/// <summary>
        /// A Kill Switch monitors a receive endpoint and automatically stops and restarts the endpoint in the presence of consumer faults. The options
        /// can be configured to adjust the trip threshold, restart timeout, and exceptions that are observed by the kill switch. When configured on a
        /// receive endpoint, a kill switch is installed on that receive endpoint only.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configurator">The bus factory configurator</param>
        /// <param name="configure">Configure the kill switch options</param>
        public static void UseKillSwitch(this IReceiveEndpointConfigurator configurator, Action <KillSwitchOptions> configure = default)
            if (configurator == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(configurator));

            var options = new KillSwitchOptions();


            var observer = new KillSwitchReceiveEndpointObserver(options);


            configurator.AddPipeSpecification(new ValidateOptions(options));
 public ValidateOptions(KillSwitchOptions options)
     _options = options;