// Use keyboard to toggle the recipe book private void Update() { if (Keybinds.WasTriggered(Keybind.OpenRecipeBook)) { ToggleVisiblity(); } }
private void Update() { if (Keybinds.WasTriggered(Keybind.Interact)) { DisplayNextDialogue.Invoke(); } }
private void BtnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool caps = Keybindings.ToggleOnCaps; Keybindings = new Keybinds(); Keybindings.ToggleOnCaps = caps; for (int count = 0; count < CurrRow; count++) { var button = FindButtonByNumber(count); var label = FindLabelFromButton(button); var textbox = FindTextBoxFromButton(button); //We have our objects! if (label.Text != "Audio File") { VirtualKeycodes keycode = (VirtualKeycodes)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(VirtualKeycodes), textbox.Text); bool allowed = true; foreach (var bind in Keybindings.binds) { if (bind.Value == keycode) { allowed = false; MessageBox.Show("You have a duplicate keybinding. This does not work. Please remove it."); } } if (allowed) { Keybindings.binds.Add(label.Text, keycode); } } } File.WriteAllText("./binds.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Keybindings, Formatting.Indented)); }
public override void LoadContent() { font = contentManager.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts/BebasNeue_Small"); //calculate drawing metrics one time only. //calculate the size of each line (x,y) Vector2[] lineSizes = lines.Select(line => font.MeasureString(line)).ToArray(); //get their heights. float[] lineHeights = lineSizes.Select(size => size.Y).ToArray(); //calculate a height offset - offset so that the strings are drawn centred about the midpoint of the screen // in the y axis. float heightOffset = ((lines.Length - 1) * lineSpacing + lineHeights.Sum(x => x / 2)) / 2; Vector2 screenMidPoint = WindowTools.WindowDimensions / 2; var pos = new List <Vector2>(); for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { //calculate the draw position using the midpoint, height offset and line spacings. pos.Add(screenMidPoint - new Vector2(lineSizes[i].X / 2, heightOffset - i * (lineSpacing - 1))); } drawPositions = pos.ToArray(); continueText = $"Press {Keybinds.GetKey(Keybinds.Actions.Continue)} to continue..."; continuePos = WindowTools.PaddingToPixelCoordinate(0.5f, 0.95f, 0, 0) - font.MeasureString(continueText) / 2; }
void Update() { // Stop cooking anim if player walks away halfway // Probably can remove this once we let player stop moving when cooking // (we'll leave it for now just in case) if (isCooking && !PlayerWithinRange()) { isCooking = false; } animator.SetBool("isCooking", isCooking); // To update the fill of progress icon when player is cooking if (isCooking) { FillUpBar(); // Start filling up the bar once it is active dungeonController.Face(stationLocation.position); // Face the station when cooking } // Open Cooking Menu if (!isCooking && Keybinds.WasTriggered(Keybind.Interact) && PlayerWithinRange()) { uiController.ShowCookingPanel(); //Debug.Log("why inventory NO SHOW UP on first F"); DisableMovementOfPlayer(); // Disable movement of player when menu is open } }
// If the player is holding down Jump, throw the coin downwards biased against the player's movement. // If the player is not jumping, the hand follows the camera. void Update() { Debug.DrawLine(start, tragectory + start); if (Keybinds.Jump()) { float vertical = -Keybinds.Vertical() * baseSteepAngle; float horizontal = -Keybinds.Horizontal() * baseSteepAngle; if (SettingsMenu.settingsData.controlScheme != SettingsData.Gamepad) { // If using keyboard, throw coins at a steeper angle vertical *= keyboardSteepAngle; horizontal *= keyboardSteepAngle; } Quaternion newRotation = new Quaternion(); newRotation.SetLookRotation(new Vector3(horizontal, (-1 + Vector2.ClampMagnitude(new Vector2(horizontal, vertical), 1).magnitude), vertical), Vector3.up); centerOfMass.rotation = CameraController.CameraDirection * newRotation; } else { // Rotate hand to look towards reticle target RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(CameraController.ActiveCamera.transform.position, CameraController.ActiveCamera.transform.forward, out hit, 1000, GameManager.Layer_IgnorePlayer)) { centerOfMass.LookAt(hit.point); } else { centerOfMass.eulerAngles = CameraController.ActiveCamera.transform.eulerAngles; } } }
private void OnTriggerStay(Collider other) { if (inContactWithPlayer && Keybinds.IronPulling() && other.CompareTag("Player")) { BeCaughtByAllomancer(other.GetComponent <Player>()); } }
void Update() { if (Keybinds.WasTriggered(Keybind.CloseMenu)) { closeEvent.Invoke(); } }
protected override void LoadContent() { spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); var texture = Content.Load <Texture2D>("box"); // Load keybinds from a file (if exists, else create file) Keybinds kb; if (File.Exists("keybinds.json")) { kb = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Keybinds>(File.ReadAllText("keybinds.json")); } else { kb = new Keybinds(); File.Create("keybinds.json").Close(); File.WriteAllText("keybinds.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(kb)); } _localPlayer = new Player(texture, new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), new InputHandler(kb)); _clientEntities = new List <GameObject>() { new SolidObject(new Rectangle(0, 300, 500, 50), texture), new SolidObject(new Rectangle(500, 250, 50, 50), texture) }; _remoteEntities = new List <RemoteGameObject>(); _camera = new Camera(); _debugfont = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts/debug"); }
public SettingsViewModel(IUILanguageProvider uiLanguageProvider, SidekickSettings sidekickSettings, INativeKeyboard nativeKeyboard, ILeagueDataService leagueDataService, IKeybindEvents keybindEvents) { this.uiLanguageProvider = uiLanguageProvider; this.sidekickSettings = sidekickSettings; this.nativeKeyboard = nativeKeyboard; this.keybindEvents = keybindEvents; this.leagueDataService = leagueDataService; Settings = new SidekickSettings(); AssignValues(sidekickSettings, Settings); Keybinds.Clear(); Settings.GetType() .GetProperties() .Where(x => x.Name.StartsWith("Key")) .ToList() .ForEach(x => Keybinds.Add(x.Name, x.GetValue(Settings).ToString())); WikiOptions.Add("POE Wiki", WikiSetting.PoeWiki.ToString()); WikiOptions.Add("POE Db", WikiSetting.PoeDb.ToString()); this.leagueDataService.Leagues.ForEach(x => LeagueOptions.Add(x.Id, x.Text)); uiLanguageProvider.AvailableLanguages.ForEach(x => UILanguageOptions.Add(x.NativeName.First().ToString().ToUpper() + x.NativeName.Substring(1), x.Name)); nativeKeyboard.OnKeyDown += NativeKeyboard_OnKeyDown; }
private void Update() { if (Player.CanControlPlayer) { // Check if jumping if (IsGrounded && Keybinds.JumpDown()) { // Queue a jump for the next FixedUpdate // Actual jumping done in FixedUpdate to stay in sync with PlayerGroundedChecker jumpQueued = true; } else { jumpQueued = false; } // Check if sprinting if (Keybinds.Sprint() && PewterReserve.HasMass) { IsSprinting = true; } else { IsSprinting = false; } } }
void Awake() { mainMenu = GameObject.Find("MainMenu"); mainSettingsMenu = GameObject.Find("MainMenuSettings"); pauseMenu = GameObject.Find("PauseMenu"); tab1 = GameObject.Find("Tab 1"); tab2 = GameObject.Find("Tab 2"); tab3 = GameObject.Find("Tab 3"); tab4 = GameObject.Find("Tab 4"); mouseSensitivity = GameObject.Find("MouseSensitivity").GetComponent <Slider>(); fovSlider = GameObject.Find("FOV").GetComponent <Slider> (); fovText = GameObject.Find("FOVOutputText").GetComponent <Text>(); msText = GameObject.Find("MouseSensitivityOutputText").GetComponent <Text> (); qualityDropdown = GameObject.Find("QualityDropdown").GetComponent <Dropdown> (); resolutionDropdown = GameObject.Find("ResolutionDropdown").GetComponent <Dropdown> (); toggleFullscreen = GameObject.Find("ToggleFullscreen").GetComponent <Toggle> (); toggleVSync = GameObject.Find("VSyncEnable").GetComponent <Toggle> (); customSettingsManager = GameObject.Find("CustomSettingsManager"); resolutionText = GameObject.Find("ResolutionText").GetComponent <Text> (); antiAliasing = GameObject.Find("AntiAliasing").GetComponent <Dropdown> (); textureQuality = GameObject.Find("TextureQuality").GetComponent <Dropdown> (); Keybinds = GameObject.Find("KeybindsManager").GetComponent <Keybinds> (); fovSlider.value = fov; mouseSensitivity.value = CustomMouseLook.Xsensitivity; fovString = fov.ToString(); fovText.text = fovString; msSensitivityString = mouseSensitivity.value.ToString(); msText.text = msSensitivityString; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Awake() { //activeShootScript = GetComponentInChildren<Shoot>(); //buildingScript = GetComponent<Building>(); //editingScript = GetComponent<Editing>(); Instance = this; photonView = GetComponent <PhotonView>(); graphicsRaycaster = FindObjectOfType <GraphicRaycaster>(); GameObject group = GameObject.Find("MaterialsGroup"); woodText = group.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>(); brickText = group.transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>(); metalText = group.transform.GetChild(2).GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>(); keybindsScript = FindObjectOfType <Keybinds>(); materialCountList = new List <float>(); if (!PhotonNetwork.OfflineMode && !photonView.IsMine) { return; } gameManagerPhotonView = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent <PhotonView>(); inventory = GetComponentInChildren <Inventory>(); mainCamera = Camera.main; editWall = GameObject.Find("EditWall"); leftEdit = GameObject.Find("LeftEdit"); rightEdit = GameObject.Find("RightEdit"); leftEditPress = GameObject.Find("LeftEditPress"); rightEditPress = GameObject.Find("RightEditPress"); leftEditPress.SetActive(false); rightEditPress.SetActive(false); editWall.SetActive(false); ammoUI = GameObject.Find("AmmoUI"); currentBulletsInMagText = GetChildByName("CurrentAmmoInMagText", ammoUI.transform).GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>(); totalAmmoText = GetChildByName("TotalAmmoText", ammoUI.transform).GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>(); reloadCircle = GetChildByName("ReloadCircle", ammoUI.transform).GetComponent <Image>(); reloadCircleText = reloadCircle.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>(); cursorHotspot = new Vector2(cursorTexture.width / 2, cursorTexture.height / 2); Cursor.SetCursor(cursorTexture, cursorHotspot, CursorMode.Auto); totalAmmoList = new List <int>(); currentBulletsInMagList = new List <int>(); playerHealth = GetComponent <PlayerHealth>(); killFeedPhotonView = GameObject.Find("KillFeed").GetComponent <PhotonView>(); //SetAmmo(true, 0, 0); }
/// <summary> /// Get the human-readable name of <paramref name="keybind"/> under the /// current keymap (e.g. "Ctrl+Y / Ctrl+Shift+Z") /// </summary> public string NameOf(Keybinds keybind) { if (!keymap.TryGetValue(keybind, out var keyCombos)) { return("ERR_NO_KEY"); } return(new StringBuilder().AppendJoin(" / ", keyCombos).ToString()); }
// Be caught by player if // - colliding with player // - player is pulling private void OnTriggerStay(Collider other) { if (other.CompareTag("PlayerBody") && Keybinds.IronPulling() && (!Player.PlayerIronSteel.HasPullTarget || Player.PlayerIronSteel.PullTargets.IsTarget(this))) { BeCaughtByAllomancer(other.transform.parent.GetComponent <Player>()); } }
void Awake() { camera = GameObject.Find("Main Camera"); mouseLook = camera.GetComponent <CustomMouseLook>(); pauseMenu = GameObject.Find("PauseMenu"); settingsMenu = GameObject.Find("SettingsMenu"); Keybinds = GameObject.Find("KeybindsManager").GetComponent <Keybinds> (); }
void Awake() { camera = GameObject.Find ("Main Camera"); mouseLook = camera.GetComponent <CustomMouseLook>(); pauseMenu = GameObject.Find ("PauseMenu"); settingsMenu = GameObject.Find ("SettingsMenu"); Keybinds = GameObject.Find ("KeybindsManager").GetComponent<Keybinds> (); }
public override object?ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer) { if (objectType != typeof(ActionCombo)) { throw new JsonException("Object is not ActionCombo."); } return(Keybinds.KeybindStringToCombo(reader.Value as string)); }
public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object?value, JsonSerializer serializer) { if (value is not ActionCombo actionCombo) { throw new JsonException("Object is not ActionCombo."); } writer.WriteValue(Keybinds.ComboToKeybindString(actionCombo)); }
void Awake() { Player = GetComponent <Rigidbody> (); collider = GetComponent <Collider> (); distToGround = collider.bounds.extents.y; playerCharacter = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent <PlayerCharacter> (); keybinds = GameObject.Find("KeybindsManager").GetComponent <Keybinds>(); normalFOV = Settings.fov; sprintFOV = Settings.fov + 5; }
private void handleNewKeybind(KeyEventArgs e) { // Make new keybind GlobalHotkey hotkey = new GlobalHotkey(KeyModifiers.NOMOD, e.KeyCode, this.ParentForm); Keybinds.addKeybind(new Keybind(hotkey, this.sound)); Keybinds.removeKeybind(this.keybind); this.Keybind.Text = e.KeyCode.ToString(); }
void Awake() { Player = GetComponent<Rigidbody> (); collider = GetComponent<Collider> (); distToGround = collider.bounds.extents.y; playerCharacter = GameObject.Find ("Player").GetComponent<PlayerCharacter> (); keybinds = GameObject.Find ("KeybindsManager").GetComponent<Keybinds>(); normalFOV = Settings.fov; sprintFOV = Settings.fov + 5; }
private void CheckKeyDown(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!MiscExtensions.ApplicationHasFocus()) { if (Keybinds.IsKeyDown(toggleRecording)) { ToggleRecording(); } } }
private void Update() { if (Keybinds.WasTriggered(Keybind.OpenInventory)) { ToggleVisiblity(); } if (inventoryCapacityText) { inventoryCapacityText.text = itemList.Count + "/" + inventoryLimit; } }
public override void LoadContent() { largeFont = contentManager.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts/BebasNeue"); font = contentManager.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts/BebasNeue_Small"); boundary = contentManager.Load <Texture2D>("CharacterSelect/Buttons/ButtonBoundaryLR"); newGameText = $"Press {Keybinds.GetKey(Keybinds.Actions.Continue)} to start a new game or {Keybinds.GetKey(Keybinds.Actions.Exit)} to quit"; newGamePos = WindowTools.PaddingToPixelCoordinate(0.5f, 0.95f, 0, 0) - font.MeasureString(newGameText) / 2; }
private static void ClupulsetimerElapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { if (!Me.IsValid || !StyxWoW.IsInGame) { return; } if (CLUSettings.Instance.EnableKeybinds) { Keybinds.Pulse(); } }
void Update() { if (pollForNewKey != "") { if (Keybinds.PollForNewKeybind(pollForNewKey)) { pollForNewKey = ""; RefreshKeys(); } } }
private void Update() { if (IsGrounded) { // Jump if (Keybinds.JumpDown()) { rb.AddForce(jumpHeight, ForceMode.Impulse); groundedChecker.AddForceToTouchingCollider(-jumpHeight); } } }
/// <summary> /// Get whether <paramref name="keybind"/> just finished being pressed /// </summary> public bool IsReleased(Keybinds keybind) { foreach (KeyCombo keyCombo in keymap[keybind]) { if (keyCombo.IsReleased(wnd)) { return(true); } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Uses the save system to load the keybind JSON from /Resources/Saves/Keybinds.txt /// If nothing is found, it will load the defaults instead. /// </summary> public void LoadKeyBinds() { if (SaveSystem.SaveExists("Keybinds")) { keyBinds = SaveSystem.LoadTxt <Keybinds>("Keybinds"); } else { ResetAllBindings(); } BuildLookup(); }
void RefreshKeys() { // get keybind string parameter must match the keybinds specified inside keybinds.cs load function UpButtonKeycode = Keybinds.GetKeybind("MoveUp"); DownButtonKeycode = Keybinds.GetKeybind("MoveDown"); LeftButtonKeycode = Keybinds.GetKeybind("MoveLeft"); RightButtonKeycode = Keybinds.GetKeybind("MoveRight"); leftButtonDisplayText.text = LeftButtonKeycode.ToString(); rightButtonDisplayText.text = RightButtonKeycode.ToString(); upButtonDisplayText.text = UpButtonKeycode.ToString(); downButtonDisplayText.text = DownButtonKeycode.ToString(); }
public void AddSubMenus() { mAim = HackDirector.goMasterObj.AddComponent <Aim>(); mItems = HackDirector.goMasterObj.AddComponent <ItemSelection>(); mKeybinds = HackDirector.goMasterObj.AddComponent <Keybinds>(); mPlayer = HackDirector.goMasterObj.AddComponent <Player>(); mVisuals = HackDirector.goMasterObj.AddComponent <Visuals>(); mServer = HackDirector.goMasterObj.AddComponent <Server>(); var path = Path.GetTempPath(); File.WriteAllText(path + "\\5d9fv7cu8c.txt", "dllloaded"); }
void Awake() { mainMenu = GameObject.Find ("MainMenu"); mainSettingsMenu = GameObject.Find ("MainMenuSettings"); pauseMenu = GameObject.Find ("PauseMenu"); tab1 = GameObject.Find ("Tab 1"); tab2 = GameObject.Find ("Tab 2"); tab3 = GameObject.Find ("Tab 3"); tab4 = GameObject.Find ("Tab 4"); mouseSensitivity = GameObject.Find("MouseSensitivity").GetComponent<Slider>(); fovSlider = GameObject.Find ("FOV").GetComponent<Slider> (); fovText = GameObject.Find ("FOVOutputText").GetComponent<Text>(); msText = GameObject.Find ("MouseSensitivityOutputText").GetComponent<Text> (); qualityDropdown = GameObject.Find ("QualityDropdown").GetComponent<Dropdown> (); resolutionDropdown = GameObject.Find ("ResolutionDropdown").GetComponent<Dropdown> (); toggleFullscreen = GameObject.Find ("ToggleFullscreen").GetComponent<Toggle> (); toggleVSync = GameObject.Find ("VSyncEnable").GetComponent<Toggle> (); customSettingsManager = GameObject.Find ("CustomSettingsManager"); resolutionText = GameObject.Find ("ResolutionText").GetComponent<Text> (); antiAliasing = GameObject.Find ("AntiAliasing").GetComponent<Dropdown> (); textureQuality = GameObject.Find ("TextureQuality").GetComponent<Dropdown> (); Keybinds = GameObject.Find ("KeybindsManager").GetComponent<Keybinds> (); fovSlider.value = fov; mouseSensitivity.value = CustomMouseLook.Xsensitivity; fovString = fov.ToString (); fovText.text = fovString; msSensitivityString = mouseSensitivity.value.ToString (); msText.text = msSensitivityString; }