                     * listr.Add(SimDescription.DeathType.Burn);
                     * listr.Add(SimDescription.DeathType.Freeze);
                     * listr.Add(SimDescription.DeathType.ScubaDrown);
                     * listr.Add(SimDescription.DeathType.Shark);
                     * listr.Add(SimDescription.DeathType.Jetpack);
                     * listr.Add(SimDescription.DeathType.Meteor);
                     * listr.Add(SimDescription.DeathType.Causality);
                     * listr.Add(SimDescription.DeathType.Electrocution);
                     * if (Actor.SimDescription.Elder)
                     * {
                     *  listr.Add(SimDescription.DeathType.OldAge);
                     * }
                     * listr.Add(SimDescription.DeathType.HauntingCurse);
                     * SimDescription.DeathType randomObjectFromList = RandomUtil.GetRandomObjectFromList(listr);
                     * //Urnstones.CreateGrave(nlist.SimDescription, randomObjectFromList, true, true);
                    //KillTask kt = new KillTask(Target, RandomUtil.CoinFlip() ? KillTask.GetDGSDeathType(Target) : KillTask.GetDeathType(Target), null, false, false);
                    KillPro.FastKill(nlist, RandomUtil.CoinFlip() ? KillTask.GetDGSDeathType(Target) : KillTask.GetDeathType(Target), Actor, true, false);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void CreateKillTask()
            GamePlayer player = CreateMockGamePlayer();

            player.Level = 5;

            // Trainer for taks
            GameTrainer trainer = new GameTrainer();

            trainer.Name = "Tester";


            // player must have trainer selected when task given.
            player.TargetObject = trainer;

            // mob for task
            if (KillTask.BuildTask(player, trainer))
                KillTask task = (KillTask)player.Task;


                Console.WriteLine("Mob:" + task.MobName);
                Console.WriteLine("Item:" + task.ItemName);
                Console.WriteLine("" + task.Description);

                // Check Notify Event handling
                InventoryItem item = GameInventoryItem.Create(new ItemTemplate());
                item.Name = task.ItemName;

                GameNPC mob = new GameNPC();
                mob.Name            = task.MobName;
                mob.Position        = player.Position;
                mob.Level           = player.Level;
                mob.CurrentRegionID = player.CurrentRegionID;

                // First we kill mob
                mob.XPGainers.Add(player, 1.0F);
                task.Notify(GameNPCEvent.EnemyKilled, player, new EnemyKilledEventArgs(mob));

                // arificial pickup Item
                player.Inventory.AddItem(eInventorySlot.FirstEmptyBackpack, item);

                // Check item in Inventory
                if (player.Inventory.GetFirstItemByName(task.ItemName, eInventorySlot.FirstBackpack, eInventorySlot.LastBackpack) != null)
                    Assert.Fail("Player didn't recieve task item.");

                // Now give item tro trainer
                task.Notify(GamePlayerEvent.GiveItem, player, new GiveItemEventArgs(player, trainer, item));

                if (player.Task.TaskActive || player.Task == null)
                    Assert.Fail("Task did not finished proper in Notify");
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void BuildKillTaskList()
            List<KillTask> NewKillTasks = new List<PluginCore.KillTask>();

            WriteToChat("KillTaskList Building");
            KillTask t;

            //Jarvis Hammerstone Quests
            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Drudge Lurker Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Drudge Lurker");
            t.CompleteCount = 100;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Jarvis Hammerstone");
            t.NPCInfo = "Cragstone";
            t.NPCCoords = "25.6N, 49.4E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "In the meantime I need to rid the surrounding area of some of these Drudges.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Drudge Doom";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Drudge Stalker Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Drudge Stalker");
            t.CompleteCount = 100;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Jarvis Hammerstone");
            t.NPCInfo = "Cragstone";
            t.NPCCoords = "25.6N, 49.4E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "In the meantime I need to rid the surrounding area of some of these Drudges.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Stalker Stalker";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Drudge Ravener Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Drudge Ravener");
            t.CompleteCount = 100;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Jarvis Hammerstone");
            t.NPCInfo = "Cragstone";
            t.NPCCoords = "25.6N, 49.4E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "In the meantime I need to rid the surrounding area of some of these Drudges.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Ravenous";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Altered Drudge Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Altered Drudge");
            t.CompleteCount = 40;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Jarvis Hammerstone");
            t.NPCInfo = "Cragstone";
            t.NPCCoords = "25.6N, 49.4E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "In the meantime I need to rid the surrounding area of some of these Drudges.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Altered Hunter";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Augmented Drudge Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Augmented Drudge");
            t.CompleteCount = 40;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Jarvis Hammerstone");
            t.NPCInfo = "Cragstone";
            t.NPCCoords = "25.6N, 49.4E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "In the meantime I need to rid the surrounding area of some of these Drudges.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Augmented Hunter";

            //Neftet Quests
            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Armoredillo Hunting (Neftet)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Guardian Armoredillo");
            t.MobNames.Add("Tamed Armoredillo");
            t.MobNames.Add("War Armoredillo");
            t.CompleteCount = 30;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Dame Tularin");
            t.NPCInfo = "Neftet";
            t.NPCCoords = "22.1S, 6.3E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "If you will kill 30 of the armoredillos within the canyon walls or up on the plateaus, I will reward you for your help.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Well done.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Desert Cactus Kill Task (Neftet)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Desert Cactus");
            t.CompleteCount = 6;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Sir Unell bin Rakke");
            t.NPCInfo = "Neftet Encampment";
            t.NPCCoords = "22.2S, 6.1E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Destroy 6 of the Desert Cactus and I will reward your efforts.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "The less insects around here, the better!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Golem Hunting (Neftet)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Burning Sands Golem");
            t.MobNames.Add("Dust Golem");
            t.CompleteCount = 15;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Sir Ibreh bin Kassim");
            t.NPCInfo = "Encampment near Neftet";
            t.NPCCoords = "22.2S, 6.2E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "If you will kill 15 of the golems within the canyon walls or up on the plateaus, I will reward you for your assistance.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Well done.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Mumiyah Hunting (Neftet)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Mu-miyah Channeller");
            t.MobNames.Add("Mu-miyah Champion");
            t.MobNames.Add("Mu-miyah Guardian");
            t.MobNames.Add("Mu-miyah Lord");
            t.MobNames.Add("Mu-miyah Sentinel");
            t.MobNames.Add("Mu-miyah Soldier");
            t.MobNames.Add("Mu-miyah Soothsayer");
            t.MobNames.Add("Mu-miyah Vizier");
            t.MobNames.Add("Mu-miyah Grand Vizier");
            t.MobNames.Add("Mu-miyah Slave Master");
            t.CompleteCount = 30;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Sir Adarl");
            t.NPCInfo = " Encampment near Neftet";
            t.NPCCoords = "22.2S, 6.3E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "If you will kill 30 of the Mumiyah within the canyon walls or up on the plateaus, I will reward you for your assistance.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Well done.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Reedshark Hunting (Neftet)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Reedshark Hunter");
            t.MobNames.Add("Reedshark Seeker");
            t.MobNames.Add("Tamed Reaper");
            t.MobNames.Add("War Reaper");
            t.CompleteCount = 30;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Sir Hassim bin Tamarek");
            t.NPCInfo = " Encampment near Neftet";
            t.NPCCoords = "22.3S, 6.3E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "If you will kill 30 of the reedsharks within the canyon walls or up on the plateaus, I will reward you for your aid to the crown.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Well done.";

            //Frozen Valley Tasks

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Frost Golem Kill Task (Frozen Valley)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Frost Golem");
            t.CompleteCount = 20;
            t.NPCInfo = "Frozen Valley";
            t.NPCCoords = "83.8N, 4.3W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Watch your step and kill 20 Frost Golems";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Those giant beasts of ice fall all the more magnificently.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Frozen Crystal Kill Task (Frozen Valley)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Frozen Crystal");
            t.CompleteCount = 4;
            t.NPCInfo = "Frozen Valley";
            t.NPCCoords = "83.7N, 4.3W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Destroy 4 of these Frozen Crystals and you will be rewarded.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "That was some fine destruction, my friend!";
            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Gurog Soldier Kill Task (Frozen Valley)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Gurog Soldier");
            t.CompleteCount = 20;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Gregoria, Gurog Destroyer");
            t.NPCInfo = "Frozen Valley";
            t.NPCCoords = "83.8N 4.3W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Kill 20 Gurog Soldiers and I will reward you for your efforts.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Well done! Always a pleasure to meet someone who shares my hatred of these beasts.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Gurog Minion Kill Task (Frozen Valley)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Gurog Minion");
            t.CompleteCount = 20;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Gregoria, Gurog Destroyer");
            t.NPCInfo = "Frozen Valley";
            t.NPCCoords = "83.8N 4.3W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Kill 20 Gurog Minions and I will reward you for your efforts.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Well done! Ugly creatures aren't they? Glad to be rid of them.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Gurog Henchman Kill Task (Frozen Valley)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Gurog Henchmen");
            t.CompleteCount = 20;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Gregoria, Gurog Destroyer");
            t.NPCInfo = "Frozen Valley";
            t.NPCCoords = "83.8N 4.3W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Kill 20 Gurog Henchmen and I will reward you for your efforts.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Well done! Hardly a scratch on you as well, you truly are a great warrior.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Snow Tusker Kill Task (Frozen Valley)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Snow Tusker");
            t.CompleteCount = 20;
            t.NPCInfo = "Frozen Valley";
            t.NPCCoords = "83.8N 4.3W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Kill 20 Snow Tuskers and I will reward you for your efforts.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Fantastic job! Those mutated beasts need to be put down, every kill helps.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Snow Tusker Warrior Kill Task (Frozen Valley)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Snow Tusker Warrior");
            t.CompleteCount = 20;
            t.NPCInfo = "Frozen Valley";
            t.NPCCoords = "83.8N 4.3W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Kill 20 Snow Tusker Warriors and I will reward you for your efforts.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Well done! Their coats remind me of the creature know as a wolf back on Ispar.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Snow Tusker Leader Kill Task (Frozen Valley)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Snow Tusker Leader");
            t.CompleteCount = 10;
            t.NPCInfo = "Frozen Valley";
            t.NPCCoords = "83.8N 4.3W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Kill 10 Snow Tusker Leaders and I will reward you for your efforts.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Amazing that you survived, those tusks can spear a man all the way through.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Frozen Dread Kill Task (Frozen Valley)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Frozen Dread");
            t.CompleteCount = 10;
            t.NPCInfo = "Frozen Valley";
            t.NPCCoords = "83.8N 4.3W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Kill 10 of these Frozen Dreads and I will reward you for your efforts.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Those creatures haunt my dreams.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Frozen Wight Kill Task (Frozen Valley)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Frozen Wight");
            t.MobNames.Add("Frozen Wight Captain");
            t.MobNames.Add("Frozen Wight Sorcerer");
            t.MobNames.Add("Frozen Wight Archer");
            t.CompleteCount = 20;
            t.NPCInfo = "Frozen Valley";
            t.NPCCoords = "83.8N 4.3W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Kill 20 Frozen Wights and I will reward you for your efforts.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Those creatures send chills down my spine.";

            //Tou-Tou Kill Tasks
            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Shadow Flyer Kill Task (Tou-Tou)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Shadow Flyer");
            t.CompleteCount = 15;
            t.NPCNames.Add(" Umbral Guard");
            t.NPCInfo = "Tou-Tou";
            t.NPCCoords = "30.3S, 94.8E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Kill 15 Shadow Flyers and I will reward you for your efforts.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Well done! That should at least keep the corruption from spreading any further.";

            //TODO:  Names of proper shadows for this task
            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Shadow Kill Task (Tou-Tou)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Panumbris Shadow");
            t.CompleteCount = 25;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Umbral Guard");
            t.NPCInfo = "Tou-Tou";
            t.NPCCoords = "30.3S, 94.8E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Kill 25 of the shadows to fight back this corruption.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Well done! If you keep this up, Tou-Tou may be ours once again.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Devourer Margul Kill Task (Tou-Tou)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Devourer Margul");
            t.CompleteCount = 15;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Umbral Guard");
            t.NPCInfo = "Tou-Tou";
            t.NPCCoords = "30.3S, 94.8E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Kill 15 Devourer Marguls and I will reward you for your efforts.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Well done! The flapping of those leathery wings is quieter already.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Grievver Shredder Kill Task (Tou-Tou)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Grievver Shredder");
            t.CompleteCount = 15;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Royal Guard");
            t.NPCInfo = "Tou-Tou";
            t.NPCCoords = "30.3S, 94.8E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Kill 15 Grievver Shredders and I will reward you for your efforts.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Well done! The clicking of those ";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Void Lord Kill Task (Tou-Tou)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Void Lord");
            t.CompleteCount = 15;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Royal Guard");
            t.NPCInfo = "Tou-Tou";
            t.NPCCoords = "30.3S, 94.8E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Kill 15 Void Lords and I will reward you for your efforts.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Well done! That should help me sleep at night.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Mud Golem Sludge Lord (Aun Golem Hunters)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Mud Golem Sludge Lord");
            t.CompleteCount = 5;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Aun Akuarea");
            t.NPCInfo = "(near Samsur)";
            t.NPCCoords = "2.6S, 20.0E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Kill five of these golems, return to me and I will see that your battles are rewarded!";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent! Your keh burns brightly with victory!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Copper Golem Kingpin (Aun Golem Hunters)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Copper Golem Kingpin");
            t.CompleteCount = 5;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Aun Tiulerea");
            t.NPCInfo = "Eastham";
            t.NPCCoords = "16.5N, 63.6E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Kill five of these golems, return to me and I will see that your battles are rewarded!";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent! Your keh burns brightly with victory!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Glacial Golem Margrave (Aun Golem Hunters)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Glacial Golem Margrave");
            t.CompleteCount = 5;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Aun Maerirea");
            t.NPCInfo = "Qalaba'r";
            t.NPCCoords = "74.5S, 19.3E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Kill five of these golems, return to me and I will see that your battles are rewarded!";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent! Your keh burns brightly with victory!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Magma Golem Exarch (Aun Golem Hunters)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Magma Golem Exarch");
            t.CompleteCount = 5;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Aun Autuorea");
            t.NPCInfo = "Candeth Keep";
            t.NPCCoords = "87.5S, 67.0W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Kill five of these golems, return to me and I will see that your battles are rewarded!";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent! Your keh burns brightly with victory!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Coral Golem Viceroy (Aun Golem Hunters)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Coral Golem Viceroy");
            t.CompleteCount = 5;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Aun Aukherea");
            t.NPCInfo = "Ayan Baqur";
            t.NPCCoords = "60.8S, 88.0W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Kill five of these golems, return to me and I will see that your battles are rewarded!";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent! Your keh burns brightly with victory!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Platinum Golem Mountain King (Aun Golem Hunters)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Platinum Golem Mountain King");
            t.CompleteCount = 5;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Aun Khekierea");
            t.NPCInfo = "Ayan Baqur";
            t.NPCCoords = "60.8S, 88.0W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Kill five of these golems, return to me and I will see that your battles are rewarded!";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent! Your keh burns brightly with victory!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Crystal Lord (Aun Golem Hunters)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Crystal Lord");
            t.CompleteCount = 1;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Aun Tahuirea");
            t.NPCInfo = "Camp";
            t.NPCCoords = "24.0N, 72.0W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Also, if you and your fellows succeed in defeating one, I will be pleased to share with you the bounties I have recovered from my previous victories.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Your tale was truly one of triumph!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Moarsmen Prisoners (Freebooter)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Moarsman Prisoner");
            t.CompleteCount = 20;
            t.NPCInfo = "Freebooter Isle";
            t.NPCCoords = "56.4S 96.9E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "I'm authorized to pay a bounty for culling the population of escaped moarsmen prisoners by twenty.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "For culling the moarsman prisoner population here's the bounty you're owed.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Moarsmen Blessed Leader (Freebooter)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Large Blessed Moarsman");
            t.CompleteCount = 1;
            t.NPCInfo = "Freebooter Isle";
            t.NPCCoords = "56.4S 96.9E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "I'm authorized to pay a bounty for the death of the Blessed moarsman leader.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "For putting down the Blessed leader here's the bounty you're owed.";


            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Moarsmen Ardent Leader (Freebooter)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Large Ardent Moarsman");
            t.CompleteCount = 1;
            t.NPCInfo = "Freebooter Isle";
            t.NPCCoords = "56.4S 96.9E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "I'm authorized to pay a bounty for the death of the Ardent moarsman leader.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "For putting down the Ardent leader here's the bounty you're owed.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Moarsmen Verdant Leader (Freebooter)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Large Verdant Moarsman");
            t.CompleteCount = 1;
            t.NPCInfo = "Freebooter Isle";
            t.NPCCoords = "56.4S 96.9E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "I'm authorized to pay a bounty for the death of the Verdant moarsman leader.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "For putting down the Verdant leader here's the bounty you're owed.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Weeding of the Deru Tree (Freebooter)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Eyestalk of T'thuun");
            t.MobNames.Add("Tendril of T'thuun");
            t.MobNames.Add("Tentacle of T'thuun");
            t.CompleteCount = 50;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Valerian McGreggor");
            t.NPCInfo = "Freebooter Keep Black Market";
            t.NPCCoords = "64.0S 97.5E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "I'll tell ye what. If ye go out there and kill 50 of those tentacles for me, just the ones on Freebooter, mind ye, I'll make it worth ye while.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "That should do it! The Mana flows around the Ruins of Degar'Alesh are moving much better now, thank ye. Here's a little something for yer efforts.";

            //TODO:  Complete Text
            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Nyr'leha Sclavus Kill Task (Freebooter)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Afessa Sclavus Guardian");
            t.MobNames.Add("Afessa Sclavus Soldier");
            t.MobNames.Add("Illu Sclavus Soldier");
            t.MobNames.Add("Sclavus Attacker");
            t.MobNames.Add("Siessa Sclavus Soldier");
            t.CompleteCount = 20;
            t.NPCInfo = "Freebooter Keep Black Market";
            t.NPCCoords = "64.0S, 97.5E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "I wish you to destroy 20 of the Sclavi who roam this isle";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "";

            //TODO:  Complete Text
            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Nyr'leha Moarsman Kill Task (Freebooter)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Blighted Ardent Moarsman");
            t.MobNames.Add("Blighted Verdant Moarsman");
            t.MobNames.Add("Brood Mother");
            t.MobNames.Add("Icthis Moarsman");
            t.MobNames.Add("Magshuth Moarsman");
            t.MobNames.Add("Maguth Moarsman");
            t.MobNames.Add("Mithmog Moarsman");
            t.MobNames.Add("Moarsman Adherent of T'thuun");
            t.MobNames.Add("Moarsman Attacker");
            t.MobNames.Add("Moarsman Blight-caller");
            t.MobNames.Add("Moarsman Priest of T'thuun");
            t.MobNames.Add("Moarsman Prior");
            t.MobNames.Add("Mogshuth Moarsman");
            t.MobNames.Add("Moguth Moarsman");
            t.MobNames.Add("Shoguth Moarsman");
            t.MobNames.Add("Shuthis Moarsman");
            t.MobNames.Add("Spawn Watcher");
            t.CompleteCount = 20;
            t.NPCInfo = "Freebooter Keep Black Market";
            t.NPCCoords = "64.0S, 97.5E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "If you would rid us of say 20 of those beasts";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "";


            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Black Coral Golem Kill Task (Northwatch)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Black Coral Golem");
            t.CompleteCount = 100;
            t.NPCInfo = "Northwatch Castle Black Market";
            t.NPCCoords = "81.5N 25.0E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "If you would be willing to go there and prove your prowess by destroying 100 of these strange golems, I will reward you handsomely for your actions.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Well done, well done indeed. You have proven your skill and honored my task. I thank you. Here is the reward promised.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Blighted Coral Golem Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Blighted Coral Golem (Northwatch)");
            t.CompleteCount = 100;
            t.NPCInfo = "Northwatch Castle Black Market";
            t.NPCCoords = "81.5N 25.0E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "I wish you to destroy 100 of the foul, Blighted Coral Golems upon the isle.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Impressively done, Honored Master. You have accomplished all I have wished from you. Now, for your promised reward.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Gear Knight Phalanx Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Invading Bronze Gauntlet Phalanx");
            t.MobNames.Add("Invading Copper Cog Phalanx");
            t.MobNames.Add("Invading Iron Blade Phalanx");
            t.MobNames.Add("Invading Silver Scope Phalanx");
            t.CompleteCount = 10;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Aun Quanah");
            t.NPCInfo = "Society Stronghold";
            t.NPCCoords = "Unknown";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Go there and defeat 10 Phalanx.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Satisfactory. Take these rewards as compensation for your efforts.";


            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Blessed Moarsman Kill Task (Society)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Blessed Moarsman");
            t.CompleteCount = 50;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Kieran Stronghammer");
            t.NPCNames.Add("Alexander Bowspeaker");
            t.NPCNames.Add("Ian Foefinder");
            t.NPCInfo = "Society Stronghold";
            t.NPCCoords = "Unknown";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Survive, kill 50 Blessed Moarsmen, and I'll make sure you are recognized for your valorous service to our Society.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Congratulations, you survived and succeeded. Here, allow me to reward you for your assistance to our Society.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Killer Phyntos Wasp Kill Task (Society)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Killer Phyntos Drone");
            t.MobNames.Add("Killer Phyntos Soldier");
            t.MobNames.Add("Killer Phyntos Swarm");
            t.CompleteCount = 1;
            t.NPCInfo = "Society Stronghold";
            t.NPCCoords = "Unknown";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "The society will appreciate any efforts you make towards their extermination.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "You've done well in exterminating this aggressive breed of Phyntos.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Moguth Moarsman Kill Task (Society)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Moguth Moarsman");
            t.CompleteCount = 60;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Marconi di Bellenesse");
            t.NPCNames.Add("Ricaldo di Alduressa");
            t.NPCNames.Add("Berrando Piatelli");
            t.NPCInfo = "Society Stronghold";
            t.NPCCoords = "Unknown";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Go to this city and kill 60 of the 'Moguth Moarsmen'.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Well done! Here, allow me to reward you for your assistance to our Society.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Phyntos Larva Kill Task (Society)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Phyntos Larva");
            t.CompleteCount = 20;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Ghali al-Fariq");
            t.NPCInfo = "Society Stronghold";
            t.NPCCoords = "Unknown";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "In order to control the population of hyper aggressive Phyntos I'm contracting adventurers to kill their larvae.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent work infiltrating the Phyntos hive and killing their larvae.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Shoguth Moarsman Kill Task (Society)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Shoguth Moarsman");
            t.CompleteCount = 40;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Gavin Hammerstone");
            t.NPCNames.Add("Dorn Bowspeaker");
            t.NPCNames.Add("Kylos Hunterson");
            t.NPCInfo = "Society Stronghold";
            t.NPCCoords = "Unknown";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Go to this city and kill 40 of the 'Shoguth Moarsmen'.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Well done! Here, allow me to reward you for your assistance to our Society.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Wight Blade Sorcerer Kill Task (Society)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Wight Blade Sorcerer");
            t.CompleteCount = 12;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Mashira bint Tamur");
            t.NPCNames.Add("Zumaq al-Jaluzi");
            t.NPCNames.Add("Idaris bint Qumal");
            t.NPCInfo = "Society Stronghold";
            t.NPCCoords = "Unknown";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Just concern yourself with killing 12 Wight Blade Sorcerers, and report back to me when you're done.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Congratulations! Twelve dead Wight Blade Sorcerers. Our field researchers will be quite pleased. I can reward you now.";


            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Guardian Statue Kill Task (Mhoire)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Guardian Statue");
            t.CompleteCount = 10;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Shade of Fordroth");
            t.NPCInfo = "Mhoire Castle Northeast Tower";
            t.NPCCoords = "64.7S 45.2W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Destroy 10 of these corrupted gargoyles to ease the pain of those that wander these halls and I will reward you.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Well done, champion. You must be skilled indeed. Allow me to reward you.";


            //TODO:  Completion Text
            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Grave Rat Kill Task (Graveyard)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Grave Rat");
            t.CompleteCount = 100;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Lo Shoen");
            t.NPCInfo = "Graveyard";
            t.NPCCoords = "65.3S, 43.4W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "If you want to help me, kill 100 of these Grave Rats. Maybe then I will have more work for you.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "";

            //Gear Knight Kill Tasks
            //UNDONE:  complete messages may be reversed.
            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Gear Knight Squire Kill Task (Resistance)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Invading Iron Blade Squire");
            t.MobNames.Add("Invading Silver Scope Squire");
            t.MobNames.Add("Invading Copper Cog Squire");
            t.MobNames.Add("Invading Bronze Gauntlet Squire");
            t.CompleteCount = 10;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Sir Yanov");
            t.NPCInfo = "Direlands Gear Knight Resistance Camp";
            t.NPCCoords = "12.3S, 74.9W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Those Squires are becoming a serious problem. They constantly interupt the supply lines to our camp. Destroy 10 of them and I'll reward you.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Given the time it takes for these things to regroup, I'll have more work for you by this time tomorrow.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Gear Knight Knight Kill Task (Resistance)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Invading Iron Blade Knight");
            t.MobNames.Add("Invading Silver Scope Knight");
            t.MobNames.Add("Invading Copper Cog Knight");
            t.MobNames.Add("Invading Bronze Gauntlet Knight");
            t.CompleteCount = 10;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Sir Yanov");
            t.NPCInfo = "Direlands Gear Knight Resistance Camp";
            t.NPCCoords = "12.3S, 74.9W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "If you wish to help me, just head over to the area these 'Gear Knights' have occupied and kill 10 Knights.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Congratulations, you survived and succeeded.  Here, allow me to reward you for your assistance to our Queen.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Iron Blade Commander (Resistance)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Invading Iron Blade Commander");
            t.CompleteCount = 1;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Dame Trielle");
            t.NPCInfo = "Direlands Gear Knight Resistance Camp";
            t.NPCCoords = "12.3S 75.0W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Near the center of these invading forces, you'll find a Gear Knight called the Iron Blade Commander.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "I am pleased to see that you have been successful. Allow me to reward you for your assistance to the Crown.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Gold Gear Trooper Kill Task (Ijaniya)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Gold Gear Trooper");
            t.CompleteCount = 25;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Sir Stavitor");
            t.NPCInfo = "Yaraq to Ijaniya (22.4S, 0.2E)";
            t.NPCCoords = "33.4S, 6.3E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Return to me with anything you've learned after destroying 25 Gold Gear Troopers.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Congratulations, you survived and succeeded. ";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Bronze Gauntlet Trooper Kill Task (Ijaniya)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Bronze Gauntlet Trooper");
            t.CompleteCount = 25;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Lieutenant Grenlin");
            t.NPCInfo = "Yaraq to Ijaniya (22.4S, 0.2E)";
            t.NPCCoords = "33.4S, 6.3E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Return to me with anything you've learned after destroying 25 Bronze Gauntlet Troopers.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Congratulations, you survived and succeeded.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Copper Cog Trooper Kill Task (Ijaniya)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Copper Cog Trooper");
            t.CompleteCount = 25;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Lieutenant Zin");
            t.NPCInfo = "Yaraq to Ijaniya (22.4S, 0.2E)";
            t.NPCCoords = "33.4S, 6.3E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Return to me with anything you've learned after destroying 25 Copper Cog Troopers.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Congratulations, you survived and succeeded.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Iron Blade Trooper Kill Task (Ijaniya)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Iron Blade Trooper");
            t.CompleteCount = 25;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Lieutenant Micham");
            t.NPCInfo = "Yaraq to Ijaniya (22.4S, 0.2E)";
            t.NPCCoords = "33.4S, 6.3E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Return to me with anything you've learned after destroying 25 Iron Blade Troopers.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Congratulations, you survived and succeeded.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Silver Scope Trooper Kill Task (Ijaniya)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Silver Scope Trooper");
            t.CompleteCount = 25;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Lieutenant Faen");
            t.NPCInfo = "Yaraq to Ijaniya (22.4S, 0.2E)";
            t.NPCCoords = "33.4S, 6.3E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Return to me with anything you've learned after destroying 25 Silver Scope Troopers.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Congratulations, you survived and succeeded.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Three Eyed Snowman Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Three Eyed Snowman");
            t.CompleteCount = 5;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Blind Snowman");
            t.NPCInfo = "Mountains (north of Holtburg)";
            t.NPCCoords = "46.7N, 48.9E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Kill him five times and maybe he will learn not to go around stealing other peoples dreams.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent, I hope that teaches ol' Three Eye a lesson.";

            //Eastwatch Tasks

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Repugnant Eater Kill Task (Eastwatch)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Repugnant Eater");
            t.CompleteCount = 50;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Xun Yu");
            t.NPCInfo = "Eastwatch";
            t.NPCCoords = "90.2N 43.1W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Track down and slay 50 of the terrible Repugnant Eaters for me, and I will reward you appropriately.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent work, friend!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Olthoi Ripper Kill Task (Eastwatch)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Olthoi Ripper");
            t.CompleteCount = 250;
            t.NPCInfo = "Eastwatch";
            t.NPCCoords = "90.2N 43.1W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Track down and slay 250 of the terrible Olthoi Rippers for me, and I will reward you appropriately.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent work, friend!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Naughty Skeleton Kill Task (Eastwatch)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Naughty Skeleton");
            t.CompleteCount = 100;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Taku Yukio");
            t.NPCInfo = "Eastwatch";
            t.NPCCoords = "90.3N 43.1W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Track down and slay 100 of the terrible Naughty Skeletons for me, and I will reward you appropriately.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent work, friend!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Mosswart Worshipper Kill Task (Eastwatch)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Mosswart Worshipper");
            t.CompleteCount = 175;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Orfeo Orlando");
            t.NPCInfo = "Eastwatch";
            t.NPCCoords = "90.2N, 43.1W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Track down and slay 175 of the terrible Mosswart Worshippers for me, and I will reward you appropriately.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent work, friend!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Floeshark Kill Task (Eastwatch)";
            t.CompleteCount = 50;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Ryuichi Tai");
            t.NPCInfo = "Eastwatch";
            t.NPCCoords = "90.3N, 43.0W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Track down and slay 50 of the terrible Floesharks for me, and I will reward you appropriately.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent work, friend!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Wicked Skeleton Kill Task (Eastwatch)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Wicked Skeleton");
            t.CompleteCount = 100;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Ruqaya al Mubarak");
            t.NPCInfo = "Eastwatch";
            t.NPCCoords = "90.3N 43.1W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Track down and slay 100 of the terrible Wicked Skeletons for me, and I will reward you appropriately.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent work, friend! You have slain many of the terrible beasts! Allow me to reward you!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Grievver Violator Kill Task (Eastwatch)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Grievver Violator");
            t.CompleteCount = 100;
            t.NPCInfo = "Eastwatch";
            t.NPCCoords = "90.4N 43.1W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Track down and slay 100 of the terrible Grievver Violators for me, and I will reward you appropriately.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent work, friend!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Tukora Lieutenant Kill Task (Eastwatch)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Tukora Lieutenant");
            t.CompleteCount = 250;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Claire Artmad");
            t.NPCInfo = "Eastwatch";
            t.NPCCoords = "90.2N, 43.1W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Track down and slay 250 of the terrible Tukora Lieutenants for me, and I will reward you appropriately.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent work, friend!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Tumerok Gladiator Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Tumerok Gladiator");
            t.CompleteCount = 25;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Lieutenant Rothe");
            t.NPCInfo = "Dryreach";
            t.NPCCoords = "8.2S 73.1E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Track down and slay 25 of the Tumerok Gladiators for me, and I will reward you for your aid in the defense of Dryreach.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent work, friend!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Tusker Guard Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Tusker Guard");
            t.CompleteCount = 500;
            t.NPCInfo = "Lin";
            t.NPCCoords = "54.4S 72.9E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Return to me after you have killed 500 Tusker Guards and I will reward you.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent, now go contemplate what you have learned from fighting the Tusker Guards.";


            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Umbral Rift Kill Task (Caul)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Umbral Rift");
            t.CompleteCount = 30;
            t.NPCInfo = "Singularity Caul";
            t.NPCCoords = "97.4S 94.6W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Kill 30 Umbral Rifts and let me know of your adventures.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Truly amazing isn't it. You are one of us, you are a Rift Walker.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Tenebrous Rift Kill Task (Caul)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Tenebrous Rift");
            t.CompleteCount = 350;
            t.NPCInfo = "Singularity Caul";
            t.NPCCoords = "97.4S 94.6W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "If you seek to truely explor your own essence I'd suggest you kill 350 or more Tenebrous Rifts, it's truly amazing.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "To have experienced that many rifts you must truly be chosen.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Viamontian Man-at-Arms Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Viamontian Man-at-Arm");
            t.CompleteCount = 50;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Robert Gutsmasher");
            t.NPCInfo = "Rebel Hideout";
            t.NPCCoords = "43.9N 73.9W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Kill 50 of them for me, and I will reward you for your efforts.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "You do the Carenzi a great service.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Virindi Paradox Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Virindi Paradox");
            t.CompleteCount = 75;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Guard Taziq");
            t.NPCInfo = "Qalaba'r";
            t.NPCCoords = "74.3S, 19.1E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "If you slay 75 of these strange beings, come to me.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "As the hero Yaziq al-Tazar returned triumphant, so do you return to me now.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Virindi Quidiox Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Virindi Quidiox");
            t.CompleteCount = 75;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Guard Q'alia");
            t.NPCInfo = "Ayan Baqur";
            t.NPCCoords = "60.0S, 88.0W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Go there now, and slay 75 Virindi Quidioxes.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "It is done!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Voracious Eater Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Voracious Eater");
            t.CompleteCount = 50;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Aun Ruperea");
            t.NPCInfo = "Timaru";
            t.NPCCoords = "44.3N, 77.9W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Slay 50 of the Voracious Eater and I will sing your name to the elders of my xuta.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Ah, buhdi, you do my xuta a grand service. I thank you.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Crystalline Killer (Crystalline Crag)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Crystalline Wisps");
            t.MobNames.Add("Aggregate Crystalline Wisp");
            t.MobNames.Add("Intense Aggregate Crystalline Wisp");
            t.MobNames.Add("Corroding Pillar");
            t.MobNames.Add("Incalescent Pillar");
            t.MobNames.Add("Shivering Pillar");
            t.MobNames.Add("Voltaic Pillar");
            t.MobNames.Add("Corroding Crystalline Wisp");
            t.MobNames.Add("Incalescent Crystalline Wisp");
            t.MobNames.Add("Shivering Crystalline Wisp");
            t.MobNames.Add("Voltaic Crystalline Wisp");
            t.MobNames.Add("Intense Shivering Pillar");
            t.MobNames.Add("Intense Shivering Crystalline Wisp");
            t.MobNames.Add("Intense Incalescent Pillar");
            t.MobNames.Add("Intense Incalescent Crystalline Wisp");
            t.MobNames.Add("Intense Corroding Crystalline Wisp");
            t.MobNames.Add("Intense Voltaic Crystalline Wisp");
            t.MobNames.Add("Progenitor of Acid");
            t.MobNames.Add("Progenitor of Fire");
            t.MobNames.Add("Progenitor of Frost");
            t.MobNames.Add("Progenitor of Lightning");
            t.MobNames.Add("Progenitor of Shadow");
            t.MobNames.Add("Spectral Progenitor");
            t.CompleteCount = 100;
            t.NPCInfo = "Crystalline Crag";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Go out and kill 100 Wisps in this area and I will reward you.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent work in your hunt. We'll find your reports very useful.";
            t.NPCCoords = "90.3N 43.1W";

            //Royal Tent Kill Tasks

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Golem Samurai Kill Task (Royal Tent)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Bronze Golem Samurai");
            t.MobNames.Add("Iron Golem Samurai");
            t.MobNames.Add("Clay Golem Samurai");
            t.CompleteCount = 10;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Lieutenant Aurin");
            t.NPCInfo = "Royal Tent";
            t.NPCCoords = "80.7N 43.0W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "If you will do me the honor of killing 5 of the Golem Samurai within the towns or up within the walled fortress, I will reward you for your efforts.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Well done, well done indeed.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Spectral Archer Kill Task (Royal Tent)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Spectral Archer");
            t.CompleteCount = 10;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Sergeant Trebuus");
            t.NPCInfo = "Royal Tent";
            t.NPCCoords = "80.7N 43.0W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "If you will do me the honor of killing 15 of the Spectral Archers within the towns or up within the walled fortress, I will reward you for your assistance.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Well done.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Spectral Bushi Kill Task (Royal Tent)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Spectral Bushi");
            t.CompleteCount = 10;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Corporal Irashi");
            t.NPCInfo = "Royal Tent";
            t.NPCCoords = "80.7N 43.0W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "If you will assist me by killing 10 of the Spectral Bushi within the towns or up within the walled fortress, I will reward you for your efforts.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Thank you for your assistance.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Spectral Blade and Claw Kill Task (Royal Tent)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Spectral Blade Adept");
            t.MobNames.Add("Spectral Blade Master");
            t.MobNames.Add("Spectral Claw Adept");
            t.MobNames.Add("Spectral Claw Master");
            t.CompleteCount = 10;
            t.NPCInfo = "Royal Tent";
            t.NPCCoords = "80.7N 43.0W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "To that end, if you aid me in hunting 10 of the Spectral Claw Adepts, Claw Masters, Blade Adepts or Blade Masters, I'll happily reward you for your help.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Your skill is quite remarkable.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Spectral Mage Kill Task (Royal Tent)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Spectral Bloodmage");
            t.MobNames.Add("Spectral Voidmage");
            t.CompleteCount = 10;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Lord Eorlinde");
            t.NPCInfo = "Royal Tent";
            t.NPCCoords = "80.7N 43.0W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "While these two types of spirits continue to exist, they pose a tremendous threat to the kingdom.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Your skill is remarkable.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Spectral Minion Kill Task (Royal Tent)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Spectral Minion");
            t.CompleteCount = 15;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Aun Kirtal");
            t.NPCInfo = "Royal Tent";
            t.NPCCoords = "80.7N 43.0W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "If you will aid me by killing 15 of the Spectral Minions within the towns or up within the walled fortress, I will reward your good work.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Your hunt for today is complete.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Spectral Nanjou Shou-jen Kill Task (Royal Tent)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Spectral Nanjou Shou-jen");
            t.CompleteCount = 5;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Hanamoto Aki'ko");
            t.NPCInfo = "Royal Tent";
            t.NPCCoords = "80.7N 43.0W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "To that end, if you will do me the honor of killing 5 of the Spectral Nanjou Shou-jen within the towns or up within the walled fortress, I will reward you for your efforts.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Thank you for your aid my assigned task.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Spectral Samurai Kill Task (Royal Tent)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Spectral Samurai");
            t.CompleteCount = 10;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Lieutenant Takamaki");
            t.NPCInfo = "Royal Tent";
            t.NPCCoords = "80.7N 43.0W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "If you will do me the honor of killing 10 of the Spectral Samurai within the towns or up within the walled fortress, I will reward you for your efforts.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Your skill is exceptional.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Eye of T'thuun Quest";
            t.MobNames.Add("Tentacle of T'thuun");
            t.CompleteCount = 50;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Tamara du Cinghalle");
            t.NPCInfo = "Greenspire";
            t.NPCCoords = "43.2N 67.1W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Killing 50 should be enough to get an eye off of the larger, eye covered one.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Ahh, success. The researchers will be very pleased.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Arctic Mattekar Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Arctic Mattekar");
            t.CompleteCount = 25;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Enzo Ilario");
            t.NPCInfo = "Silyun";
            t.NPCCoords = "87.4N 70.5W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Well then. Track down and slay 25 of the terrible Arctic Mattekars for me, and I will reward you appropriately.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent work, friend!";


            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Rare Game Kill Task (Stonehold)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Basalt Golem");
            t.MobNames.Add("Cold One");
            t.MobNames.Add("Dark Myrmidon");
            t.MobNames.Add("Dark Sorcerer");
            t.MobNames.Add("Lord of Decay");
            t.MobNames.Add("Lugian Warlord");
            t.MobNames.Add("Master of the Pack");
            t.MobNames.Add("Pure One");
            t.MobNames.Add("Sentient Fragment");
            t.MobNames.Add("Swamp King");
            t.MobNames.Add("Tundra Mattekar");
            t.CompleteCount = 50;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Belinda du Loc");
            t.NPCInfo = "Stonehold";
            t.NPCCoords = "68.9N 21.6W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Use that list as a reference. Kill 50 of the creatures";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent, you are now an experienced hunter of the most elusive creatures.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Banished Creature Kill Task (Stonehold)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Banished Banderling");
            t.MobNames.Add("Banished Drudge");
            t.MobNames.Add("Banished Grievver");
            t.MobNames.Add("Banished Lugian");
            t.MobNames.Add("Banished Monouga");
            t.MobNames.Add("Banished Mu-miyah");
            t.MobNames.Add("Banished Olthoi");
            t.MobNames.Add("Banished Phyntos Wasp");
            t.MobNames.Add("Banished Shadow");
            t.MobNames.Add("Banished Tumerok");
            t.MobNames.Add("Banished Tusker");
            t.CompleteCount = 10;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Belinda du Loc");
            t.NPCInfo = "Stonehold";
            t.NPCCoords = "68.9N 21.6W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "I would like you to experience the hunting of the elusive banished creatures.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent, you are now an experienced hunted of banished creatures.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Fallen Creature Kill Task (Stonehold)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Fallen Crystal Shard");
            t.MobNames.Add("Fallen Doll");
            t.MobNames.Add("Fallen Drudge");
            t.MobNames.Add("Fallen Grievver");
            t.MobNames.Add("Fallen Lugian");
            t.MobNames.Add("Fallen Margul");
            t.MobNames.Add("Fallen Marionette");
            t.MobNames.Add("Fallen Mite");
            t.MobNames.Add("Fallen Rift");
            t.MobNames.Add("Fallen Shadow");
            t.MobNames.Add("Fallen Tumerok");
            t.CompleteCount = 10;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Belinda du Loc");
            t.NPCInfo = "Stonehold";
            t.NPCCoords = "68.9N 21.6W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "I would like you to experience the hunting of the elusive fallen creatures.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent, you are now an experienced hunted of fallen creatures.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Elemental Kill Task";
            t.CompleteCount = 25;
            t.NPCInfo = "Stonehold";
            t.NPCCoords = "68.7N, 21.5W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Fight twenty-five of these creatures and then return to me and tell me everything you learned about them.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Very interesting, I hope I can use this information to further my research.";


            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Shallows Gorger Kill Task (Vissidal)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Shallows Gorger");
            t.CompleteCount = 50;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Dayla Bint Kazm");
            t.NPCInfo = "The Deep (Vissidal)";
            t.NPCCoords = "77.8N 67.1E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "It bids me to tell you to kill 50 of the Shallows Gorgers.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "It has chosen to reward you for completing the task it set before you.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Remoran Sea Raptor Kill Task (Vissidal)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Remoran Sea Raptor");
            t.CompleteCount = 50;
            t.NPCInfo = "The Deep (Vissidal)";
            t.NPCCoords = "77.8N 67.1E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Kill 50 Remoran Sea Raptors so that they will know their place.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Enough! No more Remoran Sea Raptors need die.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Mucky Moarsman Kill Task (Vissidal)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Mucky Moarsman");
            t.CompleteCount = 50;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Algar Oreksun");
            t.NPCInfo = "The Deep (Vissidal)";
            t.NPCCoords = "77.8N 67.1E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "A sacrifice of 50 Mucky Moarsmen must be made.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "It is pleased.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Benek Niffis Kill Task (Vissidal)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Benek Niffis");
            t.CompleteCount = 50;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Colista Fluress");
            t.NPCInfo = "The Deep (Vissidal)";
            t.NPCCoords = "77.8N 67.1E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Kill 50 Benek Niffis and rewards shall be yours.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "It is pleased. Rewards unto thee.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Blood Shreth Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Blood Shreth");
            t.CompleteCount = 10;
            t.NPCNames.Add("San Ming");
            t.NPCInfo = "Shoushi";
            t.NPCCoords = "33.5S, 72.8E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Track down and slay 10 of the terrible Blood Shreth for me, and I will reward you appropriately.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent work, friend!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Coral Golem Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Coral Golem");
            t.CompleteCount = 50;
            t.NPCInfo = "Sanamar";
            t.NPCCoords = "71.8N, 60.8W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "It won't make them go away but I'll reward you for every 50 Coral Golems that you kill.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Those Coral Golems won't be scratching my armor again.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Deathcap Thrungus Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Deathcap Thrungus");
            t.CompleteCount = 25;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Jiang Li");
            t.NPCInfo = "Westwatch";
            t.NPCCoords = "72.7N 73.3W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Track down and slay 25 of the terrible Deathcap Thrungum for me, and I will reward you appropriately.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent work, friend!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Dire Mattekar Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Dire Mattekar");
            t.CompleteCount = 10;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Fergal the Dire");
            t.NPCInfo = "Baishi";
            t.NPCCoords = "49.4S, 62.4E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Track down and slay 10 of the terrible Dire Mattekars for me, and I will reward you appropriately.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent work, friend!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Ebon Gromnie Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Ebon Gromnie");
            t.CompleteCount = 25;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Afra bint Abbas");
            t.NPCInfo = "Redspire";
            t.NPCCoords = "40.8N, 83.0W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Track down and slay 25 of the terrible Ebon Gromnies for me, and I will reward you appropriately.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent work, friend!";


            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Putrid Moar Kill Task (Kor-Gursha)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Putrid Moar");
            t.CompleteCount = 25;
            t.NPCInfo = "Kor-Gursha";
            t.NPCCoords = "Bur";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "You kill 25 Moar, and Tibik reward Strong Traveler from Faraway.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent! Tibik be sneaky now.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Guruk Basher Kill Task (Kor-Gursha)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Guruk Basher");
            t.CompleteCount = 40;
            t.NPCInfo = "Kor-Gursha";
            t.NPCCoords = "Bur";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "If you want to prove you're a real hunter track down and slay 40 of those lumbering Guruk Bashers and I'll reward you.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Well done!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Guruk Colossus Kill Task (Kor-Gursha)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Guruk Colossi");
            t.MobNames.Add("Guruk Colossus");
            t.CompleteCount = 30;
            t.NPCInfo = "Kor-Gursha";
            t.NPCCoords = "Bur";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Search the Southern Catacombs and kill 30 of those colossal brutes!";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Good job!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Guruk Fiend Kill Task (Kor-Gursha)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Guruk Fiend");
            t.CompleteCount = 30;
            t.NPCInfo = "Kor-Gursha";
            t.NPCCoords = "Bur";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Go and kill 30 of the cunning fiends lurking in the lower Southern Catacombs and I'll reward you for your help.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "By the fungal roots, you humans can hunt better than anyone I've ever seen!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Guruk Marauder Kill Task (Kor-Gursha)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Guruk Marauder");
            t.CompleteCount = 40;
            t.NPCInfo = "Kor-Gursha";
            t.NPCCoords = "Bur";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "If you want to prove you're a real hunter, track down and slay 40 of those despicable Guruk Marauders and I will reward you appropriately.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "I'm impressed. I didn't think a human could hunt that well.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Guruk Monstrosity Kill Task (Kor-Gursha)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Guruk Monstrosity");
            t.CompleteCount = 10;
            t.NPCInfo = "Kor-Gursha";
            t.NPCCoords = "Bur";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Take your weapon and hunt down 10 of the Guruk Monstrosities and I will reward you.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Thank you, I can sleep soundly for a time.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Guruk Smasher Kill Task (Kor-Gursha)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Guruk Smasher");
            t.CompleteCount = 40;
            t.NPCInfo = "Kor-Gursha";
            t.NPCCoords = "Bur";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Track down and slay 40 of those infuriating Guruk Smashers and I'll reward you well.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Yes! Those vandals got what was coming to them!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Hea Windreave Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Hea Windreave");
            t.CompleteCount = 25;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Susana du Loc");
            t.NPCInfo = "Redspire";
            t.NPCCoords = "40.7N, 83.2W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Do me a favor, friend, and kill 25 of these Hea Windreaves for me.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "You do my heart much good.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Iron Spined Chittick Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Iron Spined Chittick");
            t.CompleteCount = 50;
            t.NPCInfo = "Oolatanga's Refuge";
            t.NPCCoords = "2.0N 95.6E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = " Track down and slay 50 of the terrible Iron-Spined Chitticks for me, and I will reward you appropriately.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent work, friend!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Kilif Zefir Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Kilif Zefir");
            t.CompleteCount = 35;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Hadiya bint Anan");
            t.NPCInfo = "Shoushi";
            t.NPCCoords = "33.7S 73.1E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Track down and slay 35 of the cunning Kilif Zefir for me, and I will reward you appropriately.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent work, friend!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "K'nath An'dras Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("K'nath An'dra");
            t.CompleteCount = 25;
            t.NPCInfo = "Wai Jhou";
            t.NPCCoords = "61.8S 51.3W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Track down and slay 25 of the terrible K'nath An'drases for me, and I will reward you appropriately.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent work, friend!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Littoral Siraluun Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Littoral Siraluun");
            t.CompleteCount = 25;
            t.NPCNames.Add(" Rico Cellini");
            t.NPCInfo = "Greenspire";
            t.NPCCoords = "43.2N 67.1W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "If you would slay 25 of the beasts, I would reward you as a hunter whose prowess is equal to mine own.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent work, friend!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Mottled Carenzi Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Mottled Carenzi");
            t.CompleteCount = 50;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Grania the Bold");
            t.NPCInfo = "Candeth Keep";
            t.NPCCoords = "87.6S 67.4W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Track down and slay 50 of the terrible Mottled Carenzi for me, and I will reward you appropriately.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent work, friend!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Mosswart Townsfolk Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Mosswart Townsfolk");
            t.CompleteCount = 40;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Corporal Massein");
            t.NPCInfo = "Kryst";
            t.NPCCoords = "74.4S 84.6E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Slay forty of the Mosswart Townsfolk who live in the Mosswart holding, then return back to me.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Well done, warrior.";


            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Paradox-touched Grub Kill Task (Olthoi)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Paradox-touched Olthoi Noble Grub");
            t.CompleteCount = 50;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Alicia Swiftblade");
            t.NPCInfo = "Olthoi North";
            t.NPCCoords = "43.8N 54.9E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Kill, let's say, 50 of these Paradox-touched Grubs, and I'll reward you for your aid in this.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "You've done it!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Paradox-touched Nymph Kill Task (Olthoi)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Paradox-touched Olthoi Warrior Nymph");
            t.CompleteCount = 50;
            t.NPCInfo = "Olthoi North";
            t.NPCCoords = "43.8N 54.9E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Slay them, 50 should do for now, and return to me.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "You have done well.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Olthoi Drone Kill Task (Arwic)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Olthoi Drone");
            t.CompleteCount = 20;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Olthoi Hunter");
            t.NPCInfo = "Arwic (South)";
            t.NPCCoords = "30.9N 56.3E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Track down and slay 20 Olthoi Drones and I will reward you appropriately.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "You have slain many Olthoi Drones!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Olthoi Nettler Kill Task (Arwic)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Olthoi Nettler");
            t.CompleteCount = 10;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Olthoi Hunter");
            t.NPCInfo = "Arwic (South)";
            t.NPCCoords = "30.9N 56.3E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Track down and slay 10 Olthoi Nettlers and I will reward you appropriately.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "You have slain many Olthoi Nettlers!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Olthoi Nymph Kill Task (Arwic)";
            t.MobNames.Add("Olthoi Nymph");
            t.CompleteCount = 20;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Olthoi Hunter");
            t.NPCInfo = "Arwic (South)";
            t.NPCCoords = "30.9N 56.3E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Track down and slay 20 Olthoi Nymphs and I will reward you appropriately.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "You have slain many Olthoi Nymphs!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Plate Armoredillo Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Plate Armoredillo");
            t.CompleteCount = 25;
            t.NPCInfo = "Fort Tethana";
            t.NPCCoords = "1.5N 71.8W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Well then. Track down and slay 25 of the terrible Plate Armoredillos for me, and I will reward you appropriately.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent work, friend!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Polardillo Kill Task";
            t.CompleteCount = 10;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Alessandro Mardor");
            t.NPCInfo = "Sanamar";
            t.NPCCoords = "72.0N 61.2W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Track down and slay 10 of the terrible Polardillos for me, and I will reward you appropriately.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent work, friend!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Polar Ursuin Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Polar Ursuin");
            t.CompleteCount = 25;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Mariabella Varanese");
            t.NPCInfo = "Fiun Outpost";
            t.NPCCoords = "95.6N, 56.3W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Track down and slay 25 of the terrible Polar Ursuine for me, and I will reward you appropriately.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent work, friend!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Ruschk Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Ruschk Draktehn");
            t.MobNames.Add("Ruschk Laktar");
            t.CompleteCount = 30;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Commander Rylane di Cinghalle");
            t.NPCInfo = "Shattered Outlands";
            t.NPCCoords = "93.2N 48.2W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "30 of the Ruschk in the valley, and then acquire one of their smaller Ice Totems from the encampment";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Ahh, the Ice Totem.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Shadow-touched Virindi Paradox Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Shadow-touched Virindi Paradox");
            t.CompleteCount = 75;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Guard Li");
            t.NPCInfo = "Wai Jhou";
            t.NPCCoords = "61.8S, 51.3W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Slay 75 of these things and return to me, and I shall reward you.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Your task was effectively done.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Shadow-touched Virindi Quidiox Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Shadow-touched Virindi Quidiox");
            t.CompleteCount = 75;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Guard Alfric");
            t.NPCInfo = "Candeth Keep";
            t.NPCCoords = "87.9S, 67.4W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Kill 75 and come back ta me.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Why, ye've done exactly the task I asked o' ye!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Sishalti Slithis Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Sishalti Tentacle");
            t.MobNames.Add("Sishalti Tendril");
            t.MobNames.Add("Sishalti Eye Stalk");
            t.CompleteCount = 150;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Zava bint Laurma");
            t.NPCInfo = "Zaikhal";
            t.NPCCoords = "13.9N, 0.6E";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Track down and slay 150 of those lurking Sishalti Tentacles, Tendrils and Eye Stalks for me and I will reward you appropriately.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent work, friend!";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Small Fledgling Mukkir Kill Task";
            t.MobNames.Add("Small Fledgling Mukkir");
            t.CompleteCount = 15;
            t.NPCNames.Add("Royal Guard");
            t.NPCInfo = "Holtburg, Shoushi, or Yaraq";
            t.NPCCoords = "Unknown";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "If you will go thin out their number, say, kill 15 of the Small Mukkir Fledglings, I will reward you for your efforts.";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Excellent! The Queen will be most pleased.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Rynthid Rifts";
            t.MobNames.Add("Rynthid Rift");
            t.CompleteCount = 10;
            t.NPCInfo = "Encampment near Rynthid Infested Plains";
            t.NPCCoords = "61.6S, 63.3W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Defeat 10 of the Rynthid Rifts";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "You have done well.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Rynthid Ravagers";
            t.MobNames.Add("Rynthid Ravager");
            t.CompleteCount = 15;
            t.NPCInfo = "Encampment near Rynthid Infested Plains";
            t.NPCCoords = "61.6S, 63.3W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Defeat 15 of these Rynthid Ragers";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Fine work my friend";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Rynthid Sorcerers";
            t.MobNames.Add("Rynthid Sorcerer");
            t.MobNames.Add("Raging Rynthid Sorcerer");
            t.CompleteCount = 15;
            t.NPCInfo = "Encampment near Rynthid Infested Plains";
            t.NPCCoords = "61.6S, 63.3W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Defeat 15 of the Rynthid Sorcerers";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Fantastic.";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Rynthid Slayers";
            t.MobNames.Add("Rynthid Slayer");
            t.CompleteCount = 15;
            t.NPCInfo = "Encampment near Rynthid Infested Plains";
            t.NPCCoords = "61.6S, 63.3W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Defeat 15 of the Rynthid Slayers";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Impressive work friend";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Rynthid Rare Boss";
            t.MobNames.Add("Rynthid Rare Boss");
            t.CompleteCount = 1;
            t.NPCInfo = "Encampment near Rynthid Infested Plains";
            t.NPCCoords = "61.6S, 63.3W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "slaughter it with haste and return";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Hernd is impressed";

            t = new KillTask();
            t.TaskName = "Rynthid Minions";
            t.MobNames.Add("Rynthid Minion");
            t.MobNames.Add("Rynthid Minion of Rage");
            t.CompleteCount = 25;
            t.NPCInfo = "Encampment near Rynthid Infested Plains";
            t.NPCCoords = "61.6S, 63.3W";
            t.NPCYellowFlagText = "Defeat 25 of the Rynthid Minions";
            t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "Hernd is impressed";

            //			//TODO:  Fillout mob list
            //			t = new KillTask();
            //			t.TaskName = "Glenden Wood Invaders	Invaders";
            //			t.MobNames.Add("Invader");
            //			t.CompleteCount = 20;
            //			t.NPCNames.Add("Londigul Ellic the Armorer";
            //			t.NPCInfo = "Glenden Wood";
            //			t.NPCCoords = "29.9N, 27.1E";
            //			NewKillTasks.Add(t);

            //			Flags based only on green text.  Unable to fit into the model.
            //			//TODO:  Viamontian knight types
            //			t = new KillTask();
            //			t.TaskName = "Torgash's Tasks";
            //			t.MobNames.Add("Royal Inquisitor");
            //			t.MobNames.Add("Viamontian Hand");
            //			t.MobNames.Add("Viamontian Lord");
            //			t.CompleteCount = 30;
            //			t.NPCNames.Add("Torgash");
            //			t.NPCInfo = "Shattered Outlands";
            //			t.NPCCoords = "94.0N 45.9W";
            //			t.NPCYellowFlagText = "";
            //			t.NPCYellowCompleteText = "";
            //			NewKillTasks.Add(t);

            //Pumpkin Lord Kill Task

            //Harvest Reaper Kill Task

            FileInfo TaskFile = new FileInfo(GearDir + @"\Kill.xml");

            XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings();
            settings.Indent = true;
            settings.NewLineOnAttributes = true;

            XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(TaskFile.ToString(), settings);

               			XmlSerializer serializer2 = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<KillTask>));
               			serializer2.Serialize(writer, NewKillTasks);